Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intercultural communication."" "subject:"lntercultural communication.""
1011 |
Interkulturní masmediální komunikace a hledání dokonalého jazyka / Intercultural mass media communication and the search of perfect languageTesařová, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is a qualitative analysis of a media dialogical network's extract regarding chemical attack in Syria on 21st August 2013. In spite of the fact that main social participant in the subsequent international conflict, representatives of United States of America and Syria, president Obama, Secretary of State Kerry on one side and president Assad on the other side, have never actually met face to face, mass media interconnected their reactions into a coherent dialogue between west and east civilization and they accepted it as a part of intercultural negotiation of different meanings and interpretations of reality within a global mass media discourse. Methodological apparatus of conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis provides a tool to observe sequential and categorization aspects of a dynamic intertextual process of specification and respecification of the core cultural and political values in context. Thanks to the term structured immediacy it was also possible to consider sequential ordering of antecendents of the event in historical continuum. This analysis is based on ethnomethodological research of social interaction in mass media and is inspired by articles of J. Nekvapil und I. Leudar, which were dedicated to the analysis of intercultural...
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Analýza jazykových kurzů češtiny pro německy mluvící studenty / Analysis of Language Courses for German Speaking StudentsVlášková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
8 Abstract This master thesis deals with actual form of Czech courses for German speaking people and it is especially focused on the company courses. Theoretical part describes communication in companies between Czech and German employees and principles of adult education with taking specific features of company surroundings into consideration. In practical part, the courses organisation in selected company and in several language schools is investigated. Further, specific form of courses is described by the lectors and students evaluation. The aim of the thesis is to characterize organisation and implementation of Czech language courses for German speaking people and to define the typical features of these courses. Key words Czech courses for foreigners, Czech for German speaking people, company courses, adult education, teaching organisation and implementation
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Bílý dům uvádí: mediální obraz Baracka Obamy / The White House Presents: The Media Image of Barack ObamaSeidlová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis The White House Presents: The Media Image of Barack Obama examines the media presentation of the President of the United States, Barack Obama, through the official media channel of the White House. Five video recordings of President Obama's speeches are analyzed with a focus on linguistic, visual and auditory sign systems with the use of the qualitative semiotic content analysis. Before the analysis itself, an explanation of theoretical terms related mostly to the representation of reality is provided. On these grounds the analysis is then approached as a description of different means of achieving media construction of reality, to which both the President himself and the White House Office of Communications contribute. This Office is in charge of the content of the above-mentioned channel. To broaden the context, general information about the functioning of the President's media communication is included. The aim of this thesis is an interpretation of the communication tools presented by the White House media channel and the analysis of their symbolic meaning in order to explicate the process of a specific media image of the President coming into existence. The approach to the analyzed content from the perspective of intercultural communication is also of importance. It must be...
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Interkulturní komunikace (Korejská republika) / Intercultural communication (Republic of Korea)Jiroušová, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
Master thesis Intercultural Communication (Republic of Korea) defines the basic definitions and approaches to culture and intercultural communication. Theoretical passage is concluded with the test of intercultural sensitivity that combines theoretical and practical approach. Next chapter is devoted to facts about the Republic of Korea: an overview of important historical events, political and economic characteristics and religion. The key passage - intercultural communication in the praxis is mostly based on the personal experience with Korean culture and on opinions of Koreans for their own cultural values and society. Korean society is based on traditional values which determine a set of rules which may not been even noticed. The content of this paper should contribute to avoiding the missteps while staying in the Korean culture.
