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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Delimiters of the right of vacations / Elementos delimitadores del derecho a vacaciones

Gorelli Hernández, Juan 25 September 2017 (has links)
Among the different rights that workers are entitled to, the right to vacations has currently become one of the most relevant. However, many questions could be made regarding thesaid  entitlement:  What do we mean when we refer to vacations? Which are its mainelements? What is its purpose?In the present article, the author answers those questions in the light of several doctrinal studies, international legislation and constitutional jurisprudence. He also stresses the role the International Labor Organization Convention 132 plays on the matter, as well as the importance of the respect of freedom of association. / Entre los distintos derechos que el Derecho del Trabajo reconoce al trabajador, el derecho de vacaciones se ha constituido en uno de losmás relevantes actualmente. Ahora bien, al respecto pueden surgir ciertas interrogantes: ¿A qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de vacaciones?; ¿Cuáles son los elementos que la componen?; ¿Cuál es su finalidad?En el presente artículo, el autor responde estas y otras preguntas, a la luz de diversos estudios doctrinarios, legislación internacional y jurisprudencia constitucional. Destaca, asimismo, el papel que cumple el Convenio 132 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo y la importancia del respeto de la libertad sindical.

Pontas em circuito: as inserções de Gana na Divisão Internacional do Trabalho contemporânea / Extremities in circuit: the insertion of Ghana in the contemporary International Labor Division

Kauê Lopes dos Santos 20 February 2017 (has links)
Pontas em circuito discute o papel de Gana na Divisão Internacional do Trabalho (DIT) no alvorecer do século XXI. O estudo parte do pressuposto de que o consenso amplamente difundido no Ocidente em analisar os países africanos como grandes exportadores de commodities é genérico e insuficiente para compreender as suas múltiplas formas de inserção na economia mundial contemporânea. Resultado de combinações históricas entre os meios de produção e as forças produtivas do território, a formação socioespacial ganense deve, seguramente, ser analisada dentro da DIT levando em consideração a produção de suas principais commodities (ouro, manganês, bauxita, diamante, petróleo e cacau). Paralelamente, contudo, também é fundamental compreender em profundidade a pauta de importações do país que, centrada na compra de diversos tipos de bens manufaturados, indica algumas carências particulares do modo de produção na escala nacional. Para além disso, na composição dessa pauta, tem ganho crescente destaque a importação de bens manufaturados de segunda mão e de lixo eletrônico, ambos oriundos de países do Norte-Global. É justamente esse lixo que reciclado localmente e, em seguida, exportado para diferentes países industrializados viabiliza o processo, aqui denominado, de recomodização da economia. Desse modo, a tese procura demonstrar que Gana integra circuitos econômicos internacionalizados pelas suas pontas. / Extremities in circuit discusses on the role of Ghana in the International Labor Division (ILD) at the dawn of the twenty-first century. The study is based on the assumption that the consensus broadly widespread in the West in analyzing African countries as \"major commodity exporters\" is generic and insufficient to understand their multiple forms of insertion in the contemporary world economy. As a result of historical combinations between the means of production and the productive forces of the territory, the Ghanaian socio-spatial formation must surely be analyzed within the ILD taking into account the production of its main commodities (gold, manganese, bauxite, diamond, oil and cocoa). At the same time, however, it is also essential to understand in depth the country\'s import pattern which, centered on the purchase of various types of manufactured goods, indicates some particular deficiencies in the national mode of production. Moreover, in the composition of this pattern, the import of manufactured secondhand goods and electronic waste, from the Global-North, has gained increasing prominence. It is precisely this waste recycled locally and then exported to different industrialized countries that enables the process here called \"recommodization of the economy\". Thus, this research seeks to demonstrate that Ghana integrates internationalized economic circuits by its extremities.


