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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Amor mundi e educação: reflexões sobre o pensamento de Hannah Arendt / Amor mundi and education: reflections on the thought of Hannah Arendt

Almeida, Vanessa Sievers de 30 September 2009 (has links)
Esta tese assinala, com base na obra de Hannah Arendt, a fundamental importância do amor ao mundo para a educação. A filósofa explica que por meio da educação introduzimos as crianças no mundo humano e aponta o impasse que surge com a perda da tradição e o desmantelamento desse espaço comum na Era Moderna. Partindo desse problema, a questão central deste trabalho é: como despertar nos alunos o apreço pelo mundo que nos une com os diferentes, encorajá-los a encontrar seu lugar nele num momento em que a ausência de sentido e a preocupação com a sobrevivência se impõem, de modo que qualquer compromisso com o comum parece ser uma exigência deslocada e anacrônica? Arendt não propõe soluções, mas é rigorosa ao afirmar que quem educa é duplamente responsável: pelo mundo e pelas crianças na educação decidimos se amamos o mundo e seus novos habitantes. Posto que a autora não explicita o que vem a ser esse amor, investiga-se a noção do amor mundi, recorrendo ao conjunto de suas reflexões. Entende-se que, se o mundo é o lugar das histórias humanas no qual podemos estabelecer relações e nos revelar como pessoas, o amor a ele é uma resposta à destruição totalitária desse espaço humano e ao não-mundo da sociedade moderna organizada em torno do processo vital de produção e consumo. Com recurso a diversos conceitos de Arendt, principalmente os de ação e pensamento, aborda-se e discute-se a difícil tarefa educativa de acolher os jovens no mundo, de mostrar-lhes que, apesar de este lugar estar fora dos eixos, ainda vale a pena apostar nele, e de encorajá-los para que, por sua vez, estabeleçam seu vínculo singular com esse espaço comum e seu legado, pelo qual futuramente serão responsáveis. / This thesis, based on the work of Hannah Arendt, points out the fundamental importance which the love of the world has for education. The philosopher explains that we introduce the children into the human world through education and shows the impasse that arises from the loss of tradition and the disintegration of that common space in the modern age. Starting from that problem the central question of this work is: how to arouse in the students an appreciation of the world that joins us to different ones and how to encourage them to find their place in it in a moment in which meaninglessness and the preoccupation with survival impose themselves, so that any commitment to the common seems to be an out of place or anachronistic request? Arendt does not propose solutions, but is rigorous in asserting that whoever educates is doubly responsible in education we decide whether or not we love the world and its new inhabitants. Since the author does not explain what that love is, the notion of amor mundi is investigated having recourse to many of her reflections. The understanding achieved provided that the world is the place of human stories where we can establish relations and reveal ourselves as persons is that the love of it is an answer to the totalitarian destruction of that human space and to the wordlessness of the modern society organized around the vital process of production and consumption. Based on diverse concepts of Arendt, especially on those of action and thinking, we approach and discuss the difficult educational task of receiving the younger ones into the world, of showing them that, although this place is out of joint, it is still worth relying on it, and of encouraging them to establish by themselves their singular bond with this common space and its legacy, for which they will be responsible in the future.

Ciúme romântico e infidelidade amorosa entre paulistanos : incidências e relações / Romantic jealousy and loving infidelity between people from São Paulo : incidences and relations.

