Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intrinsic motivation"" "subject:"lntrinsic motivation""
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Hur formas ett inlärningsklimat som är framgångsrikt över tid? : En observationsstudie om fotbollstränares beteenden och träningsaktiviteterHenriksson, Felicia, Marand, Danielle January 2015 (has links)
Aim and research questions The over-all aim of this study was to gain insight info how two male coaches of a specific soccer team behave in a practice environment with regards to educating the players. More specifically, the study sought to map the extent to which said behaviour matched two specific methods of learning; these being Teaching Games for Understanding (TgfU) and Enhanced Guided Discovery (EGD). Research questions: (1) Do the coaches employ the methods and guidelines, which are outlined in the educational plan provided by the soccer association? If so, what form does this application take in practice? (2) To what extent and in what ways do the coaches utilize feedback and questioning techniques in the education of players? (3) What similarities and differences in behaviour can be identified between the chosen soccer team’s two coaches? Method: The data for the study was collected through field observation. The subjects were two youth elite soccer coaches and observation of these coaches took place during five regular practice sessions on the soccer field. All data gathering and analysis were carried out using a modified version of the Coach Analysis and Intervention System (CAIS). Apart from the twenty-one original coaching behaviours of the CAIS, this specific modification also included two training forms with related training activities. These training forms are called training form and playing form. Results: The analysis showed that they utilized the teaching methods, specifically the TGfU and EGD, both when planning and executing practice sessions. The most common kinds of feedback that were used were specific positive and general positive feedback. The coaches frequently relied on questioning as an educational technique during practice, with open questions being the most commonly used type. The observations revealed several similarities and some differences in behaviour between the coaches. Conclusion: The methods that the two coaches employ when training their players correspond to the methods laid out in TGfU and EGD. Both coaches rely heavily on questioning and feedback as behavioural techniques, with open questions and specific positive feedback being among their most common teaching behaviours. The study shows that the practical behaviour of the coaches is firmly based in theories of learning and long-term athletic development. In this way, the coaches have managed to create a learning environment that is successful over time. / Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie är att, genom observationer av en manlig huvudtränare och en manlig assisterande tränare för ett specifikt fotbollslag, samla kunskap om hur tränarna beter sig i träningsmiljö i avseende att ut-veckla sina spelare. Syftet är även mer specifikt att undersöka om, och i så fall hur tränarnas beteenden är kopplade till inlärningsmetoderna Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) och Enhanced Guided Discovery (EGD). Studiens frågeställningar var: (1) Arbetar fotbollstränarna med de metoder och riktlinjer för inlärning som står skrivet i föreningens spelarutbildningsplan? Hur arbetar de i så fall? (2) Hur arbetar dessa två fotbollstränare med feedback och frågeteknik till sina spelare? (3) Finns det någon/några likheter och/eller skillnader i beteende för de två fotbollstränarna för samma lag? Metod Metoden för att samla in data till denna studie var genom observationer. Deltagarna i studien bestod av två fotbollstränare på ungdomselitnivå (U17). Observationerna av tränarna skedde i deras träningsmiljö, på fotbollsplan under fem träningstillfällen. Observationsinstrumentet som användes i studien var en modifierad version av Coach Analysis and Intervention System (CAIS). Studiens observations-instrument innehåller 21 ursprungliga tränarbeteenden. Denna modifiering av CAIS innehåller även två träningsformer med tillhörande träningsaktiviteter. Dessa träningsformer är training form och playing form. Resultat Observationerna visade att tränarna använde sig av de två inlärningsmetoderna TGfU och EGD när de strukturerade sina träningar, samt när de agerade under träningarna. Vanligast förekommande feedback som användes var specifik positiv- och generell positiv feedback. Tränarna använde sig ofta av frågeteknik under träning, den vanligaste typen av frågor var öppna frågor. Det fanns många likheter i beteende mellan tränarna, men även vissa skillnader. Slutsats Sammanfattningsvis är analysen att tränarna använder sig av metoderna för inlärning; TGfU och EGD i träningsmiljö med sina spelare. Frågeteknik i form av öppna frågor, samt specifik positiv feedback var bland de vanligast använda beteendena hos båda tränarna. Resultatet av observationerna påvisar en nära anknytning mellan tränarnas praktik och teorier kring inlärning och långsiktig idrottslig utveckling. Sålunda lyckas tränarna med tiden forma ett inlärningsklimat som är hållbart över tid.
