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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learning with Multimedia: Are Visual Cues and Self-Explanation Prompts Effective?

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of visual cues and different types of self-explanation prompts on learning, cognitive load and intrinsic motivation, as well as the potential interaction between the two factors in a multimedia environment that was designed to deliver a computer-based lesson about the human cardiovascular system. A total of 126 college students were randomly assigned in equal numbers (N = 21) to one of the six experimental conditions in a 2 X 3 factorial design with visual cueing (visual cues vs. no cues) and type of self-explanation prompts (prediction prompts vs. reflection prompts vs. no prompts) as the between-subjects factors. They completed a pretest, subjective cognitive load questions, intrinsic motivation questions, and a posttest during the course of the experience. A subsample (49 out of 126) of the participants' eye movements were tracked by an eye tracker. The results revealed that (a) participants presented with visually cued animations had significantly higher learning outcome scores than their peers who viewed uncued animations; and (b) cognitive load and intrinsic motivation had different impacts on learning in multimedia due to the moderation effect of visual cueing. There were no other significant findings in terms of learning outcomes, cognitive load, intrinsic motivation, and eye movements. Limitations, implications and future directions are discussed within the framework of cognitive load theory, cognitive theory of multimedia learning and cognitive-affective theory of learning with media. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Educational Technology 2011

Score as a substitute for goals : The impact of score on intrinsic goals in free-form design

Martinovsky, Josef January 2018 (has links)
The purpose for this study is to examine the impact score has on free-form designed games:games without designed goals. The study is aimed towards smaller products and is meant tohelp designers who are looking to implement score into their game with how it could affect theplayer’s relationship to the defined goal, their intrinsic goal, and the purpose of the game. Aprototype game was created that would simulate the free-form design method. The game hadtwo modes: mode A without score and mode B with score added to one of the actions. Resultsfrom observations and semi-structured interviews show that score has a direct impact on theway participants defined both their intrinsic goals and the one set by the game. Participants’perception of the game defined goal shifts as score is added by giving them a clear andunambiguous extrinsic reward.

The key role of dopamine as the neural correlate of intrinsic motivation and trait plasticity

Temnerud, Lars January 2018 (has links)
Self-determination theory (SDT), a motivation theory, consists of motivation types: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and amotivation, where the social environment is important. SDT’s motivation orientations are about individual differences in people’s tendencies to orient towards environments. The five factor model (FFM), a personality theory, consists of five factors and can be grouped into two metatraits; plasticity: extraversion and openness; and stability: agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. Studies show that SDT’s motivation orientations and the factors of FFM significantly covary. Intrinsic motivation and trait plasticity have similar features; the desire for exploration, engagement, well-being, and dopamine as neural correlate. The thesis reviews the role of dopamine as the neural correlate of intrinsic motivation and trait plasticity – a relation between motivation and personality. Dopamine and trait plasticity function to attain rewards of uncertainty and explore, but uncertainty is threatening. Salience coding neurons, value coding neurons and a combination of both are related, respectively, to rewards of information, specific rewards and the value of any uncertainty. Intrinsic motivation is related to the value coding neurons, flow via D2 receptors, the salience network, and the seeking system. Conclusions: there are many appealing similarities and rational that relate constructs/mechanisms – motivation is related to personality; can there even be a common construct? However; results based on proposed theories, neuroscientific quality issues, early inconsistent findings of intrinsic motivation mechanisms, and trait stability are speculated to, also, be needed to model intrinsic motivation. Unifying cross-disciplinary work and proposed theories of neural correlates are encouraged.