Almeida, Thiago de 16 February 2007 (has links)
Embora o ciúme romântico e a infidelidade amorosa sejam dois importantes temas que afetam vários relacionamentos humanos e, também, um desafio para muitos destes, seus mecanismos de gênese, ação, associação e conseqüências que podem acarretar para os desdobramentos amorosos ainda não foram totalmente esclarecidos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar possíveis associações entre estes dois fenômenos. Participaram desta pesquisa 45 casais de namorados heterossexuais com média de idade de 24,6 anos recrutados por meio de um anúncio colocado no site da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Para avaliar os graus de ciúme dos participantes utilizou-se a Escala de Ciúme Romântico – ECR (versões masculina e feminina) de Ramos. Para avaliar a infidelidade dos participantes foi utilizado o Inventário de Comportamentos Relacionados à Infidelidade, confeccionado especialmente para este trabalho. Para poder analisar os resultados a seguir foram utilizadas as seguintes ferramentas estatísticas: média, desvio padrão, máximo, mínimo, o Teste t para comparação de médias e o teste não paramétrico Mann-Whitney para a comparação das medianas. Os softwares utilizados foram o Excel e o Minitab. Os resultados obtidos mostram que (1) ainda que de forma fraca, o ciúme é um agente de profecia auto-realizadora para a infidelidade (r= 0,25; 90 gl; p< 0,05 e r= 0,21; 90 gl; p< 0,05), de tal forma que há uma associação entre a infidelidade em ambos os parceiros (r=0,36; 45 gl; p< 0,05; r= 0,30; 45 gl; p< 0,05; r= 0,36; 45 gl; p< 0,01), (2) a partir dos dados analisados, pode-se afirmar que, para a nossa amostra, os sexos não diferem quanto à exibição do ciúme em termos de intensidade, (3) o sexo masculino tem tendência a trair mais do que o sexo feminino, provavelmente por razões ligadas à sexualidade (Teste W = 894,5; 826,0; 1496,5; p< 0.0001), (4) foi refutada a hipótese freudiana para a existência de um ciúme de natureza projetiva em homens e para as mulheres, (5) os comportamentos de infidelidade que mais se destacam entre os participantes são relacionados à rede internet (utilizar salas de bate papo, e-mails, mensagens on-line, dentre outros) e ter pensamentos relacionados aos comportamentos infiéis; ambos estão associados com o aumento das oportunidades que as pessoas têm de se engajarem em comportamentos amorosos infiéis, (6) há uma tendência, ainda que fraca, de quanto maior a auto-atribuição do escore “Nota física para si" menor será o número de comportamentos relacionados à infidelidade de seu(sua) parceiro(a) (r= -0,261; 90 gl; p< 0,01), (7) há uma tendência, ainda que fraca, de quanto a Nota física atribuída para o parceiro menor será o escore de ciúme, para ambas as etapas desta pesquisa (r= -0,217; 90 gl; p< 0,05 e r= - 0,205; 90 gl; p< 0,05, respectivamente), (8) nada se pode concluir com relação àqueles que se auto-atribuem notas quanto aos fatores psicológicos, em relação aos parceiros no que diz respeito ao ciúme, ou mesmo no que tange à infidelidade (9) quanto maior a idade dos participantes maior é o seu grau de comprometimento dos mesmos (r= 0,27; 90 gl; p< 0,01). Assim, pode-se concluir que os presentes resultados apoiaram algumas das hipóteses estabelecidas pelo autor desta pesquisa e foram consistentes com pesquisas anteriores, embora tenha refutado outras. Ainda pouco se conhece a respeito de quais os indivíduos são mais suscetíveis à infidelidade, mas este estudo permitiu identificar alguns fatores que promovem a infidelidade, algo que era muito pouco tratado pela literatura acadêmica até então. Dessa forma, o presente possibilitou uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica interpessoal amorosa, principalmente, referente a estes dois temas. Este estudo ainda, pode contribuir para outros estudos com o “Inventário de Comportamentos Relacionados à Infidelidade" que é útil para medir a freqüência de ocorrência de comportamentos amorosos infiéis. / Although the romantic jealousy and the loving infidelity are two important subjects that affect some human relationships and, also, a challenge for many of them, its origin mechanisms, action, association and consequences that can contribute to loving unfolding occur, haven’t had pretty well clarified. The present work has the intention of to verify possible associations between these two phenomena. Forty-five straight couples participated of this research with the average of 24.6 years enlisted by un announcement in the website of the University of São Paulo (USP). To evaluate the degrees of jealousy of the participants it was used the Scale of romantic jealousy - ECR (masculine and feminine versions) of Ramos, Yazawa & Salazar (1994). To evaluate the infidelity of the participants the “Inventory of Behaviors Related to the Infidelity" was especially elaborated for this work. To be able to analyze the results the following statistical tools had been used: average, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, the “T" test for comparison of averages and the test no parametric Mann-Whitney for the comparison of the medium ones. There were used Excel and Minitab soft wares. The results show that (1) although in a weak way, the jealousy is an agent of self-fulfilling prophecy for the infidelity (r= 0,25; 90 gl; p< 0,05 and r= 0,21; 90 gl; p< 0,05), in such a way that there is an association among the infidelity in both partners (r= 0,36; 45 gl; p< 0,05; r= 0,30; 45 gl; p< 0,05; r=0,36; 45 gl; p< 0,01), (2) starting from the analyzed data, it can be affirmed that, for our sample, the sexes don't differ as for the exhibition of the jealousy in intensity terms, (3) men usually tend to trail much more than women, maybe because of reasons connected to sexuality (“W" test = 894,5; 826,0; 1496,5; p< 0.0001), (4) the Freudian hypothesis was refuted for the existence of a jealousy of projective nature in men and for the women, (5) the infidelity behaviors that more they stand out among the participants are related to the use of the net internet (to use chats-rooms, e-mails, on-line messages, among other) and to have thoughts related to the behaviors infidels; both are associated with the increase of the opportunities that the people have of if they engage in behaviors loving infidels, (6) there is a tendency, although weak, of as larger the attribution of the score physical "Evaluation for itself" minor will be the number of behaviors related to his own infidelity (r= -0,261; 90 gl; p< 0,01), (7) there is a tendency even it is not strong, of as larger the physical Note attributed for the partner, smaller will be the jealousy score, for both stages of this research (r= -0,217; 90 gl; p<0,05 and r= - 0,205; 90 gl; p< 0,05, respectively), (8)There is nothing to conclude in relation to those people who give themselves superior or inferior grades, if the adopted criteria are the psychological factors, in relation to the partners in what it says respect to the jealousy, or even in what it refers to the infidelity (9) as the participants get older, the more they increase the level of commitment (r= 0,27; 90 gl; p< 0,01). So, it can be concluded that the results had supported some of the hypotheses established for the author of this research and had been consistent with previous research, although it has refuted others. There is a lot to know, regarding which individuals are more susceptible to the infidelity, but this research allowed, inside of its references, to identify and to discuss a little on some factors that promote the infidelity, something that has not been a common subject for the academic literature until then. This way, it was also possible to have a better understanding of the interpersonal love dynamics, mainly, referring to these two themes. This research can still contribute to other researches related to the “Inventory of Behaviors Related to the Infidelity" that is useful to measure the frequency the infidel love behaviors occur.

