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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of perceived occupational stress, burnout and sense of community among New Zealand nurses

Ditzel, Elizabeth Mary, n/a January 2008 (has links)
This research shows that sense of community reduces the effect of job stress on burnout among a sample of 672 New Zealand nurses. Sense of community - a feeling that members matter to one another (and to the group) and a shared faith that members� needs will be met through their commitment to be together - consists of four elements: membership, integration and fulfilment of needs, influence and shared emotional connection. Results indicate that nurses have a moderate to high level of sense of community. Apart from the influence element, subscale reliabilities for the other three elements were acceptably high on the Nurse Sense of Community Index, an instrument that was developed for use in this study. In relation to occupational stress, the study results indicate that high workload, rather than any difference in the practice requirements of various types of nursing work is the most important factor contributing to nurses� job stress. Public hospital nurses experience significantly higher levels of perceived job stress than their private sector counterparts because high workloads and problems of recruiting and retaining nurses are more typical of the public sector. Nurses who work full-time experience more job stress than those who work part-time, and those in the 20 to 30 age group experience the highest frequency of perceived job stress. Burnout is a syndrome of high emotional exhaustion and high depersonalisation in the presence of a lack of personal accomplishment. Nurses who work full-time experience significantly higher levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation than those who work part-time. Accident and emergency nurses have the highest level of burnout and intensive care unit nurses the lowest level of burnout among public hospital nurses. Overall, the majority of nurses experience a low to moderate degree of burnout. Yet, a substantial proposition of the sample population acknowledge experiencing some aspect of burnout, and as has been found by other nursing studies, a nurse�s age influences burnout levels, with younger nurses experiencing more burnout than older nurses. A clear relationship between an increased frequency of perceived job stress and burnout was identified. Results suggest that nurses with a high level of sense of community have lower frequencies of perceived job stress, experience lower burnout than those with low and moderate levels of sense of community. Findings demonstrate that burnout remains a serious issue for nurses the nursing profession and, as the demands on professional workers increase, the health care sector. The theoretical and practical implications of the study�s findings for management practice are postulated in the conclusion of this thesis.

A study of teacher satisfaction with work and working conditions in government primary schools in the Australian Capital Territory

Boyle, Maureen B., n/a January 1983 (has links)
This study is concerned with the satisfactions and dissatisfactions that primary teachers in the Australian Capital Territory experience in their working lives. Its aim is to identify those aspects of satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction by considering relationships between the independent variables. A modified form of Holdaway's Satisfaction with Teaching and Employment Conditions Questionnaire was administered to three hundred and seventy-five teachers. The Likert-type scale and open responses produced data which was analysed in relation to personal variables. Factor analysis was used to determine clustering of items and to investigate relationships between the variables. A number of hypotheses were tested to ascertain the areas of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The findings indicate that teacher satisfaction is linked with intrinsic aspects of their work such as relationships with students, advancement and personal growth. Teachers are most dissatisfied with those aspects of their lives over which they have little control and see the present attitudes of society towards their function and role as an area of serious concern. Statistically significant differences in satisfaction were found between open-space and traditional schools, large and smaller schools, men and women teachers, VII and between teachers working in upper and lower primary classes. The relative distribution of resources between primary and secondary schools is a source of dissatisfaction and the lack of parity in working conditions highlights this inequity. Teacher stress is discussed as an area of growing concern in the ACT and some links with the system's degree of autonomy and community involvement are suggested.

The work attitudes and job perceptions of Commonwealth Government Libraians : with descriptive data on Commonwealth Government librarianship as an occupation

