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Numerical methods for a four dimensional hyperchaotic system with applicationsSibiya, Abram Hlophane 05 1900 (has links)
This study seeks to develop a method that generalises the use of Adams-Bashforth to
solve or treat partial differential equations with local and non-local differentiation by
deriving a two-step Adams-Bashforth numerical scheme in Laplace space. The resulting
solution is then transformed back into the real space by using the inverse Laplace
transform. This is a powerful numerical algorithm for fractional order derivative. The
error analysis for the method is studied and presented. The numerical simulations of
the method as applied to the four-dimensional model, Caputo-Lu-Chen model and the
wave equation are presented.
In the analysis, the bifurcation dynamics are discussed and the periodic doubling processes
that eventually caused chaotic behaviour (butterfly attractor) are shown. The
related graphical simulations that show the existence of fractal structure that is characterised
by chaos and usually called strange attractors are provided.
For the Caputo-Lu-Chen model, graphical simulations have been realised in both integer
and fractional derivative orders. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Sc. (Applied Mathematics)
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Modélisation avancée du signal dMRI pour la caractérisation de la microstructure tissulaire / Advanced dMRI signal modeling for tissue microstructure characterizationFick, Rutger 10 March 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à améliorer la compréhension neuro-scientifique à l'aide d'imagerie par résonance magnétique de diffusion (IRMd). Nous nous concentrons sur la modélisation du signal de diffusion et l'estimation par IRMd des biomarqueurs liés à la microstructure, appelé «Microstructure Imaging». Cette thèse est organisée en trois parties. Dans partie I nous commençons par la base de l'IRMd et un aperçu de l'anisotropie en diffusion. Puis nous examinons la plupart des modèles de microstructure utilisant PGSE, en mettant l'accent sur leurs hypothèses et limites, suivi par une validation par l'histologie de la moelle épinière de leur estimation. La partie II présente nos contributions à l'imagerie en 3D et à l’estimation de microstructure. Nous proposons une régularisation laplacienne de la base fonctionnelle MAP, ce qui nous permet d'estimer de façon robuste les indices d'espace q liés au tissu. Nous appliquons cette approche aux données du Human Connectome Project, où nous l'utilisons comme prétraitement pour d'autres modèles de microstructure. Enfin, nous comparons les biomarqueurs dans une étude ex-vivo de rats Alzheimer à différents âges. La partie III présente nos contributions au représentation de l’espace qt - variant sur l'espace q 3D et le temps de diffusion. Nous présentons une approche initiale qui se concentre sur l'estimation du diamètre de l'axone depuis l'espace qt. Nous terminons avec notre approche finale, où nous proposons une nouvelle base fonctionnelle régularisée pour représenter de façon robuste le signal qt, appelé qt-IRMd. Ce qui permet l'estimation des indices d’espace q dépendants du temps, quantifiant la dépendance temporelle du signal IRMd. / This thesis is dedicated to furthering neuroscientific understanding of the human brain using diffusion-sensitized Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI). Within dMRI, we focus on the estimation and interpretation of microstructure-related markers, often referred to as ``Microstructure Imaging''. This thesis is organized in three parts. Part I focuses on understanding the state-of-the-art in Microstructure Imaging. We start with the basic of diffusion MRI and a brief overview of diffusion anisotropy. We then review and compare most state-of-the-art microstructure models in PGSE-based Microstructure Imaging, emphasizing model assumptions and limitations, as well as validating them using spinal cord data with registered ground truth histology. In Part II we present our contributions to 3D q-space imaging and microstructure recovery. We propose closed-form Laplacian regularization for the recent MAP functional basis, allowing robust estimation of tissue-related q-space indices. We also apply this approach to Human Connectome Project data, where we use it as a preprocessing for other microstructure models. Finally, we compare tissue biomarkers in a ex-vivo study of Alzheimer rats at different ages. In Part III, we present our contributions to representing the qt-space - varying over 3D q-space and diffusion time. We present an initial approach that focuses on 3D axon diameter estimation from the qt-space. We end with our final approach, where we propose a novel, regularized functional basis to represent the qt-signal, which we call qt-dMRI. Our approach allows for the estimation of time-dependent q-space indices, which quantify the time-dependence of the diffusion signal.
