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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biology, distribution and diversity of cartilaginous fish species along the Lebanese coast, eastern Mediterranean / Biologie, distribution et diversité des poissons cartilagineux le long de la côte libanaise, Méditerranée orientale

Lteif, Myriam 22 September 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude était de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des poissons cartilagineux dans les eaux côtières libanaises du bassin oriental de la Méditerranée. Dans ce contexte, les différents aspects relatifs à la distribution, la diversité, la biologie et l’écologie de ces espèces ont été développés. Au total, 315 spécimens de poissons cartilagineux ont été échantillonnés appartenant à 25 espèces, dont 11 espèces de requins et 14 espèces de batoïdes. Aucune chimère n’a été enregistrée. Les données ont été collectées à partir (a) de captures expérimentales dans le cadre du projet "CIHEAM PESCA-Libano" et (b) d’observations périodiques des poissons dans les poissonneries et capturés par les pêcheurs. A partir des données de captures expérimentales, la distribution spatio-temporelle a été évaluée à travers lecalcul de ‘la capture par unité d'effort’. Cette dernière a été estimée à la fois à partir des données des scientifiques et commerciales, en prenant en considération le nombre total d’espèces. Différentes relations longueur-poids ont été établies pour 3 requins et 5 batoïdes, et cela pour les espèces présentant un nombre d’individus supérieur à 10. Finalement, la biologie et l’écologie de deux espèces commerciales bien exploitées dans les eaux côtières libanaises ont été présentées. / The aim of this study is to contribute to a better knowledge of cartilaginous fish in the Lebanese coastal waters, Eastern Mediterranean. Emphasis was placed on various aspects of the distribution, diversity, biology and ecology of these species. In this study, a total of 314 specimens of cartilaginous fish were sampled. These specimens constituted of 25 cartilaginousfish species, 11 shark species and 14 batoid species. No chimaeras were recorded. The data was collected from two sources: (a) an experimental survey in the framework of the CIHEAM PESCA-Libano project and (b) periodic observation of fisheries and catches of hired fishermen. Spatiotemporal distribution was evaluated using the Catch Per Unit Effort of the experimental survey data. Spatiotemporal diversity was also estimated taking into account the total number of species caught in the survey and fisheries/fishermen data. Length-weight relationships for three sharks and five batoids were also presented for species of the combined data sources having more than 10 individuals. Finally, the biology and ecology of two commercially significant and exploited species were also presented as a first step in their fishery management andconservation.

Entre o Líbano e o Brasil: dinâmica migratória e história oral de vida / Between the Lebanon and Brazil: migratory dynamics and oral history

Samira Adel Osman 19 April 2007 (has links)
Essa pesquisa tem como tema central a História Oral de Vida de imigrantes libaneses e seus descendentes nascidos no Brasil, bem como de brasileiras não-descendentes, que empreenderam o retorno ao Líbano, cujo fluxo foi verificado com maior intensidade ao final da década de 1980. A problemática geral dessa pesquisa é verificar e analisar a concretização do retorno, a partir da análise dos fenômenos de readaptação e adaptação, reinserção e inserção, destacando-se as dificuldades, os dilemas e os conflitos decorrentes desse ato. Mais do que a ocupação de um espaço geográfico, devemos considerar que o retorno e restabelecimento nos vilarejos de origem significam uma apropriação (ou criação) cultural do lugar (aqui entendido em sua dimensão subjetiva), construindo-se sentimentos de identidade, de pertencimento ao grupo que, por meio de suas ações, controlam e influenciam pessoas, estabelecem relações, determinam valores e normas a serem seguidas. Considerando identidade e cultura como processos dinâmicos, em constante elaboração e reelaboração, há que se verificar que a reinserção e inserção ao país implicarão renúncias, escolhas e seleções, que serão negociadas pelo migrante em relação ao grupo de origem. / This research has as central subject the Oral History of Lebanese immigrants and their descendants borned in Brazil, as well as of Brazilians not-descendants, who had undertaken the return to the Lebanon, whose flow was verified with more intensity to the end of 1980\'s. The general problematic of this research is to verify the achievement of the return, from the analysis of the phenomena of readjustment and adaptation, (re) insertion and insertion, in order to distinguish the difficulties, the dilemmas and the decurrent conflicts of this act. More than the occupation of a geographic space, we must consider that the return and reestablishment in the villages of origin mean a cultural appropriation (or creation) of the place (understood here in its subjective dimension), constructing identity feelings, belonging to the group that, by of its action, controls and influences people, establishes relations, determines values and norms to be followed. Considering identity and culture as dynamic processes, in constant elaboration and rework, it is important to verify that the (re) insertion and insertion to the country will imply resignations, choices and elections, that will be negotiated by the migrant in relation to the group of origin.

