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L'impact de l'intégration des logiciels éducatifs dans l'enseignement des sciences au Kenya / How educational software is affecting the teaching and learning of sciences in Kenyan schoolsNgunu, Carolyn 03 July 2013 (has links)
La mise en place de la gratuité de l'école primaire, il y a 8 ans a offert à la majorité des enfants kenyans, notamment les plus défavorisés (les filles dans certaines régions, les enfants issus de familles pauvres ou rurales) qui n'y avaient pas accès jusqu'alors, l'opportunité de s ‘inscrire à l'école. L'objectif du gouvernement kenyan est d'améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement reçu dans l'éducation publique. De nouvelles approches d'enseignement et d'apprentissage sont nécessaires pour assurer le progrès pédagogique et à travers lui améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement. Dans une économie où 40 % de la main-d'œuvre qualifiée est au chômage, l'accent doit être mis sur une formation de la population afin de répondre au mieux aux demandes du marché du travail. L'une des stratégies pour améliorer la qualité de l'éducation est l'intégration des TIC, comme moyen de généraliser l'éducation et de garantir un accès équivalent aux élèves de toutes les régions du Kenya. Ayant entériné l'introduction des ordinateurs dans les classes depuis plus de dix ans, le gouvernement est en quête de méthodes d'enseignement qui accorderaient une place plus importante à l'informatique dans toutes les matières enseignées et ne se limiteraient pas simplement à un projet d'alphabétisation informatique. Cette thèse essaie d'identifier et d'analyser diverses utilisations de logiciels éducatifs présents à des élèves kenyans du secondaire. Nous nous sommes inspirés des approches proposées par Papert et Cuban, dont les perspectives sont de rendre l'apprentissage ludique tout en étant efficace, grâce à l'utilisation de logiciels éducatifs lors des séances d'enseignement. / The expansion of access to primary éducation eight years ago has led to majority of children in Kenya notably the less priviledged like girls and those from poor or rural households to be enrolled in school for the first time. Despite the govenment's aim to increase resources for public éducation, primary and secondary schools are over stretched in terms of capacity. New approches to teaching and learning are necessary in order to ensure quality and progress in the pedagogical aréna. In an economy where 40% of its qualified manpower is unemployed, focus must be turned to effective training of its population to meet the job market's demands. One of the stratégies of improving quality of education is the integration of technologies such as ICT, as a way of globalizing the éducation process and ensuring equity in access. Having accepted the introduction of computers into the classroom more than ten years ago, the government is on a quest to find a more integrated approach of computers in specific subject areas rather than simply computer literacy. This thesis tries to identify and analyse different uses of educational software in the kenyan classroom at secondary school level. Leaning on approaches suggested by Papert and Cuban, on the prospects of making learning fun and effective through the use of software in the school environment.
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Know-how signalling and transfer systems to support integrated supply chainsLiu, Zhitao January 2012 (has links)
The construction industry is the largest industry in the world and operates in knowledge-based project organisations. The success of projects relies on the management of both tacit and explicit knowledge. This situation calls for a method for disseminating tacit knowledge from individuals to achieve higher performance and success value in construction projects. For the purpose, this study first articulates the problems of knowledge management in the construction industry. Then, by reviewing some knowledge engineering and management literatures, this research sets a theoretical foundation of knowledge management in the construction industry. A questionnaire survey was used to investigate and examine the current situation of knowledge management in UK and China construction industry. The result of frequency analysis and nonparametric test analysis provides the perceptions on the importance of knowledge transfer, the implementation of knowledge transfer, the resources of knowledge, and barriers for tacit knowledge transfer. From the literature review, this study proposes a tacit knowledge transfer process framework (3I) and identifies a series of factors correlated with effectiveness of knowledge transfer. This thesis also identifies four main independent variables - organsiational culture, organizational structure, IT technology and No-IT technology, and investigates the relationship between organisational elements with these factors and the performance of knowledge transfer. The findings are based on three case studies and responses of questionnaire survey and interviews. The results reveal that there are significant relationships between some of the variables and either the creation of knowledge assets or performance of knowledge transfer. Therefore, it is necessary for construction organsiations to consider these elements in developing and implementing a knowledge management strategy/system in a construction organisation. This study proposes a practical methodology to transfer knowledge by using an integrated system (TKTMS). The TKTMS can be an effective tool for all project members to transfer tacit knowledge across firms' boundaries and accelerate the speed of knowledge creation, share and transfer in the construction industry. The integration of the function model (IDEF0) with the information model (IDEF1) is applied to understand the necessary function/information for consideration in the 3I model and implement TKTMS.
