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Positiva miljöeffekter i kölvattnet av Lean produktion : Kan en integrering av miljöaspekter och Lean produktion bidra till att nå synergieffekter och minska risken för suboptimering? / Environmental benefits riding the coattails of Lean production : Can an integration of environmental aspects and Lean production result in synergies and a reduced risk of sub optimisation?Helldal, Michael, Tenne, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete utfört vid Institutionen för industriell och ekonomisk utveckling vid Linköpings universitet på uppdrag av konsultbolaget Sustainia AB. Lean produktion, ofta benämnt Lean, har det senaste decenniet blivit en allt mer attraktiv produktionsfilosofi för att minska kostnader och öka kundnöjdhet genom förbättrad leveransservice och effektivare flöde. Ett flertal författare har påpekat att införandet av Lean direkt kan förbättra ett företags miljöprestanda, främst till följd av det minskade slöseri som Lean avser ge upphov till. Vidare finns studier som visar att vissa möjligheter till förbättringar och kostnadsbesparingar riskerar att gå oupptäckta om verksamheten ses ur ett strikt Lean-perspektiv. Med ett miljösynsätt finns dock chans att dessa blir upptäckta. Detta indikerar att såväl kostnads- som miljömässiga fördelar kan nås genom en integration av arbetet med Lean och miljöaspekter. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur ett företags arbete med Lean respektive miljöaspekter påverkar varandra för att ta reda på om och hur väl de båda arbetssätten skulle kunna fungera tillsammans. Om det visade sig att en integration av Lean och miljö vore möjlig och fördelaktig ur affärsmässig synvinkel skulle sedermera ett förslag tas fram på hur en sådan modell skulle kunna se ut. Arbetets syfte har uppfyllts genom en kombination av litteraturstudier och intervjuer. Fyra svenska företag som arbetar enligt Lean och även har ett uttalat aktivt miljöarbete intervjuades gällande sitt sätt att arbeta med Lean och miljöfrågor samt hur de såg på en eventuell integration av de två arbetssätten. Utifrån resultaten från litteratur- och intervjustudien kan konstateras att flera av grundtankarna inom såväl Lean som miljöarbete stöder varandra. Inom båda arbetssätten ses kontinuerliga förbättringar och eliminering av slöseri som viktiga inslag, och båda främjar en organisationskultur där personalen uppmuntras att lösa problem och förbättra företagets prestation. Vissa enskilda verktyg inom Lean riskerar emellertid att ha en negativ inverkan på företagets miljöprestanda, något som i många fall dock kan avhjälpas genom god planering. Till ett företags miljöarbete kan Lean bidra med ett proaktivt förhållningssätt och strukturerat arbetssätt och därmed få organisationen att arbeta mer förebyggande och långsiktigt med miljöfrågor. De intervjuade företagen ansåg att Lean generellt hade en positiv inverkan på deras miljöarbete, även om de inte hade gjort någon utvärdering av hur arbetet med Lean påverkat deras miljönyckeltal. De kvantitativa data som erhölls från litteraturstudien pekade på att arbete med Lean kan leda till en direkt minskning av företagets miljöpåverkan inom flera områden. Med utgångspunkt i dessa kvantitativa och kvalitativa data anser författarna således att det finns starka och tydliga tecken som visar på att Lean kan ha en positiv inverkan på miljörelaterade nyckeltal. Ett aktivt miljöarbete kan å sin sida bidra till arbetet med Lean genom att besparingsmöjligheter, som annars skulle riskerat att förbli oupptäckta, uppdagas. Studien visade vidare att det inte bara är möjligt att integrera arbete med Lean och miljö, utan att en sådan integration dessutom har potential att vara fördelaktigt ur såväl ett ekonomiskt som ett miljömässigt perspektiv. En integrering kan minska risken för suboptimeringar, och synergieffekter kan erhållas som innebär att större framgångar kan uppnås än vad som skulle ha varit möjligt om arbetet med Lean och miljö hade bedrivits isolerat. Med vetskapen om att en integration är möjlig och har potential att vara fördelaktig ur företagsekonomisk och miljömässig synvinkel utarbetade författarna en modell för hur Lean och miljöarbete kan bedrivas integrerat. I samråd med Sustainia AB bestämdes att denna modell skulle kallas Green Lean, vilket således åsyftar en miljöanpassad, ”grön” form av Lean. / This report is the result of a master thesis written at the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University commissioned by the consultancy firm Sustainia AB. Lean production, also known as Lean, has during the last decade increasingly become a more attractive production philosophy for decreasing costs and increasing customer satisfaction by improving customer service and obtaining more efficient production flows. Several authors have pointed out that Lean has the potential to directly improve the environmental performance of a company, mostly