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Improvement of the efficiency of the door panel department layout at IAC Group AB in Låssby / Förbättring av effektiviteten av dörrpanelavdelningens layout på IAC Group AB i LåssbyLadan, Helena January 2011 (has links)
This bachelor thesis was written in cooperation with IAC Group AB in Låssby/Gothenburg. The report explains the background to this project and why it was started. It also describes some theory which is needed to understand the project that has been made and which methodologies that have been used during this study. In this project the current state of the door panel department layout was analyzed and studied. Very early on it became clear that one of the biggest wastes for this department is related to operators walking. To make an improvement the focus was on reducing the unnecessary walking distances that the operators have to make and also not exceed the given budget. Six different layout alternatives were analyzed in regards to these factors and compared with each other as well as with the current state. The comparisons resulted in an own layout suggestion which is a combination of some of the six layouts analyzed but also own inputs. This layout is recommended for the company to implement since it reduces the unnecessary walking distances the most of all alternatives and the investment for it is within the given budget.
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RTLS – the missing link to optimizing Logistics Management?Hammerin, Karl, Streitenberger, Ramona January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how potentials of Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) in relation to Just In Time (JIT) management could be utilized within logistics management. For this, a framework, based on previous research of the interrelations of RTLS and JIT management, is proposed, to assess the effects of RTLS on logistics management, both on a managerial - as well as on an operational level. To answer the proposed research questions, the study followed a deductive and exploratory case study design, which was conducted at a company within the automotive industry. To understand the challenges within logistics management at the case company, interviews, observations, analysis of internal documents and a focus group were used, which allowed for a triangulation of the captured information. The findings and analysis of the data show that on an operational level the challenges within logistics management are related to complex logistic structures, pull strategies with partial push material flows, lack of information and – reliable data, as well as processes reliant on individuals. On the managerial level the findings suggest challenges related to high complexity and space constraints, time constraints, lack of transparency and – data connections, the company's improvement focus, employee attitude and a lack of reliable data. When the challenges were evaluated in relation to the proposed framework, it shows that these challenges would be resolved or counteracted by the benefits RTLS could provide in relation to JIT management. This study thereby supports the positive correlation between RTLS’s potential and JIT in logistics management.
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Critical factors when implementing Lean practices and Lean distribution for a micro company in the start-up phaseIvars, Amanda, Lundberg, Mathias January 2019 (has links)
The aim for this study is to identify the critical factors for an implementation of Lean for a micro company in the start-up phase, as well as to identify which Lean practices that are most applicable for a distribution strategy in a micro company. The aim was divided into two research questions: • RQ1: Which factors of a Lean implementation is critical for a producing micro company in the start-up phase? • RQ2: How applicable are lean tools and practices for a micro company’s distribution strategy? The research approach used to answer the aim and research questions were a literature review and a case study. A solid literature review was performed to understand the subject in a broader context as well as to compensate for the empirical findings. The case study was conducted at a micro company in the construction industry in Sweden, which currently has no distribution strategy. Since there is limited information related to micro companies, the study has been expanded to also include SMEs. Several factors were identified as critical for an implementation for a micro company. The factors were categorized as critical, favorable, hindering and driving. The identified most relevant critical factors for micro companies was the leadership and management as well as financial capabilities. This was found to be in line with the theoretical framework. Furthermore, an identification was that the Lean tools and practices that were the most applicable for a micro company were those that focus on the internal processes and the involvement of the workforce, such as 5S, PDCA and visual management. These tools were the most applicable because of the financial aspects as well as the lack of influence that a micro company has over its supply chain. It is recommended to perform a similar case study in a micro company with a higher level of maturity and has started their distribution of goods to further analyze tangible empirical data. Lean concerning micro companies need further research if it should become attractive and achievable for micro companies.
