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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coachning i arbetslivet : - och dess effekt på medarbetares upplevda autonomi, motivation och utveckling / Work life coaching : - and its effect on employee’s experienced autonomy, motivation and development

Lönnback Yilma, Rebecca, Nabavi, Tara January 2017 (has links)
Arbetslivscoachning har etablerat sig på arbetsmarknaden som utvecklingsmetod av medarbetares arbetsprestation. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka coachade medarbetares upplevelser av arbetslivscoachning, i förhållande till autonomi, motivation och utveckling. Respondenterna arbetade på ett kommunalt äldreboende i Stockholmsregionen. Totalt utgjorde tio semistrukturerade medarbetarintervjuer studiens huvudsakliga datamaterial. Dessutom genomfördes en semistrukturerad intervju med medarbetarnas enhetschef, som även coachade medarbetarna. Data analyserades via empiristyrd tematisk analys, med inspiration från innehållsanalys. Studiens teoretiska inramning innefattade Illeris lärmodell, Hackman & Oldhams motivationsmodell, Deci & Ryans självbestämmandeteori samt Locke & Lathams målsättningsteori. Medarbetarna upplevde autonomi inom gruppens målformulering, däremot med begränsad individuell autonomi. Resultatet visade att coachen bör vara autonomifrämjande, för att vara motivations-och utvecklingsfrämjande. Även relationen mellan coach och medarbetare är betydelsefull för att coachningen ska vara motivationsfrämjande, och därigenom utvecklingsfrämjande. Slutligen begränsas medarbetares inre motivation då coachen tillämpat ett styrande tillvägagångssätt somsaknar individanpassning. Avsaknad av individanpassning, samt gruppen kollektiva överenskommelse, bidrar snarare till en yttre motivation som är internaliserad. / Coaching has established itself on the labor market as a method for employee development, in regards to job performance. This study aimed to explore how employees undergoing work life coaching experience the coaching in relation to autonomy, motivation and development. All respondents worked at a communal geriatric care facility in Stockholm. Ten employees and their coach were interviewed, via semi-structured interviews. The coach also worked as the employees’ section director. Data was analysed using thematic analysis, with inspiration from content analysis. As theoretical framework Illeris Three Dimensions of Learning Model, Hackman & Oldhams Job Characteristic Theory, Deci & Ryans Self-Determination Theory, and Locke & Lathams Goal Setting Theory was applied. The employees experienced autonomy within team’s goal setting, however with limited individual autonomy. Results showed that a coach should work to enhance employee autonomy in order for coaching to have a positive effect on employee motivation and development. The relationship between coach and coachee is of importance for the coaching to have positive effect on employee motivation and development. Applying directive elements in the coaching style and lacking in individual accommodation hinders the employees’ intrinsic motivation. The lack of individual accommodation, and presence of collective understanding within the team, rather results in an internalised extrinsic motivation.

Den spelifierade arbetsplatsen : ett medarbetarperspektiv på motivation / The gamified workplace : an employee perspective on motivation

Eklund, Max, Harry, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att bidra med kunskap om hur anställda upplever motivation i samband med användandet av ett spelifieringsprogram. Detta har konkretiserats med hjälp av frågeställningarna ”På vilket sätt påverkar spelifieringen de anställdas motivation?” och ”Vilka konsekvenser upplever anställda att spelifieringen har för deras arbetssituation?” För att behandla frågeställningarna har åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda genomförts hos ett företag som använder sig av ett spelifieringsprogram. Vår empiri tolkas med hjälp av Vrooms (1964) Förväntansteori och Ryan och Decis (2000) Self-Determination Theory. Resultatet visar att spelifieringsprogrammet som deltagarna i studien använt har bidragit till yttre motivation hos vissa av de anställda. Ojämlik möjlighet till belöningar samt abstrakta mål har dock begränsat spridningen av denna motivation. Spelifieringsprogrammet har i mycket liten utsträckning påverkat de anställdas arbetssituation. Det har också i låg grad påverkat hur de anställda upplever sin motivation på arbetsplatsen överlag. I stället ser vi att det fyller en funktion som någonting kul och ”extra” för vissa anställda. / The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about how employees experience motivation when using a gamification program. This has been concretized by the following research questions: “In what way does the gamification affect the motivation of the employees?” and “What consequences do the employees perceive the gamification has on their work situation?” To inquire into these questions eight semi-structured interviews with employees at a company that uses a gamification program have been conducted. Our empirics have been analyzed with the help of Vroom’s (1964) Expectancy Theory and Ryan and Deci’s (2000) Self-Determination Theory. The results show that the gamification program used by the participants in the study has contributed to extrinsic motivation for some of the employees. Unequal opportunity for rewards, as well as abstract goals, has limited the spread of this motivation. The gamification program has to a low degree affected the employees work situation. It has also to a low degree affected how the employees perceive their motivation at the workplace in general. Instead it serves as something fun and “extra” for some of the employees.

