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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktore wat verband hou met die leermotivering en leerhouding van leerders in sekondêre skole in die Upington omgewing. / Factors related to the learning motivation and learning attitude of learners in scondary schools in the Upington area

Nel, William Nico 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The aim was to establish factors related to learning motivation and learning attitude of learners in historically coloured schools. An eclectic approach was followed because theoretical views on motivation could not furnish a comprehensive theory. The definition emerging from this approach states that motivation is a process started within a person to create a state of need for satisfaction and happiness that can be reached by instigating and sustaining goal-directed activity. The link between learning and motivation, as well as related factors, was ascertained. Determinants of high and low levels of learning motivation were established. Programmes aimed at higher motivation levels were explored. Empirically it was proven that grade 9 learners in historically coloured schools leaned more towards an extrinsic orientation; grade 12's more intrinsic. An intervention programme is suggested. / Die doel was om vas te stel watter faktore hou verband met die leermotivering en leerhouding van leerders in histories bruin sekondere skole spesifiek. 'n Eklektiese benadering is gevolg omdat die teoretiese beskouings oor leerrnotivering nie 'n bevredigende allesomvattende teorie kon verskaf nie. Die werksdefinisie van motivering is 'n gevolg daarvan en lui as volg: motivering is die proses wat in die persoon aan die gang gesit word om 'n staat van behoefte na tevredenheid en geluk te skep wat bereik kan word deur doelgerigte aktiwiteit aan te stig en aan die gang te hou. Die verband tussen leer en motivering is bepaal asook die faktore wat verband hou met leermotivering. Bepalers van hoe en lae leermotiveringsvlakke is vasgestel en ingrypingsprogramme gemik op verhoogde motivering is ondersoek. Empiries is bewys dat die graad 9-leerders meer geneig is tot ekstrinsieke orienterings rakende leermotivering; graad 12-leerders meer intrinsiek. 'n lngrypingsprogram word voorgestel. / Teacher Education / M. Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