'O Cabeleira' entre a tradição e o cientificismo: a construção do herói sertanejo e o projeto educacional de Franklin Távora / 'O Cabeleira' between tradition and science: the construction of the inland hero and the educational project of Franklin Távora

Siqueira, Ana Marcia Alves 30 November 2007 (has links)
O trabalho tem por objetivo examinar a obra O Cabeleira, de Franklin Távora, como romancechave para se compreender uma parte do longo processo de formação de uma identidade nacional por meio da literatura, desenvolvido durante a segunda metade do século XIX. Também busca salientar a perpetuação e atualização de substratos da herança medieval portuguesa em nossa tradição literária, enfatizando o trabalho de transformação e climatização desses substratos graças à apropriação crítica realizada pelo autor. A imaginação criativa de Távora, embebida no repositório nacional, faz aflorar, em O Cabeleira, substratos medievais na construção do heróibandido, bem como na estruturação da trágica história romântica vivida pelo protagonista, na qual o amor é visto como um sentimento atávico, acima do Bem e do Mal, capaz de transformar até o mais cruel dos bandidos. Entretanto, o romance contempla outras intenções; além do objetivo de divulgar as \"autênticas tradições nacionais\", o autor buscava respaldar sua produção literária no cientificismo e defender a importância da educação para a construção de uma nação grandiosa. Certo de que as ciências naturais deveriam se unir à literatura para constituir a nação brasileira, Franklin Távora orquestra, no romance inaugural da Literatura do Norte, uma dupla intenção: de resgate das tradições nacionais através da história do bandido Cabeleira e de defesa da tese de que a educação é o único meio de salvar o sertanejo - e o povo brasileiro - da barbárie, assim como de elevar o Brasil ao patamar civilizatório dos países europeus. A utilização destes ideais e convicções como material literário possibilitou a diversidade de aspectos presentes no romance que parte de uma história registrada tanto pela crônica histórica quanto pelas trovas populares sobre o terrível Cabeleira, alcunha de José Gomes, um dos primeiros cangaceiros de Pernambuco. / The goal of this paper is to examine the romance O Cabeleira by Franklin Távora as a key novel for the comprehension of part of the long process of formation of a national identity through literature, accomplished raised along the second half of century XIX. It also aims to highlight the perpetuation and up date of the substrata of the Portuguese medieval inheritance in our literary tradition, emphasizing the work of transformation and climatization of these substrata due to the critical appropriation made by the author. Távora\'s creative imagination absorbed in the national repository, makes arise in O Cabeleira, medieval substrata in the construction of the outlaw hero, as well as in the structuralization of the tragic romantic history lived by the protagonist, in which love is faced as an atavic feeling, above of the good and of the evil, able to transform even the cruelest of the outlaws. However, the novel contemplates other intentions: besides divulging the \"authentic national traditions\", the author tried to endorse the literary production in science and to defend the whole of education in the construction of a huge nation. Certain that natural science should have to be joined to literature in order to build a Brazilian nation, Franklin Távola orchestrate, in the inaugural romance of the \"Literature of the North\", a double intention: the rescue of the national traditions through the history of the Cabeleira outlaw and the defense of the thesis stating that the education is the only means to save the sertanejo (inlander) - and the Brazilian people - from the barbarity and to raise Brazil to the civilizational plataform of European countries. The use of these ideals and certainties as literary material enabled the great variety of aspects present in the romance that emerge from a history registered both by historical chronicle and by the popular ballads about the terrible Cabeleira, nickname José Gomes, one of the first cangaceiros (bandits) from Pernambuco.

