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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proces adaptace začínajících učitelů mateřských škol jako součást řízení školy / Adaptation process of beginning nursery teachers as a part of school management

Trejtnarová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with contemporary issues of beginning nursery teacher support. Especially it deals with their preparation for the profession and the actual process of adaptation to the working environment. The theoretical part is focused on the issue of support for beginning teachers in the Czech Republic from studies and defining the competencies of graduates to entry into the profession and adaptation as part of the school management. The aim is to create a draft of a new teacher's adaptation plan in a nursery based on theoretical knowledge and the results of the investigation into the needs and expectations of nursery directors and trainee teachers themselves. Theoretical basis is followed by empirical part - quantitative research survey consisting of questionnaires and interviews, which aims to determine whether the adaptation of beginning teachers is part of the school management and how experienced teachers are involved into the process, to determine agreement, expectations and requirements during the entry of beginning teachers into practice. Comparison of the results of research studies leads to recommendations for management education. Based on theoretical knowledge and the results of the investigation the conclusion is designed the adaptation plan for beginning nursery teachers. KEYWORDS...

Závádění standardů kvality sociálních služeb v rezidenčních službách v kraji Vysočina / The Implementation of Quality Standards of Social Welfare Services in resindetial servises in the region Vysočina

ŘEHOŘOVÁ, Alena January 2008 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issues of Quality Standards and the process of their application in the residential services in Vysočina region. The aim of my thesis is to map the present situation concerning the introduction of Quality Standards in social services in residential facilities in Vysočina region. The introductory theoretical part of my thesis contains sections related to social services. Definitions of basic concepts and sections which are related to chosen topic are explained here. It also contains the description of settings and context of the work. In the practical part the subject is narrowed to the topic of introducing Quality Standards in social services in relation to providers of social services, and to old people{\crq}s and handicapped people{\crq}s homes and special treatment facilities. The results of a questionnaire inquiry, conversations with directors of organizations and workers in direct care are presented and compared. This process is interlaced with the analysis of documents used in filling out the questionnaire that have a direct connection to fulfilling the criteria of social services quality. In the discussion and summary the essential research results are discussed. In relation to introducing Quality Standards in social services it will be necessary to change especially the attitude to users of social services. An important landmark here is the legal codification of Quality Standards in social services in relation to the Social Services Act.

Inovace informačních systémů v bankovnictví / Innovation of banking information systems

Jašík, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on innovation of banking information systems, in prac-tical part specifically on innovation Video Banker. The main goal of my dissertation is to analyze the problems, encountered during the implementation of technological innovations Video Banker in the bank. Problems are ana-lyzed from different perspectives and the method of continuous improvement and Ishikawa diagram are used. The analysis of problems is followed by the solution of those problems. Three consecutive versions of Video Banker are analyzed, therefore I evaluate the success of problem solving too. Then I also suggest possible further improvements. The secondary objective of my dissertation is the evaluation of influence of, both technical and functional, problems of Video Banker to the effectiveness of implementation of innovation. This evaluation is provided immediately, together with each problem de-scription. The theoretical part is designed the way to make the theory on ICT innovation, re-gardless of the segment, be followed by the specifics of the banking segment. Also the methods of analysis, subsequently used in the practical part, are described. The main benefit of this dissertation is an analysis of the implementation of a new channel for online client communication with the bank, using Voice over IP. Concerning this topic, there are just few publications available in the Czech Republic and also in the world.

Zavedení sociální služby v nestátní neziskové organizaci. / The introduction of social service in Non-Governmental Organization.

Nedobitá, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with the description of an introduction of social service in Non- Governmental Organization, which has decided to become a registrated provider of social services. The aim of the thesis is to describe how to manage selected phase of such a change, while introducing it to the field of social service by a Non-Governmental Organization. This is related to chosen Non-Governmental Organization Azara sociální, z.s. and specifically it's project of the introduction of field social service - Personal Assistance. The selected phase of implementation is the registration of this service and the individual steps, from the decision to introduce the change, through the elaboration of the individual plans and submission of required documents, which are necessary for the registration application to the competent regional authority. Strategic analyzes are carried out for the analysis of the external environment of the selected organization and the analysis of the internal environment. The qualitative research method focus group has been used to receive suggestions and concrete steps from selected representatives of the organization's management, based on the Implementation Plan and the Risk Plan. The evaluation of the progress, of the phases of the introduced changes is carried out...

