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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokyklos bendruomenės požiūris į pedagogo asmenybės savybes / The view of school community to the features of the personality of pedagogues

Sadeckienė, Dalia 02 June 2006 (has links)
Results of research: Teachers relates their profession with pedagogical abilities, moral peculiarities, knowledges and skills. The research educed, that necessity personality features of pedagogues are love for children and stict. All thoses features argumentative for mission and capability to work with young people. The research results shows that pupils appreciable teachers kindness, love for them, heartiness, goodwill, honesty and attention. Mjority of parents who take part in research maintain that love for childrens, bearing, strict, heartiness, justice and finesse are the most necessary personality features of pedagogues. But parents mention necessary features of pedagogues are appropriate only for 50 percent of pedagogues.

Socialinio darbo savanorių kvalifikacijos kėlimo prielaidos / Preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteers

Zaleckienė, Vitalija 27 June 2006 (has links)
The in-service training and its status was chosen as the research object of the present thesis. The research aims to reveal the preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteers. The goals of the research are to perform an analytic overview of academic literature on the topic of the present master thesis; to highlight the occurrences of the activity of social work volunteers; to reveal the motivation behind volunteer activity; and to determine the most important constituents of occupational skills for social work volunteers. The following research methods are applied: analytical overview of academic literature on the topic of the master thesis, questionnaires and individual interviews with social work volunteers, as well as statistical data processing (in Excel). The results of the research are reflected in the conclusions of the master thesis. The following are the main conclusions: · The motivation of volunteer activity is closely related to the need to gain experience of various types of social work, taking into consideration the feelings, needs, capabilities, and abilities of participants of the learning process. In most cases, volunteer activity is based on goodwill; on a wish to help others, to communicate, to collaborate, and to fulfil the concepts, which are important to a modern person. · The in-service training of social work volunteers is mostly related to high intellect and maturity. The in-service training is oriented towards possibilities for... [to full text] / The in-service training and its status was chosen as the research object of the present thesis. The research aims to reveal the preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteers. The goals of the research are to perform an analytic overview of academic literature on the topic of the present master thesis; to highlight the occurrences of the activity of social work volunteers; to reveal the motivation behind volunteer activity; and to determine the most important constituents of occupational skills for social work volunteers. The following research methods are applied: analytical overview of academic literature on the topic of the master thesis, questionnaires and individual interviews with social work volunteers, as well as statistical data processing (in Excel). The results of the research are reflected in the conclusions of the master thesis. The following are the main conclusions: · The motivation of volunteer activity is closely related to the need to gain experience of various types of social work, taking into consideration the feelings, needs, capabilities, and abilities of participants of the learning process. In most cases, volunteer activity is based on goodwill; on a wish to help others, to communicate, to collaborate, and to fulfil the concepts, which are important to a modern person. · The in-service training of social work volunteers is mostly related to high intellect and maturity. The in-service training is oriented towards possibilities for... [to full text]

Pradinio ugdymo mokytojo – globėjo (mentoriaus) kompetencijos / Primary school teacher’s mentor’s competencies

Masiulienė, Jūratė 27 June 2006 (has links)
Teachers need to re-create their role to suit new situations and relationship in Lithuania; teacher educators – create approaches and methods allowing teachers make a transition. Teacher competencies in this context come into the centre of reform. After renovation of the primary education concept, primary education program, primary school teacher’s education standards, certification provisions according to European Community agreements on the free professional movement, qualification recognition the need to research ant to help primary school teachers to acquire and develop the professional competence has emerged. Survey shows that young and inexperienced people while joining the organization of pedagogical process usually suffer stress and face variety of problems. Consequently students- practicians and teachers who are working for the first year are in need of a mentor i.e. experienced patron, able to take the role of the patron, helper, counselor, assessor and a friend. However we are in need of profound research to be able to analyze the competence of the teacher-mentor or patron. The mentors or primary education teachers’ problem is ones expression of competence functionality and assessing. In Lithuania this problem is not enough examined neither in theoretical neither in practical aspects. The mentors competence and qualities are not assigned. In Lithuania up to this day mentor was reputed as the guide for practical studies, or patron of the student practician. The... [to full text]

Pedagogų motyvacijos tobulinti kvalifikaciją skatinimas: mokyklų vadovų patirties analizė / Teachers' motivation to improve skills stimulation: principal's experience in management anglysis aspect

