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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett kallbadhus i Vättern

Junvik, Klara January 2016 (has links)
Vättern är en stor, kall och djup sjö. Vattnet är ovanligt klart eftersom sjön är näringsfattig. Att bada i Vättern är en upplevelse olik både bad i hav och i andra insjöar. Jönköping är en Sveriges äldsta städer och ligger i Vätterns södra ände. Staden har alltid varit beroende av sjön och levt i symbios med den. Samtidigt har man genom historien tvingats bygga barriärer för att skydda sig från dess kalla vindar och isande vågor.   Den grundläggande idén bakom detta förslag till kallbadhus i Vättern är idén om att ge ökade möjligheter att under alla årstider och kontrollerade former kunna omslutas av Vätterns vatten. Idén om kallbadhuset som en ny länk mellan stad och vatten, även när det annars skulle vara otänkbart för de flesta och rentav farligt att hoppa i. Jönköpingsborna älskar sin största sjö och pratar ofta stolt om den. Staden och sjön är dock till stor del frånkopplade från varann, både genom fysiska och mentala barriärer. I detta projekt har jag undersökt kallbadhuset som byggnadstyp och möjlighet att vara med i en process där distansen mellan bebyggelsen i Jönköping och dess främsta naturtillgång kan minska. / Vättern is a large, cold and deep lake. The water is poor in nutrients and therefore unusually clear. To swim in Vättern is an experience unlikely both swimming in oceans and other lakes. Jönköping is one of Sweden’s oldest cities and is located in the southern end of Vättern. The city has always had a very symbiotic relation to the lake, being very dependent on it to serve its inhabitants with different needs. Historically, it has also been necessary to protect the city from the lake’s cold winds and icy waves.   The basic idea behind this proposal of a cold water bath house in Vättern is the idea of increasing the possibilites to be embraced by the water of Vättern, during all seasons and under controlled conditions. The idea of the cold water bath house as a new link between the city and the water, even when it to most people would be unthinkable to jump in. The people of Jönköping love and are very proud of their largest lake. However, the city and the lake are to a great extent disconnected from each other, through physical and mental barriers. In this project I have studied the cold water bath house as a building typology and possibility to contribute to the process where the distance may be decreased between the built city of Jönköping and its primary natural asset.

Destination HV71 : En kvalitativ studie i co-branding & place branding med Jönköpings kommun, Destination Jönköping och HV71 / Destination HV71 : A qualitative study in co-branding & place branding with Jönköping County, Destination Jönköping and HV71

Enhamn, Isac, Berg, Markus January 2016 (has links)
För en stad är det viktigt att sticka ut, att göra sig hörd bland andra städer som konkurrerar om besöksnäring och nya invånare. Hur kan en medelstor stad sticka ut från mängden? Kanske genom att marknadsföra sig tillsammans med en idrottsförening. Studien undersöker hur en stad tillsammans med det lokala elitishockeylaget och destinationsbolaget arbetar för att skapa en positiv bild av staden. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på hur städer arbetat med stora mästerskap, såsom Olympiska spelen och världsmästerskap. Ingen relevant forskning som vi har tagit del av har behandlat samarbetet mellan ett lokalt elitlag i ishockey, destinationsbolag samt kommun. De teorier som använts är place branding och co-branding. Dessa teorier består av flera aspekter som kan appliceras på en studie, place branding har ”the five Rs of place branding” och co-branding har ”5C co-branding strategy”. Den metod som använts är kvalitativa intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer var strukturerade med öppna frågor för att få så informationsrika svar som möjligt. Orsaken till att kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes var att få reda på om det fanns något samarbete mellan organisationerna. Resultatet visar att det inte finns något utbrett samarbete mellan dessa tre organisationer. Samtliga organisationer var positiva till ett framtida samarbete men i dagsläget finns inga planer från någon av organisationerna att inleda ett samarbete med någon av de andra. / It is important for a city to stand out, to make itself heard among other cities that are competing for the same tourism income<img src="https://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png" /> and new citizens. How can an medium-sized city stand out from the crowd? Perhaps by marketing itself together with a sports club. This study investigates how a city together with the local elite ice hockey team and the visitors bureau work to create a positive image of the city. Previous research has focused on how cities work with big events, such as the Olympic games and world championships. No relevant research that we have come across has looked at the cooperation between a local elite ice hockey team, the visitors bureau and the local government. The theories that have been used are place branding and co-branding. These theories are composed of multiple aspects that can be applied to a study, place branding has ”the five Rs of place branding” and co-branding has the ”5C co-branding strategy”. The method that has been used is qualitative interviews. The interviews that have been carried out were structured with open question to get as much information from the answers as possible. The reason that qualitative interviews were carried out was to find out if there was any cooperation between these organizations. The results show that there is no widespread cooperation between these organizations. All of the organizations were positive to the idea of future cooperation, but as of now there are no plans from any of the organizations to commence a cooperation initiative with any of the others.