SHARINA FARIHAH BINTI HASAN 24 September 2009 (has links)
Globalization is the increasing world-wide integration of markets for goods, services, labor, and capital. It seems to increasingly dominate discussion on the direction of social change and representations of the world. This study is of no exception; it provides an overview on the economic aspects of globalization. It mainly focuses on economic integration, trade patterns of multinational firms and international labor movement. As part of the analysis, international labor movement is centered on the inflow of unskilled labor into host country and the effects they brings along to the welfare of local populations. Particular attention is also given to the construction sector. International trade grows rapidly along with the progress of globalization. The massive development of new communication and transportation technology has made possible for heterogeneous firms to look for optimum production allocation worldwide. There has however been massive debates among researchers on the conditions that firms decided upon when choosing the production allocation, i.e; whether to locate in one country and export to another or to locate in both countries at the same time. The study proposes a general equilibrium model in order to understand the mechanism of decision behavior of heterogeneous firms on production allocation. Apart from that, international labor movement is an important dimension of globalization and has become increasingly embedded in changes in global economic and social structures. Like the rest of the world, Malaysia is affected by globalization. The wide economic and demographic differences between Malaysia and its immediate neighbors triggered the cross-border movement of labor. The country began to rely on foreign labor, particularly unskilled labor, due to the structural changes and labor market segmentation that first emerged in the early 1970s. The unprecedented influx of these labors, following unabated high growth since the mid-1980s, raised several social, political and economic concerns. The popular perception was that foreign labors were affecting local unskilled labors, both in terms of wages and living standards. It is important to note that the vast majority of preceding discussions on the subject are from the social and political point of view. There is however lack of discussions from economic and quantitative perspective. This study endeavors to fill in these gaps and contribute to the body of knowledge. Consequently, empirical analysis is accomplished using CGE modeling on international labor movement in Malaysia. And this is the first attempt such approach is carried out thus far. / Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第14920号 / 工博第3147号 / 新制||工||1472(附属図書館) / 27358

Srovnání postavení imigranta na trhu prace v České republice a v Německu / Comparison of the immigrant's position on the labor market in the Czech Republic and in Germany

Kotrbová, Jiřina January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of this final thesis is the analysis of the immigrant's position on the labor market in the Czech Republic and in Germany. For this purpose the thesis makes a research of particular factors and barriers which immigrants have to deal with on the labor market and define their direct effects. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the integration policy of both countries. Based on performed analysis in the field of immigration and integration the author of the thesis makes a comparison of the attitudes of both countries towards the immigrants with the aim to set up fitting measures for improvement of the immigrant's situation on the Czech labor market. The thesis is divided into theoretical and analytical part. The theoretical part is focused on theoretical solutions in the field of migration, migration policy, integration and discrimination. In analytical part, there is carry out a proper analysis according to the set goals.

Familiar Places in Global Spaces: Networking and Place-making of American English Teachers in Sanlitun, Beijing

Kilgore, Clinton Travis 03 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Solidarity Sometimes: Globalization, Transnationalism, and the Labor Movement

Rothermel, Jonathan Christopher January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the role of global labor in international relations. I argue that global labor is mainly comprised of two parts: national union organizations and Global Unions. Global Unions are transnational labor organizations (TLOs) with a worldwide membership that were created by national union organizations to represent their interests internationally. I contend that Global Unions perform five interrelated functions for national unions. However, due to the inherent structural weaknesses of Global Unions, it is the national unions that, in fact, remain the critical force behind global labor. Therefore, I focus on the transnational activities of national unions. I identify three conditions that result in incentives for unions to choose strategies of labor transnationalism: the shrinking of national political opportunity structures, the increasing availability of international political opportunity structures, and the adoption of a social union or social movement unionism paradigm for union revitalization. Additionally, I identify three factors that inhibit labor transnationalism among national unions: diminishing resources, turf wars, and cultural barriers. I introduce the concept of complex labor transnationalism as an alternative approach to the more limited traditional practice of labor transnationalism. I disaggregate the activities associated with complex labor transnationalism into six types: communicative transnationalism, political transnationalism, steward transnationalism, protest transnationalism, collaborative transnationalism, and steward transnationalism. Furthermore, I conduct a case study on the state of labor transnationalism in the United States concluding that while most unions take a traditional approach towards labor transnationalism there is some evidence of complex labor transnationalism. Finally, I draw several conclusions about the role of global labor in international relations and outline three areas of potential growth. / Political Science

