Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intrinsic motivation"" "subject:"lntrinsic motivation""
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Développer les talents par la mobilité interne dans les grandes entreprises françaises / Developping talent through intra-organizational mobility in large french companiesJanand, Anne 08 November 2013 (has links)
La mobilité interne est un outil de GRH fréquemment proposé aux cadres des grandes entreprises en France. La mobilité interne est en effet associée, tant dans la littérature économique que gestionnaire, à de nombreux enjeux. En particulier, l’exploration théorique suggère, au travers de la théorie de l’apprentissage de Bateson, de l’approche par les motivations intrinsèques développée par Thomas et de la sociologie de la traduction, que la mobilité interne permet de développer et de diffuser le talent des collaborateurs au sein de l’entreprise. A partir d’une démarche qualitative, nous avons observé la mise en place de la mobilité interne au sein de trois grandes entreprises : la Société Générale, « Vénus » et EDF. La recherche montre que la mobilité interne se heurte à un certain nombre de freins qui en limitent la portée en termes de développement des talents. Dans des organisations en transition, la mobilité interne est l’objet de découplages et de logiques contradictoires qui la rendent ambiguë. Dans d’autres organisations, le nomadisme interne de carrière qui s’est développé, conformément au courant des carrières nomades, peut conduire à une perte de Sens chez les salariés et aboutir à un sentiment de mouvement brownien. Seule la mobilité chez Vénus développe l’ « agilité apprenante » des collaborateurs et leur motivation intrinsèque de Progrès, grâce à une philosophie managériale conférant le droit à l’erreur, mais au prix d’un investissement psychique important de la part des salariés. Ainsi, la mobilité interne apparait comme un outil de GRH séduisant, mais complexe quant à sa mise en oeuvre dans les organisations. L’analyse inter cas conduit à mettre en avant que la mobilité interne comporte en effet une forte dimension psychique et culturelle. De ce fait, elle a une signification beaucoup plus large et plus symbolique et reflète le teneur du lien entre le salarié et l’organisation. / Large French companies usually propose intra-organizational mobility to their employees. Intra-organizational mobility presents many relevant issues highlighted in the economic and managerial literature. In particular, theoretical frameworks, such as the learning theory of Bateson, the intrinsic motivation approach developed by Thomas and the sociology of translation, suggest that intra-organizational mobility can develop and spread employees’ talent through the organization. Through a qualitative research, we observed the implementation of intra-organizational mobility inside three large companies: Société Générale, Venus and EDF. The research finds difficulties that limit the impact of intra-organizational mobility in terms of talent development. For organizations in transition, intra-organizational mobility suffers from logical inconsistencies and disconnects that make its effects ambiguous. In other organizations, the boundaryless model of career development that applies inside the organization can lead employees to a lack of sense in career development and be compared to a Brownian motion. Only intra-organizational structure at Venus develops “learning agility” and an intrinsic motivation of Progress, thanks to a managerial philosophy that considers trial and error an intrinsic element of learning but at the cost of an important psychic involvement from individuals. Thus, intra-organizational mobility is an attractive tool for HR professionals but it is rather complex to implement in organizations. Inter case analysis shows that intra-organizational mobility actually includes strong psychological and cultural dimensions and reflects aspects of the employment relationship.
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Creatività individuale e di team: Esperimenti riguardo gli effetti degli stili di leadership e delle pratiche di gestione delle risorse umane / INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM CREATIVITY: EXPERIMENTS ON THE EFFECTS OF LEADERSHIP STYLES AND HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PRACTICESMOCHI, FRANCESCA 28 March 2018 (has links)
La tesi approfondisce alcune delle risorse strategiche che permettono la sopravvivenza e il miglioramento delle organizzazioni. Essa si divide in tre articoli, il fil rouge è l’utilizzo degli esperimenti come metodologia di ricerca. Riconoscendo la creatività dei lavoratori come una competenza strategica e una misura di performance sia a livello individuale che di gruppo, il primo articolo confronta gli effetti di tre stili di leadership – trasformazionale, transazionale e laissez-faire – sulla creatività individuale e mostra quale di essi sia più appropriato per il suo incremento. I mood positivi e negativi sono stati inclusi nel modello di ricerca come mediatori e la motivazione intrinseca è stata inclusa come moderatore. Il secondo articolo estende il primo e indaga le medesime relazioni a livello di team. Non solo i leader, ma anche i follower sono rilevanti per le organizzazioni: i talenti sono la linfa vitale delle organizzazioni e il loro comportamento deve essere indagato in modo da attrarli, trattenerli e gestirli. Il terzo articolo indaga quindi il comportamento dei talenti nella ricerca di una posizione lavorativa e nella scelta del datore di lavoro tramite l’utilizzo di social media e l’analisi delle pagine sui social network. / The purpose of the thesis is to provide an in-depth understanding of some strategic resources that allow organizational survival and improvement. The thesis is divided into three papers and the fil rouge is the use of experimental design as research methodology. Recognizing creativity as a strategic competence and a measure of individual or team performance, the first paper compares the effect of three leadership styles – transformational, transactional and laissez-faire – on individual creativity, thus showing which leadership behavior is the most suitable for enhancing it. Positive and negative moods are included in the research design as mediators and individual intrinsic motivation is included as moderator. The second paper is an extension of the first one and investigates the same relationships at a team level of analysis. Furthermore, not only leaders are relevant for the organizations, but followers too. Talents are the life-bloods of organizations and their behaviours have to be detected for attracting them, but also for retaining and managing them. The third paper untangles the job seekers’ behaviors in looking for a job and choosing a company rather than another one basing their choice on the screening of social media and social network pages.