Remate de males: a música de poemas amorosos de Mário de Andrade / Remate de males: the music of Mário de Andrade\'s love poems

Souza, Cristiane Rodrigues de 06 August 2009 (has links)
A música percorre a obra de Mário de Andrade como matriz de seu fazer poético. Harmonizando as diferentes faces do poeta arlequinal, sua face musical aparece em Paulicéia desvairada (1922) e em Losango cáqui (1926), assim como nos versos de Clã do jabuti (1927), permanecendo, ainda, em Remate de males (1930) e nos volumes de poesia posteriores. O estudo detido de três grupos de poemas do livro de 1930 Tempo da Maria (1926), Poemas da negra (1929) e Poemas da amiga (1920-1930), realizado nesta tese, permite perceber em que medida a música e a retomada de formas populares, como a estrutura das Danças Dramáticas, moldam os poemas de Mário de Andrade, em que dilemas amorosos do eu lírico são encenados. / The music is the matrix of the poetic work of Mário de Andrade. Harmonizing the different faces of the multiple poet, his musical face can be seen in the books Paulicéia desvairada (1922), Losango cáqui (1926) and Clã do jabuti (1927), as well as in the verses of Remate de males (1930), and in the posterior works of the author. A detailed study of poems that are organized in tree groups of Remate de males Tempo da Maria (1926), Poemas da negra (1929) e Poemas da amiga (1920-1930) , accomplished by this thesis, allows us to notice how the music and the popular forms, as the structure of the Danças Dramáticas, mould the poems of Mário de Andrade, in which appears amorous dilemmas.

O amor é uma história: satisfação e complementaridade de papéis no relacionamento conjugal / Love is a story: satisfaction and social roles`complimentarily on couple relationships.

Mayor, Andréa Soutto 13 December 2007 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar se havia relação entre as \"Histórias de Amor\" descritas por Robert Sternberg e a satisfação conjugal. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com uma amostra de 50 casais heterossexuais, casados ou unidos consensualmente. Os objetivos específicos desta pesquisa foram os seguintes: identificar as \"Histórias de Amor\" mais preditoras da satisfação conjugal; verificar se havia semelhanças entre homens e mulheres nas \"Histórias de Amor\" com que mais e menos se identificavam e naquelas que mais e menos gostariam de viver; e verificar se havia relação entre o desejo de viver uma determinada \"História de Amor\" e a \"História\" que a pessoa efetivamente vivenciava. As \"Histórias\" que apresentavam enredos mais adequados socialmente foram aquelas que tiveram poder de predição positiva, enquanto que aquelas com enredos inadequados, segundo os padrões culturais, foram aquelas que apresentaram poder de predição negativa para a satisfação conjugal. Os casais apresentaram semelhanças no que concerne à identificação das \"Histórias de Amor\" com que mais e menos se identificam e, em média se mostraram satisfeitos com as \"Histórias\" que vivem e em seus relacionamentos conjugais. / The general purpose of this research was to identify any possible relationships between Robert Steinberg\'s \"Love Stories\" and couple satisfaction. 50 heterosexual couples, married or consensually living together, constituted the sample. Research specific objectives were: to identify \"Love Stories\" which were considered the most adequate to predict couple satisfaction; to verify if there were any similarities between men and women \"Love Stories\" and between those to which they either identify themselves or would like to reply on their own lives; to verify if there was any relationship between the wish of living a specific \"Love Story\" and the person\'s own \"real story\". Main findings were that the \"Love Stories\" of which the scripts were more socially adequate were those which were identified as having more positive prediction power, while those the scripts of which were socially inadequate according to the couples\' current cultural patterns were those which were considered as presenting negative prediction power for couple satisfaction. Couples presented similarities on relation to \"Love Stories\" they identify to with either more or less intensity and in average they were satisfied with the \"real living stories\" of their couple relationships.