Optimalisering van die leerpotensiaal van die skoolbeginner

Rossouw, Lorna 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die huidige onderwyssituasie in Suid-Afrika bied 'n uitdaging om te besin oor die relevansie van bestaande kurrikulurninhoude. 'n Paradigmaverskuiwing is nodig om aan alle leerders die geleentheid te bied om hulle leerpotensiaal te optimaliseer. Hierdie studie fokus op 'n paradigmaverskuiwing in preprimere onderwys. Die verslag van die studie begin met 'n literatuurstudie wat vanuit 'n opvoedkundig-sielkundige en neurosielkundige perspektief fokus op toereik.ende leer. Die uitkoms van hierdie fokus toon die volgende kemaspekte: Kognitiewe en metakognitiewe vaardighede is 'n voorvereiste. Die opvoeder se rol as begeleier is van kardinale belang. Kognitiewe vaardighede stel die leerder in staat om sy eie logiese denksisteem te konstrueer. Die intrinsieke motivering van die leerder tot deelname aan die leerhandeling is belangrik. Neurologiese gereedheid, wat onder andere hemisferiese integrasie sowel as inter- en intrasensoriese integrasieprosesse behels, is 'n voorvereiste vir toereikende leer. Vir die opvoedkundige sielkundige wat horn ten doel stel om hierdie kognitiewe benadering tot toereikende leer in die praktyk toe te pas, is dit nodig om ontoereikende kognitiewe funksionering te identifiseer. Daar is in hierdie studie gepoog om 'n werkswyse vir die identifi.sering van ontoereikende kognitiewe funksies daar te stel aan die hand van die Junior Suid Afrikaanse Individuele Skaal. 'n Onderrigmodel wat voorsiening maak vir die ontwikkeling van kognitiewe vaardighede en neurologiese gereedheid is voorgestel. Die onderrigmodel behels die integrering van die "Bright Stan Cognitive Curriculum" van Carl Haywood en Paul Dennison se "Brain Gym" in die normale dagprogram van preprimere onderwys. Die empiriese navorsing is daarop gemik om vas te stel of dit moontlik is om die onderrigmodel in die normale dagprogram te implementeer, aangesien dit 'n bydrae sal lewer tot algemene praktykverbetering en die optimalisering van die leerpotensiaal van elke voorskoolse leerder. 'n Uiteensetting van die navorsingsontwerp en data-analise is verskaf en uit die empiriese studie kan gekonkludeer word dat die program, met noodwendige aanpassings aan die bestaande preprimere dagprogram en ook die onderrigmodel, wel 'n positiewe bydrae sal maak tot praktykverbetering en die optimalisering van die leerpotensiaal van die skoolbeginner. Hierdie aanpassings wat juis die paradigmaverskuiwing behels, is vervat in die aanbevelings wat uit hierdie studie voortvloei. / The present situation in education in South Africa offers a challenge to consider the relevance of existing curricula. A paradigm shift is necessary to provide all learners with the opportunity to optimise their learning potential. This study focuses on a paradigm shift in preprimary education. The report of the study commences with a theory framework from an educational and neuro-psychological viewpoint that focuses on effective learning. The key concepts that emerged from this study were the following: Cognitive and metacognitive skills are prerequisite to effective learning. The educator's role as mediator is of cardinal importance. Cognitive skills enable the learner to construct his own logic system for effective learning. Intrinsic motivation of the learner towards participation in the learning process is important. Neurological readiness for learning including among other aspects, the intra- and intersensory as well as hemispheric integration, is fundamental to effective learning. For the educational psychologist wishing to apply this cognitive approach to effective learning, it is necessary to be able to identify cognitive dysfunctioning. In this study an attempt is made to establish a methodology for the identification of cognitive dysfunctioning using the Junior South African Individual Scale. An educational model making provision for the development of cognitive skills and neurological readiness is proposed. This model involves the integration of "Bright Stan Cognitive Curriculum" by Carl Haywood .and "Brain Gym" by Paul Dennison into the normal preschool programme. The empirical research is intended to determine the feasibility of implementing this educational model within the existing preschool programme. A presentation of the research design and the data analysis is included in the study. From the results of the research it can be concluded that, with approriate adaption of the existing pre-primary programme and the educational model, the programme would make a positive contribution to an enhanced curriculum and thereby also the optimisation of the learning potential of the schoolbeginner. The required adaptions that will result in a paradigm shift are included in the recommendations arising from this study. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Opvoedermotivering in die Oos-Kaap

Wevers, Nicolaas Ebenhaezar Jacobus 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Te midde van ingrypende veranderinge in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel, word verwag dat opvoeders hul taak op 'n gemotiveerde wyse moet uitvoer om die jeug voor te berei vir die toekoms. Hierdie kwalitatiewe navorsing het ten doel die ondersoek na faktore waardeur opvoedermotivering beinvloed word en die rol van skoolbestuurders (skoolhoofde en hul bestuurspanne) in die motivering van opvoeders. Deur 'n omvattende hteratuurstudie is die begrip motivering duideliker belig en is die verskynsel van motivering ondersoek aan die hand van verskillende moti veringsteoriee. 'n Empiriese ondersoek, deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudvoering met opvoeders en skoolbestuurders in die Oos-Kaap, is uitgevoer om te bepaal watter faktore opvoederrnotivering beinvloed. Daar is bevind dat opvoedermotivering deur "n groot verskeidenheid faktore beinvloed word en dat skoolbestuurders 'n belangrike rol te speel bet in die motivering van opvoeders. Op grond van die bevindinge van die empiriese ondersoek is aanbevelings gemaak wat kan lei tot beter opvoedermotivering. / In the midst of drastic educational change in South Africa, it is expected that educators must fulfil their duties in a motivated manner and to thoroughly prepare our youth for the future. This qualitative research sought to explore the factors contributing to the motivation of educators and to determine what role school managers (principals and their management teams) play in the motivation of educators. By means of an extensive literature search, the term motivation was iluminated and the phenomenon of motivation was explored through different motivational theories.. An empirical inquiry through semi-structured interviews with educators and school managers were conducted in the Eastern Cape to determine the factors contributing to the motivation of educators.. The findings in this research showed that educators are motivated or demotivated by a variety of factors. It also showed that school managers have an important role to play in the motivation of educators. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Onderwysbestuur)

Investigating factors that motivate teachers to teach after normal working hours : a case study in the Capricorn district of Limpopo

