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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Por uma educa??o est?tica: um enfoque na forma??o universit?ria de professores / Looking forward a esthetical education: focus on professor's universitarian formation

Amorim, Verussi Melo de 15 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Verussi Melo de .pdf: 461914 bytes, checksum: cd9e365688af9997670d4625a9b764f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-15 / One is a professor when he is formed a professor. Considering docent formation as a continuation that one takes indefinitely and in an unfinished way, and not only by acquiring titles or courses of teaching, the question that should be asked refers to the possibility of a esthetic education in the university, aiming the education of the sensitive. In order to accomplish that, one should seek docent formation through Art sustained by the thought that, while an unautomating toel of perception, Art invites the pupil to reorganize the world, experimenting new versions of himself. Providing esthetical experiments through Art in graduate courses, could be a expedient to rise the sensitive in future docents - people that will work with teaching art, struggling directly with pupil human formation. Thus, the intention of the research is to formulate a esthetical education purpose for the gradua te formation of professors, comprehending that the esthetical experiment can promote subjective rearranges at the graduate pupil, instigating him to think about himself and, consequently, forming himself a subject [and owner of his own practice}, instead of forming himself as a consumer of pre-constituted-way-of-beings. In this way, this research sustains itself in a theoretical dialogue, in wich studious of the Esthetical Education area, interviewed by the researcher, talk about docent formation as a (permanent) process of discovering and rupture, completely superposed to the subjectivity of the docent under formation, delineating a particular lecturing, in which each subject is the maker of his own history. / ?-se professor ao formar-se professor. Em assim considerando a forma??o docente, como um continuum que se faz indefinIda e inacabadamente, e n?o meramente atrav?s de obten??o de t?tulos ou cursos de licenciatura, a quest?o que se coloca refere-se ? possibilidade de uma educa??o est?tica na universidade, visando ? educa??o do sens?vel. Para tanto, buscar-se-? uma forma??o docente atrav?s da arte por entender que, enquanto desautomatizadora da percep??o, a arte convidaria o aluno a reorganizar o mundo, experimentando novas vers?es de si. Proporcionar experi?ncias est?ticas por meio da arte, em cursos universit?rios, poderia ser um meio a partir do qual seria poss?vel despertar o sens?vel nos futuros docentes - pessoas que trabalhar?o com a arte de ensinar, lidando, diretamente, com a forma??o humana de alunos. O intento da pesquisa - que se insere na linha de pesquisa: Universidade, doc?ncia e forma??o de professores - ?, portanto, ao analisar a maneira como a arte pode educar, vislumbrar possibilidades de uma educa??o est?tica para a forma??o universit?ria de professores, entendendo que a experi?ncia est?tica pode promover rearranjos subjetivos no universit?rio, instigando-o a pensar-se e, conseq?entemente, a formar-se sujeito (e dono de sua pr?pria pr?tica), ao inv?s de consumista de modos-de-ser pr?-constru?dos. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa se sustenta num di?logo te?rico, em que estudiosos da ?rea de Educa??o Est?tica, em entrevistas ? pesquisadora, falam a respeito da forma??o docente como um processo (permanente) de descobertas e rupturas, completamente imbricada ? subjetividade do docente em forma??o, delineando uma doc?ncia particular, em que cada sujeito ? o fazedor de sua pr?pria hist?ria.

Educa??o de jovens e adultos: uma perspectiva de alfabetiza??o com idosos / Young and adult education: a perspective of literacy with elders