by decreasing waste generation. Further, there are studies showing that some possibilities for improvement and cost savings risk not being discovered if the operations are seen strictly from a Lean perspective. When an environmental perspective is included there is a chance that these improvements and cost savings are discovered. This indicates that both environmental and cost related advantages might be achieved by integrating the Lean approach with that of the environment. The purpose of this master thesis was to investigate how the work with Lean and environmental aspects affect one another. If applying the two principles together was shown to be both possible and beneficial from a business point of view, the authors would propose how these two concepts could be integrated into a single model. A combination of literature studies and interviews were used to fulfill the purpose. Four Swedish enterprises, which work according to the Lean principles and also have an active environmental profile, were interviewed about their way of working with the two approaches, as well their views on an integration of these. From the findings in this study the authors concluded that several of the fundamental concepts concerning Lean and environmental aspects support each other. Within both, continuous improvements and waste elimination are seen as important components, and they both support an organisational culture where the personnel are encouraged to solve problems and improve the performance of the company. Conversely the authors found that there is a risk that certain of the Lean tools risk having a negative influence on the company’s environmental performance. However, in many cases this can be avoided by proactive planning. Lean can contribute to a company’s environmental work by its proactive approach, structured way of operating and long-term way of thinking. In general the interviewed companies regarded Lean as having a positive influence on their environmental work, even though none of them had carried out an evaluation on how their work with Lean affected their environmental key performance indicators. The quantitative data obtained from the literature study indicates that Lean can lead to a direct decrease of a company’s environmental impact within several areas. As a result of these qualitative and quantitative data the authors of this thesis have found clear indications showing that Lean might have a positive impact on environmental key performance indicators. An active environmental work can also contribute to the work with Lean. Potential cost saving, which might not have been discovered with the Lean perspective, can be revealed when the organisation is studied from an environmental point of view. The study further showed that it not only is possible to integrate Lean and environmental work, but that it also has potential to be beneficial from both a business and an environmental standpoint. An integration of Lean and environmental issues can reduce the risk of sub optimisations, and synergies can be achieved, meaning that the two systems can accomplish more together than they would in isolation. With this knowledge, the authors composed a model for how Lean and environmental work can be practised and integrated. In consultation with Sustainia AB it was decided that this model should be called Green Lean, which hence refers to an environmentally favourable, “green”, version of Lean.
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Software process capability and maturity determination:BOOTSTRAP methodology and its evolutionKuvaja, P. (Pasi) 24 November 2012 (has links)
Software process assessment and improvement came under the spotlight in the discussion of software engineering when the Software Engineering Institute published the maturity model for software process capability determination in 1987. Since then, several new approaches and standards have been developed. This thesis introduces a European software process assessment and improvement methodology called BOOTSTRAP, which was initially developed in an ESPRIT project starting from lean and kaizen philosophy. The focus is on the evolution of methodology and how it was developed, using an experimental research approach. The work covers also enhancements to the methodology investigated in the SPICE, PROFES and TAPISTRY projects. The enhancements expand the original methodology into new specific application areas, keep it compliant with new quality standards and certification, improve the efficiency of the assessment method, enhance the focus from process to product and strengthen improvement monitoring and support. To address these areas, the new BOOTSTRAP methodology releases offer tailored and enhanced assessment reference models and enhanced assessment and improvement methods. The new features also facilitate more frequent and even continuous assessments with software measurement-based indicators.