Aužbikavičienė, Joana 03 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe išanalizuota vadovų patirtis bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, nustatant pedagogų lūkesčius bei kylančius sunkumus kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemoje. Taip pat atlikta teorinė analizė apie pedagogų motyvaciją tobulėti, kvalifikacijos tobulinimą bei pačią kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemą. Atskleista, kokios priežastys neskatina pedagogų tobulinti kvalifikacijos. Aptartos pagrindinės motyvacinės teorijos, jų pritaikymas šiuolaikinėje kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistemoje. Atliktas empirinis tyrimas parodė, kad mokyklose motyvavimo sistemos nėra, išskyrus išimtinius atvejus. Taip pat problemą gilina ir tai, kad vadovų nuomone, labiausiai motyvavimas tobulinti kvalifikaciją turėtų būti vidinis, t.y. kvalifikacijos tobulinimas tarsi tampa paties pedagogo problema. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad pedagogai tobulinant kvalifikaciją susiduria su įvairiais sunkumais: metodų parinkimas seminarų metu; laikas; vieta; dokumentacijų gausa; finansavimas; motyvacija. Tyrimo rezultatai patvirtino, jog kvalifikacijos tobulinimo sistema nėra ideali. Ją reikia nuosekliai peržiūrėti ir patobulinti, kad pedagogams, norintiems patobulinti turimą kvalifikaciją, nekiltų jokių problemų. / Master thesis analyzed the experience of leaders in general education schools, teachers' expectations and setting the difficulty in-service training system. It also conducted a theoretical analysis of teacher motivation, skills development and training system itself. Disclosed the reasons which encourage teachers to improve skills. We discuss the basic theory of reasoning, their application in the modern training system. Empirical research has shown that there is no motivation at school. It also exacerbates the problem and the fact that managers consider the most improved reasoning skills should be internal, i.e. vocational training if the teacher becomes a problem. The study found that improving the qualifications of teachers are confronted with many difficulties: the use of selection of workshops, time, location of the documentation is abundant, funding, motivation. The study results confirmed that the training system is not perfect. It must be consistently reviewed and improved, that the qualifications for teachers who want to get up there would be no problem.

Suaugusiųjų tęstinio mokymo organizavimas, problemos, perspektyvos Utenos rajone / Organization of extended education of Adults, its problems and prospects is Utena Region

Zabulionienė, Laima 17 June 2005 (has links)
The subject of this postgraduate’s work is organization of extended education of adults, its problems and prospects is Utena Region. The subject is up-to-date and topical, because education of adults is not properly organized in Lithuania: only an inconsiderable part of adults take part in the programmes of extended education, and some of them dont`t have qualification which coincides with the work market requirements. There is also a lack of expedient syllabus and the system of vocation education education is not purposefully organized, to compare with the developed UE countries. The work contains tree parts. In the first one (`Precondition for Refresher Course and Re-qualification of Adults`) the conception of education of adults, its regulation in legal documents are considered. In the second part (`The Aspects of Education of Adults`) the peculiarities of psychological processes in educating adults are analyzed (motivation and other aspects affecting learners`) the methods of the survey (interview, questionnaires) and the results are considered and analyzed. The survey shows thet a system of institutions which organize refresher courses and re-qualification course in Utena region is sufficient, the problem is a lack of state support.

Ikimokyklinės įstaigos auklėtojų kvalifikacijos kėlimo poreikiai / Needs of improvement of professional skill of tutors of establishments of preschool education

Mickevičienė, Nijolė 20 June 2006 (has links)
Today's the public experiences the period which differs intensive aspiration to the knowledge, accompanied by various technologies, political, social and cultural changes in a society. Therefore, later more than to decade after the begun fundamental reform of education, in the field of development of our country there were many changes. Today all of more attention is given to establishments of preschool education, professional experience of their personnel, the pedagogical competence, to improvement of professional skill, its needs and development. Being guided by increase of requirements of a society to an education system, recently especially emphasized improvement of professional skill of tutors of establishments of preschool education, for work of the master has been made a choice of a theme with the purpose to reveal the attitude of tutors of establishments of preschool education to needs of improvement of professional skill and to the improvement of professional skill. The basic purpose of this work - to discuss and investigate features of activity and needs of improvement of professional skill of tutors of establishments of preschool education.To carry out this purpose has been helped theoretical revealing and the practical analysis of a problem. There was an object in view to find out the attitude of tutors of establishments of preschool education to needs of improvement of professional skill and an opportunity of their development. Having executed both... [to full text]

Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnybos pareigūnų kvalifikacijos kėlimo organizavimas / The organization of improvement of professional skill of employees of the protection service of frontier of the lithuanian republic

