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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A interpretação das convenções contra dupla tributação internacional à luz da teoria da argumentação jurídica / The interpretation of double taxations conventions according to the theory of legal argumentation

Livia Leite Baron Gonzaga 12 May 2010 (has links)
O fenômeno jurídico denominado dupla tributação internacional ocorre quando dois ou mais Estados soberanos submetem uma mesma pessoa (física ou jurídica), num mesmo período de tempo, ao pagamento de tributos comparáveis, em razão de um mesmo fato gerador. Embora não seja proibida expressamente por qualquer princípio geral de Direito Internacional, a dupla tributação é altamente indesejável em virtude de seus efeitos danosos à economia e, indiretamente, à sociedade em geral. Em vista disso, desde o século XIX os Estados nacionais vêm tentando implementar soluções para o problema, dentre as quais se incluem as chamadas convenções de bitributação, cujo objetivo consiste exatamente em evitar ou, ao menos, minimizar este pernicioso fenômeno. As normas contidas nestas convenções atuam atribuindo a competência tributária ora a um, ora a outro Estado, dependendo do tipo de rendimento, e, desta forma, limitam a soberania fiscal dos Estados contratantes. Considerando a enorme diversidade de ordenamentos jurídicos, bem como a grande facilidade com que são estruturadas novas operações comerciais e, até mesmo, a diversidade de idiomas, conclui-se que a eficácia das normas destas convenções é essencialmente dependente das formas e métodos de interpretação e aplicação de suas cláusulas. As entidades dedicadas ao estudo do tema, notadamente a Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico - OCDE, a Organização das Nações Unidas - ONU e também a International Fiscal Association - IFA constantemente elaboram estudos que contém recomendações de critérios a serem seguidos pelos países para a interpretação e aplicação das convenções. Contudo, em face das incompatibilidade entre os ordenamentos, em virtude dos frequentes reenvios ao direito interno dos países, e, muitas vezes, em decorrência dos próprios conflitos de interesses econômicos entre os países, nem sempre os critérios de interpretação tradicionais, ou seja, aqueles já propostos pela OCDE, ONU e mesmo pela IFA, são capazes de resolver os conflitos interpretativos e/ou de qualificação de forma a possibilitar o maior grau de eficácia de tais acordos. Assim, surge a necessidade de uma solução alternativa para o problema. Propomos, desta forma, a aplicação da teoria da argumentação jurídica com o objetivo de facilitar o raciocínio e manter a discussão sobre a interpretação das cláusulas, termos e expressões o máximo possível na esfera internacional, evitando o reenvio ao direito interno e preenchendo as lacunas deixadas pelos critérios tradicionais, possibilitando, assim, maior eficácia das normas convencionais. / International double taxation occurs when to or more sovereign states impose comparable taxes to the same person or legal entity within the same period of time. Although it is not expressly forbidden by any International Law rule or principle, international double taxation is highly undesirable as a result of it harmful effects to the countries economy and society in general. In view of this, since the 19th century countries have been trying to provide solutions for the problem, and among these possible solutions the double taxation conventions stand out as a way to avoid or at least minimize this harmful phenomenon. The rules provided in these conventions work by allocating the taxing power either to one or to the other contracting state, depending on the type of income, and, therefore, double taxation conventions do represent a limitation to the tax sovereignty of the contracting states. Considering the enormous diversity of legal systems, as well as the profusion of structures that may be used for commercial transactions, and even due to the variety of languages, it is possible to conclude that the efficiency level of double taxation conventions considerably depends on the way and on the methods pursuant to which their clauses are interpreted and applied. The international entities dedicated to analyze and suggest solutions for these issues, especially the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD, the United Nations - UN and also the International Fiscal Association - IFA are constantly searching for solutions and also recommending some criteria to the interpretation and application of these conventions. These criteria compose the traditional, also called classical, method of interpretation. Nevertheless, due to the incompatibilities between legal systems, as well as in virtue of the frequent recourse to national law, and sometimes due to the conflicts of economical interests between the countries, the traditional criteria already proposed by the OECD, UN and IFA for the interpretation and application of double tax conventions become quite inefficient, and, as a result of this, double taxation remains a problem. Therefore, there is an urging need for an alternative solution. Thence, we propose the application of the Theory of Legal Argumentation in order to facilitate the process of interpretation and legal reasoning regarding clauses, terms and expressions, avoiding, thus, the recourse to national law and also filling the gaps existing in the traditional criteria, for the purpose of allowing larger efficiency of conventional rules.

