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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'opera di Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa.

Adams, M. Rosalind January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

Landscape and Identity in Naples and the Campi Flegrei

Mellon, Diana January 2024 (has links)
The volcanic area west of Naples known as the Phlegraean Fields, or Campi Flegrei, has been an alluring destination since antiquity. Then as now, it is characterized by monumental ancient buildings, natural hot springs and a gentle climate. Yet the same underground supervolcano that is responsible for its thermal power charges the area with instability. This dissertation centers the Campi Flegrei as a specific environment whose unique properties artists responded to during the early modern period. Picturing this place in a variety of media, they made visible its inherent contradictions—the coexistence of loss with continuity, the entanglement of the natural with the humanmade—and brought these tensions to bear on local history and identity. Manuscripts, prints, maps, and images from printed books form the core body of material discussed. Taking an interdisciplinary and embodied approach, this study draws on the history of medicine, science and the environment and is based in firsthand experience of many of the sites discussed. The first chapter concerns a body of illustrated manuscripts and printed books that figure the bathing sites of the Campi Flegrei. It traces the popularity of Peter of Eboli’s late twelfth-century or early thirteenth-century poem De balneis Puteolanis (On the Baths of Pozzuoli) through the Renaissance and early modern periods, when it was copied and its images elaborated upon. The practice of bathing itself connected people directly to a rich local history, and these images emphasize the potency of that direct physical experience embedded in the landscape. The second chapter brings us to the extensive subterranean spaces of Naples, especially its underground aquatic infrastructure. The viscera of the city played an important role in daily life, but were also fertile settings for stories of the city’s past. This chapter contrasts the lack of imagery figuring the Neapolitan underground with the plethora of artworks showing a more porous relationship between above and below in the Campi Flegrei. The visual identities of Naples and the Campi Flegrei were consistently evolving, but constructed and perceived in relationship to one another. During periods in which Angevin, Aragonese, and early viceregal Spanish rulers attempted to impose a new order on the urban fabric of Naples, the Campi Flegrei were pictured in contrast, as the city’s untamable chthonic neighbor. The third chapter follows specific artists and writers into the Campi Flegrei, where their works turn towards mistaken topographies, visual lacunae, nonlinearity, and loss, teasing out visually the mechanisms by which transformation could come about. Working in an expanded context in which images of the Campi Flegrei and Naples circulated beyond the local, they developed new ways to tether their visual languages in drawings, prints, and paintings to local identity.

The 'delaying of age' novel in contemporary Italian literature (1980-2011)

Masenga, Ilaria January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the development of the Bildungsroman in Italian narrative between 1980 and 2011 and focuses, as a case study, on seven novels by three contemporary writers: Pier Vittorio Tondelli, Sandro Veronesi, and Giuseppe Culicchia. By contrasting the idea of an end of the literary genre with the First World War, as theorised by Franco Moretti in The Way of the World (an influential study on the European Bildungsroman published in 1987), this research will aim to demonstrate that contemporary Italian literature still engages with the genre. However, this analysis will show that a traditional coming of age process is no longer possible in contemporary society and will propose a different perspective from which to observe the transition from youth to adulthood – and its representation – in Italy. Acknowledging that the postponement of adulthood has become a common trope to describe this process, this thesis will argue that, instead of a coming of age process, the male young protagonist of the novels selected faces a ‘delaying of age process’, a conscious choice to postpone his entry into an unwelcoming adult world. The first two chapters of this work will establish the methodological background on which the textual analysis conducted in the following two chapters will be based. Chapter One will develop along two complementary lines: on the one hand, by basing my discussion on Moretti’s study, I will trace the origins of the Bildungsroman and identify the elements of continuity and diversity between the traditional examples of the genre in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and its evolution in the twentieth century. On the other hand, I will study the changes undergone by youth over the centuries, especially focusing on the shaping of male identity in the first decades of the twentieth century. Chapter Two will provide the socio-historical framework of this research, drawing a picture of contemporary Italy (from the aftermath of the Second World War), which will discuss the central issues against which the ‘delaying of age process’ will be analysed: generation, family, gender roles, work environment and consumption. In Chapters Three and Four, I will read the narrative texts selected as representing that ‘delaying of age’ trend which I will identify as a specifically Italian way of coming of age in contemporary society. By focusing on the relationship between the male protagonists and the ‘other’, the textual analysis will show new ways of conceiving the process of becoming a man in contemporary Italy.

