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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die bydrae van leer- en onderrigsteunmateriaal, onderwysers en die omgewing tot die perseptueel-motoriese gereedmaking van graad R-leerders / Annemarie Loubser

Loubser, Annemarie January 2015 (has links)
Die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede is noodsaaklik om skoolsukses in graad 1 te verseker. Sodanige perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede word beïnvloed deur faktore soos die onderwyser se houding, en kennis en die gebruik van leer- en onderrigsteunmateriaal (LOSM). Om skoolsukses in graad 1 te verseker moet die leerder skoolgereed en skoolryp wees. Skoolgereedheid en skoolrypheid word beïnvloed deur eksterne faktore, soos die sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede, samelewing, gemeenskap, kultuur, die skool, die onderwyser, beskikbaarheid van leer- en onderrigsteunmateriaal, ouers en gesinstrukture. Daar is met die proefskrif gepoog om eerstens die effek van ʼn leerondersteuningintervensie op perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede van graad R-leerders in gedepriveerde omgewings te bepaal. Tweedens is daar bepaal of die leemtes in graad R-onderwysers se kennis van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede die skoolgereedheid van graad R-leerders kan beïnvloed. Die derde doelstelling was om die verband tussen sekere biografiese veranderlikes en die graad R-onderwyseres se houding teenoor die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede van graad R-leerders te bepaal. Die vierde doelstelling het die impak van die gebruik van toepaslike LOSM op die ontwikkeling van graad R-leerders se perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede, met die fokus op klein- en grootmotoriese vaardighede bepaal. Om doelstelling 1 te ontleed het die proefskrif eerstens gepoog om die effek van ʼn leerondersteuningintervensie op skoolgereedheid gebaseer op perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede van graad R-leerders in gedepriveerde omgewings te bepaal. ʼn Leerderondersteuningintervensie wat gefokus het op die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede van graad R-leerders vanuit lae sosio-ekonomiese samelewings is saamgestel. ʼn Kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode is gevolg met ʼn drie-groep-voortoets-natoets-ontwerp. Die populasie vir hierdie doelstelling het bestaan uit drie graad R-skole wat deur middel van ʼn gerieflikheidsteekproef gekies is. Twee kwintiel 1-skole, ʼn kontroleskool (n = 30) en ʼn eksperimentele skool (n = 25), asook een kwintiel 3-skool (n = 22) is gekies. ʼn Leerderondersteuningintervensie wat gefokus het op die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede is oor ʼn tydperk van nege maande by die eksperimentele skool (skool E) geïmplementeer deurdat hulp aan die onderwysers verleen is en die leeromgewing van die leerders opgegradeer is. Die leerders is voor- en na die intervensie deur middel van ʼn skoolgereedheidstoets geevalueer. Die resultate is deur middel van ʼn variansie-analise (ANOVA), kovariansie-analise (ANCOVA) en afhanklike t-toetse geanaliseer om die verskille tussen en binne groepe te bepaal. ʼn Beduidende verband tussen skoolgereedheid en perseptueel-motoriese ontwikkeling is gevind waar faktore soos die omgewing, minimum leer- en onderrigsteunmateriaal en beperkte kennis van die onderwyser ʼn rol gespeel het. Vanaf die voortoets tot die natoets was die persentasie skoolgereedheid onderskeidelik soos volg kontroleskool 1 (32% - 56%), kontroleskool 2 (58% - 70%), eksperimentele skool (34% - 66%). ʼn Groter verbetering in die skoolgereedheid kan by die eksperimentele skool waargeneem word. Die resultate het aangedui dat ʼn perseptueel-motoriese intervensie leerders in lae sosio-ekonomiese omgewings kan help om faktore soos ʼn gebrek aan LOSM, leemtes in onderwysers se kennis en houdings wat skoolgereedheid moontlik kan beïnvloed, te oorkom. Doelstelling 2 het die verband tussen leemtes in graad R-onderwysers (n = 25) se kennis van perseptueel-motoriese ontwikkeling en die stand van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede by graad R-leerders ondersoek. ʼn Gekombineerde-navorsingsmetode vanuit ʼn post-positivistiese paradigma is hiervoor onderneem en dit is volgens ʼn fenomenologies-interpretivistiese perspektief uitgevoer. ʼn Selfopgestelde vraelys wat bestaan het uit geslote-en oopeind-vrae is as meetinstrument gebruik om vyf-en-twintig (n = 25) graad R-onderwysers se kennis oor die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede van graad R-leerders in die Potchefstroomdistrik, in te win. Die vraelys het bestaan uit die invul van biografiese gegewens, tien vrae waar die onderwyser se kennis met betrekking tot perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede bepaal is, sestien vrae waar ʼn scenario met ʼn foto en beskrywing geskets is en die onderwyser die korrekte perseptueel-motoriese vaardigheid daaraan moes koppel en agt vrae waar die onderwyser se kennis ten opsigte van die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede in graad R bepaal is. Die inligting uit die vraelyste is deur middel van Atlas.ti™ en statistiese ontleding geanaliseer. Interne itemkorrelasie van die vraelys is vasgestel en ʼn Cronbach Alpha met ʼn waarde van 0,74, gebaseer op die statistiese analise, is bepaal. Die resultate het leemtes in graad R-onderwysers se kennis met betrekking tot aspekte wat verband hou met perseptueel-motoriese onwikkeling getoon. Onvoldoende opleiding is by 80% van die respondente geïdentifiseer, wat tot die leemte in die onderwysers se kennis kon