The thesis explains the origin and features of BOOTSTRAP software process assessment and improvement methodology and how it was developed for professional use. The discussion starts with the evolution of the methodology. Then the new trends and demands are introduced and new features of the BOOTSTRAP methodology described. The conclusion discusses how the methodology developed to be able successfully to support professional software process assessment, to align it with the evolution of software engineering, to adopt the features and requirements of the underlying standards in order to conform to the requirements set by ISO 15504 standard and to become validated in practice. / Tiivistelmä
Ohjelmistoprosessin arvioinnista ja parantamisesta tuli ohjelmistotekniikan keskeinen kiinnostuksen kohde kun Carnegie-Mellon yliopiston ohjelmistotekniikan instituutti SEI julkaisi kypsyysmallinsa ohjelmistoprosessin kyvykkyyden arviointiin vuonna 1987. Siitä lähtien maailmalla on syntynyt lukuisa määrä uusia malleja ja standardeja tälle alueelle. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitellään eurooppalainen ohjelmistoprosessin arviointi- ja parantamismenetelmä BOOTSTRAP, joka kehitettiin alun perin Euroopan unionin ESPRIT tutkimusohjelman rahoittamassa projektissa lähtien japanilaisesta ohut-ajattelusta (Lean) ja sen jatkuvan parantamisen periaatteesta (Kaizen). Esitys keskittyy menetelmän kehittymiseen ja siihen miten menetelmä käytännössä kehitettiin käyttäen kokeellista tutkimustapaa teollisessa ympäristössä. Työ kattaa myös alkuperäiseen menetelmään tehdyt laajennukset, jotka syntyivät yhteistyössä SPICE, PROFES ja TAPISTRY projekteissa tehdyn tutkimuksen tuloksena. Tehdyt laajennukset mahdollistavat menetelmän käytön uusilla sovellusalueilla, takaavat menetelmän yhteensopivuuden alan laatu- ja sertifiointistandardien kanssa, parantavat menetelmän tehokkuutta, laajentavat menetelmän käyttöaluetta prosessin arvioinnista sisältämään myös tuotteen kehittämisen arvioinnin ja vahvistavat parantamisen seurantaa ja tukemista. Toteuttaakseen näiden uusien ominaisuuksien vaatimukset uudet BOOTSTRAP menetelmän julkistukset tarjoavat räätälöityjä ja laajennettuja mallikuvauksia arviointien tekemiseksi sekä entistä täydellisempiä lähestymistapoja arviointien suorittamiselle ja parantamiselle. Menetelmän uudet ominaisuudet mahdollistavat myös usein toistuvien arviointien suorittamisen ja jopa jatkuvan arvioinnin ohjelmisto-mittauksia hyödyntäen.
Väitöskirjassa kuvataan yksityiskohtaisesti BOOTSTRAP menetelmän lähtö-kohdat ja ominaisuudet ja se kuinka menetelmä onnistuttiin kehittämään ammattimaiseen ohjelmistoprosessin arviointiin ja parantamiseen sopivaksi. Ensin kuvataan menetelmän kehittyminen ja sitten edetään alan uusien kehitystrendien ja vaatimusten esittelyyn siihen kuinka BOOTSTRAP menetelmä uudet ominaisuudet vastaavat näihin vaatimuksiin. Yhteenvedossa osoitetaan kuinka kehittämisessä onnistuttiin saamaan aikaan uusi menetelmä, joka sopii ammattimaiseen ohjelmistoprosessin arviointiin, vastaa kaikilta osin alan kehittymisen vaatimuksia, sisältää alan standardien vaatimukset täyttävät käytännössä koestetut ominaisuudet, jotka takaavat menetelmän vastaavuuden ISO 15504 standardin vaatimuksiin.
