Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hand transfer"" "subject:"land transfer""
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Tenants, tenures and transfersGayton, Juliet Dorothy January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the impact of different customary manorial tenures on the land transfer activities of rural tenants between 1645 and 1705. The study of land transfer has formed part of the attempt by historians to establish how and why England developed from family-based subsistence farming into large-scale commercialised agriculture before many of its Continental neighbours. A key element in any study of land transfer is the property rights of those undertaking the transfers. England had a variety of customary tenures, and little research has focussed on how they operated and impacted on rural tenant transfer behaviour in the early modern period. This study uses evidence from eight manors in Hampshire with four different types of tenure to explore how they affected what land transfer options the tenants had, and how transfers were used to further family and economic objectives. The types of tenure were copyhold of inheritance; copyhold for three lives; copyhold for three lives where the first could act alone; and a form of customary freehold. The main documentary sources are manorial records augmented by parish, probate, survey and taxation material. The tenurial and landholding structure of the manors is established for 1645 using the Cromwellian Parliamentary Surveys of confiscated ecclesiastical estates. The analysis of subsequent tenant land transfers through to 1705 then examines their volume and any correlation with prices and population movements. The permanent transfers of death/inheritance and the inter vivos land market are analysed to assess the extent to which tenants were attached still to family, or taking part in an active extra-familial investment and sales market; and whether this led to changes over time in farm holding size and distribution. The temporary transfers of sub-letting of land and sub-tenure of dwellings are then analysed. The latter has not been studied before, and uses the Hearth Tax returns to compare occupiers of dwellings with formal tenants. Finally a detailed study of mortgages is made. Previous studies of the use of land as collateral for a mortgage loan have often overlooked the rural tenant as a participant in the credit market, and changes in the laws of usury at the end of the sixteenth century produced a significant uptake of mortgaging in the seventeenth, which makes this study timely. The research reveals that the tenants were very active with their transfers, but that the way in which they were active was determined by tenure. Those with copyhold of inheritance tenure had many options including inheritance, sale, mortgaging, sub-letting, splitting holdings, and conditional surrenders to provide for old age or several children. Those with copyhold for lives were restricted to after-death transfers, shuffling of reversion lives, or sub-letting. However, they adapted, and while Inheritance-tenured tenants adopted mortgages with enthusiasm, Lives tenants sub-let on a large scale. Both thereby acquired financial support from their lands, so that although the land-family bond was not absent, the bond was strongest in terms of using the land as an economic asset. The sub-letting of dwellings enabled Lives tenants to accommodate a landless workforce, where their tenure prevented the splitting of parcels for sale as manorial smallholdings. Aggressive accumulation of land was largely absent, and purchasers of land and mortgage lenders were overwhelmingly local. Some polarisation of holding size was found, but sub-tenure meant that actual farmed units were probably very different. It is concluded that differences in tenure significantly shaped the transfer behaviour of the tenants, so that any future research involving customary tenants must take tenure into account. However, their economic ambitions were found to be similar whichever tenure they had, so that they had to take different means to the same end.
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The relationship of sea-land transfer service system within job satisfaction and organizational commitment for sea-land transfer personal reshuffle ¡V sea-land transfer personal reshuffle of A companyYin, Hui-Chun 26 August 2002 (has links)
The Asia Pacific Region has become the center for development of the world and trade in 21st century. Kaohsiung Port enjoys a pivotal location within the region and the local government is determined to capitalize on its geographic advantages. Kaohsiung is already a major container transshipment hub. With frequent links to ports all over the world, Kaohsiung is also set to become one of the world¡¦s leading production and distribution centers. The most important resource of organization is ¡§human resource¡¨, so how to make people work for organization hardly is important for organization. Every shipping company aims to offer the most efficient service with highest quality to enable its customers. So how to reinforce the quality of manpower, improve job performance and service quality are the most important targets for shipping company. Therefore, this study used individual variables of sea-land transfer personal reshuffle as independent variables, job satisfaction and organizational commitment as dependent variables to probe into the relation among the individual variables, job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
This thesis did the analysis through issuing questionnaires. Effective questionnaires sent back are 110. By using statistical method, the results of this research indicate that:
1. The different education to extrinsic satisfaction and continuance commitment comes out remarkable discrepancy.
2. The different age to continuance commitment comes out remarkable discrepancy.
3. The different land experienced year to normative commitment and continuance commitment comes out remarkable discrepancy.