bydrae. Verder het dié onderwysers nie oor die voldoende kennis beskik oor die volle omvang van die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring nie en ʼn groot persentasie was onseker oor hoe om kurrikulumvoorskrifte effektief te implementeer. Die verband tussen sekere biografiese veranderlikes en die graad R-onderwyseres se houding teenoor die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede van graad R-leerders is vir doelstelling 3 bepaal. ʼn Kwantitatiewe navorsingmetode is gevolg waar graad R-onderwysers (n = 25) wat volgens beskikbaarheid geselekteer is, ʼn selfontwikkelde vraelys voltooi het, waar die hoeveelheid tyd wat aan verskillende vakke bestee word, aangedui is. Resultate is statisties geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van beskrywende statistiek sowel as Spearman se rangorde-korrelasie om te bepaal of daar ʼn verband bestaan tussen die onderwysers se houding, soos gemeet aan die hoeveelheid tyd wat aan die onderrig van die verskillende vakke in graad R bestee is, die ouderdom en ondervinding van die onderwysers, die aantal leerders in die klas en die sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede van leerders in die klas. Tweerigting-frekwensietabelle is verder gebruik om Chi-kwadraattoetse en Cramer’s V wat die sterkte van die verband tussen ras, taal van onderrig en die vrae wat verband hou met houding te bepaal. ʼn Beduidende verband is gevind tussen ouderdom en ondervinding van die respondente en die hoeveelheid leerders in die klas, die sosio-ekonomiese omgewing en die tyd wat aan onderrig van vakke bestee word. Hierdie aspekte kan moontlik bydra tot die onderwysers se houding ten opsigte van die onderrig van Lewensvaardighede, wat perseptueel-motoriese ontwikkeling insluit. Indien dié aspekte aangespreek kan word deur intervensie en indiensopleiding, kan die onderwyser se houding teenoor die onderrig van Lewensvaardighede moontlik verander, wat sal bydra tot groter klem op die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede. Doelstelling 4 het die impak van die gebruik van toepaslike leer- en onderrigsteunmateriaal op die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede met die fokus op groot- en klein (fyn) motoriese vaardighede by die graad R-skole bepaal. Om die doelstelling te bereik is leerders van twee skole binne dieselfde sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede se skoolgereedheid tydens ʼn voortoets bepaal. ʼn Gekombineerde navorsingsmetode met ʼn tweegroep-voortoets-natoets-ontwerp is gevolg. Leerders van twee graad R-skole (kwintiel 1) met ʼn gemiddelde ouderdom van 5,2 (± 0,5) jaar in die Potchefstroomdistrik is met ʼn gerieflikheidsteekproef geselekteer. ʼn Perseptueel-motoriese intervensie, wat gefokus het op die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede is deur middel van onderwyser-ondersteuning en die skep van ʼn effektiewe leeromgewing, vanaf Februarie tot November (nege maande) by die eksperimentele skool (n = 25) uitgevoer, terwyl geen addisionele hulpverlening in die kontroleskool (n = 30) plaasgevind het nie. Die kwantitatiewe resultate is ontleed deur middel van ʼn afhanklike- en onafhanklike t-toets en ʼn ANCOVA is gebruik om verskille tussen en binne die skole te bepaal. Die kwalitatiewe navorsing is deur middel van ʼn multi-metode-benadering met die fokus op foto-analise en beskrywende inligting geanaliseer. Voor intervensie was geen van die leerders in die twee skole skoolgereed nie. Na die intervensie was die aangepaste gemiddeldes wat behaal is in die natoets vir klein- en grootspier-koördinasie by die eksperimentele skool prakties betekenisvol beter as dié van die kontroleskool. In die eksperimentele skool was 17 uit 20 leerders na die intervensie skoolgereed, terwyl daar uit die kontroleskool slegs 8 uit 28 leerders skoolgereed was. Die resultate dui daarop dat perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede van leerders vanuit ʼn lae sosio-ekonomiese omgewing met effektiewe LOSM gestimuleer kan word om hul skoolgereedheid te verbeter. Vroeë intervensie in die vorm van onderwyser-ondersteuning en opgradering van die leeromgewing wat fokus op die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede in graad R, kan moontlik agterstande in die verband aanspreek en sodoende bydra tot die verbetering van skoolgereed. Op grond van bogenoemde resultate kan daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom word dat die graad R-leerder in gedepriveerde omgewings se perseptueel-motoriese ontwikkeling wel deur verskeie faktore negatief beïnvloed kan word. Van hierdie faktore is onder meer die onderwyser se houding, leemte in kennis, onvoldoende opleiding en beskikbaarheid van leer- en onderrigsteunmateriaal. Daar word gevolglik aanbeveel dat leerders wat in lae sosio-ekonomiese omgewings grootword aan ʼn vroeë intervensie, wat fokus op die ontwikkeling van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede en effektiewe LOSM, blootgestel moet word. Daarbenewens behoort onderwysers se leemte in kennis oor perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede asook hul houding oor die belangrikheid van perseptueel-motoriese vaardighede aangespreek te word deur onder andere indiensopleidingsprogramme. Die belang van die aanstelling van goed opgeleide onderwysers, gerig op vroeë kinderontwikkeling behoort ook by die Departement van Basiese Onderwys aandag te geniet. Sodoende kan dié leerders se agterstande tydig oorkom word en hul skoolgereedheid verbeter word. / PhD (Human Movement Science), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Conceptual awareness in English of grade 5 learners : an analysis / Matodzi Nancy Lambani

