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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Būdos girininkijos biologinės įvairovės vertinimas / The Assessment of Biological Diversity of Buda Forest District

Červokienė, Rugilė 01 June 2005 (has links)
Biological diversity - means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ekological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and ecosystems, as Biological Diversity Convention says. In this work was made analysis of forest data of State Forest Enterprise of Kaisiadorys, Buda forest district. Atention was paid to the forest elements that can promote biological diversity. The archive data of managment (1977,1987,1996,2003 years)of Buda forest district used for assessment. Stand species diversity was analyzed using Number of species, Diversity, Proportionality and Dominance indexes. Thestand diversity dynamics of the Buda forest district was analyzed accordind to these indexes. There also were analyzed Species of Data Red Book of Lithuania of forest district, reserves teritories and key habitat teritories of Buda forest district.That supported to mark 2 teritories of Great biodiversity and 8 hotspots of biological diversity on the map of analyzed forest district.

Neries regioninio parko vabzdžių, įtrauktų į Raudonąją knygą, analizė / The research of the Neris regional park insects included in the Red Book

Derkintienė, Loreta 15 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriami Neries regioninio parko vabzdžiai , įtraukti į Raudonąją knygą. Darbo objektas- niūriaspalvis auksavabalis (Osmoderma eremita Sc.) , gencijoninis melsvys (Makulinea alcon D.& S.), Darbo tikslas- ištirti kai kurių vabzdžių , įtrauktų į Raudonąją knygą, paplitimą ir gausumą Neries regioniniame parke. Darbo metodai - duomenys buvo renkami naudojantis P.Ivinskio ir J.Rimšaitės bestuburių monitoringo metodika . Darbo rezultatai. Atlikus tyrimus ir įvertinus nustatyta , kad niūriaspalvis auksavabalis (Osmoderma eremita) labiau mėgsta senus , drevėtus , gerai apšviestus medžius. Labiausiai jam tinkamas ąžuolas. Gencijoninis melsvys (Makulinea alcon D.& S.), dažniausiai aptinkamas pietiniuose , gerai apšviestuose šlaituose ,kur vyrauja žema žolinė danga. Būtina sąlyga- augalai melsvieji gencijonai (Gentiana cruciata) ir Myrmica genties skruzdėlės Norint užtikrinti palankias sąlygas niūriaspalviam auksavabaliui , būtina išsaugoti kertines miško buveines ir senus , drevėtus medžius. Norint išsaugoti gencijoninį melsvį būtina prižiūrėti populiacijai tinkamus upių šlaitus ,neleidžiant užaugti aukštai žolinei dangai ir krūmams. / In the master’s of science work the Neris regional park’s insects included in the Red Book are being researched. The object of the work is Osmoderma eremite Sc. and gentian lycaena (Makulinea alcon D.& S.). The objective of the work is to research the diffusion and abundance of some insects included in the Red Book in the Neris regional park. The methods of the work. The data had been collected by using P. Ivinskis and J. Rimšaite methods of invertebrates‘ monitoring. After the research was carried out and the facts estimated, it was established that Osmoderma eremite prefers old, hollow and well-lighted up trees. Oak tree is the most suitable one. Gentian lycaena ( Makulinea alcon D. & S.) is most frequently discovered in southern, well-lighted up slopes where low grass prevails. Gentiana cruciata and ants of Myrmica genus are an indispensable condition. If one wishes to ensure auspicious conditions for Osmoderma eremite Sc., it is necessary to preserve the most important for them forestry habitats and old hollow trees. If one wishes to preserve gentian lycaena, it is necessary to look after river slopes suitable for the population not allowing to grow tall grass and bushes.

Tytuvėnų regioninio parko saugomų teritorijų analizė / Analysis of the Protected Areas of the Tytuvėnai Regional Park

Stašaitis, Simonas 03 June 2005 (has links)
Lately, after Lithuania’s admission to a big unit of countries - the European Union, one of the most important tasks while implementing negotiated EU membership commitments in on country in the establishment of NATURA 2000 the network of protected areas that is of the European significance. In the process of the establishment of the network the system of the protected areas is being changed, new protected areas NATURA 2000 are being created reservations, and biosphere polygons. While implementing the Lithuanian Republic strategy of biological variety protection and it’s plan of actions valuable woodland biotopes, woodland key habitats are distinguished. Namely here, in small woodland areas the biology variety is especially wide and the protection of such territories is a mattes of primary interest. To meet the requirements big change have taken place in the regional park of Tytuvėnai as well. Study object. Territory of the Tytuvėnai regional park. The aim of the study is to determine the territories of NATURA 2000 and the woodland key habitats, to evaluate them preliminarily, to determine the peculiarity of them distribution in the area, and to estimate the variation of the natural protected areas of the existing regional park of Tytuvėnai and in it’s draft version. Study methodology. In the analysis of the protected areas the data from the data basis of the Forest and Land Service organizations was used. To determine the territories of NATURA 2000 The Guide of the habitats... [to full text]

En studie om skogsägares syn på hållbart skogsbruk i Sverige : En analys av skogsägares värderingar / A study of forest owners view on sustainable forestry in Sweden : An analysis of forest owners' values

Sjösten, Emil, Eriksson, Simon January 2022 (has links)
This study intends to investigate how different demographic groups among individual forest owners in Sweden view issues related to sustainable forestry. The study also intends to investigate what different individual forest owners perceive as positive/negative aspects in terms of species protection and policy changes. It also investigates in what way individual forest owners' views and forestry relate to decided goals and what previous research defines as sustainable forestry. To investigate this, a survey has been conducted where the survey was distributed to individual forest owners around the country through various online communication channels such as social media and online forums. The survey resulted in a total of 226 respondents spread across most parts of the country. The results that emerged from the study shows demographic differences and similarities, where we for example can see that there is a greater proportion of women than men who believe that Swedish forestry is not sustainable today. At the same time, we can observe that the majority believe that it is sustainable within all demographic groups. Incidentally, we can see that there is a dividing line between authorities and the interests of individual forest owners. Views on sustainable forestry vary and many forest owners strive for less government intervention in their forestry and property rights are central. We see a willingness to compromise if the forest owner receive financial compensation, in terms of protected areas. We can also see goal conflicts between forest owners' views and uses and authorities' directives and goals.

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