Sehlapelo, Thekelo Walter 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify factors that motivate teachers to teach after hours. It was a qualitative study employing the interpretive research paradigm. The study employed a case study design of three secondary schools. Twelve teachers were purposively selected. Data was collected through focus groups and open-ended questionnaires of which thematically analyzed. Key findings revealed that teachers are motivated to teach after hours by among others their ability, pertinent PD, resources, positive environment, theories of motivation and goals set. The study concluded that these factors should be upheld. The study also recommended enough time for PD, bursaries and salary adjustments, teacher involvement in textbook requisition, excellence awards, incentivisation and goal setting. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Autonomní učení anglickému jazyku v kontextu české střední odborné školy / Learner Autonomy in English classes at a Czech Secondary Technical School

Minakova, Irina January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores the efficacy of the learner autonomy (LA) principles implemented in secondary technical school EFL classes through project-based units incorporated into the conventional four-year language curriculum (2011-2015). This integrated approach remains uncommon in a Czech secondary technical school, even though it suggests a teaching model that enhances ELA and increases communicative competence and motivation among learners. A mixed-method design based on longitudinal four-cycle action research and quasi-experiment approaches was selected (1) to examine the changes in self-regulation and academic achievement development over time; (2) to investigate the efficacy of autonomous projects systematically applied within the assigned treatment group (TG), and (3) to compare the results of the treatment and control groups as to their self-regulation and academic achievement development. For the quantitative strand, a structured Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-A) and a series of academic tests were administered which were consequently analysed through null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST). The instruments employed within the quasi-experiment were focused on the following two major questions: (1) whether there was correlation between self- regulation and academic achievement...

The role of social factors in fluencing the moral development

Matlala, Masello Yvonne 11 1900 (has links)
Moral development is a universal phenomenon which is an important ingredient in self-development and the acquisition of values. Adolescents become familiar with values and social norms through education and socialisation within social structures. The South African society evidences pluralistic values and current social, political and economic change that further renders the issue of individual and group values complex and challenging. Adolescents growing up in South Africa face many social problems such as alcohol and drug abuse, sexual problems, HIV/AIDS pandemic, poverty, teenage pregnancy, violence and family disintegration. This study aimed to address the influence of social factors on South African black adolescents’ moral development by a literature study and empirical inquiry using an interpretive approach. To provide a conceptual framework for the empirical inquiry, a literature study investigated theoretical perspectives on moral development and discussed ecological theories with regard to adolescent development with particular reference to Bronfenbrenner’s model. Furthermore, recent trends with regard to moral development of black adolescents within the South African context were addressed. A qualitative research inquiry was used to explore factors influencing the moral development of a small sample of eighteen black adolescents who attend a township school in Tshwane, Gauteng. The sample included an equal number of boys and girls. Maximum variation and purposive sampling strategies were used to select information-rich participants. Data gathering was done by individual semi-structured interviews using a moral dilemma question and focus group interviews. Data was analysed by content analysis and Guba’s model of trustworthiness was used to enhance credibility. Measures to ensure ethical research included consent from the Gauteng Department of Education, the principal and parents. Participation was voluntary and pseudonyms were used to protect the identity of participants. The researcher’s role was described. The key themes were organised around person moral behaviour- shapers, including the sub-themes of personal needs, personal ownership, identity, cognition and the influence of academic achievement; social moral behaviour- shapers, including the role of family, peers, church and social media and community moral behaviour-shapers, including congruent application of values and safety. The study concluded with recommendations to enhance the development of moral behaviour among adolescents. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Socio-Education)

Faktore wat verband hou met die leermotivering en leerhouding van leerders in sekondêre skole in die Upington omgewing. / Factors related to the learning motivation and learning attitude of learners in scondary schools in the Upington area