Lambani, Matodzi Nancy January 2001 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to investigate existing theory regarding the conceptual learning of young learners and to determine what core concepts Grade 5 learners need to learn. An empirical investigation as to whether these learners were familiar with the mother tongue words for the identified core concepts in syllabuses and textbooks, and to investigate whether they could recede these concepts into English (the medium of instruction in their classrooms) was also undertaken. The role of conceptual awareness in learning was discussed based on Piaget's, Vygotsky's and Clark's theory. They explain how concepts and knowledge are acquired and also how language affects this process. Learners are required to know the concepts of what they learn and should recede the information or concepts into the language used for a specific learning task. In the case of this study it was English. The study revealed that many learners who were investigated in this study did not possess the knowledge to encode many of the core or broader concepts in Tshivenda, their mother tongue. Learners also seemed to learn some concepts and the English encoding for them simultaneously. The findings showed, however, that most learners in Grade 5 could not recede many of the concepts that they possessed in L1 into English the Mol. It was clear that many learners in this study were not ready to switch from mother tongue instruction to English Mol in Grade 5. Their lack of conceptual awareness coupled with the lack of adequate English proficiency to learn the subjects in English may have been influenced by a number of possible reasons. Some reasons that were suggested were the following: a lack of prior knowledge of concepts that occur in Grade 5 syllabuses and textbooks; poorly trained teachers who are unable to assist learners to create links between existing knowledge and new knowledge; poor socio-economic circumstances and illiteracy and teachers who may lack English proficiency and cannot teach all subjects confidently in English. Some implications for the findings were suggested such as the following: if teachers are aware of the demands made on the conceptual framework of learners and the possible limitations that• they have regarding their conceptual readiness to learn, intervention is possible. Much can be done regarding the strategies that teachers may employ to enrich, expand, reconstruct, revisit or adapt concepts for learning. Such strategies include visual scaffolding, an enriched conceptual and language programme and a planned and structured approach to teaching language across the curriculum. / Thesis (M.A. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001

