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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konkurrensbegränsande köperbjudanden : -        Står marknadsföringslagen i strid med konkurrenslagen? / Invitations to purchase that are anti-competitive : -         Is Marketing Act in conflict with Competition law?

Berg, Malin, Poulsen, Frida January 2010 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsens syfte är att söka bringa klarhet i huruvida de krav som finns i 12 § Marknadsföringslagen (MFL) är förenliga med artikel 101(1) Lissabonfördraget samt 2:1 Konkurrenslagen (KL). I arbetet kommer rättsdogmatisk metod att användas, vilket innebär redogörelse av hur de aktuella rättsreglerna är utformade (<em>de lege lata</em>) samt hur de kan tänkas revideras (<em>de lege ferenda).</em> Marknadsföring nyttjas av många företag i näringslivet, marknadsföring får företagen att synas på marknaden och därmed nå ut till konsument och näringsidkare. Att utforma ett köperbjudande, en bestämd produkt tillsammans med ett angivet pris är en marknadsföringsmetod. Hur ett köperbjudande skall vara utformat finns reglerat i 12 § MFL. Syftet med bestämmelsen i 12 § är att skydda konsumenten mot vilseledande marknadsföring som kan hindra konsumenten att fatta ett välgrundat affärsbeslut.</p><p> </p><p>Den problematik som nu uppkommit vid tillämpning av 12 § var från konkurrensverket (KKV) förutspådd. Problematiken vid tillämpningen av 12 § MFL uppstår då fristående företag tillsammans utformar ett köperbjudande i sin marknadsföring. Samarbetet om det exakta priset är något som enligt MFL är tillåtet medan det enligt artikel 101 (1) Lissabonfördraget och 2:1 KL utgör ett otillåtet prissamarbete. Skulle företagen för att undkomma att handla i strid med de konkurrensrättsliga bestämmelserna välja att ange ett från- eller cirkapris strider det mot de marknadsrättsliga reglerna. Förfarandet medför att företag utom den ekonomiska enheten inte har någon möjlighet att marknadsföra sig tillsammans i form av ett köperbjudande utan att agera i strid med lagen. Detta är en konsekvens som kan komma resultera i att företag väljer att utelämna priset ur marknadsföringen, något som är till nackdel för konsumenten.</p><p> </p><p>En lösning av en del av problemet vore att Sverige, precis som England inför ett tredje rekvisit för köperbjudande. Detta innebär att köperbjudandet måste ligga nära avtalsslutet. Konsumenten skall ha möjlighet att köpa produkten genom den information som anges i köperbjudandet. På så sätt skulle det vara möjligt för fristående företag att gå samman om marknadsföring som inte ligger nära avtalsslutet. De undkommer då bestämmelserna angående exakt pris som anges 12 § MFL vilket i sin tur innebär att en priskartell enligt artikel 101 (1) Lissabonfördraget och 2:1 KL inte ligger för handen.</p> / <p>The following essay has been written with the purpose to find out if 12 § Marketing Act (MFL) is compatible with article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and 2:1 Competition law. A legal dogmatic method was applied in the essay, which means that it took into account the rules of law (<em>de lege lata</em>) and how the law should be written (<em>de lege ferenda</em>). Marketing is used by many manufacturers with the purpose to reach out to and inform the consumer about their products. In order to reach that goal, many manufacturers use by-offers, showing a product jointly with a price. The marketing Act aims to eliminate misleading marketing procedures. Therefore, 12 § was created to regulate these invitation to purchase. The rule is constructed with the purpose to protect consumers against misleading marketing and prevent the consumer from making the wrong economical decision.</p><p> </p><p>The problems that would arise with the application of the law were already predicted by the Swedish Competition Authority before the law came into effect in the Marketing Act. The application difficulties with 12 § appeared when smaller manufacturers that were not within the same economical unit constructed a concerted invitation to purchase. The proceeding had to be considered as an illegitimate price cooperation according to article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and also 2:1 Competition law.</p><p> </p><p>If the manufakturers, with the wish to not act in conflict with the competition laws, would state a price that is not exact, they would act in conflict with the Marketing Act.  A consequence of this problem could be that the manufacturers do not include prices in their commercials in order to get away from the rule of invitations to purchase. This can lead to disadvantages for the consumers because they cannot take part of the prices that smaller manufacturers have, which will inevitably lead toward a limited overview of the marked on their behalf.</p><p> </p><p>To solve the problem, England has introduced a third prerequisite for invitations to purchase. The third prerequisite specifies that the invitation to purchase has to make it possible for the consumer to actually buy the product. The invitation to purchase has to be close to an agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer. In that case, all the commercials that do not make it possible for the consumer to actually buy the product will not be considered as an invitation to purchase. This would make 12 § MFL unfeasible and would lead towards a development in which the small manufacturers that are not within the same economical unit would be able to cooperate with their commercials without acting against article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and also 2:1 KL.</p>