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A Markovian Approach to Financial Market Forecasting / En Markovisk ansats för finansiell marknadsprognostiseringSun Wang, Kevin, Borin, William January 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate the feasibility of using a Markovian approach toforecast short-term stock market movements. To assist traders in making soundtrading decisions, this study proposes a Markovian model using a selection ofthe latest closing prices. Assuming that each time step in the one-minute timeframe of the stock market is stochastically independent, the model eliminates theimpact of fundamental analysis and creates a feasible Markov model. The modeltreats the stock price’s movement as entirely randomly generated, which allowsfor a more simplified model that can be implemented with ease. The modelis intended to serve as a starting ground for more advanced technical tradingstrategies and act as useful guidance for a short-term trader when combinedwith other resources. The creation of the model involves Laplace smoothing toensure there are no zero-probabilities and calculating the steady-state probabilityvector of the smoothed matrix to determine the predicted direction of the nexttime step. The model will reset daily, reducing the impact of fundamental factorsoccurring outside trading hours and reducing the risk of carrying over bias fromprevious trading day. Any open positions will hence be closed at the end of theday. The study’s purpose is to research and test if a simple forecasting modelbased on Markov chains can serve as a useful tool for forecasting stock prices atshort time intervals. The result of the study shows that a Markov-based tradingstrategy is more profitable than a simple buy-and-hold strategy and that theprediction accuracy of the Markov model is relatively high. / Denna avhandling syftar till att undersöka möjligheten att använda en markoviskmetod för att förutsäga kortsiktiga rörelser på aktiemarknaden. För att hjälpaaktörer på aktiemarknaden att fatta välgrundade handelsbeslut föreslår dennastudie en markovisk modell för att förutsäga nästa stängningspris baserat påde senaste stängningspriserna. Modellen antar att varje tidssteg i ett en-minuts intervall på aktiemarknaden är stokastiskt oberoende, vilket eliminerarpåverkan från fundamental analys och skapar förutsättningen för en genomförbarmarkov-modell. Modellen behandlar aktieprisets rörelse som helt slumpmässigtgenererat, vilket möjliggör en mer förenklad modell som kan implementeraspå marknaden. Modellen är avsedd att tjäna som en utgångspunkt förmer avancerade tekniska handelsalgoritmer och fungera som en användbarvägledning för en akitehandlare med kort tidshorisont i kombination med andraresurser. Skapandet av modellen inkluderar använding av Laplace-jämning föratt säkerställa att det inte finns nollsannolikheter samt beräknandet av denstationära sannolikhetsvektorn för den jämnade matrisen i syfte att bestämmaden förutsedda riktningen för nästa tidssteg. Modellen kommer att återställasdagligen, vilket minskar påverkan från de fundamentala faktorer som inträffarutanför handelstiderna och ser till att bias inte överförs till nästa börsdag. Dettainnebär att alla öppna positioner stängs vid dagens slut. Studiens syfte är attforska och testa om en enkel prognosmodell baserad på Markovkedjor kan varaanvändbar som ett verktyg för att förutsäga aktiepriser vid korta tidsintervall.Resultatet från studien visar på att en markov-baserad trading strategi är merlönsam än en enkel köp-och-behåll strategi och att prediktionernas träffsäkerhetfrån en markov modell är relativt höga.