4. Three factors of job satisfaction have positive relation to three factors of organizational commitment.
5. Three factors of job satisfaction have impact on three factors of organizational commitment
According to the results of research, the organization needs to strengthen internal management system, fortify employees¡¦ loyalty, to enhance job satisfaction of employee to increase the employees¡¦ commitment. Therefore, the organization can promote the job performance and reinforce its competition.
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Egendomsskyddet vid tvingande marköverföring : Studie kring tillämpning av proportionalitetsprincipenBacklund, Therese, Nilsson, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
Att genomföra tvingande marköverföring är något som inte tillämpas oftare än marköverföringar som har en överenskommelse mellan parterna. Trots det händer det att parterna inte kommer överens och att förrättningslantmätaren blir tvungen att genomföra handläggningen på ett sätt som resulterar i en tvingande marköverföring. Det är en komplicerad process som involverar speciella paragrafer för endast detta ändamål. Utöver det tillämpande kapitel ska förrättningslantmätaren även ta hänsyn till egendomsskyddet vilket härstammar i en av Sveriges grundlagar. Egendomsskyddet är ett villkor som trots sitt tidiga ursprung börjar bli mer aktuellt efter rättsfallet NJA 2018 s. 753. Målet med forskningen som författarna genomfört är att bidra till ett åskådliggörande av tydligare riktlinjer för hur förrättningslantmätare kan gå till väga i sin handläggning av tvingande marköverföring. Utifrån forskningens frågeställning presenteras förslag för hur och när proportionalitetsprincipen kan prövas. För att besvara forskningens frågeställning tillämpar författarna olika kvalitativa forskningsmetoder och jämför sedan dessa med varandra i framställandet av resultatet. En rättsdogmatisk metod har tillämpats genom en analys av hur paragrafer används i praktiken. Utöver detta har intervjuer tillsammans med förrättningslantmätare och jurister utförts. Författarna har intervjuat två yrkesgrupper för att diskutera ämnet utifrån olika yrkesgruppers synvinklar. Genomförandet grundas på ett semistrukturerat förhållningssätt och skedde via Skype och telefonkommunikation. Respondenternas svar och den rättsdogmatiska analysen visar på att förrättningslantmätare och domstolar är inne på samma spår för vilka villkor som ska prövas i tillämpandet av tvingande marköverföring. Resultatet visar dock på en otydlighet gällande när egendomsskyddet ska prövas och viktiga definitioner för prövningen i strikt mening. Slutsatserna av forskningen visar att NJA 1996 s. 110 fastslog att egendomsskyddet var uppfyllt genom prövning av 5 kap. Fastighetsbildningslagen (SFS 1970:988). För att fastställa en officiell prövningsordning i tvingande marköverföring behövs fler domslut och riktlinjer. Vad som är möjligt att göra inom ett relativt kort tidsspann är att utveckla befintlig handbok och fastställa definitionen för vad ett angeläget intresse innebär i fastighetsbildningskontext. / Conducting compulsory land transfer is something that is not applied more often than land transfers that have an agreement between the parties. Despite this, it does happen that the parties do not agree, and that the surveyor will have to carry out the handling in a way that results in a compulsory land transfer. It is a complicated process that involves special paragraphs for this purpose only. In addition to the applicable chapter, the surveyor must also consider the protection of property, which originates in Sweden's constitution. Property protection is a condition that, despite its early origins, is becoming more relevant after the NJA 2018 p. 753. The aim of the research conducted by the authors is to contribute to the elucidation of clearer guidelines for how surveyors can proceed in their handling of compulsory land transfer. Based on the research question, proposals are presented for how and when the principle of proportionality can be tested. To answer the research question, the authors apply different qualitative research methods and then compare these with each other in the preparation of the result. A legal dogmatic method has been applied through an analysis of how paragraphs are used in practice. In addition, interviews with surveyors and lawyers have been conducted. Why two different occupational groups were interviewed is to discuss the subject from the perspective of different occupational groups. The implementation is based on a semi-structured approach and took place through Skype and telephone communication. The respondents' responses and the legal dogmatic analysis show that surveyors and courts are on the same track for the conditions to be tested in the application of compulsory land transfer. However, the result shows an ambiguity regarding when the property protection is to be tested and important definitions for the test in the strict sense. The conclusions of the research show that NJA 1996 p.110 stated that the protection of property was fulfilled by examining Chapter 5. The Property Formation Act (SFS 1970:988). More judgments and guidelines are needed to establish an official review system in mandatory land transfer. What can be done within a relatively short span of time is to develop an existing handbook and to define the definition of what an important interest means in a real estate development context.