Trieste, inaptidão e ciúme: três componentes fundantes do romance sveviano / Trieste, inaptitude and jealousy: three foundational components of svevo\'s novels

Castelan, Ivair Carlos 10 October 2014 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma leitura atenta que demonstre a importância do ciúme para a tessitura narrativa nos romances de Italo Svevo: Una vita (1892), Senilità (1898) e La coscienza di Zeno (1923). A partir da ordem de publicação de cada obra, pretende-se desvelar as relações amorosas, desnudando o modo como o ciúme apresenta-se nas histórias vividas pelos personagens. As diversas teorias que discorrem sobre o ciúme, ainda que de modos diferentes, convergem em um ponto, ou seja, no caráter triplo desse sentimento que terá, portanto, o triângulo como a forma geométrica que melhor o representa. Todavia, o ciúme será analisado neste estudo, sobretudo, à luz da teoria do filósofo francês, René Girard. Este trabalho ainda trata de duas questões fundamentais na obra de Svevo, intrinsicamente ligadas ao ciúme: o ambiente triestino, onde se desenrolam as histórias e o caráter inapto de seus protagonistas. / The main goal of this work is to produce an attentive reading that demonstrates the importance of jealousy shaping the narrative web in Italo Svevo\'s novels: Una vita (1892), Senilità (1898) e La coscienza di Zeno (1923). Following the chronological order of each piece, the intent is to unveil the amorous relationships by uncovering the manner jealousy is presented in characters\' histories. The diverse theories lecturing on jealousy -though may diverge in some aspects- end up converging in one: the triple aspect of the feeling, the triangle for its geometrical shape that very well represents it. However, jealousy will be taken in this study, most of all, enlightened by the french philosopher theory of René Girard. Furthermore, this thesis also deals with two important matters of Svevo\'s work, intrinsically linked to jealousy: the Triestian enviroment, where main characters\' storyline and inaptitude flourish.

Escritura da perda: um tempo não-reconciliado em Bandeira e Apollinaire / Bandeira e Apollinaire\'s tematic and comparativel analysis

Torres, Tatiane Milene 02 July 2007 (has links)
Tendo em vista a influência confessa da poética apollinairiana nas primeiras produções de Manuel Bandeira, o que, em hipótese alguma, se deve a uma leitura positivista segundo a escola francesa tradicional, propomos a análise temático-comparativa de poemas retirados da obra A cinza das horas ( 1917 ) e de Alcools (1913 ). O estudo vem se dando a partir da recorrência motívica central do tempo, presente em ambos os poetas, que traduzem os seus desgostos íntimos através de uma linguagem sentimentalmente artística e expressiva em que o amor canta a morte. A dor, o tédio, a solidão e a melancolia são os sentimentos que sustentam essa condição poética desditosa, buscando resgatar aquilo que findou por meio de um tempo mítico, haja vista que este será eternamente não-reconciliado, estando o olhar poético direcionado para um passado que traz reminiscências dolorosas. Além disso, nossa preocupação é a de observar como esse tema é representado em seus vários subtemas, bem como nas diferentes formas poéticas que constituem nosso corpus de análise. / As we have the known influence of the Apollinaire poetry at the first production of Manuel Bandeira, which is based on the reading of the positivism according to the traditional french school, the main aim of this research is to analyse tematic and comparatively the poems taken from the works A cinza das horas (1917) and Alcools. The cited research has been developed through the central constant motive of the time, being held at both poets\' works, which translate their inner disgustings throughout the sentimental-artistic and the expressive language, where the love sings the death. The pain, the tedium, the lonely and the melancholia are the feelings that supply such unfortunate poetic condition, trying this way to recollect what is over through a mythical time, remembering that such time will never be recuperated, through a poetic sight focused on the past which brings painful remains. Nevertheless, our main concern is to observe how such theme is represented in its assorted subthemes, as well as how the different poetic forms are built in our analysis.