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動機づけの内面化過程の促進に関する研究速水, 敏彦 02 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:07610121 研究代表者:速水 敏彦 研究期間:1995-1996年度
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Room for Improvement? : A comparative study of Swedish learners’ free written production in English in the foreign language classroom and in immersion educationKjellén Simes, Marika January 2008 (has links)
The present study examines the effects of immersion education on the English of two groups of advanced Swedish learners at upper secondary school. In immersion education, or CLIL, subject content is taught through a second language as a means of enhancing target language competence. In this study, language proficiency was measured in terms of the ratio of low frequency vocabulary (LFV) and the ratio of motivated tense shift (MTSh) in the learners’ free written production in English. An additional aim was to see whether the results were related to the students’ motivation as reported in a questionnaire. This longitudinal study was based on three sets of narratives, written by 86 students, half of them enrolled at the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) where English is the medium of instruction, and the other half at national programmes (NP), where English is studied as a foreign language. At the outset, the IB and NP groups had similar results on a general diagnostic test, which was the basis for the formation of three subgroups: I, II and III, with above average, average and below average scores respectively. Mean LFV and MTSh ratios as well as different kinds of motivation were compared, both overall and in the subgroups. The IB students overall, and those in subgroup III in particular, showed the best results. As to the overall results, the IB students used significantly higher mean ratios of LFV and MTSh than the NP students in the final set of compositions. There were also a number of motivational factors that were stronger in the IB students. As to the subgroups, the most interesting results were found in subgroups I and III. While the IB students in subgroup I had high mean ratios already in the first composition, and retained them over time, their use of MTSh tended to grow subtler. The NP students had lower mean results initially, and while their mean MTSh ratio increased and ended up on a level similar to that of the IB students, their mean LFV ratio remained low. In subgroup III the results of the IB and NP students diverged over time. While the IB students progressed as reflected in their mean LFV and MTSh ratios, the NP students tended to regress. The difference in mean LFV ratios was statistically significant. The IB students were also better motivated than their NP peers. In all, this study suggests that immersion education has positive target language effects, especially on less proficient but motivated students.
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The relationship between self-efficacy and self-regulated behaviour within a secondary school music technology based creative learning environment.Merrick, Bradley Maxwell, School of Music & Music Education, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This study employed the theoretical framework of Albert Bandura???s social cognitive theory, to investigate how differing levels of self-efficacy impact on both the type and degree of self-regulatory behaviour employed by the students when composing music in a high school music program. The literature review revealed an abundance of related research suggesting a strong relationship between self-efficacy and self-regulated behaviour in the ???core??? academic domains of education. In contrast, there was no specific research found that had examined self-efficacy and self-regulation in the context of students composing music. An independent school in Sydney served as the research site, with sixty-eight students of varied year levels and musical experience participating in the study. Students used stand alone computers, the software ???Cubase??? and MIDI keyboards as they completed a task that involved creating an original piece of music in a genre of their own choice, over a series of four composition sessions. A mixed methodology was employed to determine if the influence of the students??? self-efficacy beliefs upon their self-regulation in a creative activity were consistent with existing research. Data were collected using a mixture of weekly measures and self-report scales, combined with a variety of questionnaires, logs, tally sheets and interviews. Eight variables, including the self-regulatory sub-processes of goal setting-strategic planning, intrinsic motivation, goal orientation, task expectation, time on task, task completion, monitoring were analysed together with an additional variable, defined as creative ability, to determine if evidence could be found of a relationship between self-efficacy and these specific behaviours while composing. The results suggest that the pre-task (Week 1) measure of self-efficacy was closely associated with the students??? use of the eight self-regulatory dimensions as well as their perceived level of creative ability. Weekly self-efficacy measures also suggested that students??? employ self-regulated sub-processes proportionally to their respective levels of self-efficacy. Importantly, the more efficacious students employed a wider and more sophisticated repertoire of self-regulated behaviour when composing in contrast to the less efficacious students. Self-efficacy was also identified as a key factor amongst students who were initially identified as being naive self-regulators, but who through the duration of the task, modified their behaviour to become more skilful self-regulators. Throughout the study, the consistent level of interaction between self-efficacy and the use of self-regulated behaviours were aligned with findings in the core ???academic??? disciplines of education.
