Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intrinsic motivation"" "subject:"lntrinsic motivation""
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Comparison Of Learning Experiences And Outcomes Between A Serious Game-based And Non-game-based Online American History CourseHess, Taryn 01 January 2010 (has links)
The use of online courses continues to increase despite the small amount of research that exists on the effectiveness of online educational environments. The little research that has been conducted has focused on evaluating factors taken into consideration during the adoption of online learning environments. One notable benefit often cited is the ability to incorporate multimedia such as video games. Although game researchers and developers are pushing for the use of video games for educational purposes, there is a lack of research on the effectiveness of serious video games. When paring the increasing use of online educational environments, the push to use serious video games, and the lack of research on the effectiveness of online learning environments and video games, there is a clear need for further investigation into the use of serious video games in an online format. Based on current literature, no other known study has conducted an analysis comparing a serious game-based and non-game based online course; making this a unique study. The purpose of this study was to compare student learning experiences and outcomes between a serious game-based and non-game based online American History course. The data sources were data provided from Florida Virtual School (FLVS) and student and teacher interviews. Random samples of 92 students were statistically analyzed. A group of 8 students and 4 teachers were interviewed. FLVS data provided were analyzed using an independent t-test and the Mann-Whitney test and the student and teacher interview were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results of an independent t-test revealed that there was a significant (p > .01) difference in the mean number of days necessary to complete the course (MGB = 145.80, SDGB = 50.64, MNGB = 112.63, SDNGB = 49.60). The Mann-Whitney results indicated a significant difference between course performance and the type of American history course (Z = -5.066, p > .01); students in the serious game-based online course had an A average whereas students in the non-game-based online course had a B average. The thematic analysis of the relationship between student performance and motivation in both courses indicated that students and teachers of the game-based online course provided more reasons for student motivation than the students and teachers in the non-game-based online course. The thematic analysis of what aspects do students perceive as helpful and/or hindering to their learning indicated that students and teachers of the game-based online course provided more desirable, more helpful, less undesirable, and less hindering aspects for their course than the students and teachers in the non-game-based online course. As a result of the unique nature of this study, the findings provide new information for the fields of research on online learning, serious video gaming, and instructional design as well as inform instructional-designers, teachers, education stakeholders, serious video game designers, and education researchers.
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"The effect of ability-based versus effort-based praise on task performance, task persistence, and internal factors in children identified as gifted or talented in mathematics"Greene, Robert W. 09 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Učení se češtiny v důchodovém věku / Learning the Czech language in retirement ageDrtinová, Simona January 2013 (has links)
DRTINOVÁ, Simona. Learning the Czech language in retirement age. Prague, 2013. Dissertation. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication. This thesis deals with foreign language learning in retirement age from interdisciplinary perspective. Its characteristics may be limited economic activity, more free time and the potential occurrence of certain barriers caused by age. The case of foreigners in retirement age living in the Czech Republic and learning Czech will serve as an example of foreign language learning. The theoretical part of the thesis firstly defines old age together with the changes typical for the process of aging and old age: the changes are described on a physical, cognitive and social level. The thesis then goes on to address the process of learning with emphasis on foreign language learning. Selected components are mentioned within the pedagogical- psychological part of the learning process, specifically the motivation to learn, different organizational forms of education and teacher's role during the education. The end of the theoretical part addresses the offer of Czech language courses. All the parts of the thesis first address the topic on a general level and then focus on seniors. The empirical part of this thesis attempts to...
