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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Work Creativity as a Dimension of Job Performance

Reaves, Angela C 02 March 2015 (has links)
To stay competitive, many employers are looking for creative and innovative employees to add value to their organization. However, current models of job performance overlook creative performance as an important criterion to measure in the workplace. The purpose of this dissertation is to conduct two separate but related studies on creative performance that aim to provide support that creative performance should be included in models of job performance, and ultimately included in performance evaluations in organizations. Study 1 is a meta-analysis on the relationship between creative performance and task performance, and the relationship between creative performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Overall, I found support for a medium to large corrected correlation for both the creative performance-task performance (ρ = .51) and creative performance-OCB (ρ = .49) relationships. Further, I also found that both rating-source and study location were significant moderators. Study 2 is a process model that includes creative performance alongside task performance and OCB as the outcome variables. I test a model in which both individual differences (specifically: conscientiousness, extraversion, proactive personality, and self-efficacy) and job characteristics (autonomy, feedback, and supervisor support) predict creative performance, task performance, and OCB through engagement as a mediator. In a sample of 299 employed individuals, I found that all the individual differences and job characteristics were positively correlated with all three performance criteria. I also looked at these relationships in a multiple regression framework and most of the individual differences and job characteristics still predicted the performance criteria. In the mediation analyses, I found support for engagement as a significant mediator of the individual differences-performance and job characteristics-performance relationships. Taken together, Study 1 and Study 2 support the notion that creative performance should be included in models of job performance. Implications for both researchers and practitioners alike are discussed.

Leadership styles and employees' job performance : the mediating role of employees' self- and collective efficacy in private commercial banks in Pakistan

Javed, Aziz 13 July 2011 (has links)
Le leadership et la performance de ses adeptes ont toujours attiré l'attention des chercheurs de l'organisation. Le leadership est considéré comme l'un des facteurs importants, responsable de la performance de l'équipe et de l'organisation. Des études antérieures menées dans la plupart aux États-Unis et dans les pays européens ont parlé d'une association positive entre le leadership et le rendement des employés au travail. Peu d'auteurs ont signalé le lien négatif entre le style de leadership transactionnel et le rendement des employés. La plupart de ces études ont été menées dans les organisations publiques. Ici, nous avons mené cette étude dans le contexte de travail pakistanais pour vérifier les effets de leadership sur l'exécution des tâches subalternes et les comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle (CCO). Nous avons également vérifié les mécanismes éventuellement en cause dans cette relation leader-suiveur. Certains auteurs ont vérifié la politique d'organisation et de la justice organisationnelle comme mécanisme à la base possible, que nous avons testé des travailleurs indépendants et l'efficacité collective comme l'un des mécanismes possibles. Nos relations directes ont émis l'hypothèse entre deux styles de leadership (transactionnel et transformationnel) et l'exécution des tâches des employés, l’OCB, l’auto-efficacité et celle collective. Nos résultats ont été en partie similaires à des études antérieures en partie différentes de relations directes. Les études menées sur le leadership transactionnel et transformationnel ont été constatés positivement liés en termes d'exécution des tâches des employés, l’OCB, auto-efficacité et efficacité collective. Le leadership transactionnel est un meilleur indicateur de l’exécution des salariés de la tâche tandis que le leadership transformationnel est prouvé comme étant un meilleur indicateur de l’OCB des salariés.L’auto-efficacité et celle collective des employés s'est révélée être médiatrice entre les deux styles de leadership (transactionnel et transformationnel) et l'exécution des salariés des tâches et les comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle. Il est prouvé que l'auto-efficacité est la plus grande médiatrice entre le leadership transactionnel et l’exécution de la tâche alors que l'efficacité collective a été la plus forte médiatrice entre le leadership transformationnel et l’OCB des employés salariés. / Leadership and followers’ performance has always attracted organizational scholars’ attention. Leadership is considered as one of the important factor, responsible for organizational and team’s performance. Earlier studies mostly conducted in US and European countries and have mentioned a positive association between leadership and employees’ job performance. Few authors have reported negative linkage between transactional leadership style and employees’ performance. Most of these studies were conducted in public organizations. Here, we conducted this study in Pakistani work context to check the leadership effects on subordinates’ task performance and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). We also checked the possible mechanism involved in this leader-follower relationship. Some authors have checked organizational politics and organizational justice as possible underpinning mechanism, while we tested employees’ self- and collective efficacy as one of the possible mechanism. Our direct hypothesized relationships were between two leadership styles (transactional and transformational) and employees’ task performance, OCBs, self- and collective efficacy. Our results were partially similar to previous studies while partially different for direct relationships. Both transactional and transformational were found positively related to employees’ task performance, OCBs, self- and collective efficacy. Transactional leadership was a stronger predictor of employees’ task performance while transformational leadership proved a stronger predictor of employees’ OCBs. Both employees’ self- and collective efficacy proved to be mediators between both leadership styles (transactional and transformational) and employees’ task performance and organizational citizenship behaviors. Self-efficacy proved a stronger mediator between transactional leadership and employees’ task performance while collective efficacy was stronger mediator between transformational leadership and employees’ OCBs.