Marques, Denise Travassos 13 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Denise Travassos Marques.pdf: 1382737 bytes, checksum: 17e0494b7d3201c892ed41f4333ef2fd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-13 / This present work aims at understanding why and how the educator.s education concerning the literacy of Young and Adults can influence the educator.s performance committed to human dignity and improving the knowledge about the educator.s education and about the elders. profile in the modern society, as well as analyzing the population growth of elders in Brazil and its repercussions to the social fields. It should be added to the economically poor elders the social consequences of an unproductive live which, most of the times, refrain them from conquering a better social life. These changes have had considerable impacts on the public policies. This study aims at taking a good look at the presence of elders in the literacy classrooms of the Education Program for Elders, as well as at the main role of the educators in the process of thinking and the paradigm which excludes the elders from the productive sectors. The document survey and the document analysis of the legislation relative to the elder as described in the work, give the educator the opportunity of performing the role of mediator and negotiator of the learning process, getting to know the social, psychological and biological conditions of the elderly student. For that, it is necessary for the educator to constantly update his or her knowledge of other scientific fields. The starting assumption is that the answers to the challenges facing the contemporary world demand the educators. education as a social educator, as well as the construction of knowledge that make the educators. development possible in order to consciously face the challenges put before the education of the society with the aim of contributing with a more humanitarian education. This work has been developed as part of the Research Program for Education Practices and for the Educators. Education, together with ICCON Research Group (Interdisciplinary and Constructive Knowledge) Post-graduation Program in Education at Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas. / O presente trabalho visa compreender porque e como a forma??o do docente na Educa??o de Jovens e Adultos pode exercer influ?ncia na a??o do educador comprometido com a dignidade humana e aprofundar os conhecimentos da forma??o do professor e do perfil do idoso na sociedade moderna, bem como analisar o aumento da popula??o idosa no Brasil e suas repercuss?es para os campos sociais. Aos idosos desfavorecidos economicamente somam-se decorr?ncias sociais da vida n?o produtiva que, muitas vezes, os impedem de encontrarem maior espa?o de valoriza??o social. Essas mudan?as j? est?o repercutindo nas pol?ticas p?blicas. Nesta pesquisa abordam-se a presen?a dos idosos nas salas de alfabetiza??o de Educa??o de jovens e Adultos, bem como o papel fundamental do pedagogo nesse processo de reflex?o e o paradigma que exclu? a participa??o dos educandos mais velhos no setor produtivo. O levantamento bibliogr?fico e an?lise documental das legisla??es referente aos idosos apresentados propiciam ao pedagogo desempenhar uma fun??o de mediador e articulador da aprendizagem, conhecendo a realidade social, psicol?gica e biol?gica dos educandos. Para isso ? necess?rio atualizar-se constantemente em outros campos cient?ficos. Partimos do pressuposto de que a resposta aos desafios que o mundo contempor?neo apresenta demanda por uma forma??o docente, no curso de Pedagogia, que vise o educador social e que possibilite a constru??o de conhecimentos para o desenvolvimento do educador consciente dos desafios impostos ? educa??o, no sentido de contribuir com uma educa??o mais humana. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na Linha de Pesquisa Pr?ticas Pedag?gicas e Forma??o do Educador, junto ao Grupo de Pesquisa ICCON (Interdisciplinaridade e Constru??o do Conhecimento) do Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas.

Di?logos com quem ousa educar, educando-se: a forma??o de educadores a partir de uma experi?ncia de educa??o popular / Dialogues with teachers who educate by learning-educators education from an experience on Popular Education programs

Campos, Ana Maria de 04 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Maria de Campos.pdf: 24948238 bytes, checksum: dde8087bd7fbb81556c5c1665a51d490 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-04 / The present narrative investigation aims at studying an experience in the development of educators carried out in the city of Campinas-SP through 2003-2004. Its relevance is justified by the analysis of narratives and documents such as autobiographies, letters, diaries, poetry and chronicles written by popular educators who have been participating in the literacy programs of young and adults, including this researcher educator. These sources have proven very powerful in providing insights from the movements of re-creating knowledge along life. The reflexive and autobiographic notes written a posteriori the live experiences reveal the understanding of the personal history deeply involved in the personal histories of the individuals/object. The educators attitude as a writer manifested in the texts and in their life choice as educators indicates that the emancipating conception of the production of knowledge experienced in the Popular Education gives rise to the development of the intellect, of creative energies, and of solidarity in overcoming the social constraints and restrictive conditions. The written texts also give rise to a new meaning of life as a work of art still to be finished and open to new experiences. This investigation amplifies the voices that have been silenced in the official culture and in the academy, and brings light to other versions for discussions and new propositions to be worked out in the social contexts where educational practices take place. This work was developed in line with the Research of Pedagogical Practices and the Educators Education, within the ICCON Research Group (Interdisciplinary and Knowledge Production Group) of the Post Graduation Program of the Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas with grant from CAPES. / A presente investiga??o narrativa tem como objetivo estudar uma experi?ncia de forma??o de educadores realizada na cidade de Campinas-SP, no per?odo de 2003-2004. Sua relev?ncia ? atestada ao se utilizar como instrumentos de an?lise narrativas autobiogr?ficas, cartas, di?rios, poesias e cr?nicas produzidas por educadoras populares participantes do projeto de alfabetiza??o de jovens e adultos, incluindo a pr?pria educadora-pesquisadora. As fontes s?o potentes para dar a ver os movimentos de recria??o de saberes constru?dos ao longo da vida. As anota??es reflexivas e autobiogr?ficas, escritas a posteriori da experi?ncia vivida, revelam a compreens?o da hist?ria pessoal imbricada na hist?ria social dos sujeitos/objetos. A atitude autoral manifesta nos textos e nas op??es de vida das educadoras sinalizam que a concep??o emancipat?ria da produ??o do conhecimento experienciada na Educa??o Popular favorece o desenvolvimento da intelig?ncia, das energias criativas e da solidariedade para a supera??o dos estigmas e condicionamentos sociais. A ressignifica??o da vida como uma obra de arte, inconclusa e aberta pode ser vislumbrada nos registros autorais. Com esse percurso investigativo se amplifica as vozes silenciadas na cultura oficial e nos discursos acad?micos, trazendo ? luz outras vers?es para dialogar e problematizar os contextos sociais em que se d?o as pr?ticas educativas. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na Linha de Pesquisa Pr?ticas Pedag?gicas e Forma??o do Educador, junto ao Grupo de Pesquisa ICCON (Interdisciplinaridade e Constru??o do Conhecimento) do Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas e contou com financiamento da CAPES.