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Motivations intrinsèque et extrinsèque des étudiants : une norme générale de motivation dans la représentation sociales des études / Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of students : a general norm of motivation in the social representation of studiesLevant-Bol, Lydia 21 June 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de mieux connaître les raisons pour lesquelles les jeunes s’engagent dans les Etudes. Elle se base sur le lien entre les finalités intellectuelle et pragmatique des Etudes (Tafani & Bellon, 2001) et les motivations intrinsèque et extrinsèque (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 1991). Les résultats nous montrent que les étudiants sont attirés par les deux finalités, éléments centraux de la représentation sociale des Etudes (études 1 et 2). En nous inspirant de l’étude de l’internalité, comme proposé par François (2004), l’utilisation du paradigme d’autoprésentation et du paradigme des juges (étude 3 et 4) de Jellison et Green (1981) confirme l’hypothèse d’une norme générale de motivation, équilibre entre motivation intrinsèque et extrinsèque. L’absence de survalorisation de la motivation intrinsèque s’explique à travers les valeurs sociales de jugement des différents types de motivation (étude 4). Un étudiant motivé extrinsèquement a autant de chances de réussir qu’un camarade motivé intrinsèquement, résultat retrouvé à travers la comparaison des résultats scolaires et le niveau de motivation exprimée (étude 5). La dernière étude confirme les aspirations intrinsèques et extrinsèques des étudiants. Notre étude a également mis en relief l’importance de la perspective temporelle (Forner, 1992) et a démontré une nouvelle fois la stabilité de la théorie du noyau central (Abric, 1976, 1987) et son aspect normatif (Moliner, 1995). Au-delà de l’avancée théorique qu’elle représente, cette thèse participe à répondre aux problématiques d’ordre éducationnel. Nous partageons quelques perspectives avec les professionnels de l’éducation et de l’orientation. / This thesis aims to better grasp the reasons why young people engage into Studies. It is based on the relationship between the intellectual and pragmatic purposes of Studies (Tafani & Bellon, 2001) and the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 1991). The results show that students are attracted by both purposes, which are central elements of the social representation of Studies (studies 1 and 2). Inspired by the study of internality, as suggested by François (2004), the use of the paradigm of self-presentation and the paradigm of judges (study 3 and 4, Jellison & Green, 1981) confirms the hypothesis of a general norm of motivation, well balanced between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The absence of over-valorization of the intrinsic motivation is explained by the social values through the assessment of different types of motivation (study 4). An extrinsically motivated student has as much chance of success as his fellow student who is intrinsically motivated, as shown by the comparison of academic performance and level of motivation expressed (study 5). The latest study confirms the students’ intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations. Highlighting also the importance of time perspective (Forner, 1992), our study has once again demonstrated the stability of the theory of the central core (Abric, 1976, 1987) and its normativity (Moliner, 1995). Beyond the theoretical advances brought forward, this thesis helps addressing issues of educational policy. We share some perspectives with professionals in education and guidance counselling.