Adaptive Personalization of Pedagogical Sequences using Machine Learning / Personalisation Adaptative de Séquences Pédagogique à l'aide d'Apprentissage Automatique

Clement, Benjamin 12 December 2018 (has links)
Les ordinateurs peuvent-ils enseigner ? Pour répondre à cette question, la recherche dans les Systèmes Tuteurs Intelligents est en pleine expansion parmi la communauté travaillant sur les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement (TICE). C'est un domaine qui rassemble différentes problématiques et réunit des chercheurs venant de domaines variés, tels que la psychologie, la didactique, les neurosciences et, plus particulièrement, le machine learning. Les technologies numériques deviennent de plus en plus présentes dans la vie quotidienne avec le développement des tablettes et des smartphones. Il semble naturel d'utiliser ces technologies dans un but éducatif. Cela amène de nombreuses problématiques, telles que comment faire des interfaces accessibles à tous, comment rendre des contenus pédagogiques motivants ou encore comment personnaliser les activités afin d'adapter le contenu à chacun. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons développé des méthodes, regroupées dans un framework nommé HMABITS, afin d'adapter des séquences d'activités pédagogiques en fonction des performances et des préférences des apprenants, dans le but de maximiser leur vitesse d'apprentissage et leur motivation. Ces méthodes utilisent des modèles computationnels de motivation intrinsèque pour identifier les activités offrant les plus grands progrès d'apprentissage, et utilisent des algorithmes de Bandits Multi-Bras pour gérer le compromis exploration/exploitation à l'intérieur de l'espace d'activité. Les activités présentant un intérêt optimal sont ainsi privilégiées afin de maintenir l'apprenant dans un état de Flow ou dans sa Zone de Développement Proximal. De plus, certaines de nos méthodes permettent à l'apprenant de faire des choix sur des caractéristiques contextuelles ou le contenu pédagogique de l'application, ce qui est un vecteur d'autodétermination et de motivation. Afin d'évaluer l'efficacité et la pertinence de nos algorithmes, nous avons mené plusieurs types d'expérimentation. Nos méthodes ont d'abord été testées en simulation afin d'évaluer leur fonctionnement avant de les utiliser dans d'actuelles applications d'apprentissage. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé différents modèles d'apprenants, afin de pouvoir éprouver nos méthodes selon différentes approches, un modèle d'apprenant virtuel ne reflétant jamais le comportement d'un apprenant réel. Les résultats des simulations montrent que le framework HMABITS permet d'obtenir des résultats d'apprentissage comparables et, dans certains cas, meilleurs qu'une solution optimale ou qu'une séquence experte. Nous avons ensuite développé notre propre scénario pédagogique et notre propre serious game afin de tester nos algorithmes en situation réelle avec de vrais élèves. Nous avons donc développé un jeu sur la thématique de la décomposition des nombres, au travers de la manipulation de la monnaie, pour les enfants de 6 à 8 ans. Nous avons ensuite travaillé avec le rectorat et différentes écoles de l'académie de bordeaux. Sur l'ensemble des expérimentations, environ 1000 élèves ont travaillé sur l'application sur tablette. Les résultats des études en situation réelle montrent que le framework HMABITS permet aux élèves d'accéder à des activités plus diverses et plus difficiles, d'avoir un meilleure apprentissage et d'être plus motivés qu'avec une séquence experte. Les résultats montrent même que ces effets sont encore plus marqués lorsque les élèves ont la possibilité de faire des choix. / Can computers teach people? To answer this question, Intelligent Tutoring Systems are a rapidly expanding field of research among the Information and Communication Technologies for the Education community. This subject brings together different issues and researchers from various fields, such as psychology, didactics, neurosciences and, particularly, machine learning. Digital technologies are becoming more and more a part of everyday life with the development of tablets and smartphones. It seems natural to consider using these technologies for educational purposes. This raises several questions, such as how to make user interfaces accessible to everyone, how to make educational content motivating and how to customize it to individual learners. In this PhD, we developed methods, grouped in the aptly-named HMABITS framework, to adapt pedagogical activity sequences based on learners' performances and preferences to maximize their learning speed and motivation. These methods use computational models of intrinsic motivation and curiosity-driven learning to identify the activities providing the highest learning progress and use Multi-Armed Bandit algorithms to manage the exploration/exploitation trade-off inside the activity space. Activities of optimal interest are thus privileged with the target to keep the learner in a state of Flow or in his or her Zone of Proximal Development. Moreover, some of our methods allow the student to make choices about contextual features or pedagogical content, which is a vector of self-determination and motivation. To evaluate the effectiveness and relevance of our algorithms, we carried out several types of experiments. We first evaluated these methods with numerical simulations before applying them to real teaching conditions. To do this, we developed multiple models of learners, since a single model never exactly replicates the behavior of a real learner. The simulation results show the HMABITS framework achieves comparable, and in some cases better, learning results than an optimal solution or an expert sequence. We then developed our own pedagogical scenario and serious game to test our algorithms in classrooms with real students. We developed a game on the theme of number decomposition, through the manipulation of money, for children aged 6 to 8. We then worked with the educational institutions and several schools in the Bordeaux school district. Overall, about 1000 students participated in trial lessons using the tablet application. The results of the real-world studies show that the HMABITS framework allows the students to do more diverse and difficult activities, to achieve better learning and to be more motivated than with an Expert Sequence. The results show that this effect is even greater when the students have the possibility to make choices.