O brincar e a afetividade na pr?tica pedag?gica de professores de educa??o infantil

Sawaya, Cristiane Maria Franzini 16 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristiane Maria Franzini Sawaya.pdf: 705661 bytes, checksum: 47ecf0a7012783b856ba9fe9893f1ff7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-16 / This study aims to examine the role of affection and play in the education of children of early childhood education, focusing on the character of the theoretical and practical training for teachers regarding the importance they attach to the relationship of play and affection with the object of knowledge. In this sense, the problem involves the study seeks to identify the contributions of the relationship of play and affection in the training of teachers in early childhood education as a fundamental aspect of education and facilitator of the child in school. Faced with this issue understand that the training of educators is the theoretical-practical articulation in the development of their pedagogical practice, because only then is the knowledge that produces results and explaining the reality. The theoretical framework that supports this research agenda is, especially in studies of Wallon, Vygotsky, since both, in general, seek to identify the presence of affection in the teacher-student and the influences of the teaching-learning process. The search is performed based on the design critical history of education, ie axiological of praxis. The methodology consisted of a qualitative research study together a bibliography on the subject, interviews with professionals in the field of Child Education and systematic observation of their classrooms. To analyze the empirical material, were constructed three categories of analysis: development of children, affection and the concept of play and the theory-practice. As final results point to the need to think about pedagogical work in Education from the Children's play and the emotional and reasoned manner, and articulate theory and practice, performing a work that surpasses every form of fragmentation or the mere transmission of information uncritical. Here is located the relevance of this study. / O presente trabalho tem por finalidade analisar o papel da afetividade e do brincar na educa??o da crian?a da educa??o infantil, enfocando o car?ter te?rico-pr?tico da forma??o dos professores no que se refere ? import?ncia que atribuem ? rela??o do brincar e da afetividade com o objeto de conhecimento. Nesse sentido, a problem?tica que envolve este estudo busca identificar as contribui??es da rela??o do brincar e da afetividade na forma??o dos professores de educa??o infantil como aspecto fundamental e facilitador da educa??o da crian?a na escola. Diante de tal problema compreendo que a forma??o do educador passa pela articula??o te?rico-pr?tica no desenvolvimento de sua pr?tica pedag?gica, pois s? assim se produz o conhecimento que d? origem e que explica a realidade. O referencial te?rico que fundamenta esta pesquisa pauta-se, principalmente, nos estudos de Wallon, Vygotsky, uma vez que ambos, em linhas gerais, buscam identificar a presen?a da afetividade na rela??o professor-aluno e as influ?ncias desta no processo ensino-aprendizagem. A pesquisa ? realizada com fundamentos na concep??o hist?rico cr?tico de educa??o, ou seja, a axiologia da pr?xis. A metodologia constitui-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa reunindo um estudo bibliogr?fico sobre o tema, entrevistas com profissionais da ?rea de Educa??o Infantil e observa??o sistem?tica de suas salas de aula. Para analisar o material emp?rico, foram constru?das tr?s categorias de an?lise: concep??o de crian?a, conceito de afetividade e do brincar e a rela??o teoria-pr?tica. Como resultados finais, apontamos para a necessidade de se pensar o trabalho pedag?gico na Educa??o Infantil a partir do brincar e do afetivo e de forma fundamentada, e articular teoria e pr?tica, realizando um trabalho que supere toda forma de fragmenta??o ou de mera transmiss?o de informa??es acr?ticas. Aqui situa-se a relev?ncia deste estudo.