Itálie: ekonomika a regiony v kontextu EU / Italy: Economy and Regions in EU Context

Buchtelová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the analysis of the position of Italy from the socio-economic point of view in the EU in context of its most important aspect -- differentiation of the regions of North-Centre and South. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with the comparative profile of Italy in EU including the causes and the development of the Italian social and economic specifics -- the high public debt, the slow economic growth rate and labour market problems. The basic macroeconomic and labour market indicators are used to determine the position of Italy in EU. The second chapter is aimed at the analysis of the primary causes, development and the current state of the Italian dualism on a theoretical level. The third chapter is dedicated to the description of Italian dualism by means of the concrete socio-economic indicators and deals with the comparison on the regional level. The part of this chapter deals with the efectiveness of application of EU regional policy in Italy.

Sabores e memórias: cozinha italiana e construção identitária em São Paulo / Flavors and memories: italian cuisine and identity construction in São Paulo

Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht 02 October 2009 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta uma discussão do papel da cozinha na formação de identidades. Desenvolvendo uma discussão a partir dos conceitos da antropologia da alimentação, especialmente considerando a cozinha como um modelo capaz de expor relações sociais e um processo em constante contato com o diferente, ela se define com um importante instrumento para construir identidades. A etnografia foi conduzida em restaurantes que ofereciam uma cozinha particularmente emblemática para a cidade de São Paulo, a italiana, tomando estabelecimentos que tivessem mais de cinquenta anos de existência na cidade. Ante isso, ao utilizar esse critério para definir o recorte, era preciso buscar refinar essa seleção, especialmente ao lidar com memórias de proprietários desses estabelecimentos. Dessa forma, foram selecionados três períodos considerados centrais na trajetória dessa cozinha e intimamente associados ao processo de imigração: o início do processo no começo do século XX; os anos 1950 e 1960 que trouxeram novos imigrantes italianos do pós-guerra para uma cidade tomada pela modernidade e, finalmente, os anos de globalização, especialmente após a nomeação da cidade como Capital Mundial da Gastronomia, ou simplesmente capital gastronômica, em 1997. Essa metodologia nos permitiu abordar questões em torno das articulações entre etnicidade, identidade e nacionalidade. A conclusão após estes anos de pesquisa foi que a italianidade é uma percepção flexível, embora a imigração e, em especial a italiana, tenha sido tomada como um dos elementos de maior expressão para definir São Paulo como uma metrópole cosmopolita. A comida italiana acompanhou os ritmos urbanos e a cadência de imigrantes italianos que tentavam assentar identidades ainda frágeis em diferentes contextos. / This thesis presents a discussion about the role of the cooking in the identity construction. The starting point was the concepts of Anthropology of food and with a special focus on the idea of cuisine like a system and process where the practical operation exposes social relationships and, in fact of this, work on identities. The ethnography was made in restaurants of a particular cuisine at São Paulo, which is very emblematic, Italian cuisine. For this, the way adopted was enter in the process of the cuisine by the memories of the owners of these restaurants, which are selected by a special criteria, have more than fifty years of existence and divide this trajectory in three main parts: the first period of immigration around the first decade of 20th century, the 1950 and 1960s for enter at the new urban rhythms and the globalization years, specially at 1990s when the city was called Mundial Capital of Gastronomy. Adopting this, we could discuss the arrangements between ethnicity, identity and nationality. The final considerations shows that the italianity becomes part of the urban imaginary and one of t he most particularities of this cosmopolitan city. The Italian cuisine shows these articulations and how follows the new urban rhythms adapting fragile identities in different contexts.

L’asilo politico nelle relazioni franco-italiane : i signori nessuno e l’impossibile status dell’opposizione italiana all’estero (1920-1986) / L’asile politique dans les relations franco-italiennes : les moins que rien et l’impossible statut de l’opposition italienne à l’étranger (1920-1986) / Political asylum in franco-italian relationships : the nobodies and the impossible status of italian french opposition abroad (1920-1986)

