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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kapitulní kostel Povýšení sv. Kříže v Litomyšli / Capitular Church of Raising of The Holy Cross in Litomyšl

Vacek, Miloš January 2011 (has links)
1 Abstract At first the Diploma thesis "Capitular Church of Raising of The Holy Cross in Litomyšl" acquaints shortly with history of Litomyšl, which went before and is important for understanding later period - foundation of a Monastery of the Augustinians the Hermits. This is concern mainly about a Monastery of the Benedictines and then about a Monastery of the Premonstratensians. In 1344 a Bishopric was founded in Litomyšl (Chapter 1). The second resident Bishop Jan II. from Středa founded the Monastery of the Augustinians together with the Church of Raising of The Holy Cross in 1356 (Chapter 2). There was an important change in the meaning of the aforementioned Church during the Hussite period - in 1448 a Parish Office was transfered here from destroyed Church of St. Clement (Chapter 3). In this thesis description of architectural history of the Church is not missing; construction of the Church took 20 years and modifications continued until the Hussitism (Chapter 4). Till the 20th century many noble families cared the Church; these families were also owners of a domain of Litomyšl (Chapter 5). Till the 20th century the Church went through many reconstructions and also a few cardinal renovations (Chapter 6). In the beginnig of the 20th century the Provost titular was given Litomyšl Deanery. Several years...

Iluminované rukopisy Jana IV. z Dražic / The Illuminated Manuscripts of Jan IV of Dražice

Jirková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The Diploma thesis "The Illuminated Manuscripts of Jan IV of Dražice" is devoted to a set of illuminated manuscripts connected with a last bishop of Prague Jan IV of Dražice. After briefly summary and assesment of topical literature is in the next part of thesis appreciation of donation activities of Jan IV of Dražice. The emphasis is on his sojourn in Avignon and his donation activities in Prague and Roudnice nad Labem. Jan IV had an important influence to the development of illumination production in the Czech Countries. The goal of this diploma work is differentiation and monographic interpretation of manuscript's corpse connected with a figure of Jan IV of Dražice. Appreciation of donation activities of Jan IV z Dražic in cultural and historical time framework is mainly focused on explanation of his contribution to the development of illumination production in the Czech Countries. Work is mainly based on combination of methods of formal, iconographic and basic codicological analysis and where possible on iconological intepretation.

Jan J. de Wolf: Bukusu tales. Collected arround 1936 by research assistant of Dr. Gunter Wagner (1908-1952). (Beiträge zur Afrikanistik, Bd. 5). Münster: LIT, 1995. 93 pp.

Geider, Thomas 30 November 2012 (has links)
A book review of `Bukusu tales. Collected arround 1936 by research assistant of Dr. Gunter Wagner (1908-1952).´(1995) by Jan J. de Wolf.

The letters of Ignacy Jan Paderewski as a source of knowledge concerning cultural relationships of Europe

Perkowska-Waszek, Małgorzata 03 August 2017 (has links)
The issue of the cultural relationships that have existed without doubt over the centuries between Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Western Europe also finds its reflection in, among other places, the correspondence of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, distinguished Polish pianist, composer and politician.

Partyzánský odboj a vojenské výsadky ze Sovětského svazu na Žďársku a Novoměstsku Příspěvek k dějinám protinacistické rezistence na území Protektorátu Čechy a Morava v letech 1944-1945 / Partisan Resistance and Military Airdrops from the Soviet Union in Žďársko and Novoměstsko Contribution to the History of the Anti-Nazi Resistance in Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in 1944-1945

Kynclová, Vlasta January 2015 (has links)
This theses analyzes the partisan movement during World War II in the regions of Žďársko a Novoměstsko in the years 1944-1945. It defines the concept of the "partisan" with regard to the matter in question. It further outlines the positions of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union on partisan resistance and comments on this type of resistance activity on the Eastern Front. Integral to this thesis is also a survey into the development of resistance organisations in the region of interest. Finally, it devides the partisans and their overall activities into different categories.

Pražský obraz Sv. Lukáš maluje Madonu od Jana Gossaerta zv. Mabuse / The Prague painting Saint Luke painting the Virgin by Jan Gossaert called Mabuse

Hamrlová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The National Gallery in Prague conserves an important masterpiece of the Fle- mish mannerist Jan Gossaert. The panel painting Saint Luke painting the Virgin was originally determined for the cathedral of Saint Roumboult in Mechelen in Belgium. The artwork represents one of the first applications of Renaissance style behind the Alps. Gossaert was educated in this new style during a visit to Italy several years earlier and combined it with traditional Flemish art. The artist worked for the court of Margaret of Austria in Mechelen around the year 1513, the year the painting originates. His traditional style became influenced by the techniques used in Mechelen by foreign artists. The theme is painted the tradi- tional manner of work on an oak panel. Renaissance and Gothic architecture is decorated by " en grisaille" sculptures. A seemingly simple theme is given deeper meaning thanks to these objects containing hidden meanings. There are also some prints from the time the panel was in the Saint Vitus Cathedral in Prague due to which we can contemplate the progress in presentation of the painting during centuries. 1