Barnes, Helen, n/a January 1987 (has links)
This study has three major purposes: to describe systematically the practice of librarianship in Australian Commonwealth Government departments and agencies from the perspective of librarians employed in that environment; to relate the characteristics of government librarianship to librarians' perceptions of and attitudes to their work; and to assess the extent to which the work of Commonwealth Government librarians needs to be redesigned to improve the level of job satisfaction they experience. A subsidiary purpose is to test the job characteristics theory of work motivation on a population of librarians. Information was gathered by a survey questionnaire on a range of variables relating to librarians and their perceptions of different aspects of their jobs. The primary instrument for gathering data on perceptions was the complete form of the Job Diagnostic Survey. The population under investigation comprised those Commonwealth Government department and agency librarians employed on a full-time, permanent basis under the Public Service Act 1922. and located in Canberra. Because the population was small but diverse, it was decided to survey the total population rather than a random or stratified sample. One hundred and eight usable responses were received which represented a response rate of 83 percent. The results of the survey were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Frequency distributions and Pearson's Product-Moment Correlations were calculated to determine the percentage of respondents who selected each option and the strength of relationships between pairs of variables. The study found that Commonwealth Government department and agency librarians in Australia are highly satisfied with their work generally, and with the environment in which it is performed. None of the null hypotheses relating to Commonwealth Government librarians and job satisfaction were rejected. All but one of the null hypotheses retating to the application of the job characteristics model to Commonwealth Government librarians are rejected. The study concludes by identifying issues and areas for further research in public sector librarianship.

國中教職員工作滿足與組織承諾關係之研究-高雄市地區市立國中調查分析 / The Job Satisfaction And Organization Commitment of Faculties at Junior High Schools: An Empirical Study of Kaohsiung Municipal District

莊榮霖, Chuang, Jung Lin Unknown Date (has links)
教育是國家百年大計,是一項無比艱鉅的築基工作,世界各國莫不藉由教育的力量以提高國民的素質。國民中學教育在我國而言,是一種基本教育(或基礎教有),也是一種強制性的義務教育,其宗旨乃在培養德智兼備、身心健全發展的青少年。為了使社會能在自由民主的環境下和諧運作,政府有必要讓社會上每個成員皆兵備基本的溝通能力與素養,是以此種基本教有具有明顯的「社會外部效果」。政府多年來對國中教育的努力,雖已獲致相當的成就,但同時也產生了一些負面效應為人所詬病,而教育主管機關也正思以試辦「自願就學方案」及「十年國民教育」等措施推動教育革新,力促教育品質能不所提升。這些教育革新工作,首賴國中成員--教職員全力配合推動。因此,在診視及推動國中教育改革政策之際,有關教職員對學校組織的工作態度,實有必要進行深入的探討。   本研究透過文獻探討法整合有關「工作滿足」與「組織承諾」的相關文獻及理論;以實地觀察法觀察國中教職員的個人背景、工作屬性及其工作的態度與行為;以問卷調查法針對高雄市地區市立國中的教職員進行抽樣調查及統計分析;另以深度訪談法禰補問卷調查及實地觀察所獲資料的不足,同時用來作為調查資料統計分析後的輔助性解釋。根據研究結果有以下的主要發現:   一、問卷所用的分量表,其適用性受到文化因素及樣本特性的影響。   二、教職員在工作特性構面上的反應以「自主性與重要性」最高;在工作滿足構面上以對「工作環境」的滿足感為最高;至於在組織承諾構面上則以「工作投入」的程度較高。   三、已婚、男性、具有較高的學歷、擔任主管職務,且年齡較長的教職員,對目前的工作較感滿足。   四、已婚、男性、具較高的學歷、年齡較長,且年資較深的市區學校教職員,其對組織的態度性承諾較高。   五、資淺的專任教師在「工作環境」及「意見溝通」上感到不滿足。   六、兼任行政工作教師工作特性的良窳會影響其工作的投入。   七、專任職員對於工作的成就發展較感不滿足。   八、工作特性及工作滿足感變項對組織承諾的「工作投入」構面,其預測解釋力不盡理想。   本研究的預期價值在於瞭解國民中學的組織成員在工作滿足與組織承諾間的關聯性,藉以研擬更妥善的管理措施,提供更佳的工作情境,以提高教學成效。依據研究結果發現,對於教育主管機關及國民中學的管理人員,提出幾項管理實務之建議︰   一、充實及改善學校的工作設備。   二、建立教職員服務奉獻的敬業信念。   三、加強新進教師人際關係能力的培養。   四、注重對新進教師的輔導。   五、貫徹行政工作分層負責制度。   六、增加行政工作的回饋制度。   七、提高專任職員自我肯定的工作精神。   八、鼓勵全校教職員的交流互動。   九、增進對郊區學校專任教師的工作誘因。