A construção do amor: uma análise do romance Iaiá Garcia de Machado de Assis / The construction of love: an analysis of the novel Iaiá Garcia by Machado de Assis

Rodrigues, Áriston Moraes 14 February 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa como se comportam as personagens femininas do romance Iaiá Garcia, a partir das suas escolhas amorosas, no âmbito do sistema de favor e cooptação do Segundo Reinado. Para tanto, a análise do estado amoroso em contrapartida aos valores da sociedade clientelista ganha destaque neste trabalho, permitindo compreender a oposição entre as duas principais figuras femininas do romance, Estela e Iaiá Garcia. Como o proposto pelo narrador, as duas personagens simbolizam o passado e o futuro do comportamento social em meados do século XIX e, assim, servem como meio para a discussão, no romance, das relações afetivas intrinsecamente ligadas à questão matrimonial no decurso histórico do Segundo Reinado. Esta análise mostra que essa oposição é uma fórmula encontrada pelo escritor para desacreditar o valor do amor como um sentimento imanente ao homem. / This research analyzes the behaviors of female characters in the novel Iaiá Garcia, by looking at their choices related to love issues, within the system of mutual favors and cooptation prevalent in Brazil during the Second Empire period. A contrastive analysis between love and social patronage values is carried out in order to understand the opposition between the two main female characters in the novel, Estela and Iaiá Garcia. According to the novels narrator, these characters represent the past and the future of the social behavior in the middle of the nineteenth century, and, thus, they are used as a means to discuss, within the novel, affective relations inextricably linked to issues of marriage during the history of the Second Empire in Brazil. This analysis shows that that opposition is a way used by Machado de Assis to deny the value of love as an inherent human feeling.

When love meets money: negative roles of money in romantic relationships

January 2014 (has links)
The increase of divorce rate and infidelity with rapid economic development leads people to think about the influence of money on romantic relationships. Previous studies focused on the exploration of the relation between income and romantic relationships. They revealed that money facilitates the development of romantic relationships, but is also associated with relationship conflicts and crisis. However, little is known about how money is related to the occurrences of relationship problems. The current study centered on the negative effects of money on romantic relationships, and explored the possible psychological processes underlying these effects. I predicted that some money-related attitudes and feelings would exert a negative effect on individuals’ relationship satisfaction and investment, and increase the possibility of getting a better alternative by motivating them to approach the attractive opposite-sex, thus decreasing relationship commitment. I recruited Mainland Chinese college students and community samples involved in romantic relationships and conducted three studies under the framework of the investment model. A paper-and-pencil questionnaire was used in Study 1 to investigate the relationship between attitudes towards money and relationship investment. Results showed that people who assigned a high value to money underestimated their partners’ investment, and performed fewer pro-relationship behaviors. In Study 2 and Study 3, I used the priming method to trigger a relatively rich or poor feeling. Study 2 focused on respondents’ satisfaction with their partners and revealed that men feeling relatively rich were less satisfied with their partners’physical appearance than those feeling relatively poor. This difference was not significant for women. In Study 3, I examined how individuals thought and behaved in a situation with an opposite-sex attractive alternative. Results showed that men feeling relatively rich sat closer to the attractive alternative than men feeling relatively poor. Compared with men, women feeling rich reported less interest in dating the attractive alternative but sat closer to him than women feeling poor. Put simply, the importance that an individual places in money is negatively related to relationship investment, and the awareness of being rich may cause low satisfaction and increase an individual’s propensity to approach the alternative. According to the investment model, results from my studies demonstrate that these money-related attitudes and feelings could potentially exert a negative impact on romantic commitment, and this could be an important reason for the instability of romantic relationships. Findings from my studies also revealed some gender differences in the influences of money, indicating that the magnitude and direction of these influences could partially depend on which relationship partner owns the money. These findings have both conceptual and practical implications for the psychology of money and romantic relationships. / 近年來,中國經濟在飛速發展,與此同時,離婚率不斷上升,出軌事件日益增加,這讓人們開始思考金錢對愛情關係的影響。已有研究者探討了收入與愛情之間的關係,發現金錢可以促進愛情關係的發展,但是也與關係中的衝突和危機相關。金錢如何導致了關係問題的出現,有關這一問題的研究成果有限。因此,本研究以金錢對愛情關係的消極影響為焦點,探索這些影響背後可能的心理機制。我假設某些與金錢有關的態度和感受對關係滿意度和關係投資會有消極影響,並且,會增加個體獲得一個更好的新關係的可能性,根據投資模型(Rusbult, 1983),關係承諾由此會被削弱。我以正處於愛情關係中的大學生和成人為被試,在投資模型的理論框架下實施了三個研究。研究一使用紙筆測驗考察了個體對於金錢的態度和關係投資之間的關係,結果表明,重視金錢的人往往會低估伴侶對關係的投入,並且做出較少的親關係行為。在研究二和研究三的實驗中,我使用了啟動方法引發相對富有或貧窮的感覺。研究二以對伴侶的滿意度為焦點,發現感覺相對富裕的男性對伴侶外貌的滿意度低於感覺貧窮的男性,對女性來說,這種差異不顯著。研究三的目的是檢驗在有吸引力異性在場的情境中個體的想法和行為。結果表明,與感覺相對貧窮的男性相比,感覺富有的男性選擇了距離有吸引力的異性比較近的座位。與感覺相對貧窮的女性相比,感覺富有的女性與有吸引力異性約會的興趣較小,但是選擇了距離其比較近的座位。簡言之,個體對金錢的重視程度與關係投資負相關,並且感覺富有可能會導致較低的滿意度和較高的接近其他異性的傾向。根據投資模型,可以認為這些與金錢有關的態度和感受可能會對關係承諾有消極影響,這可能是導致愛情關係不穩定的一個重要原因。本研究的結果揭示了一些有關金錢影響的性別差異,表明金錢影響力的大小和方向可能在某種程度上取決於在關係中哪一方擁有金錢。這些研究結果對於金錢心理學和愛情關係心理學都有重要的理論和實踐意義。 / Li, Yiming. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 89-101). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on 20, December, 2016). / Detailed summary in vernacular field only.