Effekter som idrottsevenemang har på en destination : En studie av idrottsevenemangs effekter och hur de påverkar Jönköpings utveckling.

Ehrlander, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Idrottsevenemang används ofta för att attrahera turister till en destination. Jönköping har med framgångsrika arrangörer, föreningar och destinationsbolag etablerat sig som en idrottsevenemangs stad. Dessa evenemang har bidragit med olika hållbara effekter till destinatioen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur idrottsevenemang har påverkat Jönköpings utveckling. Det har genomförts elva intervjuer med personer som är verksamma i Jönköping och undersökningen har kartlagt hur Jönköping arbetar med idrottsturism samt vilka hållbara ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga effekter som idrottsevenemang lämnar kvar på destinationen.

Application of the Balanced Scorecard : In the healthcare department within Jönköping County Council

Sihvo, Cecilia, Schöld, Caroline, Gustafsson, Kristin, Summitt, Sarah January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Background:</strong> Kaplan and Norton developed the Balanced Scorecard in 1992. This framework has given the management the opportunity to better understand how the organization is functioning. Communication is the vital factor for success with the Balanced Scorecard and the organization. Nowadays, in a world of rapid change and competition the organizations face an untold quantity of leadership challenges, and by applying the Balanced Scorecard the management will get the chance to achieve results by putting their strategies into action. The Jönköping County Council is responsible for the healthcare within its area, and is one of numerous organizations that have implemented the Balanced Scorecard.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons the healthcare department within Jönköping County Council applied the Balanced Scorecard, how they use it, and to understand from their perspective how it benefits them. In addition to this we will present advice from employees to the management that is considering implementing the tool.</p><p><strong>Method:</strong> This is a qualitative study with an abductive approach, where we used both primary and secondary data in this research paper. The primary data was gathered through interviews with different departments at Jönköping County Council, which contributed to different views on the use of the Balanced Scorecard. Theories about the Balanced Scorecard were gathered through secondary data.</p><p><strong>Results/conclusions:</strong> Overall the management at Jönköping County Council are pleased and satisfied with the Balanced Scorecard. In addition to this they are all motivated and engaged in using the framework. However, they believe that the main drawbacks with the Balanced Scorecard are to make employees understand and connect the daily work to the framework, as well as finding the “correct” numerical values that reflects the organization. The benefits according to the management are the multidimensional view of the organization through the four perspectives in the Balanced Scorecard, and also the fact that they now have a framework which encourage the staff to strive to achieve a unison vision through action plans. The nursing staff was not aware of the term ‘Balanced Scorecard’ or the four perspectives, and therefore wanted to get more information about it from their executives, since they are expected to work in accordance with the framework. Through interviews with the upper- and middle management and the nursing staff we can draw the conclusion that the Jönköping County Council implemented the Balanced Scorecard since they wanted to have a system that could be used at all levels within the organization, this to get an overview and a better control of what is happening within the business.</p>

Flows and Bottlenecks : <em>Study of the physical flow of goods to and from the Region of Jönköping County and the possible bottlenecks</em><em></em>