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Numerical methods for solving linear ill-posed problemsIndratno, Sapto Wahyu January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Mathematics / Alexander G. Ramm / A new method, the Dynamical Systems Method (DSM), justified
recently, is applied to solving ill-conditioned linear algebraic
system (ICLAS). The DSM gives a new approach to solving a wide class
of ill-posed problems. In Chapter 1 a new iterative scheme for
solving ICLAS is proposed. This iterative scheme is based on the DSM
solution. An a posteriori stopping rules for the proposed method is
justified. We also gives an a posteriori stopping rule for a
modified iterative scheme developed in A.G.Ramm, JMAA,330
(2007),1338-1346, and proves convergence of the solution obtained by
the iterative scheme. In Chapter 2 we give a convergence analysis of
the following iterative scheme:
u[subscript]n[superscript]delta=q u[subscript](n-1)[superscript]delta+(1-q)T[subscript](a[subscript]n)[superscript](-1) K[superscript]*f[subscript]delta, u[subscript]0[superscript]delta=0,
where T:=K[superscript]* K, T[subscript]a :=T+aI, q in the interval (0,1),\quad
a[subscript]n := alpha[subscript]0 q[superscript]n, alpha_0>0, with finite-dimensional
approximations of T and K[superscript]* for solving stably Fredholm integral
equations of the first kind with noisy data. In Chapter 3 a new
method for inverting the Laplace transform from the real axis is
formulated. This method is based on a quadrature formula. We assume
that the unknown function f(t) is continuous with (known) compact
support. An adaptive iterative method and an adaptive stopping rule,
which yield the convergence of the approximate solution to f(t),
are proposed in this chapter.
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Simulation and analytic evaluation of false alarm probability of a non-linear detectorAmirichimeh, Reza, 1958- January 1991 (has links)
One would like to evaluate and compare complex digital communication systems based upon their overall bit error rate. Unfortunately, analytical expressions for bit error rate for even simple communication systems are notoriously difficult to evaluate accurately. Therefore, communication engineers often resort to simulation techniques to evaluate these error probabilities. In this thesis importance sampling techniques (variations of standard Monte Carlo methods) are studied in relation to both linear and non-linear detectors. Quick simulation, an importance sampling method based upon the asymptotics of the error estimator, is studied in detail. The simulated error probabilities are compared to values obtained by numerically inverting Laplace Transform expressions for these quantities.
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波動聚集考慮與否下之風險值衡量丘至平 Unknown Date (has links)
眾多文獻指出金融資產報酬具有厚尾(Fat-Tail)及波動聚集(Volatility Clustering)的現象。而在尾端風險的衡量方面,究竟此一非齊質變異數應否考慮亦為各方所爭論。本文之研究擬以非條件分配(即Mixture Normal、Laplace及Normal三種分配)和條件分配(即一般常用之Garch(1,1)模式加上Mixture Normal及Laplace分配)等五種方式對台灣加權股價指數及開放式一般股票型基金日報酬率資料估計風險值,輔以回溯測試決定適用之分配。
就開放式一般股票型基金報酬率而言,不論估計期間為何(250或500天),在1%的顯著水準下,Laplace分配對風險值估計較佳;在5%的顯著水準下,以Garch(1,1)-Laplace得到良好的風險值估計。或許如Danielsson and de Vries(2000)所說,縱使就一般資產報酬有波動聚集的情況,然就極端事件(α=l%)而言並不具有此一現象,故以非條件之Laplace分配求算尾端風險即可。
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Computing Eigenmodes of Elliptic Operators on Manifolds Using Radial Basis FunctionsDelengov, Vladimir 01 January 2018 (has links)
In this work, a numerical approach based on meshless methods is proposed to obtain eigenmodes of Laplace-Beltrami operator on manifolds, and its performance is compared against existing alternative methods. Radial Basis Function (RBF)-based methods allow one to obtain interpolation and differentiation matrices easily by using scattered data points. We derive expressions for such matrices for the Laplace-Beltrami operator via so-called Reilly’s formulas and use them to solve the respective eigenvalue problem. Numerical studies of proposed methods are performed in order to demonstrate convergence on simple examples of one-dimensional curves and two-dimensional surfaces.
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Antedependence Models for Skewed Continuous Longitudinal DataChang, Shu-Ching 01 July 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the problems of fitting antedependence (AD) models and partial antecorrelation (PAC) models to continuous non-Gaussian longitudinal data. AD models impose certain conditional independence relations among the measurements within each subject, while PAC models characterize the partial correlation relations. The models are parsimonious and useful for data exhibiting time-dependent correlations.