Rutkauskas, Rolandas 22 January 2008 (has links)
Pagrindinis darbo tikslas buvo išanalizuoti VSAT statutinių valstybės tarnautojų personalo kvalifikacijos kėlimo sistemos teisinę bazę ir atlikus anketinį VSAT pareigūnų tyrimą bei giluminį interviu, identifikuoti egzistuojančias pareigūnų kvalifikacijos kėlimo sistemos organizavimo problemas, bei pateikti rekomendacijas šios sistemos tobulinimui. Darbe aptariama kvalifikacijos kėlimo sąvoka bei samprata ir šių sąvokų interpretacija įvairių mokslininkų darbuose. Apžvelgiant valstybės tarnautojų kvalifikacijos kėlimo organizavimą, analizuojama esanti teisinė bazė, jos problematika. Tyrimo duomenys leidžia daryti prielaidą, kad nors šiuo metu egzistuojanti teisinė VSAT pareigūnų kvalifikacijos kėlimo bazė yra pakankamai nebloga, VSAT pareigūnams nesudaromos sąlygos kokybiškai kelti kvalifikaciją darbo vietose, nuotoliniu bei savišvietos būdais. Per menkas kvalifikacijos kėlimo ir karjeros ryšys nedidina personalo motyvacijos siekti naujų žinių ir kompetencij����. Tuo pagrindu daroma išvada, kad yra sulėtėjusi spartesnė organizacijos kokybinė plėtra. Pateiktos rekomendacijos tobulinti atrankos į pareigas sistemą, kvalifikacijos kėlimo sistemą: 1. Skirti daugiau dėmesio kvalifikacijos kėlimo sistemos prieinamumo gerinimui, kvalifikacijos kėlimo formų bei būdų tobulinimui. 2. Spręsti kvalifikacijos kėlimui skirtų darbo vietų materialinio aprūpinimo problemas. 3. Sudaryti sąlygas užtikrinti galimybę pareigūnams kelti kvalifikaciją nuotoliniu bei savišvietos būdais. 4. Tobulinti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The basic purpose of work - to analyze legal base of the organization of improvement of professional skill of employees of Protection of frontier of the Lithuanian Republic, by means of questionnaire and interview to identify problems, which are available in system the organization of improvement of professional skill of employees and as to give the recommendation on improvement of work of this system. Discussing the organization of improvement of professional skill of employees, the problematic of legal base is analyzed. In work terminology of improvement of professional skill and interpretation of terminology in works of different scientists is discussed. By research it is found out, that though the legal base of improvement of professional skill of employees of Protection of frontier of the Lithuanian Republic and is enough quite good, an employee have no enough good conditions for improvement of professional skill on a workplace, by means of the Internet of technologies and is independent. Employees have no enough motivation to raise qualification. The conclusion is done, that it interferes with the further development of the organization. Recommendations on improvement of system of increase in a post, systems of improvement of professional skill are given: 1. To give it is more than attention of general availability of system of improvement of professional skill, to improve forms and ways of training. 2. To solve problems of material maintenance of system of improvement... [to full text]

Pedagogo kompetencija ugdyti specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius vaikus / Educators's competence in education of children with special needs

Šmitienė, Ilona 01 February 2011 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė pedagogo kompetencijos sampratos; pedagogo kompetencijos analizė jos rengimo kontekste; bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų SUP turinčių mokinių ugdymosi poreikių tenkinimo analizė. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - atskleisti pedagogų kompetencijų struktūrą ir plėtojimo galimybes, ugdant specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius vaikus. Atlikta statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 203 Marijampolės apskrities pedagogai, dirbantys su specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčiais mokiniais. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjama pedagogo kompetencijos ypatumai, dirbant su specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčiais vaikais; pedagogų nuostatos į specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių vaikų ugdymą ir profesinį tobulėjimą šioje srityje. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Pastarųjų metų pasikeitimai visos Lietuvos gyvenime diktuoja ir naujus reikalavimus pedagogo kompetencijai. Pedagogų nuomone, nepakanka, kad tobulėtų žinios, mokėjimai ir įgūdžiai, reikia, kad jis pats gebėtų keistis: nuo orientacijos į teorines žinias į vyksmą ir veikimą darant poveikį, kartu mokantis ir kuriant. 2. Apibendrinant tyrimo duomenis galima teigti, kad apklaustųjų pedagogų nuomone, mokyklose kol kas nepakankama ugdymo kokybė, švietimo įstaigų aplinka nėra palanki mokymuisi nei fizine nei psichologine prasme. Švietimo finansavimo modeliai kol kas negarantuoja visiško specialiojo ugdymo paslaugų suteikimo kokybės, ypač bendrojo lavinimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Thesis includes theoretical analysis of educator‘s competence definition; analysis of educator‘s competence in the context of its training; analysis of meeting the requirements of educational needs of pupils with special needs at secondary school. Questionnaire survey method was used in the research with the aim to reveal the structure and development potential of teacher’s competencies in teaching children with special educational needs. There was done the statistical analysis of the data. The study involved 203 teachers in Marijampole County who work with children with special educational needs. Empirical chapter includes the discussions about characteristics of teacher competence; teachers‘ attitudes towards education of children with special educational needs and teachers‘ professional developement in this area. The main conclusions of the research: 1. Summary of the problems of teacher training highlights the fact that current changes in the life of the whole Lithuania bring new requirements for teacher competence. In their opinion, there is not enough to gain knowledge and to develope abilities and skills; teacher must be able to change from the orientation to theoretical knowledge into practical aktivities that affect the child and develope the ability to learn and to create. 2. Summary of the data of the research, according to the opinion of teachers who participated in the survey, shows the lack of education quality; the educational... [to full text]