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Ochrana informací v praxi obchodní společnostiŽáčková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the protection of information of the entrepreneur in a particular IT company. Attention was paid first to the area of protection of business secrets, know-how and confidential information towards employees of the company and to its clients and business partners, as well as to the protection of employee's and customer's personal data. Based on an analysis of internal processes and documents, contracts with employees, customers and business partners, shortcomings were identified and recommendations were subsequently proposed in line with valid legislation in the Czech Republic. In conclusion, the economic impacts were assessed not only from the identified shortcomings but also from the introduction of the proposed recommendations.
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Vino y sociedad en la meseta de Requena-Utiel en época ibéricaMartínez Valle, Asunción 31 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Beskattning i samband med överföringar av betydande nytta : Skattemässiga konsekvenser av att företag delar betydande nytta, utan möjlighet för skattemyndigheter att stoppa flödet vilket leder till skattemässiga fel / Taxation regarding the transfer of valuable information : Taxation consequences of enterprises sharing significant services, with no opportunity for tax authorities to close the gap leading to taxation errorsHellman, Marion January 2021 (has links)
Immateriella tillgångar är hos många företag mycket värdefulla. Det kan röra sig om patent, varumärken eller know-how för att nämna några. Inte sällan är immateriella tillgångar även en bidragande faktor till höga resultat. Know-how är i sin tur en unik tillgång dels på grund av avsaknaden av ett registreringsförfarande, dels eftersom det rör sig om företagshemligheter som inte är kända för utomstående. Det tillhör vardagen för företag att dela information mellan olika delar i verksamheten för att på så sätt öka produktiviteten och bidra till ökade intäkter. Utgångspunkten för framställningen är att ett företag i land X delar information, via telefon, med ett företag i land Y, vilket resulterar i ökade intäkter för företaget i land Y. Att information delas via telefon är inte uppseendeväckande, men situationen blir intressant ut ett skatterättsligt perspektiv just eftersom know-how utgör en såpass värdefull tillgång. En mer intressant blir det i de fall som överföringen inte dokumenteras eftersom det i slutändan skulle kunna resultera i skattemässiga fel. I de fall de involverande företagen är i intressegemenskap, skulle även reglerna avseende internprissättning kunna aktualiseras. Möjligen är det juts i en sådan situation, i vilket värdet inte lämnar företaget på samma sätt som vid en överföring till ett utomstående företag, som de stora läckagen sker. Det är även relevant att beakta digitaliseringens effekter på samhället och på juridiken, exempelvisi form av förslaget om ett införande av begreppet digital närvaro i den internationella sktaterätten som grund för beskattning för att ersätta det fasta driftstället. Genom BEPS-projektet som presenterats av OECD och G20 har steg tagits gällande hanteringen av bland annat digitaliseringens utmaningar inom skatterätten samt internprissättning i förhållande till immateriella tillgångar. Huruvida projektet kommer få önskad effekt i praktiken samt är tillräckligt för att motverka uteblivna skatteintäkter för staterna återstår att se. Viktigt i typsituationen är framförallt relationen mellan gällande rätt, tillämpningen av gällnade rätt och slutligen bevisbördan. Det handlar således om ett teoretiskt problem respektive praktiska lösningar. Vad som i teorin kan anses problematiskt visar sig nämligen inte sällan mer komplicerat i praktiken.