Paulo Freire e educa??o matem?tica: reflexos sobre a forma??o do professor / Paulo Freire and teaching mathematics: reflections about teacher formation

Forner, R?gis 07 June 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Regis Forner.pdf: 1235167 bytes, checksum: bda94113e98a785d43b2adac7fa90ac9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-06-07 / This work is part of the line of research University, Teaching and Teacher Formation . It investigates the influences of Paulo Freire s theory upon the formation of mathematics teachers from the point of view of eight renowned researchers of the Mathematical Education area. Its objective is to present possible relationships between Mathematical Education and the theory of Paulo Freire to teachers of basic and higher education and to obtain useful material for the discussion of their formation, both initial and continued. A brief bibliography of Paulo Freire, ideas about his theory and teaching Mathematics were presented with the intention of raising points they have in common. The methodological approach of Oral History was used in order to find new elements for the intended analysis. Theme type interviews made it possible to survey some categories that show how much Paulo Freire s theory can contribute to the formation of Mathematics teachers. The study points out convergences between the referred theory related to Paulo Freire s theory and teaching Mathematics and Oral History since in general both focus on the oppressed. The study instigates the exploration of other paths in Paulo Freire s work that could contribute to teaching Mathematics and helping the formation of the Mathematics teacher. / O presente trabalho, inserido na linha de pesquisa Universidade, Doc?ncia e Forma??o de Professores , busca investigar as influ?ncias da teoria de Paulo Freire, sob a ?tica de oito renomados pesquisadores da ?rea da Educa??o Matem?tica, na forma??o do professor de Matem?tica. Tem por objetivo apresentar aos docentes da educa??o b?sica e ensino superior as poss?veis rela??es entre a Educa??o Matem?tica e a teoria de Paulo Freire, e obter subs?dios para discutir sua forma??o, seja inicial ou continuada. Apresentou-se um breve relato bibliogr?fico de Paulo Freire, e id?ias sobre sua teoria e sobre a Educa??o Matem?tica, buscando levantar pontos comuns entre elas. Utilizou-se a Hist?ria Oral como abordagem metodol?gica por considerar prop?cia ? busca de novos elementos para a an?lise pretendida. A entrevista tem?tica possibilitou o levantamento de algumas categorias que mostram o quanto a teoria de Paulo Freire pode contribuir para a forma??o do professor de Matem?tica. A pesquisa aponta converg?ncias entre o referencial te?rico, relacionado ? teoria de Paulo Freire e ? Educa??o Matem?tica, e a Hist?ria Oral, visto que, de forma geral, ambos t?m como foco o oprimido, e instiga outros caminhos a serem explorados na obra de Paulo Freire que podem contribuir para a Educa??o Matem?tica e para a forma??o do professor de Matem?tica.

Forma??o profissional na escola de enfermagem Wenceslau Braz : o ensino do cuidar em curso de gradua??o em enfermagem / Academic education at Wenceslau Braz Nursing School : taking care teaching in graduation course nursing