Conceptual awareness in English of grade 5 learners : an analysis / Matodzi Nancy Lambani

Lambani, Matodzi Nancy January 2001 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to investigate existing theory regarding the conceptual learning of young learners and to determine what core concepts Grade 5 learners need to learn. An empirical investigation as to whether these learners were familiar with the mother tongue words for the identified core concepts in syllabuses and textbooks, and to investigate whether they could recede these concepts into English (the medium of instruction in their classrooms) was also undertaken. The role of conceptual awareness in learning was discussed based on Piaget's, Vygotsky's and Clark's theory. They explain how concepts and knowledge are acquired and also how language affects this process. Learners are required to know the concepts of what they learn and should recede the information or concepts into the language used for a specific learning task. In the case of this study it was English. The study revealed that many learners who were investigated in this study did not possess the knowledge to encode many of the core or broader concepts in Tshivenda, their mother tongue. Learners also seemed to learn some concepts and the English encoding for them simultaneously. The findings showed, however, that most learners in Grade 5 could not recede many of the concepts that they possessed in L1 into English the Mol. It was clear that many learners in this study were not ready to switch from mother tongue instruction to English Mol in Grade 5. Their lack of conceptual awareness coupled with the lack of adequate English proficiency to learn the subjects in English may have been influenced by a number of possible reasons. Some reasons that were suggested were the following: a lack of prior knowledge of concepts that occur in Grade 5 syllabuses and textbooks; poorly trained teachers who are unable to assist learners to create links between existing knowledge and new knowledge; poor socio-economic circumstances and illiteracy and teachers who may lack English proficiency and cannot teach all subjects confidently in English. Some implications for the findings were suggested such as the following: if teachers are aware of the demands made on the conceptual framework of learners and the possible limitations that• they have regarding their conceptual readiness to learn, intervention is possible. Much can be done regarding the strategies that teachers may employ to enrich, expand, reconstruct, revisit or adapt concepts for learning. Such strategies include visual scaffolding, an enriched conceptual and language programme and a planned and structured approach to teaching language across the curriculum. / Thesis (M.A. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2001

In sickness and in health [electronic resource] : how information and knowledge are related to health behavior /

Eriksson-Backa, Kristina, January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (doctoral)--Åbo Akademi, 2003. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on January 5, 2007). Includes bibliographical references (p. 186-205). Also available in print.

Bibliotheca universalis und bibliotheca selecta das Problem der Ordnung des gelehrten Wissens in der frühen Neuzeit /

Zedelmaier, Helmut. January 1992 (has links)
Originally presented as the author's Thesis (doctoral--Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 1989. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [309]-336) and index.

Leserrespons op die polities-betrokke roman Kennis van die aand van André P. Brink

Geyer, Elizabeth Margaretha 16 September 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Library & Information Science) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Knowledge management as a sustainable competitive advantage in the steel industry / Pieter Conradie

