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A Framework for Designing a Lean Production System for SMEs, which eases the certification of ISO 9001 & 14001 : A Case Study: CombiQ AB /Padilla, Raul, Pekmezci, Talat January 2011 (has links)
In order to survive in highly competitive local and global markets, it is vital to satisfy the changing demand of the customers. Thus, the importance of competitive factors arises. The companies should provide sufficient amount of products or services on time with the most advantageous prices and best possible quality. Additionally, flexibility is crucial to deal with the change in demand. Therefore, a flexible production system for manufacturers is vastly required. The aim of this Master Thesis is to provide a framework for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) that seek ISO 9001 and 14001 Certifications by proposing a Lean Production System. As a case study, the Swedish company CombiQ AB is investigated regarding its current situation with short and long term goals. Thereby, this framework includes the design of a suitable production system that meets CombiQ’s needs and additionally to that, instructs the company how to build up a Lean Production System. In parallel with ISO Certification requirements, two main Lean Techniques (5S and Kaizen) are explained and exemplified throughout the project. These techniques are straightly linked with the requirements of Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001) and Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001). As for empirical data, this project is constructed by six interviews within the company and one additional interview with an ISO auditor. As a complement, operational and managerial processes are observed. Additionally, relevant literature is examined, presented and aligned with empirical findings in order to cover the essential concepts of this thesis. The final proposal is the usage of lean thinking as a core philosophy guided by the lean principles and techniques with the ISO requirements in parallel, which are the selected concepts to design a desired production system. Once the design is proposed; as further steps, the company would be able to continue the development process by implementing and starting-up the production. Last but not least; as the major outcome of this Lean Production System framework, the ISO certifications would be accomplished with a higher customer satisfaction and competitiveness.
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Optimalizace procesu řízení interních a zákaznických reklamací ve firmě REHAU / Process optimalization of internal and customer complaint management in REHAUŠtindlová, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the current state of the process of internal and customer complaint management in REHAU Automotive s.r.o., Moravská Třebová. Based on the facts to make own proposals for improving the process of managing inter-nal and customer complaints, which will lead to a more efficient process, thus saving time, costs and overall improving of quality management in the company.
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Analýza a zlepšování hodnotového toku / Value stream analysis and improvementMalec, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the general analysis and value stream improvement. The theoretical part describes the difference between functional and procedural model of company management, mutual benefits and disadvantages of these systems. The thesis deals with the mapping process, subdivision maps and methodology of process maps creation. The work also includes software analysis for process mapping. Next section contains search of selected optimization tools and methods to improve production flow and description of the principles of controlled documentation. In the practical part is realized mapping process of bachelor studies at FEKT and map of production process at ABB switchgear.
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Využití moderních metod v integrovaném systému managementu stavebního podniku / Utilization of modern methods in integrated management system of construction companyDoleček, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on the use of modern methods in an integrated management system construction company. The first part is devoted to theoretical introduction of selected modern methods and process management. Describes the possibilities of using the cloud information system and the way of auditing of company processes by standards. In the practical part is introduced monitored company including a description of control mechanisms. The work is mainly focused on the analysis and identification of processes in construction company in selected area of managing the commissions. The final section contains design and implementation of information system and possibility for using of modern methods.
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Zvýšení efektivity výrobní linky za použití metody lean (TPS) / Increase of line efficiency using lean (TPS) methodMatulík, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation deals with analysis and follow-up suggestion of efficiency improvement on the production line in DAIKIN DEVICE CZECH REPUBLIC Ltd. Mentioned steps are performed with the help of production philosophy called Lean production or TPS (Toyota Production System) and production procedures like Just in Time, Jidoka and Kaizen. The target of this work is to find out and eliminate inefficiencies of manufacturing process, design an improvement project (saving cost, safeness, reduction of working positions etc.). Perform evaluation of this project and suggest testing procedure for follow-up improvement in the future.