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Metakognisie, intrinsieke prestasiemotivering en kritiese denke as korrelate van akademiese sukses onder eerstejaar-sielkundestudente (Afrikaans)Lemmens, Juan-Claude 22 May 2007 (has links)
The number of students that apply for studies at South African universities has increased dramatically over the past years, but the resources of the universities have stayed the same. It is therefore imperative that academic performance can be predicted on a short- and long-term basis. The Developing Expertise model might be able to predict academic performance on a short- and long-term basis. This study focussed primarily on academic performance on short-term basis by focussing on three of the model’s elements. The three elements that were investigated were: metacognition, intrinsic motivation and critical thinking. One of the contributions of this study is the refinement of some of the elements of the expertise model. The study helped to determine the validity of the instrument in a South African context. The measurement instrument can also be used as a selection meganism on short-term basis. In order to measure each of the elements of the expertise model, a measuring tool consisting of five questionnaires was compiled. A convenience sample of first year psychology students provided 326 students for the study. A second sample, compiled from the original sample, consisting of 209 first year students was used for the multiple regression analyses. These students are registered for psychology for the first time in 2005. The students were placed in three groups according to the student’s means of registering for the CBT centre. The first group was those students who completed the instrument on computers. The second group consisted of those students who completed a paper and pencil version of the measurement. The third group consisted of the Mamelodi students. These students completed a paper and pencil version of the measurement and brought it back a week later. The statistical analysis included factor analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Based on the literature research and the results of the statistical analysis, the expertise model was expanded to include metamemory as the functional unit for metacognition. Motivation can be divided in three subcomponents, namely: self-efficacy, intrinsic value and test anxiety. The motivational component, knowledge of cognition and external control can be used as predictors of academic performance on a short-term basis. The findings of this study can only be used as a selection meganism of academic performance on a short-term basis and therefore the results must be used with caution. / Dissertation (MA (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / unrestricted
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Motivation till fysisk aktivitet och akademiska studier vid begränsad social kontaktFernerud, Unni, Leksell, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Social isolering förekommer i samhället ständigt och drabbar människan på olika sätt. Det kan orsaka ohälsosamma beteenden, depression och för tidig död. I och med coronaviruset Covid-19 har en stor del av Sveriges befolkning uppmuntrats begränsa graden av social kontakt. Social kontakt är viktigt för att bibehålla människans välmående och motivation. Brist på social kontakt kan leda till social isolering vilket har en negativ effekt på motivation till akademiska studier samt fysisk aktivitet. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur motivation till studier och fysisk aktivitet påverkas vid begränsad social kontakt. Dessutom skall faktorer som self-efficacy (tron på sin egen förmåga), autonomi, samhörighet och kompetens (SDT) verka som potentiella faktorer som möjligen influerar graden av motivation begränsad social kontakt. Urvalet bestod av 34 universitetsstudenter från Sverige. Data samlades in via enkäter vilka besvarades två gånger med 3 veckors mellanrum. Analys av data gjordes genom deskriptiv statistik, beroendet-test och ett oberoende t-test. Resultatet visade att studiemotivation signifikant försämrats under studiens gång. En icke-signifikant skillnad observerades i graden av motivation till fysisk aktivitet. Self-efficacy och SDT förklarade inte graden av motivation för studier eller fysisk aktivitet. De icke-signifikanta resultaten kan förklaras av begränsat och icke-representativt urval, hög grad av social kontakt hos deltagarna samt att de utfärdade restriktionerna delvis begränsar deltagarna. / Social isolation occurs in society and affects people in different ways. Social isolation could give rice to unhealthy behaviour, depression and premature death. Due to the spread of the Coronavirus, Covid-19, a great amount of the Swedish population has been encouraged to restrict their social interaction with other people. However, social interaction is of importance for the level of motivation and well-being that people experience. Limited social interacation can lead to social isolation which produces a negative effect on motivation towards education as well as towards physical activity. The objective with this research was to examine if students with limited social interaction experience a deficiency in motivation towards education and physical activity. To examine possible factors that could influence the degree of motivation this study used scales based on self-efficacy (one’s beliefs in one’s ability), autonomy, relatedness and competence (SDT). The selection was 34 university students from Sweden. Data was gathered with a survey that was distributed two times within a time frame of three weeks. The analysis of the data was computed through descriptive statistics, paired samples t-test and independent samples t-test. A statistical significance was found for motivation towards education. There were no significant results for motivation towards physical activity. Neither Self-efficacy or SDT explained the degree of motivation towards education or physical activity. The non-significant result could be explained by the non-representative and small sample size as well by the students' high amount of established social interaction. Sweden's issued restrictions could have affected the result as it only moderately limits students' social environment.
