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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dilute semiflexible polymers with attraction: collapse, folding and aggregation

Zierenberg, Johannes, Marenz, Martin, Janke, Wolfhard January 2016 (has links)
We review the current state on the thermodynamic behavior and structural phases of self- and mutually-attractive dilute semiflexible polymers that undergo temperature-driven transitions. In extreme dilution, polymers may be considered isolated, and this single polymer undergoes a collapse or folding transition depending on the internal structure. This may go as far as to stable knot phases. Adding polymers results in aggregation, where structural motifs again depend on the internal structure. We discuss in detail the effect of semiflexibility on the collapse and aggregation transition and provide perspectives for interesting future investigations.

Knitting quantum knots-Topological phase transitions in Two-Dimensional systems

Radha, Santosh Kumar 07 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Effects of Material Properties in Saw Chain Cutting Efficiency Tests : Investigating the repeatability of cutting efficiency tests

Ödvall, Petter, Ivarsson, Jakob January 2023 (has links)
Manufacturers of saw chains continuously strive to increase the performance of their products by reducing cutting times and minimising the energy consumption required for cutting. However, the evaluation process through testing is problematic as several uncontrollable factors impact the results. A large source of uncontrollable factors is the material used as a workpiece. Historically, wood has been used as a workpiece material since it is often what the end user will use it for. As a natural material, each stem contains a unique structure and can have a high variation in mechanical properties. Consequently, the analysis of older cutting efficiency is problematic since the result is linked to the specific stem being sawn, which is destroyed during the testing process. The current work aims to improve the repeatability of these tests by increasing the understanding of which material characteristics and material properties impact the variance during cutting efficiency measurements. An experiment was performed using pine as a workpiece material. It was found that the wood structure, density and hardness or moisture content could explain approximately 80% of the variation in the final tests. A more homogeneous material polyethylene was used to explore if a decrease in variation within these factors resulted in lower variance between cutting efficiency results. The variance between results was found to be lowest in pine when knots were excluded. The variance in polyethylene was slightly higher but showed promising evidence for being a suitable alternative material for long-term testing.

Procédés d’extraction et de purification de molécules à haute valeur ajoutée issues de la biomasse bois / Extraction and purification processes of molecules with high added value from wood biomass

Duran, Renan Ravetti 10 December 2015 (has links)
Les sous-produits qui proviennent de l’industrie du bois, particulièrement les nœuds, contiennent différents types de molécules qui peuvent être valorisées comme source de composants bioactifs pouvant répondre à des besoins thérapeutiques. C’est sur cette idée que le projet "Le Bois Santé" a été conçu. Grâce à la collaboration de plusieurs partenaires, le présent travail vise dans un premier temps à développer des procédés d’extraction "verts" (solide-liquide et supercritique) pour obtenir un extrait riche en lignanes à partir d’un mélange de nœuds d’épicéa commun et de sapin pectiné. Les effets des conditions opératoires sur le rendement d’extraction de chaque composé cible et sur l’activité anti-oxydante des extraits ont été déterminés. Afin d’étudier le procédé complet, le projet vise à étudier l’impact des procédés de concentration et de séchage de l’extrait à partir de l’évaporation sous vide et de la lyophilisation. De plus, la séparation et la purification des composés ont été développées et optimisées par simulation grâce à la technique de chromatographie frontale / By-products from wood industry, particularly knots, contain different types of molecules that can be valued as a source of bioactive components meeting therapeutic needs. It is on this idea that the project "Le Bois Santé" was designed. Through the collaboration of several partnerships, the present work aims initially to develop a "green" extraction processes (solid-liquid and supercritical) to obtain an extract rich in lignans from a mixture of norway spruce and silver fir knots. The effects of operating conditions on the extraction yield of each target compound and the antioxidant activity of the extracts were determined. To understand the entire process, the project aims to investigate the impact of concentration and drying processes using vacuum evaporation and lyophilisation. Moreover, the separation and purification of the compounds have been developed and optimized using frontal chromatography technique

Strength grading of structural timber and EWP laminations of Norway spruce : Development potentials

