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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Politics of (Not) Giving a Sh*t: Understanding the Invisibilization of Queer South Asian Women in Pride Toronto

Patel, Sonali 11 November 2021 (has links)
This thesis builds on the findings of my previous study, which established that queer South Asian women (QSAW) feel invisibilized in Toronto’s LGBTQ+ community (see Patel, 2019). The present study critically investigates the operation and cultural reproduction of power in organizational practices that invisibilize QSAW within Pride Toronto™, as a means of diagnosing the problem in mainstream LGBTQ+ organizations more broadly. The following research question is explored: How do the cultural underpinnings of Pride Toronto™ contribute to the invisibilization of queer South Asian women in the broader LGBTQ+ community? This critical ethnography substantiates the invisibilization of QSAW in the LGBTQ+ community as an institutionalized form of identity-based violence. This study rejects the argument that invisibility is exclusively felt by QSAW. Instead, this thesis demonstrates that QSAW are invisibilized by the willful negligence of dominant actors in knowledge practices, as well as assimilationist politics that mandate outness, which invalidate and exclude QSAW. This study further finds that QSAW remain invisibilized in the broader LGBTQ+ community as a result of Pride organizations branding as diverse and inclusive, while simultaneously advancing colonial knowledge about queer identities and ideologies that re-write the narratives of QSAW in mainstream LGBTQ+ discourse.

The Divergence of Gay Rights in Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan

Barker, Evan 01 May 2021 (has links)
This is a comparative study between Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan that explores the differences of each society's values and politics to understand their current gay rights record. In light of Taiwan's legalization of marriage equality in 2019, this study compares all three countries to find the differences that possibly caused this progression of gay rights in Taiwan, but not in South Korea and Japan, which are notorious for their apathy toward the LGBTQ community.

National Symbol or Brand?: Tracing the Drag Queen in Media and Communities

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation project examines the cultural labor of the drag queen in the United States (US). I explore how the drag queen can be understood as a heuristic to understand the stakes and limits of belonging and exceptionalism. Inclusion in our social and national belonging in the US allows for legibility and safety, however, when exceptional or token figures become the path towards achieving belonging, it can leave out those who are unable to conform, which are often the most vulnerable folks. I argue that attending to the drag queen’s trajectory, we can trace the ways that multiply-marginalized bodies navigate attempts to include, subsume, and erase their existence by the nation-state while simultaneously celebrating and consuming them in the realm of media and consumer culture. In the first chapter I introduce the project, the context and the stakes involved. Chapter two examines representations of drag queens in films to unpack how these representations have layered over time for American audiences, and positions these films as necessary building blocks for queer semiosis for viewers to return to and engage with. Chapter three analyzes RuPaul and RuPaul’s Drag Race to outline RuPaul labor as an exceptional subject, focusing on his investment in homonormative politics and labor supporting homonationalist projects. Chapter four centers questions of trans* identity and race, specifically Blackness to analyze how Drag Race renders certain bodies and performances legitimate and legible, constructing proper drag citizens. Chapter five utilizes ethnographic methods to center local drag communities, focusing on The Rock and drag performers in Phoenix, Arizona to analyze how performers navigate shifting media discourses of drag and construct a queer performance space all their own. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Gender Studies 2020

Sexuality on Standbi: Consequences of Bierasure in Different-Gendered Relationships

Sierra S Stein (8793215) 04 May 2020 (has links)
<div> <div> <div> <p>This study aimed to examine the effects of bierasure in relationships using measures of self-esteem, relationship satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction, and to explore social expectations as a possible predictor of bierasure. Bierasure is the exclusion of bisexuality, whether in research, media, social contexts, historical works, and common discussion of sexuality. At the time of this research, there are no published measures of bierasure, which is an experience unique to bisexual individuals and has been linked to worsened mental health outcomes. Using basic scale development techniques, the researchers developed the Experiences of Bierasure Scale (EBES) for use in this study to test the desired relationships using a pilot study to begin to identify scale structure. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the above constructs in relation to each other from data gathered from bisexual-identified adults via an online questionnaire. Results suggest complicated relationships between bierasure and other constructs, with the EBES appearing as a stable questionnaire. While the overall theoretical model showed few significant results related to bierasure and was not a good fit for the data, there were several significant correlations between EBES factors, social expectations, self-esteem, relationship satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction. These results imply that bierasure plays an important role in the matrix of social interactions, but the exact structure of those relationships is unclear. </p> </div> </div> </div>