Di Ciommo Laurora, Costanza 08 July 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche plonge ses racines dans l’analyse de la typologie d’accueil particulière dont ont bénéficié les exilés politiques italiens des années 1970-1980. La problématique à la base de cette thèse se propose de comprendre si la politique française d’accueil de ces années-là peut être considérée comme un fait nouveau ou si, au contraire, elle est à interpréter comme un geste dont les racines remontent à une plus longue histoire : celle de l’asile politique. Nous analyserons selon une perspective de longue période le rapport existant entre les institutions politiques et administratives des Etats et les groupes sociaux. Avec cette analyse, nous voudrions contribuer à reconstruire l’origine des pratiques, des instruments et finalement des conceptions politiques et juridiques que la France et l’Italie ont appliquées au groupe d’émigrés politiques italiens en France. La thèse se compose des deux parties, (avant et après deuxième guerre mondiale). Nous allons d’abord reconstruire la naissance des principes constitutifs de l’asile politique en Europe tout au long du XIX siècle. Nous allons donc analyser la gestion étatique de la présence en France d’une grande partie de l’opposition italienne pendant les années Vingt et Trente, d’abord selon une perspective bilatérale, et ensuite internationale. Dans la deuxième partie du travail nous allons reconstruire les changements du cadre juridique de référence au lendemain de la deuxième guerre mondiale. Nous allons ensuite analyser la façon dont les Etats ont géré la présence en France de l’opposition extra-parlementaire italienne des années soixante-dix, d’abord d’un point de vue bilatéral, et ensuite multilatéral. / This thesis analyses how Italy and France dealt with handling and controlling Italian opposition in France. Chosen time interval elapses from 1920 to 1986. During these years two political opponents’ migratory waves were monitored by the two nations: anti fascist emigration and several revolutionary left wing former militants of the Seventies emigration. The thesis analysis by a long period perspective how French and Italian institutions confronted with such a phenomenon, particularly considering the issue of juridical status conferred to Italian opponents abroad. During analysed period Italy and France operated in a precise diplomatic context characterised by the multiplication of bilateral and multilateral interrelations that progressively became more and more crucial with regards to the states’ management of political emigration. Carried out analysis will underline continuity and breaches of this relation. Thesis first part analyses Italian Reign period from 1870 to end of Second World War. Introduction will mark the origin of asylum key principles that precedes chosen historical period but is fundamental to analyse the juridical frame of France and Italy future steps. First and Second Chapter focus on years between 1920 and 1940, with particular attention to political emigration handling by a bilateral (Chap. 1) and by a multilateral perspective (Chap. 2). Thesis Second part focuses on Republican Italy. The Introduction retraces juridical frame partial changes and focuses on asylum debate in the Italian Constituent. Analysis of political emigration handling will be carried out both from a bilateral (Chap. 3) and multilateral perspective (Chap. 4).

Trieste e a poética da vida: proposta de tradução de poemas de Umberto Saba / Trieste and the poetics of life: proposition of translation of Umberto Saba\'s poems

Dheisson Ribeiro Figueredo 16 March 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa surgiu do anseio de ampliar a presença da poesia de Umberto Saba no Brasil. Decidimos, por isso, selecionar e traduzir alguns de seus poemas, usando como critério de escolha o estudo da obra poética do triestino a partir da abordagem mais frequente: a relação entre o sujeito lírico e a cidade de Trieste. Escolhemos esse recorte porque acreditamos que ele possibilita fornecer uma visão abrangente da obra do autor, haja vista que, a partir dessa relação, muitas outras questões importantes para a compreensão de sua poesia podem ser estudadas, em especial aquelas questões engendradas no que denominamos de poética da vida. Com a expressão poética da vida, buscamos evidenciar uma tendência perceptível na poesia de Saba: a abertura para o que ele denomina de calda vita (vida quente), a vida percebida em toda a sua variedade, incluindo os momentos de dor e sofrimento. Nesse percurso, estudamos a relação sujeito/cidade tendo como norte a interpenetração entre a interioridade do sujeito e a matéria do mundo e, a partir daí, estabelecemos a comparação entre alguns traços da poética de Saba e de Baudelaire, mas também de Pascoli, Leopardi e dos Crepusculares. Tratamos também da temática do olhar, do desejo, das pulsões e da memória, as quais perpassam a relação sujeito/cidade. Abordamos ainda os principais aspectos formais que caracterizam a poesia do triestino, como, entre outros, a narratividade e o prosaísmo, os quais estão ligados ao que a crítica denomina realismo de Saba (a representação de cenas, fatos e personagens do cotidiano). / This research arose out of the will of spreading the presence of Umberto Sabas poetry in Brazil. We decided, thus, to select and translate some of his poems, using as a choice criterion the study of the poetical work of the italian poet out of the most frequent approach: the relation between his poetic persona and the city of Trieste. We have chosen this framing because we believe it enables a more embracing view of the work of the writer, since, from that relation, we can study many other important questions that may guide us to the comprehension of his poetry, specially those questions engendered in what we name here poetic of the life. With the expression poetic of the life, we seek to make a trend in Sabas poetry more evident: the openness to what he calls calda vita (warm life), the life realized in all its variety, including those moments of suffer and pain. In such path, we study the relation subject/city having as a north the interrelationship between the inner subject and the world matter, and from then, we establish a comparison among some features of Sabas and Baudelaires poetry, but also Pascolis, Leopardis and the Crepusculares. We also talk about the theme of the visual sense, of the desire, drives and memory, which are intertwined in the relation self/city. We talk, moreover, about the main formal aspects that characterize the poetry of the Italian, as, among others, the narrativity and the prosaicism, which are connected to what the critics call Sabas realism (the representation of scenes, facts and daily characters.)