Nel, William Nico 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The aim was to establish factors related to learning motivation and learning attitude of learners in historically coloured schools. An eclectic approach was followed because theoretical views on motivation could not furnish a comprehensive theory. The definition emerging from this approach states that motivation is a process started within a person to create a state of need for satisfaction and happiness that can be reached by instigating and sustaining goal-directed activity. The link between learning and motivation, as well as related factors, was ascertained. Determinants of high and low levels of learning motivation were established. Programmes aimed at higher motivation levels were explored. Empirically it was proven that grade 9 learners in historically coloured schools leaned more towards an extrinsic orientation; grade 12's more intrinsic. An intervention programme is suggested. / Die doel was om vas te stel watter faktore hou verband met die leermotivering en leerhouding van leerders in histories bruin sekondere skole spesifiek. 'n Eklektiese benadering is gevolg omdat die teoretiese beskouings oor leerrnotivering nie 'n bevredigende allesomvattende teorie kon verskaf nie. Die werksdefinisie van motivering is 'n gevolg daarvan en lui as volg: motivering is die proses wat in die persoon aan die gang gesit word om 'n staat van behoefte na tevredenheid en geluk te skep wat bereik kan word deur doelgerigte aktiwiteit aan te stig en aan die gang te hou. Die verband tussen leer en motivering is bepaal asook die faktore wat verband hou met leermotivering. Bepalers van hoe en lae leermotiveringsvlakke is vasgestel en ingrypingsprogramme gemik op verhoogde motivering is ondersoek. Empiries is bewys dat die graad 9-leerders meer geneig is tot ekstrinsieke orienterings rakende leermotivering; graad 12-leerders meer intrinsiek. 'n lngrypingsprogram word voorgestel. / Teacher Education / M. Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

Optimalisering van die leerpotensiaal van die skoolbeginner

Rossouw, Lorna 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die huidige onderwyssituasie in Suid-Afrika bied 'n uitdaging om te besin oor die relevansie van bestaande kurrikulurninhoude. 'n Paradigmaverskuiwing is nodig om aan alle leerders die geleentheid te bied om hulle leerpotensiaal te optimaliseer. Hierdie studie fokus op 'n paradigmaverskuiwing in preprimere onderwys. Die verslag van die studie begin met 'n literatuurstudie wat vanuit 'n opvoedkundig-sielkundige en neurosielkundige perspektief fokus op toereik.ende leer. Die uitkoms van hierdie fokus toon die volgende kemaspekte: Kognitiewe en metakognitiewe vaardighede is 'n voorvereiste. Die opvoeder se rol as begeleier is van kardinale belang. Kognitiewe vaardighede stel die leerder in staat om sy eie logiese denksisteem te konstrueer. Die intrinsieke motivering van die leerder tot deelname aan die leerhandeling is belangrik. Neurologiese gereedheid, wat onder andere hemisferiese integrasie sowel as inter- en intrasensoriese integrasieprosesse behels, is 'n voorvereiste vir toereikende leer. Vir die opvoedkundige sielkundige wat horn ten doel stel om hierdie kognitiewe benadering tot toereikende leer in die praktyk toe te pas, is dit nodig om ontoereikende kognitiewe funksionering te identifiseer. Daar is in hierdie studie gepoog om 'n werkswyse vir die identifi.sering van ontoereikende kognitiewe funksies daar te stel aan die hand van die Junior Suid Afrikaanse Individuele Skaal. 'n Onderrigmodel wat voorsiening maak vir die ontwikkeling van kognitiewe vaardighede en neurologiese gereedheid is voorgestel. Die onderrigmodel behels die integrering van die "Bright Stan Cognitive Curriculum" van Carl Haywood en Paul Dennison se "Brain Gym" in die normale dagprogram van preprimere onderwys. Die empiriese navorsing is daarop gemik om vas te stel of dit moontlik is om die onderrigmodel in die normale dagprogram te implementeer, aangesien dit 'n bydrae sal lewer tot algemene praktykverbetering en die optimalisering van die leerpotensiaal van elke voorskoolse leerder. 'n Uiteensetting van die navorsingsontwerp en data-analise is verskaf en uit die empiriese studie kan gekonkludeer word dat die program, met noodwendige aanpassings aan die bestaande preprimere dagprogram en ook die onderrigmodel, wel 'n positiewe bydrae sal maak tot praktykverbetering en die optimalisering van die leerpotensiaal van die skoolbeginner. Hierdie aanpassings wat juis die paradigmaverskuiwing behels, is vervat in die aanbevelings wat uit hierdie studie voortvloei. / The present situation in education in South Africa offers a challenge to consider the relevance of existing curricula. A paradigm shift is necessary to provide all learners with the opportunity to optimise their learning potential. This study focuses on a paradigm shift in preprimary education. The report of the study commences with a theory framework from an educational and neuro-psychological viewpoint that focuses on effective learning. The key concepts that emerged from this study were the following: Cognitive and metacognitive skills are prerequisite to effective learning. The educator's role as mediator is of cardinal importance. Cognitive skills enable the learner to construct his own logic system for effective learning. Intrinsic motivation of the learner towards participation in the learning process is important. Neurological readiness for learning including among other aspects, the intra- and intersensory as well as hemispheric integration, is fundamental to effective learning. For the educational psychologist wishing to apply this cognitive approach to effective learning, it is necessary to be able to identify cognitive dysfunctioning. In this study an attempt is made to establish a methodology for the identification of cognitive dysfunctioning using the Junior South African Individual Scale. An educational model making provision for the development of cognitive skills and neurological readiness is proposed. This model involves the integration of "Bright Stan Cognitive Curriculum" by Carl Haywood .and "Brain Gym" by Paul Dennison into the normal preschool programme. The empirical research is intended to determine the feasibility of implementing this educational model within the existing preschool programme. A presentation of the research design and the data analysis is included in the study. From the results of the research it can be concluded that, with approriate adaption of the existing pre-primary programme and the educational model, the programme would make a positive contribution to an enhanced curriculum and thereby also the optimisation of the learning potential of the schoolbeginner. The required adaptions that will result in a paradigm shift are included in the recommendations arising from this study. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Opvoedermotivering in die Oos-Kaap

