Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intrinsic motivation"" "subject:"lntrinsic motivation""
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Belöningssystem Och Motivation I Små- Och Medelstora Redovisningsbyråer I Sverige : En kvalitativ studie om användningen av belöningssystem och dess påverkan på anställdas motivation och nöjdhet / Reward Systems and Motivation in Small and Medium-Sized Accounting Firms in Sweden : A qualitative study on the use of reward systems and their impact on employee motivation and satisfactionShamieh, Rawan, Tahiri, Edin, Manzi, James January 2024 (has links)
Background and problеms: In thе accounting industry, charactеrizеd by intеnsivе workloads and high dеmands, small and mеdium-sizеd firms facе thе challеngе of compеting for a limitеd pool of qualifiеd workforcе. Simultanеously, thеy must navigatе rеsourcе constraints whilе maintaining еfficiеncy and quality in thеir opеrations. Thеsе factors highlight thе nееd for еffеctivе rеward systеms, not only to sustain a motivatеd workforcе but also to addrеss thе uniquе challеngеs within thеsе еntеrprisеs. Purposе: Thе purposе of this study is to invеstigatе how small and mеdium-sizеd accounting firms in Swеdеn apply rеward systеms to motivatе thеir еmployееs. Thе study also aims to undеrstand how еmployееs pеrcеivе thеsе rеward systеms. Mеthod: To achiеvе thе study's purposе, a qualitativе rеsеarch mеthod is usеd, with intеrviеws as thе main data collеction tool. Rеspondеnts arе drawn from thrее diffеrеnt SME accounting firms, and thеir pеrspеctivеs and еxpеriеncеs will bе analyzеd to gain a holistic undеrstanding of thеir еxpеriеncе with thе rеward systеm. Thеorеtical framе of rеfеrеncе: Thе study is basеd on thеorеtical pеrspеctivеs on work motivation and rеward systеms, including Maslow's hiеrarchy of nееds thеory, Hеrzbеrg's two-factor thеory and Vroom's еxpеctancy thеory. Thеsе thеoriеs providе a framеwork for analyzing and undеrstanding how еffеctivе rеward systеms can bе dеsignеd to еnhancе еmployее motivation and satisfaction. Empirical: Thе еmpirical part of thе study еxplorеs thе rеward systеms within thrее sеlеctеd accounting firms. Wе analyzе thеir dеsign, impact on motivation and satisfaction, and how thеy arе pеrcеivеd by еmployееs. Conclusion: Thе study's rеsults indicatе that thе rеward systеm's dеsign and usе play a cеntral rolе in promoting motivation and work pеrformancе within accounting firms. Thе rеsult shows that mеdium-sizеd accounting firms, such as companiеs A and C, succеssfully usе formal and structurеd rеward systеms to promotе a balancе bеtwееn intеrnal and еxtеrnal motivation. On thе othеr hand, Company B, a smallеr agеncy, prioritizеs intеrnal motivation and crеatеs a positivе work еnvironmеnt without a traditional rеward systеm. Thе еmployееs' еxpеriеncеs vary, but ovеrall, thе study indicatеs that a mix of rеwards can bе morе еffеctivе considеring divеrsе еmployее prеfеrеncеs. / Bakgrund och problem: Inom rеdovisningsbranschеn, präglad av intеnsiva arbеtsbеlastningar och höga krav, står små och mеdеlstora byråеr inför utmaningеn att konkurrеra om еn bеgränsad pool av kvalificеrad arbеtskraft. Samtidigt måste dе hantеra rеsursbеgränsningar och upprätthålla еffеktivitеt och kvalitеt i sina vеrksamhеtеr. Dеssa faktorеr sättеr fokus på bеhovеt av еffеktiva bеlöningssystеm för att intе bara upprätthålla еn motivеrad pеrsonal utan också för att möta dе unika utmaningarna inom dеssa förеtag. Syfte: Syftеt mеd dеnna studiе är att undеrsöka hur små- och mеdеlstora rеdovisningsbyråеr i Svеrigе tillämpar bеlöningssystеm för att motivеra sina anställda. Studiеn syftar även till att förstå hur dе anställda uppfattar dеssa bеlöningssystеm. Metod: För att uppnå studiеns syftе används еn kvalitativ forskningsmеtod med intеrvjuеr som huvudsakligt datainsamlingsvеrktyg. Rеspondеntеrna kommеr från trе olika SME rеdovisningsbyråеr, dеras pеrspеktiv och еrfarеnhеtеr kommеr att analysеras för att få еn holistisk förståеlsе för deras upplevelse av bеlöningssystеmet. Teoretiska referensram: Studiеn byggеr på tеorеtiska pеrspеktiv kring arbеtsmotivation och bеlöningssystеm, inklusivе Maslows bеhovstеori, Hеrzbеrgs tvåfaktorstеori och Vrooms förväntningstеori. Dessa teorier ger ett ramverk för att analysera och förstå hur еffеktiv bеlöningssystеm kan utformas för att öka anställdas motivation och tillfredsställelse. Empiri: Dеn еmpiriska dеlеn av studien utforskar bеlöningssystеmеn inom trе valda SME rеdovisningsbyråеr. Vi analyserar dеras utformning, hur dе påverkar motivation och tillfrеdsställеlsе samt hur dе uppfattas av dе anställda. Slutsats: Studiеns rеsultatеn indikеrar att bеlöningssystеmеts utformning och användning spеlar еn cеntral roll för att främja motivation och arbеtsprеstation inom rеdovisningsbyråеr. Resultatet visar att medelstora redovisningsbyråer, som företag A och C, framgångsrikt använder formella och strukturerade belöningssystem för att främja en balans mellan intern och extern motivation. Å andra sidan, företag B, en mindre byrå, prioriterar intern motivation och skapar en positiv arbetsmiljö utan ett traditionellt belöningssystem. De anställdas upplevelser varierar, men överlag visar studien att en blandning av belöningar kan vara mer effektivt med hänsyn till varierande medarbetarpreferenser.
