Spelling suggestions: "subject:"enternal recruitment"" "subject:"ainternal recruitment""
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Assessment of retention trends in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences to determine possible internal recruitment efforts for poultry science departments and enhance university retentionTaylor, Peyton Alyssa 13 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
With only six poultry degree granting universities, producing a slim number of graduates each year, poses a challenge for the industry. There may be potential areas for internal recruitment within Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS). In study 1, an evaluation of Mississippi State University’s CALS retention trends determined that Biochemistry (BCH) and Animal Science (AS) have the lowest retention rates. Study 2 compared all six poultry degree granting universities’ CALS retention rates, with AS continuously having one of the lowest retention rates. Lastly, Study 3 surveyed undergraduates, advisors, and faculty showing students having an interest in poultry while advisors and faculty were hesitant in exposing students to opportunities within poultry. Results from these studies unveiled a new population of students for departments within CALS to recruit from, specifically poultry, to potentially increase CALS and university retention rates, thus possibly providing the poultry industry with more qualified employees.
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Personalens attityder gentemot internrekrytering : En kvalitativ jämförelsestudie om internrekrytering mellan två banker / Staff attitudes towards internal recruitment : A qualitative comparative study on internal recruitment between two banksMugsha, Michel, Aziz, Muhammed January 2019 (has links)
The technological development has had a major influence on the financial market through increased digitalization and meant a big change for how banks now are operated. One of the effects is that it has changes the duties carried out by the staff who work at the banks. These changes have made the work more focused on customer service. Thus, the influence of staff has changed and become important to customers. The aim of the study is to identify factors that affect employees’ attitudes towards internal recruitment within two different banks. Based on theories, three categories have been created to compare employee attitudes and influencing factors behind attitudes in the form of internal recruitment, influencing factors in work and the importance of balance between work and life situation. The study uses a qualitative method in the form of semi structured interviews, where the sample consists of ten employees from two different banks. The study shows that there are similarities in influencing attitudes of the staff within the two banks when it comes to career opportunities, management and value creation in work. Differences in terms of experiences and the balance between work and privacy as influencing factors in staff attitudes towards internal recruitment for both banks. Proposals for continued research is measuring staff's attitudes towards internal recruitment to establish a generalized conclusion. Another suggestion is to study the organizational structure of different banks and its impact on staff's attitudes towards internal recruitment.
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"När man tar steget från lägerelden så får man söka andra lägereldar" : Internt rekryterade chefers upplevelser av hur det är att leda före detta kollegor / “When you take a step from one campfire, look for other campfires” : Internal recruited managers experiences of leading formal colleges.Caroline, Staxäng, Gunilla, Bartholdsson January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka nytillsatta förstalinjes chefers upplevelser i en nyskapad tjänst, som benämns funktionschef, med 50 procent arbete i produktionen och 50 procent chefsuppgifter. Cheferna har tillträtt tjänsten internt och har ingen erfarenhet av ledarskap sen tidigare. Uppsatsen bygger på nio intervjuer och materialet analyserades genom en grundläggande kvalitativ metod. Resultatet visar att funktionscheferna upplever det positivt att ha blivit internt tillsatt till tjänsten då de har en större förståelse för myndigheten och arbetsuppgifterna samt en kännedom om sina medarbetare. Funktionscheferna upplever att en tjänst med två befattningar, arbete i produktionen och chefsuppgifter, är positivt för egen utveckling och gynnar arbetsgruppen och myndigheten. I dagsläget uppnår funktionscheferna inte 50 procent på vardera uppgifter vilket skulle vara önskvärt. Utvecklingsmöjligheter hos en arbetsgivare är av stor vikt för arbetstagare i dagens samhälle. Vetenskaplig forskning påvisar att ledare med erfarenhet om organisationen har bättre förutsättningar att lyckas som ledare. / The purpose of this study is to look at first-line managers engaged in a new role with 50 percent still working in the production and 50 percent working as a manager. The managers have no experience of leadership and are internal recruited to the position as a first line manager after a reorganization one year ago. The essay took form from nine interviews and the data were analyzed using a basic qualitative research. The result shows that the manager experiences of internal recruitment are positive. It gives them a deeper understanding of the authority, the work tasks and their coworkers. The possibilities of development are an important thing an employer should offer the employees. A leader with experience from the organization has better conditions to be a successful leader.