Hertel, Valdin?a Luiz 25 June 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Valdinea Luiz Hertel.pdf: 12672724 bytes, checksum: 3eabf9a00f013b0b7deca437261dff97 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-06-25 / The present work is in the research line Institutional Avaliation . Its purpose is to know taking care conceptions in Nursing, identify used strategies to the teaching of taking care, reflect on the responsibility of the discipline: Fundamental Semiology Notions in the construction of taking care in Nursing as weel to understanding the logical applied to Methodological resorts choice to the process of taking care teaching. The researched people were 15 academic teaching staff and professionals in Nursing at Wenceslau Braz Nursing School. We chose to congratulate the investigation, having as a theorical methodological support the quality approach in which one it was pointed the obtained data in mainly three categories to the elaborating analyses: Taking care conceptions in Nursing, Pedagogical principles of taking care teaching, The objective of the disciplines in professional Education. The results concerning to the teaching staff are divided among technical, humanist and changing views. The ones who defende humanistic conception keep valueing the the technical racionality. We got to the conclusion that we need to rescue in the Nursing School the Care Education centered in the human approach through the reorganization of the Pedagogical work. / Este trabalho est? inserido na Linha de Pesquisa Avalia??o Institucional . Teve como objetivos conhecer as concep??es de cuidar em Enfermagem, identificar as estrat?gias utilizadas para o ensino do cuidar, refletir sobre a responsabilidade da disciplina No??es Fundamentais de Semiologia na constru??o do cuidar em Enfermagem e, tamb?m, compreender a l?gica utilizada na escolha de recursos metodol?gicos para o processo do ensino do cuidar. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram quinze docentes com forma??o acad?mica e profissional em Enfermagem da Escola de Enfermagem Wenceslau Braz. Optamos por privilegiar a investiga??o, tendo como suporte te?rico-metodol?gico a abordagem qualitativa, na qual delimitamos os dados obtidos em tr?s categorias constru?das a priori para elabora??o da an?lise: Concep??es de Cuidar em Enfermagem, Princ?pios Pedag?gicos no Ensino do Cuidar e o Papel das Disciplinas na Forma??o Profissional . Constatamos que quanto ? concep??o de cuidar em Enfermagem, os docentes encontram-se divididos entre a vis?o tecnicista, humanista e a de transi??o. Os que defendem a concep??o human?stica continuam valorizando a racionalidade t?cnica. Chegamos ? conclus?o de que precisamos resgatar na Enfermagem uma educa??o centrada na humaniza??o do cuidado, atrav?s da reorganiza??o do trabalho pedag?gico.

A forma??o do professor de hist?ria frente aos paradigmas do conhecimento: o curso de hist?ria no centro do debate / The formation of teachers of history facing knowledge paradigms: the history course in the center of the debate

Giesbrecht, Daniel Florence 01 April 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniel Florence Giesbrecht.pdf: 872904 bytes, checksum: a3f94a564b119d18c409bfc866dacd90 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-04-01 / This study, inserted in the research line University, docency and formation of teachers, has as its objective to analyze the process of formation of teachers of History facing the main paradigms related to the production of historical knowledge and education. To achieve this objective, we tried to know how the undergraduate courses have been being structured to provide the formation of critical and problematizing professionals. We had the History course of The Pontificia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas (Campinas?s Catholic University) as the site and, as participants, the 14 docents who acted in this study, during its development. We opted for the development of a qualitative research through the analysis of the pedagogical project and the course, and the opinions of the docents. Individual interviews with the docents were performed and we tried to focus on specific issues of the course, as well as epistemological and methodological conceptions. Based on the assumptions that the History worked in classrooms of the primary school still presents a point of view considered traditional , we analyzed, at the same time, the History teaching itself. We could, along this study, to realize that the process of formation of teachers as well as the process of historical knowledge building do not happen in an isolated way, having a deep influence from the globalized capitalism and issues which are out of the teacher s control. However, this study demonstrated that the course approached emphasizes proposals to overcome this panorama. This fact involves challenges and limitations as well as fights and victories. Through advances and retrocessions, the production of historical knowledge has been trying to survive facing the deep political ignorance that the capitalist society insists in cultivating. / O presente trabalho, inserido na linha de pesquisa Universidade, Doc?ncia e Forma??o de Professores, tem como objetivo analisar o processo de forma??o de professores de Hist?ria frente aos principais paradigmas que envolvem a produ??o do conhecimento hist?rico e a educa??o. Para isso, buscamos conhecer como os cursos de gradua??o est?o se estruturando para propiciar a forma??o de profissionais cr?ticos e problematizadores. Tivemos como loco de estudo o curso de Hist?ria da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, e, como participantes, os quatorze docentes que, no momento da realiza??o do trabalho, nele atuavam. Optamos por realizar uma pesquisa de car?ter qualitativo atrav?s da an?lise do Projeto Pedag?gico do curso e das falas dos docentes. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais com os docentes, nas quais procuramos enfocar quest?es espec?ficas do curso, assim como concep??es epistemol?gicas e metodol?gicas. Baseados no pressuposto de que a Hist?ria trabalhada nas salas de aulas do ensino b?sico ainda apresentar uma vis?o tida como tradicional , realizamos ao mesmo tempo uma an?lise do pr?prio ensino de Hist?ria. Pudemos, no decorrer deste trabalho, perceber que o processo de forma??o de professores, assim como o processo de constru??o do conhecimento hist?rico n?o se realiza de forma isolada, sofrendo profunda influ?ncia do capitalismo globalizado e de quest?es que est?o aqu?m do controle do professor, mas, mesmo assim, a pesquisa demonstrou que o curso estudado enfatiza propostas que tentam fugir de tal panorama. Este fato implica desafios e limita??es, mas, ao mesmo tempo, lutas e supera??es, deste modo, atrav?s de avan?os e retrocessos, a produ??o do conhecimento hist?rico vem tentando sobreviver frente ? profunda despolitiza??o que a sociedade capitalista insiste em cultuar.

