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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verband tussen depressie en lokus van kontrole jeens skoolwerk by adolessente / The relationship between depression and locus of control towards schoolwork of adolescents

Kruger, Martha Elizabeth. 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die studie het ten doel om 'n moontlike verband tussen lokus van kontrole jeens skoolwerk en depressie by die adolessent te identifiseer. Die literatuurstudie ondersoek lokus van kontrole - as aspek van verantwoordelikheid - en depressie, sowel as die ontwikkeling van die adolessent. Uit die literatuurstudie ontstaan die gevoel dat sodanige verband wel bestaan. 'n Gerieflikheidsteekproef - bestaande uit graad 11 leerders - is vir die navorsing gebruik. Die deelnemers vul 'n biografiese vraelys in, sowel as Afrikaanse weergawes van Crandall se Intellectual Achievement Responsibility Questionnaire en die Beck Depression Inventory. Die resultate van die biografiese vraelys, lokus van kontrole vraelys en depressie opname word individueel uiteengesit voordat daar 'n ondersoek gedoen word na moontlike samevallende verskille of korrelasies tussen lokus van kontrole tellings en depressie tellings. weergegee. Gelyktydige voorkoms word ook as persentasies Geen statisties beduidende korrelasies tussen depressie en lokus van kontrole jeens skoolwerk is gevind nie, wat moontlik toegeskryf kan word aan die aard van die steekproef. Verdere navorsing word aanbeveel. / The aim of the study was the identification of a possible relation between locus of control towards schoolwork and depression in adolescence. Locus of control - as an aspect of responsibility - and depression, as well as the development of the adolescent are examined in a literature study. As a result of this the feeling that a relationship between the named variables do exist is expressed. A convencience sample- consisting of grade 11 learners - is used in the research. The participants complete a biographic questionnaire, as well as Afrikaans translations of Crandall's Intellectual Achievement Responsibility Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory. The result of the biographic questionnaire, the responsibility questionnaire and the depression inventory are reported on their own before an investigation is done regarding possible simultaneous differences or correlations between locus of control values and depression values. Percentages are used for the report of simultaneous values. No statistical meaningful differences or correlations were found, which might be ascribed to the nature of the sample. Further research is recommended. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Social-cognitive Antecedents of Ambidextrous Orientation in Family-owned Startups: The Role of Family Ties, Achievement Motivation, and Internal Locus of Control

Mori, Patricio R 17 May 2013 (has links)
Regulatory Focus Theory predicts that the motivation to self-regulate goal-directed thought and behavior depends on two distinct regulation strategies: a promotion focus based on attaining gains and a prevention focus based on avoiding losses. This study took a social-cognitive approach predicting that regulatory focus has an impact on how family startups (several family related founders) explore “new ideas”, exploit “old certainties” and achieve the balance of both (ambidexterity), compared to lone founder startups (only one founder present). It was proposed that the social context of family ties among founders leads them to a prevention focus concerned with avoiding the loss of the socio-emotional benefits of those ties. In order to avoid such a loss, family founders were expected to increase their risk perceptions and thus, explore less than lone founders, who lack such socio-emotional ties. It was also proposed that two commonly used psychological traits in entrepreneurship research --achievement motivation and internal locus of control, predispose entrepreneurs to a promotion focus. Founders with a promotion focus, in turn, were hypothesized to lead startups to more risk-seeking behaviors and to more explorative orientation. The previous argument was used as a springboard to derive hypotheses about ambidexterity (the ability to exploit and explore simultaneously) and survival hazards. Using Regulatory Focus Theory, exploitative orientation, conceptualized as the motivational strength to continue on previous paths of action, was hypothesized to be not significantly different from that of lone founder startups. Taking previous arguments together, lone founder startups were hypothesized to be more ambidextrous than family startups. Finally, ambidexterity and internal locus of control were hypothesized to reduce survival hazards in family startups. The findings suggested that family startups explore less than lone founder startups even after controlling for group effects. Interesting but contradictory findings revealed that internal locus of control have both a positive direct effect and a positive interaction that increases the explorative and ambidextrous orientation gap of family startups over lone founder startups. As expected, ambidexterity and internal locus of control reduced survival hazards on family startups. Implications for practitioners were derived based on a sample of 470 nascent entrepreneurs.