Wevers, Nicolaas Ebenhaezar Jacobus 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Te midde van ingrypende veranderinge in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel, word verwag dat opvoeders hul taak op 'n gemotiveerde wyse moet uitvoer om die jeug voor te berei vir die toekoms. Hierdie kwalitatiewe navorsing het ten doel die ondersoek na faktore waardeur opvoedermotivering beinvloed word en die rol van skoolbestuurders (skoolhoofde en hul bestuurspanne) in die motivering van opvoeders. Deur 'n omvattende hteratuurstudie is die begrip motivering duideliker belig en is die verskynsel van motivering ondersoek aan die hand van verskillende moti veringsteoriee. 'n Empiriese ondersoek, deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudvoering met opvoeders en skoolbestuurders in die Oos-Kaap, is uitgevoer om te bepaal watter faktore opvoederrnotivering beinvloed. Daar is bevind dat opvoedermotivering deur "n groot verskeidenheid faktore beinvloed word en dat skoolbestuurders 'n belangrike rol te speel bet in die motivering van opvoeders. Op grond van die bevindinge van die empiriese ondersoek is aanbevelings gemaak wat kan lei tot beter opvoedermotivering. / In the midst of drastic educational change in South Africa, it is expected that educators must fulfil their duties in a motivated manner and to thoroughly prepare our youth for the future. This qualitative research sought to explore the factors contributing to the motivation of educators and to determine what role school managers (principals and their management teams) play in the motivation of educators. By means of an extensive literature search, the term motivation was iluminated and the phenomenon of motivation was explored through different motivational theories.. An empirical inquiry through semi-structured interviews with educators and school managers were conducted in the Eastern Cape to determine the factors contributing to the motivation of educators.. The findings in this research showed that educators are motivated or demotivated by a variety of factors. It also showed that school managers have an important role to play in the motivation of educators. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Onderwysbestuur)

Investigating factors that motivate teachers to teach after normal working hours : a case study in the Capricorn district of Limpopo

Sehlapelo, Thekelo Walter 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify factors that motivate teachers to teach after hours. It was a qualitative study employing the interpretive research paradigm. The study employed a case study design of three secondary schools. Twelve teachers were purposively selected. Data was collected through focus groups and open-ended questionnaires of which thematically analyzed. Key findings revealed that teachers are motivated to teach after hours by among others their ability, pertinent PD, resources, positive environment, theories of motivation and goals set. The study concluded that these factors should be upheld. The study also recommended enough time for PD, bursaries and salary adjustments, teacher involvement in textbook requisition, excellence awards, incentivisation and goal setting. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

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