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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maximizers - completely complex adverbs : A corpus study of the maximizer usage in American and Swedish journalists' writing in English

Eriksson, Sanna January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the possible differences in the way American and Swedish journalists writing in English use maximizers, i.e. intensifying adverbs. In order to fulfill the purpose, information about how maximizers are used in two different sub-corpora, namely SWENC (The Swedish-English Corpus) and TIME (Time Corpus of American English) is collected. The data in SWENC has been collected from various websites where the crucial criterion was that the authors of the articles must have Swedish as their first language. The data from TIME has been collected from Time Magazine’s online corpora which is freely available on the Internet. The results show that there are some differences in the way Swedes and Americans use maximizers. The number of tokens for each maximizer does not differ to a great extent between the two corpora. However, there are larger deviances in the use of collocations and semantic prosody. The conclusion drawn from this is that there are indeed some differences in how American and Swedish journalists writing in English use maximizers, although they are not very many.

Die semantische Entwicklung von Intensivierern / Semantic development of intensifiers

Laitenberger, Olga 29 January 2016 (has links)
Данная работа посвящена прилагательным и наречиям с семантикой интенсивности – признаковым лексемам, выражающим высокую степень обозначаемого ими объекта. В фокусе исследования находятся прилагательные и наречия, выступающие в современном немецком языке в усилительной функции и исходная семантика которых имеет негативные коннотации, например furchtbar: Tier vs. nett ‘ужасный: животное vs. милый’, wahnsinnig: Patient vs. interessant ‘безумный: пациент vs. интересный’. В рамках диссертации проведен анализ данного языкового феномена и исследованы характерные для него ступени развития. В качестве доказательной базы приведены многочисленные примеры из словарей, немецкоязычных корпусов, баз данных и интернета. Основу исследования составляет немецкий материал, релевантность затронутой проблематики проверена и на материале русского языка. Исследуемые прилагательные и наречия были распределены в группы, объединенные исходной семантикой. Было установлено, что внутри выделенных групп происходят похожие семантические процессы, ведущие к образованию значения интенсивности. К этим процессам относится, в частности, обогащение исходного семантического наполнения лексемы и появление импликатуры, связанной со значением интенсивности. Усилительное значение возникает, как правило, в определенных контекстах: например, при дублировании семантики прилагательного / наречия и семантики слова-референта (например, ужасно испугаться) или при сочетании лексемы со словами-референтами, семантика которых также предполагает высокую степень выраженности того или иного признака (сражаться, кричать, реветь и т.д.). Как следствие, лексема появляется в многозначных контекстах, которые имеют двойную интерпретацию, то есть указывают на употребление как в исходном, так и значении интенсивности. После конвенционализации импликатуры исходная семантика постепенно уходит на задний план и стирается. В результате лексема теряет исходные негативные коннотации и может употребляться в положительных контекстах (например, ужасно рад).

Evaluation of night vision devices for image fusion studies

Cheng, Wee Kiang 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / Night Vision Devices (NVD) using Image Intensification (II) technology are among the most important sensors used by ground troops and aviators in night operations for modern combat. With the intensified images from these devices, soldiers can see an enemy's movement better and further in darkness. This thesis explores different test methods in evaluating the performances and sensitivities of several NVDs for future image fusion studies. Specification data such as sensitivity, resolution (Modulation Transfer Function) and pixel size are obtained. Comparative analyses of the collected results are made to characterize the performances of the different NVDs. A new method using MATLAB programming to objectively analyze digitized images for characterization of II based NVDs is proposed. This test method can also be extended to the evaluation of Thermal Imaging (TI) systems for comparative analysis with II NVDs. In addition, the feasibility of testing NVDs using both II and TI technologies, with common operating conditions and target boards is discussed. Finally, the potential of using these digitized images for image fusion studies is verified with the test and evaluation results. / Republic of Singapore

Detecção de contornos em imagens de padrões de escoamento bifásico com alta fração de vazio em experimentos de circulação natural com o uso de processamento inteligente / Edge detection in Images of two-phase flow patterns with high void fraction in natural circulation experiments with Intelligent Processing