Vad Påverkar Trivsel på Arbetsplatsen? : En Kvantitativ Studie om Work Locus of Control och Självkänslans påverkan på Arbetstrivsel / The Impact of Work Locus of Control and Self-Esteem on Job Satisfaction: : A Quantitative Study

Tidblom, Elsa, Ejdehage, Linh January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how work locus of control and self-esteem relate to job satisfaction. Quantitative data were collected through an online questionnaire. The study included 126 participants who filled out the Short Index of Job Satisfaction, Work Locus of Control Scale and Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale. It was hypothesized that work locus of control and self-esteem would be related to job satisfaction. Multiple regression analysis showed strong relations between the variables. Work locus of control and self-esteem explained 23 % of the variance in job satisfaction, which suggests that other variables also affect job satisfaction. The result from the study was consistent with previous research indicating that internal work locus of control and self-esteem predict job satisfaction. Future research is needed to investigate how individuals’ internal locus of control and self-esteem at the workplace could be increased. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur work locus of control och självkänsla relaterar till arbetstrivsel. Datainsamlingen utfördes kvantitativt genom användandet av ett självskattningsformulär. Studien omfattade totalt 126 deltagare som fyllde i Short Index of Job Satisfaction, Work Locus of Control Scale och Rosenbergs Self-Esteem Scale. Studiens hypoteser var att både work locus of control och självkänsla skulle relatera till arbetstrivsel. Resultatet från den multipla regressionsanalysen påvisade att arbetstrivsel har ett starkt samband med de undersökta variablerna. Work locus of control och självkänsla förklarade variationen i arbetstrivsel med ungefär 23 procent, vilket pekar på att även andra variabler kan påverka arbetstrivsel. Resultatet från denna studie var konsistent med tidigare forskning som indikerar att inre work locus of control och självkänsla predicerar arbetstrivsel. I framtida forskning hade det varit intressant att undersöka vad som ökar individers inre locus of control och självkänsla på arbetsplatsen.

An exploratory factor analysis on the measurement of psychological wellness

Gropp, Liezl 30 June 2006 (has links)
This research investigated the psychometric characteristics of self-actualisation, locus of control, sense of coherence and emotional intelligence as constructs of psychological wellness. Details of the intercorrelatedness of the various constructs will assist in understanding the nature of psychological wellness and its measurement. In the literature review a definition for psychological wellness was determined by studying various definitions and models of psychological wellness. During this investigation it was determined that the four constructs mentioned above were related to psychological wellness. An explorative factor analysis was conducted to address the empirical research questions. Three factors (psychological adjustment, self-actualisation and stress management) were extracted from the analysis. The descriptive statistics were analysed in terms of management responsibility, gender and race. The findings of the explorative factor analysis supported the theoretical definition of psychological wellness. It was found that self-actualisation played a key role in psychological wellness. Meaningfulness, although indicating a low loading on all three factors, must be present to provide meaning to day to day functioning. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

An exploratory factor analysis on the measurement of psychological wellness

Gropp, Liezl 30 June 2006 (has links)
This research investigated the psychometric characteristics of self-actualisation, locus of control, sense of coherence and emotional intelligence as constructs of psychological wellness. Details of the intercorrelatedness of the various constructs will assist in understanding the nature of psychological wellness and its measurement. In the literature review a definition for psychological wellness was determined by studying various definitions and models of psychological wellness. During this investigation it was determined that the four constructs mentioned above were related to psychological wellness. An explorative factor analysis was conducted to address the empirical research questions. Three factors (psychological adjustment, self-actualisation and stress management) were extracted from the analysis. The descriptive statistics were analysed in terms of management responsibility, gender and race. The findings of the explorative factor analysis supported the theoretical definition of psychological wellness. It was found that self-actualisation played a key role in psychological wellness. Meaningfulness, although indicating a low loading on all three factors, must be present to provide meaning to day to day functioning. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Die identifisering van veerkragtigheid en nie-veerkragtigheid by die middel-adolessent in ‘n voormalige Model C-skool (Afrikaans)

