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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Commande des systèmes à commutation : applications aux systèmes électriques / Control of switched systems : application to electrical systems

Amet, Leonardo 25 September 2014 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, réalisé dans le cadre d'une bourse CIFRE entre le laboratoire ECS-Lab et l'entreprise GS Maintenance, nous nous sommes intéressés au contrôle et à l'observation des systèmes électriques, particulièrement les convertisseur multicellulaires séries et les moteurs à courant continu série.Dans la topologie des convertisseurs multicellulaires il est nécessaire d'équilibrer les tensions des condensateurs flottants à des valeurs spécifiques. Les techniques de commande par Modulation de Largeur d'Impulsions (MLI) permettent cet équilibrage, mais favorisent les dynamiques lentes. De plus, si le nombre de cellules est non premier, il existe des rapport cycliques qui déstabilisent le convertisseur. Afin de pallier à ces inconvénients, dans la première partie de la thèse des commandes directes basées sur les modes glissants sont proposées pour le convertisseur multicellulaire série à deux et trois cellules. Ces commandes sont simples et permettent une dynamique rapide, pouvant être étendues à des convertisseurs à nombre de cellules quelconque. Ces commandes sont testées en simulation et expérimentalement via un système temps réel dSpace sur un convertisseur multicellulaire à deux et trois cellules réalisé au cours de cette thèse au sein du laboratoire ECS-Lab. Il est important de souligner qu'une version industrielle du convertisseur a été réalisée au sein de l'entreprise GS Maintenance et vendue à l'Université du Qatar.Par ailleurs, dans le cadre de l'application du convertisseur multicellulaire une commande par modes glissants de type Zig-Zag est proposée pour pallier aux problèmes de quantification et saturation des actionneurs.La deuxième partie du travail a été consacrée à la synthèse d'un observateur/estimateur de type super-twisting pour estimer la vitesse d'un moteur à courant continu série sans capteur mécanique. La stratégie d'observation proposée est dédiée à une application industrielle qui concerne le forage pétrolier. Elle permet d'apporter une solution au problème d'observation généré par le fonctionnement à zéro ou faible courant. Cette stratégie a été testée sur un banc expérimental développé au cours de cette thèse au sein de l'entreprise GS Maintenance. / In this thesis , conducted in the context of a grant CIFRE between laboratory ECS-Lab and the company GS Maintenance, we focused on the control and observation of electrical systems, particularly multicellular converter series and the series DC motor.The floating voltages of the multicell topology need to be balanced to specific values. PWM control techniques provide such a balance but favor the slow dynamics. Moreover, if the numbers of cells is not prime, there exist duty-cycles which could destabilize the converter. To overcome these drawbacks, we propose direct control strategies based on sliding mode techniques for 2 and 3-cell converters. These are simple, allow fast dynamics, and can be easily extended to any number of cell with little overhead. They have been tested in simulation and experimentally via a real-time dSpace board on a 2 and 3-cell converter develloped during this thesis at ECS-Lab. It is important to emphasize that an industrial version of the converter has been manufactured at GS Maintenance and sold to Qatar University.Moreover, in the context of the appication of multicell converters, a Zig-Zag sliding mode control law has been proposed to overcome quantization and saturation problems found in real actuators.The second part of this work adresses the synthetization of an super-twistign observer/estimator scheme to estimate the speed of a sensorless DC series motor. The proposed observation strategy is dedicated to an industrial application in the context of oil drilling. It provides a solution to the problem of observation generated by operating at zero or low current. This strategy has been tested on an experimental bench developed in this thesis within GS Maintenance.

