Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intrinsic motivation"" "subject:"lntrinsic motivation""
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Inre motivation hos badmintonspelare och deras avsikt till fortsatt spel i framtidenBiel, Evelina, Lundqvist, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
Inre motivation som konceptualiseras inom Self Determination Theory (SDT) (Deci & Ryan, 2000) har en viktig roll i att främja fortsatt idrottande och välmående. Till vilken grad en individ upplever inre motivation kan ses utifrån faktorerna behovstillfredsställelse och behovsfrustration. Motivationen påverkas även av omgivningen genom så kallat behovsstöd och behovshindrande. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan svenska badmintonspelares upplevelse av behovstillfredsställelse/-frustration och behovsstöd/-hindrande och deras intention att fortsätta med badminton i framtiden. 133 aktiva svenska badmintonspelare, i åldern 15-66 år och äldre deltog i studien. Intentionen att fortsätta spela badminton uppvisade ett statistiskt signifikant positivt samband med variablerna behovsstöd och behovstillfredsställelse. Inget samband hittades mellan Intentionen att fortsätta spela badminton och variablerna behovshindrande och behovsfrustration. Intentionen att fortsätta spela badminton var även högre ju äldre spelaren var, ju fler år spelaren spelat badminton och ju fler år med nuvarande huvudtränare de haft. Behovsstöd och behovstillfredsställelse förefaller således vara områden att fokusera på inom idrottsföreningar med syfte att bidra till ett långsiktigt idrottande, även inom andra idrotter än badminton. / Studies have shown the importance of intrinsic motivation and Self Determination Theory (SDT) (Deci & Ryan, 2000) when it comes to promoting sport participation and well-being. The amount of intrinsic motivation experienced by an individual can be estimated using the factors Need Satisfaction and Need Frustration and also be influenced by the surrounding people through Need Support and Need Thwarting. This study aimed to investigate whether a correlation between the experience of Need Satisfaction/-Frustration and Need Support/-Thwarting in Swedish badminton players and their intention to continue with badminton in the future existed. 133 active Swedish badminton players participated in the study, age 15 to 66 and older. The intention to continue playing badminton indicated a statistically significant positive correlation with the variables Need Support and Need Satisfaction. No correlation was found between the intention to continue playing badminton and the variables Need Thwarting and Need Frustration. The higher the age, more years as an active badminton player and more years with their current coach, the higher was also the intention to continue with badminton in the future. Need Support and Need Satisfaction can therefore be important areas of interest within sport clubs to promote long-term sport participation, in badminton as well as other sports.
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Exploring experiences of co-worker trust, relatedness and vitality in a Music Therapy well-being intervention in a South African bankBrand, Adriaan Cornelius January 2013 (has links)
A qualitative research project was conducted to explore experiences of co-worker trust,
relatedness and vitality through a short-term Music Therapy intervention designed to promote
well-being. Thirteen adults who work at a branch of a South African bank in the Cape
Winelands in the Western Cape Province of South Africa participated in the study. Six Music
Therapy sessions were conducted in work time. Focus groups were conducted before and
after the intervention. Data were generated by means of transcription of the focus groups, and
thick description of selected Music Therapy session video clips. Data were analysed by means
of content analysis through data-driven, open coding, followed by two levels of categorisation
and theme extraction (Ansdell & Pavlicevic, 2001; Gibbs, 2007; Graneham & Lundman, 2004;
Hsieh & Shannon, 2005; Punch, 1998). Findings suggest that participants experienced
meaningful shifts in experience on all three of the identified focus construct dimensions, as
well as on the dimensions of individual competence and autonomy. Further emerging
questions were explored regarding the transferability of gains made in the Music Therapy
