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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Pilots’ Motivation : A qualitative approach in analysing pilots’ motivation despite limited control over working hours

Dolfe, Daniel January 2024 (has links)
This study uses the Self Determination Theory (SDT) to describe and analyse what motivates pilots whilst having limited control over working hours. Pilots work in a challenging environment with variable working hours and high operational demands. This affects the pilots autonomous, intrinsic, extrinsic and controlled motivation. The study uses a qualitative approach interviewing eight Swedish pilots working at different airlines. This study describes and analyses the sense of autonomy, sense of competence and sense of relatedness, and how autonomous motivation, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and controlled motivation affects pilots´ motivation. This study finds that pilots value the sense of autonomy that comes from empowerment to take decisions within the strict framework of rules they operate in. The pilots feel a strong sense of competence from training programs and knowledge transfer colleagues, and relatedness to colleagues through a sense of being cared for, all these seems to promote autonomous and intrinsic motivation. Further, intrinsic motivation arises from a passion for flying and executing leadership. Extrinsic motivation arises from salary, and fear of punishment. The pilots lack of ability to control their working hours leads to controlled motivation and stress. The findings of this study could be used to improve pilot welfare and motivation. By understanding and addressing pilot motivation airlines can develop strategies to support its workforce more effectively.

Inre motivation och meningsfullhet, förutsättningar för god psykologisk hälsa

Sandström, Anna, Eriksson Strååt, Emilia January 2024 (has links)
Detta var en kvalitativ studie där sex personer medverkade i intervjuer. Syftet var att undersöka chefer och medarbetares upplevelser av inre motivation och meningsfullhet såsom begreppen defineras enligt teorierna om Kasam och Self Determination Theory, kopplat till en välfungerande organisation. Tematisk analysmetod användes för att svara på studiens syfte och frågeställning. Resultatet visade att meningsfullhet, så som det förstås enligt Kasam och inre motivation från Self Determination Theory, tillsammans bidrar till arbetsengagemang utifrån ett arbets- och organisationsperspektiv. Studien visar även att gemenskap och socialt stöd är viktigt för att individer ska uppleva en hög känsla av inre motivation på arbetsplatsen. Likaså visade resultatet att individer som upplever inre motivation och meningsfullhet bidrar till en välfungerande organisation där individerna är engagerade i sina arbeten. Individer som upplever inre motivation samt meningsfullhet har goda förutsättningar för att uppnå en god psykologisk hälsa. / This was a qualitative study with six people participated in interviews. The aim was to examine managers' and employees' experiences of intrinsic motivation and meaningfullness, as the concepts are defined according to the theories of Sense of Coherence and Self Determination Theory, linked to a well-functioning organization. Thematic analysis method was uused to answer the aim of the study and the study question. The result showed that meaningfullness, as understood within SOC and intrinsic motivation from Self Determination Theory, together contribute to work commitment based on a work and organizational perspective. The study also shows that kinship and social support are important for individuals to experience a high sense of intrinsic motivation in the workplace. Likewise, the results showed that individuals who experience intrinsic motivation and meaningfullness contribute to a well-functioning organization where the individuals feel strong work engagement. Individuals who experience intrinsic motivation and meaningfullness are prone to achieve good psychological health.

Navigating Crises: Internal Communication Strategies and Employee Motivation in Swedish SMEs During COVID-19

Almenayes, Noura, Najm, Lanya Nadhim January 2024 (has links)
This paper examines how internal communication strategies in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) during COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on employee intrinsic motivation. By analyzing experiences of managers and employees in Sweden, it identifies effective communication methods that enhance morale and engagement. It also explores how these strategies align with Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and provides practical recommendations for crisis management communication. Through analysis of communication channels, frequency, and styles, it offers insights for organizational communication and crises management. This qualitative study employs thematic analysis of interviews with managers and employees in Swedish SMEs during COVID-19. It evaluates internal communication strategies such as channels, frequency, and styles, and their impact on employee motivation, aligning findings with SDT. To conlcude, this thesis illuminates the interplay between internal communication strategies and employee motivation within Swedish SMEs during COVID-19 pandemic. Through qualitative analysis, the study underlines the importance of flexible communication approaches, digital channels, and transparent styles in fostering resilience and engagement. The findings suggest that aligning communication strategies with SDT princibles can enhance organizational effectiveness during crises. Practical recommendations are provided to empower leaders in cultivating supportive work environments and promoting employee well-being.