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Hur ett företag i Sverige kan se på intern- och informell rekrytering samt hur deras urvalsprocess kan se ut / How a company in Sweden views internal and informal recruitment and how their selection process can lookCorbett, Hannes, Lindström, Christopher January 2022 (has links)
Många forskare har tidigare betonat att anställda är en av organisationens viktigaste resurser, vilket innebär att det är viktigt för rekryterare att välja ut och anställa "rätt" medarbetare. Rekryteringsprocessen och urvalet av nya medarbetare är kärnverksamheten för personlig hantering och är mycket viktig i en organisation. Ju större potentiell påverkan en viss roll har, desto mer tid bör läggas på att rätt individ väljs ut till vald position. Detta innebär att organisationen behöver se vem som är mest kvalificerad för jobbet, motiverad till att göra ett bra jobb, duktig på att samarbeta med kollegor samt med hög sannolikhet kommer vilja stanna inom organisationen under en längre period. Rekryterare har ofta två angreppssätt vid rekrytering, den informella och den formella vägen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur synen på intern och informell rekrytering samt hur deras urvalsprocess kan se ut i Sverige. Tidigare forskning har visat på att de olika rekryteringsformerna besitter olika för- och nackdelar. Bland annat är en fördel med internrekrytering möjligheten att känna till kandidaternas styrkor och svagheter på förhand, samt att ledningen vet hur denna individ kommer fungera i en specifik grupp. Nackdelarna med denna rekryteringsform är bland annat bristen på nya idéer och tankesätt. Detta är något som vid en långsiktig användning kan leda till en hämmad innovation och kreativitet. Tidigare forskning visar därtill att fördelarna med informell rekrytering bland annat är de låga ekonomiska kostnader som är förknippade med rekryteringsformen. Vidare tar ett flertal studier upp aspekten kring att mottagandet av referenser från tillförlitliga anställda leder till högkvalitativa kandidater som en fördel med formen. Däremot är det ingen tidigare studie som tar upp hur rekryteringsformerna ser ut i Sverige och därmed finns det en kunskapslucka, vilken denna studie ämnar fylla. Den kontroversiella synen på denna rekryteringsform bör anses som en nackdel, samt att de inte når ut till alla de potentiella kandidater som kunde passat rollen bäst. Den teoretiska referensram som studien grundar sig på baseras på vetenskapliga artiklar, som är ett hjälpmedel för att kunna besvara syftet med studien. Teorin utgörs av: Rekryteringsprocessen, för- och nackdelarna med internrekrytering samt för- och nackdelarna med informell rekrytering. Studiens empiri samlades in genom användandet av en kvalitativ metod i form av direktintervjuer med sju anställda med en ledande roll på företaget. Studien har belyst att båda rekryteringsformerna har sina för- och nackdelar, och att mycket beror på given situation. Studiens slutsats blev således att i de flesta situationer föredrar ett övervägande antal av respondenterna internrekrytering framför informell rekrytering, på grund av att de vet vad de får i form av individens kompetens och personlighet. Dock fanns det vissa undantag där de behöver kompetens som organisationen inte innehar, varför det inte går att rekrytera internt. Samtidigt var det flera respondenter som nämnde att även om det görs en internrekrytering kommer de behöva anställa någon på en annan position vilket gör att de inte löser alla problem med enbart internrekrytering. En fördel med internrekrytering var den så kallade retention-faktorn, vilken innebar möjligheten att behålla sina anställda inom organisationen. / As many researchers have previously emphasized, employees are one of the organization's most important resources, which means that it is important for recruiters to select and hire the "right" employee. The recruitment process and the selection of new employees is the core business for personal management and is especially important for an organization. The greater the potential impact a certain role has, the more should be spent on providing people who perform well, aremotivated in doing an excellent job, are good at collaborating and want to stay in the organization. for a long time. Recruiters often have two approaches to recruitment, the informal and the formal way. The purpose of this study is to investigate what the view of internal and informal recruitment, and how their selection processes can look like in Sweden. Previous research has shown that the different forms of recruitment have different advantages and disadvantages. Among other things, an advantage of internal recruitment is the opportunity to know the candidates' strengths and weaknesses in advance, and that the management knows how this individual will function in a specific group. The disadvantages of this form of recruitment include the lack of innovative ideas and ways of thinking. This is something that when used long-term can lead to decreased innovation and creativity. Previous research also shows that the benefits of informal recruitment include the low financial costs associated with the form of recruitment. Furthermore, studies address the aspect that references from trusted employees leads to