space to the work context. It was proposed that increased experiences of autonomy,
competence, and vitality in the therapy space supported the development of trust and enriched
relatedness across both work and therapy contexts. Trust and relatedness gains were
proposed to be longer-lasting. A progression of relatedness development phases was
proposed, through which participants may have been able to achieve notable outcomes
pertaining to improved communication, decreased conflict, increased cooperation and interpersonal
support. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Music / unrestricted
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Preschool Teachers' Perspectives on Caring Relationships, Autonomy, and Intrinsic Motivation in Two Cultural SettingsTian, Xiaoling 01 January 2012 (has links)
This study explored preschool teachers' perspectives on caring relationships and their perceptions of how such relationships affect children's autonomy and motivation in preschool in two cultural settings: one city in China and another in the U.S. Data was collected from preschool teachers in both locations using a qualitative interviewing research strategy. The study found that consensus exists among preschool teachers from the two cities about the importance of caring relationships, in which trust, acceptance, equality, and mutual respect were viewed as these relationships' primary characteristics. There were also shared values regarding teachers' roles and their effective strategies for establishing social skills and caring and sharing among children. Nevertheless, some underlying assumptions about caring, especially teachers' understandings of autonomy and motivation, differed somewhat in relation to the social, cultural, philosophical, or practical influences in the two cultural contexts. The results of the study provide opportunities for early childhood teachers and teacher educators in both contexts to reflect on their own assumptions about these values, as well as insights for preparing caring teachers in both cultural settings.
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La correlación entre la motivación y la competencia lingüística de los estudiantes de español como lengua materna / The correlation between motivation and linguistic competence of students enrolled in mother tongue tuition in SpanishBarzani, Natalia January 2017 (has links)
In view of the scarcity of studies that in Sweden aim to investigate the relationship between motivation and linguistic competence of heritage speakers (Montrul, 2010: 9), the present study has two objectives: (a) examine if motivation, here understood as total motivation, is correlated with language proficiency of Spanish heritage speakers, enrolled in mother tongue classes, and (b) determine whether or not the underlying motivational subtype is decisive for the learning results, in Spanish, achieved by these students. The motivation and linguistic proficiency of 51 students were surveyed through a questionnaire based, in part, on the self-determination theory and a proficiency test divided in two parts: a cloze test and a multiple-choice test. Owing to the limitations of the study, the main group studied consisted of 41 students, who were either born in Sweden or had arrived here before the onset of puberty, defined as an age of more than 11. The analyses showed that only the identified regulation, a more autonomous type of extrinsic motivation, is related to the heritage speakers’ score on the cloze test, hence indicating that the concept of relatedness emphasized by Ryan & Deci (2000) and the value placed on the Spanish language by this group, is linked with the range of their lexical knowledge. Factors that could influence the group’s linguistic proficiency, such as the number of hours spent speaking Spanish each time it was used (more or less than three hours) and the years of residency in a Spanish speaking country, were also investigated. Only the first variable, contact hours, showed a statistical significance; the second variable did not. These findings might lead to the reflection that although parental involvement is crucial, heritage speakers’ linguistic development requires a concerted effort not only by the parents, but also the school and the educational institutions, encouraging students to explore their identity and linguistic background through activities directly related to their own self-perceptions and interests.
