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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les Magistri Militum aux IVe et Ve siècles ap. J.-C. / The magistri militum of the fourth and fifth centuries A. D.

Landelle, Marc 12 November 2011 (has links)
À partir du règne de Constantin Ier, la défense de l’Empire fut mise en œuvre par un corps de généraux qui récupérèrent les anciens pouvoirs militaires des préfets du prétoire : les magistri militum. Confrontés à des menaces militaires incessantes (pression barbare aux frontières et épisodes de guerre civile), ces officiers supérieurs furent la plupart du temps épargnés par les purges qui frappaient le personnel de cour, car ils constituaient une assise fondamentale du pouvoir de l’empereur. Au début du Ve siècle ap. J.-C., l’Empire romain unifié fit place à deux partes imperii indépendantes, voire rivales : un Empire byzantin replié sur l’Orient, et une partie occidentale qui tendit à se fragmenter en royaumes barbares. Comment le haut commandement militaire évolua-t-il dans chacune de ces régions ? Ce corps d’officiers a fait l’objet d’une étude prosopographique tenant compte des recherches les plus récentes, en vue de fournir une synthèse qui a été menée selon trois axes principaux : - en termes institutionnels, quelle était la place de ces généraux dans la chaîne de commandement ?- en termes d’histoire militaire, quel fut le rôle de ces généraux dans les transformations que connut l’armée romaine tardive ?- en termes d’histoire sociale, comment cette noblesse militaire, dont une partie avait des origines barbares, se définissait-elle par rapport à la romanité et à la société de cour tardo-antique ? / From the reign of Constantine the Great onward, the defence of the Empire was the responsibility of a group of generals who were trusted with the previous military responsabilities of the pretorian prefects : the magistri militum. Facing restless threats (barbarian pressure on the frontiers and episodes of civil war), these high officers were most of the time kept away from the regular revolutions that struck the court : they were one of the base of the imperial authority. At the beginning of the fifth century, the unified roman Empire had been replaced by two independent, sometimes even rival partes imperii : a byzantine Empire, limited to the East, and a western part which eventually collapsed to form barbarian kingdoms. How did the high military command evolve in each of these parts ?A prosopographical study, taking into account the most up-to-date research, has been made on this group of officiers, in order to provide a synthesis developing three main axis :- from an institutional point of view, what was the place of these generals in the chain of command ?- from a military point of view, which role did this generals play in the transformations that affected the Late roman army ?- from a social point of view, how did this military nobility, which included people with barbarian origins, defined herself with regard to romanity and the Late Antique court society ?

Certum incertum est : l'opus incertum tra innovazione, recezione, tradizione e rapporti interculturali in Italia Centrale (III sec. a.C.- I sec. d.C.) : nuove proposte per un approccio archeologico / Certum incertum est : the opus incertum amid innovation, reception, tradition and intercultural relations in central Italy (3rd century BC – 1st century AC) : new proposals for an archaeological approach / Certum incertum est : l'opus incertum entre innovation, reception tradition et rapports interculturels en Italie centrale (IIIe av. JC.-Ier s ap.J.C) : nouvelles propositions pour une approche archéologique