Conception et validation d’un jeu d’auto-apprentissage de connaissances sur l’asthme pour le jeune enfant : rôle de la motivation intrinsèque / Design and validation of a serious game for self-learning of asthma knowledge in children : role of intrinsic motivation

Delmas, Alexandra-Alice 10 September 2018 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, le domaine de la santé numérique est en pleine expansion tant sur les volets de la prévention, des soins ou de l’éducation à la santé. L’asthme, première maladie chronique chez l’enfant, a des conséquences médicales graves (hospitalisations, décès). Actuellement, un des enjeux est de fournir de l’éducation thérapeutique personnalisée dans le but d’améliorer les compétences des enfants en terme d’autogestion de la maladie, et par effet rebond d’améliorer l’évolution de la maladie. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif général de la thèse était de développer et de valider un outil numérique d’éducation à la santé ciblant de jeunes enfants avec asthme chronique, et ce en collaboration étroite avec le pôle de recherche et développement de la société ItWell. De là, trois volets d’études expérimentales ont été menés. - Volet « Conception » : dans une première étude (étude 1), les méthodes centrées utilisateur de Conception Participative ont été formalisées pour l’élaboration de serious games ciblant l’éducation thérapeutique d’enfants atteints de maladies chroniques. De là, KidBreath a été conçu pour proposer un programme d’éducation thérapeutique ludique centré sur l’asthme avec pour public cible des jeunes enfants. Celui-ci a fait l’objet d’évaluations auprès d’une population « contrôle » étayant son efficacité pédagogique (connaissance sur l’asthme) et son efficience pédagogique (type de motivation suscitée, expérience utilisateur, parcours d’apprentissage dans les modules de KidBreath). - Volet « Validation » : dans une seconde étude (étude 2a), KidBreath a été déployé pendant deux mois auprès d’enfants asthmatiques en condition réelle d’usage et dans un environnement non contrôlé, et ce avec des évaluations à court (1 mois) et à moyen (2 mois) termes. Les principaux résultats ont confirmé l’efficacité et l’efficience pédagogique auprès du public cible, avec un maintien à 2 mois. Néanmoins, l’amélioration des connaissances liées à l’asthme par KidBreath n’a pas permis de modifier les perceptions des enfants sur l’autogestion de la maladie. - Volet « Optimisation » : dans une troisième étude (étude 2b), l’automatisation d’un parcours d’apprentissage personnalisé a été implémentée et évaluée dans les mêmes conditions que l’étude précédente. L’efficience pédagogique de KidBreath a été à nouveau confirmée mais l’amélioration des connaissances liées à l’asthme par KidBreath n’a pas atteint la significativité. De manière intéressante, le niveau atteint de connaissance avec ou sans l’algorithme de personnalisation était similaire alors que le nombre de contenu et le temps consacré dans la condition « avec algorithme de personnalisation » étaient bien inférieurs à ceux observés dans la condition « sans algorithme ». La méthodologie de l’impact des algorithmes a également été utilisée pour les mathématiques (projet Kidlearn), où les résultats ont montré son efficacité pour personnaliser et adapter les contenus pédagogiques selon la progression de l’élève. Ces travaux ont permis d’extraire un modèle général de conception centrée utilisateur dédié aux serious games à visée thérapeutique détaillant la conception des contenus et formats pédagogiques, et les critères de jugement pour l’évaluation. Les études empiriques (études 1, 2) révèlent l’importance des relations entre efficacité pédagogique (connaissance de la maladie) et efficience pédagogique (motivation intrinsèque générée, expérience utilisateur, respect des parcours