"Quid bello Punico secundo?" Přehodnocení výpovědí tradičně editovaných jako "Quid?" v klasických latinských textech / "Quid bello Punico secundo?" Reinterpretation of Utterances Traditionally Edited as "Quid" in Classical Latin Texts

Ctibor, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the Latin non-verbal topic-introducing construction "Quid X?" (which is more or less equivalent to Czech "A co X?" or English "What about X?") and with the question of its editing in the classical Latin Texts. The main hypothesis of the present work is that in the classical Latin texts this construction is in hundreds of cases misinterpreted as "Quid?" (the X-part being joined to the following sentence) which would make of this misinterpretation the greatest systematic error in the modern editing of classical Latin texts. The first part of the thesis presents formal, functional and historical arguments to support such a bold claim and describes other non-verbal constructions beginning with the word quid, which might be and in fact are mistaken with the topic-introducing construction "Quid X?". The inability of the modern editors to reliably distinguish between different non-verbal constructions is caused by several objective factors, one of them being also the fact that the construction "Quid X?" - quite extraordinary in several respects - is rarely and (if at all) unsufficiently treated in grammars and reference books. The absence of the description of the given construction is itself, in turn, caused probably by the general underestimating and overlooking of small...

Scania Production System : En kartläggning av Scania Production System och dess utveckling

Tabib, George, Awrohum, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport är att kartlägga Scania Production System (SPS), hur det motiverades och implementerades inom Scanias organisation samt dra kopplingar mellan tidigare reformer och SPS. Vi vill ta reda på hur Scania lyckats skapa ett eget skräddarsytt produktionssystem som visat sig vara så framgångsrikt och hur detta infördes inom hela organisationen. SPS är ett resultat av Toyota och deras Toyota Production System (TPS) efter ett nära samarbete mellan Scania och Toyota sedan början av nittiotalet. Scanias värderingar, principer och prioriteringar beskrivs av SPS och har visat sig vara en av företagets konkurrensfördelar genom ökad effektivitet samt produktivitet inom produktionen. TPS fick mycket av sin inspiration av de tidigare reformerna Taylorismen och Fordismen ur rationaliseringsrörelsen. Detta genom Taylors idéer om standardisering och Fords löpandebands-princip. Toyota var även bland dem första att utforma och tillämpa de logistiska reformerna Total Quality Management, Lean Production och Just-In-Time i sitt produktionssystem. Reformer som används och är välkända inom många företag inte minst Scania och SPS. Rapporten uppfyllde sitt syfte genom intervjuer och analys av konceptlitteratur för att kunna konstatera att det finns en röd tråd inom företaget och att det finns en tydlig koppling mellan SPS och tidigare reformer. Avslutningsvis lyckades vi även analysera och dra slutsatser om hur SPS utformades, motiverades och implementerades. Utformningen av SPS gick till genom ett nära samarbete mellan ledningar på Scania och Toyota vilken Scania på så sätt kunnat ta inspiration ifrån och kunnat anpassa systemet efter Scanias kultur. Hur sedan SPS motiverades och implanterades föregick i en ledningsprocess som Scania tillämpade inom organisationen. Lösningen kom att bli avgörande för framtiden, ledarskapet. Man tillämpade ett nytt tankesätt genom hela verksamheten vilket har visat sig vara framgångsrikt. / The purpose of this report is to map the Scania Production System (SPS), how it was motivated and implemented within Scania's organization, as well as linking previous reforms with SPS. We want to find out how Scania managed to create its own customized production system that proved being successful and how it was introduced throughout the organization. SPS is a result of Toyota and their Toyota Production System (TPS) following a close collaboration between Scania and Toyota since the early 1990s. Scania's values, principles and priorities are described by SPS and have proven to be one of the company's competitive advantages through increased efficiency and productivity in production. TPS received much inspiration from the earlier reforms of Taylorism and Fordism from the rationalization movement. This through Taylor's ideas about standardization and Ford's running band principle. Toyota was also one of the first to design and apply the logistics theory’s Total Quality Management, Lean Production and Just-In-Time in its production system. Reforms used and well known in many companies, not least Scania and SPS. The report fulfilled its purpose through interviews and analysis of conceptual literature to find that there is a red thread within the company and that there is a clear link between SPS and previous reforms. In conclusion, we also managed to analyse and draw conclusions about how the SPS was designed, motivated and implemented. The design of SPS was achieved through close collaboration between Scania and Toyota wires, which enabled Scania to inspire and adapt the system to Scania's culture. The way in which SPS was motivated and implanted preceded a management process that Scania applied to within the organization. The solution came to be decisive for the future, leadership. A new way of thinking was applied throughout the business, which has proved to be successful.