Since the relation of conditional independence among variables is rather restrictive, we first consider an autoregressively characterized PAC model with independent asymmetric Laplace (ALD) innovations and prove that this model is an AD model. The ALD distribution previously has been applied to quantile regression and has shown promise for modeling asymmetrically distributed ecological data. In addition, the double exponential distribution, a special case of the ALD, has played an important role in fitting symmetric finance and hydrology data. We give the distribution of a linear combination of independent standard ALD variables in order to derive marginal distributions for the model. For the model estimation problem, we propose an iterative algorithm for the maximum likelihood estimation. The estimation accuracy is illustrated by some numerical examples as well as some longitudinal data sets.
The second component of this dissertation focuses on AD multivariate skew normal models. The multivariate skew normal distribution not only shares some nice properties with multivariate normal distributions but also allows for any value of skewness. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions on the shape and covariance parameters for multivariate skew normal variables to be AD(p) for some p. Likelihood-based estimation for balanced and monotone missing data as well as likelihood ratio hypothesis tests for the order of antedependence and for zero skewness under the models are presented.
Since the class of skew normal random variables is closed under the addition of independent standard normal random variables, we then consider an autoregressively characterized PAC model with a combination of independent skew normal and normal innovations. Explicit expressions for the marginals, which all have skew normal distributions, and maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters, are given.
Numerical results show that these three proposed models may provide reasonable fits to some continuous non-Gaussian longitudinal data sets. Furthermore, we compare the fits of these models to the Treatment A cattle growth data using penalized likelihood criteria, and demonstrate that the AD(2) multivariate skew normal model fits the data best among those proposed models.
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Problèmes elliptiques en domaines non bornés: une approche dans des espaces de Sobolev avec poidsBonzom, Florian 28 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'objet de cette thèse est la résolution de problèmes elliptiques dans différents domaines non bornés. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions l'opérateur de Laplace dans un domaine extérieur avec des conditions aux limites non homogènes mêlées, puis dans un domaine extérieur dans le demi-espace avec des conditions de type Dirichlet, Neumann et mêlées. Nous considérons ensuite le problème de Stokes dans trois géométries non bornées: un domaine extérieur dans le demi-espace, un demi-espace perturbé et un domaine avec ouverture. Nous donnons pour chacun de ces problèmes des résultats fondamentaux d'existence et d'unicité en théorie L^p (avec p strictement compris entre 1 et l'infini) dans le cadre fonctionnel des espaces de Sobolev avec poids. De plus, nous nous intéressons également aux cas des solutions fortes (avec en particulier des résultats de régularité) et aux cas des solutions très faibles.
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Calcul des capacités parasites dans les interconnexions des circuits intégrés par une méthode de domaines fictifsPutot, Sylvie 15 January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente une méthode performante pour le calcul des capacités parasites dues aux interconnexions des circuits intégrés. Il s'agit de calculer la charge des conducteurs, comme la dérivée normale à la surface de ces conducteurs, du potentiel solution de l'équation de Laplace sur des couches horizontales, la valeur du potentiel étant fixée constante sur chaque conducteur. La difficulté de la résolution numérique provient de la complexité des structures : sur une portion de circuit d'une surface d'un centimètre carré et d'une hauteur de quelques microns, il peut y avoir plus d'un kilomètre d'interconnexions, c'est-à-dire de fils conducteurs enchevêtrés. Une méthode de domaines fictifs avec multiplicateurs de Lagrange surfaciques est utilisée. Elle donne une formulation mixte du problème, couplant le potentiel sur un domaine parallélépipédique contenant le circuit, et la charge à la surface des conducteurs. Nous en proposons une approximation, qui tient compte du saut du gradient du potentiel à travers la surface des conducteurs dans la discrétisation du potentiel, tout en menant à un système que l'on peut résoudre par une méthode rapide. Cette approximation garantit une bonne convergence du calcul de la charge vers la valeur réelle, sans condition de compatibilité contraignante entre les maillages de volume et de surface. Une implémentation efficace en dimension 3, avec laquelle nous avons effectué des tests numériques sur des structures réelles, permet de montrer l'intérêt de la méthode, en temps de calcul et en place mémoire.
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