Ambiguities in Chinese and Italian and their resolution by prosody. / 漢語與義大利語中的歧義現象及其以韻律消解歧義的方法 / Han yu yu Yidali yu zhong de qi yi xian xiang ji qi yi yun lü xiao jie qi yi de fang fa

January 2009 (has links)
Tsai, Ya Ching. / Thesis submitted in: December 2008. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 157-160). / Abstracts in English and Chinese; includes Chinese characters. / Acknowledgement --- p.i / Abstract --- p.ii / 摘要 --- p.iii / Table of contents --- p.iv / Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Objective --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Ambiguity detection --- p.3 / Chapter 1.3 --- Definition of ambiguity --- p.3 / Chapter 1.3.1 --- Lexical ambiguity --- p.4 / Chapter 1.3.2 --- Structural ambiguity --- p.5 / Chapter 1.4 --- Structure of the thesis --- p.8 / Chapter 2. --- Literature Review --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1 --- Prosodic phonology --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Prosodic hierarchy --- p.9 / Chapter --- "Syllable, foot and phonological word" --- p.10 / Chapter --- Clitics --- p.13 / Chapter --- Clitic group --- p.16 / Chapter --- Phonological phrase --- p.19 / Chapter --- Intonational phrase --- p.26 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Organization of prosodic structure --- p.27 / Chapter --- Stress clash --- p.28 / Chapter --- Eurhythmic rule --- p.29 / Chapter --- Stress-timing vs. syllable-timing --- p.31 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Syntax and phonology interaction --- p.33 / Chapter 2.2 --- Prosodic disambiguation --- p.35 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Previous studies and preliminary findings --- p.35 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Disambiguation strategies --- p.36 / Chapter --- Intonational phrasing --- p.37 / Chapter --- Accent placement --- p.38 / Chapter --- Pause insertion and lengthening --- p.40 / Chapter --- Pitch reset --- p.41 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Examples of prosodic disambiguation devices in Italian --- p.42 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- Examples of prosodic disambiguation devices in Chinese --- p.45 / Chapter 2.2.5 --- Different approaches in accounting for disambiguation --- p.48 / Chapter --- Syntactic approach --- p.51 / Chapter --- Prosodic approach --- p.52 / Chapter 3. --- Methodology --- p.55 / Chapter 3.1 --- ToBI Annotation System --- p.55 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- ToBI for Italian --- p.57 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- ToBI for Mandarin --- p.58 / Chapter 3.2 --- Assumptions and research questions --- p.60 / Chapter 3.3 --- Production experiment --- p.62 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Chinese --- p.64 / Chapter --- Experiment procedure --- p.65 / Chapter --- A preview of the various syntactic ambiguities --- p.66 / Chapter --- Pro-drop ambiguity --- p.70 / Chapter --- Polysemous de --- p.73 / Chapter --- Modifier grouping ambiguity --- p.76 / Chapter --- Attachment ambiguity --- p.77 / Chapter --- The role of intonational phrasing in prosodic disambiguation --- p.78 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Italian --- p.81 / Chapter --- Experiment procedure --- p.82 / Chapter --- A preview of the various syntactic ambiguities --- p.85 / Chapter --- Pro-drop ambiguity --- p.86 / Chapter --- Modifier grouping ambiguity --- p.90 / Chapter --- Attachment ambiguity --- p.91 / Chapter --- Relative clause ambiguity --- p.94 / Chapter --- Homographic ambiguity --- p.96 / Chapter --- Salience of accent placement --- p.98 / Chapter --- Universality of semantic ambiguity --- p.100 / Chapter 3.4 --- Perception experiment --- p.101 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Experiment procedure --- p.102 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Discussion --- p.104 / Chapter --- Better prediction by the prosodic approach --- p.106 / Chapter --- The preferred reading effect --- p.106 / Chapter --- Peculiarity of two toneless suffixes and how it is reflected in prosody --- p.110 / Chapter --- Parenthetical expressions as an intonational phrase? --- p.112 / Chapter 3.5 --- General discussion --- p.114 / Chapter 4. --- Conclusion --- p.119 / Chapter 4.1 --- Summary --- p.119 / Chapter 4.2 --- Significance --- p.127 / Chapter 4.3 --- Limitations and future perspectives --- p.127 / Appendices / Appendix I --- p.129 / Appendix II --- p.131 / Appendix III --- p.143 / Appendix IV --- p.145 / Appendix V --- p.153 / Appendix VI --- p.154 / Appendix VII --- p.156 / Bibliography --- p.157 / List of Figures / Figure 2.1 Pitch reset --- p.42 / Figure 2.2 Major intonation group --- p.42 / "Figure 3.1 ToBI transcription of the English sentence If he can, then there´ةs no argument about it" --- p.57 / "Figure 3.2 ToBIt transcription of the Italian sentence No, no, niente. Disse. Un lieve capogiro" --- p.58 / Figure 3.3 M一ToBI transcription of the Mandarin sentence Weili mailarou --- p.59 / Figure 3.4 The wave form of Speaker T reading (2a) from Appendix III --- p.83 / Figure 3.5 Annotation example of Speaker T reading (2a) from Appendix III --- p.83 / Figure 3.6 Percentage of correct responses according to ambiguity types --- p.110 / List of Tables / Table 2.1 Relations between the syntactic and prosodic structures of ambiguous sentences & percentage of responses corresponding to intended meaning of ambiguous sentences --- p.53 / Table 2.2 Italian examples of different types of ambiguous sentences --- p.54 / Table 3.1 Chinese ambiguity based on Nespor and Vogel´ةs ten relation types --- p.64 / Table 3.2 Performance of the Chinese informants at real or potential I boundaries --- p.68 / Table 3.3 Performance of the Italian informants at intermediate and intonational phrase boundaries --- p.84 / Table 3.4 Percentage of responses corresponding to intended meaning --- p.105