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A Unifying Account of Technological Knowledge: Animal Construction, Tool Use, and TechnologyHeflin, Ashley Shew 03 May 2011 (has links)
Philosophers, historians of technology, and anthropologists often offer accounts of technology that include a “human clause,” some phrase to the effect that only humans use or make technologies. When these academics do consider tool use, they refer to a few cases, usually from chimpanzee studies, as special and unusual in the animal kingdom and whose similarities to human tool use can be explained through some shared evolutionary heritage. However, new observational and laboratory animal studies demonstrate that tool use and the use of learned techniques are actually more widespread than many scholars have appreciated, encompassing the behaviors of dolphins, crows, gorillas, and octopuses. Some studies have shown that even species that are not known to produce tools in the wild can, in the right contexts, produce and use tools as capably as related species that do employ tools. Some of the non-human animals' tool use and manufacture indicates learned components, shared material cultures, innovation, an understanding of 'folk' physics and causal reasoning, the standardization of tools, and the use of metatools.
This dissertation involves a reflection on these new animal studies cases: what they might indicate, how they relate to concepts used in defining technology (and humanity), how they might disrupt human-centered models of technology. This dissertation also provides a framework for considering these animal cases within the context of technological knowledge, one important concept in philosophy of technology. To highlight the relationships between two different approaches to technological knowledge, this project introduces a graphical model for considering animal cases alongside human technologies; mapping individual technologies and techniques in terms of technological know-how and encapsulation of information allow for the additional consideration of animal constructions – webs, nests, dams, etc. – alongside animal tool use and human technologies. By categorizing non-human animal constructions, tool use, and technology along the same axes, we see that the individual material products of humans and non-humans are often a matter of degree, and not a matter of kind. Animal constructions and tool use can be productively incorporated into philosophy of technology. / Ph. D.
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Podnikatel a podnikání v časech státního intervencionismu a dirigismu. Josef Hégr (1896 - 1971). / Entrepreneur and business in time of state interventionism and dirigism. Joseph Hégr (1896 - 1971).Hégrová, Dita January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis called Entrepreneur and entrepreneurship in times of state interventionism and dirigisme. Josef Hégr (1896 - 1971) focuses on the aspects of entrepreneurial experience, background and corporate engagement of Josef Hégr, a native of Chotětov (a small rural village located near Mladá Boleslav). The graduate of the business academy was going up from being a bureaucrat in charge of accounting in the international business company called Balkan - a company for trade and industry, to becoming a co-owner of this joint-stock company. Later he continuously worked as a co-owner of the joint-stock company Czech International Transport Company Karlík and Co. until 1948. Josef Hégr became a Czech entrepreneur in transport and agriculture and in the 1930s after he had bought the manor of Horky nad Jizerou and related businesses. His business activities were escalating during the Second World War. And, he worked in national Czech companies where he defended national Czech interests. Concerning the Czech entrepreneurship, he tried to protect much from the occupation forces, and became a crisis manager. All his entrepreneurial activities ceased to exist after the beginning of Communist regime. The entrepreneur was marginalised within people- democratic society. During his life he even waited to see...
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TU-Spektrum 4/1994, Magazin der Technischen Universität ChemnitzSteinebach, Mario, Häckel-Riffler, Christine 30 June 1998 (has links)
4 mal im Jahr erscheinende Zeitschrift ueber aktuelle Themen der TU- Chemnitz:Uni 2000 - mit Optimismus ins nächste Jahrhundert 2
Hoffnungsvoller Start ins neue Semester 5
Universitätspreise 1994 6
Das Uni-Kleinod an der Wilhelm-Raabe-Straße 7
Universitätsgelände erhält neues Outfit 8
Tag der offenen Tür/Sprung über den großen Teich/Festakt an der
Fakultät für Informatik 9
Hochleistungsrechner jetzt offiziell in Betrieb/Neue Rechte für Frauen 10
Die Ingenieurin - integrationsfähig über Technikgrenzen? 11
Uniformierte in der UB 11
Partnerschaft mit Humberside University in Hull 12
Sächsisch-tschechische Literaturtage in Zwickau 12
Wissenschaftler-Austausch auf dem Gebiet der Mikrosystemtechnik 13
Alte Hochschulkontakte wieder aufgenommen 14
Sitzen Sie richtig? 15
Auf der Jagd nach dem blauen Laser 16
Kunststoffteilen auf den Zahn gefühlt 16
Sonnensegel stillgestanden 16
Vertrauen und Informationsverarbeitung 16
Fabrikinformationssystem Chemnitz erfolgreich integriert 17