The relations between self-determination, achievement motivation and academic achievement

Mnyandu, Pamela Tinky 11 1900 (has links)
This study's aim was to investigate whether self-determined behaviour and achievement motivation impact learner's academic performance. Convenient geographic sampling was used to select three pnmary schools in Soshanguve. A likert type questionnaire was used to collect data from 120 learners. Item analyses were preformed to investigate the reliability of subscales. Three hypotheses were tested using analysis of variance and Pearson product moment correlations. The first, which predicted that intrinsic motivation is positively related to academic achievement, was not supported. Both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated learners achieved better in academic tasks than amotivated learners. The second, which predicted a negative correlation between extrinsic motivation extrinsic motivation and academic performance, was also not supported. The third, which predicted that there is a negative correlation between amotivation and academic performance, was confirmed. General conclusions, recommendations, and limitations of the study are discussed. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Motivation från personliga tränares perspektiv : Hur inre och yttre motivation rymmer sig inom yrket som personlig tränare / Motivation from the perspective of personal trainers : How intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is applied in the profession of personal trainers

Strandell, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien behandlar personliga tränares arbete med inre och yttre motivation. Syftet är att undersöka hur personliga tränare arbetar med dessa motivationsinriktningar samt hur motivation kan gestalta sig hos deras klienter - för att i slutändan kunna presentera den inriktningen som är mest gynnsam för klientens långsiktiga upprätthållning av ett beteende. för att undersöka frågeställningar användes semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Inre motivatorer som identifierades var vilja, ambition och intresse. Yttre motivatorer som identifierades var förväntningar och press från omgivningen, tränarpress och tidspress. Samtliga tränare hade en utbredd erfarenhet av båda inriktningarna. Inre motivation var dock den inriktning som helhetligt präglade samtligas arbete. Det var även den inriktning som visade sig vara mest gynnsam för klientens långsiktiga upprätthållning av ett beteende. / This study examines personal trainers work towards intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The aim is to recognize personal trainers work towards these motivational characters aswell as recognizing these motivational characters ways of expressing themselves in their clients - so that in the extension the character who fits most appropriate to provide a long-term solution for the maintenance of a behavior can be recognized. To examine the issues semi-structured interviews was applied. Intrinsic motivation was identified as will, ambition and interest. Extrinsic motivation was identified as expectations and pressure from the environment, pressure from the trainer and deadline-pressure. All trainers showed an expansive experience from both motivational characters. Intrinsic motivation was however the character who generally characterized the work of all trainers. Intrinsic motivation was also the character of motivation deemed most appropriate for providing a long-term solution for the maintenence of a behaviour.

L'évolution et l'orientation de la motivation intrinsèque et extrinsèque chez les élèves roumains / Non communiqué