high quality candidates. The controversial view of this form of recruitment should be considered a disadvantage, as well as not reaching all potential candidates for the post, which might havesuited the role best. The theoretical frame of reference on which the study is based on consist ofscientific articles, which are a tool for answering the purpose of the study. The theory consists of the recruitment process, the advantages and disadvantages of internal recruitment, and the advantages and disadvantages of informal recruitment. The empirical data of the study was collected using a qualitative method in the form of direct interviews with seven employees with a leading role in the company. The study has highlighted that both forms of recruitment have their advantages and disadvantages, and much depends on the given situation. The study concluded that in most situations, most respondents prefer internal recruitment to informal recruitment, because they know what they are getting. However, there were exceptions when needingskills not available in the organization and recruiting internally is not an option. At the same time, there were several respondents who mentioned that when an internal recruitment is successful, you will still need to hire someone for their former position, which means that you do not solve all your problems with only the internal recruitment. An advantage of internal recruitment was the so-called retention factor.
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Selecting a new leader : Identifying and recruiting leaders with the ability to lead others to lead themselvesEricsson, Camilla, Nydén, Ellinor January 2010 (has links)
<p>The meaning of the word leadership is changing over time, and so is the role of the leader. Organisational labour is today required to be more self-governing as organisational tasks are moving towards a more flexible and independent nature. This requires a leadership able to inspire and motivate independent performance by acting as an inspirational mentor or coach (Bass and Riggio (2005). Those leaders and that style of leadership have many names, but in our research they are titled as Transformational and Charismatic leaders, as well as Super Leaders. Perhaps they are best described by using Vardiman et al (2006:97) own words: <em>“the most effective leaders teach others to be effective leaders of themselves and others."</em></p><p>Identifying, selecting and recruiting the right leader are a competitive advantage and an important success factor (Fernández-Aráoz et al, 2009). The objective of this thesis is therefore to gain knowledge in the manners present when charismatic and inspirational leaders with the ability to lead others to lead themselves are identified, recruited and selected. We judge gaining understanding in how to identify, attract, select, recruit and keep leaders with this special leadership style as a vital knowledge in today’s highly competitive business world.</p><p><p><p>This thesis approaches leader recruitment from both an external and internal perspective by conveying dialogues with recruitment consultants as well as with a HR-manager. The thesis further raises the question whether the inspirational and charismatic leadership style is appropriate in all type of organisations and here focus on organisational culture as a key determinant when recruiting leaders.</p></p></p>
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Selecting a new leader : Identifying and recruiting leaders with the ability to lead others to lead themselvesEricsson, Camilla, Nydén, Ellinor January 2010 (has links)
The meaning of the word leadership is changing over time, and so is the role of the leader. Organisational labour is today required to be more self-governing as organisational tasks are moving towards a more flexible and independent nature. This requires a leadership able to inspire and motivate independent performance by acting as an inspirational mentor or coach (Bass and Riggio (2005). Those leaders and that style of leadership have many names, but in our research they are titled as Transformational and Charismatic leaders, as well as Super Leaders. Perhaps they are best described by using Vardiman et al (2006:97) own words: “the most effective leaders teach others to be effective leaders of themselves and others." Identifying, selecting and recruiting the right leader are a competitive advantage and an important success factor (Fernández-Aráoz et al, 2009). The objective of this thesis is therefore to gain knowledge in the manners present when charismatic and inspirational leaders with the ability to lead others to lead themselves are identified, recruited and selected. We judge gaining understanding in how to identify, attract, select, recruit and keep leaders with this special leadership style as a vital knowledge in today’s highly competitive business world. This thesis approaches leader recruitment from both an external and internal perspective by conveying dialogues with recruitment consultants as well as with a HR-manager. The thesis further raises the question whether the inspirational and charismatic leadership style is appropriate in all type of organisations and here focus on organisational culture as a key determinant when recruiting leaders.