Des formes érotiques de l'amour / Forms of erotic love

Bretin, Marie-Line 20 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le rôle que jouent les érotiques humaines dans la construction de la psyché humaine comme Moi et comme sujet. L'amour érotique c'est l'amour soudain, fusionnel et exclusif des commencements et du coup de foudre. Il y a deux formes d'amour érotique. Il y a d'abord les expressions érotiques "profanes" qui participent à la construction du Moi : l'érotique primordiale que connaît le nouveau-né dans la relation avec la Mère des origines, l'érotique maternelle son complément, et l'érotique amoureuse. Le temps de l'érotique profane construit une identification puissant à l'aimé, par laquelle un autre étrange et étranger devient brusquement le proche absolument. Quand le temps érotique est passé, quelque chose d'essentiel à cette identification s'est déposé, en soi, sous forme de couche moïque. L'altérité fascinante de l'autre est alors devenue mêmeté, et l'autre ne pourra plus être aimé érotiquement. Et il y a les érotiques philosophiques et religieuses en jeu dans l'émergence du sujet. Le point commun de toute érotique, c'est l'idéalisation de l'aimé, par lequel l'aimé devient cet Autre absolutisé qui s'incarne en Mère des origines, le Tout-petit, le Père spirituel qui fait face, en chacun, au Père Tribal, l'Aimé et l'Amant, et enfin le Frère aîné d'une humanité spiritualisée. / This thesis centres on the role played by the various forms of erotic love in the construction of the human psyche as in the Self and the Subject. Erotic love is sudden, symbiotic and exclusive. It is the love of the beginnings or love at first sight. There are two forms of erotic love. Firstly there are certain "profane" expressions that take part in the construction of the Self : primordial eroticism experienced by the new-born in its relationship with is Birth Mother, complemented by both motherly eroticism and erotic love. This period pf profane eroticism builds a powerful identification with the love one, in which a strange and foreign being is brought abruptly close to them. When this erotic period is over, it leaves behind essential identification markers, in a form of layer within the Self. Thefascinating otherness of the Other has thus become sameness and the Other can never again be loved erotically. In addition, philosophic and religious eroticism come into play in the emergence of the Subject. The common thread in all eroticism is the idealisation of the loved-one, by which the loved-one becomes this absolute Other, incarnated in the Birth Mother, the New-born, the Spiritual Father who takes on the tribal Father in each of us, the Loved-One and the Lover, and finally the older Brother of a spiritualised humanity.

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