Založení firmy v daňovém ráji / Foundation of the Company in Tax Haven

Pospíšil, Miloš January 2013 (has links)
Thesis focuses on the possibility of setting up business entities in tax havens and their utilization in tax optimization. Reader is introduced to the most interesting Offshore and Onshore localities, their advantages, risks and possibilities of use. I will clarify the nature of the tax advantages of various types of companies including explanations of terms come from angloamerican jurisdictions. I will describe the specific steps which are required to set up the company in Grenada, including Sample documents and a model example demonstrating the tax optimization of the hypothetical bussines company. The resulting structure of the company will be subject to lower tax burden and consequently increase competitiveness of its products in global markets.

Vliv existence daňových rájů na výši daňových povinností firem a na výnosy státního rozpočtu / The impact of tax haven existence to the taxpayer´s tax liability and to Czech economy

Pauknerová, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a description of the phenomenon of tax havens in relation to the Czech Republic. The thesis begins with description of theoretical background of this topic including the description of main sectors used for international tax optimalization. Among the areas of the optimization methods, which are described in this thesis, belongs dividends, royalty payments, interest income. The thesis presents an impact of tax haven existence to Czech economy. The impact on public budget is shown and counted on the model example of fictive international company. As a reaction of losses caused by profit shifting to more favourable jurisdictions international organizations are coming up with initiatives to reduce the possibilities of tax planning. The thesis is concluded with an overview which Czech republic should accept to reduce profit shifting to other jurisdictions.

Mezinárodní daňová optimalizace spojených osob / International Tax Optimization of Associated Enterprises

Šebková, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on international tax planning and tax optimization of relaties parties. In the first part of the thesis are written theoretical bases, which are important for understanding the whole work. In the analytical parts are stated the factors that are decisive for international tax planning. At the end of the work is presented the process of international tax planning and tax optimization on a specific subject.

Návrh využití offshore struktury k optimalizaci daňové zátěže podnikatelského subjektu / Proposal of Usage Offshore Structure to Optimize the Tax Burden of Business Entity

Tomášek, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the use of destinations with moderate rate of corporate tax to reduce the tax burden of the business entity. It contains defined context and fundamental concepts and there is also an analysis of the current state of offshore business and restrictions aimed against its abuse. Thesis contains draft of business structure that ensures reduction of tax burden of the business entity, and which is followed by a definition of the benefits and risks of its application.

Problematika převodních cen / Issues of Transfer Pricing

Radikovská, Daniela January 2020 (has links)
ISSUES OF TRANSFER PRICING Transfer pricing has been often-discussed topic in recent years which is unlikely to change in the upcoming years. Given the great importance of transfer pricing in international tax planning, as well as in so called aggressive tax planning, it is a priority for states to set transfer pricing rules based on the arm's length principle in such a way that untaxed profits are not transferred from the jurisdictions where it was generated. Although this is a tax issue concerning the direct taxation, it shall be regulated at least in a coordinated manner by most countries in the world, as the international overlap is the greatest danger to state treasuries. From the perspective of taxpayers, it is often very difficult to meet all obligations regarding the setting of transfer pricing pursuant the arm's length principle, but it can be pointed out that a sufficiently clearly specified rules may be in favor of the taxpayers, because unjustified price manipulation between the related parties may cause some distortion of the functioning of the market. The main purpose of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of transfer pricing issues from the perspective of Czech legislation, especially the Income Tax Act and instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance and the...