Ikonografický program výzdoby Strakova paláce na Malé Straně / Iconography of wall paintings in the Straka Palace at Malá Strana in Prague

Bartůšek, Michael January 2014 (has links)
Iconography of wall paintings in the Straka Palace at Malá Strana in Prague Abstract This thesis "Iconography of wall paintings in the Straka Palace at Malá Strana in Prague" deals with the interpretation of the iconographic program of the decoration of the Straka's of Nedabylice palace on Malá Strana. The work deals primarily with the wall paintings made by Swiss painter Johann Rudolf Bys, ordered by Count Jan Petr Straka of Nedabylice for his Prague residence. Particular attention is paid to the main hall of the palace, which concentrates the most valuable and the most complicated part of the iconography painted decorations. Allegorical and mythological scenes related to historical events and celebrate the Emperor Leopold I. as the victor over the Turks and Louis XIV. The work also describes and interprets the murals and stucco decorations in other salons representative storey of the palace. The interpretation of these paintings is filed under the historical and political context of the time and knowledge of personality of Jan Petr Straka, who was anticipated customer and Inventor of the iconographic program . A separate chapter is devoted to the building and the historical development of the palace until nowadays and also mentions Prague activity of the painter Johann Rudolf Bys. Keywords Petr Jan Straka...

Fångenskap och flykt : Om frihetstemat i svensk barndomsskildring, reseskildring och science fiction decennierna kring 1970

Landgraf, Svante January 2016 (has links)
Frihet är ett viktigt tema under nittonhundratalet, kanske särskilt decennierna omkring 1970 med allt vad den tiden innehåller av frigörelsekamp, uppror mot gamla traditioner, individualism och kollektivism. Den här avhandlingen spårar det temat genom tre genrer i den svenska litteraturen, från sextiotalet och framåt: den självbiografiska barndomsskildringen, reseskildringen och science fiction-romanen. De olika genrerna erbjuder olika möjligheter för en författare att diskutera och gestalta frihetstemat, explicit och implicit. Skilda narratologiska utgångspunkter skapar skilda förutsättningar. Genomgående frågeställningar är vilka hinder som finns för att friheten ska kunna uppnås, vilka utvägar mot friheten som ändå existerar och vilka innebörder frihetsbegreppet ges. Avslutningsvis diskuteras resultaten i förhållande till de skilda genrevillkoren men även till det som texterna har gemensamt, exempelvis utopiska drag, mötet med det obekanta och främmande, sökandet efter en subjektiv sanning eller 1968-årens tidsanda. På så sätt kan något sägas om den sköna litteraturens särart jämfört med andra slags texter. / Freedom is an important theme of the twentieth century, perhaps particularly during the decades around 1970, that time of struggle for liberation, the rebellion against the old ways, of individualism and collectivism. This thesis traces that theme through three genres of Swedish literature, from the sixties onwards: the autobiographical childhood novel, the travelogue and the science fiction novel. The different genres offer different possibilities for an author to discuss and depict the theme of freedom, explicitly and implicitly. Different narratological starting points create different conditions. Some returning issues are which restrictions on, opportunities for and meanings of freedom are visible in the texts. Finally, the results are discussed in relation to the different conventions of genre but also in relation to what the texts have in common, such as features of utopia, the encounter with the unfamiliar and strange, the search for a subjective truth or the zeitgeist of the year 1968. In that way, something can be said about the specific nature of fictive or partly fictive texts compared to other kinds of prose.

Jan Palacký (1830-1908): Vědec ve stínu slavného otce / Jan Palacký (1830-1908): The scientist in the shadow of a famous father

Egrová, Miroslava January 2019 (has links)
Jan Palacký (1830-1908) was the first associate professor of geography at the Prague University and, after university division, the first professor of geography at the Czech Charles- Ferdinand University. He worked as a scientist for more than fifty years. He was well known abroad and represented the Czech Kingdom in a perfect way. His family was one of the most important families of Czech history. Jan Palacký was not as successful a politician - as his father František Palacký or his brother-in-law František Ladislav Rieger. He could not keep the family property which he lost as a result of the failed Chabrus elections in 1872. The aim of this thesis is to map the life of Jan Palacký in his life roles through this new perspective and using unused sources to point out Palacký's personal national identity. The focus of the thesis is the analysis of sources relating to Jan Palacký. The thesis is focused on Palacký family life, his scientific work and activities at the university, educational and charitable activities. The thesis also draws attention to the extensive scientific correspondence stored in the Literary archive of the Museum of Czech literature. Keywords 19th century, Kingdom of Bohemia, Jan Palacký, František Palacký, czech-german relations, personal relationships, geography, history of...

La Danaé de Jan Gossaert (1527) : entre courtisane vénale et Vierge élue

Fabi, Christiane 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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