Europäische Zeitungstechniker setzen auf Chemnitzer Know how 17
Solarthermie 2000 - Sonnenenergie für die Zukunft 17
Motivationsschub für EU-Projekte 18
Innovation für den Textilmaschinenbau 18
Hochauflösung im Labor 18
Rekordverdächtiger Spurt zum Doktortitel 20
Premiere: Semesterticket in Chemnitz 21
Ein Studium im Land der Känguruhs 21
Französische Studenten zum Praktikum bei Chemnitzer Werkstoffwissenschaftlern 21
Begrüßung der Erstsemester 22
Man muß auch über den Tellerrand schauen 22
Sächsische Studenten bei norddeutschen Unternehmen des Textilmaschinenbaus 23
Amerikanischer Tutor im Studentenwerk 23
Einführung von Studiengebühren mit uns nicht zu machen 23
Springer-Verlag ehrt Chemnitzer Professor 24
Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Werth-Preis erhielten Meßtechniker aus Chemnitz 24
Laudatio für Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Hans-Joachim Schell 25
Laudatio für Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Siegfried Dümmel 25
Laudatio für Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Siegfried Wagner 26
Laudatio für Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Siegfried Weber 27
Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Petersburg für Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lothar Simon 27
Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an Prof. Dr. Peter Rütger Wossidlo am 15. November 1994 28
Im Rückblick: Heraeus - Ferienkurs für Physik 29
CMK - Chemnitzer Maschinenbau-Kongreß 29
Neue Tagungsreihe 'Infrastrukturplanung in Stadt und Land' 30
Merle Collins begeisterte ihre Zuhörer 30
Nobelpreisträger schwärmt von der Chemie 31
Beim Technologietag in Gera präsent 31
Kein Strom in Rom 32
Zu Gast: Prof. Bürger mit seiner Spielzeugkiste 32
II. Chemnitzer Ostforum 33
Promotionen/Habilitationen 33
Berufungen 33
Collegium musicum und Motettenchor in Paris 34
Universitätschor Chemnitz meldet sich zurück 35
Urlaub zwischen luv und lee 35
USG-Jahresbilanz zeigt steil nach oben 36
Tolles Eishockeyangebot zum Jahresausklang 36
Kennen Sie den Baumeister des Böttcher-Baus? 37
Das Leben von Robert Kraft im Schatten Karl Mays 38
Theaternachrichten 39
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La formation du footballeur amateur : socio-ethnographie de la construction du goût, des dispositions et des savoir-faire footballistiques / The amateur football player's socializationBillet, Eric 16 December 2010 (has links)
La présente thèse est basée sur une enquête socio-ethnographique menée sur trois clubs de football de niveaux fédéraux contrastés : l’un est composé d’équipes évoluant à un niveau départemental (District), l’autre à un niveau régional (Ligue) et le dernier à un niveau national (Fédéral). Toutes ces associations sportives sont amateurs, affiliées à la F.F.F. et situées autour d’une ville française moyenne. Ce doctorat s’appuie sur une enquête quantitative, menée par questionnaire, sur les joueurs en formation dans ces trois clubs (de 6 à 18 ans, n=397). Une enquête de type qualitative, composée de 91 entretiens, 71 observations et 18 tests d’aptitudes gestuelles et physiques, complète et pondère les résultats obtenus par le questionnaire. L’objet de la thèse est l’étude de la sociogenèse du goût, des dispositions et des savoir-faire footballistique des joueurs amateurs de ces trois clubs. L’analyse des pratiques, des représentations de ces footballeurs en formation, de leurs éducateurs et de leurs parents, dévoile de quelle manière la socialisation footballistique de ces joueurs se focalise progressivement sur la pratique du club. Le désengagement des joueurs vis-à-vis des autres contextes de pratique s’accompagne d’un investissement intense et durable des joueurs dans la culture et la pratique fédérale, et se traduit par l’acquisition de savoir-faire individuels et collectifs variés quantitativement et qualitativement, produits de cette longue socialisation. / This thesis is based on a socio-ethnographic work conducted on three football clubs of contrasting federal levels: one operates at the county level (District), the second at the regional level (League) and the last at the national level (Federal). All three clubs are amateur sports associations affiliated to the French Football Federation and are situated around a medium town. The study is based on a quantitative survey, conducted by questionnaires, to which responded most players in these three clubs (6 to 18 years, n = 397). A qualitative survey consisting of 91 interviews, 71 observations and 18 aptitude tests and physical gestures, complete and weight the results obtained by questionnaire. The thesis studies the formation of tastes, aptitudes and skills of the amateur players of these three clubs. The analysis of the practices, of the representations of these footballers in training, of their teachers and parents, reveals how the socialization of these football players gradually focuses on the practice of the club. The players’ disengagement from other practice contexts is accompanied by an intense and lasting investment of the players in the federal culture and practice, and results in the acquisition of individual and collective skills diverse in quantity and quality, products of this long socialization.
