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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Game contingent claims

Eliasson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Abstract Game contingent claims (GCCs), as introduced by Kifer (2000), are a generalization of American contingent claims where the writer has the opportunity to terminate the contract, and must then pay the intrinsic option value plus a penalty. In complete markets, GCCs are priced using no-arbitrage arguments as the value of a zero-sum stochastic game of the type described in Dynkin (1969). In incomplete markets, the neutral pricing approach of Kallsen and Kühn (2004) can be used. In Part I of this thesis, we introduce GCCs and their pricing, and also cover some basics of mathematical finance. In Part II, we present a new algorithm for valuing game contingent claims. This algorithm generalises the least-squares Monte-Carlo method for pricing American options of Longstaff and Schwartz (2001). Convergence proofs are obtained, and the algorithm is tested against certain GCCs. A more efficient algorithm is derived from the first one using the computational complexity analysis technique of Chen and Shen (2003). The algorithms were found to give good results with reasonable time requirements. Reference implementations of both algorithms are available for download from the author’s Github page https://github.com/del/ Game-option-valuation-library

Apocalyptic Abomination: Sacrificing Peace for a Temple Through Interpretation of Scripture

Jenkins, Rachel E. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Komparace vlivu externích mocností - Spojených států, Evropské unie, Ruské federace, Číny a Turecka - v izraelsko-arabském prostoru / Comparing Influence of the USA, the EU, China, Russia and Turkey in the Israeli-Arab Area

Hindlsová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Komparace vlivu externích mocností - Spojených států, Evropské unie, Ruské federace, Číny a Turecka - v izraelsko-arabském prostoru Abstrakt disertační práce L. Hindlsová The dissertation thesis entitled, Comparing Influence of the USA, the EU, China, Russia and Turkey in the Israeli-Arab Area, discusses sub-regional power distribution of selected external global and regional powers. The Buzan & Wæver regional security complex in its expanded form serves as a scheme for measuring influence of above listed external powers through their military, political, economic and cultural foreign-policy tools. The analysis is conducted in four historical phases that were critical for the evolution of the Israeli-Arab conflict since the Israeli-Egypt Peace Treaty in 1979 until the most current period. The objective is to determine shifts and general trends in power distribution and to comprehend where, how and to what extent new rising powers exercise their influence. The thesis tries to determine, whether less synoptic structure of power hierarchy on the global level resulting from relative decline of US power may impact regional power distribution in the Israeli-Arab sub-region and the conflict resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Therefore it primarily covers activities in the Israeli-Arab sub-region, but...

Turecko jako mediátor izraelsko-palestinského konfliktu : analýza dosavadní role a potenciálu do budoucna / Turkey as a mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: analysis of existing role and future potential

Michálková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with past mediation attempts of Turkey to solve the Israeli- Palestinian conflict and with the potential of future Turkish mediation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict have been for several decades one of the biggest problems for the international security, therefore, analysing possible solutions is very important. Turkey is an actor with a special position, because it is a regional power with ties both to Islamic culture and to the West. That is why it has in theory a potential to play successful mediation role in this conflict. In this thesis, we will evaluate Turkey's existing role and after that, we will analyse the future potential with the help of the mediation conceptual framework that is described in the scholarly literature on conflict resolution and conflict management. Our research questions are: Can Turkey play a successful mediator role in the future? If yes, what conditions have to take place? Turkey tries to play a role in this conflict since the early 1990s and despite the fact that there has been a disruption of the diplomatic relations between Israel and Turkey, it is very likely that in the future a normalization will occur. If that happes, can Turkey broker peace?