The limits of American labor‘s influence on the cold war free labor movement: a case study of Irving Brown and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions in Tunisia and Algeria

Fitzloff, Chad L. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of History / David A. Graff / Michael Ramsay / In 1988, Irving Brown received the Medal of Freedom from President Ronald Reagan for playing a crucial role in breaking the hold of international communism over postwar Western Europe. By doing so, he can truly be called one of the architects of Western democracy. Brown also made extraordinary efforts to fight international Communism in French North Africa during the 1950s. This paper seeks to answer the question of why these efforts in North Africa failed, and it will show the limits of American labor‘s international influence during the Cold War, in particular in French North Africa. Irving Brown successfully strengthened anti-Communist unions in Europe, and had the financial backing of the Truman Administration for those projects. However, Brown‘s efforts to build anti-Communist trade unions in Tunisia and Algeria did not have the backing of the U.S. government under the Eisenhower Administration. Instead, the AFL-CIO, with Brown as its representative, attempted to use the non-Communist International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) to influence the nationalist movements of Tunisia and Algeria through their respective national unions, the Union générale tunisienne du travail (UGTT) and the Union générale des travailleurs algériens (UGTA). Disagreements within the ICFTU severely inhibited Brown‘s effectiveness and prevented him from fully realizing the AFL-CIO‘s policy goals in North Africa. Brown was overly dependent on Tunisia for his operations with the Algeria labor movement, and the ICFTU was incapable of providing adequate support to the Algerians to compete with its Communist rival, the World Federation of Trade Unions. To the extent that independent Tunisia was Western-oriented, Brown was successful in his efforts. However, in the long run, Brown failed as an architect of Western democracy, as Tunisia became a dictatorship with a socialist economy. In Algeria, the state of war forced the UGTA to turn to the Eastern bloc despite Brown‘s personal dedication to North African independence and development. Furthermore, in independence, Algeria‘s government embraced socialism and single party rule.

Arbetskraftsexploatering av irreguljära migranter : Om möjligheterna att lagföra arbetsgivaren för människohandelsbrott

Heselius, Chatrin January 2015 (has links)
I Sverige har till dato endast en fällande dom för människohandel för tvångsarbete meddelats, trots att statistik och rapportering i media indikerar att problemet är omfattande. Av media och myndighetsrapporter framgår att de som utsätts för arbetskraftsexploatering ofta är personer som befinner sig i Sverige som asylsökande eller som helt saknar tillstånd att vistas och arbeta i landet. Detta är även en grupp som på grund av deras prekära migrationsstatus, bristande tillgång till myndighetsskydd och begränsade försörjningsmöjligheter identifierats som särskilt utsatt för människohandel. Trots detta har inget åtal för människohandel för tvångsarbete avsett exploatering av papperslösa eller asylsökande, och åtal har heller aldrig väckts för fall där migranten rekryterats i Sverige. I denna uppsats diskuteras och problematiseras den internationella och den svenska definitionen av människohandel ur ett rättighetsperspektiv, med särskild fokus på arbetskraftsexploatering av irreguljära migranter och skyddet för deras rättigheter. Det konstateras att eftersom definitionen av människohandel utformats inom ramen för ett brottsbekämpningsuppdrag har de utsattas rättigheter hamnat i skymundan. Staternas ovilja att garantera de irreguljära migranternas rättigheter har påverkat definitionens utformning och lett till att den exploatering denna grupp utsätts för hamnar utanför dess tillämpningsområde. Vidare visas att svenska domstolars tolkning och tillämpning av straffbestämmelsen har ytterligare begränsat dess tillämplighet i sammanhanget. Mot denna bakgrund anförs att människohandelsbestämmelsen inte på ett tillfredsställande sätt förmår förebygga och bekämpa den typ av människohandel som idag är av störst praktisk betydelse. Straffbestämmelsen misslyckas även med att beskydda de irreguljära migranternas rättigheter, en grupp som är särskilt utsatt för rättighetskränkningar av olika slag men som har en mycket begränsad tillgång till myndigheternas beskydd. Avslutningsvis diskuteras behovet av en mer ändamålsenlig rättstillämpning eller en reviderad straffbestämmelse. Såsom människohandel definierats av internationella organisationer avses den handelsprocess som leder till exploatering, och inte exploateringen i sig. Särskilt de irreguljära migranter som rekryteras i Sverige har sällan utsatts för en sådan handelsprocess. Det anförs därför att det ur ett svenskt perspektiv vore angeläget att istället anta en straffbestämmelse som möjliggör bestraffning av den fortgående exploateringen.