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Den stora produktionen i den lilla fabriken : En fallstudie om Leans påverkan på platsbristBredberg, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
I en plåtbearbetande verkstad norr om Stockholm, upplevs en platsbrist så akut att företaget överväga att bygga ut lokalerna. Då utbyggnad dröjer vill de utvärdera alternativa lösningar för platsbristen. Syftet är med denna studie är att studera situationen och utvärdera hur en implementering av Leanprinciperna slöseri elimnering, 5S och JIT skulle kunna påverka platsbristen samt hur det skulle kunna införas. Arbetet utförs för att visa på en alternativ lösning samt motivera personalen på företaget att förbättras. En fallstudie genomförs på företaget ovan beskrivet, där empiriska data samlats in genom observationer och intervjuer och sedan analyserades tematiskt mot den teoretiska referensramen. Den empiriska datan kategoriserades tematiskt och stort fokus lades på ordning, lager och flöde, men även utbildning, kvalitet och kommunikation. Studien kom fram till att höga nivåer av produkter i arbete och stora volymer av verktyg är grundorsakerna till platsbristen på företaget. Genom att applicera en slöserieliminerande strategi kan fallföretaget minska mängden lager, både produkter i arbete och färdigvarulager, samt minska behovet för lagringsplatser som uppkommer på grund av flödets väg genom verkstaden, vilket i sin tur minskar platsbristen. Applicering av 5S skulle minska volymerna av verktyg och färdigvarulager, och JIT implementering skulle minska mängden produkter i arbete. Företaget rekommenderas börjar arbeta för att införa Leanprinciperna, samt skapa en kultur där alla på företaget tillsammans arbetar för att förbättra företaget.
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Olympic Logistics Centers and their Adjustment to Specific Requirementsand Distribution Applications : Comparing the Olympic SummerGames 2000-2008Strehlow, Anett, Rehage, Katja January 2012 (has links)
Problem: Since there is not much inside information available, the problem that will be handled by this thesis is the coordination of warehousing activities within the logistics centers put to use by the Olympic Summer Games from 2000 to 2008. A special attention is given to certain requirements such as layout, capacity management, ownership and distribution applications. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is based on warehouse requirementsand their specific adjustment to the Olympic Summer Games, further emphasizing on distribution applications influencing the capacityand ownership. Theory: The theoretical section touches upon event logistics, the Olympic Games and more importantly, logistics centers as a generic termfor distribution facilities and warehouses. Further, types of warehouses, capacity management, ownership and distribution applications are examined in order to be able to compare the various Games. Method: The method for this research is based on a case study conducted by semi-structured interviews with several people involved in the logistics organization of the Games. All interviews are conducted over the telephone and analyzed accordingly. However, secondary data was of high importance due to the limited number of interview respondents. Conclusion: All analyzed features of a warehouse facility had to be more efficiently and effectively performed in order to serve the great approach for the Olympic Summer Games. The implementation of distribution applications was not sophisticated enough to benefit capacity savings. The leased ownership situation and outsourcing to third party logistics providers were advantageous, but did not further influence the planning and utilization phase of the Olympic Games.
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Design and Implementation of Java Virtual MachineMandal, Abhijit 06 1900 (has links)
Interpretation of Java bytecode results in slow execution of program.First version of Java Virtual Machine(JVM) implementation was relied
on interpretation techniques. On the other hand performance can be improved by translating the Java bytecode into machine code by a Just-In-Time(JIT) compiler and this technique is being integrated into most JVM implementations.
Java is an automatic garbage collected language, freeing the programmer from the explicit memory management. Garbage collection "pause" time can
be reduced by using a generational garbage collection.
This thesis describes an implementation of a JVM. The specific contributions made in this thesis include: development of a Just-In-Time(JIT) compiler using DAG construction technique, a bytecode interpreter, a generational
garbage collector. Our implementation can execute Java bytecode either by an interpreter or the bytecode can be translated into machine code
using the JIT compiler and the translated code is directly executed by the processor. We have implemented the Java Native Interface (JNI) to enable using C and assembly language programs with Java.
