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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Mackenzie N Breneman (8797166) 04 May 2020 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine how nonrenewable energy companies frame and manage the issue of climate change in their online communication, specifically sustainability reports. The issue cycle framework was applied through a rhetorical analysis to determine where coal and oil/gas companies place climate change in the issue cycle and subsequently manage the issue. Coal companies were determined to place climate change in lower stages of the issue cycle while oil/gas companies placed the issue later in the issue cycle. The issues management strategies of these companies also aligned with where they placed climate change in the issue cycle. This study then sought to understand the differences between the approaches of coal and oil/gas companies by examining factors such as financial standing, business models, and each industry’s publics.</p>

Le droit et la police des jeux de hasard dans les Alpes-Maritimes aux XIXe et XXe siècles (1800-1954) / The gambling law and policy in the Alpes-Maritimes in the 19th and 20th century (1800-1954)

Roffe, Morgane 07 December 2017 (has links)
L’histoire normative française comme l’histoire normative sarde, démontre une certaine ambivalence vis-à-vis des jeux de hasard, exprimée dans les textes répressifs (le décret du 24 juin 1806 et les articles 410 et 475 du Code pénal de 1810). Le cadre répressif dominant, au travers des lois du 21 mai et du 18 juillet 1836, révèle de nouveau cette ambivalence. En effet, l’article 4 du décret de 1806 et l’article 5 de la loi du 21 mai 1836, traduisent déjà une tolérance de l’administration supérieure vis-à-vis de la progression des jeux. Aussi, les autorités préfectorales confirment une tolérance progressive vis-à-vis des jeux de hasard. Localement, des casinos sont autorisés, après l’annexion à la France en 1860, ils suscitent des controverses de la presse et d’une partie de l’opinion publique. Néanmoins, face à la concurrence d’un État limitrophe (la principauté de Monaco), les pouvoirs publics des Alpes-Maritimes encouragent une politique d’exploitation des jeux, car favorable au développement urbain, généré par la villégiature, puis le tourisme. Un droit empirique des jeux de hasard se développe alors dans la zone de villégiature du département. La réforme nationale normative du 15 juin 1907, en légalisant alors les casinos-cercles dans les stations balnéaires, thermales et climatiques, est particulièrement favorable aux Alpes-Maritimes. Dorénavant, les intérêts économiques prévalent sur des considérations morales. La sphère des jeux devient un élément convoité. L’attraction financière, notamment vis-à-vis du prélèvement communal sur le produit des jeux, laisse entrevoir un droit utilitariste conforté par la réforme de la loi de finances en 1953. / The French normative history, just like the Sardian normative history shows a certain ambivalence when it comes to gambling games, as it’s expressed in repressive texts (the June 24th 1804 bill and the 410 and 475 articles from the 1810 criminal Code). The dominant repressive framework, through the laws of May 21st and July 18th 1836, reveals again that ambivalence. Indeed, the article 4 from the 1806’s bill and the 5 from the May 21st 1836’law, already translate a progressive tolerance of the games progression from the superior administration. Also, the prefectural authorities confirm a progressive tolerance about gambling games. Locally, some casinos are allowed, after the annexion to France in 1860, they bring up some controversial reactions from the press and the public opinion. However, because of the concurrence coming from a neighboring state (the principality of Monaco), the public authorities of the Alpes-Maritimes, encourage the game exploitation, because of their favorable impact on the urban development, generated by resorts then tourism. An empirical right to gambling games is then developing in the resort area of the department. The national reform of June, which legalized the casinos in the seaside, health and thermal stations is especially beneficial to the Alpes-Maritimes. From now on, the economic interests prevail on moral considerations. The gambling sphere becomes a much coveted domain. The financial attraction, especially from the communal tax on gambling games, shows a glimpse of the utilitarian law later confronted by the financial reform in 1953.

Reflexe environmentálních problémů v české poválečné próze / Reflection of environmental issues in czech post-war prose

Zachystalová, Linda January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this diploma thesis is the reflection of environmental issues as reflected in post-war Czech prose. I'm doing so through several titles which were chosen on the basis of my resarch. Firstly I introduced their environmental content and character, then I juxtaposed these titles through hermeneutic approach. The comparison brought up several motives and characteristics these titles have in common, I also described which environmental issues are presented, and how they are depicted in these text. I put an emphasis on the context of the observed period (especially the political situation) in which these texts were created. This context is also presented in the chapter about environmental situation on the Czech territory and in the chapter focused on the historical course of Czech post-war prose. I'm introducing an ecocriticism as a part of a literary science and discussing the reception of environmenal issues in Czech prose in general. Key words Czech post-war prose, environmental issue, hermeneutics, ecocriticism

Den svenska gröna bloggosfärens sociala nätverk : En kartläggning av dess nätverksstruktur och aktörer / The network structure surrounding the Swedish blogosphere : A mapping of its network structure and actors