Artistic Patrimony and Cultural Politics in Early Seicento Venice

Zarrillo, Taryn Marie January 2016 (has links)
In the period following the Cinquecento Renaissance, contemporary seventeenth century Venetian artists were presented with two enormous challenges. The first was to attempt to reinterpret their visual tradition within a shifting political climate without declining into an overt stylistic retrospection. The second was to try and retain a semblance of the personification of state identity—those qualities that had been established and distinguished by Venetian art in the Cinquecento —and which were present in the visual patrimony of paintings and drawings. Carlo Ridolfi, art critic and author of Le maraviglie dell’Arte (1648) eloquently stated the problem in his biography of Giovanni Contarino, a student of Titian’s, when he praised the work of the Cinquecento masters as the epitome of artistic production to the extent that he says, “it is with reason that one could use as motto the two columns of Hercules with the words: “Ultra quid faciam?" it is in fact vain to pretend better examples, and rarer beautiful things could be made.” This dissertation considers two parallel issues at work: the stylistic legacy of Cinquecento Venetian masters and their importance in the work of their Seicento heirs, and the purposeful dissolution and sale of collections of work by those masters during the seventeenth century. The business activities of art dealers Marco Boschini (1602/5—1681), Paolo del Sera (1614—1672) and their associates are examined alongside their perceptions and criticisms of Cinquecento and Seicento artistic production, and the voracious appetite of English collectors for Venetian pictures in the opening decades of the seventeenth century is considered. Exploring the situations—political (the artist), economic (the dealer), and social (the patron)—present in Venice during the early seventeenth century and their direct relation to the perceived aesthetics of a cultural legacy, this project provides a reassessment of how established value sets in Venetian art were considered successful or not within their cultural context, and how those stylistic evaluations affected artists working in Venice during the early Seicento.

Management strategies in contact situations : a study of talk among speakers of Italian from different cultures

Ng, Angela Tzi San 01 January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

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