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Les emplois salariés dans les services à la personne : trois applications microéconométriques / Wage employment in the sector of services to individuals : three microeconometric applicationsOuld Younes, Salah 20 June 2016 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'analyse quantitative et qualitative des emplois salariés du secteur des services à la personne que nous menons sur données individuelles. Après une introduction et un premier chapitre décrivant le secteur de services à la personne et ses enjeux économiques et sociaux, nous présentons, dans les trois chapitres suivants, trois essais microéconométriques. Nous testons au chapitre 2 la motivation intrinsèque des salariés des organismes agréés de services à la personne, selon que l'OASP est à but lucratif ou pas. Nous montrons que cette motivation est concentrée principalement chez les salariés percevant un salaire brut supérieur à 1,6 Smic. Ensuite, l'étude proposée au chapitre 3 sur les déterminants des transitions des salariés des services à la personne vers l'emploi stable met en lumière que les mêmes facteurs n'impactent pas de la même manière ces salariés selon les caractéristiques de leur activité, notamment le caractère multi-actif et mono-actif. Enfin, le chapitre 4 consiste en une évaluation de la politique d'allègement de 15 points des cotisations sociale employeur en faveur des particuliers employeurs déclarant leurs salariés «au réel». Cette politique publique affecte positivement l'activité salariée de l'emploi à domicile. Au plan méthodologique, cette thèse met en œuvre 3 modélisations économétriques différentes : un modèle à régime (chapitre 2), un modèle à risques concurrents (chapitre 3), et enfin la méthode classique des doubles différences (chapitre 4). / This dissertation aims to carry out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of wage employment in the sector of services to individuals by using individual data. The introduction and the first chapter describe the sector of services to individual and the economic and social issues. In the three subsequent chapters it presents three microeconometric trials.In chapter two, we present intrinsic motivation of employees in authorised organizations for services to individua (OASP), depending on whether the organization is for-profit or non-profit. This motivation is mainly focused among workers erning a gross salary above 1.6 times the minimum wage. ln chapter 3, the study of the factors that determine the transitions of employees to steady employment highlights that these factors affect those employees differently according to the characteristics of their work, especially the multi-active and mono-active feature. Finally, chapter 4 consists of evaluating the reduction policy of 15 points in employers' social security contributions favoring individual employers who report the actual wages. This public policy positively affects domestic employment. In terms of methodology, this dissertation implements three different econometric models: a switching model regression (chapter 2), a competing risks model (chapter 3), and, finally, the classical method of differences-in-differences (chapter 4).
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Philanthropic Motivation : A Study of CSR in the WorkplaceMeyers, Reagan, Weaver, Libby January 2018 (has links)
In the present study, the topic under scrutiny is how Philanthropic Corporate Social Responsibility plays a role within the workplace. This study is being presented due to the fact that CSR is often researched with the frame of reference of marketing, whereas the managerial perspective is not often considered. The research question addressed will take a managerial perspective on CSR and examine if implementing Philanthropic CSR only affects extrinsic factors, or if it also has an intrinsic effect on employee motivation. In this research, the questions undergoing discussion to support the study are 1) To what extent does CSR motivate employees? 2) What involvement level of CSR is required for employee motivation? 3) What level does CSR fit into on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? This thesis focuses mainly on connecting Philanthropic CSR to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Other supporting theories that will be used include: Herzberg’s Motivation Hygiene Theory, McGregor’s X and Y Theory, Self-Determination Theory, and Motivational Crowding Theory. To conduct the research needed, the authors have conducted a deductive study through a comparative design, obtaining qualitative data by the means of semi structured skype interviews. These interviews focus on American for-profit companies that have CSR in their strategy but focus on profit. The data collected has then been analyzed through a thematic approach. The information obtained suggests that Philanthropic CSR plays a role within the workplace, however, it is not seen as an incentive by employees. Moreover, an employee must be personally involved within the company’s CSR program to fully feel the effects that the program has to offer. This is due to the emotional investments made while participating in the said philanthropy. The conclusion found from this study is that Philanthropic CSR does have an intrinsic effect on employees because of the ‘feel good feeling’ they benefit from when they do participate in the Philanthropic CSR. However, to fully understand the effects of the motivational aspects, further research must be conducted.