Contribuições em modelos de regressão com erro de medida multiplicativo / Contributions in regression models with multiplicative measurement error

Silva, Eveliny Barroso da 04 February 2016 (has links)
Em modelos de regressão em que uma covariável é medida com erro, é comum o uso de estruturas que relacionam a covariável observada com a verdadeira covariável não observada. Essas estruturas são usualmente aditivas ou multiplicativas. Na literatura existem diversos trabalhos interessantes que tratam de modelos de regressão com erro de medida aditivo, muitos dos quais são modelos lineares com covariáveis e erro de medida normalmente distribuídos. Para modelos em que o erro de medida é multipicativo, não se encontra na literatura o mesmo desenvolvimento teórico encontrado para modelos em que o erro de medida é aditivo. O mesmo vale para situações em que as suposições de normalidade para as covariáveis e erro de medida não se aplicam. Este trabalho propõe a construção, definição, métodos de estimação e análise de diagnóstico para modelos de regressão com erro de medida multiplicativo em uma das covariáveis. Para esses modelos, consideramos que a variável resposta possa pertencer ou à classe de modelos de regressão série de potências modificadas ou à família exponencial. O rol de distribuições pertencentes à família série de potências modificada é bem abrangente, portanto, neste trabalho, desenvolvemos a teoria de estimação e validação do modelo primeiramente de forma geral e, para exemplificar, apresentamos o modelo de regressão binomial negativa com erro de medida. para o caso em que a variável resposta pertença à família exponencial. apresentamos o modelo de regressão beta com erro de medida multiplicativo. Todos os modelos propostos foram analisados através de estados de simulação e aplicados a conjuntos de dados reais. / In regression models in which a covariate is measured with erros, it is common to use structures that correlate the observed covariate with the true non-observed covariate. Such structures are usually additive or multiplicative. In the literatue there are several interesting works that deal with regression models having an additive measuremsnt error, many of which are linear models with covariate and measurement error normally distributed. For models having a multiplicative measurement error, one does not find in the literature the same theoretical amount of works as one finds for models in which the measurement error is additive. The same happens in situations where the supositions of normality for the covariates and the measurement errors do not apply. The presente work proposes the construction,definition, estimation methods, and diagnostic analysis for the regression models with a multiplicative measurement error in one of the covariates. For these models it is considered that the response variable may belong either to the class of modified power series regression models or to the exponential family. The list of distributions belonging to the family modified power series is rather comprehensive; for this reason this work develops, firstly and in a general way, the models estimation and validation theory, and, as an example, presents the model of negative binomial regression with measurement error. In the case where response variable belongs to the exponential family, the model of beta regression with multiplicative measurement error is presented. All proposed models were analysed through simulationb studies and applied to real data sets.

Comparação entre métodos de imputação de dados em diferentes intensidades amostrais na série homogênea de precipitação pluvial da ESALQ / Comparison between data imputation methods at different sample intensities in the ESALQ homogeneous rainfall series

Gasparetto, Suelen Cristina 07 June 2019 (has links)
Problemas frequentes nas análises estatísticas de informações meteorológicas são a ocorrência de dados faltantes e ausência de conhecimento acerca da homogeneidade das informações contidas no banco de dados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar e classificar a homogeneidade da série de precipitação pluvial da estação climatológica convencional da ESALQ, no período de 1917 a 1997, e comparar três métodos de imputação de dados, em diferentes intensidades amostrais (5%, 10% e 15%) de informações faltantes, geradas de forma aleatória. Foram utilizados três testes de homogeneidade da série: Pettitt, Buishand e normal padrão. Para o \"preenchimento\" das informações faltantes, foram comparados três métodos de imputação múltipla: PMM (Predictive Mean Matching), random forest e regressão linear via método bootstrap, em cada intensidade amostral de informações faltantes. Os métodos foram utilizados por meio do pacote MICE (Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations) do R. A comparação entre cada procedimento de imputação foi feita por meio da raiz do erro quadrático médio, índice de exatidão de Willmott e o índice de desempenho. A série de chuva foi entendida como de classe 1, ou seja, \"útil\" - Nenhum sinal claro de falta de homogeneidade foi aparente e, o método que resultou em menores valores da raiz quadrada dos erros e maiores índices foi o PMM, em especial na intensidade de 10% de informações faltantes. O índice de desempenho para os três métodos de imputação de dados em todas as intensidades de observações faltantes foi considerado \"Péssimo\" / Frequent problems in the statistical analyzes of meteorological information are the occurrence of missing data and missing of knowledge about the homogeneity of the information contained in the data base. The objective of this work was to test and classify the homogeneity of the rainfall series of the conventional climatological station of the ESALQ from 1917 to 1997 and to compare three methods of data imputation in different sample intensities (5%, 10% and 15%), of missing data, generated in a random way. Three homogeneity tests were used: Pettitt, Buishand and standard normal. For the \"filling\" of missing information, three methods of multiple imputation were compared: PMM (Predictive Mean Matching), random forest and linear regression via bootstrap method, in each sampling intensity of missing information. The methods were used by means of the MICE (Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations) package of R. The comparison of each imputation procedure was done by root mean square error, Willmott\'s accuracy index and performance index. The rainfall series was understood to be class 1 \"useful\" - No clear sign of lack of homogeneity was apparent and the method that resulted in smaller values of the square root of the errors and higher indexes was the PMM, in particular the intensity of 10% of missing information. The performance index for the three methods of imputation the data at all missing observation intensities was considered \"Terrible\"