Resistance under repression. The political mobilisation of female migrant domestic workers in Lebanon

Hochreuther, Eva-Maria January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to understand how the political mobilisation of migrant domestic workers (MDWs) employed in Lebanon started and continued. It also tries to comprehend how some of them could found a politically active collective of MDWs, the Alliance of Domestic Workers in Lebanon (Alliance), by analysing what factors enabled and restrained the open political activism of MDWs from their first steps as activists until now. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with two founding members and seven international and Lebanese organisations, the MDWs´ political mobilisation is chronologically recaptured. Extending Lahusen´s definition of political mobilisation, the thesis critically reflects on Johnston´s concept for protest to evolve in repressive states. The analysis shows that the women activists are left in a lawless position and refer to the free spaces of Lebanese and international non-profit organisations, where their activism begins. These organisations help the women to build up their protest capital, enabling them to start their own group, the Alliance. Within their own group they organise themselves not only against the injustice they experience as MDWs but also emancipate themselves from their dependency on the NGOs. The findings approve that though international and Lebanese organisations have played a crucial part in successfully mobilising the women, the MDWs´ experience of lack of influence inside these free spaces, shapes the group´s actions, collective identity and course. Their political mobilisation can be seen as a long-term, organic process, in which knowledge, collective identity, collective action and experience are tightly interwoven and are the motor behind the members´ activism.

Le rôle de l’avocat dans le développement de la médiation au Liban / The role of the lawyer in the development of mediation in Lebanon