Análisis correlacional entre las variables gestión de personas y desempeño laboral en el personal administrativo de un call center / Management Of People And Job Performance In The Administrative Staff Of A Call Center

Soldevilla Urquiaga, Cesar Augusto, Rodriguez Bellido, Jhon Amstrong 04 September 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la gestión de personas y el desempeño laboral en el personal administrativo de un Call Center de Lima. La población estuvo conformada por los trabajadores administrativos de una empresa de Call Center de Lima Metropolitana. La muestra estuvo conformada por 53 trabajadores administrativos de dicha empresa dedicada a brindar servicios de Call Center. La metodología de investigación consistió en una investigación de tipo aplicada de diseño descriptivo correlacional y corte transeccional. Se emplearon como instrumentos de recolección de datos dos escalas construidas por los autores para determinar los niveles de Gestión de personas y de Desempeño Laboral. Los resultados de la investigación demostraron que existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre Gestión de personas y el Desempeño Laboral en el personal administrativo de un Call Center de Lima. / This research has the general objective of determining the relationship between people management and job performance in the administrative staff of a Call Center in Lima. The population was made up of administrative workers from a Call Center company in Metropolitan Lima. The sample was made up of 53 administrative workers from said company dedicated to providing Call Center services. The research methodology consisted of an applied type research with a correlational descriptive design and a transeccional cut. Two scales constructed by the authors were used as data collection instruments to determine the levels of People Management and job performance. The research results showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between People Management and job performance in the administrative staff of a Call Center in Lima. / Tesis

Liderazgo transformacional y su impacto en el desempeño laboral en los hoteles 3 y 4 estrellas del distrito de Huancayo, año 2020

Cano Sánchez, Jisel Franchesca, Revilla Cuadros, Carlos Hernan 13 April 2021 (has links)
La finalidad del presente trabajo de investigación es evaluar el liderazgo transformacional y su impacto en el desempeño laboral en los Hoteles 3 y 4 estrellas del Distrito de Huancayo, año 2020. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es identificar si los líderes que presentan un estilo de liderazgo transformacional impactan de forma negativa o positiva, en el desempeño laboral de sus subordinados. Teniendo en cuenta que para determinar si los líderes presentan un estilo de liderazgo transformacional, se aplicó el cuestionario MLQ 5X (short) a los colaboradores. De este modo, el trabajo se lleva a cabo en cinco capítulos estructurados de la siguiente manera. De acuerdo a lo expuesto en el párrafo anterior, el capítulo I, se centrará en el desarrollo del marco teórico donde se analizará de lo general a lo particular el liderazgo transformacional y el desempeño laboral, dentro de este contexto, también se abordará la situación del sector hotelero en el Mundo y el Perú. Por otro lado, en el capítulo II, se desarrollará el plan de investigación, estableciendo el problema, objetivos e hipótesis. Asimismo, en el capítulo III, se realizará la metodología de la investigación, que nos permitirá definir el tipo, enfoque, alcance y diseño de la investigación. De igual forma, en el capítulo IV, se expone los resultados obtenidos de las entrevistas a profundidad y las encuestas realizadas. Finalmente, en el capítulo V, se detallan las conclusiones y recomendaciones generadas a partir del análisis estadístico. / The main purpose of this research is to evaluate how transformational leadership impacts on job performance on three and four stars hotels in Huancayo District. In this context, the main objective of this research is to identify if the leaders who have a transformational leadership style impact, negatively or positively, on the job performance of their subordinates. Taking into account that to determine if the leaders present a transformational leadership style, the MLQ 5X (short) questionnaire was applied to the collaborators. In this way, the work is carried out in five chapters structured as follows. According to what is stated in the previous paragraph, Chapter I, will focus on the development of the theoretical framework where transformational leadership, and job performance, will be analyzed from the general to the particular. Within this context, the situation of Hospitality sector in the World and Peru will also be addressed. On the other hand, in Chapter II, the research plan will be developed, establishing the problem, objectives and hypotheses. Likewise, in Chapter III, the research methodology is carried out, which will allow us to define the type, focus, scope and design of the research. Likewise, Chapter IV presents the results obtained from in-depth interviews and surveys. Finally, in Chapter V, the conclusions and recommendations generated from the statistical analysis are detailed. / Tesis

