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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La philosophie de l'éducation de Rousseau et d'Alain : similitudes et différences

Francœur, Éric 29 October 2021 (has links)
En considérant les positions de deux philosophes connus dans l'histoire des idées en éducation, à savoir Jean-Jacques Rousseau et Alain, nous tentons de voir quelles sont les principales similitudes et différences entre leurs conceptions philosophiques, premièrement, de la nature humaine, deuxièmement, de l'enfant en tant qu'être éducable et, troisièmement, de l'éducation vue sous l'angle principal de la formation morale et de la formation intellectuelle. Cette présentation de leur pensée éducative est doublée d'une réflexion critique qui prend son inspiration et ses fondements principalement du côté de la philosophie d'Aristote.

Sens et portée du rôle du législateur chez Jean-Jacques Rousseau

St-Amand, Antoine 09 1900 (has links)
La figure du législateur demeure matière à controverse dans la pensée politique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Son rôle, consistant à « transformer » la nature humaine en vue de réaliser la vertu civique, a porté certains interprètes à voir dans sa pensée une forme d’autoritarisme. L'erreur de cette interprétation nous apparaît être dans le sens et la portée attribués à l'idée de transformation morale. Cette dernière n'implique pas une transformation radicale des mœurs, mais bien leur parachèvement. Circonscrire cette portée nécessite de concevoir les mœurs comme une matière donnée et qui ne saurait être façonnée indéfiniment, car ses potentialités sont déterminées par son développement historique. Ce caractère décisif attribué par Rousseau au développement historique peut se comprendre à la lumière de sa conception pessimiste de l’évolution des mœurs. D’après cette conception, les mœurs, essentiellement corruptibles, atteignent un stade historique de corruption où elles ne sauraient être parachevées en vertu. Il s’ensuit que seul un peuple dont les mœurs sont non corrompues par le progrès historique a la potentialité d'atteindre la vertu. Ainsi, la tâche du législateur d'effectuer une transformation morale de l'homme doit être entendue non comme celle de créer ex nihilo une nouvelle nature humaine, mais comme celle de parachever les virtualités propres aux mœurs saines. / The status of the legislator remains a matter of controversy in the political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. His role, which consist in transforming human nature in order to realize civic virtue, has lead some interpreters to see in Rousseau’s thought a form of autocratic process. This error of interpretation seems related to the meaning and the range attributed to the idea of moral transformation. For Rousseau, the latter does not imply a radical transformation of morals (moeurs), but rather a process for perfecting or improving them. To circumscribe this task requires interpreting morals as a given matter that is not indefinitely malleable since its potential is determined by its historical development. This decisive character attributed to historical development by Rousseau can be understood in the light of his pessimistic conception of the evolution of morals. According to this conception, morals are essentially corruptible, and reach an historical stage of decadence such that they cannot be reformed into virtue. It follows that only a people whose morals are not corrupted by historical progress have the potential to reach virtue. Accordingly, the legislator, whose task is to carry out a moral transformation of man, must not be understood as one that creates ex nihilo a new human nature but rather as one that completes the potentiality inherent to healthy morals.

Entre o canto das paixões e os artifícios da harmonia: o pensamento musical de Rousseau contra o sistema harmônico de Rameau / Between the singing of the passions and the artifice of harmony: Rousseaus musical thought against Rameaus harmonic system