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An investigation into the motivation to learn of further education training phase learners in a multicultural classroomBosman, Anne 02 1900 (has links)
The central theme of the research is an investigation into what motivates FET phase learners
to learn. All learners are interested in learning certain things however, learners interests
often do not correspond with what teachers are required to teach. Teachers are therefore
constantly searching for ways to motivate learners to learn. This challenge is not easy for
teachers in a culturally homogenous classroom, but becomes even greater when the classes
are comprised of learners from diverse cultural backgrounds. So then how does a teacher
motivate learners in general, and more specifically learners from different cultural
orientations? This is a difficult question to answer but one that needs to be addressed
considering the diversity of cultures found in the South African classroom. In this study an
attempt is made to examine what motivates learners to learn, and the influence of culture on
the motivation to learn of Further Education and Training (FET) phase learners in a
multicultural classroom. Data on these two elements is collected through the use of structured
questionnaires and focus group interviews and is analysed in order to answer the research
question. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Vad motiverar unga vuxna till att arbeta ideellt? / What motivates young adults to work voluntarily?Hedlund, Clara, Marble, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Ideella organisationer har en stor betydelse för det svenska samhället. För att de ideella organisationerna ska kunna fortsätta bidra till samhället är det viktigt att organisationerna är tillräckligt attraktiva för att rekrytera och behålla ideella arbetare eftersom dessa individer är väsentliga för de ideella organisationernas överlevnad. Då de som arbetar ideellt inte får någon monetär ersättning uppstod frågan vad som motiverar dem till arbetet. Syftet med detta arbete är därför att undersöka vad som motiverar unga vuxna till att arbeta ideellt utan monetär ersättning. Studien har följt en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Datainsamlingen har genomförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med 14 respondenter som har arbetat ideellt inom en studentförening på en högskola eller ett universitet i Sverige under de senaste två åren. Resultatet visar på fem utmärkande motivationsfaktorer hos respondenterna: gemenskap, möjligheten att påverka, personlig utveckling, karriärutveckling och yttre påverkan. Den insamlade datan har analyserats utifrån motivationsteorier samt tidigare forskning inom ämnet. Studiens slutsats är att de som arbetar ideellt upplever en form av icke-monetär belöning bland annat socialt nätverk, erfarenhet och personlig utveckling. / Non-profit organizations have great importance for Swedish society. In order to make it possible for non-profit organizations to continue contributing, it is important that the organizations are attractive enough to be able to recruit and keep the volunteers since they are essential for the survival of non-profit organizations. Since the non-profit volunteers execute labor without monetary compensation, the question arose regarding their motivation. The purpose of this essay is to examine what motivates young adults to work without monetary compensation. A qualitative method has been used to study this subject, using semi-structured interviews with 14 participants who have worked in a non-profit student association at a college or university in Sweden during the last two years. The results showed five distinctive motivators for the respondents: a sense of belonging, the possibility to make a difference, personal development, career development, and external influence. The collected data was analyzed based on motivation theories and previous studies within the subject. The conclusion of the study is that volunteers in non-profit organizations experience non-monetary compensation, for instance social networking, experience, and personal development.
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"Kallet var något mellan mig och Gud" : En tematisk analys av prästers arbetsmotivation inom Svenska kyrkan / ”The Calling was Something Between me and God” : A Thematic Analysis Focused on Work Motivation Among Priests in the Church of SwedenLinderholm, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
This survey has examined the work motivation among priests in the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan). This report is based on a theory developed by Lars Ivarsson who distinguishes intrinsic motivation from extrinsic motivation associated with work. The survey is also based on a theory named Social categorization theory which is connected to confirmation of identity and work motivation. The survey has used a quantitative survey method to collect research data and a thematic analysis to analyze the collected data. The source material collected in the survey included answers from 40 priests who each answered 14 questions regarding their work motivation, lack thereof and calling. The result in this survey has argued that intrinsic work motivation is the dominant motivation in relation to extrinsic motivation, to choose priesthood as occupation. The most common motive to choose priesthood as occupation was argued by the respondents to be something defined as calling. Work environment and organizational issues was regarded as the biggest factors to reduce work motivation among priests in the survey. Calling was also discussed by the respondents in many parts of the survey as something exclusive to the occupation as priest.