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Intern och extern chefsrekrytering : En studie om organisatoriska omständigheter och beslutsfaktorer i chefsrekryteringsprocessenAndersson, Linnéa, Kim, Mia, Engström Johansson, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Frågeställning: Under vilka omständigheter väljer organisationer intern respektive extern rekrytering när chefer ska tillsättas? Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka under varför och under vilka omständigheter organisationer väljer intern respektive extern chefsrekrytering. Metod: Kvalitativ ansats, Intervjuer, Tematisk analys Slutsats: Utifrån den tidigare litteraturen samt studiens insamlade empiriska material tycks organisationer föredra att rekrytera chefer internt om rätt kompetens finns inom organisationen. Det huvudsakliga argumentet för internrekrytering är att skapa motivation hos anställda samt bibehålla långsiktig kompetens genom att utveckla medarbetare. Interna kandidater har även kunskap om organisationens kultur och arbetsprocesser, vilket minskar tid och kostnader för introduktion. Under vissa omständigheter tycks organisationer föredra extern rekrytering, exempelvis när en omorganisering ska ske, eller vid andra situationer som kräver nya perspektiv och infallsvinklar. En annan vanlig orsak till att rekrytera chefer externt är när intern kompetens saknas inom organisationen. Intern utveckling är en del av ett långsiktigt arbete att säkerställa att organisationen har rätt kompetens och rätt ledarskap i framtida situationer. / Research questions: Under what circumstances do organizations choose internal or external recruitment when hiring managers? Purpose: The Purpose is to investigate why and under what circumstances organizations choose internal or external managerial recruitment. Method: Qualitative method, Interviews, Thematic analysis Conclusion: Based on the previous literature and the study's collected empirical material, it seems that organizations prefer to recruit managers internally if the right skills are available within the organization. The main argument for internal recruitment is to create motivation in employees as well as maintain long-term competence through employee development. Internal candidates also have knowledge of the organization's culture and work processes, which reduces the time and costs of introduction. Under certain circumstances, organizations seem to prefer external recruitment, for example when a reorganization is to take place, or in other situations that require new perspectives and approaches. Another common reason for recruiting managers externally is when there is a lack of internal competence within the organization. Internal development is part of a long-term effort to ensure that the organization has the right skills and leadership in future situations.
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Att bemöta rekryteringsbehov i privat sektor : En komparativ studie mellan intern och extern rekryteringspraxisTörnqvist, Johan, Karlström, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
To maintain and attain a strong competitiveness, it is necessary for companies to recruit personnel with relevant competence for specific positions. Recruiting personnel, in turn, involves making decisions about whether to recruit internally or externally, which justifies an investigation into the consequences of choosing internal versus external recruitment strategies. The purpose of the study is thus to determine whether the choice of internal or external recruitment strategy affects a company's ability to achieve optimal recruitment. The study is qualitatively oriented with a deductive approach, emphasizing description and analysis. The study describes and analyzes a selection of previous research on recruitment along with data obtained through structured interviews with respondents who collectively work in various capacities related to recruitment. The study's results indicate, among other things, that recruitment decisions have direct consequences for internal dynamics, corporate culture, and competitiveness. To achieve long-term success and adapt to a competitive market, the importance of a balanced recruitment strategy is particularly emphasized. / För att företag skall kunna såväl bibehålla som erhålla en god konkurrenskraft är det nödvändigt att rekrytera personal med relevant kompetens för specifik tjänst. Att rekrytera personal innebär i sin tur att fatta beslut om personal skall rekryteras internt eller externt, vilket motiverar en undersökning av konsekvenserna kring valet av intern- respektive extern rekryteringsstrategi. Syftet med studien är därmed att ta reda på huruvida valet av intern- eller extern rekryteringsstrategi påverkar företags möjligheter att uppnå en optimal rekrytering. Studien är kvalitativt inriktad med en deduktiv ansats där tonvikten ligger på beskrivning och analys. Det som beskrivs och analyseras är ett urval av tidigare forskning kring rekrytering tillsammans med ett datamaterial som inhämtats genom strukturerade intervjuer med respondenter som gemensamt på olika sätt arbetar med frågor kring rekrytering. Resultatet av studien indikerar bland annat att rekryteringsbeslut har direkta konsekvenser för intern dynamik, företagskultur och konkurrenskraft. För att företag skall kunna uppnå en långsiktig framgång och anpassning till en konkurrensutsatt marknad framhävs i synnerhet vikten av en balanserad rekryteringsstrategi.