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Mi ansiedad aumenta cuando los demás me escuchan : Un estudio acerca de la ansiedad lingüística en la escuela secundaria sueca en español como lengua extranjera / My anxiety increases when others listen : A study of Foreign Language Anxiety in classes of Spanish as a foreign language in Swedish secondary schoolBåverud, Rasmus January 2023 (has links)
Este estudio se centra en la ansiedad lingüística y sus efectos en la asignatura de lenguas modernas, más exactamente, en la enseñanza del español a nivel secundario. El propósito es averiguar de qué manera la ansiedad lingüística afecta a los estudiantes, su motivación y relaciones en el aula, con otros estudiantes y con sus profesores. Para este estudio se eligió un método cuantitativo a través de un cuestionario de preguntas compiladas a partir de cuestionarios ya construidos para aumentar su validez. El cuestionario contenía preguntas sobre la ansiedad lingüística, es decir, ansiedad del habla al aprender una lengua extranjera; relaciones percibidas entre los estudiantes; relaciones percibidas entre los estudiantes y su profesor; y también preguntas sobre la motivación. Un total de 106 alumnos participaron en el estudio, donde el género no fue algo tomado en consideración. Los participantes provienen desde Uppsala hasta Gotemburgo, y se encuentran cursando la asignatura de español como lengua moderna en el tercer y cuarto paso. El resultado mostró que la ansiedad lingüística y la motivación para no querer demostrar incompetencia tienen una correlación estadísticamente significativa, también que si el nivel de la ansiedad lingüística aumenta, disminuye la relación percibida con el profesor. Además, se encontró una correlación significativa entre el tipo de motivación que es manejada por un interés de desarrollar sus conocimientos, con una relación positiva hacia el profesor. Finalmente, también hubo una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre un alto nivel de ansiedad lingüística y tener que hablar sin preparación cuando un profesor hace una pregunta. Estos resultados y las variables utilizadas muestran correlaciones entre la mantención de unas buenas relaciones entre los estudiantes y el profesor dentro de la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera, y una disminución de la ansiedad lingüística. También, se descubrió una correlación entre hablar, o responder, espontáneamente en español, y un nivel alto de ansiedad. En consecuencia, puede proponerse que si los estudiantes estuvieran en un ámbito en el que se sienten motivados por aprender el idioma y desarrollar sus habilidades, además de no evitar mostrar incompetencia, entonces, tal vez, podrían desarrollar mejores relaciones en el aula. Estos hallazgos podrían conducir a más investigaciones sobre cuáles ejercicios promueven la capacidad de hablar espontáneamente en la lengua meta, y tal vez a averiguar, incluso, cuáles factores serían los que crean unas buenas relaciones dentro de la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. / This study focuses on language anxiety and its effects within the course of modern languages, or more exact, within the teaching of Spanish in secondary school. The purpose is to investigate in what manner language anxiety affects students, their motivation and relationships in the classroom with other students, and their teacher. A quantitative method was elected for this study and the use of a questionnaire, compiled of questions from already constructed questionnaires to increase its validity. The questionnaire contained questions regarding Foreign Language Anxiety, namely language anxiety when learning a new language, perceived relationships between students, and their teacher, and also questions about motivation. A total of 106 students in Swedish secondary school participated in the study, where gender was not a factor taken into consideration. The participants were spread out through various cities, from Uppsala to Gothenburg and were all students that were studying the modern language courses Spanish step 3 and step 4. The results showed that language anxiety and the motivation to not demonstrate incompetence had a significant correlation, and also, that if the level of language anxiety increases, then the perceived relationship of the student towards its teacher decreases. In addition to this, there was also a significant correlation between the type of motivation that is governed by an interest in developing one's knowledge and an increased perceived relationship with the teacher. Finally, there was also a significant correlation between high perceived language anxiety and having to speak without preparation when asked a question by the teacher. The results of this study and its chosen variables showed correlations that good relationships between teacher and students, within the teaching of Spanish, could have a positive effect on language anxiety when learning a new language. Correlations between speaking, or answering, spontaneously in spanish and an elevated level of language anxiety was also discovered. Also, that if students are in an environment in which they are motivated to learn the language in order to develop their knowledge or skills, and not to avoid demonstrating incompetence, it might contribute to increased perceived relationships within the classroom. These findings might possibly lead to further investigations about which exercises that promote the ability to speak spontaneously in the target language and maybe even what creates good relationships within the education of Spanish.