Öbrink, Anton, Kian, Leila January 2009 (has links)
<p>A considerable amount of research has concentrated on the modes of transportation. Research has tended to focus on the growth and trends of the different modes of transportation on the national scale. Very little research has been undertaken into each region, and even less on those factors that prevent or act as barriers for transportation of goods in each region. Furthermore, very little research has been undertaken that examines the bottlenecks of the transportation flows in Jönköping.</p><p>By interviewing the main actors in the region, this thesis identifies the main product flow in the Jönköping County. The study also examines the perceived bottlenecks to transportation of goods that logistics companies face. In conducting the study, the main impediments to transportation flows were identified, analysed and ranked. The findings indicate that there are many common bottlenecks between firms in Jönköping. The study also, to an extent, supports findings that have been made in studies carried out previously by other researchers.<strong></strong></p>

Gröna gräsmattor och feta plånböcker : En kulturhistorisk fallstudie om fotbollsklubben Jönköping Södras ideologiska och kulturella utveckling mellan 1945 - 1990

Stonesjö, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Pontus Stonesjö Gröna gräsmattor och feta plånböcker!   En kulturhistorisk fallstudie om fotbollsklubben Jönköpings Södras ideologiska och kulturella utveckling mellan 1945-1990.   Med hjälp av Gramscis hegemonibegrepp samt den rebelliska Birminghamskolans definitioner kring ideologi och kultur tar jag mig an fallstudien kring fotbollsklubben Jönköpings Södras resa mellan 1945-1990. Paul Sjöbloms metod för att undersöka en föreningskultur visar oss hur J-Södra har jonglerat med sin ideologi genom historien. Resultatet visar oss att framgång precis som konst ligger i betraktarens ögon och vad betyder egentligen detta ord? När J-Södra har sina ”gyllene år” så är det Herrarnas A-lag som når framgångar rent tävlingsmässigt. Den så kallade ”Ökenvandringen” handlar också den om A-laget men denna gång om dess misslyckande, resten av föreningen får finna sig i att bara spela birollen i detta epos. Studien visar oss att framgång alltså föder framgång men vad är framgång? Är det män med feta plånböcker som gnider händerna när laget är i topp, och media och sponsorer står och köar utanför dörren? Eller är det när så många barn- och ungdomar som möjligt får bedriva fotbollsverksamhet på gröna gräsmattor? Det är förmodligen kombinationen av att bedriva en kvalificerad tävlingsverksamhet som är balanserad i förhållande till hälsoidrotten som är gångbar för framtidens fotbollsklubbar.

"Det är bättre att sitta på fästning än att svälta ihjäl." : En analys av brödupproret i Jönköping 1855 / "It's better to be imprisoned than starve to death." : An analysis of the bread riot in Jönköping in 1855

Nilsson, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis has examined the popular rising of September 1855 in Jönköping. The events are called Brödupproret and has its origin in the rising prices in grains and potatoes following new more liberal trading policies. The rising lasted two days, 25-26 of September, starting with an angry crowd outside one of Jönköping´s more famous merchants of grain. The local police force could not control the angry masses and people from the upper class formed a “peace loving” force that tried to calm the protesters. On the second day of the events military forces entered the city and finally terminated the rising. The following judicial process lasted well into the spring of 1856, resulting in 49 people sentenced. Some with a leading role in the uprising had to serve 6 to 8 years of hard labour.Based on E.P Thompson´s theory on moral economy the investigation has analysed protocols from the judicial process that followed the events. The investigated judicial protocol is a printed version of the hand-written original documents. These contains hearings with suspected rioters and witnesses.In short moral economy states that in the pre socialistic era people of all classes had a view that each social class had its responsibilities against the others. For the upper class one of these responsibilities was to keep prices on food on a morally agreeable level. If this responsibility was not fulfilled people had the right to protest. Through a text analysis words that indicate a consciousness of social class, trade with large quantities of grain or potatoes or threats of violence has been searched.Inquiries:What was the aim of the rising?Who was the target of the rising?How did the upper social class react to the events?The examination found that the aim of the uprising was to stop the buying of large quantities of grains and potatoes that had risen the prices and depleted the local market of these products. It was also clear that the merchants and the upper class were the targets and the ones who were blamed for the higher prices. Furthermore, it was found that the upper class reacted by trying to calm the angry masses. Mostly by talking to them or when threatened promising not to buy more grains and thereby raise the price.The thesis concluded that there in Jönköping in 1855 was a consciousness of social class. It also found that people of the working class were aware of what caused the rising prices and who was responsible for it. It is also possible to see what means people saw as a solution to the problem, violence and threats against the upper class. This means that E.P Thompsons theory of moral economy might be applicated on the events in Jönköping 1855.