individualisés d’apprentissage) sans pour autant impacter à court terme les perceptions de la maladie chez l'enfant. L’ensemble des résultats est discuté à la lumière des différents facteurs (durée d’intervention, âge des participants, sévérité de l’asthme, etc) pouvant influencer la transformation connaissance-métaconnaissance. A cela, des perspectives de recherche sont proposées en regard des opportunités offertes par les Systèmes Tutoriels Intelligents (STI) pour la personnalisation des apprentissages. / In recent years, digital health is an expanding domain in both prevention, care as well as health education. Asthma is the first chronic disease in children and has severe medical outcomes (hospitalization, death). One of the key issues is the personalization of therapeutic education to improve disease self-management skills and as far outcome to improve the disease evolution. In this context, the general purpose of the thesis aimed to develop and to assess a serious game for health education of children with asthma in collaboration with the ItWell Company. To this end, experimental studies have been divided into three parts. - “Conception” part: in a first study (study 1), the user-centered methods of Participatory Design have been formalized to develop a design framework for therapeutic education-related serious games targeting children with chronic disease. From this, KidBreath has been designed to propose an edutainment therapeutic educational program for children suffering from asthma. The device has been successfully assessed amongst control children (without asthma) in terms of its pedagogical efficacy (asthma knowledge) and pedagogical efficiency (type of motivation elicited, user experience, and learning path in different contents). - “Validation” part: in a second study (study 2a), KidBreath has been used by children with asthma over a two-month period in a real-life setting. The main results supported pedagogical efficacy and efficiency of KidBreath for target audience at short-term (1 month) and their maintaining at middle-term (2 month). However, the increase of asthma knowledge after using KidBreath failed to modify children perceptions about disease self-management. - “Optimization” part: in a third study (study 2b), the implementation of a system that automates the personalization of learning path was assessed in similar condition than the previous one. The KidBreath pedagogical efficiency was also demonstrated without a significant increase of asthma knowledge. Despite this, the learning level achieved with the personalization algorithm was similar than that obtained without the algorithm. Moreover, the number of contents and the time spent in the personalized condition were diminished compared to the non-personalized condition. The whole of works allowed to extract a general framework of user-centered design for therapeutic serious games which details both instructional content and media formats, as well as judgment criteria for the assessment. Empirical studies (study 1 & 2) revealed the strength of relationships between pedagogical efficacy (disease knowledge) and pedagogical efficiency (intrinsic motivation elicited, user experience, child’s learning path) without short-term impact on the children illness perception. Overall results were discussed in light of different factors, which can bias the transfer from disease knowledge to meta-knowledge (intervention period, age of children, asthma severity etc.). Finally, research perspectives are proposed according to opportunities provided by the Intelligent Tutorial System (ITS) for personalization of learning paths. In particular, a new project named Kidlearn is presented. It is methodologically inspired from the KidBreath project and aimed the algorithm assessment for learning mathematics at primary school level.