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The role of secondary school principals in motivating teachers in the Flacq district of MauritiusBelle, Louis Jinot 30 November 2007 (has links)
From the wave of policy reforms of the new Minister of Education and Human Resources for a "World Class Quality Education", stakeholders have been ascribing the poor quality of learner performance to a lack of motivated teachers. This study focuses on the factors that impact on teacher motivation in the Flacq district of Mauritius and on the role of the principal in enhancing teacher motivation. An empirical investigation based on qualitative research was conducted following the literature study on these two themes. Motivational factors pertain to the school-based personal and professional needs of the teacher. Due to centralised school governance and instructional leadership tasks being delegated to the School Management Team, principals are not effective teacher motivators. Recommendations relate to transformational, distributive and participatory leadership strategies for optimal instructional principalship. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Educational management)
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The relationship between students' academic self concept motivation and academic achievement at the university of the Free StateCoetzee, Louise Rolene 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship that exists between academic self-concept, motivation and academic achievement at the University of the Free State. The primary aim of this study was to determine if academic self-concept and motivation of quantity surveying students at the University of the Free State could predict their level of academic achievement. The sample was selected by means of convenience sampling. Relevant literature indicated that there are contrasting findings about whether a relationship exists between students’ academic self-concepts and motivation, and academic achievement. The empirical investigation revealed that there are only significant correlations between academic self-concept, motivation and academic achievement in some of the study year levels and not in all of them. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Adult education)
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Academic motivation and performance as a function of cognitive factorsMoore, Caryl 12 1900 (has links)
Existing scales were modified and factor-analysed through "prepilof' and pilot studies for
exploring relations between academic motivation, achievement, and cognitive factors such as locus
of control (LOC), attributions, perceived self-determination and ability.
Distinct, conceptually meaningful factors emerged.
Thirty-seven hypotheses were tested on Unisa students. Among notable findings were:
• Internal LOC related to academic motivation, but treating LOC as a set of distinct factors
rather than a bipolar dimension offered more insights (e.g. "Impotence" rather than other external
LOC factors related negatively to
· achievement).
• Little was gained from categorising attributions according to Weiner's dimensions.
• Intrinsic motivation and "identified regulation" related positively to motivation.
• Students' (especially unsuccessful students') expectations of success and perceptions of their
ability were over-estimated.
• Different factors related to motivation and achievement in different cultural groups.
• Although motivation and achievement are usually positively related, this did not apply to
disadvantaged groups. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Relationships between intrinsic motivation, social support and work engagement of shift workers in a South African chemical companyMokalake, Kgomotso Silvia 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate whether statistically and practically significant positive relationships exist between intrinsic motivation, social support and work engagement of shift workers in a South African Chemical Company. The expected outcome was to find statistically and practically significant positive correlations between these variables for these workers. A cross sectional survey was conducted among a sample of 207 shift workers from a South African Chemical Company. Data was collected by means of existing standardised and validated questionnaires, to measure intrinsic motivation (six-item measure) validated by Kuvaas and Dysvik, 2009, perceived social support (Work Experiences Scale, May, Gilson, & Harter, 2004), and work engagement (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, Henn & Barkhuizen, 2009; Shimazu & Schaufeli, 2009). The statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. The results showed that there were statistically and practically significant positive relationships between these variables for this sample group / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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