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Pinpointing motivation : an investigation into the motivational factors in a German language education classroomHoefler, Sara Ann 09 1900 (has links)
Contemporary education literature indicates that motivation can be a deciding factor in a student’s second language acquisition experience. The desire to learn more about the motivation of my own students in a second language learning setting sparked the onset of action research that led me to a better understanding of my subject area, myself as a professional, and most importantly, my students. My initial round of inquiry was a basic one from which the other branches of research evolved: finding out what students felt was motivational about my German class. Research, in each round, took place both through examining existing literature as well as through classroom based research focused on my students. The first round of action research led to the next research area pertinent to understanding and harnessing the power of motivation in my classroom: Using theory to re-shape practical classroom approaches in order to capitalize on motivational factors identified by students. As this round of action research took form, the need for further research became apparent: In order to truly understand what was happening in my German classroom concerning intrinsic student motivation, it was necessary to look more closely at why students were motivated by the factors they had indicated. As a classroom teacher, my initial goal was to optimize factors that I, as the classroom teacher, can control in order to make German language learning as motivational for students as possible. As Dörnyei says, (Dörnyei 2001 a, p. 2): “…99 percent of language learners who really want to learn a foreign language (i.e. who are really motivated) will be able to master a reasonable working knowledge of it as a minimum, regardless of their language aptitude.” Action research was the way for me to better understand a small slice of students’ motivational intricacies concerning German language learning - those which are based in my classroom itself and are under my control to influence. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Att vända en megastor oljetanker : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares upplevelser av ett agilt arbetssätt inom en kommunal HR-funktionSigfridsson, Sandra, Åhsberg, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The agile way of working arose in the IT industry and has been a success concept in the IT industry. Agile methods have thus spread and become a trend even outside IT companies. However, there is yet no extensive research on agile methods outside of IT-related organizations. The purpose of the study is to investigate the agile working method in a municipal HR function through three questions: in what way is the agile working method applied within the HR function, have they had to adjust there working method to be able to practice agile working methods in HR and what do the individuals in the HR function have for experiences of autonomy within their work role in relation to agile working methods. The study's data collection took place through a qualitative case study with semi-structured interviews within Ängelholm municipality, who explicitly work agile. Collected empirical data were analyzed using thematic analysis where three themes form the basis for results and analysis. The result shows that the HR function chooses to see the agile based on an approach instead of a way of working, and through a new vision: Ängelholm makes the impossible possible, they take a solution-oriented perspective. Furthermore, the importance of being an attractive employer consists of the offer of internal motivations among employees together with an environment that favors high autonomy and creativity. The HR function also shows a high level of psychological security where they have come a long way in their inner agile journey. As a support function, they also have the opportunity to support the rest of the organization with their agile development. Furthermore, it is seen that increased responsibilities and powers have come with a trusting leader who also creates a permissive environment for dialogues and opportunities for development. Finally, the results show that trust needs to exist between employees to achieve collective power where teams need to consist of autonomous individuals who can lead themselves to develop forward. / Det agila arbetssättet uppkom inom IT-branschen och har varit ett framgångskoncept inom många företag i branschen. Agila metoder har därmed spridit sig och blivit en trend även utanför IT. Dock finns ännu ingen omfattande forskning kring agila metoder utanför IT-relaterade organisationer. Syftet med studien är att undersöka det agila arbetssättet i en kommunal HR-funktion genom tre frågeställningar: på vilket sätt tillämpas det agila arbetssättet inom HR-funktionen, har man behövt göra anpassningar i sitt arbetssätt för att kunna utöva agila arbetsmetoder inom HR och vad har individerna på HR-funktionen för upplevelser av autonomi inom deras arbetsroll i relation till agilt arbetssätt. Studiens datainsamling skedde genom en kvalitativ fallstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer inom Ängelholms kommun, som uttalat arbetar agilt. Insamlad empiri analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys där tre teman utgör grunden för resultat och analys. Resultatet visar att HR-funktionen väljer att se det agila utifrån ett förhållningssätt istället för arbetssätt, och genom en ny vision: Ängelholm gör det omöjliga möjligt, intar de ett lösningsorienterat perspektiv. Vidare framhålls vikten av att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare vilket utgörs av erbjudande om inre motivation hos medarbetare tillsammans med en miljö som gynnar hög autonomi och kreativitet. HR-funktionen visar dessutom på en hög psykologisk trygghet, där individerna kommit långt i sin inre agila resa. Som stödfunktion har de dessutom möjlighet att stötta övriga organisationen med sin agila utveckling. Vidare syns att ökat ansvar och befogenheter har kommit med en tillitsfull ledare som dessutom skapar en tillåtande miljö för dialoger och möjlighet till utveckling. Resultatet visar slutligen på att tillit behöver finnas mellan medarbetare för att uppnå kollektiv kraft där team behöver bestå av autonoma individer som kan leda sig själva för att utvecklas framåt.
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