Hist?rias de Professores de Artes Visuais: um rememorar de pr?ticas pedag?gicas e um olhar para a forma??o docente / Professors of Visual Arts stories: a recall of teaching practices and a look at the professor education

Crivari, Ana Maria da Silva Bittar 09 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Maria da Silva Bittar Crivari.pdf: 791094 bytes, checksum: e362774da8b41706cea7e5fbdef28215 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-09 / This research was based on Visual Arts professor s stories, proposing a rethinking teaching practices and professor education in this field. The teaching of art goes through major conceptual and methodological change, and has led to reflections and curriculum changes that require adjustments in teaching practice and professor education. We focus, in order to delineate the processes by which comes through art education and emancipation in the knowledge area constitut as a discipline, as well as the changing process in the legislation Brazilian education itself of Brazilian education. We seek to relive and recall teaching practices and the facilitation and specific students pedagogic education, developed in the classroom a School of Visual Arts professors who value the role of arts in education. We discuss the process of comprehensive and substantial art education and interlacing with the education future professors Arts. Through the Oral History methodology rescued the life history, the three Visual Arts professors experiences. The methodological procedures were semi-structured interviews with visual arts professors of a course in and promote a review of literature on art education and his plans.We emphasized during interviews, teaching practice, so we recall the experiences and lived meanings, which of course were used to review the present and prepare for the future. We believe in the contribution of these experiences, to train professors, showing how art can be revisited, taught and relearned. We understand that teaching process and learning art, mediated by professors' action seems to highlight the students relationship importance with the object of knowledge that we teach, creating the opportunity for this to be seized. / Esta pesquisa baseou-se em hist?rias de professores de Artes Visuais, propondo um repensar sobre as pr?ticas pedag?gicas e forma??o de professores desta ?rea de conhecimento. O ensino da Arte passa por grande mudan?a conceitual e metodol?gica, e vem provocando reflex?es e altera??es curriculares que demandam adequa??es na pr?tica docente e na forma??o de professores. Enfocamos visando a delinear os processos pelos quais vem passando o ensino da arte e sua emancipa??o na constitui??o desta ?rea de conhecimento como disciplina, bem como o processo de mudan?a na pr?pria legisla??o da educa??o brasileira. Buscamos rememorar as pr?ticas pedag?gicas e os elementos facilitadores na forma??o pedag?gica e espec?fica dos alunos, desenvolvidas, na sala de aula dos professores de um Curso de Artes Visuais e que valorizam o papel da arte na educa??o. Refletimos sobre o processo abrangente e substancial do ensino da arte e o entrela?amento com a forma??o do futuro professor de Arte. Por meio da metodologia da Hist?ria Oral resgatamos a hist?ria de vida e as experi?ncias de tr?s docentes de Arte Visuais. Os procedimentos metodol?gicos foram entrevistas semi-estruturadas com docentes de um Curso de Artes Visuais, al?m de uma revis?o bibliogr?fica sobre arte-educa??o e seus des?gnios. Enfatizamos no decorrer das entrevistas, as pr?ticas pedag?gicas, de modo a nos remetermos a experi?ncias e significados vividos, que naturalmente foram usados para rever o presente e preparar o futuro. Acreditamos na contribui??o destas experi?ncias, para a forma??o de professores, demonstrando como a Arte pode ser revisitada, ensinada e reaprendida. Entendemos que o processo de ensinar e aprender Arte, mediado pela a??o docente, parece evidenciar a import?ncia da rela??o do aluno com o objeto de conhecimento que queremos ensinar, criando a oportunidade de que este seja apreendido.