A relação entre a motivação e desempenho escolar em alunos dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental: um estudo na Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Padre Gabriel Bolzan / The relationship in between motivation and school's performance of students of early years of elementary school : a study in Municipal Elementary School Padre Gabriel Bolzan.

Requia, Rosecler 09 April 2015 (has links)
Motivation is longstanding, one known as extremely important in the study of human behavior. The study of this variable points to the fact that it is not possible to speak of a general motivation that works for all situations, but we have consider the context in witch it is analysed. That being said, one can speak of motivation for education, athletic motivation, politics, among others. Thus, the academic motivation is one of the concepts that influences the learning and hence the academic performance of students, so the growing interest of the teachers, especially the teachers who are focused at the growth of its students, make them reach the objectives set out in the annual planning.This dissertation analyzes the motivation focused on the school learning environment in order to study the existence of a possible relationship between motivation (intrinsic or extrinsic) and academic performance in students of the early years of elementary school of the School Teaching Primary Father Gabriel Bolzan.For the methodological procedures, there was a descriptive study. To collect data, we used a scale adapted from Martinelli (2010), whose objective is to verify the relationship of student motivation and school performance. A questionnaire administered to 91 students in the early years of elementary school to respond to the research purposes was used. Also held a meeting with the teachers to present the research objectives and its confidentiality. Participated in the survey, students whose parents signed the consent form. Data analysis was performed with SPSS software help (PASW Statistics version 17.0). Descriptive statistics of respondents procedures were used to analyze the level of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the performance level of students. The results showed that there is a relationship between motivation and school performance, concluding that intrinsically motivated students perform better than extrinsically motivated students. We consider therefore that the implementation strategies in the classroom to promote intrinsic motivation will be more beneficial to the academic success of students in the early years of elementary school of the School Teaching Primary Padre Gabriel Bolzan. / A motivação é de longa data, uma variável reconhecida como de suma importância no estudo do comportamento humano. O estudo desta variável aponta para o fato de que não é possível falar de uma motivação geral, que funcione para todas as situações, mas que se deve levar em conta o contexto a ser analisado. Nesse sentido, pode-se falar em motivação para a educação, motivação atlética, política, entre outras. Assim, a motivação acadêmica é um dos conceitos que exerce influência na aprendizagem e, consequentemente, no desempenho escolar dos alunos, por isso o crescente interesse dos profissionais da educação, principalmente dos professores, que visam o crescimento de seus alunos, fazendo-os alcançar os objetivos estabelecidos no planejamento anual. Esta dissertação analisa a motivação voltada ao contexto da aprendizagem escolar com o objetivo de estudar a existência de uma possível relação entre motivação (intrínseca ou extrínseca) e o desempenho escolar em alunos dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental da Escola Municipal Ensino Fundamental Padre Gabriel Bolzan. Para os procedimentos metodológicos, realizou-se um estudo descritivo e exploratório. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se uma escala adaptada de Martinelli (2010), cujo objetivo é verificar a relação da motivação dos estudantes e seu desempenho escolar. Foi utilizado um questionário aplicado a 91 alunos dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental que respondam aos propósitos da pesquisa. Realizou-se uma reunião com as professoras para apresentação dos objetivos da pesquisa e seu caráter confidencial. Participaram da pesquisa, os alunos cujos pais assinaram o termo de consentimento. A análise dos dados foi realizada com a ajuda do software SPSS (versão PASW Statistics 17.0). A análise dos resultados evidenciou que existe uma relação entre a motivação e o desempenho escolar, concluindo-se que os alunos intrinsecamente motivados apresentam melhor desempenho do que os alunos extrinsecamente motivados. Considera-se deste modo, que a implementação de estratégias na sala de aula que promovam a motivação intrínseca será mais benéfica para o sucesso escolar dos alunos dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental da Escola Municipal Ensino Fundamental Padre Gabriel Bolzan.

Varför volontärarbeta? / Why volunteer?

Granstedt, Susanne, Holmström, Ellen, Källström, Vendela January 2018 (has links)
I ett samhälle där eventindustrin är växande är det av stor vikt att få förståelse för vad som motiverar individer till att arbeta volontärt. Många evenemang skulle inte gå att genomföra utan volontär arbetskraft. Syftet med denna studie är att få förståelse för hur de instrumentella (yttre) och intrinsikala (inre) motivationsfaktorerna påverkar individer till att arbeta volontärt. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod och data samlades in genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens respondenter bestod av individer som tidigare arbetat volontärt. Vidare ska samtliga av respondenterna arbeta volontärt för EuroPride 2018. Resultatet påvisade mer skilda upplevelser gällande de instrumentella motivationsfaktorerna och fler enstämmiga svar gällande de intrinsikala faktorerna. Gemenskap var dock ett återkommande tema som samtliga respondenter belyste. Det framgick tydligt i studien hur de intrinsikala motivationsfaktorerna fanns väl förankrade och djupt rotade hos respondenterna, medan de instrumentella motivationsfaktorerna mer sågs som en bonus som förgyllde tillvaron. / In a society where the event industry is growing, it is of importance to understand what motivates individuals to work voluntarily. Many events would not be possible to accomplish without the work of volunteers. The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge of how the instrumental (external) and intrinsic (internal) motivational factors influence individuals to work voluntarily. The study was conducted with a qualitative method and data was collected through seven semi- structured interviews. The study's respondents consisted of individuals who previously have worked as volunteers. Furthermore, all of them will volunteer at EuroPride 2018. The result demonstrated different experiences regarding the instrumental motivation factors and more unanimous answers regarding the intrinsic factors. However, belonging to a community was a recurring theme highlighted by all respondents. It was clear in the study how the intrinsic motivation factors were well-rooted within the respondents, while the instrumental motivational factors were more viewed as a bonus that embellished life. This study will be presented in Swedish.