Bunker levy schemes for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction in international shipping

Kosmas, Vasileios, Acciaro, Michele 24 September 2020 (has links)
A fuel levy is one of the market-based measures (MBMs) currently under consideration at the International Maritime Organization. MBMs have been proposed to improve the energy efficiency of the shipping sector and reduce its emissions. This paper analyses the economic and environmental implications of two types of levy on shipping bunker fuels by means of an analytical model built on the cobweb theorem. A unit-tax per ton of fuel and an ad-valorem tax, enforced as a percentage of fuel prices, are examined. In both cases, a speed and fuel-consumption reduction equivalent to an improvement in the energy efficiency of the sector would be expected as a result of the regulation enforcement. The speed reduction in the unit-tax case depends on fuel prices and the tax amount, whereas in the ad-valorem case it relies upon the enforced tax percentage. Both schemes lead to industry profit decline, the extent of which depend on the structure of the levy and market conditions. Since there is concern that the costs resulting from the policy will be passed from shipping companies to their customers along the supply chain, the paper dwells on how the costs arising from the enforcement of the levy will be actually allocated between ship-owners and operators, and cargo-owners. In a market characterised by high freight rates and with no or limited excess capacity, a higher percentage of the total tax amount is transferred from ship-owners to shippers. In case of a recession the opposite happens.

台商全球化的思維兼論國際移轉訂價租稅問題- 以個案公司探討

徐永堅, Atlan Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
全球化是二十一世紀以來,最被廣汎討論的議題。無論在政治、經濟、企業、生產要素都無可避免地往“全球化”的洪流推進。這股全球化的力量將是所有人無法抗拒及置身事外的。當然,台灣企業亦無法迴避這股全球化的趨勢。 為因應這股全球化的浪潮,本論文引個案公司為例,探討其全球化的演進歷程,包含全球化的組織分工與佈局及其因應國際移轉計價租稅問題。根據以上的探討結論,本研究提出下列建議: 一、對台商企業因應全球化的建議: 1.台商組織文化的塑造及溝通模式的建立 全球化競爭時代,快速、彈性、效率、反應成為企業彼此競爭和成為全球運籌公司的關鍵。全球化公司在發展過程中,內部共識的形成、企業文化的形成、組織體系的扁平化和分工、領導溝通和策略決斷等等,是首要必須調整的課題。爰以個案的討論,提出台商朝向全球企業方向的組織管理建議。 2.組織架構的調整及功能的定位之建議 全球化的企業,主要係透過全球製造基地設立、全球市場(銷售據點)規劃、支援服務集中化等來修正改變其營運架構,此營運架構須跳脫法人組織架構的藩籬,同時配合國際移轉訂價策略,提出組織架構的調整及功能的定位之建議。 3.銷貨及製造交易模式引發租稅問題的對策 針對台商進行全球化常見的銷貨及製造交易模式所引發租稅問題,提出相關的建議。 4.移轉訂價政策的制定及後續管理 為因應全球化的國際移轉訂價租稅問題,建議企業內部應成立移轉訂價委員會,制訂集團移轉訂價策略,並管理後續相關事宜。 二、對政府協助台商企業全球化佈局的建議: 1.落實產業升級與轉型,以知識經濟取代產業政策 建議政府以整體產業的升級與轉型之知識經濟政策,取代僅強調某些產業之發展政策。 2.建構全球化效能政府與基礎建設 不僅企業要全球化,政府亦同時要進行全球化的改造。全球化強調彈性及效率,政府組織及政策亦因以此為準繩,才不致於成為企業全球化的絆腳石。此外,政府更應積極進行因應全球化的基礎建設,吸引全球資金以台灣為轉介中心,同時確保企業能根留台灣。 3.建立全球化產業資料庫,協助企業解決因應全球化所面臨的問題 成立世界各國投資資訊資料庫,舉凡各國政治、經濟、產業、租稅、人文及基礎設施等,供企業查詢,並定期更新。責成本國及當地專家針對企業對外全球所面臨問題深入輔導。 三、對政府國際移轉訂價的租稅政策建議: 1.立法院應儘速通過所得稅法第四十三條之一之修正草案,即移轉訂價立法草案,該草案係對移轉訂價的適用方法、稽核的對象、預先訂價協議機制作一通則性的規定,使得移轉訂價的稽核有明確的法律依據。 2.移轉訂價稽核立法後,應進行國際租稅人員的培訓,以熟悉移轉訂價的概念與稽核的技巧,並派員至美國IRS吸取稽核的經驗。此外,亦應同時對國內外企業進行教育宣導,讓企業能提早因應移轉訂價的稽核準備。 3.建立國際移轉訂價參考公司資料庫及全球化組織最佳實務準則,供企業國際移轉訂價的參考。鼓勵企業自行覆核公司移轉計價的策略,檢視是否符合常規交易;並制訂預先訂價協議機制細則,提供多國籍企業制訂移轉訂價策略的選擇。 關鍵詞:全球化、移轉訂價、國際租稅、個案研究 / Using case study method, this thesis studies a Taiwanese company in the evolution track of globalization may confront with arduous external and internal problems. The thesis stresses that the international transfer pricing topic is particularly important for globalized companies. Furthermore, the function segment for a globalized organization will affect both company’s competition capability and transfer pricing policy. In summary, this thesis recommend multinational companies should consider to adjust his organization structures and fix his organization functions to conquer the possible crises of continuous operation, and to establish reasonable international transfer pricing policy to defense possible challenges coming from tax authorities in the varied jurisdictions. Further, this thesis also recommend the Legislative Yuan of R.O.C. can approve the transfer pricing proposed law of Taiwan jurisdiction as soon as possible and our government can be assistance of the companies to overcome the international transfer pricing issues in the globalization. Keywords: Globalization, Transfer pricing, International tax planning, Case study.