Yasoshima, Fabio 30 June 2017 (has links)
Sabemos que a querela entre Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) e Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) está sujeita a diferentes leituras, cujo interesse muitas vezes foi reduzido a um curioso anedotário ou a uma disputa produzida tão somente pelos humores de ambos. Nesta pesquisa, contudo, para além do relato biográfico e das conjecturas sobre as causas da rivalidade entre Rousseau e Rameau, intentamos priorizar uma análise que buscasse balizar os posicionamentos estéticos de um e outro, com ênfase nos argumentos expostos por Rousseau em sua contraposição ao sistema harmônico de Rameau. Ao longo deste debate, entendemos que, ao esquadrinhar e, posteriormente, criticar os escritos de Rameau, Rousseau teria encontrado ideias extraordinariamente férteis que favoreceram o desenvolvimento de seu pensamento musical. Para sustentar a tese da preeminência da melodia sobre a harmonia, assim contrariando os princípios do sistema ramista, o autor da maior parte dos verbetes sobre música da Enciclopédia, da Carta sobre a música francesa e do Dicionário de música, jamais deixaria de se referir ao sistema harmônico de seu rival. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender a querela Rousseau-Rameau sob este aspecto, assim como apontar a relação da disputa assinalada com inflamados debates que também estiveram em pauta na França da segunda metade do século XVIII, a exemplo da Querela dos Bufões. Para tanto, além de examinar aspectos pontuais dos escritos musicais já mencionados, cotejando-os com alguns dos principais textos da vasta obra teórica de Rameau, procuramos nos deter na análise do texto de Rousseau intitulado Exame de dois princípios avançados pelo Sr. Rameau, cuja tradução apresentamos em anexo. / We know that the quarrel between Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) and Jean- Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) is subject to different readings, whose interest has often been reduced to a curious collection of anecdotes or to a dispute produced only by the humors of both. In this research, however, beyond the biography and the conjectures about the causes of the rivalry between Rousseau and Rameau, we aim to prioritize an analysis that sought to mark the aesthetic positioning of one and the other, with emphasis on Rousseaus arguments as opposed to the harmonic system of Rameau. Throughout this debate, we understand that Rousseau, by scrutinizing and later criticizing Rameaus writings, would have found extraordinarily fertile ideas that favored the development of his musical thinking. To support the thesis of the preeminence of melody over harmony, thus contradicting the principles of the Rameaus system, the author of most of the articles on music at the Diderots Encyclopedia, of the Letter on French Music, and the Dictionary of Music, would never fail to refer to the harmonic system of his rival. The present research aims to understand the quarrel between Rousseau and Rameau in this aspect, as well as to point out the relationship of this dispute with inflamed debates that also were in agenda in France during the second half of the Eighteenth-Century, like the Quarrel of the Bouffons. Therefore, in addition to examining specific aspects of the musical writings already mentioned, comparing them with some of the main texts of Rameaus vast theoretical work, we seek to focus on the analysis of Rousseaus text entitled Examination of Two Principles Advanced by M. Rameau, whose translation into Portuguese we presented attached.

Sens et portée du rôle du législateur chez Jean-Jacques Rousseau

St-Amand, Antoine 09 1900 (has links)
La figure du législateur demeure matière à controverse dans la pensée politique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Son rôle, consistant à « transformer » la nature humaine en vue de réaliser la vertu civique, a porté certains interprètes à voir dans sa pensée une forme d’autoritarisme. L'erreur de cette interprétation nous apparaît être dans le sens et la portée attribués à l'idée de transformation morale. Cette dernière n'implique pas une transformation radicale des mœurs, mais bien leur parachèvement. Circonscrire cette portée nécessite de concevoir les mœurs comme une matière donnée et qui ne saurait être façonnée indéfiniment, car ses potentialités sont déterminées par son développement historique. Ce caractère décisif attribué par Rousseau au développement historique peut se comprendre à la lumière de sa conception pessimiste de l’évolution des mœurs. D’après cette conception, les mœurs, essentiellement corruptibles, atteignent un stade historique de corruption où elles ne sauraient être parachevées en vertu. Il s’ensuit que seul un peuple dont les mœurs sont non corrompues par le progrès historique a la potentialité d'atteindre la vertu. Ainsi, la tâche du législateur d'effectuer une transformation morale de l'homme doit être entendue non comme celle de créer ex nihilo une nouvelle nature humaine, mais comme celle de parachever les virtualités propres aux mœurs saines. / The status of the legislator remains a matter of controversy in the political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. His role, which consist in transforming human nature in order to realize civic virtue, has lead some interpreters to see in Rousseau’s thought a form of autocratic process. This error of interpretation seems related to the meaning and the range attributed to the idea of moral transformation. For Rousseau, the latter does not imply a radical transformation of morals (moeurs), but rather a process for perfecting or improving them. To circumscribe this task requires interpreting morals as a given matter that is not indefinitely malleable since its potential is determined by its historical development. This decisive character attributed to historical development by Rousseau can be understood in the light of his pessimistic conception of the evolution of morals. According to this conception, morals are essentially corruptible, and reach an historical stage of decadence such that they cannot be reformed into virtue. It follows that only a people whose morals are not corrupted by historical progress have the potential to reach virtue. Accordingly, the legislator, whose task is to carry out a moral transformation of man, must not be understood as one that creates ex nihilo a new human nature but rather as one that completes the potentiality inherent to healthy morals.