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Utveckling av ett verktyg för att förebygga risker i slutna utrymmen vid ett tillverkningsföretagLevy, Lily, Saeidyfar, Gulli Mahdiyeh January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna studie har utförts på en svensk medelstor fabrik som tillverkar gipsbaserade byggprodukter och tillhör en internationell koncern. Vissa arbetsuppgifter i fabriken innebär att personalen utför planerat underhåll och rengöring i områden som klassificeras som slutna utrymmen med otillräcklig ventilation där det kan bildas en farlig atmosfär och/eller att det kan vara svårt att komma in och ut. Brist på syre, brand och explosionsrisker kan leda till allvarliga, till och med dödliga olyckor i slutna utrymmen. Vid studiens start uppfyllde fabrikens befintliga rutiner för arbete i slutna utrymmen inte säkerhetskraven från koncernen och inte heller från lagstiftningen. Koncernen har uppmanat fabriken att ta fram ”bäst praxis” för arbete i slutna utrymmen så att andra fabriker kan implementera samma typ av åtgärder. Syftet med denna studie är därför att utveckla ett verktyg för att förebygga ohälsa och olycksfall i arbetet i slutna utrymmen. Studien avgränsas till att undersöka riskerna på två slutna utrymmen i fabriken.Studien utfördes som en fallstudie. Datainsamling har gjorts genom litteraturstudier, en översikt av lagstiftningskrav, granskning av fabrikens befintliga dokument och verktyg för riskbedömningar, anteckningar under projektmöten, intervjuer av medlemmar i projektgruppen, samt kunskapsinhämtningen via deltagandet i endagsseminarium om ”arbete i slutet utrymme”. För bedömning av kvalitet och funktionalitet av verktyget genomfördes en workshop med öppna frågor.Utifrån dessa forskningsaktiviteter har ett verktyg utvecklats för att systematiskt identifiera och hantera risker i slutna utrymmen på den aktuella fabriken som har följande cykel: 1) Bakgrund, 2) Kartläggning, 3) Risklista, 4) Stratifiering, 5) Riskbedömning, 6) Organisatoriska och tekniska åtgärder, 7) Implementering, 8) Revisioner, 9) Inspektioner, 10) Korrigerande åtgärder.Verktyget kommer att implementeras för arbete även i de andra slutna utrymmena i fabriken. Nästa steg är att testa verktyget i andra gipsfabriker i koncernen och justera efter behov samt sprida kunskapen vidare.Vi rekommenderar att 1) Fabrikens räddningsteam utvecklar specifik nöd-plan för varje slutet utrymme samt ett schema för inspektion av utrustning, samt att 2) Projektgruppen utvecklar ”ett flöde” för att underlätta genomgång av rutinerna när arbete i slutna utrymmen behövs. / Abstract The research study presented in this master thesis was done in a Swedish medium-sized factory that manufactures plaster-based construction products and belongs to an international corporate group. Some work tasks in the factory involve staff carrying out scheduled maintenance and cleaning in areas that are classified as confined spaces with inadequate ventilation that can form a hazardous atmosphere, and/or that it is difficult to get in and out. Lack of oxygen, fire and explosion risks may result in serious, even fatal, accidents in confined spaces. At the start of this research study, the existing factory procedures for working in confined spaces did not fully meet the requirements of the corporate group, nor Swedish legislation. The corporate group has challenged the factory to develop "best practices" for work in confined spaces so that other factories can implement the same kind of counter measures. The aim of this study is therefore to develop a tool to prevent accidents by identifying and managing risks associated with work in confined spaces.The research study was performed as a case study. Data collection was done through literature studies and collection an overview of legislative requirements, review of existing company documents, risk assessment tools, notes during project meetings, interviews of the project team, as well as the acquisition of knowledge through participation in the seminar on "work in the confined spaces". To evaluate the quality of the tool, a workshop was conducted with open questions.Based on these research activities a tool is developed to systematically identify and manage risks in confined spaces at the current factory and has the following cycle: 1) Background, 2) Mapping, 3) Risk List, 4) Stratification, 5) Risk Assessment, 6) Organizational and technical counter measures, 7) Implementation, 8) Audits, 9) Inspections, 10) Corrective actions (continuous improvement)The tool can be implemented in the future for the other confined spaces in the factory. The next step is to test the tool in other gypsum factories in the Group and adjust as needed, and to spread the knowledge further.We recommend that 1) the factory Rescue Team develop specific emergency plans for each confined space as well as a schedule for equipment inspection, and that the 2) Project team develop a "flow" to facilitate the review of routines when work in confined spaces is required.