Sjöberg, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Sociala rörelser existerar på Internet i form av sociala nätverk med syftet att förändra ett samhälleligt tillstånd utan att utnyttja etablerade kanaler. Den här uppsatsen fokuserar på hur miljö framställs och diskuteras i ett svenskt konsumtionssamhälle genom att synliggöra det länknätverk som bygger upp det sociala nätverk som omger den svenska gröna bloggosfären. Syftet är att utforska eventuella problem vid kartläggningar av sociala nätverk samt att avgöra vilka typer av aktörer som ingår och hur dessa bidrar i vår förståelse för hur miljövänligt leverne är förankrat i en vardagskontext. Undersökningen har kartlagt och analyserat de hyperlänkar, aktörer och relationer som bygger upp det sociala nätverket och visualiserar detta i form av en nätverkskarta. Studien visar att sociala nätverk inte endast kan undersökas med hjälp av hyperlänkar utan att det krävs en mer mångfacetterad förståelse för den sociala rörelsen. Dock är kartläggningsverktyget ett bra analytiskt verktyg som hjälper forskaren att se tematiska områden och bidra med en övergripande visuell syn på nätverket. De aktörer som ingår i nätverket tycks framförallt associera sig med liknande aktörer och förhåller sig till den så kallade associeringspolitiken. Som följd indikerar studien att nätverket består av tre kluster med olika karaktärer. Ett av klustren består främst av trädgårdsrelaterade bloggar och företag och saknar en koppling till grönt leverne vilket betyder att klustret ej ingår i den bakomliggande sociala rörelsen. De resterande två klustren tyder på att grönt leverne diskuteras med ett mikro-eller makroperspektiv. Majoriteten av bloggarna har ett mikroperspektiv med inlägg utan någon förankring i bakomliggande orsaker och problem. Resterande aktörer, organisationer, tidningar och ett fåtal bloggar, har ett makroperspektiv och relaterar miljöfrågor till samhället som helhet med inlägg som är mer förankrade i fakta och information. Således tycks ett behov finnas att delvis relatera grönt leverne till personliga val ur ett mikroperspektiv med positiv ton samt att förstå de bakomliggande orsakerna ur ett makroperspektiv. / Social movements exist on the Internet under the label social network with the aim to change social conditions without using established channels. This study focuses on how the environment is discussed in a Swedish consumer society by making the link network surrounding the Swedish green blogosphere visible. The study ́s aim is to explore the possible problems in assessing a social network as well as determine the types of actors involved and how these contribute to our understanding of how green living is rooted in an everyday context. The study has identified and analysed the hyperlinks, actors and relationships that make up the social network and visualized this in the shape of a network map. The study shows that social networks can not only be investigated by means of hyperlinks if a multifaced understanding it so be achieved about the social movement. The mapping tool is, however, a good analytical instrument that helps the researcher to see the thematic areas and contribute to an overall visual view of the network. The actors included in the network seem particularly to associate themselves with similar actors and relate to the so-called politics of associations. As a result of the operators' association study indicates that the network consists of three clusters with different characters. One of the clusters mainly consist of garden related blogs and businesses and do not have a connection to green living, which means it is not included in the underlying social movement. The remaining two clusters indicate that green living is discussed with a micro or macro perspective. A majority of blogs have a micro perspective, where blogposts lack information about the underlying causes and problems. The remaining actors, organizations, newspapers and a few blogs have a macro perspective, and related environmental issues to society as a whole, with posts that are more grounded in facts and information. Thus seems to be a need to partially relate to green living, personal choice from a micro perspective positive tone and to understand the underlying causes from a macro perspective.

The Partisan Reporter : A study of the news reporting on the American race issue by Sven Öste, 1963-71

Brundin, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
This thesis presents how the American race issue was depicted in Sweden during the 1960s until the early 1970s by studying the work of Sven Öste in Dagens Nyheter. Sven Öste was Dagens Nyheter’s Washington correspondent between 1963-1966 and 1968-1971, where he did prize winning reporting on the Vietnam war and covered the American race issue. Previous research has shown that the race issue was one of the key factors that changed Sweden’s perception of America. Despite this, there is a lack of research on how the American race issue was depicted or discussed in Sweden. This is important to remedy. Providing an understanding of how the American race issue was depicted will improve our knowledge of the Swedish image of America at this time. I will explore how Öste wrote about the Black liberation movement, the white resistance and how we are to understand his reporting. The results show that Öste contributed to a negative image of America through his reporting on the race issue. Öste supported the Black liberation movement, as shown through his emotional and moral writings. Furthermore, Öste compared the race issue to the struggles in the Third World, which contributed to the negative image of America. In doing this, Öste became a transnational actor. With these results, new insight is provided into how the American race issue was depicted in Sweden.