Ellas "enseñan vida": experiencias de lucha y resistencia de las mujeres palestinas. Un análisis desde la solidaridad feminista internacionalista

Fuente Espinosa, María Teresa de la 02 May 2022 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo de investigación trata de explorar y comprender la situación que se vive en Palestina de la mano de algunas de sus protagonistas, mujeres activistas y comprometidas que con su vida cotidiana luchan y resisten a una injusta ocupación y colonización llevada a cabo por el Estado de Israel. Desde un posicionamiento epistemológico activista y feminista me acercaré a ellas, a sus prácticas y a sus discursos, con el fin de entender, en primer lugar, qué tipo de violencias experimentan sus vidas y qué herramientas y tecnologías utiliza el Estado israelí para construir un aparato neocolonial racista y violento que deshumaniza las vidas palestinas. Pero también trataré de averiguar cómo hacen frente estas mujeres a todas estas violencias. Aprenderé de sus discursos decoloniales a deconstruir la imagen islamófoba que ha construido Occidente sobre las mujeres musulmanas con hiyab, supuestamente víctimas y sumisas; y analizaré sus prácticas de lucha y resistencia, comprendiendo que la no-violencia y la solidaridad internacionalista feminista son el camino hacia la rehumanización de las, en palabras de Butler, vidas que no merecen ser lloradas. / [CA] Aquest treball de recerca tracta d'explorar i comprendre la situació que es viu en Palestina de la mà d'algunes de les seues protagonistes, dones activistes i compromeses que amb la seua vida quotidiana lluiten i resisteixen a una injusta ocupació i colonització duta a terme per l'Estat d'Israel. Des d'un posicionament epistemològic activista i feminista m'acostaré a elles, a les seues pràctiques i als seus discursos, amb la finalitat d'entendre, en primer lloc, quin tipus de violències experimenten les seues vides i quines eines i tecnologies utilitza l'Estat israelià per a construir un aparell neocolonial racista i violent que deshumanitza les vides palestines. Però també tractaré d'esbrinar com fan front aquestes dones a totes aquestes violències. Aprendré dels seus discursos decolonials a desconstruir l'imatge islamòfoba que ha construït Occident sobre les dones musulmanes amb hijab, suposadament víctimes i submises; i analitzaré les seues pràctiques de lluita i resistència, comprenent que la no-violència i la solidaritat internacionalista feminista són el camí cap a la rehumanització de les, en paraules de Butler, vides que no mereixen ser plorades. / [EN] This research work tries to explore and understand the situation that exists in Palestine from some of its protagonists' voices, activist and committed women who, with their daily lives, fight and resist an unjust occupation and colonization carried out by the State of Israel. From an activist and feminist epistemological position, I will approach them, their practices and their discourses, in order to understand, in the first place, what kind of violence are their lives experience and what tools and technologies the Israeli State uses to build a neocolonial, racist and violent apparatus that dehumanizes Palestinian lives. But I will also try to find out how these women face all this violence. I will learn from her decolonial speeches to deconstruct the Islamophobic image that the West has built on Muslim women with hijab, supposedly victims and submissive; and I will analyze their practices of struggle and resistance, understanding that non-violence and feminist internationalist solidarity are the ways to rehumanize those, in Butler's words, lives that do not deserve to be mourned. / Fuente Espinosa, MTDL. (2022). Ellas "enseñan vida": experiencias de lucha y resistencia de las mujeres palestinas. Un análisis desde la solidaridad feminista internacionalista [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182384 / TESIS

Framing the Fight: The Creation of Political Role Conceptions by the News Media in Coverage of Israeli Disengagement from the Gaza Strip