Hamnstaden Jönköping : En komparativ undersökning om den yttre hamnens betydelse för Jönköping åren 1833 –1960

Larsson Sarja, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Att jämföra och undersöka historiska händelser är något av det vanligaste som görs inom vetenskapen. Denna uppsats skiljer sig inte där. Uppsatsen berättar om hur hamnen i Jönköping använts mellan åren 1833 till mitten på 1900-talet. Den undersöker betydelsen av hamnen i form av antalet båtar som anlades här under den aktuella tidsperioden. Uppsatsen svarar också på frågorna kring varför hamnen byggdes, hur hamnens betydelse förändrats över tid och uppsatsen gör även en jämförelse mellan hamnarna i Jönköping, Hjo och Askersund. Slutsatsen blir att hamnen har varit viktig under lång tid och den minskade i sitt användande på grund utav att andra transportmöjligheter blev mer aktuella. Hamnen byggdes från början för att kunna hantera det större behovet som kom efter att Göta kanal bildat nya vägar till Östersjön. Uppsatsen kommer även fram till att Jönköping och Hjo liknar varandra i sin utveckling under denna tidsperioden. Askersund skiljer sig lite mer från de två och anledningarna är bland annat placeringen av orten och hur behovet såg ut.

Bokföringsbrott : Hur bekämpningssystemet kan utvecklas

Persson, Angelica, Öhlund, Anna January 2005 (has links)
En förutsättning för att en ekonomi och den fria konkurrensen ska fun-gera är att alla aktörer följer de regleringar som finns. Brott som sker inom den ordinarie verksamheten för att öka den ekonomiska vinningen kallas med ett gemensamt ord för ekonomisk brottslighet. Skadorna för dessa brott är idag omfattande, uppskattningsvis mellan 100-250 miljar-der kronor. Det vanligaste brottet är bokföringsbrotten vilket också ofta används för att dölja andra ekonomiska brott. Uppsatsen syftar till att identifiera de hinder som finns för att ekoroteln i Jönköping ska kunna bedriva en effektiv bekämpning av bokförings-brott. Utifrån dessa hinder kommer vi att utveckla en modell för att kunna påvisa hur arbetet kan bedrivas effektivare, så att fler anmälningar av bokföringsbrott leder till åtal. Utifrån vår konstruerade modell ska vi analysera behovet av lagförändringar för att ytterligare komma åt dem som begår bokföringsbrott. Studien har bedrivits som en kvalitativ undersökning som bygger på en abduktiv ansats. Vi har studerat teorier och tidigare studier för att däref-ter utföra intervjuer med personer från åklagarkammaren, skatteverket och ekoroteln där även en uppföljande intervju har skett. Utifrån re-spondenternas svar har vi tagit fram en modell för hur bokföringsbrotten bättre kan bekämpas i Sverige. Studien visar att det arbetet som bedrivs internt vid ekoroteln görs så ef-fektivt som den nuvarande bokföringsbrottsbekämpningsstrukturen till-låter. De stora problemen för att kunna få fler fall att leda till åtal ligger utanför ekorotelns kontroll och det skulle krävas att ekorotlarna blev en del av Ekobrottsmyndigheten (EBM) som idag finns i vissa delar av Sverige. Dagens struktur innebär att ekorotlarna runt om i Sverige och EBM arbetar mot samma mål, men i skilda organisationer vilket påver-kar dem båda negativt. Om de båda vore inom samma organisation skulle möjlighet ges till att samarbeta och dela samma resurser vilket skulle öka effektiviteten för Sveriges bokföringsbrott. / One of the prerequisite for an working economy with free competition, is that all of the actors are following the existing rules. A crime that is conducted within the ordinary business to gain an increased economic profit, is called economic crime. The cost for those crimes is high and in Sweden it is calculated to be between 100-150 milliards a year. The most common of the economic crimes is accountancy crime. The thesis aims to identify the obstacles that exist and make the Ekorotel in Jönköping inable to fight the accountancy crimes in the most efficient way. Based on the identified obstacles, we will develop a model to show how the work can be done more efficient in order to solve more crimes. On the basis of this model we will analyse if theres is a need for changes in the law to further enable