BUENO, REGIS C. 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T13:03:47Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T13:03:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Este trabalho desenvolveu um novo método para a detecção de contornos em imagens digitais que apresentam objetos de interesse muito próximos e que contêm complexidades associadas ao fundo da imagem como variação abrupta de intensidade e oscilação de iluminação. O método desenvolvido utiliza lógicafuzzy e desvio padrão da declividade (Desvio padrão da declividade fuzzy - FuzDec) para o processamento de imagens e detecção de contorno. A detecção de contornos é uma tarefa importante para estimar características de escoamento bifásico através da segmentação da imagem das bolhas para obtenção de parâmetros como a fração de vazio e diâmetro de bolhas. FuzDec foi aplicado em imagens de instabilidades de circulação natural adquiridas experimentalmente. A aquisição das imagens foi feita utilizando o Circuito de Circulação Natural (CCN) do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN). Este circuito é completamente constituído de tubos de vidro, o que permite a visualização e imageamento do escoamento monofásico e bifásico nos ciclos de circulação natural sob baixa pressão.Os resultados mostraram que o detector proposto conseguiu melhorar a identificação do contorno eficientemente em comparação aos detectores de contorno clássicos, sem a necessidade de fazer uso de algoritmos de suavização e sem intervenção humana. / t / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Adjektiv i hög grad : En korpusstudie av förstärkares distribution i svenska / Adjective to a high degree

Nordén, Anton Harry January 2015 (has links)
Studien är en korpusbaserad undersökning av hur bloggare vanligen förstärker adjektiv på svenska, och om förstärkningen varierar utifrån vilka adjektiv och/eller substantiv som modifieras. Tidigare litteratur belyser exempelvis hur adjektivförstärkning kan styras av semantiska och kontextuella faktorer samt hur förstärkare ofta grammatikaliseras. Undersökningen ämnar deskriptivt komplettera tidigare observationer, genom analys av större datamängder än motsvarande studier av svenska. Datan hämtades ur korpusen Swedish Blog Sentences (>6 miljarder tokens). Alla sammansatta adjektiv, adverb följda av adjektiv samt liknelser (”ADJ som en/ett N”) extraherades automatiskt. Därefter listades manuellt de 20 vanligaste förstärkande förleden, adverben och liknelserna, totalt och för 26 utvalda adjektiv. ”Förstärkning” definierades som ett uttryck för ’hög grad’ av egenskapen som adjektivet betecknar. Resultaten visade att förleden och adverben är nära Zipf-fördelade totalt sett, och ofta för enskilda adjektiv. Vidare fastslogs att adjektiv förstärks olika mycket och med olika förstärkare. Resultaten bedöms stödja teorin kring affixoider och grammatikalisering samt graderbarhet hos adjektiv. Det föreslås att framtida större studier skulle belysa skillnaden mellan lexikalt specifika och generella förstärkningar. Slutligen argumenteras för att liknelserna fyller samma förstärkande funktion som förleden och adverben. / The study is a corpus-based investigation of how bloggers usually reinforce adjectives in Swedish, and if the intensification varies according to the adjectives and nouns that are being modified. Earlier literature shows for example how intensification of adjectives may depend on semantic and contextual factors and how intensifiers often undergo grammaticalization. The study aims to descriptively contribute to earlier observations, by analysis of more data than used in comparable studies of Swedish. The data comes from the corpus Swedish Blog Sentences (>6 billion tokens). All adjectival compounds, adverbs preceding adjectives, and similes (”ADJ som en/ett N”) were automatically extracted. Then the 20 most frequent reinforcing left parts of compounds, adverbs and similes, totally as well as for 26 chosen adjectives, were manually listed. ”Reinforcement” was defined as an expression of ’high degree’ of the feature that the adjective expresses. The results showed that the left parts along with the adverbs follow a Zipfian distribution, in total and often for individual adjectives. Moreover, it was shown that adjectives are more or less reinforced, and by different reinforcers. The results are seen as supporting theories about affixoids and grammaticalization, and also gradability in adjectives. It is suggested that future bigger studies would illuminate the difference between lexically specific and general reinforcers. Finally, it is argued that similes serve the same reinforcing function as the left parts and adverbs.