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An active chain process of self-leadership : Dynamically practising self-leading strategies for sustainabilityAmilon, Mia, Nguyen, Stephanie January 2022 (has links)
Title: An active chain process of self-leadership: Dynamically practising self-leading strategies for sustainability. Keywords: Active and dynamic, Chain process of self-leadership, Self-leadership strategies Background: Sustainability is important and of current interest, requiring all organisations to be well-functioning, committed to sustainability and create strategic decisions for their long-term sustainability. Organisations thence benefit from training the employees into self-leaders, as it results in beneficial outcomes that lead to greatness within organisations, and hence society at large. Research question: Why do individuals succeed in maintaining and practising an active chain process of self-leadership? Purpose: This study aims to understand why individuals sustain maintaining an active chain process of self-leadership by dynamically practising self-leadership strategies, where they continue to be self-aware, manage and lead themselves, practice self-leadership strategies, attain self-efficacy and achieve beneficial outputs that in extension contribute to a more efficient and long-term sustainable society. To better understand what activates the chain process of self-leadership and creates the dynamic, the authors have developed a summarising model (see model 5.1 in chapter 5). Method: The study is of qualitative character with an abductive research approach, where the empirical data have been collected through semi-structured interviews and a collective case study design with ten informants who practise self-leadership, and then analysed by the Gioia method. Findings: The chain process of self-leadership is holistic and what maintains it active are feelings of well-being, competence, and efficacy, as well as succeeding, contributing to a greater good and seeing things in a greater context. Of significance is to be reminded and followed up regularly. Paper type: Master thesis
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Experiences of physics teachers when implementing problem-based learning : a case study at Entsikeni cluster in the Harry Gwala District Kwazulu-Natal, South AfricaOsman, Ali 12 1900 (has links)
Problem-based learning (PBL) is an active teaching strategy that could be implemented in the South African educational system to assist in developing problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, collaborative skills, self-directed learning and intrinsic motivation in students. Even though it is not easy to drift from a teacher-centred strategy to a student-centred strategy, but this drift is supposed to be a paradigm drift for the nation. ‘Physics is difficult’ has been the anthem of students in South African high schools. This has led to lower pass rates in physics and as a result low physics career person in society. Physics students in high schools need to be exposed to the PBL strategy since the PBL strategy focuses on real-life problems to develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills and self-directed learning in students which are the skills needed for concept formation in Physical Science. Basically, the education of Physical Science students focused on the ability to acquire skills to solve real-life problems. This study focuses on exploring the experiences of high school physics teachers at Entsikeni cluster, South African, when implementing problem-based learning (PBL) in their physics classrooms. The study uses the mixed-method approach where three different research instruments were used to collect quantitative and qualitative data sequentially. Questionnaires, RTOP and interview protocol were employed. The findings of the study indicate that teachers project positive attitudes toward the PBL strategy but may probably not continue to use it because it requires more time than that which is allocated in the Curriculum Assessment and Policy Statement (CAPS) Physical Science document and as a result may not be able to finish their ATP on time. Teachers are teaching physics with no specialization in physics, which probably could lead to poor, pass rates in Physical Science. Teachers were inexperienced in teaching physics in the FET and could probably affect students’ academic performance. It is recommended they apply the PBL strategy to correct the negative effect of their inexperience on students’ performance. It is evident that if inexperienced trained teachers apply an instructional strategy based on research, they tend to develop students' performance as compared to applying the traditional instructional strategy. / Science and Technology Education / M. Sc. (Physics Education)
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En studie i elevmotivation genom självreglerande lärande som metod för inlärning i moderna språk / A study on Learner Motivation by means of Learner Autonomy as Studying Technique in Modern Language LearningGehrke, Karina Wiebke January 2022 (has links)
Onödiga språkvalsbyten i moderna språk kan anses vara resultat av motivationsbrist kopplat till intrycket att glädje i språkvalsstudier inte leder till gymnasiebehörighet. Denna studie ämnar undersöka och fördjupa kunskap om a) samband mellan självreglering och elevmotivation, samt b) samband mellan glädje och motivation. Hattie och Zierer (2019) konstaterar att mer självreglering leder till ökad elevmotivation. För att pröva om denna slutsats kan verifieras, genomfördes en empirisk studie med lärarintervjuer som besvarade följande fråga: Vad anser lärare är en bra återkoppling till eleverna? För att kunna nå en slutsats i frågan om samband mellan självreglering och elevmotivation etablerades först en definition av begreppet självreglering. I detta syfte användes en teori som står för uppsatsens analytiska ramverk. Ramverket baseras på författare som arbetar i linje med Richard M. Ryans och Edward L. Decis Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Då slutsatsen att mer självreglerande lärande leder till ökad elevmotivation inte kunde verifieras i min empiriska studie, genomfördes en noggrann litteraturstudie. Utifrån denna kunde jag sedan göra en analys av mina frågeställningar med anslutande diskussion. Resultatet antyder att lärare bör fokusera på elevmotivationens kvalitet, med den prototypiska intrinsiska motivationen som mål, för att kunna motverka motivationsbristen i skolan. I detta forskningsarbete kom jag dessutom fram till slutsatsen att en högre motivation i allra högsta grad kan leda till ett mer effektivt lärande i allmänhet. Nyckelord: effektivt lärande, elevmotivation, intrinsisk motivation, motivationsbrist, Self-Determination Theory, självreglering, återkoppling
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