Oscarsson, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Strength grading of structural timber is a process by which value is added to sawn products. It is to the greater part carried out using machine grading based on statistical relationships between so called indicating properties and bending strength. The most frequently applied indicating property (IP) on the European market is the stiffness in terms of average modulus of elasticity (MOE) of a timber piece, although MOE is a material property that varies within timber. A major limitation of today’s grading methods is that the described relationships are relatively poor, which means that there is a potential for more accurate techniques. The main purpose of this research has been to initiate development of more accurate and efficient machine grading methods. Strength of timber is dependent on the occurrence of knots. At the same time, knot measures applied as indicating properties until today have shown to be poor predictors of strength. However, results from this research, and from previous research, has shown that not only size and position of knots but also fibre deviations in surrounding clear wood are of great importance for local stiffness and development of fracture under loading. Thus, development of new indicating properties which take account of knots as well as properties of surrounding fibres, determined on a very local scale, was considered as a possible path towards better strength grading. In the research, results from contact-free deformation measurements were utilized for analysis of structural behaviour of timber on both local and global level. Laser scanning was used for detection of local fibre directions projected on surfaces of pieces. Scanned information, combined with measures of density and average axial dynamic MOE, was applied for calculation of the variation of local MOE in the longitudinal board direction. By integration over cross-sections along a piece, a stiffness profile in edgewise bending was determined and a new IP was defined as the lowest bending MOE along the piece. For a sample of Norway spruce planks, a coefficient of determination of 0.68 was achieved between the new IP and bending strength. For narrow side boards to be used as laminations in wet-glued glulam beams, the relationship between IP and tensile strength was as high as 0.77. Since the intended use of the narrow boards was as laminations in wet-glued beams, the possibility of grading them in a wet state was also investigated. Grading based on axial dynamic excitation and weighing gave just as good results in a wet state as when the same grading procedure was applied after drying. It was also found that the relationship between the new IP and strength was dependent on what scale the IP was determined. Optimum was reached for moving average MOE calculated over lengths corresponding with approximately half the width of investigated pieces. Implementation of the new IP will result in grading that is more accurate than what is achieved by the great majority of today’s grading machines. The new method will probably also be particularly favourable for development of engineered wood products made of narrow laminations. / Hållfasthetssortering av konstruktionsvirke innebär att värdet på sågade produkter ökar. Sorteringen genomförs oftast med maskinella metoder baserade på statistiska samband mellan s.k. indikerande egenskaper och böjhållfasthet. Den indikerande egenskap (indicating property, IP) som är vanligast på den Europeiska marknaden är styvhet uttryckt som ett medelvärde för elasticitetsmodulen (modulus of elasticity, MOE) i ett virkesstycke, trots att MOE är en materialegenskap som varierar i virket. En betydande begränsning med dagens sorteringsmetoder är att de beskrivna sambanden är förhållandevis svaga, vilket innebär att det finns en potential för metoder med högre noggrannhet. Det huvudsakliga syftet med detta doktorandprojekt har varit att initiera en utveckling mot sådana metoder. Hållfasthet hos virke är beroende av förekomst av kvistar. Samtidigt har de kvistmått som fram till idag kommit till användning visat sig vara dåliga prediktorer av hållfasthet. Resultat från såväl denna som tidigare forskning har dock visat att inte bara kvistars storlek och läge, utan också variationen i fiberriktning i omgivande träfibrer, är av stor betydelse för lokal styvhet och brottförlopp under inverkan av last. Utveckling av nya IP som tar hänsyn till såväl kvistar som omgivande träfibrers egenskaper fastställda på mycket lokal nivå bedömdes vara en möjlig väg för att uppnå bättre hållfasthetssortering. I detta doktorandprojekt användes beröringsfri deformationsmätning för analys av det strukturella beteendet hos virkesstycken på såväl lokal som global nivå. Laserskanning utnyttjades för detektering av lokala fiberriktningar projicerade på virkesstyckenas ytor. Med utgångspunkt från skannad information, virkesdensitet och medelvärde för axiell dynamisk elasticitetsmodul kunde variationen i lokal elasticitetsmodul i virkesstyckenas längdriktning bestämmas. Genom integration över tvärsektioner längs ett virkesstycke kunde en profil över hur böjstyvheten i styva riktningen varierade i virkesstyckets längdriktning beräknas. En ny IP definierades som den lägsta elasticitetsmodulen i böjning utmed virkesstyckets längd. För ett urval av granplankor erhölls en förklaringsgrad på 0.68 mellan den nya indikerande egenskapen och böjhållfasthet. För smala sidobrädor avsedda att användas som lameller i våtlimmade limträbalkar var motsvarande förklaringsgrad mellan samma IP och draghållfasthet så hög som 0.77. Eftersom sidobrädorna var avsedda att användas som lameller i våtlimmade balkar genomfördes en studie avseende möjligheten att hållfasthetssortera i vått tillstånd med hjälp av axiell dynamisk excitering och vägning. Det visade sig att sådan sortering gav lika bra resultat som då samma metod användes efter torkning. Sambandet mellan den nya indikerande egenskapen och hållfasthet visade sig också vara beroende av på vilken lokal nivå som egenskapen beräknades. Optimum uppnåddes då den bestämdes som ett glidande medelvärde beräknat över en längd motsvarande ungefär halva virkesstyckets höjd. Implementering av den nya sorteringsmetoden kommer att resultera i sortering som är noggrannare än vad som kan erhållas med det stora flertalet av de sorteringsmetoder som finns idag. Den nya indikerande egenskapen kommer sannolikt att bli särskilt gynnsam att använda för utveckling av ingenjörsmässiga träprodukter bestående av smala lameller.