Saad, Chady 17 December 2018 (has links)
La thèse sur « Le rôle de l’avocat dans le développement de la médiation au Liban » traite un sujet innovant qui n’avait pas encore fait l’objet d’une étude systématique, surtout que jusqu'à date la médiation est une pratique naissante au Liban, et la société ne discerne pas quel rôle joue l’avocat dans ce concept de prévention ou de résolution de litige, et de plus qu’à cette étape il convient de bien définir quel apport il a dans le développement de cette nouvelle pratique. L’objectif donc de notre thèse a un double but : - Mettre en lumière si le Liban est sur le bon chemin pour développer la médiation ; - Examiner la contribution de l’avocat dans ce parcours et déterminer s’il est indispensable. Pourquoi la médiation, simplement car le pluralisme et la diversité qui se trouvent au Liban sont malheureusement première source de rivalités et de tiraillements entre les différentes communautés. Ces relations qui sont souvent au bord d’un conflit, bénéficieraient d’un mode de règlement autre que par voie judiciaire ou confessionnel. Le Liban, étant un pays multiconfessionnel, voit en la médiation une sorte de refuge, un mode de prévention pour ne plus revivre les atrocités de la guerre, essayer d’éviter de nombreux dangers internes mais aussi transfrontaliers menaçant le pays. Au fil des années nous avons remarqués l’émergence de plusieurs centres de médiation qui ont vu le jour de par le monde et que beaucoup de pays ont pris l’initiative d’institutionnaliser le concept de médiation afin que celle-ci soit régie par des règles claires et précises, par un régime juridique qui respecte son efficacité. Au Liban, cette émergence n’est apparue qu’à partir de 2006. En ce moment, nous avons trois centres de médiation, qui ne font pourtant l’objet de contrôle institutionnel. La médiation à ce niveau prendrait un caractère éthique de communication, un caractère spécifique de ce qui relève de l’humain. L’avocat y a un rôle primordial, puisqu’il convient de l’impliquer dans ce processus afin que ce concept ait le soutien nécessaire pour sa réussite. Ceci dit, la médiation est un sujet capital pour le Liban et donc elle doit bénéficier d’une politique publique s’appuyant sur une démarche qualité. Un projet de loi était en sommeil depuis 2012 jusqu'à Septembre 2018. Un regard critique sera porté ici sur sa teneur et sur la discussion au sein de la Commission Administration et Justice qui l'examine. Le plus souvent les pays du moyen orient plaquent un modèle occidental, sans se préoccuper de son acceptabilité sociologique, ou historique. Il a donc semblé de bonne méthode de présenter une réflexion sur la société libanaise. Cette réflexion donne à la thèse des dimensions sociologiques : Quels sont les éléments qui favorisent le développement de la médiation au Liban et les éléments qui freinent ce développement prévu ? La médiation doit bénéficier d’une politique publique s’appuyant sur une démarche de qualité, en but de lever le frein de la confusion terminologique, construire la confiance entre justice et médiation en impliquant les avocats dans le développement prévu de la médiation au Liban.La médiation qui ne se limite pas à la médiation judiciaire doit recevoir le soutien des acteurs judiciaires, et le support des avocats est primordial ainsi que l'attribution d'un régime spécifique cohérent au regard de sa nature en prenant soin de l’encadrer sans l’étouffer. Finalement, nous devons noter qu’à l’heure de clôture de cette présente thèse, le Liban vient de promulguer un nouveau projet de Loi en 2018 sur la médiation judiciaire et donc le projet de loi de 2012 s’est vu mis de côté. La nouvelle loi fut approuvée par le Parlement le 24 Septembre 2018. Ceci fera aussi l’œuvre d’un examen dans la partie finale. / The thesis on "The role of the lawyer in the development of mediation in Lebanon" deals with an innovative subject which has not yet been the subject of a systematic study, especially that until date mediation is a nascent practice in Lebanon, and the society does not discern what role the lawyer plays in this concept which deals with the prevention or the resolution of disputes, and in addition at this stage it is necessary to clearly define what contribution he has in the development of this new practice. The thesis has a twofold purpose: -To highlight whether Lebanon is on the right path to develop mediation-To examine the contribution of the lawyer in this course and to determine whether such is necessary. Why mediation, simply because the pluralism and diversity in Lebanon are unfortunately the first source of rivalries and struggle between the different communities. Such relationships which are often on the verge of a conflict, whether legal or personal, would benefit from a dispute settlement method other than by judicial or confessional means. Lebanon, being a multi-confessional country, sees mediation as a kind of refuge, a mode of prevention in order not to relive the atrocities of war, to try to avoid many internal and cross-border dangers threatening the country. Over the years we have noticed the emergence of several mediation centers that have spawned around the world and which prompted many countries to take the initiative to institutionalize the concept of mediation so that it is governed by clear rules and by a legal regime respectful of its effectiveness. Mediation at this level would embody an ethical character of communication, a specific character trait belonging to the human. The lawyer has a very important role to play, since it is appurtenant to implicate him in this process so that this concept has the necessary support for its success. That said, mediation is a major issue for Lebanon and therefore it must benefit from a public policy based on a quality approach. A bill had been dormant since 2012 until September 2018. A critical look will focus here on its content and on the discussion within the Administrative and Judicial Committee that is examining it. Most often the countries of the Middle East emulate a western model, without being concerned with its sociological, or historical acceptability. It therefore seemed good to reflect on this methodology within the Lebanese society. This reflection gives the thesis a sociological dimension: what are the elements that promote the development of mediation in Lebanon and the elements that hinder this planned development? Mediation must benefit from a public policy based on a qualitative approach, in order to lift any hindrance based on terminology confusion, build trust between justice and mediation by involving lawyers in the planned development of Mediation in Lebanon. Mediation, which is not confined to judicial mediation, must be supported by judicial actors, as well as the allocation of a specific regime consistent with its nature, taking care of it without hindrance. Finally, we must note that at the upon finalization of this thesis, Lebanon has just promulgated a new draft law in 2018 on judicial mediation and therefore the bill of 2012 is put aside, in favor of the new law approved by Parliament on the 24th of September 2018. This will also be subject of a review in the final part.