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Application of lean scheduling and production control in non-repetitive manufacturing systems using intelligent agent decision supportPapadopoulou, Theopisti C. January 2013 (has links)
Lean Manufacturing (LM) is widely accepted as a world-class manufacturing paradigm, its currency and superiority are manifested in numerous recent success stories. Most lean tools including Just-in-Time (JIT) were designed for repetitive serial production systems. This resulted in a substantial stream of research which dismissed a priori the suitability of LM for non-repetitive non-serial job-shops. The extension of LM into non-repetitive production systems is opposed on the basis of the sheer complexity of applying JIT pull production control in non-repetitive systems fabricating a high variety of products. However, the application of LM in job-shops is not unexplored. Studies proposing the extension of leanness into non-repetitive production systems have promoted the modification of pull control mechanisms or reconfiguration of job-shops into cellular manufacturing systems. This thesis sought to address the shortcomings of the aforementioned approaches. The contribution of this thesis to knowledge in the field of production and operations management is threefold: Firstly, a Multi-Agent System (MAS) is designed to directly apply pull production control to a good approximation of a real-life job-shop. The scale and complexity of the developed MAS prove that the application of pull production control in non-repetitive manufacturing systems is challenging, perplex and laborious. Secondly, the thesis examines three pull production control mechanisms namely, Kanban, Base Stock and Constant Work-in-Process (CONWIP) which it enhances so as to prevent system deadlocks, an issue largely unaddressed in the relevant literature. Having successfully tested the transferability of pull production control to non-repetitive manufacturing, the third contribution of this thesis is that it uses experimental and empirical data to examine the impact of pull production control on job-shop performance. The thesis identifies issues resulting from the application of pull control in job-shops which have implications for industry practice and concludes by outlining further research that can be undertaken in this direction.
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A colorful department isn't always good: improvements at Novaprint.Distefano, Federica January 2013 (has links)
Today, the competition between companies are very strong and fighted. In particular, small-medium size companies (SMEs) need to upgrade continuously in order to be in line with new technologies and new strategies that tends to develop companies in terms of productivity and quality. SMEs need, indeed, to be always competitive in a changeable market and to achieve competitive advantage through implementation of new technologies and theoretical methods or techniques. The implementation of those methods leads the company to increase its level of productivity and quality in order to achieve a competitive place within the market. The Gunasekaran framework is a tool which is useful in order to achieve a higher level of productivity and quality within a SME. This framework was studied and analyzed in order to be applied in a real life situation. This research focuses on the application of the same framework in a Mexican small company with the aim to develop and increase the level of productivity and quality of one department. Within the application of this framework, were applied the main concepts explained by the same Gunasekaran and they were analyzed in order to understand if a possible application could be useful to achieve success within the department.
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Accelerating interpreted programming languages on GPUs with just-in-time compilation and runtime optimisationsFumero Alfonso, Juan José January 2017 (has links)
Nowadays, most computer systems are equipped with powerful parallel devices such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). They are present in almost every computer system including mobile devices, tablets, desktop computers and servers. These parallel systems have unlocked the possibility for many scientists and companies to process significant amounts of data in shorter time. But the usage of these parallel systems is very challenging due to their programming complexity. The most common programming languages for GPUs, such as OpenCL and CUDA, are created for expert programmers, where developers are required to know hardware details to use GPUs. However, many users of heterogeneous and parallel hardware, such as economists, biologists, physicists or psychologists, are not necessarily expert GPU programmers. They have the need to speed up their applications, which are often written in high-level and dynamic programming languages, such as Java, R or Python. Little work has been done to generate GPU code automatically from these high-level interpreted and dynamic programming languages. This thesis presents a combination of a programming interface and a set of compiler techniques which enable an automatic translation of a subset of Java and R programs into OpenCL to execute on a GPU. The goal is to reduce the programmability and usability gaps between interpreted programming languages and GPUs. The first contribution is an Application Programming Interface (API) for programming heterogeneous and multi-core systems. This API combines ideas from functional programming and algorithmic skeletons to compose and reuse parallel operations. The second contribution is a new OpenCL Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler that automatically translates a subset of the Java bytecode to GPU code. This is combined with a new runtime system that optimises the data management and avoids data transformations between Java and OpenCL. This OpenCL framework and the runtime system achieve speedups of up to 645x compared to Java within 23% slowdown compared to the handwritten native OpenCL code. The third contribution is a new OpenCL JIT compiler for dynamic and interpreted programming languages. While the R language is used in this thesis, the developed techniques are generic for dynamic languages. This JIT compiler uniquely combines a set of existing compiler techniques, such as specialisation and partial evaluation, for OpenCL compilation together with an optimising runtime that compile and execute R code on GPUs. This JIT compiler for the R language achieves speedups of up to 1300x compared to GNU-R and 1.8x slowdown compared to native OpenCL.