Konkurrensbegränsande köperbjudanden : -        Står marknadsföringslagen i strid med konkurrenslagen? / Invitations to purchase that are anti-competitive : -         Is Marketing Act in conflict with Competition law?

Berg, Malin, Poulsen, Frida January 2010 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att söka bringa klarhet i huruvida de krav som finns i 12 § Marknadsföringslagen (MFL) är förenliga med artikel 101(1) Lissabonfördraget samt 2:1 Konkurrenslagen (KL). I arbetet kommer rättsdogmatisk metod att användas, vilket innebär redogörelse av hur de aktuella rättsreglerna är utformade (de lege lata) samt hur de kan tänkas revideras (de lege ferenda). Marknadsföring nyttjas av många företag i näringslivet, marknadsföring får företagen att synas på marknaden och därmed nå ut till konsument och näringsidkare. Att utforma ett köperbjudande, en bestämd produkt tillsammans med ett angivet pris är en marknadsföringsmetod. Hur ett köperbjudande skall vara utformat finns reglerat i 12 § MFL. Syftet med bestämmelsen i 12 § är att skydda konsumenten mot vilseledande marknadsföring som kan hindra konsumenten att fatta ett välgrundat affärsbeslut.   Den problematik som nu uppkommit vid tillämpning av 12 § var från konkurrensverket (KKV) förutspådd. Problematiken vid tillämpningen av 12 § MFL uppstår då fristående företag tillsammans utformar ett köperbjudande i sin marknadsföring. Samarbetet om det exakta priset är något som enligt MFL är tillåtet medan det enligt artikel 101 (1) Lissabonfördraget och 2:1 KL utgör ett otillåtet prissamarbete. Skulle företagen för att undkomma att handla i strid med de konkurrensrättsliga bestämmelserna välja att ange ett från- eller cirkapris strider det mot de marknadsrättsliga reglerna. Förfarandet medför att företag utom den ekonomiska enheten inte har någon möjlighet att marknadsföra sig tillsammans i form av ett köperbjudande utan att agera i strid med lagen. Detta är en konsekvens som kan komma resultera i att företag väljer att utelämna priset ur marknadsföringen, något som är till nackdel för konsumenten.   En lösning av en del av problemet vore att Sverige, precis som England inför ett tredje rekvisit för köperbjudande. Detta innebär att köperbjudandet måste ligga nära avtalsslutet. Konsumenten skall ha möjlighet att köpa produkten genom den information som anges i köperbjudandet. På så sätt skulle det vara möjligt för fristående företag att gå samman om marknadsföring som inte ligger nära avtalsslutet. De undkommer då bestämmelserna angående exakt pris som anges 12 § MFL vilket i sin tur innebär att en priskartell enligt artikel 101 (1) Lissabonfördraget och 2:1 KL inte ligger för handen. / The following essay has been written with the purpose to find out if 12 § Marketing Act (MFL) is compatible with article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and 2:1 Competition law. A legal dogmatic method was applied in the essay, which means that it took into account the rules of law (de lege lata) and how the law should be written (de lege ferenda). Marketing is used by many manufacturers with the purpose to reach out to and inform the consumer about their products. In order to reach that goal, many manufacturers use by-offers, showing a product jointly with a price. The marketing Act aims to eliminate misleading marketing procedures. Therefore, 12 § was created to regulate these invitation to purchase. The rule is constructed with the purpose to protect consumers against misleading marketing and prevent the consumer from making the wrong economical decision.   The problems that would arise with the application of the law were already predicted by the Swedish Competition Authority before the law came into effect in the Marketing Act. The application difficulties with 12 § appeared when smaller manufacturers that were not within the same economical unit constructed a concerted invitation to purchase. The proceeding had to be considered as an illegitimate price cooperation according to article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and also 2:1 Competition law.   If the manufakturers, with the wish to not act in conflict with the competition laws, would state a price that is not exact, they would act in conflict with the Marketing Act.  A consequence of this problem could be that the manufacturers do not include prices in their commercials in order to get away from the rule of invitations to purchase. This can lead to disadvantages for the consumers because they cannot take part of the prices that smaller manufacturers have, which will inevitably lead toward a limited overview of the marked on their behalf.   To solve the problem, England has introduced a third prerequisite for invitations to purchase. The third prerequisite specifies that the invitation to purchase has to make it possible for the consumer to actually buy the product. The invitation to purchase has to be close to an agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer. In that case, all the commercials that do not make it possible for the consumer to actually buy the product will not be considered as an invitation to purchase. This would make 12 § MFL unfeasible and would lead towards a development in which the small manufacturers that are not within the same economical unit would be able to cooperate with their commercials without acting against article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and also 2:1 KL.