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Gamification of Stock Trading : Activating sleeping resources / Spelifiering av aktiehandel : Aktiverande av sovande resurserMoberg, David, Moller, Carl January 2019 (has links)
Increased motivation by utilizing gamification is investigated in this report. Two problems in society were alerted by a finance company in collaboration with a Swedish university. The first problem was that people did not save enough for their retirement. The second problem was that some people saved money but did not have the money invested, which the finance company calls sleeping money. The company found that the reason for this was due to lack of motivation. In a general perspective, the two core problems are lack of motivation and unused resources in society. If sleeping resources were utilized, it could benefit those using the resource, the owner of the resource, and in society as a result of increased utilization of these resources. Multi-sided platforms are being used in various industries and are a great way to interconnect two different sides of a market, i.e. buyers and sellers. Gamification is proven to be an efficient way to motivate people. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find a solution to how sleeping resources can be activated by utilizing gamification on a multi-sided platform. Generally, it was concluded that gamification can both intrinsically and extrinsically motivate users to activate sleeping resources. / Ökad motivation genom att använda spelifiering undersöks i denna rapport. Ett finansbolag i samarbete med ett svenskt universitet uppmärksammade två problem i samhället. Det första problemet var att människor inte sparade tillräckligt för sin pension. Det andra problemet var att vissa människor sparade pengar men inte hade pengarna investerade, vilket finansbolaget kallar sleeping money eller på svenska: sovande pengar. Företaget kom fram till att orsaken till detta berodde på brist av motivation. I ett generellt perspektiv är de två kärnproblemen brist på motivation och att det finns mycket outnyttjade resurser i samhället. Om de outnyttjade resurserna används kan det gynna de som använder resursen, ägaren av resursen och hela samhället som ett resultat av ökat utnyttjande av dessa resurser. Flersidiga plattformar används i olika branscher och är ett bra sätt att koppla samman två olika sidor på en marknad, det vill säga köpare och säljare. Spelifiering har visat sig vara ett effektivt sätt att motivera människor. Syftet med denna studie är därför att hitta en lösning på hur sovande resurser kan aktiveras genom att använda spelifiering på en flersidig plattform. Generellt drogs slutsatsen att spelifiering kan aktivera sovande resurser med både inre och yttre motivation.
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Design för motivation och engagemang i enterprise social media : Användning av inre motivation för utformandet av gamification och persuasive design / Design for motivation and engagement in enterprise social media : The use of intrinsic motivation for the design of gamification and persuasive designThölin, Emma, Esnaashari Esfahani, Pegah January 2023 (has links)
På grund av Covid-19 pandemin har sättet vi arbetar på förändrats och allt fler människor arbetar idag på distans. Detta har medfört att medarbetare kan känna sig ensamma utan en tillhörighet till den arbetsplats de jobbar på, vilket kan ha negativa effekter på deras engagemang och prestationer. Den sociala kulturen på arbetsplatsen är en viktig del i att få medarbetare att känna tillhörighet och det behöver, på grund av det ökade distansarbetet, finnas ett sätt för dessa medarbetare att socialisera sig online. Det är framför allt företagets ansvar att möjliggöra denna socialisering för att stärka banden mellan sina anställda och detta kan göras genom användning av enterprise social media. Enterprise social media är en typ av social plattform där användarna kan dela kunskap, kommunicera med medarbetare samt få information från företaget. Det finns utmaningar med engagemanget på denna typ av plattformar och denna studie syftar till att ta reda på vad medarbetarnas inre motivation till användning är samt hur denna motivation kan användas för att forma design genom gamification och persuasive design. För att undersöka detta har studien genomförts tillsammans med företaget Amirra där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med användare av plattformen. Resultatet av intervjuerna visade att den inre motivationen för medarbetarna är att lära känna och socialisera sig med sina kollegor samt att känna en tillhörighet på arbetsplatsen. Utifrån detta gjordes en analys av empirin och tidigare forskning för att ta fram designförslag i form av en prototyp med element från gamification och persuasive design. Prototypen validerades sedan med deltagarna för att bekräfta eller dementera dessa förslag och om de hade kunnat påverka engagemanget på plattformen. Resultatet av studien visar att det sannolikt går att påverka användarnas engagemang och aktivitet i enterprise social media genom att basera design på medarbetarnas inre motivation. Detta innefattar enkla tävlingar, badges och att göra möjligheten att utföra uppgifter enklare, vilket också bekräftades av deltagarna. / The way we work has changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic as more people now work remotely. This has resulted in employees feeling lonely as they lack a sense of belonging to their workplace, which can have negative effects on their commitment and performance. The social culture in the workplace is an important part of making employees feel connected, and a s a result of the increase in remote work there needs to be a way for these employees to socialize online. It is primarily the company's responsibility to enable this socialization, to strengthen the ties between its employees and this can be done through the use of enterprise social media. Enterprise social media is a type of social platform where users/employees can share knowledge, communicate, and receive information from the company. There are often challenges with engagement on these types of platforms, and in this study we aim to find out what employees' internal motivation for usage is, and how this motivation can be used to shape design through gamification and persuasive design. To investigate this, the study was carried out together with the company Amirra, where semi-structured interviews were conducted with users of the platform. The results of the interviews showed that the inner motivation for the employees is to get to know and socialize with their colleagues and to feel a sense of belonging in the workplace. Based on this, an analysis of the empirical evidence and previous research was made to produce design proposals in the form of a prototype with elements from gamification and persuasive design. The prototype was then validated with the participants to confirm or deny these propositions, and whether they had been able to influence engagement on the platform. The results of the study shows that it is likely to influence user engagement and activity in Enterprise social media by basing the design on employees' inner motivation. This includes simple competitions, badges and making the ability to perform tasks easier, which was also confirmed by the participants.