Mise en scène de la déambulation et écriture de la ville dans un corpus d'oeuvres du XVIIIe siècle / Staging of ambulation and writing on the city in a corpus of XVIIIth century works

Al-Mahyawi, Hussein 19 June 2012 (has links)
Dans le premier versant du XVIIIe siècle, la présence de Paris dans les œuvres littéraires demeure sous-jacente ou est seulement suggérée par un simple regard qui reste généralement distant. C’est notamment le cas dans Le Diable boiteux de Lesage où la déambulation dans la ville reste subordonnée aux priorités visuelles (depuis un lieu surplombant, le diable montre à son élève les différents aspects de la ville). C’est avec Rousseau qu’une problématique nouvelle de la déambulation apparaît. Dans ses écrits autobiographiques (Les Confessions, Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire), le narrateur met en scène cette déambulation dans son parcours même : les marches ou les promenades propices à la rêverie, à la méditation et à la remémoration. Avec Rétif de Bretonne (Les Nuits de Paris) et Louis-Sébastien Mercier (Tableau de Paris), Paris apparaît comme l’espace par excellence d’une errance féconde. La capitale française cesse d’être à l’arrière-plan et devient un objet d’écriture à part entière. / In the first half of the eighteenth century, the presence of Paris in the literary works remains underlying or is merely suggested by a single and generally distant glance. This is notably the case in Lesage’s novel The Lame Devil where the wandering in the city remains subordinate to visual priorities (from an overlooking place, the devil shows his learner different aspects of the city). It is with Rousseau that a new problem on ambulation emerges. In his autobiographical writings (Confessions, Reveries of a Solitary Walker), the narrator portrays this ambulation in his very career: walks or promenades inspiring daydreaming, conductive to meditation and recalling memories. With Rétif de la Bretonne (Parisian Nights) and Louis-Sébastien Mercier (Panorama of Paris), Paris seems to be the ideal place for a fertile wandering. The French capital ceases to be in the background and becomes a subject of writing in its own right.

Exemples et modèles politiques : fonction critique de l'Antiquité chez Jean-Jacques Rousseau / Reassessing Rousseau's Representation of Antiquity

Champy, Flora 06 July 2018 (has links)
Si la forte présence des personnages illustres et des cités antiques dans les œuvres politiques de Jean-Jacques Rousseau a été remarquée dès leur parution, leur fonction a trop longtemps été interprétée comme celle d'exemples à imiter. L'étude des multiples sources de Rousseau nous permet de mettre en lumière la complexité de ses références à l'Antiquité. Loin de présenter les grandes figures et les cités antiques comme des exemples monolithiques que le lecteur serait invité à faire revivre ou à regretter, Rousseau construit des modèles dynamiques, afin d'établir et d'explorer les « principes du droit politique», selon les termes du sous-titre du Contrat social. A partir de l'admiration pour les grands héros de Plutarque découverts dans son enfance, cette représentation se déplace dès le Discours sur les sciences et les arts vers l'étude des cités antiques, dont la réussite politique tient à ce qu'elles ont pleinement compris et exploité l'articulation fondamentale entre anthropologie et politique. C'est donc uniquement en observant comment les institutions politiques antiques prennent en charge la formation morale de l'homme que l'on peut pleinement établir les critères de fondation d'un corps politique légitime. La pensée politique antique joue ainsi un rôle considérable dans l'établissement de la distinction fondamentale entre souveraineté (pouvoir législatif) et gouvernement (pouvoir exécutif). L'étude de ces deux parties essentielles du corps politique met en évidence que la prégnance du modèle romain, plus fort que le modèle spartiate, permet à Rousseau de penser non seulement la fondation, mais encore la durée et le devenir du cor ps politique. / This dissertation conducts a systematic examination of Jean-Jacques Rousseau 's representation of Antiquity and provides a new interpretation of its meaning. Rousseau's lifelong interest in ancient Greece and Rome has so far been interpreted mainly as a personal myth, rooted in his emotional identification with examples of civic virtue. Challenging this interpretation, I analyze Rousseau's vision of Antiquity as a carefully constructed representatio n that seeks to answer key questions of early modern political thought. As he constructs his political system, Rousseau considers ancient material through a complex web of mediations, which alter his representation of Antiquity . The admiration for great men inherited from his childhood reading of Plutarch quickly turns into the construction of dynamic political models. Rousseau draws on ancient historical examples, as weil as on Plato's and Aristotle's political philosophy, to articulate his own definition of key modern political concepts such as sovereignty and body politic. In Rousseau's view ancient cities were politically successful because they fully understood the fundamental connection between anthropology and politics, placing the moral education of the citizens at the core of political action. Studying examples of ancient cities thus becomes indispensable not only to define a truly legitimate political structure, but also to design methods and practices to make it last over ti me. In this respect, the Roman Republic, whose institutions more successfully faced the challenge of history, serves as a more significant political model than Sparta. Reassessing Rousseau's representation of Antiquity thus allows usto reevaluate the place of government in his political system.