Pedagogu požiūris i kompetencijos ugdymą / Pedagogues attitude towards the training of competence

Raudoniūtė, Viktorija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe formuojamas pedagogų požiūrio į kompetencijos ugdymą modelis ir grindžiami pro¬fesinio tobulėjimo, kaip kompetencijų kaitos esmės dėsningumai. Vykdant šalies švietimo reformą profesinės kompetencijos plėtojimas laikomas vienu iš prioritetinių tikslų, todėl jis kelia konkrečius reikalavimus tiek moksleiviui, tiek pedagogui. Kompetencijų ugdymas padės siekti Lietuvos tolimesnės plėtros strateginių tikslų — suteikti visiems jos žmonėms vienodas galimybes panaudoti ir plėtoti savo gebėjimus, gauti gerą visuomenės poreikius atitinkantį išsilavinimą ir pagal išsilavinimą atitinkamą darbą. Švietimas šiandien suvokiamas kaip vie¬nas kertinių ES vidaus politikos ramsčių, o profesinės kompeten¬cijos — kaip raktas nuo Europos ateities, nes pasta¬ruoju metu sėkminga asmens veikla priklauso ne tiek nuo įgytų baigus atitinka¬mą mokymo programą formalių kvalifikacijų, kiek nuo jo gebėjimo adaptuotis kintančioje aplinkoje, kurioje es¬minis faktorius yra asmens kompetencija ir jos plėtojimo potencialas. / In this Master paper a model for the pedagogues‘ attitude toward the training of competence is formed and professional improvement as the essence of competence change consistent patterns is predicated. While implementing the reform of the national education system, the development of professional competence is one of the primary goals, therefore it raises particular requirements both for a schoolchild and pedagogue. Competences‘ training will help to labour the strategic goals of the further development of Lithuania – to enable its people equally in employing and developing their capabilities, receiving a proper education that answers the demands of society and speciality adequate employment. Education today is perceived as one of the cornerstones of the internal policy of the EU and the professional competences as a key to the European future, for the successful personal activity recently depends not oly from the formal qualifications acquired from the respective curriculum, but from the ability to adapt in the changing environment, where the main factor is personal competence and its potential of development.

Vadybinių gebėjimų svarba bendrosios praktikos veterinarijos gydytojų veikloje / Importance of management abilities in private veterinary practice

Jankauskaitė, Genovaitė 16 March 2006 (has links)
Problem. Private veterinary practice differs from other services in its object. The service sector’s client generally is the service user as well. Veterinary’ sector’s service is designed for animals, but the client is the service customer. For education of management abilities in private veterinary practice there is designed too little attention. The subject of research. To identify the importance of management abilities in private veterinary practice. Results. 1. It was established, that on the average to 78.8% veterinaries, to whom this job is their main living source, the topics of the courses were urgent and to 20.6% only partly urgent. Among veterinary surgeons, to whom this job is secondary, the topics were urgent for 69.4% and 30.0% answered that they were urgent only partly. 2. 72.2% veterinary surgeons, who considered the topic of the courses as urgent, answered that the topic of management was very important, for 3.9% it was partly important and only 0.8% answered that it was quite unimportant. Among the veterinary surgeons, for whom the topic of the qualification perfection courses seemed partly urgent the management topic was very important for 41.8. For 12.1% this topic was partly important and for 5.7% it was quite unimportant. 3. Among the veterinary surgeons, to whom this job is their main living source, the management topic was very urgent for 66.6%; it was quite unimportant only for 1.6%. It was established that the management topic was urgent for 61.0%... [to full text]

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