Relación entre el Capital Psicológico Positivo y el Desempeño Laboral Individual de los empleados pertenecientes a la Unidad de Negocio de Venta de Repuestos de la empresa Divemotor / Relationship between the positive psychological capital and the individual work performance of the employees belonging to the spare parts sale business unit of the divemotor company

Alejos Castellares, Williams Steve, Chacón Sone, Emy Gabriela, Salva Ruiz, Maria Socorro, Sandoval Cruz, Pierre Angelo 02 May 2021 (has links)
Se evaluó la relación existente entre el capital psicológico positivo y el desempeño laboral individual de los empleados de la Gerencia de Repuestos de la empresa Divemotor a través de un estudio no experimental, transversal, correlacional. Para esto, se contó con una muestra de 86 empleados entre 21 y 60 años de edad. Los resultados mostraron que el constructo Capital Psicológico Positivo conformado por la autoeficacia, resiliencia, optimismo y esperanza, tiene relación directa con el desempeño en la tarea de los empleados pertenecientes a la empresa Divemotor. Además, el constructo Capital Psicológico Positivo conformado por la autoeficacia, resiliencia, optimismo y esperanza, tiene relación inversa con el comportamiento contraproducente de los empleados pertenecientes a la empresa Divemotor. Asimismo, también, el constructo Capital Psicológico Positivo conformado por la autoeficacia, resiliencia, optimismo y esperanza, tiene relación directa con el desempeño en el contexto de los empleados pertenecientes a la empresa Divemotor. Los resultados permiten evidenciar la importancia en la atención de desarrollar del constructo de Capital Psicológico Positivo dentro de las organizaciones para el impacto en el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores. / The relationship between Positive Psychological Capital and Individual Work Performance of the employees of the Parts Management of the Divemotor company was evaluated through a non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational study. For this, we had a sample of 86 employees between 21 and 60 years of age. The results showed that the Positive Psychological Capital construct made up of self-efficacy, resilience, optimism and hope, it has a direct relationship with the performance in the task of the employees belonging to the company Divemotor. In addition, the Positive Psychological Capital construct made up of self-efficacy, resilience, optimism and hope, has an inverse relationship with the counterproductive behavior of employees belonging to the company Divemotor. Likewise, the Positive Psychological Capital construct made up of self-efficacy, resilience, optimism and hope, is directly related to performance in the context of employees belonging to the company Divemotor. The results show the importance of developing the construct of Positive Psychological Capital within organizations for the impact on the work performance of employees. / Trabajo de investigación

Motivace a stimulace podnikatele / Motivation and Stimulation of Entrepreneur

Ivanov, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The goal of the graduation thesis: “Motivation and stimulation of enterpriser” is to examine motivation of enterprisers program in a concrete company and to create a suggestion that will improve it. The thesis is divided into two parts. First of them is concentrated on determination of elementary terms, development of a motivation theories and influence of a motivation on a job performance. The second part describes, examines and analyses e situation in a concrete company. The inquiry is realized through the use of questionnaire. There are given suggestions to improve motivation of enterprisers in the last part.