國民中小學教師領導對教師工作滿意度影響之研究 / A study of the impact of teacher leadership on elementary and junior high school teachers’ job satisfaction

陳登隆 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解當前國民中、小學教師領導以及教師工作滿意度之現況,並探討教師領導與教師工作滿意度間之相關情形。根據文獻探討及相關實證研究所得之結果設計問卷,進行問卷調查,再將所得之數據以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關以及逐步多元回歸等統計方法進行分析與討論。 本研究以新北市國民中、小學教師為研究對象,編製「教師領導與教師工作滿意度調查問卷」進行調查,有效樣本共計424份。所得結果如下: 一、 新北市國民中、小學教師對教師領導的覺知情形屬中上程度。 二、 新北市國民中、小學教師之工作滿意度屬中上程度。 三、 新北市國民中、小學教師對「教師領導」的覺知情形因背景變項之不同,在部分向度上有顯著差異。 四、 新北市國民中、小學教師之工作滿意度情形因背景變項之不同,在部分向度上有顯著差異。 五、 新北市國民中、小學教師之教師領導情形對教師工作滿意度具預測力,其中又以「行政支持」、「平行領導」、「學習社群」及「決策參與」較具預測力。 最後,根據本研究所得之結果提出建議,作為教育主管機關、學校行政人員以及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to understand the general situation and correlation of teacher leadership and teacher job satisfaction perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in Taiwan. Descriptive statistics, T-test, ANOVA, product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis were employed to analyze the data gathered by means of Teacher Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire generated from related literature review. Teacher Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire was utilized to investigate elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City, and 424 effective questionnaires were completed. Major findings are as following: 1. The entire performance of teacher leadership perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City is at middle-high degree. 2. The entire performance of teacher job satisfaction perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City is at middle-high degree. 3. Teacher leadership perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City shows significant difference in some dimensions in certain demographic levels. 4. Teacher job satisfaction perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City shows significant difference in some dimensions in certain demographic levels. 5. Teacher leadership perceived by elementary school and junior high school teachers in New Taipei City is predictive of perceived teacher job satisfaction. Support from administration, parallel leadership, professional learning community, and participative decision making are the most powerful predictors of teacher job satisfaction. Finally, suggestions were madefor education administration, school leaders like principals and researcher interested in further studies to follow.

教師兼任行政職務的角色壓力與工作滿意度之研究-以臺北市松山區公立國民小學為例 / A study of role stress and job satisfaction of administrative teachers of public elementary schools in taipei songshan district