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En kartläggning av inköpsprocessen för fabriksutrustningen till en HusmutternfabrikSabbagh, Fidel January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the project: The aim of this project was to finish the current BOM-list that already existed so it could be sent to X-ponent. When that was done it got possible to identify the non X-ponent products from other suppliers. These products had to be order by the needs to build walls, roof, and etc. When all the products were on place on the BOM-list the next goal was to send it back to X-ponent so they could buy them and then start to build different car-riages/boards by knowing who to call. The last step was to plan a delivery based on the most effective way by identify the risks. Make sure that the existing BOM-list is finished with the most suitable tools/ equip-ment’s and how to strategically buy them from X-ponent. How can X-ponent buy the non X-ponent products effective from the suppliers? How will these assembled products arrive effective from X-ponent to Husmutterns facil-ity? How will these products be financed?Sum: A plan for the purchaser on Husmuttern AB so he/she just have to call X-ponent only once and to tell them a thought date for the products to be on place.Method: To achieve with these tasks, the author had to do a literature study on lean and six sigma tools. The comparison that was done between Husmuttern AB and XX gave a clear im-age about how respective companies purchasing process are. When these studies were done it became easier to handle these tasks, sush as fill in the rest on the BOM-list, knowing how transport the goods effective and also know what to take up on the attended meetings with the suppliers and to communicate through email and phone.Study results: The result for this project was to fill the required equipment’s/tools for the company that is thought to be purchased, considering the best products for these types of car-riage/boards. When all the tools/equipment’s were covered and finished the result was how to strategically buy them from this supplier (X-ponent). The author had to find the best logistics company to deliver these products and therefore was the delivery time estimated and founded based on Google maps estimated time to travel from Phils to X-ponent and then to Husmuttern AB:s facility. To transport the goods from X-ponents facility to the truck was estimated based on earlier experience out of the seller on X-ponent and CEO on husmuttern. The total price for each product from X-ponent:The exact price exkl moms:1 Instruction carriage/board: XXkr2 Tool/equipment carriages/boards: XXkr1 Charging carriage/boards: XXkr1 Unloading carriage: XXkr1 Unrolling stand: XXkr16 Pallet carriages: XXkrThe estimated price for the fixtures:1 Roof fixture: XXkr1 Wall fixture: XXkr1 Inner wall/inner roof fixture: XXkr1 Floor fixture: XXkr1 Corner fixture: XXkrThe estimated delivery price for the total transport: XXkrA total estimated price for the whole process: XXkr excl VATRecommendations: When the facility is on place and is producing the houses, it is important that the staff on the company evaluate the products that was bought, so if they know if any changes will be done or not. This will also help them to save money so they do not have to buy same tools/equipment over and over again. If you see it from another perspective, it will make4 (67)it possible for Husmuttern to tell X-ponent that the products they bought is not good as they thought and that will help X-ponent to fix the coming problems, and maybe make a discount to other Husmuttern facilities that probably be established in the coming future.It is also very im-portant that the company always looks what the market has to tell, and be very aware what the costumers needs in the coming future.
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