Tarptautinės darbo teisės normų, reguliuojančių darbo užmokestį, nuostatų taikymas Lietuvos teisėje / The application of the international labour law provisions governing the remuneration rules in lithuania

Razminienė, Violeta 26 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo užmokestis – viena populiariausių šiandieninės visuomenės temų. Rūpinimasis teisingu ir tinkamu darbo užmokesčiu tampa demokratinių valstybių vidaus politikos prioritetu. Darbo užmokestis visada buvo aktuali ekonominė ir teisinė problema. Darbuotojui darbo užmokestis – pagrindinis pragyvenimo šaltinis, pagrindinė jo pajamų dalis, individo bei jo šeimos materialinės padėties pagerinimo priemonė. Tarptautinės darbo teisės normos, reglamentuojančios darbo užmokestį yra įtvirtintos tarptautinės teisės dokumentuose (1948 m. Visuotinė žmogaus teisių deklaracija, 1966 m. Jungtinių tautų ekonominių, socialinių ir kultūrinių teisių paktas, Tarptautinės darbo organizacijos konvencijos, 1996 m. pataisytoji Europos socialinė chartija ir kt.). Pagrindinius tarptautinės teisės principus parodo Jungtinių Tautų Chartija, Tarptautinės teisės principų deklaracija, Montevideo konvencija dėl valstybių teisių ir pareigų. Tarptautinės darbo teisės normos, tarptautinių sutarčių nuostatos yra mūsų šalies teisinės sistemos dalis. Darbo sąlygos, darbo užmokesčio reglamentavimas Lietuvoje kyla iš tarptautinės darbo teisės, kuri netiesiogiai įgalina Lietuvos teisinę valstybę vykdyti prisiimtus įsipareigojimus. Tarptautinės darbo teisės aktai yra privalomi mūsų šaliai, jie turi viršenybę Lietuvos teisės atžvilgiu. Mūsų valstybėje darbo užmokestį reglamentuoja Konstitucija, Darbo kodeksas kiti įstatymai, kurie vadovaujasi tarptautiniais teisės aktais ir yra suderinti sutarčių pagrindu. Darbe bandyta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The payment is one of the most popular topics in today's society. Caring for a fair and adequate wage is democratic domestic policy priority. Wages have always been relevant to the economic and legal problem. Employee wages and salaries are the main source of livelihood, his primary income, individual’s and his family material well-being. International labor laws governing wages can be noticed in international instruments, such as (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966, the International Labour Organization Convention, the European Social Charter (corrected), 1996, and others.). The basic principles of international law are reflected in the United Nations Charter, the Declaration of Principles of International Law, Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Obligations. International labor laws, international agreements are in our country legal system. Working conditions, wage regulation in Lithuania are part of the international labor law, which indirectly allows Lithuania to the rule of law commitments. International labor law is binding on our country, they must take precedence over Lithuanian law. The paper attempts to clarify what specific international regulations governing Lithuania, in order to determine the minimum wage, payment for work beyond a normal working conditions, labor remuneration is organized as an employer becomes insolvent, which guarantees workers can have the company bankruptcy case, and... [to full text]