廖珮芝, Liao pei-chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市公立國民小學教師兼任行政職務角色壓力與工作滿意度的現況與關係,以及不同背景變項的教師對二者的知覺差異,並根據研究結果提出降低其角色壓力,增加工作滿意度之建議。研究採用文獻分析與問卷調查法,以臺北市松山區公立國民小學教師兼任行政職務人員為研究對象,研究者自編的「臺北市公立國民小學教師之角色壓力與工作滿意度相關性研究問卷」為研究工具,對教師兼任行政職務計發出100份問卷,回收89份,有效問卷81份,回收率81%;另對一般教師隨機發出120份問卷,回收118份,有效問卷113份,回收率94.17%,以進行比較。資料分析採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、最小顯著差異法等統計方法。 本研究獲得以下結論: 一、臺北市松山區公立國民小學教師兼任行政職務的整體角色壓力為中等程度,以「角色量的過度負荷」最高,「角色模糊」最低。 二、不同背景變項「性別」、「年資」、「學校規模」下,整體角色壓力具有顯著差異。 三、臺北市松山區公立國民小學教師兼任行政職務的工作滿意度為中等程度以上,以「人際關係」滿意度最高,「薪資待遇」最低。 四、不同背景變項僅「學校規模」下,在整體工作滿意度具有顯著差異。 五、角色壓力與工作滿意度之間呈現顯著負相關。 六、臺北市松山區公立國民小學教師兼任行政職務與一般教師的角色壓力具有顯著差異,在工作滿意度則未具顯著差異。 / This study aimed to explore the current status of the satisfaction of public elementary school teachers in Taipei concurrently holding an administration job with their jobs and the relationships. Also the differences in perception of satisfaction among teachers of different backgrounds were discussed. According to the results of this study, some suggestions were proposed to reduce their stress and increase their satisfaction with their jobs. The methods adopted by this study included document analysis and questionnaire survey. The research subjects were the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei City concurrently holding an administration job. And the research tool was the “Role Stress and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire for Public Elementary School Teachers in Taipei” developed by the researcher. 100 questionnaires were sent to teachers concurrently holding an administration job and 89 were retrieved, among which, 81 were valid. The response rate was 81%. In addition, 120 questionnaires were randomly sent to general teachers and 118 were retrieved, among which 113 were valid. The response rate was 94.17%. They were used for comparison. For data analyses, the statistical methods adopted included descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, least significant difference test, etc. The conclusions of this study are: 1. The overall role stress perceived by the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei City concurrently holding an administration job was moderate. The highest stress they perceived was the stress from “overload from their roles” while the lowest was the stress from “roles being vague”. 2. The overall role stresss perceived by the teachers of different “gender”, “seniority”, and “school scale” were significantly different. 3. The satisfaction of the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei with their jobs was above moderate. The highest satisfaction was that with “interpersonal relations” while the lowest was that with “salary”. 4. In the aspect of background variables, the overall job satisfactions were significantly different only among the teachers of different “school scale”. 5. Role stress and job satisfaction were negatively related. 6. The stress perceived by the public elementary school teachers in Songshan District, Taipei was different from that perceived by general teachers. However, their job satisfactions were not significantly different.

Job Satisfaction of Indonesian Workers in Taiwan

林莉雅, Setyaningsih, Rita Pawestri Unknown Date (has links)
Among workers from four Southeast Asian countries in Taiwan, Indonesian workers constitute of the biggest group, especially those working in the care service sector. The trend of these workers has been associated with the growing number of the older population in Taiwan. As an Indonesian student studying in Taiwan, I took this opportunity to conduct research on the Indonesian care workers in Taiwan. This study tries to search whether the Indonesian workers are satisfied with their job as caretakers. It includes an overview of their job content, wage, personality job fitness, and supportive work condition. Data was collected by using survey and interviews, with a result of 42 respondents living in Taipei City by using a snowball approach, as well as interviews with an Indonesian representative and Taiwanese government officer. The data collected was analyzed by using cross tabulation and organizational behavior approaches. The study found some relationships between job satisfaction and other variables: i.e.: job contents or characteristics of the caretaking job (such as spends much energy, aggravates health condition, stressful, and restricts social contact with outside of the home), wage (expectation, regularity payment), personality job fit and supportive working condition (no days off and separated room). This study is very comprehensive. The interview results enriched the analyses. It will give much information not only to students, but also to lecturers, researchers and scholars who are interested in the field. It is also a useful resource for the Indonesian and Taiwanese governments to improve working conditions and worker satisfaction. / Among workers from four Southeast Asian countries in Taiwan, Indonesian workers constitute of the biggest group, especially those working in the care service sector. The trend of these workers has been associated with the growing number of the older population in Taiwan. As an Indonesian student studying in Taiwan, I took this opportunity to conduct research on the Indonesian care workers in Taiwan. This study tries to search whether the Indonesian workers are satisfied with their job as caretakers. It includes an overview of their job content, wage, personality job fitness, and supportive work condition. Data was collected by using survey and interviews, with a result of 42 respondents living in Taipei City by using a snowball approach, as well as interviews with an Indonesian representative and Taiwanese government officer. The data collected was analyzed by using cross tabulation and organizational behavior approaches. The study found some relationships between job satisfaction and other variables: i.e.: job contents or characteristics of the caretaking job (such as spends much energy, aggravates health condition, stressful, and restricts social contact with outside of the home), wage (expectation, regularity payment), personality job fit and supportive working condition (no days off and separated room). This study is very comprehensive. The interview results enriched the analyses. It will give much information not only to students, but also to lecturers, researchers and scholars who are interested in the field. It is also a useful resource for the Indonesian and Taiwanese governments to improve working conditions and worker satisfaction.