Bjälklag i Betong är billigare än Korslimmat trä : en jämförelse mellan bjälklagskonstruktioner

Kareliusson, Filip, Lipecki, Thomas January 2017 (has links)
Byggnadstaktenav flerbostadshus i Sverige ligger på en hög nivå och ökar. Detta medför kravpå en snabb byggprocess. En lösning för att snabba på byggprocessen äranvändandet av prefabricerade delar. Författarnas uppgift, i samarbete med WSPSverige AB, är att utveckla ett hjälpmedel för konstruktörer som jämför fyraolika bjälklag, varav ett i korslimmat trä, två prefabricerade betongelementoch en platsgjuten konstruktion. Målet är att framställa en tabell som beaktarfaktorer som påverkar valet av stomsystem och som presenterar vilket avbjälklagen som är mest kostnadseffektivt. Rapporten sammanställdes under 10veckor och avgränsades till bjälklag i flerbostadshus upplagda på två stöd somuppfyller relevanta krav för dimensionering, beaktar torktid med fastaförutsättningar, leveranstid avseende produktionstid hos de prefabriceradeelementen och miljöpåverkan avseende CO2-ekvivalenta utsläpp iproduktionsskedet. Studiens resultat grundar sig på litteraturstudier ochintervjuer, kalkylhjälpmedel och beräkningsprogram som är vanliga i branschen.Resultatet visar att: · trä genererar lägst koldioxidutsläpp avbjälklagsalternativen · betong är, ur ett brand- och ljudperspektiv, detlämpligaste materialet · korslimmade träbjälklaget får den högsta byggnadshöjdenoch den högsta kostnaden per kvadratmeter · håldäcksbjälklag har den kortaste leveranstiden · det slakarmerade plattbärlag samt det platsgjutnabetongbjälklaget har längst torktid · den platsgjutna bjälklagskonstruktionen är detmest kostnadseffektiva bjälklaget av de fyra som har jämförts. / The building pace of multi apartment houses in Sweden is at a high leveland is increasing. This induces demands of a quick building process. Onesolution to quicken the building process is the use of prefabricated elements.The authors’ task, in collaboration with WSP Sverige AB, is to develop anaiding tool for engineers who compare different slabs, one cross laminatedwood, two precast concrete components and one construction cast in-place. Thegoal is to produce a table that considers factors that affects the choice ofstructure and presents which of the slabs that is most cost effective. Thepaper was compiled over a period of 10 weeks and limited to slabs inmulti-apartment buildings supported on two sides that meet relevantrequirements for dimensioning, consider hydration time with set conditions,delivery time regarding production time for the precast components andenvironmental effects considering CO2-equivalent emissions in the productionstage. The results of the study are founded on literature and interviews,calculation-aids and computational programs that are common in the industry.The outcome shows that: · woodgenerates the least amount of carbondioxide emissions of the slab alternatives · concrete is, from a fire- and acoustic perspective, the most suitable material · thecross laminated slab renders the highest cross-section and the highest cost persquare meter · hollow core slabs has the shortest delivery time · theconventionally reinforced precast slabs and the in-situ cast floor slabs havethe longest hydration times · thein situ slab is the most cost effective slab of the four that have beencompared. / <p>Betyg 170707, H14.</p>

KL-cuts : a new approach for logic synthesis targeting multiple output blocks / KL-Cuts: uma nova abordagem para síntese lógica utilizando blocos com múltiplas saídas