Adam, Andréa 21 January 2011 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse était de mettre en évidence l’évolution et l’orientation de la motivation intrinsèque et extrinsèque des élèves roumains tout au long du second cycle d’enseignement secondaire général. Depuis plusieurs années la théorie de l’autodétermination (Deci et Ryan, 1985b, 2000) a été utilisée afin de mieux comprendre le comportement des élèves en milieux scolaire. Ryan et Deci distinguent la motivation intrinsèque et la motivation extrinsèque qui diffèrent selon le type de récompense rattachée à l’activité. La théorie de l’autodétermination repose sur trois besoins psychologiques fondamentaux : l’autonomie, la compétence et la relation à autrui. Les déterminants psychologiques familiaux (parents), institutionnels (professeurs) et écologiques (système scolaire compétitif et évaluatif) sont aussi susceptibles d’influencer l’orientation motivationnelle de l’élève. Une première étude s’est attachée à analyser l’orientation et l’évolution de la motivation intrinsèque et extrinsèque. Les résultats présentent les élèves comme plus motivés extrinsèquement plutôt qu’intrinsèquement. De plus les deux formes de motivation diminuent tout au long de leur cursus scolaire. Une seconde étude s’est employée à mesurer le degré d’influence des trois besoins psychologiques sur la motivation intrinsèque des élèves. Les résultats ont montré que le besoin d’affiliation était le plus fortement corrélé positivement à la motivation intrinsèque. Les deux dernières études ont visé à mettre en évidence la relation entre le sentiment d’autonomie des élèves exercé par les parents et les professeurs et leur motivation intrinsèque. Les résultats confirment l’influence positive de ces deux déterminants sur la motivation intrinsèque des élèves. Enfin ces résultats seront discutés notamment sur le rôle des déterminants psychologiques dans cette recherche et dans le cadre des travaux sur la normativité de la motivation intrinsèque. / The main objective of this thesis was to highlight the evolution and direction of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of Romanian pupils throughout the second cycle of general secondary education. For several years the self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 1985b, 2000) was used to better understand the behavior of students in the school. Ryan and Deci distinguish intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation that vary by type of reward attached to the activity. Self-determination theory is based on three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness. The psychological determinants family (parents), institutional (college), and environmental (school system competitive and evaluative) are also likely to influence motivational orientation of students. A first study has sought to analyze the direction and evolution of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The results show the students as more extrinsically motivated rather than intrinsically. In addition, both forms of motivation decrease throughout their school career. A second study aimed to measure the influence of the three basic psychological needs on the intrinsic motivation of students. The results showed that the need for affiliation was most strongly correlated positively to intrinsic motivation. Two recent studies have sought to highlight the relationship between perceived autonomy of students by parents and teachers and their intrinsic motivation. The results confirm the positive influence of these two determinants on the intrinsic motivation of students. Finally, these results will be discussed including the role of psychological determinants in this research and the work on the normativity of intrinsic motivation.

A Comparison of the Academic Intrinsic Motivation of Gifted and Non-gifted Fifth Graders Taught Using Computer Simulations and Traditional Teaching Methods

Dittrich, Christine Edwards 12 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the use of interdisciplinary computer-based simulations compared to traditional teaching methods. The academic intrinsic motivation of gifted and non-gifted students was analyzed using a quasi-experimental design, similar to a pretest/posttest design.

Exploration du phénomène de la stagnation des performances chez le nageur de haut niveau