Constru??o da doc?ncia: trajet?rias de professores de gin?stica no ensino superior / The teaching profession building: trajectories of higher education gymnastics teachers

Lima, Helaine Cristina Ferreira 16 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Helaine Cristina Ferreira Lima.pdf: 965894 bytes, checksum: 4fb7dcf4d074a69720174e8574d373f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-16 / This research discussed about the teachers formation that teaches gymnastics subjects in the Physical Education at Higher Education. The problem that conducted the study was: can the academics and professional formations and the experiences lived in the gymnastics area contribute to the teaching of this subject in the Higher Education? In which way? So, the main objective was to know and reflect about teaching carrier building, in special, gymnastics teaching in Higher Education and the specific objectives configured were: to discuss and reflect about the relation between experience and gymnastics practice with the teaching profession in this area; the Physical Education academic formation and the gymnastics professional formation and; possible contributions of the formatives experiences in the gymnastics teaching at Higher Education. The study, of qualitative nature, was made through field research, with data collection instruments such as questionnaire and semi-structured interview. We have researched eight gymnastics teachers, acting in eight Higher Education Institutions in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas. The data analysis was based on theoretical referential about Teachers Formation and Gymnastics in the Higher Education. Relating to the teachers experiences lived in the gymnastics before, during and after the beginning of the professional work as teacher, the results pointed that the big majority of them had a large involvement with this area, as ex-gymnastics, as groups and team?s leaders and also participating in academic and scientific events. We also identified, through the data, that the experience lived out of the academic formation are important sources of contribution to the teaching profession, that provides more knowledge about the professional reality. Hance, it fallows that the teaching knowledge building does not begin or end with the entrance in the professional teacher carrier and that the trajectories of life and the experiences constitute a dynamic knowing that can and might be in continuous transformation and dialogue with the momentary reality. We understand that studies like this, about teacher?s formation, can subsidize discussions around an educative practice that aspire the transformations through the formation of invidious more reflexive and compromised with a quality education. / Esta pesquisa tratou da trajet?ria de forma??o de docentes que ministram disciplinas de gin?stica na Educa??o F?sica no Ensino Superior. O problema que norteou o estudo foi: a forma??o acad?mica e profissional de docentes e as experi?ncias vividas na ?rea da gin?stica podem contribuir para o exerc?cio da doc?ncia nesta disciplina no Ensino Superior? De que maneira? Sendo assim, o objetivo geral foi conhecer e refletir sobre trajet?rias de constru??o de doc?ncia, em especial, a doc?ncia em Gin?stica no Ensino Superior e os objetivos espec?ficos se configuraram da seguinte maneira: discutir e refletir sobre a rela??o entre experi?ncias e a pr?tica da gin?stica com o exerc?cio da doc?ncia nesta ?rea; a forma??o acad?mica em Educa??o F?sica e a forma??o profissional em gin?stica; as poss?veis contribui??es das experi?ncias formativas na atua??o docente em gin?stica no Ensino Superior. O estudo, de natureza qualitativa, foi realizado por meio de pesquisa emp?rica cujos instrumentos de coleta de dados foram: question?rio com perguntas fechadas, abertas e dependentes e tamb?m entrevista semiestruturada. A pesquisa foi efetuada com oito docentes, que ministram disciplinas de gin?stica, atuantes em oito Institui??es de Ensino Superior da Regi?o Metropolitana de Campinas/SP. Os dados foram analisados ? luz do referencial te?rico sobre a Forma??o Docente e a Gin?stica no Ensino Superior. Com rela??o ?s experi?ncias dos professores, vivenciadas em gin?stica antes, durante e ap?s o in?cio da doc?ncia no Ensino Superior, os resultados apontaram que a maioria destes possui grande envolvimento com a ?rea, como ex-praticantes, dirigindo grupos e equipes g?mnicas e tamb?m participando de eventos acad?micos e cient?ficos. Identificamos tamb?m, por meio dos dados obtidos, que as experi?ncias vividas fora da forma??o acad?mica s?o importantes fontes de contribui??o para o exerc?cio da doc?ncia, que permitem aos professores um maior conhecimento da realidade profissional. Portanto, consideramos que a constru??o dos saberes docentes n?o se inicia nem finda com a entrada na profiss?o docente e que as trajet?rias de vida e as experi?ncias constituem um saber din?mico, o qual pode e deve estar em constante transforma??o e di?logo com a realidade moment?nea. Entendemos que estudos como este, sobre a forma??o docente, podem subsidiar discuss?es em torno de uma pr?tica educativa, que aspire ?s transforma??es por meio da forma??o de indiv?duos mais reflexivos e comprometidos com a educa??o de qualidade.