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“Dando las gracias a mis papás”: A discursive analysis of perceptions of policy and callings across generations of Latinx immigrantsVirginia Sanchez (6951713) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<p>U.S. rhetoric that embraces immigration is juxtaposed with the lived experiences of Latinx immigrants, the country’s largest immigrant group. Intergenerational research shows how immigrants’ social mobility depends on socioeconomic and environmental factors, impacting occupational attainment. Immigration policies portray immigrants negatively—contrasting deserving/good with undeserving/bad. This study uses d/Discourse (i.e., everyday talk/societal understandings) to investigate how immigrants from different generations make sense of policy, immigrant portrayals, and their lives through the lens of “calling.” Here, calling is used to understand differences across generations, rather than positioned as an individual pull toward an occupation. Specifically, this study answered three questions: (1) What occupational and intergenerational d/Discourses are perceived by immigrants?; (2) Whose interests are served by these d/Discourses and who is marginalized?; (3) How do immigrants experience “callings” across generations? Semi-structured interviews were conducted with different generations of immigrants (N=36). Generational and intergenerational sensemaking themes are identified using d/Discourse, while critical discourse analysis is used to explain inequalities and in whose interests d/Discourses are created. The main theoretical contribution of this study suggests that callings can be enacted and fulfilled intergenerationally. Within immigrant families, first-generation immigrants often hold visions of who their children (second-generation immigrants) will become. This vision often includes high educational attainment, a prestigious occupation, and documentation in the United States. Second-generation immigrants felt a pressure to perform well in school and validate the sacrifices made by their parents. They recognized that the visions for their future constructed by their first-generation parents were riddled with tensions. The occupational decisions of the second-generation immigrants often tried to find a middle ground between fulfilling their parents’ vision but also practicing in occupations that they were personally interested in. Several barriers made the path to fulfilling intergenerational callings more difficult. Second-generation immigrants recognized the privileges they held that their parents did not, including language barriers and acceptance into the country tied to documentation and acceptance based on racial models in the United States. While first-generation immigrants accepted these challenges as part of their intergenerational calling, the second-generation struggled to do the same. Finally, in fulfilling intergenerational callings many immigrants unintentionally reproduced deservingness narratives. In short, this study contributes theoretically and practically by challenging immigrant portrayals and viewing callings as intergenerational but filled with internal and external challenges.</p>
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La communication interculturelle des vietnamiens francophones en insertion professionnelle : éthiques culturelles et coopération / Cross-cultural communication by French-speaking Vietnamese in professional integration : ethics and cooperationNguyen, Minh Nguyet 30 September 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie l’insertion professionnelle francophone au Vietnam dans une optique communicationnelle. La situation étudiée met en présence des recruteurs français et des candidats vietnamiens, dans une situation authentique d’embauche professionnelle. L’introduction pose la problématique générale : si, comme le déclare E.T. Hall, culture et communication sont le même phénomène envisagé sous deux facettes particulières, comment est-il possible de communiquer avec que recruteur français et candidat vietnamien s’entendent, se comprennent, concluent un accord ? Comment, en situation de la différence culturelle, la communication reste-t-elle envisageable ? En effet, les codes culturels favorisent la communication seulement s’ils sont partagés. Le paradoxe est qu’elle semble théoriquement impossible et pourtant force est de constater qu’elle se déroule souvent de manière suffisamment satisfaisante pour permettre la coopération. La problématique générale aborde deux questions touchant au processus d’insertion professionnelle entre un sujet français et un sujet vietnamien : comment les éthiques culturelles et professionnelles divergentes des acteurs provoquent-elles des malentendus au cours de l’interaction ? comment la coopération permanente des acteurs dans leurs stratégies d’interaction permet-elle à la communication interculturelle de se développer ? Le chapitre 1 expose les principes de l’approche culturaliste rapportée à la communication interculturelle. Cette présentation débouche sur une conclusion pessimiste : chacun étant enfermé dans sa culture, la communication avec une personne d’une autre culture s’avère logiquement impossible. En définitive, la culture fonctionne comme un facilitateur à condition de partager la même culture. Elle fonctionne comme un obstacle dans les autres cas. Le chapitre 2 présente l’approche interactionniste, laquelle postule des stratégies universelles qui facilitent l’interaction. À l’inverse du culturalisme, l’interactionnisme aboutit donc à une conclusion