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Совершенствование системы мотивации в компании по торговле металлом, Екатеринбург, Российская Федерация : магистерская диссертация / The improving of the motivational system in the metal trade company, Ekaterinburg, Russian FederationГонсалес Гонсалес, Х. Л., Gonzalez Conzalez, J. L. January 2016 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена исследованию мотивационной системы. В теоретической части представлены основные понятия, цели, тип и формы, стадии, критерии и методы мотивации. В практической части описываются общие характеристики исследуемой организации, анализ эффективности мотивации персонала организации. Разработаны предложения по совершенствованию системы мотивации. В заключение даны даны результаты в соответствии с темой. ВКР состоит из введения, 3 глав, заключения. библиографического списка и приложений. Объем ВКР – 140 стр., включая Приложения. Число таблиц – 1. Число рисунков – 17. / Master Thesis is devoted to researching of motivation system. In the theoretical part presents the basic concepts, objectives of motivation, its types and forms, stages, criteria and methods. In the practical part describes the General characteristics of the investigated enterprise and the activities of the personnel management, the analysis of the effectiveness of motivation of the personnel in the organization.
Based on these results, we have developed proposals to improve motivation system.
In conclusion, the results in accordance with object. The
Final qualifying work consists of introduction, three parts, conclusion, bibliographical list, applications.
Master Thesis performed on 140 sheets (A4 format, font Times New Roman, font size 14, 1.5 line spacing), excluding attachments.
Number of tables – 1 (excluding attachments).
The number of figures – 17 (excluding attachments).
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Transaktionellt och transformativt ledarskap : En kvantitativ studie om ledarskapsstilens påverkan på anställdas motivation i arbetet / Transactional and transformative leadership : A quantitative study on the impact of leadership style on employees' work motivationFeretti, Amanda, Folkesson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Ständig forskning pågår kring begreppet ledarskap i relation med andra viktiga delar som inkluderas i ledarskapet. Tidigare studier har undersökt ledarskapets påverkan på medarbetarnas motivation men resultaten är spretiga och trots omfattande studier tycks forskare inte vara helt överens. Forskningen kring ledarskap har gått från att främst handla om ledaren till att även inkludera följderna av ledarskapet. Det är även grunden för denna studie vars syfte är att förklara hur den transformativa och transaktionella ledarskapsstilen påverkar medarbetarnas motivation i arbetet samt beskriva på vilka sätt medarbetare inom rekryterings- och bemanningsbranschen i Sverige motiveras olika beroende på könstillhörighet. Studien är uppbyggd på en kvantitativ metod där hypoteser är utformade för att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor. Hypoteserna och forskningsfrågorna i studien undersöker ledarskapsstil och motivation indelat i inre och yttre motivation. Enkätundersökningen är utformad i Webbankäter.com och de påståenden som återfinns i enkäten är inspirerade av mätinstrumentet Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). Utöver det är påståendena också formulerade utifrån dimensionerna inom det transformativa och transaktionella ledarskapet samt de ledarskapsbeteenden som återfinns inom respektive dimension. Studiens resultat visar att ledarskapsbeteenden inom det transformativa ledarskapet har en signifikant positiv påverkan på både män och kvinnors motivation, dock motiveras de av olika dimensioner och beteenden. Resultaten gällande det transaktionella ledarskapet visar att det endast är två dimensioner inom ledarskapet som har en signifikant positiv påverkan på män och kvinnors motivation. / Constant research is being conducted on leadership in relation to other important elements that are included in leadership. Previous studies have investigated the impact of leadership on employee motivation but the results are scattered and despite extensive studies, researchers don't seem to be in a complete agreement. Research has gone from primarily focusing on the leader to also including the consequences of leadership. That is also the purpose with this study, that aims to explain how the transformative and transactional leadership style affects employees motivation and describe in what ways employees in the recruitment- and staffing industry in Sweden are motivated differently depending on gender. The study is based on a quantitative method and hypotheses are designed to answer the study’s research questions. The hypotheses and research questions in the study investigate leadership style and motivation divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The survey is designed in Webbenkäter.com and the statements found in the survey are inspired by the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). In addition to that, the statements are also formulated based on the dimensions within transformative and transactional leadership and the leadership behaviors found within each dimension. The results of the study shows that the behaviors within the transformative leadership has a significant positive impact on both men and women’s motivation, although they are motivated by different dimensions and behaviors within the transformative leadership. The results regarding transactional leadership shows that only two of the three dimensions has a significant positive impact on men and women’s motivation.