O controle dos preços de transferência: aplicação em operações financeiras e derivativos / International transfer pricing on financial instruments and derivatives

La Guardia, Renata Borges 10 June 2010 (has links)
O controle dos preços de transferência está amparado no princípio da plena concorrência, que representa espécie de dogma no direito tributário internacional. Para a sua concretização, há duas espécies de metodologias distintas: os métodos tradicionais, apoiados na comparação dos preços ou margens brutas de lucro das transações, e os métodos baseados na comparação de lucros operacionais entre as transações cotejadas. Não obstante a existência desta gama de métodos, há exemplos nos quais o princípio da plena concorrência não propicia mecanismos suficientes para o adequado controle dos preços de transferência, porquanto inexistem dados para a comparação dos preços, margens brutas ou lucros operacionais. As negociações globais de instrumentos financeiros intra-grupo, praticadas de forma integrada entre instituições de um mesmo conglomerado bancário, estão entre as situações que mais apresentam desafios ao aludido princípio. Como alternativa, parte da doutrina internacional tem defendido a adoção do método da partilha de lucros segundo fórmulas predeterminadas ou formulary apportionment. Os principais argumentos destes teóricos são a constatação de que o princípio da plena concorrência, ao se amparar no critério da entidade segregada, ignora os ganhos de eficiência e escala gerados no âmbito dos grupos econômicos; ademais, a aplicação deste princípio mostra-se complexa, dada a sua abertura e amplitude. No direito brasileiro, as regras para o controle dos preços de transferência, a despeito de inspiradas nos métodos tradicionais disponíveis para a aplicação do princípio da plena concorrência, são simplificadas a tal ponto que os métodos envolvendo margens brutas tornaram-se semelhantes aos métodos envolvendo fórmulas predeterminadas. Esta simplificação é desejável, em especial com vistas ao atendimento da praticabilidade, legalidade, eficiência administrativa etc.. Idealmente, a melhor estratégia de política tributária a ser adotada seria aquela baseada na edição de normas que, de um lado, (i.) prevejam margens predeterminadas de lucros por setor de atividade e região, ou definam outros critérios objetivos, razoáveis sob a perspectiva econômica, para o cálculo dos preços parâmetro, mas, de outro, (ii.) admitam que estas simplificações representam safe harbours, sendo garantido ao contribuinte o direito de apresentar quaisquer argumentos ou provas admitidos em direito para comprovar sua situação peculiar. O exame das discussões envolvendo a negociação global de instrumentos financeiros auxilia na conclusão de que, para serem justas, as normas para o controle dos preços de transferência precisam ser abrangentes, possibilitando-se a adequação dos métodos às especificidades de cada caso concreto; para o adequado funcionamento do sistema tributário, contudo, é imprescindível a instituição de diversas espécies de safe harbours, aptos a abranger a maioria das situações, reservando-se às transações realmente peculiares o exame detalhado dos preços. / Transfer pricing control rests on the arms length principle, one of the international consensus of international tax law. Control takes place under either of two methodologies: one comprising the Traditional Transaction Methods based on the comparison of prices and/or gross margins, and the other comprising Transactional Profits Methods based on the comparison of operating incomes from the relevant transactions. Notwithstanding the several methods in existence, the arms length principle may sometimes fail as a mechanism for adequate control of transfer pricing, insofar as data for the comparison of prices, gross margins or operational income are not available. The integrated global trading of financial instruments between units of a same banking group is an example of challenging situation for the effective application the arms length principle in transfer pricing control. Seeking an alternative approach, recent studies make the case for apportioning profits in accordance with preset formulas the so-called formulary apportionment. The main arguments behind this proposal revolve around the arms length principle ignoring economies of scale and other efficiency gains that normally breed within an economic group, as well as it being overly complex and open-ended. Although inspired by the Traditional Transactional Methods, Brazilian transfer price rules are simplified to such extent, that the gross margin comparison methods have become similar to a preset formula. Simplification is desirable from the standpoint of practicability, legal strictness, administrative efficiency, and so on. The ideal tax legislation policy would include rules that (i.) either pre-set gross margin parameters by industry and geographic location, or set forth objective, economically reasonable criteria for determination of parameter prices; but also (ii.) acknowledge such simplifications as no more than safe harbours and offer the taxpayer an opportunity to demonstrate deviation from the norm in a given peculiar situation. An analysis of the discussions on global trading of financial instruments fosters the conclusion that in order to be fair, transfer pricing rules must be all-encompassing; efficiency of the tax system, however, cannot forego the use of safe harbours that cover the majority of cases, thus restricting detail analysis to transactions that are actually peculiar.