Aplicação de mapas auto-organizáveis na classificação de padrões de escoamento bifásico / Self-organizing maps applied to two-phase flow on natural circulation loop study

CASTRO, LEONARDO F. 26 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2016-08-26T12:15:03Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-26T12:15:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O escoamento bifásico de gás-líquido é encontrado em muitos circuitos fechados que utilizam circulação natural para fins de resfriamento. O fenômeno da circulação natural é importante nos recentes projetos de centrais nucleares para a remoção de calor. O circuito de circulação natural (Circuito de Circulação Natural - CCN), instalado no Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, IPEN / CNEN, é um circuito experimento concebido para fornecer dados termo-hidráulicos relacionados com escoamento monofásico ou bifásico em condições de circulação natural. A estimativa de transferência de calor tem sido melhorada com base em modelos que requerem uma previsão precisa de transições de padrão de escoamento. Este trabalho apresenta testes experimentais desenvolvidos no CCN para a visualização dos fenômenos de instabilidade em ciclos de circulação natural básica e classificar os padrões de escoamento bifásico associados aos transientes e instabilidades estáticas de escoamento. As imagens são comparadas e agrupadas utilizando mapas auto-organizáveis de Kohonen (SOM), aplicados em diferentes características da imagem digital. Coeficientes da Transformada Discreta de Cossenos de Quadro Completo (FFDCT) foram utilizados como entrada para a tarefa de classificação, levando a bons resultados. Os protótipos de FFDCT obtidos podem ser associados a cada padrão de escoamento possibilitando uma melhor compreensão da instabilidade observada. Uma metodologia sistemática foi utilizada para verificar a robustez do método. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

臺灣客語強化程度副詞之分析:以口語語料庫為本 / Degree Intensifiers in Taiwan Hakka: a study based on a Spoken Corpus

胡雪瀅, Hu, Hsueh-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
日常生活中,由於表達的需要,說話者常會使用強化程度副詞,作為增強或強調其所欲言的一種手段。本論文旨在藉由觀察口語語料庫中的對話,將臺灣客語六個常見強化程度副詞「恁、當、蓋、盡、異、還」視作強化程度副詞詞群,進一步以[DI. + X] 結構討論以下面向:(一) 探討其後接修飾之成分在句法、語意層面之表現。本文發現其後接成分可分為典型成分類與非典型成分類,以形容詞一類為大宗,其後接成分會受到等級性(gradability)、有界與無界性(boundedness)等參數影響語意的解讀。(二) 探討強化程度副詞[DI. + X]結構於句法所扮演的角色。本文發現此結構多半出現在謂語之位置,除了強化語意外,同時也展現說話者之態度或對某主題之評價。(三) 探討強化程度副詞[DI. + X] 結構於口語使用中的語法化與詞彙化現象,本文認為這些現象由於溝通需要,亦會伴隨提升主觀性(subjectivity),尤其是強化程度副詞「恁」的主觀性為詞群中最高。藉由上述不同面向探討與分析臺灣客語六個強化程度副詞「恁」、「當」、「蓋」、「盡」、「異」、「還」之表現,以期能更系統性解釋強化程度副詞是如何在口語使用中展現與運作。 / The aim of the present study is to examine the [DI. + X] construction manifested by the six degree intensifiers 恁an2, 當dong1, 蓋goi3 , 盡qin3 ,異i3 , and還han5 in Taiwan Hakka based on their authentic usages in a spoken corpus. Three findings can be reported as follows. First, by exploring the modified elements from the aspect of their structure and meaning, the study classifies the modified elements into canonical and non-canonical usages. X as AP takes up the majority of the occurrences of the syntactic categories. Such manifestation can be accounted for various linguistic behaviors of gradability and boundedness. Second, the [DI. + X] construction usually serves as a predicate, the prominent grammatical function, in a clause. This implies that the [DI. + X] construction is generally adopted by different speakers to not only add intensity but also make judgements or comments. Third, the [DI. + X] construction displays grammaticalization and lexicalization. Due to communication needs, these linguistic phenomena can also motivate the subjectivity. It is found that the [恁an2 + X] construction can display the highest subjectivity among the six. To sum up, this study, with its analysis of different syntactic and semantic aspects of the six degree intensifiers in Taiwan Hakka, offers useful insights into explaining the manifestation of degree intensifiers during speech.