Att hålla isär arbete och privatliv : En kvalitativ studie om motivation på Trafikverket

Lämsä, Joonas January 2018 (has links)
Offentliga organisationer implementerar nya arbetssätt i allt högre utsträckning. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att förstå hur individens inneboende motivation påverkas av företagets samhällsansvar, CSR (Corporate social responsibility). För att uppnå syftet studeras den statliga myndigheten Trafikverket. Examensarbetet utgår från en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn där en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi används för att tolka vilka faktorer som påverkar individens inneboende motivation inom organisationen. Två urvalsgrupper intervjuas där en av urvalsgrupperna har en starkare relation till CSR i form av CSR-verktyget SUNRA. Dataanalysen utförs med inslag från grundad teori. Examensarbetet kommer fram till att ett samband mellan inneboende motivation och CSR inte kan fastslås, vilket delvis motsäger den tidigare forskningen. Resultaten antas bero på att individernas internalisering av SUNRA som arbetssätt inte har fullbordats. Tolkningen görs att individerna använder SUNRA, eftersom det ingår i deras arbetsroll och som en följd av självpålagd press. Dessutom visar examensarbetets resultat att individerna tenderar att hålla isär sitt arbete och privatliv. Trots detta antyder examensarbetet att det finns utrymme för inneboende motivation på Trafikverket om förbättringsåtgärder vidtas för att höja individens upplevda kompetens och autonomi inom organisationen. / Public sector organizations increasingly implement working processes such as corporate social responsibility (CSR). The aim of this study is to understand how intrinsic motivation is affected by this specific working process. To achieve this aim, this thesis studies Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). A hermeneutic approach is used to interpret which factors affect the intrinsic motivation of individuals. Two sample groups are interviewed, where one of the groups has a stronger connection to CSR through the use of the CSR-tool SUNRA. The data is analysed with elements from grounded theory. Previous literature states that intrinsic motivation and CSR are related, but the results of the thesis cannot confirm such a relation. The results are assumed to be affected by the individuals’ failed internalization of SUNRA. The results indicate that the individuals use SUNRA because it is a part of their work role and as a result of self-imposed pressure. Furthermore, the individuals seem to distinguish between work and personal life. It is shown that the possibilities to be driven by intrinsic motivation is decent at the Swedish Transport Administration. However, it is suggested that improvement actions are necessary in order to increase perceived autonomy and competence.