The Topology and Dynamics of Surface Diffeomorphisms and Solenoid Embeddings

Hui, Xueming 07 April 2023 (has links)
We study two topics on surface diffeomorphisms, their mapping classes and dynamics. For the mapping classes of a punctured disc, we study the $\ZxZ$ subgroups of the fundamental groups of the corresponding mapping tori. An application is the proof of the fact that a satellite knot with braid pattern is prime. For the mapping classes of the disc minus a Cantor set, we study a special type of reducible mapping class. This has direct application on the embeddings of solenoids in $\mathbb{S}^3$. We also give some examples of other types of mapping classes of the disc minus a Cantor set. For the dynamics of surface diffeomorphisms, we prove three formulas for computing the topological pressure of a $C^1$-generic conservative diffeomorphism with no dominated splitting and show the continuity of topological pressure with respect to these diffeomorphisms. We prove for these generic diffeomorphisms that there is no equilibrium states with positive measure theoretic entropy. In particular, for hyperbolic potentials, there are no equilibrium states. For $C^1$ generic conservative diffeomorphisms on compact surfaces with no dominated splitting and $\phi_m(x):=-\frac{1}{m}\log \Vert D_x f^m\Vert, m \in \mathbb{N}$, we show that there exist equilibrium states with zero entropy and there exists a transition point $t_0$ for the one parameter family $\lbrace t \phi_m\rbrace_{t\geq 0}$, such that there is no equilibrium states for $ t \in [0, t_0)$ and there is an equilibrium state for $t \in [t_0,+\infty)$.

Multi-defect detection in hardwood using AI on hyperspectral images

Ytterberg, Kalle January 2024 (has links)
With the evolution of GPU performance, the interest of using AI for all kinds of purposes has risen. Companies today put a great amount of resources to find new ways of using AI to increase the value of their products or automating processes. An area in the wood industry where AI is widely used and studied is in defect detection. In this thesis, the combination of using AI and hyperspectral images is studied and evaluated in the case of segmenting defects in hardwood with a U- Net network structure. The performance is compared to another known method usually used when dealing with high-dimensional data: PLS-DA. This thesis also compares the use of RGB image data in combination with AI, to further analyze the usefulness that the hyperspectral data provide. The results showed signs of improvement when using hyperspectral images com- pared to RGB images when detecting blue stain and red heartwood defects. De- tection of the defects rot and knots did however show no sign of improvements. Due to the annotations being more accurate in the RGB data, the results from the hyperspectral data-fed networks would suggest that blue stain and red heartwood could be of interest regarding further investigation. Computational performance is shown to vary across the different reduction meth- ods, and the results from this thesis provides some insight that might aid in the reasoning regarding how to choose an appropriate reduction method.

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