Martinello Junior, Osvaldo January 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação introduz o conceito de cortes KL, o que permite controlar tanto o número K de entradas como o número L de saídas em uma região de um circuito. O projeto de um circuito digital pode ser dividido em duas fases: síntese lógica e síntese física. Dentro de síntese lógica, um dos principais passos é o mapeamento tecnológico. Tradicionalmente, o processo de mapeamento tecnológico somente lida com funções de saída única, para a construção de circuitos. O objetivo deste método é explorar o uso de blocos de múltiplas saídas no mapeamento tecnológico. Para prover escalabilidade, o conceito de fatoração de cortes é estendido para os cortes KL. Algoritmos para enumerar esses cortes e também para enumerar alguns subconjuntos de cortes com características específicas são apresentados e os resultados são mostrados. Como exemplos de aplicações práticas, diferentes algoritmos de cobertura são propostos. O algoritmo guloso é uma alternativa simples e produz bons resultados em área, mas é muito restritivo, pois não é factível em mapeamento orientado à atraso. Outro algoritmo de cobertura apresentado é uma extensão do algoritmo de fluxo de área e permite a utilização de cortes com várias saídas, mantendo possível a consideração de outros custos. Um algoritmo de correspondência Booleana que é capaz de lidar com blocos com múltiplas saídas também é descrito. Isso permite a utilização de uma biblioteca padrão com células com mais de uma saída no mapeamento tecnológico. Os resultados mostram a viabilidade e utilidade do método. / This thesis introduces the concept of KL-feasible cuts, which allows controlling both the number K of inputs and the number L of outputs in a circuit region. The design of a digital circuit can roughly be divided in two phases: logic synthesis and physical synthesis. Within logic synthesis, one of the main steps is the technology mapping. Traditionally, the technology mapping process only handles single output functions, in order to construct circuits. The objective of this method is to explore the use of multiple output blocks on technology mapping. To provide scalability, the concept of factor cuts is extended to KL-cuts. Algorithms for enumerating these cuts and also for enumerating some subsets of cuts with some special characteristics are presented and results are shown. As examples of practical applications, different covering algorithms are proposed. The greedy algorithm is a simple alternative and produces good results in area, but it is too restrictive, as it is not practical in timing oriented mapping. The other covering algorithm presented is an extension to the area flow algorithm and allows cuts with multiple outputs to be used while making possible the control of some other costs. A Boolean matching algorithm that is able to handle multiple output blocks is also described, which permits the use of a standard cell library with more than one output on technology mapping. The results show the viability and usefulness of the method.

KL-cuts : a new approach for logic synthesis targeting multiple output blocks / KL-Cuts: uma nova abordagem para síntese lógica utilizando blocos com múltiplas saídas

Martinello Junior, Osvaldo January 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação introduz o conceito de cortes KL, o que permite controlar tanto o número K de entradas como o número L de saídas em uma região de um circuito. O projeto de um circuito digital pode ser dividido em duas fases: síntese lógica e síntese física. Dentro de síntese lógica, um dos principais passos é o mapeamento tecnológico. Tradicionalmente, o processo de mapeamento tecnológico somente lida com funções de saída única, para a construção de circuitos. O objetivo deste método é explorar o uso de blocos de múltiplas saídas no mapeamento tecnológico. Para prover escalabilidade, o conceito de fatoração de cortes é estendido para os cortes KL. Algoritmos para enumerar esses cortes e também para enumerar alguns subconjuntos de cortes com características específicas são apresentados e os resultados são mostrados. Como exemplos de aplicações práticas, diferentes algoritmos de cobertura são propostos. O algoritmo guloso é uma alternativa simples e produz bons resultados em área, mas é muito restritivo, pois não é factível em mapeamento orientado à atraso. Outro algoritmo de cobertura apresentado é uma extensão do algoritmo de fluxo de área e permite a utilização de cortes com várias saídas, mantendo possível a consideração de outros custos. Um algoritmo de correspondência Booleana que é capaz de lidar com blocos com múltiplas saídas também é descrito. Isso permite a utilização de uma biblioteca padrão com células com mais de uma saída no mapeamento tecnológico. Os resultados mostram a viabilidade e utilidade do método. / This thesis introduces the concept of KL-feasible cuts, which allows controlling both the number K of inputs and the number L of outputs in a circuit region. The design of a digital circuit can roughly be divided in two phases: logic synthesis and physical synthesis. Within logic synthesis, one of the main steps is the technology mapping. Traditionally, the technology mapping process only handles single output functions, in order to construct circuits. The objective of this method is to explore the use of multiple output blocks on technology mapping. To provide scalability, the concept of factor cuts is extended to KL-cuts. Algorithms for enumerating these cuts and also for enumerating some subsets of cuts with some special characteristics are presented and results are shown. As examples of practical applications, different covering algorithms are proposed. The greedy algorithm is a simple alternative and produces good results in area, but it is too restrictive, as it is not practical in timing oriented mapping. The other covering algorithm presented is an extension to the area flow algorithm and allows cuts with multiple outputs to be used while making possible the control of some other costs. A Boolean matching algorithm that is able to handle multiple output blocks is also described, which permits the use of a standard cell library with more than one output on technology mapping. The results show the viability and usefulness of the method.