Opérateurs de composition sur les espaces de fonctions holomorphes de plusieurs variables complexes : universalité dans les espaces de Banach et de Fréchet

Charpentier, Stéphane 22 November 2010 (has links)
Dans la première partie de ma thèse, il est démontré, dans les espaces de Banach et de Fréchet de suites, un résultat d'existence d'un sous-espace fermé de dimension infinie dont les éléments non-nuls sont des séries universelles.La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'étude des opérateurs de composition sur des espaces de fonctions holomorphes de plusieurs variables complexes. Dans un premier temps, le spectre et la dynamique des opérateurs de composition hyperboliques sur les espaces de Hardy de la boule sont décrits complètement.Dans un second temps, la continuité et la compacité des opérateurs de composition sur les espaces de Hardy-Orlicz et de Bergman-Orlicz de la boule sont caractérisées. On en déduit en particulier l'existence d'une classe de fonctions d'Orlicz définissant des espaces du type précédent sur lesquels tout opérateur de composition est continu. / In the first part of my thesis, a result on the existence of a closed infinite-dimensional subspace, whose non-zero elements are universal series, is given in Banach and Fréchet spaces framework.The second part is devoted to the study of composition operators on spaces of several variables analytic functions. First, the spectrum and the dynamics of hyperbolic composition operators acting on Hardy spaces on the ball are completely described.Second, continuity and compactness of composition operators on Hardy-Orlicz and Bergman-Orlicz spaces on the ball are characterized. In particular, we deduce from the treatment of the continuity that there exists a class of Orlicz functions which define Hardy-Orlicz and Bergman-Orlicz spaces, on which every composition operator is bounded.

Extensions entre séries principales p-adiques et modulo p d'un groupe réductif p-adique déployé / Extensions between p-adic and mod p principal series of a split p-adic reductive group

Hauseux, Julien 11 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution à l'étude des représentations p-adiques (c'est-à-dire continues unitaires sur des espaces de Banach p-adiques) et modulo p (c'est-à-dire lisses sur un corps fini de caractéristique p) d'un groupe réductif p-adique déployé G.Nous déterminons les extensions entre séries principales p-adiques et modulo p de G Pour cela, nous calculons le delta-foncteur H•OrdB des parties ordinaires dérivées d'Emerton relatif à un sous-groupe de Borel sur une série principale en utilisant une filtration de Bruhat.Nous déterminons également les extensions d'une série principale par une représentation ordinaire (c'est-à-dire obtenue par induction parabolique à partir d'une représentation spéciale du Levi tordue par un caractère), ainsi que les extensions de Yoneda de longueur supérieure entre séries principales modulo p sous une conjecture d'Emerton vraie pour GL2.Nous montrons de plus qu'il n'existe pas de « chaîne » de trois séries principales p-adiques ou modulo p distinctes de G. Pour cela, nous calculons partiellement le delta-foncteur H•OrdP relatif à un sous-groupe parabolique quelconque sur une série principale. En exploitant ce résultat, nous prouvons une conjecture de Breuil et Herzig sur l'unicité de certaines représentations p-adiques de G dont les constituants sont des séries principales, ainsi que son analogue modulo p.Enfin, nous énonçons une nouvelle conjecture sur les extensions entre représentations modulo p irréductibles de G obtenues par induction parabolique à partir d'une représentations supersingulière du Levi. Nous prouvons cette conjecture pour les extensions par une série principale. / This thesis is a contribution to the study of p-adic (i.e. unitary continuous on p-adic Banach spaces) and mod p (i.e. smooth over a finite field of characteristic p) representations of a split p-adic reductive group G.We determine the extensions between p-adic and mod p principal series of G. In order to do so, we compute Emerton's delta-functor H•OrdB of derived ordinary parts with respect to a Borel subgroup on a principal series using a Bruhat filtration.We also determine the extensions of a principal series by an ordinary representation (i.e. parabolically induced from a special representation of the Levi twisted by a character), as well as the Yoneda extensions of higher length between mod p principal series under a conjecture of Emerton true for GL2.Moreover, we show that there exists no “chain” of three distinct p-adic or mod p principal series of G. In order to do so, we partially compute the delta-functor H•OrdP with respect to any parabolic subgroup on a principal series. Exploiting this result, we prove a conjecture of Breuil and Herzig on the uniqueness of certain p-adic representations of G whose constituents are principal series, as well as its mod p analogue.Finally, we formulate a new conjecture on the extensions between irreducible mod p representations of G parabolically induced from a supersingular representation of the Levi. We prove this conjecture for extensions by a principal series.