Dodson, Marianne E. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Israel-Palestina-konflikten på Instagram. : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de termer som muslimska influensers delar via sina Instagramstorys kring Israel-Palestina-konflikten. / The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. : A Qualitative Content Analysis of the Terms That Muslim Influencers Share via Their Instagram Stories Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Zeidan, Lejla January 2022 (has links)
Under våren 2021 trappades spänningarna mellan Israel och Palestina ännu en gång upp och sociala medier frodades av politiska budskap. Israel-Palestina-konflikten är ett omdebatterat ämne men det saknas ofta ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv för att öka förståelsen för konflikten, specifikt synen på Israel och judar/judendomen. Syftet med denna studie är att kritiskt undersöka vilka inlägg som delas på Instagram av två muslimska influensers (Bella Hadid och Isabella Podesta) och hur de använder sina plattformar för att sprida information och uppmana till aktivism kring Israel-Palestina-konflikten. Metoden som användes var kvalitativ innehållsanalys och ett kodschema infogades för att granska de termer som förekom iinfluensernas Instagramstorys samt i vilken utsträckning. Teorin som applicerades på resultatet och i diskussion var religiopolitik. Sammanfattningsvis kan man se att Instagraminläggen som de muslimska influenserna Hadid och Podesta sprider på Instagram kring termerna apartheid, folkmord och antisionism i förhållande till Israel-Palestina-konflikten främst bidrar med avhumanisering och ett onyanserat perspektiv. Genom avhumaniseringen bidrar man med en negativ syn på Israel och i längden en negativ syn på judar och judendomen.Termerna apartheid, antisionism och folkmord användes okritiskt och med en ovetenskaplig grund vilket kan resultera i att förståelse kring konflikten snarare minskar än ökar. Andra termer som ofta förekom var ´Free Palestine´ och inlägg som berörde barns lidande vilket kan vara en grund till framtida forskning kring Israel-Palestina-konflikten. / In the spring of 2021, tensions between Israel and Palestine escalated once again and social media flourished with political messages. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a controversial topic and there is often a lack of a religious perspectives to increase understanding of the conflict, specifically the view of Israel and Jews/Judaism. The purpose of this study is to critically examine the posts shared on Instagram by two Muslim influencers (Bella Hadid and Isabella Podesta) and how they use their platforms to spread information and encourage activism surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The method used was qualitative content analysis and a code-schema was inserted to examine the terms that appeared in the influencers' Instagram stories as well as to what extent. Religiopolitical theory was applied to the results and the discussion. In summary, the Instagram posts that the Muslim influencers Hadid and Podesta spread on Instagram surrounding the terms apartheid, genocide and anti-Zionism in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, mainly contribute to dehumanization and a lessernuanced perspective. Dehumanization contributes to a negative view of Israel and, in the long run, a negative view of Jews and Judaism as well as Zionists. The terms apartheid, anti-Zionism and genocide were used uncritically and with an unscientific basis, which may result in a decreased understanding of the conflict rather than an increased understanding. Other terms that often occurred, as per the code-schema, were ´Free Palestine´ and posts that concerned children's suffering, which may be a basis for future research regarding the Israeli-Palestinianconflict.

Missing the consequences misperceptions of the 1967 six-day israeli-arab war

Miniello, Jonathan 01 May 2011 (has links)
In recent times, the issues surrounding the "67 borders" have become part of the public debate. In recent speeches, President Obama has suggested that Israel should return to pre-1967 borders with "land-swaps" in exchange for some form of peace with the Palestinians living within current Israeli territory. The validity of Obama's suggestion has been questioned by both members of the political left and right and in the opinion of this author, with considerable merit. However, the ultimate judgment on the validity of Obama's suggestion should be based on a study encompassing the decisions, both correct and flawed, of the leaders during the 1967 war. For this, a study of collective misperceptions, decision making, and the eventual consequences such decisions brought is necessary. That is the purpose of this thesis. For a proper analysis of the misperceptions and decision making surrounding the 1967 war, its proper to review the source material. In that light, there is no shortage of material written about the 1967 war; American, Israel, and Arab authors have all contributed to the historical records. However, much of the material is focused on a historical perspective and not on the decision-making process. There are not many exceptions. Therefore, it becomes important to compare the newer analyzed material against the primary source material and discuss the discrepancies. At the end, it will be determined whether the collective governmental decisions based upon misperceptions accelerated, decelerated, or had a neutral effect on the outbreak of the war. Comparing the source material and viewing it through the filter of newly released information will constitute the methodology whenever possible. The results of this study have revealed a mixed bag of results depending on the nation in question. This was to be expected because individual nations are subject to different misperceptions.; Nations falling under the spell of different misperceptions experience different consequences and outcomes than those who do not. Additionally, even if two separate nations are exposed to the same stimulus, their response may be completely different. In terms of the 1967 war, it can be stated that Israeli misperceptions staved off the start of the 1967 War, whereas Soviet and Arab misperceptions served to accelerate it. By contrast American misperceptions seemed to have little if any affect whatsoever. The purpose of thesis is to expose and documents misperceptions and the resulting consequences that arose from them. It is not designed to make judgments about the current political situation. However, it is the sincere hope of this author that when a situation runs parallel to the events of the 1967, some of the same mistakes can be avoided. Exactly what runs parallel, and what is significant in today's world, is left to the reader's own judgment.