Ciucci, Giulia 17 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche est consacré à la technique constructive de l’opus incertum et vise à mieux comprendre toutes les implications chronologiques et sociales liées à la formation de cette technique. Le travail a été structuré selon trois axes principaux de recherche : la diffusion géographique : l’opus incertum est plus fréquemment attesté dans l’Italie centrale et il est particulièrement intéressant de suivre dans l’espace les modalités de diffusion de cette nouvelle technique de construction ; la typologie des monuments : l’opus incertum caractérise soit de grands complexes publics d’époque républicaine, tels que les temples, soit des villas maritimes. La typologie architectonique est liée au message implicite véhiculé par le monument et peut aider à comprendre si sa diffusion est due au pouvoir central ou à l’initiative des élites privées ; la chronologie: malgré les hypothèses avancées, on constate que l’opus incertum n’entre pas facilement dans une classification typo-chronologique. L’opus incertum marque un point de rupture, une véritable révolution dans laquelle on peut apercevoir la transformation d’une société entière. Il est donc évident que cette technique de construction doit être analysée et étudiée dans toute sa complexité et versatilité. Cette recherche repose sur une étude concrète de cette technique de construction pour arriver à comprendre le rapport entre savoir et savoir-faire, entre la circulation du savoir et des typologies architectoniques. L'objectif final du travail est de restituer le cadre économique, politique et social dans lequel s’inscrit l’opus incertum, considéré comme un « témoin » matériel. / The aim of this study is to clarify all aspects linked to this construction technique, consenting simple reading and so a better understanding of it and attempting to outline the development of a technical and historical context in which it can be placed. This research project is in three areas: geographical range: opus incertum is more frequently attested in central Italy; it is particularly interesting to follow the modalities of diffusion of this new construction technique in order to try to determine it in this context; monument typology: the opus incertum characterizes either large public complexes of the republican era or maritime villas. The architectural typology is closely linked to an implicit message conveyed by the monument and makes it possible to understand what the main engine of its diffusion was: the central power or private initiatives of elites; chronology: despite the chronological assumptions advanced, it is found that the opus incertum does not easily enter into a classification of this type. The opus incertum marks a point of rupture, a veritable technical revolution within which one can perceive the transformation of an entire society. It is evident that this construction technique must be analyzed and studied in its complexity and versatility. This research aims at starting from the concrete study of a construction technique arriving at the issue of the relations between theoretical knowledge and empirical practices, the diffusion of knowledge and structures in the field of architecture. It focuses more precisely on the architecture that is tied to it as a formal language that takes its full meaning in a given social and political context.

L'empereur et la cour de Dioclétien à Théodose Ier (284 - 395) : espace, réseaux, dynamiques de pouvoir en Occident / The Emperor and the Court : study on the imperial court from Diocletian to Theodosius I (284 - 395) : Western spaces, networks, dynamics of power

Pierré-Caps, Alexandra 08 December 2018 (has links)
Le sujet interroge les procédés de structuration et de configuration d’une cour impériale, qu’ils soient spontanés ou à l’initiative de l’empereur. Comme le rappelle le sociologue allemand Norbert Elias, dont les travaux encadrent largement cette étude, la cour ne doit pas son existence à la volonté d’un seul individu. Le cadre chronologique de cette étude est celui d’un long IVe siècle, prétexte à l’observation d’une évolution de la structure aulique et de l’image de la dignité impériale sur le long terme. L’Occident offre un objet d’étude privilégié, par sa diversité et ses pratiques du pouvoir héritières d’une ancienne centralité axée sur la ville de Rome. Notre hypothèse de recherche vise à pondérer le « paradigme du prince décideur » et à faire de l’empereur du IVe siècle un acteur de la cour et non plus seulement le point nodal d’une structure aulique qui tend à s’autonomiser. Il s’agit de mieux appréhender l’évolution de la pratique d’un pouvoir souvent perçu comme autocratique, le façonnement d’une cour destinée à servir le prestige d’une dignité impériale restaurée et l’autonomisation d’une administration extrêmement lourde. La permanence de certains réseaux d’influence à la cour semble entraîner un paradoxe entre le renforcement de l’autorité impériale et la faiblesse de l’influence décisionnelle des empereurs dans certains domaines de la vie politique. Cette contradiction ménage de nouveaux espaces du pouvoir jusque dans les territoires de l’empire, sous la forme de projections spatiales de la réalité aulique à travers la mobilité des hauts fonctionnaires. De là, la cour apparaît d’abord comme une abstraction soumise au politique avant que d’être une réalité topographique. L’ « absolutisme » en tant que « trait dominant du régime » mérite une nouvelle approche historiographique à l’aune de ces nouvelles pratiques du pouvoir à l’œuvre dès la Tétrarchie. / The present subject examines the processes of structuration and configuration of an imperial court. Those processes could be spontaneous or on the emperor’s initiative. As the German sociologist Norbert Elias reminds us, the court doesn’t owe its existence to the will of one person. This study takes place in a long 4th century and highlights the evolution of the court structure and the representation of the imperial dignity over the long term. The Western empire is a priviledged field of study due to the diversity of its political practices of power inherited from the old centrality of power settled in Rome. Our research hypothesis is about moderating the paradigm of the ‘decision-maker prince’. In that sense, the emperor of the Late Roman Empire would become an actor of the court again and not only the nodal point of this structure which is trying to become autonomous. We would like to better comprehend the evolution of a power usually regarded as autocratic, the making process of a court intended to serve the prestige of a restored imperial dignity and the autonomisation of an heavy administration. There is a paradox between the permanency of some political networks at court, the reinforcement of the imperial authority and the decision-making weakness of the emperors in some aspects of the political life. This contradiction creates new spaces of power in empire's territories because of the mobility of the senior officials. In that, the court appears more as a political abstraction than just a topographic reality. The ‘absolutism’ of that time deserves a new historiographical approach to understand those new political practices noticeable since the Tetrarchy.