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Концепция «Кайдзен» как фактор повышения эффективности производственной деятельности промышленного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / The concept of «Kaizen» as a factor of increasing the efficiency of industrial enterprise production activitiesСимонов, Е. И., Simonov, E. I. January 2020 (has links)
The relevance of stimulating innovation, the importance of relying on innovation today is obvious, because the stream of innovation has become a real “fuel” in the accelerators of the modern post-industrial society, where there has been a transition from an extensive to an intensive way of developing society and the scientific and technological complex. The aim of the master's thesis is to develop a methodological approach to the effective implementation of the concept of "Kaizen" in industrial enterprises. The paper discusses the essence of the Kaizen concept and issues of increasing efficiency at an industrial enterprise. The sources used educational and methodological and research literature, the results of empirical research of the author and data taken from enterprises. In the master's thesis, a methodology for the effective implementation of the Kaizen concept was developed, which is based on the proposed concept tools that contribute to increasing the efficiency of production areas of an industrial enterprise, which in turn contributes to the growth of the company's economic indicators. / Актуальность стимулирования инноваций, важность опоры на инновации сегодня очевидна, поскольку поток инноваций стал настоящим «топливом» в ускорителях современного постиндустриального общества, где произошел переход от экстенсивного к интенсивному способу развития общества и научно-технического комплекса. Целью магистерской диссертации является разработка методического подхода к эффективному внедрению концепции «Кайдзен» на промышленных предприятиях. В работе рассматривается суть концепции «Кайдзен» и вопросы повышения эффективности на промышленном предприятии. В качестве источников использовалась учебно-методическая и научно-исследовательская литература, результаты эмпирических исследований автора и данные взятые с предприятий. В магистерской диссертации разработана методика эффективного внедрения концепции «Кайдзен», в основу которой положены предложенные инструменты концепции, которые способствуют повышению эффективности производственных участков промышленного предприятия, что в свою очередь способствует росту экономических показателей компании.
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Návrh zavedení štíhlé výroby v průmyslovém podniku / The proposal of lean production implementation in a industrial enterpriseNachtmann, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
This master´s thesis describes the production process in Japanese enterprise Daikin Device Czech Republic s.r.o. with emphasis on the production schedule, equipment and manufacturing system with elements of lean production. According to the production process analysis at the given production line a new solution of the production process has been suggested to increase production efficiency. This conception has been implemented and compared to the production process before, as well as to the assumed production process after increasing the efficiency.
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Systém řízení nákladů na kvalitu ve vybraném podniku / The system of quality costs management in the chosen companyTONDLOVÁ, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The quality of products is the biggest competitive advantage that a company can achieve. The definition states that quality is the degree of compliance requirement with a set of inherent characteristics. The importance of quality have very increased in recent years - quality is a decisive factor for stable economic growth of enterprises, management quality is the most important protective factor of the loss of markets, quality is a major source of saving materials and energy, the quality affects of macroeconomic indicators, the quality is a limiting factor for the sustainable development , quality and consumer protection are connected vessels. Quality costs are the total costs incurred by producers, users and companies associated with the quality of the product. The quality costs of the manufacturer is divided into four basic groups: the costs of prevention, assessment, costs of external defects and internal defects.
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Positiva miljöeffekter i kölvattnet av Lean produktion : Kan en integrering av miljöaspekter och Lean produktion bidra till att nå synergieffekter och minska risken för suboptimering? / Environmental benefits riding the coattails of Lean production : Can an integration of environmental aspects and Lean production result in synergies and a reduced risk of sub optimisation?Helldal, Michael, Tenne, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete utfört vid Institutionen för industriell och ekonomisk utveckling vid Linköpings universitet på uppdrag av konsultbolaget Sustainia AB. Lean produktion, ofta benämnt Lean, har det senaste decenniet blivit en allt mer attraktiv produktionsfilosofi för att minska kostnader och öka kundnöjdhet genom förbättrad leveransservice och effektivare flöde. Ett flertal författare har påpekat att införandet av Lean direkt kan förbättra ett företags miljöprestanda, främst till följd av det minskade slöseri som Lean avser ge upphov till. Vidare finns studier som visar att vissa möjligheter till förbättringar och kostnadsbesparingar riskerar att gå oupptäckta om verksamheten ses ur ett strikt Lean-perspektiv. Med ett miljösynsätt finns dock chans att dessa blir upptäckta. Detta indikerar att såväl kostnads- som miljömässiga fördelar kan nås genom en integration av arbetet med Lean och miljöaspekter.</p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur ett företags arbete med Lean respektive miljöaspekter påverkar varandra för att ta reda på om och hur väl de båda arbetssätten skulle kunna fungera tillsammans. Om det visade sig att en integration av Lean och miljö vore möjlig och fördelaktig ur affärsmässig synvinkel skulle sedermera ett förslag tas fram på hur en sådan modell skulle kunna se ut. Arbetets syfte har uppfyllts genom en kombination av litteraturstudier och intervjuer. Fyra svenska företag som arbetar enligt Lean och även har ett uttalat aktivt miljöarbete intervjuades gällande sitt sätt att arbeta med Lean och miljöfrågor samt hur de såg på en eventuell integration av de två arbetssätten.