Mätning av fuktkvot i sammansatta KL-träelement / Moisture content measurements in assembled CLT-elements

Andersson, Josefine, Svensson, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Fuktskador är ett problem som kan uppstå vid byggnation i trä om konstruktionen exponeras för nederbörd under byggtiden. Mätning av fuktkvoter i trä kan utföras med flera olika instrument och metoder. Syftet med arbetet är att studera fuktkvotsförändringar i korslimmade träelement som utsätts för långvarig nederbörd i laborationsmiljö. För att utveckla detta område har Linnéuniversitetet tillsammans med Saab utvecklat ett eget mätinstrument. Instrumentet mäter resistans i trä som jämförs med mätvärden från ett annat instrument vid namn Gigamodule. Det egenutvecklade sensorkortet är fortfarande under utveckling. Förutom i arbetets försöksuppställning testas instrumentet även i en byggnad i Växjö. För kontroll av mätresultat har fler metoder och instrument använts. Två modeller har använts som representerar detalj vid anslutning av väggelement-och mellanbjälklag. Båda modellerna har under lika lång tid varit nedsänkta i vattenbad. Försöksuppställningen har utförts mellan 19:e april och 18:e maj 2018. Mätningar och beräkningar har resulterat i jämförbara resultat. Skillnader i resultat utifrån träets fiberriktning har visats från flera instrument. KL-träelementen har uppvisat en god förmåga att trots höga fuktkvotsvärden torka ut och återgå mot normala värden under mätperioden. / Moisture related damage is an occurring problem in wood-based buildings if the material is exposed to rainfall during construction. Measurement of moisture content can be done with various instruments and methods. The purpose of the thesis is to study change in moisture content in cross-laminated-timber, with prolonged exposure to water in laboratory environment. To advance the field, the Linnaeus University has been developing a measurement instrument of their own in collaboration with the company Saab. The instrument measures electrical resistance in wood where the obtained values will be compared to similar measurements from a product named Gigamodule. The self-developed sensor card is still a product under development. In addition to the lab setting measurements the instrument was also installed in a local building in Växjö. To verify the result from the previously mentioned resistance measurers additional instruments and methods have been utilized. Two separate models have been used to represent the detail of the connection between the wall element and the joist. Both models have been submerged under water for an equal amount of time. The experimental setting took place between the 19th of April to the 18th of May 2018. The measurements and calculations have been resulting in values that can be the subject of internal evaluation. Difference in result based on the direction of the grain have been observed in several measurement methods. The CLT-elements demonstrated good drying properties despite periodically high moisture content and the wood indicate a return towards initial levels of moisture.

KL-cuts : a new approach for logic synthesis targeting multiple output blocks / KL-Cuts: uma nova abordagem para síntese lógica utilizando blocos com múltiplas saídas