optimiste, considérant comme toujours possible la communication interculturelle pour peu que les stratégies d’interaction soient appliquées. Or, ces stratégies, supposées universelles, ont été établies sans prendre en compte la dimension culturelle. Le chapitre 3 s’efforce d’articuler logiquement le culturalisme et l’interactionnisme. Cette articulation suit le raisonnement suivant : on pose une distinction entre le plan des stratégies (générales, universelles) et celui des réalisations (culturellement marquées) ; or, les réalisations étant particulières à une culture donnée, une stratégie peut ne pas être reconnue pour ce qu’elle est. Il existe une sorte de hiatus entre les deux plans qui ne peuvent pas toujours fonctionner ensemble. c’est pourquoi une troisième instance est nécessaire, rendant compte de procédés facilitant le passage d’une stratégie à une réalisation. Ces procédés compensatoires, car ils visent à combler l’écart entre réalisations et stratégies, sont langagiers (fournir ou demander des explications, par exemple) et comportementaux (coopération, empathie) ; on obtient donc le mécanisme général du fonctionnement de la communication interculturelle : des stratégies similaires (plan 1) ; des réalisations différentes (plan 2) ; et des procédés de passage entre les deux plans ci-dessus mentionnés. Le chapitre 4 présente le corpus qui sert de base à cette étude. Le corpus est composé de trois séries de documents de première main. Le premier comprend 17 entretiens d’embauche authentiques, enregistrés, transcrits en français. Le second rassemble 9 entretiens semi-directifs menés par la doctorante auprès des recruteurs. Le troisième se compose de 9 entretiens semi-directifs également menés par la doctorante auprès des candidats.Le chapitre 5 rappelle les principes de la méthodologie, en l’occurrence, l’analyse de contenu, pour traiter les données brutes contenues dans le corpus. etc / This thesis studies the professional integration in Vietnam of French-speakers in terms of communication. The study context involves French recruiters and Vietnamese candidates in authentic recruitment situations. Introduction presents an overview of the problem: if, as declared by E.T. Hall, culture and communication are the same phenomenon viewed under two particular facets, is it possible for French recruiters and Vietnamese candidates to communicate in order to understand, get along with each other, and reach agreement ? How can communication be viewed in the situation of cultural differences? In fact, cultural codes facilitate communication only when they are shared. The paradox is that theoretically, communication seems impossible; however, we have to admit that it usually takes place in a manner satisfactory enough to permit cooperation. Overview of the problem deals with two questions regarding the process of professional integration between a French subject and a Vietnamese subject: how do cultural ethics and professional divergences of the actors cause misunderstandings during interactions? does constant cooperation between the actors in their interactional strategies allow intercultural communication to develop? Chapter 1 presents the principles of the culturalist approach for intercultural communication. The presentation leads to a pessimistic conclusion: whenever an actor is locked in his/her culture, communication with a person from another culture is proved to be logically impossible. Definitely, culture functions like a facilitator on the condition of sharing the same culture. It functions like an obstacle in other cases. Chapter 2 presents an interactionist approach which applies universal strategies to facilitate interactions. Contrary to culturalism, the interactionist approach leads to an optimistic conclusion, considering intercultural communication to be always possible provided that the interactional strategies are applied. Yet, these strategies, supposedly universal, have been established without regarding the cultural dimension. Chapter 3 attempts to establish logical links between culturalism and interactionism. The connection is based on the following reasoning: we make the distinction between the plan of strategies (general, universal) and the plan of realisation (culturally marked); nevertheless, because the realisations are peculiar to a given culture, a strategy cannot be recognised as it really is. There exists some sort of hiatus between the two plans which usually cannot function together; that is why a third level is necessary to facilitate the transition from a strategy to a realisation. The compensation process that aims to fill in the gaps between realisation and strategy is bothlinguistic (providing or asking for explanations, for example), and behavioural (cooperation, empathy); so we can obtain the general mechanism for the functioning of intercultural dynamics: the similar strategies (plan 1); the different realizations (plan 2); and the transitional processes between the above mentioned plans. Chapter 4 presents a corpus which serves as the basis for this study. The corpus consists of three series of first-hand documents. The first series comprises 17 authentic job interviews which were recorded and transcribed in French. The second consists of 9 semi-directive interviews with recruiters conducted by the researcher. The third consists of 9 semi-directive interviews with the candidates conducted by the researcher. Chapter 5 repeats the principles of methodology – in this case being content analysis to process the raw data in the corpus. In Chapter 6, the three interview series are processed through content analysis to bring to light the principal parameters that intervene into the communication between the two speakers. Chapter 7 goes into some rigid elements that are likely to be obstacles to intercultural communication. etc