</p><p>Utifrån resultaten från litteratur- och intervjustudien kan konstateras att flera av grundtankarna inom såväl Lean som miljöarbete stöder varandra. Inom båda arbetssätten ses kontinuerliga förbättringar och eliminering av slöseri som viktiga inslag, och båda främjar en organisationskultur där personalen uppmuntras att lösa problem och förbättra företagets prestation. Vissa enskilda verktyg inom Lean riskerar emellertid att ha en negativ inverkan på företagets miljöprestanda, något som i många fall dock kan avhjälpas genom god planering.</p><p>Till ett företags miljöarbete kan Lean bidra med ett proaktivt förhållningssätt och strukturerat arbetssätt och därmed få organisationen att arbeta mer förebyggande och långsiktigt med miljöfrågor. De intervjuade företagen ansåg att Lean generellt hade en positiv inverkan på deras miljöarbete, även om de inte hade gjort någon utvärdering av hur arbetet med Lean påverkat deras miljönyckeltal. De kvantitativa data som erhölls från litteraturstudien pekade på att arbete med Lean kan leda till en direkt minskning av företagets miljöpåverkan inom flera områden. Med utgångspunkt i dessa kvantitativa och kvalitativa data anser författarna således att det finns starka och tydliga tecken som visar på att Lean kan ha en positiv inverkan på miljörelaterade nyckeltal. Ett aktivt miljöarbete kan å sin sida bidra till arbetet med Lean genom att besparingsmöjligheter, som annars skulle riskerat att förbli oupptäckta, uppdagas.</p><p>Studien visade vidare att det inte bara är möjligt att integrera arbete med Lean och miljö, utan att en sådan integration dessutom har potential att vara fördelaktigt ur såväl ett ekonomiskt som ett miljömässigt perspektiv. En integrering kan minska risken för suboptimeringar, och synergieffekter kan erhållas som innebär att större framgångar kan uppnås än vad som skulle ha varit möjligt om arbetet med Lean och miljö hade bedrivits isolerat. Med vetskapen om att en integration är möjlig och har potential att vara fördelaktig ur företagsekonomisk och miljömässig synvinkel utarbetade författarna en modell för hur Lean och miljöarbete kan bedrivas integrerat. I samråd med Sustainia AB bestämdes att denna modell skulle kallas Green Lean, vilket således åsyftar en miljöanpassad, ”grön” form av Lean.</p> / <p>This report is the result of a master thesis written at the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University commissioned by the consultancy firm Sustainia AB.</p><p>Lean production, also known as Lean, has during the last decade increasingly become a more attractive production philosophy for decreasing costs and increasing customer satisfaction by improving customer service and obtaining more efficient production flows. Several authors have pointed out that Lean has the potential to directly improve the environmental performance of a company, mostly by decreasing waste generation. Further, there are studies showing that some possibilities for improvement and cost savings risk not being discovered if the operations are seen strictly from a Lean perspective. When an environmental perspective is included there is a chance that these improvements and cost savings are discovered. This indicates that both environmental and cost related advantages might be achieved by integrating the Lean approach with that of the environment.</p><p>The purpose of this master thesis was to investigate how the work with Lean and environmental aspects affect one another. If applying the two principles together was shown to be both possible and beneficial from a business point of view, the authors would propose how these two concepts could be integrated into a single model. A combination of literature studies and interviews were used to fulfill the purpose. Four Swedish enterprises, which work according to the Lean principles and also have an active environmental profile, were interviewed about their way of working with the two approaches, as well their views on an integration of these.</p><p>From the findings in this study the authors concluded that several of the fundamental concepts concerning Lean and environmental aspects support each other. Within both, continuous improvements and waste elimination are seen as important components, and they both support an organisational culture where the personnel are encouraged to solve problems and improve the performance of the company. Conversely the authors found that there is a risk that certain of the Lean tools risk having a negative influence on the company’s environmental performance. However, in many cases this can be avoided by proactive planning.</p><p>Lean can contribute to a company’s environmental work by its proactive approach, structured way of operating and long-term way of thinking. In general the interviewed companies regarded Lean as having a positive influence on their environmental work, even though none of them had carried out an evaluation on how their work with Lean affected their environmental key performance indicators. The quantitative data obtained from the literature study indicates that Lean can lead to a direct decrease of a company’s environmental impact within several areas. As a result of these qualitative and quantitative data the authors of this thesis have found clear indications showing that Lean might have a positive impact on environmental key performance indicators. An active environmental work can also contribute to the work with Lean. Potential cost saving, which might not have been discovered with the Lean perspective, can be revealed when the organisation is studied from an environmental point of view.</p><p>The study further showed that it not only is possible to integrate Lean and environmental work, but that it also has potential to be beneficial from both a business and an environmental standpoint. An integration of Lean and environmental issues can reduce the risk of sub optimisations, and synergies can be achieved, meaning that the two systems can accomplish more together than they would in isolation. With this knowledge, the authors composed a model for how Lean and environmental work can be practised and integrated. In consultation with Sustainia AB it was decided that this model should be called Green Lean, which hence refers to an environmentally favourable, “green”, version of Lean.</p>
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