Experimentos surpreendentes e sua importância na promoção da motivação intrínseca do visitante em uma ação de divulgação científica: um olhar a partir da teoria da autodeterminação / Amazing experiments and their importance in promoting intrinsic motivation of the visitor in an action for science communication: A view from the self-determination theory

Jonny Nelson Teixeira 11 April 2014 (has links)
Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo. Entre os experimentos utilizados em centros e museus de Ciências sempre existem alguns que se destacam, por chamar e prender mais atenção dos visitantes que frequentam estes lugares, extremamente importantes para a promoção e o aumento dos níveis de alfabetização e de cultura científica. As características destes experimentos os transformam em vedetes dos locais destinados à educação não formal, por emitirem sons, luzes, cores ou causarem qualquer tipo de surpresa ou susto quando os visitantes interagem com os equipamentos citados. Dentro de projetos de divulgação científica itinerantes estes objetos também estão presentes, executando diversas funções nas exposições, que se dividem na maioria das vezes em mesas, montadas em locais que geralmente não têm acesso aos locais fixos de divulgação científica, localizados muitas vezes em grandes cidades. A estes equipamentos chamamos nesta pesquisa de experimentos surpreendentes por causarem sensações diversas nos visitantes. Esta pesquisa identificou estes tipos de experimentos e estudou a influência das suas características para a promoção da motivação, importante na mudança comportamental dos visitantes presentes nos centros e museus de Ciência e nas ações itinerantes de divulgação científica. Como resultados desta pesquisa pudemos observar que não apenas as características dos experimentos surpreendentes, mas também de outra categoria de experimentos, os desafiadores, teve grande influência na promoção e no aumento dos níveis de motivação intrínseca dos visitantes, mudando o comportamento perante os elementos da exposição, melhorando a qualidade da interação e estimulando o interesse e a curiosidade dos visitantes. / Among the experiments used in Science centers and Science museums always exist a few that stand out, for calling and holding more attention of visitors who frequent these places, extremely important to promote and increase the levels of scientific literacy and scientific culture. The characteristics of these experiments turn them into local starlets intended for non-formal education, to emit sounds, lights, colors or causing any kind of surprise or scare when visitors interact with the devices mentioned. Within projects itinerant of scientific communications these objects are also present, performing various functions in the exhibition, which fall mostly on tables, mounted in places that generally do not have access to fixed places of scientific communication, often located in large cities. To these equipment we call \"amazing experiments\" in this study to cause many sensations in visitors. This research identified these types of experiments and studied the influence of their characteristics to promote motivation, behavioral change important in visitors present in these centers and museums of science and in the actions of itinerant science. As a result of this research we found that not only some characteristics of the amazing experiments, but also some characteristics of another category of experiments, the challengers, had great influence in promoting and increasing levels of intrinsic motivation of visitors, changing behavior among the elements of exposure increasing the quality of interaction and stimulating interest and curiosity of visitors.

Reduzir o estereótipo de sobrepeso melhora a aprendizagem motora em mulheres / Reducing the stereotype of overweight improves motor learning in women