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Att rekrytera mellanchefer : ett innovationsperspektiv / Recruitment of middle managers – the innovative perspectiveEistrand, Ellen, Engelbrektsson, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Mellanchefer intar en allt mer central roll i organisationer vilket resulterar i ökat ansvar både operativt och strategiskt. Huruvida mellanchefer bör rekryteras internt eller externt är svårt att fastställa. Då arbetsmarknad och samhället kräver en ständig utveckling och förnyelse av organisationer bör ledning arbeta strategiskt med att främja en ständig utveckling. Syftet med denna studie blir därför att öka kunskapen om hur intern respektive extern rekrytering av mellanchefer kan påverka organisationers innovationsförmåga och hur mellanchefsrekrytering, ur en strategisk synvinkel, kan bidra till innovation.Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ analys med semistrukturerade intervjuer där respondenter med erfarenhet av chefsrekrytering i organisationer från tre olika branscher har deltagit. Branscherna som studerats är industribranschen, servicebranschen och detaljhandelsbranschen för att fastställa eventuella skillnader i synen på innovation och mellanchefens roll i strävan mot denna i de olika branscherna. Studien har en komparativ design med ett målstyrt urval. Totalt deltog sex respondenter i studien med sina berättelser och erfarenheter kring chefsrekrytering. I analysen har vi arbetat utifrån en abduktiv ansats inspirerat av ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Den teoretiska referensramen har utvecklats med hjälp av tidigare litteratur kring mellanchefsrekrytering, innovation samt intern och extern rekryteringens för- och nackdelar som sedan används som utgångspunkt för att kategorisera de textavsnitt som identifierades i respektive analys.Vår forskning om hur intern respektive extern rekrytering av mellanchefer kan påverka organisationers innovationsförmåga leder till resultatet att majoriteten av respondenterna förespråkar karriärsutveckling genom intern rekrytering. Detta skulle leda till ökad innovation i högre grad än den externa rekryteringen. Att värna om befintliga medarbetare och låta dem växa och utvecklas gynnar organisationens innovationsförmåga och anses vara en mer effektiv rekryteringsmetod i strävan efter innovation. Något avvikande från detta är resultatet från analysen av serviceorganisationen som är medvetna om fördelarna med intern karriärutveckling men anser att den externa rekryteringens fördelar ändå väger tyngre utifrån innovationssynpunkt. Detta då de utifrån innovationsperspektivet ser nyskapande som resultat av att rekrytera externa individer som bidrar med nya idéer och tankesätt. Vår forskning bidrar med att öka kunskapen om hur intern respektive extern rekrytering av mellanchefer kan påverka organisationers innovationsförmåga. / Middle managers today have an increasingly central role in business organizations resulting in increased responsibility both operationally and strategically. Whether it is advisable to recruit middle managers internally or externally is a debated topic and seemingly a situation driven decision. As the labor market and society requires a continuous development and innovation of organizations the management should work strategically to promote a continuous development. The purpose of this study is therefore to increase the knowledge of how internal and external recruitment of middle managers can affect organizations' ability to pursue innovation and how recruitment of middle managers, from a strategic point of view, can contribute to innovation.We have conducted a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews where respondents with experience of executive recruitment in organizations from three different sectors participated. The sectors studied were; the industrial sector, the service sector and the retail sector in order to determine the possible differences in views on innovation and the manager's role in pursuing this in their respective industries. The study has a comparative design with a purposive sampling. A total of six respondents were interviewed and their stories and experiences were included in this study. In the analysis, we have worked with an abductive approach inspired by a hermeneutic perspective. The theoretical framework has been developed by using previous literature on middle management recruitment and innovation and the internal and external recruitment advantages and disadvantages which later on have been used as the basis for structuring the text in the analysis.Our research of how the internal and external recruitment of middle managers can affect organizations' ability to pursue innovation leads to the result that most respondents advocate