Le verre et sa production dans le Maroc antique et médiéval. Essai de typologie et de chronologie / Typological and chronological study of glass in Roman and medieval period in Morocco

El Hassani, Hafsa 07 July 2017 (has links)
Portant sur une étude typologique et chronologique du verre au Maroc, du Ier au XIVe siècle, cette recherche permet de cerner les comparaisons et les évolutions et de montrer une récurrence de formes et de techniques, notamment de l’époque romaine tardive à la haute époque médiévale. Les données, réunies en un dense corpus totalement inédit pour sa plus grande part, sont issues de 18 sites archéologiques, dont 9 antiques et 9 d’époque médiévale. Le mobilier étudié consiste en un ensemble de près de 2600 verres dont 1000 individus définissant 248 formes. Il comprend aussi bien des verres creux et plats que des parures et des étalons monétaires. Loin de s'inscrire dans une longue tradition historiographique niant l'existence de structures de production du verre au Maroc, cette thèse met en outre pour la première fois en évidence, données archéologiques à l’appui, non seulement les indices matériels de cette production, mais également les traces des ateliers de verriers. Les données recueillies dans ce travail s’avèrent particulièrement importantes pour l’histoire du début de l’artisanat verrier durant la haute époque médiévale. / Based on a typological and chronological study of the glass in Morocco from the Ist to the XIVth century, this research allows to encircle the comparisons as well as the evolutions, and to show a recurrence of forms and techniques, particularly from the late roman time to the high medieval period. The data, combined in dense one, totally unpublished corpus for its biggest part, arise from 18 archeological sites, among which 9 classic arts and 9 of the medieval period. The studied furniture consists a set of about 2600 glasses among which 1000 individuals. Far from joining a long historiographical tradition denying the existence of structures of production of the glass in Morocco, this thesis highlights for the first time, with supporting archaeological data, not only the tangible indications of this production, but also the traces of glass workshops. The results are particularly important for the history of the beginning of the small business glassworker during high medieval period.

Religious continuity through space : Four phases in the history of Labraunda

Frejman, Axel January 2012 (has links)
Labraunda has a long and manifold history. The sanctuary starts out small in the Archaic period, is the most important in Karia during the Hekatomnid dynasty, reverts to a more normal position during the Hellenistic time, and is finally converted into a Christian sanctuary in the Late Roman period. This study aims to investigate the spatial pattern of what the visitor could have been perceived as religiously important at the sanctuary, in four different phases. Plans of the architecture and theory about ritual activity have formed the basis for analysing religious importance. What this study has shown is that a movement of religiously important space can be observed at Labraunda. Moving away from the origins at the Split Rock, for a long period being concentrated to the Temple Terrace, and consequently moving out to the two churches built outside the temenos.