Vem är ansvarig för att agera i klimatfrågan? : En komparativ inramningsanalys av ansvar och handling i medierapporteringen om IPCC-rapporten / Who is responsible for action on climate issues? : A comparative analysis of the framing of responsibility and actions in media based on the IPCC-report

Thorell, Tora January 2021 (has links)
This essay examines how responsibility and actions related to climate-related issues are framed inthe media. There is a gap between the public’s attitudes and their actions on climate issues, and this essay aims to broaden the understanding of said gap. The goal is to contribute to the understanding of the public’s reasoning and doxa regarding the responsibility for action on climate issues. The essay is comparative and analyses articles from 2018 and 2021 in four of Sweden’s biggest newspapers. The articles were published on the same day the IPCC reports were published. The IPCC reports are of critical importance to highlight the extent of the current climate crisis. Therefore, the reports contain actual news value and could both influence and contribute to the understanding of how we collectively reason around the necessary actions and responsibilities we bear in regard to the climate. The essay is based on framing theory, topostheory, and theory on doxa. The methods used are framing analysis and close textual reading. Theresults of this study give insight into the fact that the actors assigned responsibility are many and ambiguous. The ambiguous collective “we”, “Sweden” and “the rest of the world”, are the threeagents assigned most responsibility to act. The actions they are assigned are broad and mostly on a global scale, while there is a change of framing in the newspapers from 2018 to 2021. The impact of the framing on the collective doxa and the gap between attitudes and action arediscussed in the essay but more research is needed on the topic. The conclusion of this essay is that we as individuals tend to put a great deal of responsibility on others and the actions to be taken are too challenging for individuals to manage. This along with vague calls for action and a lack of connection between different agents’ actions and how they affect each other couldcontribute to an understanding of why we do not do more about climate-related issues.

Source code quality in connection to self-admitted technical debt

Hrynko, Alina January 2020 (has links)
The importance of software code quality is increasing rapidly. With more code being written every day, its maintenance and support are becoming harder and more expensive. New automatic code review tools are developed to reach quality goals. One of these tools is SonarQube. However, people keep their leading role in the development process. Sometimes they sacrifice quality in order to speed up the development. This is called Technical Debt. In some particular cases, this process can be admitted by the developer. This is called Self-Admitted Technical Debt (SATD). Code quality can also be measured by such static code analysis tools as SonarQube. On this occasion, different issues can be detected. The purpose of this study is to find a connection between code quality issues, found by SonarQube and those marked as SATD. The research questions include: 1) Is there a connection between the size of the project and the SATD percentage? 2) Which types of issues are the most widespread in the code, marked by SATD? 3) Did the introduction of SATD influence the bug fixing time? As a result of research, a certain percentage of SATD was found. It is between 0%–20.83%. No connection between the size of the project and the percentage of SATD was found. There are certain issues that seem to relate to the SATD, such as “Duplicated code”, “Unused method parameters should be removed”, “Cognitive Complexity of methods should not be too high”, etc. The introduction of SATD has a minor positive effect on bug fixing time. We hope that our findings can help to improve the code quality evaluation approaches and development policies

Appropriating Gaming - A Quantitative Content Analysis and Issue Mapping of the Online Campaign #NotMyBattlefield

Larsson, Oskar January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine how online engagement in the #NotMyBattlefield campaign can be understood as an online harassment campaign and a continuation of the Gamergate controversy. Research has shown that Gamergate was appropriated by external political groups, such as the Alt-Right. The Alt-Right is known to be highly adept in media manipulation, executing deliberate framing strategies as a means to push political agendas and gain influence online (Blodgett, 2020, p. 187; O’Donnell, 2019, p. 10). The group's appropriation of Gamergate and gaming culture is highly indicative of the politicisation of gaming culture. The aim of this research is twofold. First, an overarching content analysis seeks to analyse the rhetoric arguments and thematic patterns found in conjunction with the hashtag #NotMyBattlefield on Twitter. Secondly, this thesis employs an adapted version of Burgess and Matamoros-Fernández (2016) method of issue mapping. The purpose of this mapping is to analyse the campaign’s relationship to prominent actors within online media, as well as to examine the structure and patterns the campaign followed. The combined results of the content analysis and issue mapping reveal how the #NotMyBattlefield can be understood as a continuation of Gamergate, influenced by Alt-Right ideologies. They bare similarities in the way feminism and political correctness are painted out to be instigators of an attack on gaming culture.Furthermore, the results also reveal how such campaigns are primarily reactionary - only showing increased levels of activity in response to external factors and events. At no point in time did the campaign show any indications of self-sustained motivation or engagement. The results of this thesis further signify the politicisation of gaming culture. The influence of external forces, such as the Alt-Right, signifies a need for further research in order to gain a better understanding of how to circumvent and prevent the radicalisation of gaming.

Performance Modeling of Large-Scale Parallel-Distributed Processing for Cloud Environment / クラウド環境における大規模並列分散処理の性能モデル

Hirai, Tsuguhito 23 May 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第21280号 / 情博第674号 / 新制||情||116(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科システム科学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 利幸, 教授 山下 信雄, 准教授 増山 博之, 教授 笠原 正治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DFAM

Issue Individuation in Public Reason Liberalism

Manning, Colin, Ph.D. 20 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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