Parsons, Joreta 05 September 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a way of identifying resilient and non-resilient middle-adolescent learners, by means of an instrument or otherwise, in a former Model C-school. The research paradigm is pragmatism and a methodology of mixed methods was used. A questionnaire was developed and qualitative interviews were conducted to verify the results of the questionnaire. The theoretical framework of resilience as well as the developmental phase of middle-adolescence were studied. After conducting a pilot study, the necessary changes were made and an experimental version of the questionnaire was compiled on the basis of Kumpfer’s Transactional Model. This framework includes both processes and outcomes and six main constructs were specified, viz. stressors or challenges, the environmental context, person-environment-transactional process, internal resilience factors, resilience processes and outcomes or means of reintegration. Focus was placed on internal resilience factors. The “Veerkragtigheidsvraelys vir Middel-adolessente (toets)” (VVM-A(t)) (Resilience Questionnaire for Middleadolescents (test)), was compiled consisting of forty two self-evaluation questions using a continuum scale. This self-evaluation scale gives the respondent the opportunity to respond on a continuum line between not like me at all and exactly like me. The place of research, a secondary school in an area reflecting the diversity of the South-African population, was selected by means of convenience sampling and all the grade 8 and 9 learners (294 participants) completed the VVM-A(t). Two factors were identified by means of factor analysis viz. internal locus of control and external locus of control. The VVM-A, consisting of 22 items, was finalised from these results and the participants’ scores were recalculated for the selected items. Interviews for the purpose of verification or rejection of the VVM-A were conducted with twelve participants, four from the group with high scores, four from the group with low scores and four learners that grouped near the median. The in-depth interviews confirmed the results on the VVM-A. This instrument can therefore be regarded as valid and reliable to identify the resilient and non-resilient middle-adolescent learner. / Dissertation (MEd (Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

L'employabilité : définition, création d'une échelle de mesure et contribution à l'étude des déterminants / The employability : definition, creation of a measuring scale, and contribution to study determinants

Othmane, Jamel 06 June 2011 (has links)
Depuis les années 90, l’employabilité est devenue un objet de recherche. Cependant, malgré l’engouement suscité en sa faveur, elle est encore peu étudiée. Le présent travail résulte de ce constat, avec pour objectifs de proposer une définition de l’employabilité et de bien cerner ses dimensions, de développer une échelle de mesure de ce concept, et d’identifier ses déterminants. Sur la base d’une d’arguments théoriques et de conclusions d’une étude qualitative exploratoire avec les acteurs de l’emploi, une définition de l’employabilité a été proposée et ses dimensions ont été ont été précisées. En outre, une échelle de mesure de l’employabilité de 62 items a été créée. Afin de valider sa qualité, cette échelle a été soumise, dans un premier temps, aux tests de l’analyse factorielle exploratoire et de cohérence interne. Dans un second temps, nous avons procédé à la consolidation des résultats de l’analyse factorielle exploratoire à travers une analyse factorielle confirmatoire. La version finale de l’échelle développé et validée comprend 42 items répartis en six dimensions. Par ailleurs, un examen de la littérature a permis de construire un modèle de recherche sur le développement de l’employabilité. Ce modèle théorique propose de retenir conjointement des déterminants organisationnels, personnels, et sociodémographiques. L’opérationnalisation du modèle s’appuie sur une étude quantitative (N=204). Les résultats obtenus montre que la formation professionnelle, l’apprentissage organisationnel, le soutien du supérieur hiérarchique, le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle, et le locus de contrôle interne sont des facteurs favorisant le développement de l’employabilité. Le diplôme, la situation familiale, et l’état de santé se sont également révélés explicatifs de l’employabilité. / Since the 90s, employability has become an object of research. However, despite of its relevance this theme is less studied. This thesis is the result of this statement with the aims to propose a definition of employability and determine its dimensions, to develop a measuring scale of the concept, and to identify its determinants. On the basis of theoretical arguments and conclusions extracted from an exploratory study undertaken with actors of employment, a definition of employability was proposed and its determinants were précised. Then, a questionnaire including 62 items is created. In order to evaluate its quality, firstly the questionnaire was subjected to an exploratory factorial analysis and internal coherence tests. And secondly we have consolidated the exploratory factorial structure through confirmatory factor analysis. The final scale developed includes 42 items divided into six dimensions. In additions, thanks to an examination of literature, we built a theoretical model of employability development. This model simultaneously incorporates determinants about organizational, personal, and socio-Demographical variables. The empirical test of the model was performed in the third and final quantitative study with a heterogeneous population working in different companies (N=214). The results obtained show that training, organizational learning, the support of hierarchical superior, the self-Efficacy, and the internal locus of control are factor facilitating the development of employability. The diploma, the professional experience, the family situation, and the health also appeared to explain employability.