Martinello Junior, Osvaldo January 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação introduz o conceito de cortes KL, o que permite controlar tanto o número K de entradas como o número L de saídas em uma região de um circuito. O projeto de um circuito digital pode ser dividido em duas fases: síntese lógica e síntese física. Dentro de síntese lógica, um dos principais passos é o mapeamento tecnológico. Tradicionalmente, o processo de mapeamento tecnológico somente lida com funções de saída única, para a construção de circuitos. O objetivo deste método é explorar o uso de blocos de múltiplas saídas no mapeamento tecnológico. Para prover escalabilidade, o conceito de fatoração de cortes é estendido para os cortes KL. Algoritmos para enumerar esses cortes e também para enumerar alguns subconjuntos de cortes com características específicas são apresentados e os resultados são mostrados. Como exemplos de aplicações práticas, diferentes algoritmos de cobertura são propostos. O algoritmo guloso é uma alternativa simples e produz bons resultados em área, mas é muito restritivo, pois não é factível em mapeamento orientado à atraso. Outro algoritmo de cobertura apresentado é uma extensão do algoritmo de fluxo de área e permite a utilização de cortes com várias saídas, mantendo possível a consideração de outros custos. Um algoritmo de correspondência Booleana que é capaz de lidar com blocos com múltiplas saídas também é descrito. Isso permite a utilização de uma biblioteca padrão com células com mais de uma saída no mapeamento tecnológico. Os resultados mostram a viabilidade e utilidade do método. / This thesis introduces the concept of KL-feasible cuts, which allows controlling both the number K of inputs and the number L of outputs in a circuit region. The design of a digital circuit can roughly be divided in two phases: logic synthesis and physical synthesis. Within logic synthesis, one of the main steps is the technology mapping. Traditionally, the technology mapping process only handles single output functions, in order to construct circuits. The objective of this method is to explore the use of multiple output blocks on technology mapping. To provide scalability, the concept of factor cuts is extended to KL-cuts. Algorithms for enumerating these cuts and also for enumerating some subsets of cuts with some special characteristics are presented and results are shown. As examples of practical applications, different covering algorithms are proposed. The greedy algorithm is a simple alternative and produces good results in area, but it is too restrictive, as it is not practical in timing oriented mapping. The other covering algorithm presented is an extension to the area flow algorithm and allows cuts with multiple outputs to be used while making possible the control of some other costs. A Boolean matching algorithm that is able to handle multiple output blocks is also described, which permits the use of a standard cell library with more than one output on technology mapping. The results show the viability and usefulness of the method.

Kan korslaminerat trä effektivisera ett byggsystem : En jämförelse av flervåningshus i trä

Svennberg, Renny, Torstensson, Mikael January 2017 (has links)
The construction of wooden multi-storey buildings creates issues with the acoustic environment. To meet Boverkets soundproofing requirements the solutions of today results in thick partition building components taking up potential floor space. Crosslaminatedtimber is a solid timber slab that can be manufactured in varying sizes and thicknesses. These boards can then be used as supporting elements in walls, ceilings and floors. This study investigates whether cross-laminated timber can be used to streamline the construction of multi-storey wooden buildings. In this comparative survey a reference building constructed by A-hus was used and current loads, sound insulation, use of floorspace and economy were analyzed. Four different alternative walls and one floor constructed with cross-laminated timber have been studied according to the above named criteria, and then compared with the reference building. The result indicates that a wall with 80 mm cross-laminated timber board has the load capacity required, improves sound insulation and saving 16 m2 of floorspace in the reference building valued to approximately 695,000 SEK in increased sales revenue. Using cross-laminated timber in the floor does not sufficient improve A-hus current construction system and should therefore not be interesting.

En jämförelse av arbetsmoment och enhetstid vid uppfyllandet av brand- och ljudkrav för korslimmat trä respektive betong i bostäder / A comparison between work activities and working hours upon fulfillment with regard to fire and sound regulations for cross-laminated timber and concrete in housing