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Women, film, and oceans a/part: the critical humor of Tracey Moffatt, Monica Pellizzari, and Clara LawUnknown Date (has links)
The politicized use of humor in accented cinema is a tool for negotiating particular formations of identity, such as sexuality, gender, ethnicity, and class. The body of work produced by contemporary women filmmakers working in Australia, specifically Tracey Moffatt, Monica Pellizzari, and Clara Law, illustrates how these directors have employed critical humor as a response to their multiple marginalization as women, Australian, and accented filmmakers. In their works, humor functions as a critical tool to deconstruct the contradictions in dominant discourses as they relate to (neo)colonial, racist, globalized, patriarchal, and displaced pasts and presents. Produced within Australian national cinema, but emerging from experiences of geographical displacements that defy territorial borders, their films illuminate how critical humor can inflect such accepted categories as the national constitution of a cinema, film genre, and questions of exile and diaspora. Critical humor thus consti tutes a cinematic signifying practice able, following Luigi Pirandello's description of umorismo, to decompose the filmic text, and as a tool for an ideological critique of cinema and its role in (re)producing discourses of the nation predicated on the dominant categories of whiteness and masculinity. The study offers a theoretical framework for decoding humor in a film text, focusing on the manipulation of cinematic language, and it provides a model for a criticism that wishes to heighten the counter-hegemonic potential of cinematic texts, by picking up on the humorous, contradictory openings of the text and widening them through a parallel dissociating process. / Finally, critical humor in the accented cinema of women filmmakers like Moffatt, Pellizzari, and Law is shown to constitute a form of translation and negotiation performed between the national, monologic constraints of film production and cinematic language, the heteroglossia of the global imaginaries that have traveled since the beginning with film technology, and the local and diasporic accents informing a filmmaker's unique style and perspective. / by Alessandra Senzani. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2008. / Includes bibliography and filmography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2008. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Ma: entre-espaço da comunicação no Japão um estudo acerca dos diálogos entre Oriente e Ocidente / Ma: an inter-space of communication in Japan a study on the dialogues between east and westOkano, Michiko 15 October 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-10-15 / The dissertation investigates a few possibilities to translate the Japanese cultural
element known as Ma, which represents an inter-space in which and at what time the
process of communication occurs. The study starts from the understanding of Ma as
a quasi-sign, which in its turn is a concept from Peircean semiotics, recognizable only
through its materialization in this case, the Ma spatialities that we discuss on the
basis of examples drawn from architecture and the motion pictures.
At the end of a comprehensive bibliographical research on the theme, which
included Japanese and Western titles, the study describes and examines the exhibition
organized by architect Isozaki Arata in Paris, in 1978, that transformed Ma into a symbol
of the Japanese culture exported to the West. Subsequently, it presents readings of
Ma spatialities found in traditional Japanese architecture as well as in a few works by
architect Ando Tadao (1941 - ). As regards examples from the motion pictures, the
study has contemplated feature fi lms by classical Japanese motion-picture director
Ozu Yasujiro (1903 - 1963) and by moviemaker and actor Kitano Takeshi (1947 - ).
Our main objective is to propose the Ma spatiality as both sign and characteristic
mediation process of cognition and perception among the Japanese in such a way as
to open new possibilities of communication to deepen the dialogue between Japan and
the West, outside the exclusive sphere of stereotyped images that are easily accepted
by market paradigms in times of globalization / Esta tese investiga algumas possibilidades de tradução do elemento cultural
japonês denominado Ma, que representa um entre-espaço de onde e quando acontece
o processo de comunica􀂨ão. O estudo baseia-se na compreensão do Ma como um
quase-signo, que é um conceito da semiótica peirceana, reconhecível somente por
meio da sua concretização nesse caso, as espacialidades Ma􄎏 aqui discutidas a
exemplos da arquitetura e do cinema.
Fruto de uma extensa pesquisa bibliográfi ca sobre o tema, que incluiu títulos
japoneses e ocidentais, o trabalho descreve e analisa a exposição organizada pelo
arquiteto Isozaki Arata em Paris em 1978, que transformou o Ma em um símbolo
de exportação da cultura japonesa para o Ocidente. Em seguida, apresenta leituras
das espacialidades Ma na arquitetura tradicional japonesa e em algumas obras do
arquiteto Ando Tadao (1941 - ). No que concerne ao cinema, foram analisados fi lmes
do diretor clássico japonês Ozu Yasujiro (1903 - 1963) e do cineasta e ator Kitano
Takeshi (1947 - ).