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Arbetsmotivation kopplat till kön och arbetsmarknadssektor : En kvantitativ studie om inre och yttre arbetsmotivation / Work motivation linked to gender and labor market sector : A quantitative study on intrinsic and extrinsic work motivationKarlsson, Johanna, Sigfridsson Perea, Isabel January 2024 (has links)
Motivation har beskrivits som en viktig faktor för välbefinnande och prestation i arbetet. Därmed har det för arbetsgivare blivit allt högre prioriterat att beakta och synliggöra det som motiverar anställda att arbeta. Tidigare forskning har indikerat att det finns skillnader i arbetsmotivation beroende på kön samt vilken arbetsmarknadssektor individen valt att arbeta inom. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka om det fanns skillnad i inre och yttre arbetsmotivation mellan män och kvinnor samt mellan anställda inom privat och offentlig sektor. Baserat på tidigare forskning formulerades fyra hypoteser som föreslog att det fanns skillnader sett till inre och yttre arbetsmotivation kopplat till både respektive sektor och kön. Data samlades in för 130 individer genom självskattningsformuläret Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale (WEIMS) i syfte att undersöka arbetsmotivation. Tvåvägs-ANOVA användes för att undersöka inre arbetsmotivation (W-SDM) och yttre arbetsmotivation (W-NSDM). Utifrån resultaten gick inga signifikanta huvudeffekter att utläsa och därmed drogs slutsatsen att forskningshypoteserna inte gick att verifiera. Därför kan det finnas andra faktorer som påverkar hur individen upplever inre och yttre arbetsmotivation. / Motivation has been described as an important factor for well-being and performance at work. Consequently, employers increasingly prioritize understanding and acknowledging the factors that drive employees to work. Previous research indicates variations in work motivation based on gender and the chosen labor market sector. This study aimed to explore differences in work motivation between employees in the private and public sector and between men and women. Based on previous research, four hypotheses were formulated and suggested that there were differences in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic work motivation linked to both the respective sector and gender. Data were collected for 130 individuals through the self-report questionnaire Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale (WEIMS) to assess work motivation. Two-way ANOVA was employed to examine intrinsic work motivation (W-SDM) and extrinsic work motivation (W-NSDM). Based on the results, no significant main effects could be found and therefore it was concluded that the research hypotheses could not be confirmed. Hence, there may be other factors influencing how individuals perceive both intrinsic and extrinsic work motivation.
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Intrinsic Motivation and Human Agency of Faculty Engaged In Service-Learning: A Qualitative Interpretive Study of a U.S. Mid-western Public UniversityAdeyeri, Oluwadamilare S. 06 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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An Extensive Reading Approach to Teaching English Second Language Reading Comprehension with the American Language Institute at the University of ToledoSampson, Neil Edward January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Frequencies Between Serial Killer Typology and Theorized Etiological Factors.Messori, Leryn Rose-Doggett 07 October 2016 (has links)
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Storylinemetoden i inlärning av engelska som andraspråk : - en forskningsöversikt om Storylinemetoden i årskurs 4-6Isaksson, Maria January 2021 (has links)
The Swedish curriculum emphasizes the importance of pupils’ active learning, influence over the education and communicative skills in language learning. The Storyline approach has since its entry in the educational context in the 1960s, influenced teaching all over the world. The approach emphasizes pupils’ interest, meaning-making processes and creativity and thus agrees well with the content of the Swedish curriculum. This research overview aims to offer insight into how the Storyline approach can affect pupils in an English as a second language context, in different ways. It focuses primarily on how the Storyline approach can promote pupils’ second language acquisition, what impact the story and its characters have on pupils’ motivation and what effects the aesthetics in Storyline have on pupils. It also gives an overview of challenges that pupils and teachers might encounter while working with a Storyline project. The findings of the study indicate that the Storyline approach, through group work and communicative, meaningful tasks, promote pupils’ learning of English. Moreover, the context of the story and the characters seem to enhance pupils’ intrinsic motivation to learn the English language and the aesthetics can make pupil active agents in their learning process and mediate their knowledge. However, the Storyline approach also involves different challenges for both pupils and teachers, such as trying to find a balance between the teacher’s and the pupils’ control, keeping the story and the characters alive throughout the whole project, dealing with lack of time, group work issues and presenting the work in front of other pupils.
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