Conradie, Pieter Jacobus January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study is to conduct a thorough theoretical study on the relevant aspects involved in knowledge management and organisational learning, and to assess the maturity level of knowledge management within the South African steel industry. Various aspects of knowledge, knowledge management and organisational learning with specific relation to sustainable competitive advantage are discussed in the literature study. During the literature research several factors which either promote or hinder the effective management of knowledge were identified and a list of lessons learned by other successful knowledge focused companies, are discussed. The critical success factors for a successful knowledge management program are also discussed. Knowledge can create a sustainable competitive advantage within an organisation, if successfully applied to make value adding decisions and to enable learning, and if it is applied to make decisions which are superior to that of its rivals across the supply chain. An integrated approach needs to be followed when KM is pursued and the knowledge must be applied to make value added decisions and facilitate learning across all processes in the value chain. The focus must be to retain an organisation’s tacit knowledge as this is a key success factor to ensure a sustainable competitive advantage. The study includes research on whether knowledge management is effectively used as a sustainable competitive advantage in the South African steel industry. The maturity level of the application of knowledge and learning principles implemented within the South African steel industry is assessed and compared to the maturity level of ArcelorMittal, Monlevade, located in Brazil. A survey was designed and distributed to determine the knowledge management and organisational learning maturity levels at two steel facilities of ArcelorMittal in South Africa and one facility in Brazil. The key problem areas as identified through the empirical research are discussed and it is concluded that South African facilities do not effectively use knowledge management as a sustainable competitive advantage. The maturity level of knowledge management in ArcelorMittal, South Africa is low compared to the maturity at Monlevade and rival companies such as Tata and Posco steel. A significant effort needs to be made in order to allow the effective creation, acquisition, sharing and leveraging of knowledge within the South African steel facilities. The key factors which constrain effective knowledge management is related to ineffective Human Resource policies, organisation structure, lack of knowledge exchange forums, collaboration and communication, coaching, and a lack of incentives to share tacit knowledge. It is also evident that knowledge is not seen as a sustainable competitive advantage by many respondents and that they perceive they do not have the time or capacity to transfer knowledge. Ten practical design principles were constructed and a knowledge management framework was developed to guide South African steel companies during the design and execution of a knowledge management programme which will ensure that knowledge management will result into a sustainable competitive advantage. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Knowledge management as a sustainable competitive advantage in the steel industry / Pieter Conradie

Conradie, Pieter Jacobus January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study is to conduct a thorough theoretical study on the relevant aspects involved in knowledge management and organisational learning, and to assess the maturity level of knowledge management within the South African steel industry. Various aspects of knowledge, knowledge management and organisational learning with specific relation to sustainable competitive advantage are discussed in the literature study. During the literature research several factors which either promote or hinder the effective management of knowledge were identified and a list of lessons learned by other successful knowledge focused companies, are discussed. The critical success factors for a successful knowledge management program are also discussed. Knowledge can create a sustainable competitive advantage within an organisation, if successfully applied to make value adding decisions and to enable learning, and if it is applied to make decisions which are superior to that of its rivals across the supply chain. An integrated approach needs to be followed when KM is pursued and the knowledge must be applied to make value added decisions and facilitate learning across all processes in the value chain. The focus must be to retain an organisation’s tacit knowledge as this is a key success factor to ensure a sustainable competitive advantage. The study includes research on whether knowledge management is effectively used as a sustainable competitive advantage in the South African steel industry. The maturity level of the application of knowledge and learning principles implemented within the South African steel industry is assessed and compared to the maturity level of ArcelorMittal, Monlevade, located in Brazil. A survey was designed and distributed to determine the knowledge management and organisational learning maturity levels at two steel facilities of ArcelorMittal in South Africa and one facility in Brazil. The key problem areas as identified through the empirical research are discussed and it is concluded that South African facilities do not effectively use knowledge management as a sustainable competitive advantage. The maturity level of knowledge management in ArcelorMittal, South Africa is low compared to the maturity at Monlevade and rival companies such as Tata and Posco steel. A significant effort needs to be made in order to allow the effective creation, acquisition, sharing and leveraging of knowledge within the South African steel facilities. The key factors which constrain effective knowledge management is related to ineffective Human Resource policies, organisation structure, lack of knowledge exchange forums, collaboration and communication, coaching, and a lack of incentives to share tacit knowledge. It is also evident that knowledge is not seen as a sustainable competitive advantage by many respondents and that they perceive they do not have the time or capacity to transfer knowledge. Ten practical design principles were constructed and a knowledge management framework was developed to guide South African steel companies during the design and execution of a knowledge management programme which will ensure that knowledge management will result into a sustainable competitive advantage. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Embodiment in the poetry of Gabeba Baderoon / Elizabeth Louise Nortjé