Langlois-Pelletier, Nicia 04 1900 (has links)
La stagnation est un phénomène fréquent dans le domaine de la natation, bien qu’inexpliqué et incompris, pour lequel peu de solutions sont proposées. Malgré quelques recherches sur ce phénomène, notamment au baseball, la littérature sur le sujet demeure incomplète et ne permet pas de bien cerner le problème de la stagnation. Ainsi, cette étude a pour but premier d’identifier et de comprendre les causes possibles de la stagnation, les changements émotionnels, physiques et sociaux engendrés par un tel phénomène et les stratégies utilisées par les athlètes pour gérer la stagnation. Le deuxième objectif de cette étude est de jeter un regard sur l’impact de l’optimisme sur la résolution de la stagnation. Pour ce faire, des entrevues semi-structurées ont été menées auprès de onze nageurs ayant compétitionné au niveau national canadien. Les nageurs étaient divisés en trois groupes: les nageurs ayant résolu leur stagnation et qui continuent de nager, les nageurs ayant cessé la compétition de natation suite à une stagnation non résolue et ceux qui nagent encore malgré une stagnation non résolue. Les candidats sélectionnés ont complété deux questionnaires sur l’optimisme, le LOT-R et l’ASQ. L’analyse des résultats, réalisée grâce à la théorisation ancrée, a permis de déterminer un ensemble d’émotions vécues par les athlètes et d’identifier des stratégies afin de résoudre la stagnation. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent qu’une balance entre l’optimisme et le pessimisme, une motivation intrinsèque ainsi qu’une auto-détermination chez l'athlète sont des éléments importants afin de surmonter une stagnation. / Even if unexplained and misunderstood, a slump is a frequent phenomenon among high level swimmers for which few solutions are proposed. Despite some previous research especially in the sport of baseball, the literature on this topic is fairly incomplete and does not provide a complete understanding of the problem. Therefore, the primary goal of this study is to get a better understanding of the possible causes of a slump and the emotional, mental, physical and social changes generated by this phenomenon and the strategies used by swimmers in order to break through their slumps. The second goal of this study is to examine the impact of optimism on the resolution of a slump. To reach these goals, semi-structured interviews were held with eleven swimmers who competed at the national level in Canada. Swimmers were divided into three groups: swimmers who resolved their slumps and are still swimming, swimmers who stopped competitive swimming because of an unresolved slump and swimmers who are still swimming even though they are still enduring a slump. Subjects selected were also asked to complete two optimism questionnaires (LOT-R and ASQ). Data analysis, using the grounded theory, identified an emotional patterns experienced by swimmers and certain strategies used by swimmers to resolve their slump. Finally, the results of this study suggest that a balance between optimism and pessimism, an intrinsic motivation and a perception of auto-determination are important elements when trying to overcome a slump.

Buddy or Boss? : en kvantitativ studie på anställdas motivation i förhållande till ledarens ledarskapsstil och personlighet i privat och offentlig sektor / Buddy or Boss? : a Quantitative Study on Employees Motivation Related to the Leader’s Leadershipstyle and Personality in Private and Public Sector.

Svensson, Amelia, Svensson, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
Att undersöka ledarens påverkan på privat och offentligt anställdas motivation är aktuellt med tanke på den pågående diskussionen inom svensk politik rörande privatiseringen av offentliga tjänster. Dessutom leder världens ökande globalisering, organisationers utveckling och individens förändrade arbetskultur till att uppfattningen om ledarskap och motivation är i ständig förändring. Tidigare forskning har präglats av ett stort fokus på själva ledaren, men har på senare år riktat större uppmärksamhet mot följderna av ledarskapet. Det är även utgångspunkten i denna studie, vars syfte är att förklara hur ekonomers motivation påverkas av ledarskapsstil och ledarens personlighet, modererat av sektor. Studien har ett deduktivt förhållningssätt och undersöker kvantitativt hypoteser kring ledarskapsstil, personlighet och motivation genom en enkätundersökning riktad till ekonomer. MätinstrumentenMultifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Ten-Item Personality Inventory och Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale användes för att utforma enkäten och mäta de tre huvudkomponenterna. Studien undersökte även faktorerna kön, ålder, arbetslivserfarenhet och sektortillhörighet. Resultaten av studien bekräftar tidigare forskning genom att påvisa ett starkt signifikant samband mellan såväl transformativ ledarskapsstil och inre motivation, som transaktionell ledarskapsstil och yttre motivation. Vidare fann studien ett signifikant positivt samband mellan egenskaperna Sympatiskhet, Öppenhet och Extraversion och inre motivation samt mellan egenskaperna Samvetsgrannhet och Neuroticism och yttre motivation. Studien kunde däremot inte bekräfta den effekt som sektortillhörighet väntades ha på sambanden mellan ledarskap och motivation, eftersom den modererande effekten antingen var obefintlig eller motsatt det förväntade. Det finns därmed ett behov av mer forskning på området ledarskap med fokus på sektorns effekt på den anställdas motivation. / Investigating leaders’ influence on private and public employee motivation is relevant given the ongoing discussion within Swedish politics regarding the privatization of public services. Furthermore, the world's increasing globalization, the development of organizations and the individual's changed work culture cause the perception of leadership and motivation being in constant change. Previous research has been characterized by focusing on leaders, but has in recent years focused more on the consequences of leadership. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to explain how leadership style and the leader’s personality affects economists' motivation, moderated by sector. The study has a deductive approach and quantitatively examines hypotheses about leadership style, personality and motivation through a questionnaire directed towards economists. The measuring instruments Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Ten-Item Personality Traits and Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale were used to design the survey and to measure the main components. The study also examined gender, age, work experience and sector affiliation. The results of the study confirm previous research by demonstrating a significant relationship between transformative leadership and internal motivation, and between transactional leadership and external motivation. Furthermore, the study found a positive correlation between the traits Openness, Agreeableness and Extraversion and internal motivation, and between the traits Conscientiousness and Neuroticism and external motivation. The study however, could not confirm the effect that sector affiliation was expected to have on the relationship between leadership and motivation, since the moderating effect was either non-existing or opposite the expected. There is therefore a need for more research in the area, with focus on the sector's effect on motivation.