Managing Employee Motivation Through the Process of Government Furloughs

Hill, Kim Charisc 01 January 2018 (has links)
Budget constraints will cause federal furloughs to continue through 2035. Federal furloughs such as the one in 2012-2013, affected 800,000 out of 2.7 million federal employees. This dramatic workforce reduction caused remaining employees to experience stress and morale issues in the workplace. The purpose of the research was to understand how managers comprehend and experience the impact of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on remaining employees' performance and attitudes during the furlough process. The theoretical foundation and conceptual framework were designed using both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation concepts and theories. Aspects of self-determination theory and hierarchy motivation theory were used to describe intrinsic motivational concepts. Extrinsic workplace motivation was described through expectancy theory, equity theory, and goal-setting theory. The overarching question addressed the lived experiences of 15 government managers to understand their perceptions on employee motivation during a furlough in the workplace through a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. Through the use of Flick's method of data analysis, 5 themes emerged from the interviews with the participants. The most notable results described the perceptions that managers had about their challenges in maintaining employee motivation and trust in an organization where the managers felt powerless. Recommendations may support positive social change by enabling more local control for managers and to develop and implement policies and procedures to support motivation of employees. Additionally, this study outcomes may lead to sensitizing national leaders to the detrimental effects of furloughs and the impact to employees and their families.

The relationship between self-efficacy and self-regulated behaviour within a secondary school music technology based creative learning environment.

Merrick, Bradley Maxwell, School of Music & Music Education, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This study employed the theoretical framework of Albert Bandura???s social cognitive theory, to investigate how differing levels of self-efficacy impact on both the type and degree of self-regulatory behaviour employed by the students when composing music in a high school music program. The literature review revealed an abundance of related research suggesting a strong relationship between self-efficacy and self-regulated behaviour in the ???core??? academic domains of education. In contrast, there was no specific research found that had examined self-efficacy and self-regulation in the context of students composing music. An independent school in Sydney served as the research site, with sixty-eight students of varied year levels and musical experience participating in the study. Students used stand alone computers, the software ???Cubase??? and MIDI keyboards as they completed a task that involved creating an original piece of music in a genre of their own choice, over a series of four composition sessions. A mixed methodology was employed to determine if the influence of the students??? self-efficacy beliefs upon their self-regulation in a creative activity were consistent with existing research. Data were collected using a mixture of weekly measures and self-report scales, combined with a variety of questionnaires, logs, tally sheets and interviews. Eight variables, including the self-regulatory sub-processes of goal setting-strategic planning, intrinsic motivation, goal orientation, task expectation, time on task, task completion, monitoring were analysed together with an additional variable, defined as creative ability, to determine if evidence could be found of a relationship between self-efficacy and these specific behaviours while composing. The results suggest that the pre-task (Week 1) measure of self-efficacy was closely associated with the students??? use of the eight self-regulatory dimensions as well as their perceived level of creative ability. Weekly self-efficacy measures also suggested that students??? employ self-regulated sub-processes proportionally to their respective levels of self-efficacy. Importantly, the more efficacious students employed a wider and more sophisticated repertoire of self-regulated behaviour when composing in contrast to the less efficacious students. Self-efficacy was also identified as a key factor amongst students who were initially identified as being naive self-regulators, but who through the duration of the task, modified their behaviour to become more skilful self-regulators. Throughout the study, the consistent level of interaction between self-efficacy and the use of self-regulated behaviours were aligned with findings in the core ???academic??? disciplines of education.

Room for Improvement? : A comparative study of Swedish learners’ free written production in English in the foreign language classroom and in immersion education

Kjellén Simes, Marika January 2008 (has links)
<p>The present study examines the effects of immersion education on the English of two groups of advanced Swedish learners at upper secondary school. In immersion education, or CLIL, subject content is taught through a second language as a means of enhancing target language competence. In this study, language proficiency was measured in terms of the ratio of low frequency vocabulary (LFV) and the ratio of motivated tense shift (MTSh) in the learners’ free written production in English. An additional aim was to see whether the results were related to the students’ motivation as reported in a questionnaire.</p><p>This longitudinal study was based on three sets of narratives, written by 86 students, half of them enrolled at the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) where English is the medium of instruction, and the other half at national programmes (NP), where English is studied as a foreign language. At the outset, the IB and NP groups had similar results on a general diagnostic test, which was the basis for the formation of three subgroups: I, II and III, with above average, average and below average scores respectively. Mean LFV and MTSh ratios as well as different kinds of motivation were compared, both overall and in the subgroups.</p><p>The IB students overall, and those in subgroup III in particular, showed the best results. As to the overall results, the IB students used significantly higher mean ratios of LFV and MTSh than the NP students in the final set of compositions. There were also a number of motivational factors that were stronger in the IB students.</p><p>As to the subgroups, the most interesting results were found in subgroups I and III. While the IB students in subgroup I had high mean ratios already in the first composition, and retained them over time, their use of MTSh tended to grow subtler. The NP students had lower mean results initially, and while their mean MTSh ratio increased and ended up on a level similar to that of the IB students, their mean LFV ratio remained low.</p><p>In subgroup III the results of the IB and NP students diverged over time. While the IB students progressed as reflected in their mean LFV and MTSh ratios, the NP students tended to regress. The difference in mean LFV ratios was statistically significant. The IB students were also better motivated than their NP peers. In all, this study suggests that immersion education has positive target language effects, especially on less proficient but motivated students.</p>