career development through internal recruitment. This would lead to greater innovation, to a greater extent than the external recruitment. Our results suggests that by retaining existing employees and allow for them to grow and develop, the organization promotes innovation and could be assumed to hold a more effective recruitment method in the pursuit of innovation. In contrast, the result of the analysis of the service organization shows that the respondents are well aware of the advantages of internal career development however despite these benefits they still debate that numerous advantages do prevail from an innovation perspective when recruiting middle managers externally. This due to, from an innovation perspective, the external recruitment would allow for the organization to host new objective individuals contributing with innovative ways of working and perhaps new sought after perspectives previously unknown to the organization. To summarize this study shall aim to contribute to an increased knowledge of how internal and external recruitment of middle managers affect organizations' ability to pursue innovation.This paper is written in Swedish.
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Att gå från medarbetare till chef : Svårigheter och utmaningar ur chefs- och medarbetarperspektiv / Transitioning from peer to manager : Difficulties and challenges from a managerial and employee perspectiveÅström, Gunilla, Grahnat, Ida January 2024 (has links)
Arbetsgivare väljer ofta att rekrytera internt för att tillsätta vissa tjänster. Dessa typer av rekryteringar går inte alltid smärtfritt då de som befordras sällan får fullständig introduktion till arbetet och känner rädslor inför sin nya roll. Tidigare forskning är inriktad på hur chefen och organisationen hanterar en sådan förändring även om relationen mellan medarbetare och chef är av stor vikt för att verksamheten ska fungera. Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa de utmaningar som personer ställs inför när de går från att vara en kollega till att bli chef för samma personalgrupp. Studien ämnar även att belysa om förändring sker i personalgruppen i och med att en person går från att vara kollega till att bli chef. Tre chefer och fem medarbetare intervjuades med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Transkriptionerna av intervjuerna lästes och analyserades med deduktiv ansats. Till hjälp användes Tuckmansgrupp utvecklingsteori och FIRO. Dessa användes även för att stärka resultaten i diskussionen. Resultatet visade på både fördelar och nackdelar med internrekryterade chefer. Medarbetarna kände en trygghet i att få en chef som kände dem och som visste hur verksamheten fungerade. Cheferna upplevde att de inte fick den introduktion de behövde och de förlitade sig på kollegor för att lära sig vad som skulle göras. Mycket tyder på att gruppen backar i sin grupputveckling under en sådan transition. Med tanke på att antalet deltagare i studien är litet är resultaten svåra att överföra på populationen även om den överensstämmer till stor del med tidigare forskning. / Employers often choose to recruit internally to fill certain positions. These types of recruitment do not always go smoothly as those promoted rarely receive a full induction to the job and feel apprehensive about their new role. Previous research focuses on how the manager and the organization deal with such a change, although the relationship between the employee and the manager is of great importance for the organization to function. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the challenges that people face when they go from being a colleague to becoming a manager of the same staff group. The study also aims to shed light on whether change occurs in the staff group when a person goes from being a colleague to becoming a manager. Three managers and five employees were interviewe dusing semi-structured interviews. The transcripts of the interviews were read and analyzed using a deductive approach. Tuckman's group development theory and FIRO were used to assist in the analysis. These were also used to strengthen the results in the discussion. The results showed both advantages and disadvantages of internally recruited managers. Employees felt secure in having a manager who knew them and who knew how the organization worked. Managers felt that they did not receive the induction they needed and relied on colleagues to learn what to do. There are strong indications that the group regresses in its group development during such a transition. Given the small number of participants in the study, the results are difficult to generalize to the population, although they are largely consistent with previous research.
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