Modelagem fenomenológica do desempenho de torres de resfriamento de água acopladas e estudo de casos. / Phenomenological modeling of performance of coupled water cooling towers and case studies.

Lima Junior, Rafael Candido de 03 June 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizada a modelagem fenomenológica do desempenho de uma torre de resfriamento de água e de um sistema de duas torres de resfriamento em série, com temperatura de água de entrada de até 65 ºC. Verificou-se a validade do modelo através de comparação dos resultados previstos com os obtidos em ensaios em uma unidade piloto. Em seguida, através de simulação matemática, a partir do modelo desenvolvido, foi feito o estudo de diversos casos de aplicação. Estudou-se a influência das principais variáveis de operação (vazão de ar, vazão de água e temperatura de bulbo úmido) no desempenho de torres de resfriamento acopladas (em série e em paralelo) e no custo operacional. Verifica-se que a variável de maior influência é a vazão de água que circula pela torre. / This is a study about the phenomenological modeling of the performance of a water cooling tower and a system of two cooling towers in series, with water temperature input up to 65°C. The validity of model was verified by comparing the expected results with those obtained in tests on a pilot plant. After this, through a mathematical simulation, based on the model developed, several cases of application were analyzed. It was studied the influence of main operating variables (air flow, water flow and wet bulb temperature) on the performance of couples cooling towers (in series and parallel) and on operational cost. It was verified the most influential variable is the water flow rate through the tower.

Modelos flexíveis para dados de tempos de vida em um cenário de riscos competitivos e mecanismos de ativação latentes / Flexible models for data fifetime in a competing risk scenario and latente activation schemes

Delgado, José Julio Flores 26 May 2014 (has links)
Na literatura da área da análise de sobrevivência existem os modelos tradicionais, ou sem fração de cura, e os modelos de longa duração, ou com fração de cura. Recentemente tem sido proposto um modelo mais geral, conhecido como o modelo com fatores de risco latentes com esquemas de ativação. Nesta tese são deduzidas novas propriedades que possuem a função de sobrevivência, a função de taxa de risco e o valor esperado, quando e considerado o modelo com fatores de risco latentes. Estas propriedades são importantes, já que muitos outros modelos que tem aparecido na literatura recentemente podem ser considerados como casos particulares do modelo com fatores de risco latentes. Além disto, são propostos novos modelos de sobrevivência e estes são aplicados a conjuntos de dados reais. Também é realizado um estudo de simulação e uma análise de sensibilidade, para mostrar a qualidade destes modelos / In the survival literature we can find traditional models without cure fraction and longterm models with cure fraction. A more general risk factor model with latent activation scheme has been recently proposed. In this thesis we deduce new properties for the survival function, hazard function and expected value for this model. Since many recent survival models can be regarded as particular cases of the risk factor model with latent activation scheme these properties are of great relevance. In addition we propose new survival models that are applied to real data examples. A simulation and sensibility analysis are also performed to asses the goodness of fit of these models