Förutsättningar och hinder för ett värdegrundat och jämlikt bemötande : Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att bemöta hbtq-personer inom psykiatrisk vård / Prerequisites and barriers to a value-based and equal approach : Nurses' experiences of approaching lgbtq-persons within psychiatric care

Jasmina, Zvizdic, Caroline, Kunckel January 2020 (has links)
Hbtq-personer undviker kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården av rädsla för att utsättas för stigmatisering och diskriminering. Trots att sjuksköterskor inom psykiatrin har en nyckelroll i omvårdnaden råder en kunskapsbrist som hindrar möjligheten till en jämlik vård. Bristande kompetens gällande hbtq kan leda till felaktiga bedömningar av hbtq-personers hälsa. Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att bemöta hbtq-personer inom psykiatrisk vård. Kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats där tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuksköterskor verksamma inom psykiatrisk slutenvård genomfördes. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet urskilde huvudkategorierna “Betydelsen av kunskap och erfarenhet för bemötande” och “Vikten av ett normkritiskt tänkande” med subkategorierna “Kunskapens betydelse för bemötandet”, “Erfarenhetens betydelse för bemötandet”, “Bemötande baserat på att se individens utanför normen” samt “Följder av fördomar och antaganden”. Informanternas erfarenheter visade hur variationer i kompetens påverkade bemötandet av hbtq-personer. Det framkom erfarenheter kring negativa attityder men även positiva aspekter såsom ett öppet förhållningssätt. För att vården ska kunna ges på lika villkor behövs mer utbildning kring hbtq inom grund- och specialistutbildning för sjuksköterskor samt kompetensutveckling inom professionen. Ökade kunskaper kan på sikt bidra till ett unisont förhållningssätt och därmed främja psykisk hälsa. Fortsatt forskning inriktad mot enskilda grupper inom hbtq behövs och kan ytterligare bidra till en jämlik vård. / Lgbtq-persons avoid contact with health care because of fear of being stigmatized and discriminated. Although nurses within psychiatry care play a key role in nursing, there is a lack of knowledge that stands in the way of the possibility of equal care. Lack of competence regarding lgbtq can lead to incorrect assessments of lgbtq-persons health. The aim of this study was to describe nurses experiences of approaching lgbtq-persons within psychiatric care. A qualitative method with inductive reasoning where ten semi-structured interviews with nurses within psychiatric care were conducted. Data was analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The result distinguished the main categories “The importance of knowledge and experiences regarding” and “The importance of a norm critical reflective” with the subcategories ”The role of knowledge regarding apporach”, “The role of experience regarding approach”, ”Approach based on seeing the individual outside the norm” and ”The impact of prejudices and assumptions”. The informant’s experiences demonstrated that variations in how competence affected the approach towards lgbtq-persons. Negative attitudes were demonstrated as well as positive aspects such as an open attitude. To obtain equal care, more education concerning lgbtq is needed in nursingprograms, specialist nursing as well as competence development within the profession. Increased knowledge can contribute to a unified approach and support mental health. Further research aimed towards individual groups within lgbtq is needed and can contribute to equal care.

Ett ”queer” förhållningssätt för en jämlik vård : En litteraturstudie om erfarenheter från att mötas i vården / A “queer” approach for equal care : A literature study on experiences from meeting in healthcare