Cardozo, Priscila Lopes 26 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Márcio Ropke (ropke13marcio@gmail.com) on 2017-02-20T12:45:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO MESTRADO IMPRESSÃO FINAL (1).pdf: 804773 bytes, checksum: e247e2bec2f3ae68e5906e049ef73ab9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-02-22T18:43:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 DISSERTAÇÃO MESTRADO IMPRESSÃO FINAL (1).pdf: 804773 bytes, checksum: e247e2bec2f3ae68e5906e049ef73ab9 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-02-22T18:45:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 DISSERTAÇÃO MESTRADO IMPRESSÃO FINAL (1).pdf: 804773 bytes, checksum: e247e2bec2f3ae68e5906e049ef73ab9 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-22T18:45:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 DISSERTAÇÃO MESTRADO IMPRESSÃO FINAL (1).pdf: 804773 bytes, checksum: e247e2bec2f3ae68e5906e049ef73ab9 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-26 / Sem bolsa / O presente estudo verificou os efeitos do estereótipo de sobrepeso na aprendizagem de uma tarefa de equilíbrio dinâmico em mulheres. Os participantes, do sexo feminino, foram divididos em dois grupos: AE (ameaça do estereótipo) e AER (ameaça do estereótipo reduzido). A tarefa consistiu em manter uma plataforma de equilíbrio na horizontal, o maior tempo possível, durante as 10 tentativas de prática. Antes da prática, o grupo AE recebeu instruções introduzindo a tarefa como sendo influenciada por diferenças individuais, em que indivíduos com sobrepeso normalmente apresentam piores resultados do que indivíduos sem sobrepeso. Para o grupo AER, as instruções informaram que a tarefa não era influenciada por diferenças individuais. Imediatamente após a prática e anteriormente ao teste de retenção, todos os participantes preencheram um questionário referente ao grau de motivação intrínseca. Os efeitos sobre a aprendizagem foram avaliados um dia após a prática, através de um teste de retenção. Os participantes do grupo AER demonstraram melhor performance e aprendizagem da tarefa, assim como um maior nível de competência percebida, do que o grupo AE. Conclui-se que a aprendizagem de habilidades motoras pode ser afetada pelo uso de instruções designadas a reduzir a ameaça do estereótipo. Os resultados estão de acordo com evidências crescentes que demonstram o impacto de fatores sócio-cognitivos e afetivos sobre a aprendizagem de habilidades motoras. / The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of overweight stereotype threat on learning a balance task in women. Participants practiced 10 trials of a dynamic balance task, and their learning was observed in a retention test, one day later. Before practice, the stereotype threat (ST) group received instructions introducing the task is influenced by individual differences, where overweight people usually present worse outcomes. For the reduced stereotype threat group (RST), instructions informed that the task was not influenced by individual differences. After practice, all participants filled out a questionnaire measuring intrinsic motivation. Performance and learning, as well as increased intrinsic motivation, were enhanced for participants of the RST group, compared with participants of the ST group. The findings indicate that the learning of balance skills can be affected by the use of instructions designed to reduce stereotype threat. They add to the growing evidence of the impact of social-cognitive factors on motor skill learning.

High performing students’ attitude towards motivation in English classes

Thornberg, Göran January 2013 (has links)
This study aims towards high performing students’ perspective on motivation and how they consistently obtain high grades in English classes. Different characteristics from Skolverket’s study that were common for high performing students along with Reeve’s self-determination theory was used as background research. Qualitative interviews were used to analyse the high performing students’ perception of how they are challenged in English classes and how they motivate themselves. The results show that high performance in English classes is not so much an innate ability, which some are born with, but rather a question of motivation and character.

Motivational Strategies in Language Learning : Pupils’ in grade 4-6 and their teachers’ perception of the effect of motivational strategies in the English classroom

Jönsson, Helena January 2017 (has links)
To master English is a clear advantage in Swedish society and throughout compulsory school, the English subject is mandatory in each grade. Language learning is a lengthy and demanding task that requires effort and determination. Consequently, it is crucial to sustain motivation among the learners, which requires motivational and conscious teaching. There are a number of strategies that through research have indicated motivational capacity. In this empirical study, teachers’ and pupils’ perception of the motivational influence of different strategies were examined. The method was quantitative and surveys were used to collect data from the teachers (N=10) and the pupils (N=142). The results show that the teachers regard their own behavior and a stimulating, varied teaching as most important, whilst the pupils prioritize clear and understandable instructions and are concerned with a pleasant classroom climate, where humour is present and where it is safe to make mistakes. In addition, the results indicate that teachers, as well as pupils, are not particularly interested of a transmission of responsibility from the teachers to the pupils. / <p>Engelska</p>

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