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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programinio kodo statinės analizės taisyklių kūrimas ir tyrimas / Design And Analysis Of Custom Static Code Analysis Rules

Gečiauskas, Ramūnas 25 August 2010 (has links)
Šiame dokumente aprašytas darbas susideda iš trijų dalių. Pirmoje dalyje atlikome inžinerinę programinio kodo valdymo sistemos „SourceHQ“ analizę ir projektavimą. Palyginome rinkoje esančius analogus, jų privalumus ir trūkumus. Glaustai pateikėme architektūrą ir aprašėme pasirinktus realizavimo sprendimus. Dokumento antroje dalyje ištyrėme jau egzistuojančias statinės kodo analizė taisykles ir pasiūlėme jas išplėsti naujomis. Aprašėme analizei naudojamus įrankius, jų veikimo principus ir pateikiamus rezultatus. Paskutinėje darbo dalyje ištyrėme ir eksperimentiškai išbandėme naujai realizuotas mūsų pasiūlytas taisykles. Palyginome testų rezultatus programų veikimo našumo charakteristikos aspektais. Įrodėme mūsų programinio kodo statinės analizės taisyklės privalumus. / This final master’s thesis consists of three major parts. The first section covers engineering aspects of source code management system called “SourceHQ” that we developed, including its analysis and design details. We will provide key details and basis of chosen technologies, business analysis, and design decisions as well as discuss system functionality and its future prospects. The second part is dedicated to testing and ensuring system quality, which led us to design and develop custom static source code analysis rules. We will formulate and explain their potential use and benefits. We will describe additional tools and methods being used and provide main results of static source code analysis. In the final part of our work we go deeper into static source code analysis. We perform experiments based on our designed and developed custom rules on various .NET Framework applications and systems. We cover major performance benefits and drawbacks of every rule separately and display how this approach lets developers optimize their source code in an early development stage. We provide research data based on extensive experiments and conclude how using FxCop tool provided with our improved custom code analysis rules can automatically discover and suggest improvements in CIL code.

Verslo transakcijų specifikavimas kuriant verslo valdymo sistemas / Specification of business transactions for enterprise system modelling

Budzinauskas, Donatas 29 January 2008 (has links)
Daugeliui įmonių ar organizacijų reikalingos informacinės sistemos, skirtos valdytį jų procesus duomenis. Darbe analizuojamos verslo procesų, transakcijų modeliavimo galimybės, technologijos, standartai: RUP, UML, XML (XMI), MERODE, R. Gusto, WAE, BPMN, MDA, Agile. Deliau analizuojamas verslo procesų modelis ir jo plėtinys BPMN. Pateikti pasiųlymai notacijos išplėtimui duomenų objektais, modelių ir elementų interpretacija modeliuojant o modelius panaudojant kodo generavime. Sudarytas ir ištestuotas pilnai funkcionuojančio ir dalykinę sritį atitinkančio kodo generavimo algoritmas. / In nowadays a lot of business companies and organizations are using information systems. This paper analyses business transactions, tools and technologies for transactions and process modelling of information and enterprise systems. Analyzed popular technologies like UML and its extensions, RUP, XMI, MDA. Familiarized with MERODE and Agile methods. More closely analyzed BPMN notation and its possibilities for code generation. BPMN notation augment with data objects for better code generation solutions. It also gives better understanding of data flows and influence of business process and transactions. Defined process and transactions modelling strategy which allows better code generations solution too. Made-up, practically materialized ant tested code generation algorithm.

UML aprašų transformacijos į srities kalbą (VHDL,SystemC) / Transformation of UML notations to domain language (VHDL,SystemC)

Aklys, Andrius 05 June 2006 (has links)
To increase the productivity of electronic systems design we offer to use UML – the standard specification language of high level systems. The higher level of abstraction and automatic design methods could decrease a gap of hardware design. We offer to use UML class diagrams for the specification of electronic systems structure and UML state diagrams to specify the behavior of electronic systems. We introduce metamodels which describe mapping between UML class and state diagrams and hardware description languages (VHDL, SystemC), as the possible realization of ideas we introduced earlier. Also we provide code generator which translates notations of UML class and state diagrams to VHDL and SystemC languages.