Topologia computacional para análise de série temporal / Computational topology for time series analysis

Miranda, Vanderlei Luiz Daneluz 13 March 2019 (has links)
Mudanças de padrão são variações nos dados da série temporal. Tais mudanças podem representar transições que ocorrem entre estados. A análise de dados topológicos (TDA) permite uma caracterização de dados de séries temporais obtidos a partir de sistemas dinâmicos complexos. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma técnica de detecção de mudança de padrão baseada em TDA. Especificamente, a partir de uma determinada série temporal, dividimos o sinal em janelas deslizantes sem sobreposição e para cada janela calculamos a homologia persistente, ou seja, o barcode associado. A partir desse barcode, o intervalo médio e a entropia persistente são calculados e plotados em relação à duração do sinal. Resultados experimentais em conjuntos de dados reais e artificiais mostram bons resultados do método proposto: 1) Detecta mudança de padrões identificando a mudança no intervalo médio e calculando a entropia persistente para os barcodes gerados pelo conjunto de dados de entrada. 2) Mostra qualitativamente quão sensível é a escolha do método de filtragem para evidenciar características topológicas do espaço original sob exame. Isto é conseguido usando duas filtragens: uma filtragem métrica e uma do tipo lower-star. 3) Variando o tamanho da janela, o método pode caracterizar a presença de estruturas locais do conjunto de dados, como o período de convulsão nos sinais EEG. 4) O método proposto é capaz de caracterizar a complexidade pela medida de entropia persistente dos barcodes, uma medida de entropia baseada na definição de entropia de Shannon. Além disso, neste trabalho, mostramos a evidência de mudanças de complexidade associadas a um período de convulsão de um sinal de EEG / Pattern changings are variations in time series data. Such changes may represent transitions that occur between states. Topological data analysis (TDA) allows characterization of time-series data obtained from complex dynamical systems. In this work, we present a pattern changing detection technique based on TDA. Specifically, starting from a given time series, we divide the signal in slicing windows with no overlapping and for each window we calculate the persistent homology, i.e., the associated barcode. From the barcode the average interval size and persistent entropy are calculated and plotted against the signal duration. Experimental results on artificial and real data sets show good results of the proposed method: 1) It detects pattern changing by identifying the change in the average interval size and calculated persistent entropy for the barcodes generated by the input data set. 2) It shows qualitatively how sensible the choice of filtration method is to evidence topological features of the original space under examination. This is accomplished by using two filtrations: a metric and a lower-star filtration. 3) By varying the slice window size, the method can characterize the presence of local structures of the data set such as the seizure period in EEG signals. 4) The proposed method can characterize complexity by the measure persistent entropy for barcodes, an entropy measure based on Shannon´s entropy definition. Moreover, in this work, we show the evidence of complexity changes associated with a seizure period of an EEG signal

Modélisation, optimisation en vue du dimensionnement d’une nouvelle structure de démarreurs à griffes pour les véhicules « micro-hybrides » / Modeling, optimization for the design of new claw pole starter structure for "micro-hybrid" vehicles

Bazhar, Sara 12 July 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une nouvelle structure de machine à courant continu pouvant être utilisée dans une application démarreur Stop-Start automobile. Une structure tridimensionnelle à griffes est proposée pour remplacer le stator à plots actuel dans le but de réduire son coût de fabrication. La structure de la machine à griffes est modélisée par un réseau de réluctances permettant la prise en compte de la saturation et de la réaction magnétique d'induit. Grâce à sa rapidité et précision, ce modèle est ensuite intégré dans un processus d’optimisation afin d'obtenir rapidement une machine optimale. Enfin, un prototype de machine à courant continu à griffes est réalisé, montrant ainsi la faisabilité de cette topologie. Par ailleurs, un modèle original combinant réseaux de réluctances et résolution de l'équation de Laplace a été développé pour lever certaines difficultés liées à la modélisation par réseau de réluctances des machines électriques tout en prenant en compte la rotation / This thesis deals with a new DC machine structure that can be used in an automotive Stop-Start starter application. A three-dimensional claw pole stator is proposed to replace the current stator in order to reduce its manufacturing cost. The claw pole machine topology is modeled by a reluctance network to take into account the saturation and the magnetic armature reaction. Thanks to its speed and precision, this model is then integrated in an optimization process to obtain an optimal machine. Finally, a prototype of a machine with DC claws is manufactured to show the feasibility of this topology. Moreover, an original model combining reluctance networks and solving the Laplace equation has been developed to overtake some difficulties related to modeling by reluctance network of electrical machines while taking into account the rotation

