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Podpůrné skupiny LGBTQ+ studentů / LGBTQ+ students support groupsHrudková, Anna January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is an empirical ethnographic study of forms of support for LGBTQ+ students in all types of schools from primary school to university. The monitored topic is Institutional provision of the LGBTQ+ support network and the establishment of extra- curricular support groups for LGBTQ+ pupils. The aim of the work is to verify the provision of LGBTQ+ support and to specify the functioning of extracurricular support groups. The study then focuses focus on the potential problems students identify when seeking support in school and on the problems of articulation of identity at critical moments in school education. Using the qualitative Grounded Theory method revealed the conditions for providing support in both schools and LGBTQ+ support groups. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, data collection has moved into virtual space. Using online semi-structured interviews, LGBTQ+ students described the problems of accessibility of support in schools and problems surrounding the articulation of identity at critical moments in school education.and the problems surrounding the articulation of identity at critical moments in school education. Potential problems were also articulated by the founders of LGBTQ+ support groups. The results of Grounded Theory method revealed direct influence of the...
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Konsten att utmana normen: HBTQ+ och mångkultur i litteraturundervisningen / The Art of Challenging the Norm: LGBTQ+ and Multiculturalism in Literature EducationBryttmar, Miranda, Jansson, Karolina January 2022 (has links)
Skolverket (2019) always underlines the importance of implementing democratic values onto the students. But is this always easy to apply in the classroom? The purpose of this work is to examine how you can work with literature in different ways in the Swedish subject, with the focus of a multicultural and LGBTQ+ perspective. This work is for teachers and teacher students to create a bigger understanding around the possibilities of using literature. Our framing question is the following: “How can teachers work with literature texts from a multicultural and LGBTQ+ perspective, and how are the students affected?”. The method that has been used to produce this work has been by using databases to find information. Hence, there have been different selection methods to determine the usefulness and relevance of the different sources. The result showed that there are many different ways to use literature in the classroom, some with a better outcome than others. Furthermore, the lack of knowledge on how to work with or find multicultural and LGBTQ+ literature became visible. Nevertheless, it was noticed that both literature education from a multicultural and LGBTQ+ perspective is needed to create democratic values, since it develops the students critical thinking, their default natural setting, compassion and more. Through challenging students' default natural setting, the democratic society can be developed.
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A Different Kind of Community: Queerness and Urban Ambiguity in Northeast Ohio, 1945 - 1980Monegan, Max Turner 22 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Hur HBTQ-personer upplever bemötandet inom vården : En litteraturöversikt / How LGBTQ people experience healthcare encounter : A litterature reviewAtci, Elmas, Selbekk, Naomi January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: En god och jämlik hälsa för hela befolkningen är ett centralt mål för hälso-och sjukvården. Men forskning indikerar att HBTQ-personer upplever en sämre hälsa än övriga befolkningsgrupper och förekomsten av psykisk ohälsa är betydligt högre bland homo-och bisexuella jämfört med heterosexuella. Dessutom har forskning visat att HBTQ-personer utsätts för stigmatisering och diskriminering i samhället i stort men även inom vården. Den sociala stigmatiseringen och diskrimineringen gentemot HBTQ-personer anses ha en inverkan på den fysiska och psykiska hälsan. Syfte: Att beskriva hur HBTQ-personers upplever bemötandet inom vården. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats utformades. Studien baserades på elva kvalitativa original artiklar som analyserades med en tematisk analysmetod. Resultat: Två teman identifierades: vårdpersonalens kompetens och vårdpersonalens attityd med tillhörande underteman:kommunikation, kunskap, diskriminering och stigmatisering och acceptans. Slutsats: En ökad kunskap och medvetenhet kring HBTQ behövs hos sjuksköterskor och övrig vårdpersonal för att kunna bemöta och tillgodose en jämlik vård till HBTQ-personer. Genom att utbilda framtida och nuvarande sjuksköterskor inom ämnet ökar möjligheten för en mer inkluderande och jämlik hälso-och sjukvård. / Background: Good and equal health for the entire population is a key goal of health care. However, research indicates that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people experience poorer health than other population groups and the incidence of mental illness is significantly higher among homosexuals and bisexuals compared to heterosexuals. In addition, research has shown that LGBTQ-people are exposed to stigma and discrimination in society at large but also in healthcare. The social stigma and discrimination against LGBTQ people is considered to have an impact on the physical and mental health. It is important that the nurse has the right competence regarding LGBTQ-people in order to be able to meet and satisfy equal care. Aim: To describe how LGBTQ-people experience health care encounter. Method: A literature review with a qualitative method was designed. The study was based on eleven qualitative original articles that were analyzed using a thematic analysis method. Result: Two themes emerged: the health care staff’s competence and the health care staff’s attitude with associated subthemes: communication, knowledge, discrimination and stigmatization and acceptance. Conclusion: An increased knowledge and awareness of the LGBTQ community’s needs is necessary among nurses and other healthcare professionals, to be able to provide equal care. Opportunities for an inclusive and equal health care increases when future and current nurses are educated in the subject