The phenomenological significance of dwelling in architecture. The case of Eastern Beka’a Valley - Lebanon

Elmoussaoui, Mustapha 19 October 2020 (has links)
[EN] Phenomenology in recent years has gained throttle in the philosophical domain; more specifically, the phenomenological methodology had its most significant impact on architectural interpretation and understanding. It is unusual how the phenomenological discourse appeared in the architectural prospect on the decays of structuralism and semiotics. On the other hand, in humanities and philosophy, the growth of structuralism happened only after the decline of phenomenology. These paradoxical conditions are explained due to the translation delay of philosophical ideas and their implementation in architecture. In this research, we dig into the essential question of architectural experience by studying architecture through its phenomenological significance as a dwelling attitude to its inhabitants. The study is on dwellings in the eastern Bekaa region -Lebanon, on houses built between two significant eras, a time frame that shows the essential difference between two construction methods and the transitional phase in-between. Showing case the different typologies that generated in the same area, comparing the area's vernacular architecture and sustainable designs, addressing whether these typologies had any effect on the dweller's socio-cultural and socio-economical dynamics. The area of study is still virgin to different phenomenological interpretation, as the drastic change of typologies occurred in the past 50 years. Dwellers just recently overcame the transitional phase, from applying vernacular construction means, to applying new construction technologies with globalized materials. The area permits us to question the primary existential question of being-in-world, and how citizens coped with their environment in order to sustain their existential being through architectural means. We examine the following phenomenon by learning from dwelling theorists and phenomenologists, focusing on phenomenologists such as Martin Heidegger, Merleau-ponty, and Christian Norberg-Schulz in an attempt to correlate phenomenology with sustainability. Additionally, interpreting architecture hermeneutically through the Arabic parables to comprehend it better in concern with its cultural context. / [ES] El papel de la fenomenología ha sido clave en el terreno filosófico. La metodología fenomenológica ha tenido un impacto significativo en la interpretación y comprensión arquitectónica. Puede parecer absurdo cómo el discurso fenomenológico aterriza en la arquitectura a partir de la desintegración del estructuralismo y la semiótica, mientras que en el campo de las humanidades, y concretamente en el ámbito filosófico, el estructuralismo se desarrolla, precisamente, a partir del declive de la fenomenología. Esta situación paradójica se explica a raíz de la demora en la traducción de las ideas filosóficas y su implementación en la arquitectura. En esta investigación se pretende profundizar en la cuestión esencial de la experiencia arquitectónica a partir de la comprensión de los modos de habitar. El estudio se desarrolla en el conjunto de viviendas de la región oriental de Bekaa (Líbano), a partir de casas construidas en dos periodos significativos, periodos que permiten distinguir entre dos modos de construir contrastados, con una fase de transición intermedia. Se muestran las diferentes tipologías que proliferaron en una misma área, permitiendo comparar las arquitecturas vernáculas y los diseños sostenibles, planteando a su vez si estas tipologías tuvieron algún efecto en la dinámica sociocultural y socioeconómica de sus habitantes. El interés del área de estudio radica en considerarse un terreno virgen para abordar diferentes interpretaciones fenomenológicas, ya que el cambio drástico de tipologías ocurrió en los últimos 50 años. Los habitantes superaron la fase de transición recientemente, partiendo de la aplicación de medios de construcción vernáculos hasta la aplicación de nuevas tecnologías de construcción con materiales globalizados. El área nos permite cuestionar la cuestión existencial primaria del ser-en-el mundo, y cómo los ciudadanos cooperaron con su entorno para mantener su ser existencial a través de medios arquitectónicos. Examinamos el siguiente fenómeno aprendiendo de los teóricos de la vivienda y los fenomenólogos, centrándonos en fenomenólogos como Martin Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty y Christian Norberg-Schulz. Además, interpretando la arquitectura hermenéuticamente a través de las parábolas árabes para comprenderla mejor en relación con su contexto cultural. / [CA] El paper de la fenomenologia ha sigut clau al terreny filosòfic. La metodologia fenomenològica ha tingut un impacte significatiu a la interpretació i comprensió arquitectònica. Pot semblar absurd com el discurs fenomenològic aterra a l'arquitectura arran la desintegració de l'estructuralisme i la semiòtica, mentre que al camp de les humanitats, i concretament a l'àmbit filosòfic, l'estructuralisme es desenvolupa precisament partint del declivi de la fenomenologia. Aquesta situació paradoxal s'explica arran el retard a la traducció de les idees filosòfiques i la seua implementació a l'arquitectura. A aquesta investigació es pretén aprofundir a la qüestió essencial de l'experiència arquitectònica partint de la comprensió de les maneres d'habitar. L'estudi es desenvolupa al conjunt d'habitatges de la regió oriental de Bekaa (Líban), partint de cases construïdes a dos períodes significatius, períodes que permeten distingir entre dos maneres de construir contrastades, amb una fase de transició intermèdia. Es mostren les diferents tipologies que van proliferar a una mateixa àrea, permetent comparar les arquitectures vernacles i els dissenys sostenibles, plantejant a l'hora si aquestes tipologies van tindre cap efecte a la dinàmica sociocultural i socioeconòmica dels seus habitants. L'interès de l'àrea d'estudi radica en considerar-se un terreny verge per enllestir diferents interpretacions fenomenològiques, ja que el canvi dràstic de tipologies va ocórrer als darrers 50 anys. Els habitants van superar la fase de transició recentment, partint de l'aplicació de mitjans de construcció amb materials globalitzats. L'àrea ens permet qüestionar la qüestió essencial primària de l'ésser-al-món i cóm els ciutadans van cooperar amb el seu entorn per mantenir el seu esser existencial per mitjan de mitjans arquitectònics. Examinem el següent fenomen aprenent dels teòrics de l'habitatge i els fenomenòlegs, centrant-nos en fenomenòlegs com Martin Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty y Christian Norberg- Schulz. A més, interpretant l'arquitectura hermenèuticament mitjançant les paràboles àrabs per comprendre-la millor en relació amb el seu context cultural. / Elmoussaoui, M. (2020). The phenomenological significance of dwelling in architecture. The case of Eastern Beka’a Valley - Lebanon [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/152487 / TESIS