The relationship between occupational stress and locus of control among nurses

Van Niekerk, Melissa 09 November 2011 (has links)
The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between occupational stress and locus of control, to analyse and investigate the nature of nurses’ work and to determine the sources of stress and how they influence the nurses’ work environment and personal lives. The Work and Life Circumstances Questionnaire (WLQ) and Rotter’s 23-item scale were applied in a probability, simple random sample consisting of 302 South African nursing students and nurses currently employed in the private and public healthcare sector. Significant relationships were observed between the variables. Supporting evidence indicates that there is a negative correlation between occupational stress and locus of control. The results further indicate significant differences among the different locus of control orientations and the participants perceived level of stress; as well as a difference in the correlations between occupational stress and demographics such as marital status, working time and occupational level. Finally, the researcher was able to determine which stressors cause the highest level of stress among the participants. The findings should contribute valuable new information to the employee well-being literature and human resource management practices relating to employee assistance programmes, employee well-being and the retention of staff, especially in the healthcare sector. Copyright / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

A comparative analysis of upper and lower quartile academic achievers' study habits in secondary schools in Embu County, Kenya

Njue, Francis Manyatta 02 1900 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the differential levels of study habits between upper and lower academic achievers in secondary school in Embu County, Kenya. The study explored the current literature related to the study and carried out an empirical investigation towards this end. The target population for the study comprised all Form 4 secondary school students in all public secondary schools in Embu County. The student study samples were drawn from 50 out of 156 public secondary schools in the County. Students were drawn from both county and district level of secondary schools. Purposive sampling was used to select the uppermost and lowermost academic achivers over a period of two preceding years. Data was collected by using differently marked questionnaires for prio-determined uppermost and lowermost academic achievement groups of respondents. Each questionnaire comprised of four sections: Bio-demographic information, study habits, internal locus of control and self-efficacy. Self-efficacy and locus of control are some of the covert study habits. Data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics (percentages, means, distribution, and standard deviation) and inferential statistics especially analysis of variance (ANOVA). A pilot study was undertaken to check and enhance on the validity and reliability of the research instruments before commencement of the actual research study. Data was presented in tables, bar and linear graphs. Findings indicated that the upper quartile achievers had higher scores in internal locus of control but not study habits and self-efficacy. Students at lower level of achievement performance reported stronger study habits and self-efficacy compared to their upper performance counterparts. Bio-demographic factors (age, gender, school level, residential status) had very little, if any, influence on students level of study habits, self- efficacy and internal locus of control. The study recommended that stakeholders especially parents, teachers and other significant members of the community should endeavour to help students acquire and develop strong internal locus of control in order to be able to actualize their study habits and self-efficacy to attain higher academic performance and achievement as would be expected of students reporting such levels in study habits and self-efficacy in academic environment. / Educational Psychology / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

A comparative analysis of upper and lower quartile academic achievers' study habits in secondary schools in Embu County, Kenya

Njue, Francis Manyatta 02 1900 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the differential levels of study habits between upper and lower academic achievers in secondary school in Embu County, Kenya. The study explored the current literature related to the study and carried out an empirical investigation towards this end. The target population for the study comprised all Form 4 secondary school students in all public secondary schools in Embu County. The student study samples were drawn from 50 out of 156 public secondary schools in the County. Students were drawn from both county and district level of secondary schools. Purposive sampling was used to select the uppermost and lowermost academic achivers over a period of two preceding years. Data was collected by using differently marked questionnaires for prio-determined uppermost and lowermost academic achievement groups of respondents. Each questionnaire comprised of four sections: Bio-demographic information, study habits, internal locus of control and self-efficacy. Self-efficacy and locus of control are some of the covert study habits. Data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics (percentages, means, distribution, and standard deviation) and inferential statistics especially analysis of variance (ANOVA). A pilot study was undertaken to check and enhance on the validity and reliability of the research instruments before commencement of the actual research study. Data was presented in tables, bar and linear graphs. Findings indicated that the upper quartile achievers had higher scores in internal locus of control but not study habits and self-efficacy. Students at lower level of achievement performance reported stronger study habits and self-efficacy compared to their upper performance counterparts. Bio-demographic factors (age, gender, school level, residential status) had very little, if any, influence on students level of study habits, self- efficacy and internal locus of control. The study recommended that stakeholders especially parents, teachers and other significant members of the community should endeavour to help students acquire and develop strong internal locus of control in order to be able to actualize their study habits and self-efficacy to attain higher academic performance and achievement as would be expected of students reporting such levels in study habits and self-efficacy in academic environment. / Educational Psychology / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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