Public Service Motivation im Nonprofit-Bereich : eine Fallstudie am Beispiel des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes / Public Service Motivation in the nonprofit sector: a case study using the example of the German Red Cross

Nijaki, Nadine January 2011 (has links)
Public Service Motivation (PSM), als ein Konzept des öffentlichen Sektors, beruht auf der Annahme bestimmter Motive, die charakteristisch für öffentlich Bedienstete sind. Mit dem Versuch dieses Konstrukt auf den Nonprofit-Sektor zu übertragen, wird das Ziel verfolgt ein tieferes Verständnis für die Motivation der Beschäftigten zu erlangen und die dazu existierenden, eher geringen Befunde der PSM-Forschung um ein qualitatives Vorgehen zu erweitern. Die vorliegende Arbeit bereitet hierfür zunächst den theoretischen Hintergrund der PSM auf und nimmt Bezug zu der von Perry (1996) weiterentwickelten Theorie der PSM. Im anschließenden empirischen Teil werden in einer Fallstudie verschiedene Anstellungsformen sowie Tätigkeitsbereiche der Nonprofit-Organisation „Deutsches Rotes Kreuz“ untersucht. Anhand der ermittelten Ergebnisse kann dabei die Existenz der PSM nachgewiesen werden. Nicht zuletzt werden durch die Wahl eines qualitativen Forschungsdesigns aufschlussreiche Erkenntnisse bezüglich der untersuchten Einflussfaktoren gewonnen. Es kann festgehalten werden, dass sich Haupt- und Ehrenamtliche in Ihrer PSM nicht gravierend unterscheiden. Hingegen die PSM zwischen Arbeitern der Verwaltungs- und Arbeitern der Street-Level-Ebene hinsichtlich ihrer Ausprägung von einander abweicht. Darüber hinaus liefert die Arbeit erste Erklärungsversuche und geht dabei unter anderem auf die Theorie der extrinsischen und intrinsischen Motivation, sowie auf die Selbstbestimmungstheorie ein. / Public Service Motivation (PSM) as a concept for the public sector is based on certain motives which are typical for public employees. The goal in attempting to transfer this construct to the nonprofit sector is to get a better understanding of motivation of employees and to extend the existing, somewhat scant findings in PSM research using a qualitative approach. This paper begins by presenting the theoretical background of PSM and refers to the developed theory of PSM by Perry (1996). The subsequent empirical section presents a case study which examines different types of appointments as well as areas of operation within the “German Red Cross”, a nonprofit organization. The results indicated here demonstrate the existence of PSM. Lastly, useful insights are delivered in terms of the influencing factors, this due in no small part to the choice of a qualitative study design. It may be noted that no significant difference in PSM is found between full-time employees and volunteer workers. By contrast, the way PSM is expressed by street-level workers differs widely from that of those working at an administrative level. In addition, the paper provides first attempts at an explanation and refers to the theory of the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, as well as to self-determination theory.

Elevers motivation till idrott och hälsa / Students' motivation to physical education