Work, industry and control

Kriegler, Roy John January 1978 (has links)
This research project set out to explore in detail the work milieux of the skilled industrial worker, to examine work through the eyes and experience of the workman himself. Although an eclectic approach was employed in the gathering of the material for this thesis, the research was centred around two distinct methodological procedures: participant observation and in-depth interviewing. As a participant observer, I worked as a labourer in the Whyalla Shipyard which enabled me to experience work and its associated authority relationships first hand and to gain the trust of a group of employees who were later extensively interviewed. A semi-structured questionnaire was employed to enquire into worker’s leisure activities, social networks, financial position, personal background, class images, attitudes towards work and general social and political orientations. Endeavouring not to lose sight of the depth of the social processes implicit in the workman’s world of meaning, questioning procedures frequently approached the informality of ordinary conservations. / My research revealed a disturbing lack of awareness, by unions, employers, government authorities and the courts, of the deleterious physical, sociological and psychological effects which accompany certain types of industrial employment. Working in close liaison with federal and state government instrumentalities, I was able to uncover significant discrepancies and inadequacies in the present industrial safety and workman’s compensation legislation. The Whyalla project, revealed an unexpectedly high incidence of work-associated physical disabilities and industrial diseased, and it is hoped that these findings will contribute to the review and general tightening-up of some of the South Australian statutes. / ‘Work, industry and control’ demonstrates how industrial workmen can come to regard themselves to be trapped within a complex web of interlocking mechanisms of social and political control. Furthermore, it seeks to uncover some of the effects that elitist and authoritarian managerial policies and obsessive over-supervision can have on the morals, skills, and self-concept of craftsmen, and relates these to Lockwood’s concept of privatisation.

Work to live, don’t live to work! : A cross-sectional study of the work-life balance of higher managers

Korpunen, Päivi, Nápravníková, Andrea January 2007 (has links)
<p>The work-life balance is currently in vogue among governments, organizations as well as researchers. Higher managers in organizations all over the world are exposed to significant pressures in their jobs, which further influence the balance between their work and private lives, job satisfaction and overall well-being. In this thesis, we apply a different perspective on the topic of work-life balance than most of the previous scientific research. We have focused on the governmental, organizational and individual factors that affect the work-life balance of higher managers and the consequent influence on their job satisfaction and overall well-being.</p><p>The objective of this study is to contribute to the work-life balance research by exploring the fit between companies’ human resource practices and higher managers’ actual perceptions and needs. In order to gain different perspectives, our empirical research consists of a series of interviews with both HR managers and members of higher management.</p><p>The key findings in terms of the factors influencing higher managers are reported. They suggest that the individuals are influenced by several aspects. The responsibility for personal work-life balance does not only lie on individuals themselves, but the organizations and governments play an important role in treating this issue as well.</p>

Core self-evaluation´s och bassjälvkänsla som prediktorer av arbetstillfredsställelse?

Knutson, Susanne, Öhman Pils, Ida January 2007 (has links)
<p>Allt fler företag fördjupar sig i personalutveckling och arbetstillfredsställelse. Arbetstillfredsställelse har kopplats till begreppet ”core self-evaluation” (CSE), som bygger på fyra personlighetsdrag: generell self-efficacy, locus of control, neurotisism och självkänsla. Studien sökte svar på vilken inverkan CSE och bassjälvkänsla har på arbetstillfredsställelse samt om dessa variabler skiljer sig åt mellan yrkesgrupper. En enkätstudie med 103 respondenter i tre olika yrkesgrupper genomfördes i två städer i mellersta Sverige. Variablerna mättes med etablerade test för core self-evaluations, arbetstillfredsställelse och bassjälvkänsla. Den enda prediktorn för arbetstillfredsställelse visade sig vara bassjälvkänsla. Resultatet diskuteras bland annat utifrån M. Johnsons (1997) teori om bassjälvkänslans betydelse för individens grundtrygghet.</p>

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