Концепция «Кайдзен» как фактор повышения эффективности производственной деятельности промышленного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / The concept of «Kaizen» as a factor of increasing the efficiency of industrial enterprise production activities

Симонов, Е. И., Simonov, E. I. January 2020 (has links)
The relevance of stimulating innovation, the importance of relying on innovation today is obvious, because the stream of innovation has become a real “fuel” in the accelerators of the modern post-industrial society, where there has been a transition from an extensive to an intensive way of developing society and the scientific and technological complex. The aim of the master's thesis is to develop a methodological approach to the effective implementation of the concept of "Kaizen" in industrial enterprises. The paper discusses the essence of the Kaizen concept and issues of increasing efficiency at an industrial enterprise. The sources used educational and methodological and research literature, the results of empirical research of the author and data taken from enterprises. In the master's thesis, a methodology for the effective implementation of the Kaizen concept was developed, which is based on the proposed concept tools that contribute to increasing the efficiency of production areas of an industrial enterprise, which in turn contributes to the growth of the company's economic indicators. / Актуальность стимулирования инноваций, важность опоры на инновации сегодня очевидна, поскольку поток инноваций стал настоящим «топливом» в ускорителях современного постиндустриального общества, где произошел переход от экстенсивного к интенсивному способу развития общества и научно-технического комплекса. Целью магистерской диссертации является разработка методического подхода к эффективному внедрению концепции «Кайдзен» на промышленных предприятиях. В работе рассматривается суть концепции «Кайдзен» и вопросы повышения эффективности на промышленном предприятии. В качестве источников использовалась учебно-методическая и научно-исследовательская литература, результаты эмпирических исследований автора и данные взятые с предприятий. В магистерской диссертации разработана методика эффективного внедрения концепции «Кайдзен», в основу которой положены предложенные инструменты концепции, которые способствуют повышению эффективности производственных участков промышленного предприятия, что в свою очередь способствует росту экономических показателей компании.

Web applications using the Google Web Toolkit / Webanwendungen unter Verwendung des Google Web Toolkits

von Wenckstern, Michael 04 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This diploma thesis describes how to create or convert traditional Java programs to desktop-like rich internet applications with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit is an open source development environment, which translates Java code to browser and device independent HTML and JavaScript. Most of the GWT framework parts, including the Java to JavaScript compiler as well as important security issues of websites will be introduced. The famous Agricola board game will be implemented in the Model-View-Presenter pattern to show that complex user interfaces can be created with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit framework will be compared with the JavaServer Faces one to find out which toolkit is the right one for the next web project. / Diese Diplomarbeit beschreibt die Erzeugung desktopähnlicher Anwendungen mit dem Google Web Toolkit und die Umwandlung klassischer Java-Programme in diese. Das Google Web Toolkit ist eine Open-Source-Entwicklungsumgebung, die Java-Code in browserunabhängiges als auch in geräteübergreifendes HTML und JavaScript übersetzt. Vorgestellt wird der Großteil des GWT Frameworks inklusive des Java zu JavaScript-Compilers sowie wichtige Sicherheitsaspekte von Internetseiten. Um zu zeigen, dass auch komplizierte graphische Oberflächen mit dem Google Web Toolkit erzeugt werden können, wird das bekannte Brettspiel Agricola mittels Model-View-Presenter Designmuster implementiert. Zur Ermittlung der richtigen Technologie für das nächste Webprojekt findet ein Vergleich zwischen dem Google Web Toolkit und JavaServer Faces statt.