Nortjé, Elizabeth Louise January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines the relation between embodiment and language, knowledge and memory, as explored in the poetry of South African poet Gabeba Baderoon. In her three published collections of poetry, namely, The Museum of Ordinary Life, The Dream in the Next Body and A Hundred Silences, she depicts seemingly trivial and everyday events or experiences with acute attention to detail, all of which are connected by her unique portrayal of their embodied nature. In doing so, her work illustrates that intellectual activities typically associated with the mind, such as language, knowledge and memory, in fact require the incorporation of the body. Therefore, this dissertation studies the mind-body relation represented in her work with regard to these thematic concerns, since it is a crucial aspect of her poetry and aids not only in understanding and interpreting her work, but also the discourse on embodiment in general. These concerns do, moreover, not remain on a thematic level, but are evident in her poetry itself; that is, her poems too act as a form of embodiment. Furthermore, Baderoon’s poems are able to transcend the supposed mind-body dichotomy in a way that shows much in common with phenomenology, and especially the perspective held by authors such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty. This dissertation incorporates phenomenological ideas on the body and embodiment, as these assist in interpreting Baderoon’s work, as well as for the reason that her poetry sheds new light upon the understanding of such phenomenological ideas, too. Thus, this dissertation seeks to elucidate the manner in which Gabeba Baderoon’s poetry transcends the mind-body dichotomy by means of her exceptional employment of the notion of embodiment on a thematic as well as formal level. / Thesis (MA (English))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Self care and patients with hypertension at primary health care clinics / Elaine Thelma Bonnecwe

Bonnecwe, Elaine Thelma January 2012 (has links)
This study focuses on self care among patients with hypertension visiting primary health care clinics in the Naledi sub-district in the North-West Province. Hypertension is one of the chronic diseases that shorten the life expectancy of many people globally and remains the most common and rapid growing cardiovascular disease, affecting 20 million people in sub-Saharan Africa. Hypertension is one of the quadruple burdens of disease associated with risky lifestyle behaviours like unhealthy diets with excessive energy intakes, physical inactivity and tobacco use. Although taking the mentioned common modif iable factors and the fact that hypertension is a manageable condition into consideration, the reality remains that the hypertension. A non-experimental, quantitative research was used to reach the aim of the study namely to identify and describe the self care abilities of patients diagnosed with hypertension, as well as explore and describe their knowledge and perceptions on hypertension. This was done by means of objectives to explore and describe self care abilities, knowledge and perceptions among patients diagnosed with hypertension; if there is an association between self care, knowledge and perception in relation to the level of education, age, income and time period and if there was association between self care and knowledge and perception of patients with hypertension visiting PHC clinics in Naledi sub-district in the North-W est Province. A literature review was first conducted for a clear understanding of self care and hypertension. Thereafter a structured questionnaire, consisting of demographical information, and questions on self care, knowledge and perception among patients with hypertension, was employed. Trained field workers assisted in data collec tion. A number of 142 questionnaires were completed by patients visiting PHC clinics. The demographic data was first analysed with results shown in the frequency table. The exploratory factor analyses were done for data reduction on self care, knowledge and perception among patients with hypertension. Descriptive statistics and Cohen effect sizes for factors on self care, knowledge and perception in relation to the level of education, age, income and other chronic illnesses of patients diagnosed with hypertension, correlational descriptive statistics between self care and knowledge and perception were done. The results revealed that patients with hypertension with low levels of education lack information with regard to hypertension. The higher the income of patients with hypertension, the better their self care abilities compared to those with low income. Patients who are English and Afrikaans speaking have more internal positive power and have better management abilities of hypertension than those who are Setswana speaking. Younger patients have more internal positive power, which declines with age. Those patients who are newly diagnosed with hypertension have more information on management abilities than those who have been diagnosed more than two years. The conclusion regarding the relationship of self care and knowledge and perception of hypertension is that the patients diagnosed with hypertension need knowledge on hypertension in order to adhere to self care abilities. The more knowledge patients have the better they will be able to adhere to self care activities. / Thesis (MCur)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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