Lingås, Veide January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Jämlik vård och att minska skillnader i hälsa är centrala mål för hälso- och sjukvården. Utifrån det anses sjuksköterskan utgöra en viktig roll genom att förbättra vården såväl som att möta patienter med respekt och med hänsyn till människors olikheter. Forskning visar att HBTQ-personer utsätts för diskriminering och marginalisering i samhället i stort men också inom vården vilket bidrar till sämre psykisk och fysik hälsa för dessa grupper. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva sjuksköterskors och HBTQ-personers erfarenheter från att mötas i vården. Metod: En induktiv kvalitativ litteraturstudie med queerperspektiv som teoretisk referensram genomfördes. Urvalet bestod av vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats och som beskriver möten mellan sjuksköterskor och HBTQ-personer i vården. Datainsamlingen utfördes genom sökningar i två databaser, CINAHL och MEDLINE och resulterade i nio artiklar som analyserades med temaanalys. Resultat: Erfarenheter från möten mellan sjuksköterskor och HBTQ-personer i vården beskrivs i tre teman: Sjuksköterskans kompetens, Humanitet i mötet och Tillgänglighet med det övergripande temat Stigmatisering relaterat till heteronormen. Slutsatser: Sjuksköterskor behöver ett normkritiskt förhållningssätt för att möta HBTQ-personer med respekt och utan diskriminering. Sjuksköterskans kompetens och attityd hänger samman med vårdens tillgänglighet för HBTQ-personer som också har betydelse för en mer jämlik hälsa. Heteronormen har en överordnad påverkan på alla de delar som har betydelse för HBTQ-personers hälsa och tillgång till god vård. Det behövs mer tvärvetenskaplig forskning inom ämnet för att skapa förändring mot en mer jämlik hälsa i samhället. / Background: Equal care and reducing differences in health are central goals for health care. Based on this, the nurse is considered to play an important role by improving care as well as meeting patients with respect and with regard to people's differences. Research shows that LGBTQ people are exposed to discrimination and marginalization in society at large but also in healthcare which contributes to poorer mental and physical health for these groups. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' and LGBTQ person's experiences from meeting in care. Method: Inductive qualitative literature study with a queer perspective as a theoretical frame was performed. The selection consisted of scientific articles with a qualitative approach and which describe meetings between nurses and LGBTQ persons in care. The data collection was performed through searches in two databases, CINAHL and MEDLINE and resulted in nine articles that were analysed with thematic analysis. Results: Experiences from meetings between nurses and LGBTQ persons in care are described in three themes: The nurse's competence, Humanity in the meeting and Accessibility with the overall theme Stigmatization related to heteronormativity. Conclusions: Nurses need a norm-critical approach to meet LGBTQ persons with respect and without discrimination. The nurse's competence and attitude is connected with the care's accessibility for LGBTQ persons, which is also important for a more equal health. The heteronormativity has an overall impact on all the parts that are important for LGBTQ person's health and access to good care. More interdisciplinary research in the subject is needed to create change towards a more equal health in society.

Are We Home Yet? : An Exploration of Queer Narratives of Forced Salvadoran Migrants

Nullens, Céline January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores how LGBTQ*-Salvadoran applicants for international protection experience the influence of their own sexual orientation and gender identities in relation to the underlying motives behind their migration. In addition, it intends to draw some conclusions from the respondents' statements, gained insights from observations and what was found in literature. For this, two Salvadoran LGBTQ*- applicants for international protection, who applied for asylum in Belgium in the year 2019, were interviewed. Their discourses were analysed by using a thematic analysis.The study exposes the narratives and motivations which led them to flee their homeland and find a new life in Belgium.

Providers’ Perspectives on Treating Patients for Substance Use Disorder in Northeast Tennessee

Pienkowski, Stefan, Mann, Abbey 25 April 2020 (has links)
Providers’ Perspectives on Treating Patients for Substance Use Disorder in Northeast Tennessee Stefan Pienkowski MA, Abbey Mann PhD Department of Family Medicine, Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson CIty, TN ABSTRACT Previous research has shown that people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer/questioning (LGTBQ+) have higher rates of substance use disorder (SUD) compared to the general population.1,2 Additionally, gender and sexual minorities have shown less treatment-seeking intentions than their heterosexual cis-gender counterparts.3 Given these circumstances, increasing approachability to SUD treatment options for people who identify as LGBTQ+ may significantly reduce this health disparity. Through this action research study, we set out to identify barriers to SUD treatment in northeast Tennessee as well as identify SUD treatment providers that make special accommodations for people who identify as LGBTQ+. Through purposive sampling, we identified nine providers of SUD treatment in Washington, Carter, and Sullivan counties. Providers included three physicians, three certified peer support specialists, a licensed counselor, and two facility directors. Providers each participated in a one-on-one semi-structured interview that lasted approximately 45 minutes and was audio recorded without the use of identifying information. Interview data were reviewed, and preliminary analysis was performed in order to identify themes. Themes included barriers to care, general resources, and stigma. LGBTQ+ specific findings revealed that none of the interviewed providers had received formal LGBTQ+ cultural competency training, but most providers expressed interest in receiving LGBTQ+ cultural competency training. Additionally, many providers did not believe that LGBTQ+ patients have specific needs concerning SUD treatment. Only three of the providers interviewed made special accommodations for their LGBTQ+ patients. In addition to identifying themes in the interview data, the results of this project were used to create a LGBTQ+ friendly SUD treatment resource guide for northeast Tennessee. Next steps for this action research project include 1) interviewing people who have experience with SUD treatment in northeast Tennessee and identify as LGBTQ+, 2) developing a community-based LGBTQ+ cultural competency training module informed by those interviews, 3) implementing and evaluating that module with SUD treatment providers in northeast Tennessee. 1. Medley, Grace, et al. “Sexual Orientation and Estimates of Adult Substance Use and Mental Health: Results from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.” Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Oct. 2016, www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/NSDUH-SexualOrientation-2015/NSDUH-SexualOrientation-2015/NSDUH-SexualOrientation-2015.htm. 2. Mereish, Ethan H, and Judith B Bradford. “Intersecting Identities and Substance Use Problems: Sexual Orientation, Gender, Race, and Lifetime Substance Use Problems.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Rutgers University, Jan. 2014, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24411810.` 3. Benz, Madeline. “Stigma and Help-Seeking: The Interplay of Substance Use and Gender and Sexual Minority Identity.” Addictive Behaviors, Pergamon, 23 May 2019, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306460318311316.