Web applications using the Google Web Toolkit

von Wenckstern, Michael 05 June 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes how to create or convert traditional Java programs to desktop-like rich internet applications with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit is an open source development environment, which translates Java code to browser and device independent HTML and JavaScript. Most of the GWT framework parts, including the Java to JavaScript compiler as well as important security issues of websites will be introduced. The famous Agricola board game will be implemented in the Model-View-Presenter pattern to show that complex user interfaces can be created with the Google Web Toolkit. The Google Web Toolkit framework will be compared with the JavaServer Faces one to find out which toolkit is the right one for the next web project.:I Abstract II Contents III Acronyms and Glossary III.I Acronyms III.II Glossary IV Credits 1 Introduction 2 Basics 2.1 Development of the World Wide Web 2.2 Hypertext Markup Language 2.3 Cascading Style Sheets 2.4 JavaScript 2.5 Hypertext Markup Language Document Object Model 2.6 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML 3 GWT toolbox and compiler 3.1 GWT in action 3.2 A short overview of the toolkit 3.3 GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.1 Overview of GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.2 Deferred binding and bootstrapping process 3.3.3 GWT compiler steps and optimizations 3.4 Java Runtime Environment Emulation 3.5 Widgets and Panels 3.5.1 Overview of GWT Widgets 3.5.2 Event handlers in GWT Widgets 3.5.3 Manipulating browser’s DOM with GWT DOM class 3.5.4 GWT Designer and view optimization using UiBinder 3.6 Remote Procedure Calls 3.6.1 Comparison of Remote Procedure Calls with Remote Method Invocations 3.6.2 GWT’s RPC service and serializable whitelist 3.7 History Management 3.8 Client Bundle 3.8.1 Using ImageResources in the ClientBundle interface 3.8.2 Using CssResources in the ClientBundle interface 4 Model-View-Presenter Architecture 4.1 Comparison of MVP and MVC 4.2 GWT Model-View-Presenter pattern example: Agricola board game 4.3 Extending the Agricola web application with mobile views 4.4 Introducing activities in the Agricola Model-View-Presenter pattern enabling browser history 5 Comparison of the two web frameworks: GWT and JSF 5.1 Definitions of comparison fields 5.2 Comparison in category 1: Nearly completely static sites with a little bit of dynamic content, e.g. news update 5.3 Comparison in category 2: Doing a survey in both technologies 5.4 Comparison in category 3: Creating a forum to show data 5.5 Comparison in category 4: Writing a chat application 5.6 Comparison in category 5: Writing the speed game Snake 5.7 Summary 6 Security 6.1 Download Tomcat 6.2 Dynamic Web Application Project with GWT and Tomcat 6.3 Establish HTTPS connections in Tomcat 6.3.1 Create a pem certificate 6.3.2 Convert pem certificate into a key store object 6.3.3 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to enable HTPPS 6.4 Establish a database connection in Tomcat 6.4.1 Create TomcatGWT user and schema, and add the table countries 6.4.2 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to get access to the database connection 6.4.3 PreparedStatements avoid MySQL injections 6.5 Login mechanism in Tomcat 6.6 SafeHtml 7 Presenting a complex software application written in GWT 8 Conclusions 8.1 Summary 8.2 Future work A Appendix A 1 Configure the Google Web Toolkit framework in Eclipse A 1.1 Install the Java Developer Kit A 1.2 Download Eclipse A 1.3 Install the GWT plugin in Eclipse A 1.4 Create first GWT Java Project A 2 Figures A 3 Listings A 3.1 Source code of the Agricola board game A 3.2 Source code of GWT and JSF comparison A 4 Tables R Lists and References R 1 Lists R 1.1 List of Tables R 1.2 List of Figures R 1.3 List of Listings R 2 References R 2.1 Books