Korpuslinguistiese ondersoek na pragmatiese merkers in Omgangsafrikaans

Fourie, Annamarie 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans, English and Tshwana / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 183-193) / Pragmatiese merkers in Omgangsafrikaans dien as belangrike kontekstualiseringswenke. Dit rig gespreksgenote in terme van uitingrelevansie en stel die spreker in staat om, op bondige wyse, ’n houding teenoor die proposisie van die uiting te openbaar. Dit dra ook by tot die gesprekstruktuur. Die sistematiese ondersoek na pragmatiese merkers volg ’n eklektiese benadering: die relevansieteorie, grammatikalisasieteorie, diskoersanalise, sosiopragmatiek en korpuslinguistiek word ingespan om die verskynsel te bestudeer en te verklaar. Die pragmatiese merkers “rêrig/regtig”, “oukei”, “soos”, “hoor” en “weet” is bestudeer aan die hand van die Pretoriakorpus van Omgangsafrikaans (PO) vanweë hul hoë gebruiksfrekwensie in die korpus. ’n Vergelyking van die gebruiksfrekwensies van hierdie pragmatiese merkers onder verskillende groeperinge van sprekers toon aan dat jong, volwasse en bejaarde mans en vroue dit verskillend gebruik. Die onderskeie funksies bied voorts leidrade waardeur die grammatikalisasie van pragmatiese merkers nagespeur kan word. Dit wil voorkom asof jong vroulike sprekers die voortou neem in die gebruik en ontwikkeling van pragmatiese merkers teenoor jong manlike sprekers. Die studie het verder bevind dat veral volwasse vroulike sprekers aktief bydra tot die ontwikkeling van hierdie pragmatiese merkers. / Pragmatic markers in interactional Afrikaans serve as important contextualising cues. They guide interlocutors as to the relevance of utterances and equip the speaker to signal an attitude towards the proposition of the utterance in a succinct way. They also contribute to the conversation structure. The systematic investigation of pragmatic markers follows an eclectic approach: relevance theory, grammaticalisation theory, discourse analysis, sociopragmatics and corpus linguistics are engaged in order to study and explain the phenomenon. The pragmatic markers “rêrig/regtig”, “oukei”, “soos”, “hoor” en “weet” are studied on the basis of the Pretoriakorpus van Omgangsafrikaans (PO) owing to their high frequency in the corpus. A comparison of the usage frequencies of these pragmatic markers among various groups of speakers indicates that young, adult and elderly men and women use them differently. The respective functions offer clues by which the grammaticalisation of pragmatic markers may be traced. It appears that young female speakers take the lead in the use and development of pragmatic markers compared to young male speakers. The study further found that especially adult female speakers contribute actively to the development of these pragmatic markers. / Matshwao a puo mo puong ya kgolagano ya Afrikaans a dira jaaka matshwao a botlhokwa a bokao. A kaela babui ka bomaleba jwa dipuo le go thusa sebui go bontsha maikutlo malebana le polelo e e tshitshinngwang ka boripana. Gape a tshwaela mo sebopegong sa puisano. Tshekatsheko e e rulaganeng ya matshwao a puo e ne e dirisa mekgwa e e farologaneng: tiori ya bomaleba, tiori ya tiriso ya thutapuo, tshekatsheko ya puisano, matshwao a puoloago le thuto ya dipuo e e lebelelang dikwalo tse di gona (corpus linguistics) di dirisitswe go batlisisa le go tlhalosa dikgakgamatso tseo. Matshwao a puo a “rêrig/regtig”, “oukei”, “soos”, “hoor” le “weet” a batlisisitswe go lebeletswe Pretoriakorpus van Omgangsafrikaans (PO) ka ntlha ya go nna teng ga ona thata mo dikwalong. Tshwantshanyo ya seelo sa tiriso ya matshwao ano a puo magareng ga ditlhopha tsa dibui e supa gore bašwa, bagolo le bagodi ba banna le basadi ba a dirisa ka ditsela tse di farologaneng. Ditiro tse di rileng di bontsha disupi tse ka tsona go ka latedisiwang tiriso ya thutapuo ya matshwao a puo. Go bonala fa dibui tsa bašwa ba basadi di eteletse pele mo tirisong le kgodisong ya matshwao a puo fa di ntshwantshanngwa le dibui tsa banna. Thutopatlisiso e fitlheletse gape gore dibui tsa bagolo ba basadi bogolosegolo di tshwaela ka botlhaga mo kgodisong ya matshwao ano a puo. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

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