Queer Students’ Perceptions of Inclusion at ABC Community College: A Phenomenology

Canedo, Francis 01 December 2019 (has links)
This qualitative study examined the lived experiences of Queer students at ABC Community College. Using phenomenology as its guiding framework, transcribed interviews were analyzed in order to seek the phenomenon of the experience. Examination of the literature suggested that Queer students’ experiences of discrimination could have a negative impact on academic achievement and that inclusive and affirming spaces have the opposite effect. Further, Queer students search for affirming spaces from their faculty and peers, and the engagement these spaces provide may be good prognosticator academic achievement. When students are provided with inclusive spaces, they may be more likely to come out, live openly, and represent themselves authentically (Kosciw J. G., Greytak, Palmer, & Boesen, 2014). Other researchers are encouraged to replicate the study with a larger number of participants, using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av HBTQ-certifiering : En intervjustudie / Schoolnurses’ experiences’ of LGBTQ-certification : An interview study

Jälén, Sara, Erlandsson, Emilia January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Unga hbtq-personer upplever mer diskriminering och sämre hälsa än andra unga. Skolan utgör en viktig arena för att skapa en inkluderande och hälsofrämjande miljö. Enligt skollagen och diskrimineringslagen ska alla behandlas lika oavsett kön eller sexuell läggning. För att förhindra att elever utsätts för kränkningar behöver normkritiskt hbtq-arbete genomföras under ledning av rektor och i samverkan med samtlig skolpersonal. Skolsköterskan kan arbeta med hbtq-relaterade frågor för att stärka skyddsfaktorer och förebygga ohälsa hos hbtq-personer. Flera skolor i Sverige har genomfört hbtq-certifieringsutbildning men forskning saknas om skolsköterskors erfarenheter av utbildningen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka skolsköterskors erfarenheter av hbtq-certifiering. Metod: Datainsamling genomfördes genom intervjuer med sju skolsköterskor. I studien användes en kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats, data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Tre kategorier framkom; Organisatoriska faktorer, Skolsköterskans hbtq-arbete samt Betydelsen av värdegrundsarbete i skolan. Slutsats: Studiens resultat påvisar att organisatoriska hinder föreligger för implementering av hbtq-arbete. En förutsättning för framgångsrika effekter av hbtq-certifiering är att samtlig skolpersonal under ledning av rektor är insatta i hbtq-arbete. Vidare framkommer utmaningar med hbtq-arbete med vårdnadshavare och elever i mångkulturella miljöer. / Background: Young LGBTQ persons experience more discrimination and poorer health than other young people. The school offers an important arena for an including and health-promoting setting. According to The Swedish Education act and The Swedish Discrimination act everybody should be treated equally regardless of gender and sexual orientation. To prevent that students get subjected to degrading treatment LGBTQ-affirming work with a norm-critical perspective can be organized by the head teacher and the rest of the school staff. School nurses can work with LGBTQ issues to promote protective factors and prevent illness in LGBTQ individuals. Several schools in Sweden are LGBTQ-certified but there is a lack of research about school nurses´ experiences of the education. Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate school nurses´ experiences of LGBTQ certification. Method: Datacollection was conducted using interviews with seven school nurses. In the study a qualitative method with an inductive approach was used, the data was analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in three categories; Organizational factors, School nurses´ LGBTQ work and The importance of fundamental values in schools. Conclusion: The result of the study shows that organizational obstacles counteracts the implementation of LGBTQ work. A prerequisite for successful effects of LGBTQ certification is that all school staff lead by the head teacher are well informed about LGBTQ issues. Furthermore, the result reveals challenges with LGBTQ work with legal guardians and students in multicultural settings.

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