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Värdeflödesanalys : logistik och installation av solceller / Value stream mapping : logistics and installation of solar cellsGran, Niklas, Thunberg, Albin January 2020 (has links)
Detta arbete visualiserar värdeflöde av solceller vid tre olika typer av solcellsinstallationer följt av förslag till förbättring gällande ett växande installationsföretag i Sverige. Genom värdeflödesanalys kan vi se tydliga samband mellan snabb tillväxt och logistiska problem, där spårbarhet, lokaler och personal är viktiga faktorer som behöv bindas samman för att skapa ett så optimalt flöde som möjligt. Resultatet är delade i två grupper. En grupp består av visualisering och information kring hur värdeflödet ser ut och den andra av vilka förbättringsmöjligheter företaget har för sin framtida verksamhet. Vi kan också se att företaget har stor potential att öka sin lönsamhet genom att via affärssystem utveckla sin logistikhantering samt sammankoppla företagets olika instanser för att nå en mer effektiv installationsprocess. / This report visualizes the value stream of solar cells at three different types of installations, followed by proposal of improvement at a growing installation company in Sweden. Through value stream mapping, we see a clear connection between a fast growing rate and logistical problems, where traceability, facilities and staff are key factors, which needs to be connected to create as optimal flow as possible. The results are divided into two groups. The first consists of visualization and information of the current value stream and the second of what kind of improvement we suggest the company takes into consider to go even further. We can also see that the company has great potential to increase its profitability by implementing ERP to its logistical department and to connect the other departments to reach a higher level of efficiency.
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Stressprevention & Agil transformation : Prevention av organisatoriska rotorsaker till stress genom införandet av det Agila arbetssättet inom en högteknologisk multinationell svensk koncernFritz, Minanda January 2018 (has links)
Background: The Swedish Royal School of Technology (KTH) was hired to conduct a pilot study project on stress prevention, "Stress Prevention Project" in a Swedish high-tech global manufacturing company with headquarters in Sweden. The aim was to identify the root causes of stress among employees at the organizational level and to offer a way to prevent the root causes. The initiative to implement the project came from the HR department in the company. The occupational health department had not been able to lower the costs of sickness and rehabilitation. One of nine divisions was included in this evaluation study. The project was carried out during the years of 2012-2014, and three quantitative stress measurements were carried out using the modern working environment form “Modern Work Life” based of knowledge from KTH and designed by Metodicum. The present study has evaluated the root causes of the division's stress. In the division, it was stated that the risk areas that the division had to work with were: resources, demands, control, support but also leadership and reorganization with implementing the Agile methods (autonomous work) in the form of. The aim was to improve the psychosocial occupational health and to make the production work more efficient. Aim: The aim was to evaluate the effect of stress preventive measures in one of the nine divisions (that were included in the overall project) and the effect of implementing the Agile methods (autonomous work) in the organization. Limitations: The evaluation is restricted to one of the nine divisions. Method: The method is a quantitative and qualitative case study, with a narrative approach. The study includes a division with 200 employees of which data was collected from 18 of these employees in two focus groups interviews. Materials have also been collected from interviews with the division's HR director, section leader, head of unit and head of the organization's business health. The evaluation is based on qualitative data, which were obtained through 3 single interviews and 4 focus group interviews and participant observation. Quantitative data were obtained through three different measurements (between 2012-14). The quantitative data were compared and analyzed with the qualitative data in order to understand the results up to the final measurement 3 (2014). Results: The evaluation of the stress prevention – where the focus was to prevent risk areas including demands, develop resources, control, support and also leadership – showed that introducing and using the Agile working principles had had a significant positive effect on all the risk areas. Additionally, this change in the organization contributed to positive results regarding the efficiency of the production process; a reduction of working hours from 12 months to 2 weeks of action at the same result. The absence due to illness and rehabilitation has been decreasing from 4 % to 0,5-1% right after introducing the Agile methods in the division. However, the results also showed no improvement regarding some other working environment; as conflicts and bullying persisted. This may be due to how the reorganization of the groups was done. It should be clarified that the outcomes may be influenced by the extensive reorganization that took place in connection with the stress prevention project and the introduction of the agile approach. Conclusions - The stress prevention could not have been done efficiently due to other on-going reorganizations in the company and the staff has not been able to follow the recommendation for efficient stress-prevention due to lack of support from the headquarter. That created a crisis in the stress prevention-project group. The agile methods seem to have had a significant good result in all risk areas as resources, demands, control, support and also leadership and the absence has decreased from 4 to 0,5 %. Due to the agile methods have the productions process been shorter from 12 months to 2 weeks.
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