Étude et détection des défauts d’arcs électriques dans un réseau électrique aéronautique 270V HVDC / Arc fault detection on aeronautical 270V HVDC aircraft environnement

Humbert, Jean-Baptiste 04 June 2018 (has links)
Les avions du futur auront une topologie tout électrique. Pour cela, les constructeurs augmentent la puissance et la tension d'utilisation du réseau d'énergie embarqué. Cependant, le défaut d'arc électrique est un risque qui est souvent la cause d'incidents d'exploitation voire de crash. La contribution de cette thèse porte sur la problématique de l'identification et la détection de défauts électriques sur un réseau de distribution d'énergie de type HVDC ±270VDC destiné à l'aéronautique. Dans ce manuscrit, le premier axe suivi est exploratoire. Il porte sur l'observation du comportement et de la phénoménologie d'arc dans le milieu proche de l'aéronautique (notamment par l'émulation de l'altitude par la pression). Le second axe de recherche porte sur l'analyse, la mise au point et le développement de méthode de détection fiable d'un défaut d'arc électrique par un coeur de distribution d'énergie (SSPC) sur charges résistive et légèrement inductive. Cinq méthodes ont été développées au cours de ce travail de thèse. Elles sont basées sur l'analyse des caractéristiques temporelles, fréquentielles et temps-fréquence du courant de ligne. À l'issue de chaque méthode est produit un indicateur qui est ensuite utilisé par une logique de discrimination dépendant de chaque critère. Le comportement non-déterministe des arcs notamment aux conditions d'expérimentation (courant, tension, matériaux des électrodes, longueur de l'arc, etc.) rendent la détection difficile par un simple seuil sur le résultat des critères. Dans ces travaux, une approche proportionnelle au défaut est proposée pour la discrimination à l'aide de seuils variables selon le courant, la variation de charge ou le bruit électrique du système. Le résultat combiné des méthodes aboutit à une décision de mise en protection. Pour valider expérimentalement les algorithmes proposés, une vaste base de données a été constituée comprenant aussi bien des signaux de nature résistive que selfique avec à la fois des arcs et des variations de charges sans arcs afin de vérifier qu'aucune détection n'opère à tort. Le fruit de ces travaux a été en partie implémenté dans un prototype d'analyse en temps réel de la ligne de distribution / Tomorrow’s aircraft will have an all-electric topology. This mean, manufacturers boost power and voltage of the embedded energy network. Nevertheless, the lack of an electric arc is a risk that is often the cause of the crash or operated occurrences. This thesis contributions concerns identification issue and electric arc fault detection on an energy distribution smart grid of HVDC network dedicated to avionic. The first line of this manuscript is exploratory. It covers behavioural observation and arc phenomenology in the grounded sphere of aeronautic (in particular emulated altitude by pressure). The second line of research deals with analysis, clarification and development of reliable approach of electric arc default detection through a central energy distribution on resistive charges. Five methods have been initiated throughout this thesis paper. They are based on several characteristic (time, frequency and time-frequency) of the line current. An indicator is produced at the end of each method. Subsequently, the indicator is used by a logic of discrimination according to each criterion. The non-deterministic behaviour of arc notably testing conditions (current, voltage, electrode materials, etc. makes detection difficult by a simple threshold on result of criteria. In this work, a new approach of arc fault discrimination is proposed. This used a proportional and variable threshold according to the current, load or noise variations from the system. The combined outcome of method results to a decision providing protection. To confirm experimentally proposed algorithms, a wide range database has been established. That included equally resistive and inductive signals with both arcs and load variations without arc fault so as to ensure that any detection is not mistakenly occurring. The upshot of this research work has been implemented in real time protection device prototype for HVDC +-270V smart-grid

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