Vad motiverar professionella i olika karriärstadier? / What motivates professionals in various career stages?

Ekman, Helena, Ralmé, Ellinor January 2019 (has links)
Motivation är ett relevant ämne för att företag ska kunna motivera och styra anställda på ett optimalt sätt. Anställda som är motiverade är mer produktiva (Linder, 1998) och det leder till att organisation gynnas genom en ökad prestation (Sekhar, Patwardhan, & Singh, 2013). Det finns många faktorer att ta hänsyn till när människors motivation studeras, exempelvis kan typ av målgrupp påverka hur motivationen ser ut. Syftet med studien är att utforska vad professionella motiveras av och vidare undersöka om motivationen skiljer sig mellan olika karriärstadier, med hänsyn till både ålder och titel, och i så fall hur. Utefter det teoretiska ramverket som delat in motivation i inre och yttre motivation har sedan hypoteserna utvecklats. Hypoteserna har vidare testats med en validerad skala (Amabile, Hill, Hennessey, & Tighe, 1994). Uppsatsen baseras på en enkätundersökning med professionella akademiker inom företagsekonomi som målgrupp, vilket resulterade i 134 svarande. Datamaterialet har sedan genom en explorativ faktoranalys kunnat dela in motivation i fem faktorer; kontroll och förståelse, erkännande, motprestation, problemlösning samt belåtenhet. Utfallet av studien visar att det inte kan fastställas att det finns samband mellan karriärstadier och titel. Däremot kan det fastställas att professionella är mer inre motiverade individer utifrån målgruppen akademiker inom företagsekonomi. / What motivates professionals in various career stages? Motivation is a relevant subject for companies to motivate and direct employees in an optimal way. Employees that are motivated are also more productive (Linder, 1998), benefitting the organization with an overall increased performance (Sekhar, Patwardhan, & Singh, 2013). There are several factors to consider when studying the motivation of people, e.g. the type of target group can affect the motivation. The aim of this study is to investigate what professionals are motivated by and further study the difference in motivation between various career stages, regarding age and title, to study their effects. The hypotheses were put forth in accordance with the framework that divides motivation into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Furthermore, the hypotheses were tested with a validated scale (Amabile, Hill, Hennessey, & Tighe, 1994). The study is based on inquiries of professional academics within the business field of study, with 134 respondents. With an exploratory factor analysis, the motivation was divided into five factors; control and understanding, recognition, return, problem solving, and contentment. The results of the study show that the correlation between career stages and title are inconclusive. However, it was determined that professional academics, within the business field of study, are more intrinsically motivated individuals.

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