Judaização da Palestina ocupada: colonização, desapropriação e deslocamento em Jerusalém Oriental, Cisjordânia e Faixa de Gaza entre 1967 e 2013

Huberman, Bruno 26 May 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:48:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Huberman.pdf: 3948916 bytes, checksum: 0ac5109e458a9c62d4b1fe7fe11bbf86 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation aims at investigating a phenomena called Judaization of Palestine: its purpose, politics, means, instruments, techniques, reasoning, objectives and interests and measure its impact on Israel-Palestine matter and lives of people living in Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) palestinians and jewish settlers. In that manner, the main manifestations of this phenomenon will be historically and analitically examined, such as the development of the Jewish settlements in Palestinian territories and the legal and burocratical instruments of social control over the Palestinian population between 1967 and 2013. The central problem of this investigation is focused on the oficial arguments of the israeli authorities about the Jewish presence in the OPT and the political impasse with the palestinians, linked to the paradigm of security and conflict in opposition to the Judaization of Palestine spectrum, which is about colonization, dispossession, volunteer and involunteer desplacement and social control of a foreigner dominant social ethnical group above other indigenous and subdued one. I intend to support the judaization narrative in opposition to the zionist hegemonic narrative as the most appropriate to understand some of the central aspects of the dispute between israelis and palestinians over that land, as the spatial fragmentation of Cisjordani, the Gaza Strip isolation, the silent displacement occuring in East Jerusalem and the maintenance of status quo. From this we can reach the relevance and justification for the elaboration of this dissertation / A presente dissertação pretende fazer uma investigação a respeito do fenômeno chamado de judaização da Palestina: qual é o seu propósito, políticas, meios, instrumentos, técnicas, racionalidade, objetivos e interesses, e medir o seu impacto sobre a questão Israel-Palestina e a vida das pessoas que residem nos Territórios Palestinos Ocupados palestinos e colonos judeus. Desta forma, serão historicamente e analiticamente examinadas as principais manifestações deste fenômeno, como o desenvolvimento da política de assentamentos judeus nos territórios palestinos e os instrumentos legais e burocráticos de controle social da população palestina entre 1967 e 2013. Pretende-se identificar a racionalidade da burocracia colonial israelense. O problema central da presente investigação reside na contraposição dos argumentos oficiais das autoridades israelenses à respeito da presença judaica nos TPO e do impasse político com os palestinos, trancados nos paradigmas da segurança e do conflito, com o espectro proposto da judaização da Palestina, que trata da colonização, desapropriação, deslocamento voluntário e involuntário e controle social de um grupo étnico social dominante e estrangeiro sobre outro subjugado e indígena. Pretendo sustentar que a narrativa da judaização em oposição à narrativa hegemônica sionista é a mais apropriada para compreender alguns aspectos centrais da relação entre judeus e palestinos naquela terra, como a fragmentação espacial da Cisjordânia, o isolamento da Faixa de Gaza, os silenciosos despejos em Jerusalém Oriental e a manutenção do status quo. As autoridades israelenses conseguiram, por meio do projeto de judaização, despolitizar a questão Israel-Palestina, transformando-a em uma discussão econômica, humanitária e de segurança

Peace and Sport: Challenging Limitations Across the Sport for Development and Peace Sector

Bellotti, Jeremy Aaron 16 October 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This paper examines an international SDP NGO in relation to the most challenging limitations facing the current Sport for Development and Peace sector. Employing an existing academic framework of the contemporary SDP sector, this case study explores under what conditions an SDP organization might begin to emancipate themselves from such limitations.

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