Návrh motivačního a hodnotícího systému zaměstnanců v příspěvkové organizaci / Employee Motivation and Remuneration in a State-funded Institution

Jurová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
The aim of Diploma thesis "Employee Motivation and Remuneration in a State-funded Institution" is to analyse various factors by their manmer responsible for the motivation of allowance organization workers. Via knowledge of the basis theories of human behavior motivation uncover and specify possible causes for dissatisfaction of allowance organization workers and consequently recommend the use of some motivation tools for recitification of this unfacoutable disposition. The thesis descibes basic motivation theories, important motivation tools and motivation factors.

Clima organizacional y Satisfacción con la vida en docentes de colegio privado y público de Lima Metropolitana / Organizational climate and satisfaction with live in teachers of private and publics school of Lima metropolitan

Larrea Ponte, Karla Paola, Matos Silva, Fidel 18 October 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general encontrar la relación entre las variables clima organizacional y satisfacción con la vida en docentes de colegios de Lima Metropolitana, además de comparar dicha relación según el tipo de gestión educativa (pública y privada). La muestra, estuvo conformada por 146 docentes de nivel primaria y secundaria. La información se obtuvo con la aplicación de los cuestionarios de Clima Organizacional de los autores George Litwin y Robert Stringer, validada por Vicuña en Lima (2006); que mide dimensiones del clima organizacional y, para medir la satisfacción con la vida, se usó la escala de satisfacción con la vida de Diener Emmons, Larsen & Griffin. Los instrumentos pasaron por una prueba piloto, la cual se realizó con 30 profesores de Lima Metropolitana. Por otro lado, los resultados mostraron que existe una diferencia entre las dimensiones de recompensa y satisfacción del clima organizacional con relación a los docentes de colegios públicos y privados. Además, respecto a los colegios privados se observó que las dimensiones de recompensa, relaciones, estándares y conflicto del instrumento para medir el clima laboral tienen una mayor correlación con la satisfacción con la vida a comparación de los colegios públicos.  En cuanto a los colegios estatales, las dimensiones del clima organizacional que se correlacionan más alto con la satisfacción con la vida a comparación del colegio privado son responsabilidad, desafío y cooperación. / This investigation have the general objective of find the relation of the climate organizational and the satisfaction with the live of teachers of Lima Metropolitan. Also, compare this relation with the educative management (in publics schools and private schools) The sample was conformed of 146 teachers of primary and secundary level. The information it was obtained with the application of the questionnaires of organizational climate of George Litwin and Robert Stringer, validated for Vicuña in Lima (2006); of evalue dimensions of organizational climate and, for evaluate the satisfaction with the life, it was used the scale of satisfacción with the life of Diener Emmons, Larsen & Griffin. The Instruments went through a pilot test, which was carried out with 30 teachers from Lima Metropolitan. On the other hand, the results showed the existence a difference between the dimensions of reward and satisfaction with the life in the teachers of public and private colleges. At the same time in relation of the private’s colleges, found relation of the dimensions of reward, relations, standards and conflict have a strong correlation with satisfaction with live comparison of the public’s college. In relation with the public’s colleges, the dimensions of organizational climate have a strong correlation with the relation with the live in comparison of private’s colleges are responsibility, challenge and cooperation. / Tesis

La Cultura Organizacional y su relación con el Desempeño Laboral de los trabajadores de las empresas del sector agroindustrial azucarero en Perú, en el año 2020