Gender relations and sexuality in Arab women’s writing: A narratological reading of Hanan al-Shaykh’s novel Ḥikāyat Zahra

Zaia, Mary January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines gender relations in the war novel Ḥikāyat Zahra (1989) by the Lebanese author Hanan al-Shaykh. The analysis focuses on interpersonal relations among male and female characters in the novel as well as perceptions of gender and sexuality within a patriarchal order as depicted in the writing of Hanan al-Shaykh. The analysis is derived from a theoretical approach inspired by the work of Evelyne Accad’s Sexuality and War: Literary Masks of the Middle East. The thesis applies narratology as a method to show how gender and sexuality are constructed within the text. The analysis is divided into four main sections (1) dysfunctional family relations: patriarchy and false landmark (2) Defective gender relations: the reification of Zahra and the obsession of virginity (3) From inner to outer madness and (4) Illusions of agency and freedom during the war. Together these sections demonstrate the significance of sexuality and gender relations in women’s writing on the Lebanese Civil War. I argue that the novel presents a society where issues that eventually cause the breakout of a destructive civil war are rooted in the social structure which is based on patriarchal values. Due to these values, women are never seen as independent beings with agency capable of balancing between desire and morals. Thus, women become the primary victims of both political and social violence in the context of war.

What is neutrality in a sectarianized context? : How the Lebanese Red Cross navigates sectarianism by claiming neutrality