Mobilių sprendimų panaudojimas nuotolinio mokymo sistemoje / Mobile decisions in distance learning system

Pivoraitė, Alma 12 June 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbo tikslas atlikti mobilaus ryšio sprendimų galimybių analizę atviro kodo nuotolinio mokymo sistemoje ir pasiūlyti realizavimo sprendimus. Darbe nagrinėjamos virtualios mokymo sistemos ir jų funkcijos. Moodle virtuali mokymosi aplinka pripažinta lanksčiausia ir tinkamiausia naujų modulių integravimui. Moodle virtualiai mokymosi aplinkai sukurti mobilių sprendimų realizavimo projektai. Siekiant skatinti studentų tarpusavio bendravimą ir praplėsti žinių pasitikrinimo galimybes virtualioje mokymosi aplinkoje eksperimentiniam tyrimui pasirinkti savikontrolės testai ir tinklaraščiai (blogs). Eksperimentas vykdomas lyginant standartinius Moodle virtualios aplinkos sprendimus ir eksperimentinius sprendimus šiais aspektais: realizavimo, kūrimo sudėtingumo, reikalavimų mobiliems įrenginiams, atsisiuntimo į mobilų įrenginį, ekonomiškumo, veikimo greičio ir priklausomybės nuo sistemos. / The goal of Master Thesis is to analyse the mobile decisions in open source virtual learning systems and to offer the decisions of realization. Master Thesis researches virtual learning environments and their functions. Moodle virtual learning environment accepted as the most flexible and suitable for integrating new modules. The projects of mobile decisions realizations are designed for Moodle virtual learning environment. Self tests and blogs were chosen for experimental research trying to encourage communication between students and to extend the possibilities of knowledge testing in virtual learning environment. Realization, complication of creating, requirements for mobiles, downloading to mobile, economy, action speed and dependence on the system are the aspects for experimental research comparing experimental and standard Moodle virtual learning environment decisions.

Programinio kodo generavimo iš grafinių veiklos taisyklių modelių galimybių tyrimas / Analysis of program code generation from graphical business rules models

Geležis, Jonas 31 August 2009 (has links)
Programinio kodo generavimo iš veiklos taisyklių modelių sritis iki šiol yra menkai ištirta ir tai neigiamai veikia veiklos taisyklių koncepcijos plėtrą. Nagrinėjama kodo generavimo iš grafinių IS (informacinių sistemų) reikalavimus atspindinčių modelių problema. Pristatomas modifikuotu Roso metodu grindžiamo veiklos taisyklių modeliavimo IS projektavimo stadijoje metodo tyrimas, siekiant sukurti adekvačią programinio kodo generavimo iš taisyklių diagramų metodiką. / One of the reasons for a relatively slow growth of the business rules approach could be the lack of developments in the field of program code generation from the business rules models. During this work methods for code generation from IS requirements models are analysed. The focus is placed on a modified Ross method based rules modelling method aiming to create an adequate code generation methodology.

Abstrakčios sintaksės medžių pertvarkymo algoritmų tyrimas / Investigation of Refactoring Algorithms for Abstract Syntax Tree

Jokubauskas, Justas 25 August 2010 (has links)
Per pastaruosius metus, lankstaus programavimo metodikos sulaukė daug dėmesio. Programų kodo pertvarkymas tapo viena iš labiausiai naudojamų praktikų, ypač ekstremaliame programavime. Todėl poreikis turėti programos kodo pertvarkymų įrankį išaugo iki tokio lygio, kad pertvarkymo įrankiai tapo reikalaujama priemone šiuolaikinėse programų kūrimo aplinkose. Tyrimo sritis – abstrakčios sintaksės medžių pertvarkymo algoritmai. Tyrimo objektas – abstrakčios sintaksės medžių pertvarkymo procesai skirtingose programavimo kalbose (C++ ir Java). Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti, kaip efektyviai būtų galima vykdyti pertvarkymus bendriniam AST, tam sukuriant pertvarkymų biblioteką ir atliekant eksperimentus įvairių kalbų atvejais. / Over the past years, agile development methodologies have attracted a lot of attention. Refactoring has become one of the most heavily used practices, especially in Extreme Programming. Therefore the need to have powerful refactoring tools has grown to such an extent, that there is a required feature for modern-day IDEs to have implemented refactoring tools. The aim of this work is to build a refactoring library for the generic abstract syntax tree and test the algorithms for speed. Generic abstract syntax tree (GAST) is a tree structure that can store elements of several programming language. Achieving this goal required doing certain tasks that you find in this document: analysis of technologies and existing software; several algorithms for refactoring; user need and specification of requirements; library model, expressed in UML diagrams; test plan and test procedure. Experiments have shown that it is necessary to improve the refactoring algorithms. But the library and the AST structure is worth further development.