Huayta Mamani, Katherine Estefany, Rosales Loyola, Nadia Elizabeth 05 March 2022 (has links)
El presente trabajo busca determinar la relación entre la Cultura Organizacional y el Desempeño Laboral de los trabajadores de las empresas del sector agroindustrial azucarero en Perú, en el año 2020. El estudio de ambas variables en el sector azucarero es de suma importancia, dado que presenta una alta rotación y ello se evidencia en las estadísticas de la Población Económicamente Activa (PEA) del año 2019, el cual obtuvo el 24,2%, siendo el más alto a comparación de otros sectores. Asimismo, el estudio permite evidenciar la relación que existe entre ambas variables y el impacto que puede llegar a generar sobre los colaboradores. Por último, las empresas elegidas son aquellas que mayor relevancia han presentado en el sector en base a su participación del total producido y ventas del año 2020. Para esta investigación se consideraron a los colaboradores del sector agroindustrial azucarero como enfoque principal, puesto que no existe suficiente información en el Perú que demuestran la importancia de La Cultura Organizacional y el Desempeño Laboral sobre este público objetivo. Por ende, para demostrar ello, se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, con alcance correlacional y diseño No experimental y transversal, tomando como muestra 366 colaboradores de las cuatro empresas más relevantes del sector agroindustrial azucarero en Perú. Los resultados de la investigación comprobaron que existe una relación entre ambas variables. Estos resultados son de gran relevancia para el sector agroindustrial azucarero, dado que las empresas no le dan la debida importancia que merecen a su personal, sobre todo los trabajadores. / The following study to determine the relationship between organizational culture and labor performance of workers in companies of the agroindustrial sugar sector in Perú in 2020. The study of both variables in the sugar sector is of utmost importance, given that it presents a high turnover and this is evidenced in the Economically Active Population (EAP) for the year 2019, which obtained 24.2%, being the highest compared to other sectors. Likewise, the study allows evidencing the relationship that exists between both variables and the impact that can be generated on the collaborators. Finally, the companies chosen are those that have shown the greatest relevance in the sector based on their share of total production and sale in 2020. For this research, the collaborators of the sugar agroindustrial sector were considered as the main focus, since there is not enough information in Peru to demonstrate the importance of Organizational Culture and Labor Performance on this target public. Therefore, to demonstrate this, a quantitative study was carried out, with a correlational scope and a non-experimental and cross-sectional design, taking as a sample 366 collaborators from the four most relevant companies in the sugar agro-industrial sector in Perú. The results of the research proved that there is a relationship between both variables. These results are of great relevance for the agro-industrial sugar sector, given that the companies do not give due importance to their personnel, especially the workers. / Tesis

Relación entre los estilos de liderazgo y el desempeño de los equipos de Dota 2 en la Liga Regional Sudamericana en el 2021 / Relationship between leadership styles and performance of Dota 2 teams in the South American Regional League in 2021

Ayala Trigoso, Andres Ignacio, Valladares Del Carpio, Renato 17 February 2022 (has links)
El siguiente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad estudiar la relación entre los estilos de liderazgo y el desempeño de los equipos de Dota 2 en la Liga Regional Sudamericana en el 2021, en específico, a los jugadores y equipos que participaron de las clasificatorias abiertas de la competencia. Dentro del estudio, abordaremos tres estilos de liderazgo: Transformacional, transaccional y el laissez-faire y dos tipos de desempeño: Por competencias y por resultados. Consideramos que en un Esports como es Dota 2, es importante estudiar y analizar qué relación puede tener el capitán del equipo y de qué manera esto impacta en los resultados de estos. Consideramos pertinente estudiar la industria de los Esports dado que en el Perú no hay actualmente investigaciones relacionadas y, debido al COVID-19, se ha incrementado mucho la participación y creación de nuevos equipos, nuevas competencias que son dignas de ser estudiadas a manera académica. Asimismo, el autor Renato Valladares Del Carpio, viene trabajando en la industria desde el 2018 y teníamos las herramientas suficientes para realizar el estudio. / The following research work aims to study the relationship between leadership styles and the performance of Dota 2 teams in the South American Regional League in 2021, specifically, to the players and teams that participated in the open qualifiers of the competition. Within the study, we will address three styles of leadership: Transformational, transactional and laissez-faire and two types of performance: By competencies and by results. We consider that in an Esport such as Dota 2, it is important to study and analyze what relationship the team captain has and how this impacts their results. We consider it pertinent to study the Esports industry given that there are currently no related investigations in Peru and, due to COVID-19, the participation and creation of new teams has increased a lot, new competitions that are worthy of being studied in an academic way. Likewise, the author Renato Valladares Del Carpio, has been working in the industry since 2018 and we had enough tools to carry out the study. / Tesis

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