La mobilité juridique des rapports de travail : essai sur la coordination des normes et des prérogatives juridiques / Mobility of labor relations : coordination of rules and legal prerogatives

Mihman, Nathalie 11 December 2018 (has links)
La terminologie « mobilité juridique « émerge des mouvements de personnel dans des ensembles organisés et normatifs plus vastes que l’entreprise. Au départ cette notion a permis de mettre en exergue la mutation du rapport de travail lorsque ce dernier, sans perdre son rattachement avec une entreprise située dans un ordre juridique étatique, se déploie à l’étranger, en direction d’un nouvel ordre étatique et en direction d’une nouvelle entreprise. La mobilité juridique est une mobilité par changement du droit applicable. Elle est le fruit d’un déplacement spatial du rapport de travail entre des espaces normatifs mutuellement irréductibles. L’assise des rapports de travail juridiquement mobiles est formée par des organisations en dehors des organisations formelles. Il s’agit d’organisations incomplètes. Celles-ci induisent des exigences de coordination.Dans une première partie, il est pris soin de dégager les coordinations normatives comme premières. C’est à partir de celles-ci que peuvent être induites les modalités de coordination des personnes impliquées dans la mobilité. il en ressort une figure renouvelée de l’employeur (il sera question des maitres de l’organisation). Il en ressort également une figure renouvelée du travailleur, dont le développement des « capacités », implique un meilleur ancrage de ses droits dans son environnement normatif de travail et d’emploi. Il en découle en définitive un ordonnancement renouvelé des rapports du travail. Dans une seconde partie, il est porté attention à la similarité des questions juridiques que posent dans un contexte de globalisation les rapports de travail juridiquement mobiles, qu'ils soient réputés de droit purement interne ou internationaux. La coordination des ordres juridiques a pour objet la coordination des entreprises et des travailleurs : il s'agit d'une coordination des coordinations, réalisée par le biais d'une pluralité de principes et de méthodes. Il en ressort l'existence d'un droit international privé du travail contribuant à l'ordonnancement transnational des relations du travail. En définitive, les fonctions du droit du travail et du droit international privé sont mises à l'épreuve dans le cadre de(s) marché(s) nationaux et internationaux / The terminology "legal mobility" emerges from the movement of personnel in organized and normative sets larger than the enterprise. Initially, this notion made it possible to highlight the change in the working relationship when the latter, without losing its connection with an enterprise located in a state legal order, deploys abroad, in the direction of a new state order. to a new company. Legal mobility is a mobility by change of the applicable law. It is the result of a spatial shift in the working relationship between mutually irreducible normative spaces. The foundation of legally mobile working relationships is formed by organizations outside formal organizations. These are incomplete organizations. These induce coordination requirements.In a first part, it is taken care of to release the normative coordinations as first. It is from these that the coordination modalities of the people involved in mobility can be induced. it shows a renewed figure of the employer (it will be about the masters of the organization). It also shows a renewed figure of the worker, whose development of "capabilities" implies a better anchoring of his rights in his normative environment of work and employment. It ultimately results in a renewed order of labor relations.In a second part, attention is paid to the similarity of the legal questions posed in a context of globalization to legally mobile working relationships, whether they are deemed to be purely internal or international. The coordination of the legal orders concerns the coordination of companies and workers: it is a coordination of coordination, carried out through a plurality of principles and methods. It reveals the existence of an international private labor law contributing to the transnational organization of labor relations.Ultimately, the functions of labor law and private international law are put to the test in the context of (s) national and international market(s)

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