Zitek, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med studien var att utifrån teoretiska antaganden om motivation inom Self-determination theory (SDT), undersöka elevers motivation till ämnet idrott och hälsa. Studien har följt en explorativ ansats utifrån frågeställningarna: i) Hur ser sambandet ut mellan typ av motivation hos eleverna för ämnet idrott och hälsa och deras självskattade grad av fysisk aktivitet utanför skoltiden? ii) Hur ser sambandet ut mellan elevernas typ av motivation till ämnet idrott och hälsa och deras uppskattning av föräldrarnas engagemang för ämnet idrott och hälsa?  Metod: Deltagarna bestod av 147 gymnasieelever i årskurs ett och två, från en gymnasieskola söder om Stockholm. Eleverna besvarade en enkät i två delar. Den första delen innefattade items för att mäta typ av motivation. Den andra delen innefattade frågor kring elevernas vanor av fysisk aktivitet, samt frågor kring deras föräldrars engagemang för ämnet. Data har analyserats med korrelationsberäkningar, simultan multipel regressionsanalys samt multivariat variansanalys. Resultat: Svaga men signifikanta korrelationer påvisades mellan typ av motivation och elevernas grad av fysisk aktivitet vid sidan av skolan. Resultatet visade att elever som var fysiskt aktiva mer frekvent tenderade att även visa på mer autonom motivation för ämnet jämfört med elever som inte var fysiskt aktiva vid sidan av skolan. Mellan typ av motivation och föräldrarnas engagemang erhölls flera signifikanta samband. Ungefär 19 % förklarad varians återfanns i föräldrarnas engagemang, och 10 % förklarad varians återfanns i grad av fysisk aktivitet vid sidan av skolan och kan härledas till elevernas typ av motivation för ämnet. Slutsats: Studien indikerar att autonom motivation tycks vara fördelaktigt i relation till elevernas grad av fysisk aktivitet på fritiden, samt i relation till föräldrarnas engagemang. Följaktligen föreslås att idrottsundervisningen bör sträva efter att tillgodose de grundläggande psykologiska behoven hos eleverna i linje med SDT, vilket kan främja ett långsiktigt och hälsosamt beteende. / Purpose: The aim was to examine the relationship between students’ motivation for physical education (PE) and:  i) habits regarding physical activity during leisure time; and ii) parents’ commitment towards PE. The study is based on the self-determination theory (SDT). Method: High school students (n = 147) answered a self-report questionnaire about physical activity habits and parent’s involvement. Data were analyzed by correlations, multiple regression analysis and MANOVA. Results: Subtile interrelations were found between students’ motivation and level of physical activity. Students who were physically active more frequently also tended to be more autonomous motivated for the subject compared with none-physically active. Subtile interrelations were also obtained between type of motivation and parental involvement. Conclusions: Autonomous motivation seems beneficial in relation to student’s level of physical activity and in relation to parental involvement. It is proposed that PE should promote psychological needs within SDT, to further autonomous motivation and healthy behaviors.

Arbetsmotivation vid komplexa och icke-komplexa arbetsuppgifter

Wyszynska, Ewelina, Norbäck, Christer, Pettersson, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att fastställa om och hur arbetsuppgifternas komplexitetsgrad påverkar vad de anställda motiveras utav. Vidare undersöktes vilka preferenser de anställda med arbetsuppgifter av olika komplexitetsgrad hade gällande icke-monetära belöningar. Det studerades även till vilken grad cheferna var medvetna om deras anställdas preferenser. Utifrån det teoretiska perspektivet ska de anställda med komplexa arbetsuppgifter motiveras utav inre faktorer såsom beröm, utveckling och ökad självständighet. Anställda med icke-komplexa arbetsuppgifter ska då påverkas utav yttre faktorer som lön och spontana materiella belöningar. Studien genomfördes på två fallföretag med en population utav 60 anställda med icke-komplexa arbetsuppgifter samt 30 anställda med komplexa arbetsuppgifter med en svarsfrekvensen på 57%. Resultatet bekräftar att personer med komplexa arbetsuppgifter upplever inre motivation samt att personer med icke-komplexa arbetsuppgifter upplever yttre motivation. Det är snarare tillgången till en viss typ av motivation än själva arbetsuppgiftens komplexitetsgrad som avgör vad anställda motiveras av. / The purpose of this thesis was to determine whether and how the level of complexity within work task affects what employees are motivated by. Moreover, was the purpose to investigate what preferences the employees with different level of complexity in their work task had regarding non-monetary rewards. The degree to which the executives were aware of their employees preferences regarding non-monetary rewards was also examined. Based on theoretical perspectives should the employees with complex work tasks be motivated by intrinsic factors such as praise, growth and increased autonomy. The employees with non-complex work task should be affected by extrinsic factors such as salary and spontaneous material rewards. The study was carried out on two case companies with a population of 60 employees with non-complex work tasks and 30 employees with complex work tasks with a response rate of 57%. The results of this study confirm that people with complex work tasks experience intrinsic motivation whereas those with non-complex work tasks experience extrinsic motivation. The result concludes that it is the access to a certain kind of motivation rather than the complexity of work task which determines what the employee is motivated by.

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