Dagher, Daniella January 2021 (has links)
In October 2019, massive protests formed all over Lebanon, calling for an end tosectarianism. Sectarianism is a process which operates multidimensionally, politicizingreligious beliefs to create collective identities. I argue for an understanding of sectarianidentity much like an ethnic or national identity, drawing on the works of Fredrik Barth andBenedict Anderson. This system has created a sectarian incentive for the Lebanese, to act andmobilize as sectarian subjects.The Lebanese Red Cross is a member of the International Red Cross and Red CrescentMovement. The Neutrality Principle is utilized as a means to gain confidence, and therebyaccess, across all sects in Lebanon. The Lebanese Red Cross’ rigourous employment of theNeutrality Principle throughout times of war and turbulence, has rewarded them with areputation as a particularly successful National Society. Moreover, they are the onlyhumanitarian actor with national reach in Lebanon.The thesis builds on functional idea analysis and multimodal discourse analysis which hasbeen applied on inter alia anthropological monographs conducted in Lebanon, projectsinitiated by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, as well as contentretrieved from the Lebanese Red Cross’ social media platforms.I examine the strategies employed by the Lebanese Red Cross to analyze how neutrality isconstructed in a sectarianized context. Further, I analyze how the anti-sectarianism of theOctober protests shaped the Lebanese Red Cross’ neutral stance. In sum, I find that themembers of the Lebanese Red Cross create a collective identity in the very same way as asectarian, ethnic or national identity is constructed. Through the process of differentiating, theLebanese Red Cross creates space outside the sectarian structure, where they, benefittingfrom the appreciation and recognition of their work as valuable, are allowed to be neutral.

Občanská válka v libanonské kinematografii / The Civil War through Lebanese Cinema

Felčer, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The topic of the present diploma work is the representation of the civil conflict in Lebanese cinema. The work is divided into two parts. The first one provides an overview of the historical and discursive contexts of the last two civil wars in Lebanon (1958 and 1975-1991) and describes how these events are reflected in the work of Lebanese filmmakers. The second part of the diploma work focuses on the war period cinematography, generally less known due to the long public unavailability of a large part of the film production of that time. Four feature fictions made between 1975 and 1985 are selected for a more detailed analysis, more precisely by those filmmakers that are considered to be the pioneers of a new auteur cinema in Lebanon: Mārūn Baġdādī, Burhān ˁAlawīya and Jocelyne Ṣaˁb. The chosen method is the semiotic analysis focusing on characterisation features of the film characters and on conflicting oppositions present in the films. Key words: civil war, civil conflict, Lebanese cinema, fiction film, semiotic analysis, connotation.

Vyjednávání "Západu" v každodennosti libanonské rodiny / Negotiation of the "West" in Everyday Life of a Lebanese Family

Obeidová, Dina January 2012 (has links)
Thesis Negotiation of "the West" in everyday Life of a Lebanese Family is focusing on the ways of designing the image of "the West" at a chosen Lebanese family, especially those members who do not have any direct "West" experience and their images of it are based on the information obtained from those who live there or from media. Research was conducted in Qalamoun city in northern Lebanon by the method of participant observation and unstructured interview. One of the central moments of the research was reflexivity. The research is based on theories of transnationalism and the concept of social networks. One of the primary identification and classfication of man is in Qalamoun his religion. A person, who believes in nothing is a threat in the sense that he is unpredictible (he has no clear governing rules). Keywords: Lebanon, orientalism, reflexivity, "western" culture

Set in Stone: Power Mediation through French Colonial Architecture in Lebanon’s Majlis an-Nuwwab

Chamoun, Chaton Smedra January 2019 (has links)
This thesis will provide an analysis of the current Parliament building in Beirut, which is called Majlis an-Nuwwab, and was built by the French colonial state that ruled over Lebanon. It will examine to what extent it has theoretically contributed to the mediation of the French colonial power over Lebanon, through the analytical framework provided by Njoh and Bigon, along with a theoretical framework offered by Kim Dovey. The data was obtained first-hand during a ten-day visit to the city of Beirut, employing primary observation and is in the form of personally obtained photographs of the object of analysis, namely Lebanon’s Parliament building. Further, this research has been conducted due to the lack of academic discussion and literature regarding the relationship between colonial power structures and colonial architecture in the Middle East.In accordance to the analytical and theoretical framework, this study demonstrates that Lebanon’s Parliament building, along with its urban context, can theoretically be understood as operating as the mediator for military, cultural and socio-psychological power as the most prominent ones. Additionally, traits of economic and politico-administrative power were also found to be theoretically mediated through the designs of the Parliament building, although not to the same extent as the previously mentioned powers.

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