Cursos de licenciatura em computa??o: a forma??o do educador em an?lise / Course Graduation of Computing: the training of educators in the analysis

Lima, Carlos Ac?cio de 21 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Acacio de Lima.pdf: 798505 bytes, checksum: 0abf6822217224ec2c92b328d52cbf59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-21 / The theme of this dissertation is the formation of educators coursing a graduation of computing. The analyzed question is: departing from pedagogical projects in Information Technology courses, what are the challenges to the formation of future educators? The goal of this paper is to present some elements of pedagogical projects in three courses graduation of computing, respectively at Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Universidade Federal Rural do Pernambuco (UFRPE), and Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS), and to analyze whether or not they meet the curricular requisites. The dissertation highlights the relevance of undergraduates formation in a graduation of computing. The method consists in Literature Review of official documentation of Higher Education institutions, mainly documentation of politic-pedagogical projects for each of the above-mentioned courses. As an outcome of this investigation, the weight given by each of these institutions to basic, specific and pedagogical disciplines is also analyzed. The analysis reveals which of these courses puts greater emphasis on the pedagogical or on the technological aspects in the formation of future educators. Ideally, the formation of educators coursing Information Technology at the undergraduate level should encompass knowledge that might excel its technical and didactic dimensions, and that would promote adequate formation as the sum of all dimensions of the pedagogical project. The backstage in the formation of an educator is the need to overcome the technical/didactic dichotomy. Results show the need of promoting a better qualified and committed formation of future educators in Information Technology, that would allow a precise alignment between undergraduate formation and curricular goals. / Essa pesquisa tem como tema a forma??o do educador nos cursos de Licenciatura em Computa??o. O problema desta pesquisa consiste na seguinte pergunta: a partir dos projetos pedag?gicos dos cursos de Licenciatura em Computa??o, quais os desafios para forma??o de professores? O objetivo deste trabalho ? apresentar alguns elementos dos projetos pedag?gicos de tr?s cursos de Licenciatura em Computa??o, quais sejam, Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Universidade Federal Rural do Pernambuco (UFRPE) e Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS), a fim de analisar se eles atendem ?s diretrizes curriculares, mas principalmente almejamos colocar em relevo o significado da forma??o de educadores nos cursos de Licenciatura em Computa??o. O m?todo consiste em revis?o bibliogr?fica e ser? feito a partir da an?lise de documentos considerados oficiais por parte das Institui??es de Ensino Superior, principalmente dos projetos pol?ticos pedag?gicos de cada um dos cursos citados. Como consequ?ncia da investiga??o dos projetos pedag?gicos, analisaremos tamb?m o peso dado por cada uma das institui??es ?s disciplinas b?sicas, disciplinas espec?ficas e as disciplinas pedag?gicas. Com este dimensionamento, ser? poss?vel ver quais cursos t?m maior foco na parte pedag?gica ou na parte tecnol?gica tendo como ?nfase a forma??o do educador. A forma??o do educador de Licenciatura em Computa??o deve englobar conhecimentos que ultrapassem a dimens?o t?cnica ou a did?tica, promovendo a forma??o adequada que ? o resultado das dimens?es explicitadas nos projetos pedag?gicos. O que se tem como pano de fundo da forma??o do educador para esta ?rea do conhecimento ? a necessidade de supera??o da dicotomia t?cnica/did?tica. Os resultados alcan?ados relacionam-se com a necessidade de promover a forma??o de professores mais qualificada e compromissada com os cursos de Licenciatura em Computa??o, permitindo a precisa adequa??o da forma??o do aluno frente ?s diretrizes curriculares.

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