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Varför väljer fastighetsmäklare att byta bransch? : - En studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar svenska fastighetsmäklares avsikt att byta branschSjögren, Anna, Öhman, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Varför väljer fastighetsmäklare att byta bransch?Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Anna Sjögren och Emma ÖhmanHandledare: Dr. Jonas Kågström och biträdande Martin AhleniusDatum: 2021 - juni Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur motivationsfaktorerna yttre motivation, inre motivation, Grit – passion och uthållighet för långsiktiga mål, och relationsbyggande påverkar svenska fastighetsmäklares jobbtillfredsställelse och avsikt att byta bransch. Metod: Denna studies metod är av kvantitativ karaktär med ett deduktivt synsätt, där datan har insamlats med hjälp av en webbaserad enkät. Enkäten har skickats ut till urvalet, bestående av 4497 stycken svenska fastighetsmäklare, av hela populationen på 7110 stycken fastighetsmäklare. Totalt resulterade enkäten i 932 svar, där 910 av dessa kunde användas. För att analysera datan har statistikprogrammen Jamovi och Smart PLS använts. För att kunna redovisa och tolka resultatet har deskriptiva analyser gjorts, bivariata korrelationsanalyser, faktoranalyser samt strukturella ekvationsmodelleringar. Resultat & slutsats: Undersökningen visar på aggregerad nivå att Grit i hög grad påverkar den inre motivationen och att inre motivation är den faktor som har störst betydelse för en fastighetsmäklares upplevda jobbtillfredsställelse. Jobbtillfredsställelse i sin tur är den faktor som påverkar deras avsikt att byta bransch mest. Men, undersökningen visar även att jobbtillfredsställelse påverkar den yttre motivationen och att yttre motivation påverkar avsikten att byta bransch. Dessutom påverkas jobbtillfredsställelsen av faktorn relationsbyggande. Dessa motivationsfaktorers betydelse varierar dock beroende på olika demografiska variabler. Utifrån resultatet och hypotesprövningen, togs en egen modell fram, som benämns ”REAMF-modellen”. Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna studie bidrar med kunskap om vilka motivationsfaktorer som påverkar svenska fastighetsmäklares avsikt att byta bransch. Denna studies resultat är också användbart i praktiken för ledare inom branschen. Genom att som ledare veta vilka motivationsfaktorer som motiverar de enskilda anställda fastighetsmäklarna, kan passande motivationsstrategier framtas för just dessa, för att öka deras upplevda jobbtillfredsställelse, för att därmed minska deras avsikt att byta bransch. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna studies motivationsfaktorer förklarar ca 40% av varför svenska fastighetsmäklare har för avsikt att byta bransch. Det hade varit intressant att undersöka fler motivationsfaktorer som kan påverka detta val. En replikering av denna studie, i något annat land, efterfrågas också till vidare forskning. Slutligen vore det intressant att se om REAMF-modellen är applicerbar på andra yrken. / Title: Why do real estate agents choose to leave the industry?Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Anna Sjögren and Emma ÖhmanSupervisors: Dr. Jonas Kågström and assistant Martin AhleniusDate: 2021 - June Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how the motivational factors extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, Grit – passion and perseverance for long-term goals, and relationship building affect Swedish real estate agents' job satisfaction and turnover intention. Method: This study is based on a quantitative research method with a deductive approach, where the data has been collected using a web-based survey. The survey was sent to the sample, consisting of 4497 Swedish real estate agents, of the entire population of 7110 real estate agents. The survey resulted in 932 respondents, of which 910 could be used. To analyze the data, the statistical programs Jamovi and Smart PLS have been used. To interpret the study’s results, descriptive analyzes have been performed, bivariate correlation analyzes, factor analyzes and structural equation modeling. Result & Conclusions: The result of this study shows at an aggregate level that Grit highly influences the intrinsic motivation and that intrinsic motivation is the factor that mostly affects the perceived job satisfaction. Job satisfaction in turn is the factor that affects turnover intention the most. But, the result also shows that job satisfaction affects extrinsic motivation, and that extrinsic motivation affects turnover intention. In addition, job satisfaction is affected by the factor relationship building. However, the significance of these motivational factors varies depending on different demographic variables. Based on the results and the hypothesis test, a separate model was developed, which is called the “REAMF model”. Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes to knowledge about which motivational factors that affect Swedish real estate agents' turnover intention. The results of this study are also useful in practice for the employers. By knowing which motivational factors that motivate the individual real estate agents, appropriate motivational strategies can be developed to increase their perceived job satisfaction, and accordingly decrease their turnover intention. Suggestions for future research: This study's motivational factors explain about 40% of Swedish real estate agents turnover intention. Further research is suggested to examine other motivational factors that may affect turnover intention. A replication of this study, in another country, is also requested for further research. Finally, it would be interesting to see if the REAMF-model is applicable in other industries.
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Normal narcissism och personlighetsegenskapers inflytande i yrket som fastighetsmäklare : En fingervisning av de mest fördelaktiga egenskaperna hos svenska fastighetsmäklareMattsson, Henric, Pedersen, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Normal narcissism och personlighetsegenskapers inflytande i yrket som fastighetsmäklare – En fingervisning av de mest fördelaktiga egenskaperna hos svenska fastighetsmäklare Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Henric Mattsson och Louise PedersenHandledare: Dr. Jonas KågströmDatum: 2021 – Juni Syfte: Många fastighetsmäklare väljer att sluta inom yrket de första åren, vilket bidrar till en stor kostnad för företagen. Normal narcissism har tidigare studerats som oberoende variabel till ett flertal organisatoriska faktorer, men få studier finns angående dess påverkan på motivation. Vidare används ofta personlighetsegenskaper för att förklara psykologiska faktorer inom organisationer. Syftet med denna C-uppsats är därför att mäta hur normala narcissistiska drag respektive personlighetsegenskaper påverkar motivation, prestation och avsikten att lämna arbetsplatsen hos svenska fastighetsmäklare. Metod: Ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt har applicerats på studien, där enkätundersökning är den valda datainsamlingsmetoden. Dataanalysen utfördes i statistikprogrammet “JASP”, där primärt bivariata korrelationsanalyser utförts. Populationen i studien är fastighetsmäklare inom Stockholms kommun. Resultat och slutsats: Data samlades in från 204 respondenter. Resultatet visar starka relationer mellan normal narcissism och alla typer av motivation. Big Five- egenskaperna å andra sidan kan endast förklara inre motivation. Inga samband återfinns till vare sig prestation eller avsikten att lämna arbetsplatsen. En viktig slutsats i studien är att normal narcissism är fördelaktigt i yrket som fastighetsmäklare. Examensarbetets bidrag: Teoretiskt bidrar studien till att normal narcissism har en stark inverkan på inre- och yttre motivation hos svenska fastighetsmäklare. Praktiskt bidrar studien till kunskap som är användbar för främst ledare inom branschen, där det är viktigt att låta fastighetsmäklarna vara autonoma och få chans till att utvecklas inom yrket. Förslag till vidare forskning: Eftersom personlighetsegenskaper har en låg förklaringsgrad till fastighetsmäklares motivation, prestation och avsikten att lämna arbetsplatsen - bör andra oberoende variabler undersökas. Ett förslag är därför att undersöka kulturen på kontoret, och hur denna påverkar motivation. Nyckelord: The Big Five, personlighetsegenskaper, normal narcissism, inre motivation, yttre motivation, prestation, avsikten att lämna arbetsplatsen, fastighetsmäklare / Titel: The influence