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Colonies anglaises et terres indiennes : dynamiques et enjeux de la cohabitation entre Indiens et Puritains dans le sud de la Nouvelle Angleterre au XVIIe siecle / English colonies and indian landsZlitni, Mouna 14 October 2011 (has links)
La question relative à la propriété de la terre, de son usage et de son transfert entre les Indiens du sud de la Nouvelle Angleterre et les colons puritains venus s’installer parmi eux a non seulement été le sujet d’un bon nombre d’études et a toujours été un sujet de forte controverse. Cependant rares sont les études qui ont tenté de remettre en question ou de revoir la thèse qui décrète que les Indiens ont été dépossédés de leur terre par les colons anglais. C’est pourquoi il nous a paru intéressant d’aller au-delà de cette perspective traditionnelle de dépossession. Dans ce sens, l’objet de cette thèse est de démontrer que ce transfert de terre pourrait être considéré comme une transaction foncière réglementaire donnant suite à un échange équitable entre deux parties mutuellement consentantes. Nous visons à présenter une image différente de l’Indien de celle de la victime de la colonisation puritaine qui le présente comme un Indien passif, soumis et à qui on inflige une condition.Pour ce faire, nous nous baserons sur l’analyse des actes de vente de terres intervenus entre les tribus indiennes du sud de la Nouvelle Angleterre et les colons anglais, et ce dans la période comprise entre 1620 et 1676. Notre analyse de ces documents se fera selon une perspective ethno-historique. / The question of land property, use and transfer between the Indians of southern New England and the Puritans who settled among them has been the subject of a large literature and has always been a highly controversial issue. Giving the fact that this issue has always been referred to as a dispossession, we thought it interesting to go beyond this traditional perspective. Indeed, we propose to show that this movement of land transfer can be considered as a legal and just land transaction and that it was equitable to both parties. We also aim at presenting another image of the Indian; an image different from the one depicting him as a submitted Indian and a victim of colonial invasion and cultural assault. Our study is based on an ethnohistorical analysis of the land deeds that took place between the Indians and the English colonists in southern New England between 1620 and 1676.
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Markanvisning för friliggande förskolor som uppförs och bedrivs av privata aktörer : Hur säkerställs att förskoleverksamheten upprätthålls?Tärnell, Ellinor January 2020 (has links)
Kommunerna har det yttersta ansvaret för att det finns tillräckligt med antal skolplatser inom den enskilda kommunen. En kommun som äger mark och har ett behov av fler förskoleplatser kan genom en markanvisning hantera frågan om överlåtande av bebyggelsen och driften till privat aktör och också samtidigt säkerställa att kommunens krav på service upprätthålls av den privata aktören. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur kraven på kommunal förskoleservice kan säkerställas utifrån att kommunen tillämpar markanvisning för friliggande förskolor som uppförs och bedrivs av privata aktörer. För detta studeras val av markanvisningsmetod, krav som bör ställas på den privata aktören samt lämpliga utvärderingskriterier att tillämpa vid val av byggherre. Metoden är uppdelad i tre olika studier - litteraturstudie, enkätstudie och intervjustudie. I syfte att stärka resultatet har triangulering tillämpats där kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod kombinerats. Enkäten besvarades av 104 kommuner och intervjustudien hölls med kommunerna: Helsingborg, Härryda, Trelleborg och Växjö. Resultatet av studien visar på att det inte finns någon universalmetod för markanvisning av friliggande förskolor. Resultatet visar även att i dessa sammanhang ställer kommunerna olika krav på byggherrarna och vid val av byggherre tillämpas olika utvärderingskriterier som viktas olika mot varandra. Studien har dock gett förslag på att vid tilldelning av mark för friliggande förskolor bör kommunerna, om möjligheten finns, tillämpa anbud med jämförelseförfarande eller markanvisningstävling. Vidare har studien gett förslag på några grundläggande krav som alltid bör ställas i dessa sammanhang och även fyra utvärderingskriterier. Vid viktning bör genomförbarheten och verksamheten utgöra de två viktigaste kriterierna och att pris bör tillämpas med försiktighet i dessa sammanhang. För att säkerställa och minska risken för att kommunen i framtiden behöver överta driften ska det utformas tydliga avtalskrav som realiserar kraven som ställts på byggherren och som säkerställer genomförbarheten samt en långsiktigt privat drift. / The municipalities have the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that there is a sufficient number of places at schools within the individual municipality. A municipality that owns land and has a need for more preschool places can, through a land allocation, handle the issue by transferring the buildings and operation to a private operator. By doing so they can at the same time ensure that the municipality's service requirements are maintained by the private operator. This thesis aims to investigate