Lyck, Markus, Nilsson, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Stål och betong har länge varit dominerande inom byggnation av den anledningen att flervåningshus med en stomme i trä mellan 1874 och 1994 i Sverige inte varit tillåtet. Detta har lett till att erfarenhet och kunskap inom flervåningshus i trä inte har utvecklats i samma takt. Med en ökad medvetenhet om miljön är nu fler intresserade av att bygga i trä då materialet anses vara bättre ur en miljösynpunkt. KL-trä har möjligheten att konkurrera med stål- och betongelement i bärighet och hållfasthet men står inför andra utmaningar när det kommer till brand- och ljudkrav. Målet med studien är att ta fram underlag för arbetsmoment, arbetstid och exempel på tvärsnittslösningar som använts för att upprätta mer korrekta kalkyler och tidplaner i anbudsskedet vid val av en KL-trästomme eller betongstomme i bostäder. Metod: Undersökningen genomförs som en kvalitativ fallstudie där analys sker av både kvantifierbara sekundärdata i form av enhetstider och tidigare tvärsnittslösningar, så väl som kvalitativ primärdata från semistrukturerade intervjuer. Genom triangulering av insamlade data tas tvärsnitt fram som utgör jämförelsen mellan KL-trä och prefabricerad betong med hänsyn till arbetsmoment och arbetstid.  Resultat: KL-trästommen kräver med hänsyn till brand- och ljudkrav fler arbetsmoment och en längre enhetstid än vad en prefabricerad betongstomme gör. Resultatet baseras på en kvadratmeter av tvärsnitten. Arbetsgången mellan de olika stommaterialen skiljer dessutom där betong efter sitt stommontage anses mer färdigt medan en KL-trästomme kräver fler påbyggda skikt. Konsekvenser: Studien grundas på en kvadratmeter i ett tvärsnitt i stället för en bredare bild av ett helt projekt. Vidare rekommenderas att kommande studier behandlar fler stomdelar, fuktsäkerhet och övergripande tidsåtgång för arbete med de olika stommaterialen. Begränsningar: Studien tar endast hänsyn till bjälklag och lägenhetsskiljande väggar i KL-trä respektive prefabricerad betong. Sekundärdata i form av tvärsnitt är endast insamlat från en av vardera källor rörande stommaterialen, nämligen organisationerna Svenskt Trä och Svensk Betong. Enhetstiderna är tagna ur Ny- och ombyggnadslistan 2018 men är kompletterade med respondenters ackordsunderlag. Intervjuerna är utförda med respondenter från byggbranschen som varit involverade i ett eller flera projekt med antingen KL-trästomme eller prefabricerad betongstomme. / Purpose: Steel and concrete has for a long time been dominating in construction because of the reason that multi-storey buildings of wood were forbidden between 1874 and 1994 in Sweden. This has led to that experience and knowledge about multi-storey buildings made of wood have not developed in the same rate. With an increase of awareness about the environment, more have now become interested of building with wood since it is deemed better for the environment. Cross-laminated timber (CLT) can compete with steel and concrete elements in terms of load-bearing capacity and strength of material but face other challenges when it comes to fire and sound regulations. The goal of this study is to bring forward information about work activities, working hours and example of used cross-section solutions to execute more correct calculations and time schedules for projecting with either CLT or concrete in housing.  Method: The study will be conducted as a qualitative fall study were analysis of both quantifiable secondary data in shape of unit times and earlier used cross-section solutions as well as qualitative primary data from semi-constructed interviews. Through triangulation of the collected data a cross-section will be selected that will compose the comparison between CLT and precast concrete regarding work activities and working hours. Findings: CLT frame requires more work activities and a longer working time than a prefabricated concrete frame with regards to fire and sound regulations. The result is based on a square meter of the cross-section. The work process differs between the different materials were a concrete frame, after it has been assembled is deemed more complete than a CLT frame which requires more layers for completion. Implications: The foundation of the study was formed on a square meter of a cross-section instead of a wider picture of a complete project. Further recommendations for upcoming studies are to include more frame parts, moisture safety and a general timescale of working with the different materials. Limitations: The study includes apartment differencing floors and walls of CLT and prefabricated concrete. Secondary data are only collected from one of each material, these are collected from the organizations Swedish Wood and Swedish Concrete. Unit times are taken from the New- and Reconstruction list 2018 (Ny- och ombyggnadslistan 2018) and these are complemented with response from the interviews. The interviews are conducted with respondents from the construction industry who has been involved in one or more projects with either a CLT frame or a precast concrete frame.

Samverkansbjälklag : En studie om KL-platta med samverkande betong

Nilsson, Ida, Svensson, Dennis January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether timber-concrete composite (TCC) floors made of a CLT-deck and casted concrete could be used as a method for increasing the use of wood as a building material. Method: The methods used in this degree project were a literature study, in which a number of laws of construction and different connector systems were studied, as well as an experiment consisting of bending tests on CLT-decks with casted concrete where SFS VB-screws were used as shear connectors. Results: The TCC-beams in the experiment behaved as expected and went to bending failure. The beams displayed an almost invisible slip between the materials despite the low composite action of 40,2 %. In addition, the beams had a higher bending stiffness on average than CLT-beams of the same height would have. Conclusions: Compared to floors made entirely of wood, TCC-floors with CLT add extra mass, stiffness, and better acoustic properties to the construction while maintaining a low floor height. The three main types of connectors used in TCC floors are mechanical, notched and glued-in connectors, where the latter two generates higher composite action and stiffness. Adhesive connection is another method with great potential, but there is still more research needed for this type of connection to be used.

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