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Self-Reported Health Among Sexual Minorities in the United StatesBurton, Christopher 01 August 2021 (has links)
Previous literature on LGBTQ+ people (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, and other sexual minorities) reports that this community experiences greater health problems than heterosexuals. LGBTQ+ people experience higher rates of chronic conditions, STIs, addiction, poor mental health, and cancer, which highlights the importance of capturing data regarding health. A growing concern is that social surveys fail to find meaningful ways to gather gender and sexuality data to understand possible health disparities for LGBTQ+ people. This study uses data from the General Social Survey to examine the physical and mental health outcomes of LGB people compared to straight people in a nationally representative sample of Americans. An analysis of potential disparities in the self-reported health of straight and LGB respondents finds that respondents who identified as bisexual reported significantly lower levels of self-rated health and more problems with mental health compared to respondents who identified as gay, lesbian, or heterosexual.
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This dissertation offers an outlined proposal and a model for practicing queer oral history—a nuancing of oral history praxis. Queer oral history is rooted in performance studies’ call to consider everyday texts alongside Dwight Conquergood’s (1985) articulations of ethical and dialogic performance of the other. I propose that queer oral history exists as an alternative praxis to traditional oral history; in order for this distinction to emerge, a practitioner must accept two charges. The first is a commitment to destabilizing oral history through the inclusion of other diverse methodological practices. Further, the researcher must welcome the ethical imperative to reflexively question subjectivity through their own role in constructing an oral history. Queer oral history demands of its practitioners a different set of goals that grow from traditional oral history, but also carefully complicate the practice of oral history as a methodology in order to address the in-between role of the subject-researcher. This placement within the gaps—the in-between—renders queer oral history theoretically queer, opening up possibilities beyond simply an oral history about queer themes. Because of its focus on commitments as a way to lead practice, queer oral history could prove useful for other person-based qualitative research methods. In order to propose queer oral history, this document traces one specific performance—Bless Our Hearts: An Oral History of the Queer South—from intellectual inception through scripting, staging, performance, and reperformance. Offering theoretical precepts, a completed script, and deep discussions of choices in scripting and embodiment, this dissertation offers a model that shows one queer oral history—about the intersections of queer and Southern identities—as it moves from interview process to complete performance project.
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Narratives of Agency: LGBTQ+ African American Students Thriving at a Predominantly White InstitutionRoby, Simone 01 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
African American college students may face many challenges at predominantly White institutions (PWIs), including hostile campus climates, experiences of racism and discrimination, peer conflict, and academic challenges. Similar negative experiences/perceptions have been reported by LGBTQ+ identified college students, yet few students of color have been included in this area of research. Much of what is known about LGBTQ+ African American college students has been developed from the experiences of bisexual and gay, cisgender African American men. The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about the experiences and challenges faced by non-heterosexual and non-cisgender African American students attending a PWI. Ten LGBTQ+ identified African American college students were interviewed about perceptions of their campus climate, social lives, and academic progress. Through a grounded theory analysis, agency was identified as the core theme underlying students' sense of thriving in their academic progress, peer relationships, and perceptions of campus climate. These findings may be useful in improving the on-campus experiences for LGBTQ+ identified African American college students, and all students, attending PWIs.
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Representation of LGBTQ+ characters in major Japanese fighting game released between 2010 and 2021Sherman, Nathaniel January 2023 (has links)
Through the lens of hegemonic masculinity in the contemporary game development industry, this paper will present the current state of the LGBTQ+ representation in major Japanese fighting games that were released from 2010 to 2021. By performing a quantitative data analysis of the characters from the games, where each character is coded for their gender and sexuality, the frequency of representation can be determined over the period of time and across games which can indicate the state of LGBTQ+ representation in these games. Not much research has been conducted in the field of gender studies and representation when specifically focusing on fighting games. It is also a genre that has the reputation of not having good representation and inclusion in the games, but also within the community. It is a genre where the characters are front and center and play a primary part in the appeal of the game, so having good representation should be a requirement. Many players will want to be able to identify and connect with the characters they play but for many this is not a possibility due to the lack of diversity. The results show that there may be a slight increase in the representation over time, but the numbers are still surprisingly low. This shows us the importance of needing to bring more attention to this topic as it is a critical issue that is present within this game genre but also within the gaming industry as a whole.