how the requirements for municipal preschool services can be ensured on the basis that the municipality applies land guidelines for detached preschools erected and run by private actors. For this the following was studied: choice of land allocation method, requirements that should be placed on the private operator and appropriate evaluation criteria to apply when selecting a builder. The method is divided into three different studies - literature, questionnaire, and interview study. In order to strengthen the result, triangulation has been applied where qualitative and quantitative methods are combined. The questionnaire was answered by 104 municipalities and the interview study was held with the municipalities: Helsingborg, Härryda, Trelleborg, and Växjö. The results of the study revealed that there is no universal method for land allocation for detached preschools. The result also shows that in these contexts the municipalities have different expectations on the builders and when selecting a builder different evaluation criterion are applied, which are weighted differently against each other. However, the study has suggested that when allocating land for detached preschools, the municipalities should, if possible, apply tenders with a comparative presentation or a ground instruction competition. Furthermore, the study has suggested some basic requirements that should always be set in these contexts and also four evaluation criteria. In weighting, feasibility and operations should be the two most important criteria, and that price should be applied with caution in these contexts. In order to ensure and reduce the risk that the municipality will have to take over operations in the future, clear contract requirements must be drawn up that realize the requirements that have been set by the developer and that ensure feasibility and long-term private operation.
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從農業發展條例之研修檢視我國農地移轉制度 / Review on Agricultural Land Transfer System through Amendment of the Agricultural Development Act in Taiwan張志銘 Unknown Date (has links)
三、進一步研究農業產銷班與農地利用之關聯性。 / For joining WTO and moderating the impact of the import of agricultural products on agricultural lands use and, management and production, our government reacted by revising the Agricultural Development Act (ADA). The ADA has been revised by the Legislative Yuan on January 4 and promulgated by the Presidential Decree on January 26, 2000. The main point of the revision is to emphasis on reasonable farmland uses, effective management and adequate release of the land regulations in the agricultural policy. The main change is to adjust ADA’s principle from “the right to own and use farmland to be limited to the farmer” to “the release of the restriction on farmland transferee and realization of the substantial farmland uses.” The revision does no longer set a limit to the status and qualification of transferees and permits the transferable rights of agribusiness on some certain conditions. It is approved that the revision is to establish a more open and competitive arable land market, to improve the liquidity of arable lands, to facilitate the acquirement of arable lands for agribusiness, and to adjust the agricultural production structure. However, we should review the completeness and realization of the revised ADA after the promulgation in order to assure the agricultural development.
Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to probe into the change of the agricultural land policy and transfer regulation from the provisions of the revised ADA, examine the exercising of transfer system change and its influence on agricultural operation, investigate the intention of agricultural managers for reviewing the relative debates and issues, and then offer some advice as references of revision in the future. The conclusion is described as follows:
1.It is a trend of the times to adjust the transfer system that the right to own and use farmland is limited to the farmer, and the mechanism of assuring the substantial farmland uses should be realized.
2.From empirical research, the interviewees almost agree to the new agricultural land transfer system, but think that it is not useful for accelerating the liquidity and promoting the level of agricultural industry.
3.It is not significant on introducing agribusiness to be the transferee of arable lands, and it is necessary for our government to integrate too many relative and complicated laws.
4.We should review and implement the revised ADA because the rules themselves cannot provide fair incentives and effectively reduce the uncertainty from exercising it.
5.Farmers and agribusinesses lack the knowledge of relative laws, so the government should enhance them the professional training and give them consultant service.
In addition, from this research, we also found that some issues need to be studied for effective management of agricultural lands and sustainable development of agricultural industry in the future.
1.How to sound the management institution when agribusinesses want to be the transferee of arable lands.
2.How to designate important agricultural zones and establish protection mechanism.
3.Study the correlation between the agricultural product marketing class and agricultural land uses.
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