Entre o canto das paixões e os artifícios da harmonia: o pensamento musical de Rousseau contra o sistema harmônico de Rameau / Between the singing of the passions and the artifice of harmony: Rousseaus musical thought against Rameaus harmonic system

Fabio Yasoshima 30 June 2017 (has links)
Sabemos que a querela entre Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) e Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) está sujeita a diferentes leituras, cujo interesse muitas vezes foi reduzido a um curioso anedotário ou a uma disputa produzida tão somente pelos humores de ambos. Nesta pesquisa, contudo, para além do relato biográfico e das conjecturas sobre as causas da rivalidade entre Rousseau e Rameau, intentamos priorizar uma análise que buscasse balizar os posicionamentos estéticos de um e outro, com ênfase nos argumentos expostos por Rousseau em sua contraposição ao sistema harmônico de Rameau. Ao longo deste debate, entendemos que, ao esquadrinhar e, posteriormente, criticar os escritos de Rameau, Rousseau teria encontrado ideias extraordinariamente férteis que favoreceram o desenvolvimento de seu pensamento musical. Para sustentar a tese da preeminência da melodia sobre a harmonia, assim contrariando os princípios do sistema ramista, o autor da maior parte dos verbetes sobre música da Enciclopédia, da Carta sobre a música francesa e do Dicionário de música, jamais deixaria de se referir ao sistema harmônico de seu rival. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender a querela Rousseau-Rameau sob este aspecto, assim como apontar a relação da disputa assinalada com inflamados debates que também estiveram em pauta na França da segunda metade do século XVIII, a exemplo da Querela dos Bufões. Para tanto, além de examinar aspectos pontuais dos escritos musicais já mencionados, cotejando-os com alguns dos principais textos da vasta obra teórica de Rameau, procuramos nos deter na análise do texto de Rousseau intitulado Exame de dois princípios avançados pelo Sr. Rameau, cuja tradução apresentamos em anexo. / We know that the quarrel between Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) and Jean- Philippe Rameau (1683-1764) is subject to different readings, whose interest has often been reduced to a curious collection of anecdotes or to a dispute produced only by the humors of both. In this research, however, beyond the biography and the conjectures about the causes of the rivalry between Rousseau and Rameau, we aim to prioritize an analysis that sought to mark the aesthetic positioning of one and the other, with emphasis on Rousseaus arguments as opposed to the harmonic system of Rameau. Throughout this debate, we understand that Rousseau, by scrutinizing and later criticizing Rameaus writings, would have found extraordinarily fertile ideas that favored the development of his musical thinking. To support the thesis of the preeminence of melody over harmony, thus contradicting the principles of the Rameaus system, the author of most of the articles on music at the Diderots Encyclopedia, of the Letter on French Music, and the Dictionary of Music, would never fail to refer to the harmonic system of his rival. The present research aims to understand the quarrel between Rousseau and Rameau in this aspect, as well as to point out the relationship of this dispute with inflamed debates that also were in agenda in France during the second half of the Eighteenth-Century, like the Quarrel of the Bouffons. Therefore, in addition to examining specific aspects of the musical writings already mentioned, comparing them with some of the main texts of Rameaus vast theoretical work, we seek to focus on the analysis of Rousseaus text entitled Examination of Two Principles Advanced by M. Rameau, whose translation into Portuguese we presented attached.

Os recitativos em Le Devin du Village de Rousseau / Rousseau's Le Devin du Village Recitativos : a study on historically informed performance