of normal narcissism and personality traits in the profession as a realtor - A hint of the most beneficial characteristic of Swedish realtors Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Henric Mattsson and Louise PedersenSupervisor: Dr. Jonas KågströmDate: 2021 - June Aim: Many realtors choose to quit the profession in the early years, which is a great cost to companies. Normal narcissism has previously been studied as an independent variable to several organizational factors, but few studies exist regarding its impact on motivation. Furthermore, personality traits are often used to explain psychological factors within organizations. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to measure how normal narcissistic traits and personality traits affect motivation, performance and turnover intention on Swedish realtors. Method: A deductive approach has been applied to the study, where a survey is the chosen data collection method. The data analysis was performed in the statistical program “JASP”, where primarily bivariate correlation analyzes were performed. The population in the study is realtors in Stockholm County. Result and conclusion: Data were collected from 204 respondents. The results show strong relationships between normal narcissism and all types of motivation. Personality traits, on the other hand, can only explain intrinsic motivation. No correlations were found to either performance or turnover intention. An important conclusion in this study is that normal narcissism is beneficial in the profession as a realtor. Contribution of the thesis: Theoretically, the study contributes to the fact that normal narcissism has a strong impact on intrinsic- and extrinsic motivation among Swedish realtors. In practice, the study contributes to knowledge that is useful mainly for leaders in the industry, where it is important to let realtors be autonomous and have a chance to evolve in their profession. Suggestions for future research: Since personality traits appear to be a poor predictor of the dependent variables in this study, other independent variables should be investigated. One suggestion is therefore to examine the culture in the office, and how this affects motivation. Key words: The Big Five, personality traits, normal narcissism, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, performance, turnover intention, realtor
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How Are NASA Engineers Motivated? An Analysis of Factors that Influence NASA Goddard Engineers’ Level of MotivationKea, Howard Eric January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Impact of Gamification on usability and engagement with regards to a financial savings applicationBeseetti, Tej Kiran January 2019 (has links)
The implementation of game elements has quintessentially uplifted the overall experience of applications in various domains and thereby expanding the customer base. This process is called gamification which has now been introduced in many domains. The purpose of the study is to understand gamification and how its impact would be if it is deployed in a financial savings application. The gamified elements are implemented based on a gamification framework called the Octalysis framework1. This Octalysis framework is a human-centric gamification framework which serves as a template to implement the required gamified elements. Based on a pre-study of financial applications and the Octalysis framework, two distinct prototypes (Version A and Version B) of the same mobile app concept were developed where the difference is the presence of gamified elements in one prototype. The evaluation is based on analyzing the impact the gamified elements have caused on the usability and the emotional engagement of the financial savings application. The participants are provided to interact with both prototypes and interviews are conducted to evaluate the emotional engagement and the usability of both the prototypes of the financial savings application. The study shows an increase in emotional engagement corresponding to the gamified elements whereas the usability more or less remained the same, indicating a deeper investigation of the gamified elements with regards to usability is required.
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