crimes to be solved. The research has been conducted with a qualitative method based on an abductive approach. We have studied theories and previous research and thereafter carried out interviews with people from the office of the public prosecutor, the tax authorities and the police. From the answers we have developed a model for how the accountancy crimes better can be defeated in Sweden. The research shows that the work carried out by the police, at the de-partment for economical crime, is done in the most efficient way possi-ble given the structure that exists today. The largest problems for get-ting more cases to lead to indictment are out of the contol of the de-partment. To solve this, it would be neccessary that the department for economical crimes becomes a part of the Economical crime authority. Today the different departments for economical crime and the eco-nomical crime authority are working towards the same goal, but in dif-ferent organisations, which affects them both negatively. By being within the same organisation, the possibility to cooperate and share re-sources would increase the efficiency by which the economical crimes can be solved.

Application of the Balanced Scorecard : In the healthcare department within Jönköping County Council

Sihvo, Cecilia, Schöld, Caroline, Gustafsson, Kristin, Summitt, Sarah January 2009 (has links)
Background: Kaplan and Norton developed the Balanced Scorecard in 1992. This framework has given the management the opportunity to better understand how the organization is functioning. Communication is the vital factor for success with the Balanced Scorecard and the organization. Nowadays, in a world of rapid change and competition the organizations face an untold quantity of leadership challenges, and by applying the Balanced Scorecard the management will get the chance to achieve results by putting their strategies into action. The Jönköping County Council is responsible for the healthcare within its area, and is one of numerous organizations that have implemented the Balanced Scorecard. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons the healthcare department within Jönköping County Council applied the Balanced Scorecard, how they use it, and to understand from their perspective how it benefits them. In addition to this we will present advice from employees to the management that is considering implementing the tool. Method: This is a qualitative study with an abductive approach, where we used both primary and secondary data in this research paper. The primary data was gathered through interviews with different departments at Jönköping County Council, which contributed to different views on the use of the Balanced Scorecard. Theories about the Balanced Scorecard were gathered through secondary data. Results/conclusions: Overall the management at Jönköping County Council are pleased and satisfied with the Balanced Scorecard. In addition to this they are all motivated and engaged in using the framework. However, they believe that the main drawbacks with the Balanced Scorecard are to make employees understand and connect the daily work to the framework, as well as finding the “correct” numerical values that reflects the organization. The benefits according to the management are the multidimensional view of the organization through the four perspectives in the Balanced Scorecard, and also the fact that they now have a framework which encourage the staff to strive to achieve a unison vision through action plans. The nursing staff was not aware of the term ‘Balanced Scorecard’ or the four perspectives, and therefore wanted to get more information about it from their executives, since they are expected to work in accordance with the framework. Through interviews with the upper- and middle management and the nursing staff we can draw the conclusion that the Jönköping County Council implemented the Balanced Scorecard since they wanted to have a system that could be used at all levels within the organization, this to get an overview and a better control of what is happening within the business.

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