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O saber-ser ético-profissional da enfermagem: um olhar sobre a formação de nível técnico / The ethical-professional know-how-to-be of nursing professionals: an overview on the technical formationCoelho, Marta Pazos Peralba 01 June 2009 (has links)
Visando a garantia da oferta de atenção integral e de qualidade à saúde da população brasileira, a enfermagem tem se articulado em ações coletivas para construir novas práticas de saúde e de formação de profissionais. Busca-se uma formação calcada em competências crítico-emancipatórias, assegurando que os princípios e as estratégias do SUS sejam norteadores fundamentais dessa construção. A realidade da formação tem sido a ênfase no saber-saber e no saber-fazer em detrimento, muitas vezes, do saber-ser. Este estudo partiu do pressuposto de que o desenvolvimento da dimensão do saber-ser ético-profissional na formação contribui para uma prática profissional vinculada a valores ético-políticos e de justiça social. Assim, buscou-se investigar como a formação da dimensão do saber-ser ético-profissional do técnico em enfermagem é desenvolvida na escola. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem etnográfica, na perspectiva teórica do materialismo histórico e dialético que reconhece os processos educacionais como parte integrante de formações sociais historicamente determinadas. Os dados foram coletados a partir da observação direta do cotidiano de uma escola técnica de saúde, dos seus documentos e de entrevistas com o corpo técnico. Os resultados explicitaram as concepções que as docentes têm sobre o saber-ser ético-profissional e como elas foram aplicadas na construção dos processos formativos, tanto no que se refere ao currículo como na prática docente. O principal dado é de que não há um processo educativo sistematizado sobre a dimensão do saber-ser ético-profissional, tampouco o currículo explicita os conteúdos em valores e atitudes. Concluiu-se que a dimensão do saber-ser ético-profissional, apesar de sempre presente na prática profissional, nem sempre é abordada nos processos de formação tradicionalmente baseados na racionalidade científica. Isto se dá tanto pela herança de uma formação tradicional, como pela falta de clareza do que significa e como deve ser feita a formação dessa dimensão / In order to guarantee integral attention and quality to the health care of the Brazilian population, nursing professionals have been working on collective actions with a view to implementing new health care practices and formation of new professionals in this area. The objective is the achievement of a formation which is based on critical-emancipating competencies and make it sure that its construction is essentially oriented and based upon SUS principles and strategies. The reality of the formation of professionals in the field of nursing has always been focused on the know-how-to-know and the know-how-to-do to the detriment of the know-how-to-be. This study is based on the presupposition that the development of a ethical-professional know-how-to-be dimension of the nursing formation contributes to a professional practice that leads to ethical-political and social justice values. Therefore, investigation was focused on how the ethical-professional know-how-to-be dimension is developed in the nursing technical course. This is an ethnographic-approach-based research which theoretical perspective tends to the dialectic and historic materialism, in which educational processes are understood as integrating parts of social historically determined formations. Data were collected based on direct observation of a technical health care school daily routine, as well as from the school documents and by interviewing the school technical body. Results have shown how the school teaching body sees the ethical-professional know-how-to-be and how it was applied in the implementation of the formative processes, either to the school curriculum and to the school teaching body practice. The main data is that there is no educational systematized process on the dimension of the ethical-professional know-how-to-be in the school, and also the curriculum does not detail its content as to values and attitudes. It is then concluded that this dimension, despite being often present in the professional practice, is not always approached in the processes of formation which are traditionally based on the scientific rationality. This happens either on account of a traditional formation heritage, as well as on account of a lack of a clear understanding of this dimension and how the formation of such dimension should be brought about
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