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Surveying the thoughts of Japanese people on its LGBT peopleKullberg, Vaila Venla January 2023 (has links)
Japan is known for being one of the most urbanized countries in the world, with bustling urbancities, with high rates of education and economic development, as stated in reports showcased by international organizations such as the OECD. Despite these indicators for high development, Japan has been reported to be lacking in the legal rights and treatment of sexual and gender minorities, this may be suprising for some as urban environments are often thought of as safe spaces for these groups of people. In this study the attitudes of Japanese people towards LGBT people are explored through the use of a survey, which inquires Japanese people about their social circles, and how these circles and the respondents themselves think that LGBT people are viewed and treated and if there are any specific differences in Japan's urban and rural areas. The findings of this study seem to agree with previous studies and reports published by organizations and individual scholars, the consensus suggests, that while Japanese people seem to be aware of some of the inequalities LGBT people face such as discrimination and in marriage and legal protection, the overall attitude towards LGBT issues is one of apathy.
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"Respekt, lyhördhet och öppenhet" : En kvantitativ studie om transkompetens bland yrkesverksamma inom socialt arbete / "Respect, Responsiveness and Openness" : A Quantitative Study on Transgender Competence among Professionals in Social WorkUtter, Stina, Wikström, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka socialarbetares transkompetens och deras trygghet i att arbeta med transpersoner, samt hur dessa varierar med yrkesroller och arbetsplatsens rutiner och riktlinjer. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning och vände sig till yrkesverksamma socialarbetare som möter klienter/patienter i sitt arbete. Enkäten skickades ut till socialarbetare anställda inom kommun och region i ett län i Mellansverige och besvarades av 89 socialarbetare. Empirin analyserades med hjälp av korstabeller, sambandstest och tvåvägs ANOVA, samt tolkades med ett kritiskt perspektiv, queerteori samt begreppen kompetens och bemötande. Resultatet visade att socialarbetare upplever att de har en ganska hög kunskap samt ganska hög trygghet i arbete med transpersoner, och att en hög upplevd kunskap ökade deras upplevelse av hög trygghet. Kuratorer upplevde en högre kunskap och trygghet jämfört med socialsekreterare. En transinkluderande arbetsplats med tydliga rutiner och riktlinjer hade positiv inverkan på både upplevd kunskap och trygghet, men hög kunskap var den främsta och betydande faktorn för att uppnå en hög trygghet. Socialarbetare anser att arbetsplatser främst kan utveckla sitt arbete med att möta transpersoner genom utbildning, samt att respekt, lyhördhet och öppenhet är de mest betydelsefulla egenskaperna att ha som yrkesverksam i mötet med transpersoner. Sammantaget tolkas resultatet som att socialarbetarna har en måttlig transkompetens. Vidare forskning behövs för att undersöka ytterligare hur HBTQI-certifiering samt implementering av konkreta insatser för att vara mer transinkluderande inom organisationer, främst inom socialtjänsten, kan ha en positiv inverkan på vård och stöd för transpersoner. / The purpose of this study was to examine social workers transgender competence and perceived comfort in working with transgender people, and to investigate if perceived knowledge and comfort was connected to work title and different organizational factors. A quantitative study was conducted towards social workers who meet clients/patients in their work. An online-survey was constructed and sent to social workers employed within a county in mid-Sweden, with a total of 89 respondents. The data was analyzed with crosstabs, correlation tests and a two-way ANOVA, and interpreted using a critical perspective, queertheory and the theoretical concepts of competence and service experience. The results discovered that social workers experience a quite high level of perceived knowledge and comfort in working with transgender clients/patients. The perceived level of comfort increased when the level of perceived knowledge increased. Counselors perceived a higher level of knowledge and comfort than social workers in the social services. A transgender-inclusive workplace with clear routines had a positive impact on perceived knowledge and comfort, but high level of knowledge was the most significant factor in achieving high level of comfort. Social workers found that workplaces could develop their work with transgender people through education, and that respect, responsiveness and openness were the most valuable qualities for a professional working with transgender people. The conclusion was that social workers had a moderate level of transgender competence. It’s necessary to explore, primarily in social services, how LGBTQI-certification and implementation of supportive efforts might help organizations to be more trans-inclusive.
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