O objetivo principal foi propor a espacialidade Ma como signo e processo de
mediação característico da cognição e percepção entre os japoneses, de modo a
abrir novas possibilidades de comunicação para aprofundar o diálogo entre o Japão e
o Ocidente, fora do âmbito exclusivo das imagens estereotipadas, facilmente aceitas
pelos paradigmas de mercado em tempos de mundialização
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Enseignement de la communication non verbale par la vidéo authentique en classe de FLE en Libye / Teaching non-verbal communication by the authentic video in class of FFL in LibyaMiqil, Salem 12 December 2016 (has links)
Actuellement, l'enseignement des langues étrangères a pour objectif général d’apprendre aux élèves à communiquer. En se référant à la communication visant à l'expression d'un vaste univers de croyances et de comportements qui sont exprimés de manière interactive et/ou non-interactive, grâce à des systèmes sensibles et/ou intelligibles. Lorsque ces croyances et comportements, ainsi que leurs formes d'expression, sont partagés par un groupe de personnes, nous sommes face au concept de culture. Les étudiants étrangers doivent donc acquérir l’essentiel des compétences qui leur permettront de communiquer avec des personnes d’une autre culture : ils devront alors connaître, comprendre et, autant que possible, acquérir la totalité des informations caractérisant cette culture, c'est-à-dire leurs activités verbales et non-verbales, leurs croyances et leurs systèmes de communication. La communication non verbale est un vaste champ à l'intérieur du système de communication culturel, qui concerne tous les signes et les systèmes de signes linguistiques qui sont utilisés pour communiquer. L'importance de l’intégration des signes et des systèmes intégrant la communication non verbale dans les programmes d'enseignement de FLE (Français Langue Etrangère) est signalée et incluse dans le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues : apprendre, enseigner, évaluer (Conseil de l'Europe, 2001). Dans le chapitre sur l'utilisation du langage, le CECRL recommande de tenir compte des compétences que les élèves doivent acquérir concernant les actions et gestes utilisés avec des mots (la communication verbale et non-verbale), et les situations dans lesquelles les étudiants auront à mettre en œuvre ces compétences. En outre, il est indiqué que les apprenants de langues étrangères doivent être capables de déterminer, reconnaître et comprendre les comportements para-linguistiques, gestuels, proxémiques et mimétiques de la langue cible (Conseil de l'Europe, 2001 : 72-73). L’objectif principal de cette étude est de sélectionner des signes non-verbaux au sens large pour l'application à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage du FLE pour un public libyen. Dans la classe, ces éléments peuvent être introduits à l’aide de documents vidéos représentant des situations authentiques afin que les apprenants puissent observer les signes non verbaux et les réutiliser correctement lors de contacts interculturels / Currently, the teaching of foreign languages generally aims to teach students to communicate. Referring to the communication to the expression of a vast universe of beliefs and behaviors that are expressed interactively and / or non-interactively, thanks to sensitive and / or intelligible systems. When these beliefs and behaviors, and their forms of expression, are shared by a group of people, we are facing the concept of culture. Thus, foreign students must acquire the essential skills that will enable them to communicate with people of another culture : they will then know, understand and, if possible, acquire all of the information characterizing this culture, that is their verbal and non-verbal activities, their beliefs and communication systems. Nonverbal communication is a vast field within the cultural system of communication, concerning all signs and linguistic signs systems that are used to communicate. The importance of the integration of signs and systems incorporating non-verbal communication in the curricula of FFL (French as a Foreign Language) is reported and included in the European Framework of Reference for Languages : learning, teaching, assessing (Council of Europe, 2001). In the chapter about the use of language, the CEFRL recommends taking into account the skills that students must acquire concerning the actions and gestures used with words (verbal and nonverbal communication), and the situations in which the students will have to implement these skills. Furthermore, it is stated that foreign language learners must be able to identify, recognize and understand the behaviors of paralinguistic, gestural, proxemics and facial expressions of the target language (Council of Europe, 2001: 72-73). The main objective of this study is to select non-verbal signs in the broadest sense for the application to the teaching and learning of the FFL for a Libyan public. In the classroom, these elements can be introduced using video documents representing authentic situations so that learners can observe non-verbal signs and re-use them correctly when intercultural contacts
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The creation of a community of practice of tutors--a shared practice among a group of people who share the same domain--enables second-language learners to facilitate their acquisition of English by embracing new learning strategies while they learn the target language. The community of tutors’ perspective allows for the incorporation of the individual’s particular second-language-acquisition needs and goals. This presentation presents a proposed study that took place at the Yasuda Center at California State University, San Bernardino in the summer of 2015. Students in the English Language Program housed in the College of Extended Learning were asked to participate in tutoring sessions offered by tutors who participated in a community of tutors. Tutors embraced new teaching strategies that they acquired through participating within a community of practice, sharing their background knowledge and teaching experience, and demonstrating new teaching techniques to each other by using collaborative and hybrid strategies during activities embedded in a rich learning context. The provision of community of practice for tutors in the English Language Program enabled learners to develop meaning-making and communication skills as well as language and literacy skills to address the informational and problem-solving needs of their tasks and assignments.
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