Nuotolinio mokymosi intelektualizavimas naudojant testus atvirojo kodo sistemoje / Intellectualization of remote learning with tests in open source system

Ričkutė, Laima 20 June 2005 (has links)
For effective remote learning realization we need the complex intelligent remote system, which would keep special and structured material for learning and tests of knowledge. Feedback is the most important thing for learning. In the usual way feedback takes a lot of teacher time, therefore it is very useful to practice electronic system functions for control of feedback and reduction of teachers work time. Creation of complex intelligent eLearning system needs profound knowledge of programming, pedagogical and strategic knowledge, therefore this work would be impossible for one person. The knowledge of study is very important too. Therefore we could use made-up open source remote learning system and readjust for our interests. We use remote learning open source system Moodle and use this system in practice. From practice in lessons of informatics and ECDL learning planning we could propose that this system is really very flexible and useful in learning processes. The suggestion of new well-tried remote learning method – learning with tests show that it is very effective method in learning processes.

Examining Small Millet-Based Food and Livelihood Security: A case study of semi-arid mountain communities in Nepal

Dukpa, Rinchu Doma 17 January 2013 (has links)
The majority of households in the hill regions of Nepal are net consumers of their agricultural produce. The harsh geographical topography, low landholdings and uncertain weather make households in the hills more susceptible to food insecurity. This research examines the role of small millets in achieving food and livelihood security for the people of Dhikur Pokhari VDC in Nepal. As a project based on qualitative research, data was collected through semi-structured interviews, observations and focus group discussions. In addition, market and value chain analysis for small millets was conducted. The findings show that small millets have a significant role in ensuring food security, particularly for the marginalized households. The findings also show that, through their exchange properties, small millets contributed towards generating household livelihoods. Further, findings revealed the existing formal and informal markets for small millets and showed a direct correlation between small millets-based market, and food and livelihood security for the people of Dhikur Pokhari VDC.

Examining Small Millet-Based Food and Livelihood Security: A case study of semi-arid mountain communities in Nepal

Dukpa, Rinchu Doma 17 January 2013 (has links)
The majority of households in the hill regions of Nepal are net consumers of their agricultural produce. The harsh geographical topography, low landholdings and uncertain weather make households in the hills more susceptible to food insecurity. This research examines the role of small millets in achieving food and livelihood security for the people of Dhikur Pokhari VDC in Nepal. As a project based on qualitative research, data was collected through semi-structured interviews, observations and focus group discussions. In addition, market and value chain analysis for small millets was conducted. The findings show that small millets have a significant role in ensuring food security, particularly for the marginalized households. The findings also show that, through their exchange properties, small millets contributed towards generating household livelihoods. Further, findings revealed the existing formal and informal markets for small millets and showed a direct correlation between small millets-based market, and food and livelihood security for the people of Dhikur Pokhari VDC.

Rekonstrukcijos metodų analizė modernizuojant informacinę sistemą / Analysis of software re-engineering methods for modernization of information system

Malinauskienė, Eglė 27 May 2004 (has links)
This master thesis covers re-engineering methods of legacy systems. Legacy system is an old system, which is hardly compliant with modern technologies and used only because it has become an integral part of organization business process support during the long period of its maintenance. These systems are large, monolithic and difficult to modify, and cost and risk of their replacement are difficult to predict. The science of software engineering offers an incremental modernization of information systems applying the re-engineering of legacy software. The main goal of software re-engineering is to transform the software in the way, it would become easier to understand, maintain and re-use, at the same time preserving its useful, time trusted functions. The main re-engineering methods are source code translation, reverse engineering and data re-engineering. This thesis covers the analysis of these methods, which was made during the re-engineering of wood production and sales accounting system. The adoption and realization time rate of every method was examined. The influence of the applied re-engineering methods to the system reliability, efficiency, usability and other quality metrics is given.

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