R 2.2 Online resources / Diese Diplomarbeit beschreibt die Erzeugung desktopähnlicher Anwendungen mit dem Google Web Toolkit und die Umwandlung klassischer Java-Programme in diese. Das Google Web Toolkit ist eine Open-Source-Entwicklungsumgebung, die Java-Code in browserunabhängiges als auch in geräteübergreifendes HTML und JavaScript übersetzt. Vorgestellt wird der Großteil des GWT Frameworks inklusive des Java zu JavaScript-Compilers sowie wichtige Sicherheitsaspekte von Internetseiten. Um zu zeigen, dass auch komplizierte graphische Oberflächen mit dem Google Web Toolkit erzeugt werden können, wird das bekannte Brettspiel Agricola mittels Model-View-Presenter Designmuster implementiert. Zur Ermittlung der richtigen Technologie für das nächste Webprojekt findet ein Vergleich zwischen dem Google Web Toolkit und JavaServer Faces statt.:I Abstract II Contents III Acronyms and Glossary III.I Acronyms III.II Glossary IV Credits 1 Introduction 2 Basics 2.1 Development of the World Wide Web 2.2 Hypertext Markup Language 2.3 Cascading Style Sheets 2.4 JavaScript 2.5 Hypertext Markup Language Document Object Model 2.6 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML 3 GWT toolbox and compiler 3.1 GWT in action 3.2 A short overview of the toolkit 3.3 GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.1 Overview of GWT compiler and JSNI 3.3.2 Deferred binding and bootstrapping process 3.3.3 GWT compiler steps and optimizations 3.4 Java Runtime Environment Emulation 3.5 Widgets and Panels 3.5.1 Overview of GWT Widgets 3.5.2 Event handlers in GWT Widgets 3.5.3 Manipulating browser’s DOM with GWT DOM class 3.5.4 GWT Designer and view optimization using UiBinder 3.6 Remote Procedure Calls 3.6.1 Comparison of Remote Procedure Calls with Remote Method Invocations 3.6.2 GWT’s RPC service and serializable whitelist 3.7 History Management 3.8 Client Bundle 3.8.1 Using ImageResources in the ClientBundle interface 3.8.2 Using CssResources in the ClientBundle interface 4 Model-View-Presenter Architecture 4.1 Comparison of MVP and MVC 4.2 GWT Model-View-Presenter pattern example: Agricola board game 4.3 Extending the Agricola web application with mobile views 4.4 Introducing activities in the Agricola Model-View-Presenter pattern enabling browser history 5 Comparison of the two web frameworks: GWT and JSF 5.1 Definitions of comparison fields 5.2 Comparison in category 1: Nearly completely static sites with a little bit of dynamic content, e.g. news update 5.3 Comparison in category 2: Doing a survey in both technologies 5.4 Comparison in category 3: Creating a forum to show data 5.5 Comparison in category 4: Writing a chat application 5.6 Comparison in category 5: Writing the speed game Snake 5.7 Summary 6 Security 6.1 Download Tomcat 6.2 Dynamic Web Application Project with GWT and Tomcat 6.3 Establish HTTPS connections in Tomcat 6.3.1 Create a pem certificate 6.3.2 Convert pem certificate into a key store object 6.3.3 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to enable HTPPS 6.4 Establish a database connection in Tomcat 6.4.1 Create TomcatGWT user and schema, and add the table countries 6.4.2 Configure Tomcat’s XML files to get access to the database connection 6.4.3 PreparedStatements avoid MySQL injections 6.5 Login mechanism in Tomcat 6.6 SafeHtml 7 Presenting a complex software application written in GWT 8 Conclusions 8.1 Summary 8.2 Future work A Appendix A 1 Configure the Google Web Toolkit framework in Eclipse A 1.1 Install the Java Developer Kit A 1.2 Download Eclipse A 1.3 Install the GWT plugin in Eclipse A 1.4 Create first GWT Java Project A 2 Figures A 3 Listings A 3.1 Source code of the Agricola board game A 3.2 Source code of GWT and JSF comparison A 4 Tables R Lists and References R 1 Lists R 1.1 List of Tables R 1.2 List of Figures R 1.3 List of Listings R 2 References R 2.1 Books R 2.2 Online resources

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