Bernardes, José Antônio Branco, 1965- 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Ostergren / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T23:58:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bernardes_JoseAntonioBranco_M.pdf: 6682447 bytes, checksum: 0a76b37323e7c504fdb7e3d911a327d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Este trabalho procura tratar de questões práticas concernentes a uma realização historicamente informada dos recitativos do intermezzo Le Devin du Village de Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). Não tem pretensão de responder todas as questões suscitadas pela partitura original, mas sim de proporcionar o máximo de subsídios ao artista competente - embora não especialista em música francesa de meados do séc. XVIII - que deseje conduzir (reger) esta obra. Os estudos sobre Rousseau têm privilegiado os aspectos teórico-musicais de sua obra. Neste estudo procurou-se estabelecer parâmetros de realização dos recitativos pertencentes ao Devin principalmente através da aplicação dos conceitos e práticas musicais defendidas por Rousseau e outros autores de seu tempo. Muito das sugestões propostas são fruto da aplicação dos tratados de época em apresentações de excertos de Le Devin du Village dirigidos pelo autor em 1997, 2003, 2004 e 2007. Uma performance ou realização historicamente informada deverá ser uma recriação idealizada a partir do conhecimento o mais profundo possível de seu Zeitgeist, o que a tornará necessariamente única e transiente, cada apresentação um novo acontecimento. A mera listagem e citação de fontes de época pouco pode provar por si mesma, o simples acesso a elas não seria garantia de veracidade absoluta. Vivência e experimentação artística são essenciais. Será através de erros e acertos na prática real, com posterior reflexão e ajustes, que consolidaremos uma real compreensão desse repertório. Afinal, o fazer artístico e o pesquisar acadêmico são ambos linguagens distintas e dificilmente comunicáveis e seria um grande engodo postular uma reprodução idêntica àquela ocorrida séculos atrás. De fato, não é possível abandonarmos nossa individualidade, que é realmente do séc. XXI. Compete-nos, através de um estudo profundo, adquirir a capacidade de atuar no estilo e pensamento de época como uma segunda natureza, unindo os diversos campos envolvidos em um todo coerente no atual contexto de realização artística. Enfim, o exercício do goût / Abstract: This work seeks to address practical issues concerning the performance of recitatives from Jean-Jacques Rousseau's (1712-1778) intermezzo Le Devin du Village from a historically informed perspective. There is no pretension in answering all issues raised raised upon examination of the original score, rather to offer musical, technical and stylistic subsidies to the competent musician - not necessarily expert on mid-18th century French music - when faced with the task of conducting this work. Studies about Rousseau have for the most part tended to favor the music-theoretical aspects of his works. In this study the author proposes to establish parameters for the performance of these recitatives mainly through the application of the concepts taken from historical music treatises and musical practices advocated by Rousseau himself and contemporary authors. Many of the proposed suggestions are the result of practical experiences acquired during the performances of excerpts from Le Devin du Village conducted by the author in 1997, 2003, 2004 and 2007. Several ideas discussed by in this dissertation will allow for an idealized re-creation of this intermezzo stemming from the deepest possible possible knowledge of its Zeitgeist, which will necessarily be unique and transient. The mere citation of historical sources nothing can prove by itself; direct access to these sources is no guarantee of absolute musical veracity. The artistic musicmaking and academic research are two distinct languages and of difficult intercommunicability. We are a "child of our time". It is our responsability, however, acquire a deeper historical knowledge for a keener insight into the style and thought of that epoch in order to develop the ability to act and perform as if it were one's own second nature. Hopefully it will unite the various fields of the art involved in making a coherent whole resulting in a new context of artistic realization. The exercise of bon goût at last / Mestrado / Musica / Mestre em Música

De la solitude des origines humaines à l'individualité autobiographique: Jean-Jacques Rousseau et la faillite de la démocratie

Destain, Christian January 1993 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

El concepto de propiedad privada en Rousseau

Palomino Flores, Karl Humberto 27 February 2020 (has links)
La interpretación del concepto de propiedad en la obra de Rousseau resulta un asunto tremendamente controversial debido a que, por un lado, en el Discurso sobre el origen y los fundamentos de la desigualdad entre los hombres, Rousseau elabora una profunda crítica a la propiedad privada, estableciendo a esta como una de las principales fuentes de degeneración humana, en su relato del proceso de surgimiento y consolidación de la desigualdad entre los hombres; por otro lado, en obras como El contrato social y El discurso sobre economía política, Rousseau procede a sostener que la propiedad es uno de los derechos sagrados sobre el cual se funda el orden civil. Ante dicho problema, los diversos intérpretes han optado por sostener que en realidad la aparente contradicción en la obra de Rousseau no es tal, sosteniendo que el foco de la crítica a la propiedad es la desigualdad y no la propiedad privada en sí misma. Esta tesis por su parte busca defender que la crítica de Rousseau a la propiedad no es solo por sus consecuencias, sino que opera en su concepto mismo. Por ello es que la propiedad privada en El contrato social y en El discurso sobre economía política debe ser entendida como propiedad pública y que lo único que es privado es su uso. Para defender esta tesis, primero se parte de establecer las consideraciones antropológicas de la obra de Rousseau. Luego se pasa a analizar su crítica a la propiedad privada y su relevancia en el surgimiento del Estado ilegitimo. Por último, se ofrece un análisis de sus consideraciones del Estado legítimo resaltando cómo es que debe entenderse el concepto de propiedad en el marco de dicho Estado.

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