Concorrência internacional e tributação da renda no Brasil / International competition and taxation of income in Brazil

Almeida, Carlos Otávio Ferreira de 14 May 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga a concorrência tributária internacional sob a perspectiva do imposto de renda brasileiro. Para tanto, procura contextualizar a tributação na atualidade, indicando desafios à atuação do Estado comprometido com sua inserção internacional. Comumente, o Estado competitivo adota políticas atrativas ao investimento externo que encontram limitações na ordem jurídica interna e internacional. Internamente, a concessão de incentivos fiscais deve se conformar à moldura imposta por princípios constitucionais atuantes sobre as ordens tributária e econômica. No plano internacional, deve respeitar as regras de liberalização do comércio, área de atuação da OMC. Adicionalmente, cláusulas de incentivo podem ter papel relevante na busca pelo desenvolvimento através de acordos de bitributação. Tomando a atração do investimento estrangeiro direto como uma das vias de promoção do desenvolvimento, tarefa a que se vê obrigado o legislador brasileiro por comando constitucional (art. 3º, II), serão aplicados testes de coerência sobre alguns institutos típicos da tributação da renda. A resposta dos testes permitirá concluir se a atuação do legislador infraconstitucional confere maior competitividade ao País e, em caso positivo, se o faz com o devido respeito aos limites impostos pela ordem tributária e econômica, ou se a norma precisa de reforma para atender aos reclames da competitividade internacional, cada vez mais acirrada na era da pós-modernidade. / The present study aims to investigate international tax competition from the perspective of the Brazilian income tax. To do so, it seeks contextualize taxation currently, indicating challenges to the State that is committed to its own international insertion. Commonly, the competitive State adopts attractive policies to foreign investment which are restricted by both internal and international juridical order. Internally, granting fiscal incentives should conform the frame imposed by constitutional principles of taxation and economic orders. At the international level, it should respect trade liberalization rules which are under the scope of the World Trade Organization. Additionally, incentive clauses on tax treaties may be relevant to foster development. Taking attraction of foreign direct investment as a way of promoting development, a task Brazilian lawmakers have to observe in accordance with a constitutional rule (art. 3º, II), consistency tests are applied on some typical income tax institutes. Tests results can confirm whether the legislator is acting to promote a competitive State and, if so, whether it does so observing those limits imposed by tax and economic orders or if rules shall be reformed in order to follow the international competition demands, increasingly fierce in the postmodernity era.

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