Corinth on the Isthmus: studies of the end of an ancient landscape

Pettegrew, David K. 14 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Hucusque Hieronymus : les continuateurs de la Chronique de saint Jérôme et la genèse de l'Occident post-romain au Ve siècle. Etude historiographique, textes latins revus et traductions inédites / Hucusque Hieronymus : the continuators of Saint Jerome's Chronicle and the genesis of the post-Roman West in the 5th century. Historiographical study, with revised Latin texts and new translations

Essoussi, Vivien 06 December 2011 (has links)
Le genre de la chronique, inauguré, chez les chrétiens latinophones, par saint Jérôme (qui, lui-même, traduisit et compléta, vers 380, les Canons chronologiques d'Eusèbe de Césarée), a longtemps été tenu, du moins en France, et malgré son foisonnement remarquable, comme une forme historiographique tout à fait mineure, dont les notations laconiques apportaient peu à notre connaissance des événements et de leur perception par les contemporains. Pourtant, les trois premiers continuateurs de Jérôme : Prosper d'Aquitaine, l'"Anonyme gaulois de 452", et l'évêque galicien Hydace, révèlent, à l'analyse, une conscience aiguë des transformations majeures qui affectent l'Occident romain au Ve siècle, prélude à l'émergence des "royaumes barbares". Le présent travail tente de réévaluer l'intérêt de telles sources : tout en examinant la structure et les caractères de leurs chroniques respectives, il s'attache, plus globalement, à approfondir la réflexion sur le sens que ces auteurs donnèrent à leur époque, à la croisée de l'Antiquité finissante et du très haut Moyen Age. L'étude s'appuie sur des textes revus, avec traductions françaises intégrales et inédites. / The chronicle genre, initiated among Latin-speaking Christians by Saint Jerome (who translated and supplemented Eusebius of Caesarea's Chronological Canons, ca. 380 CE), has been regarded for a long time – at least in France, and despite its remarkable flowering – as a very minor form of historiography : its laconic notes are thought to be of meagre interest for our knowledge of events and how contemporaries understood them. However, the first three continuators of Jerome : Prosper of Aquitaine, the "Gallic Anonymous of 452", and the Galician bishop Hydatius, as a matter of fact, reveal an acute sense of the major transformations affecting the Roman West in the fifth century – that is, the dawn of the "Barbarian Kingdoms". This work attempts to offer a reappraisal of this kind of sources : while discussing the structure and characteristics of each chronicle, it is more generally aimed to investigate more thoroughly the significance these authors attached to their own time, at the crossroads between later Antiquity and the earlier Middle Ages. The study is based on revised texts, with fresh and unabridged translations into French.

Delar av en grav och glimtar av en tid : Om yngre romersk järnålder, Tuna i Badelunda i Västmanland och personen i grav X / Parts of a Grave and Glimpses of a Time : A discussion of the Late Roman Iron Age, Tuna in Badelunda in Västmanland and the person in Grave X

Fernstål, Lotta January 2004 (has links)
Grave X was found in 1952 during construction work in Tuna in Badelunda parish, in the province of Västmanland. Objects from this 3rd Century grave were dispersed and the stone grave covering and cist-like wooden burial chamber were cut almost in half as a result of the construction work that unearthed it. The purpose of this dissertation is to create a better understanding of Tuna in Badelunda and to place Grave X and the person buried there in context. Due to my interest in Grave X and the person in this grave, the scope of the study is limited to Tuna during the Late Roman Iron Age. What kind of place may Tuna in Badelunda have been during that time? Which kinds of knowledge may the person in Grave X have possessed and what roles may this person have had in local society? How may this person have acted in Tuna in Badelunda in particular? Why was this person buried in the specific type of structure that was Grave X? To answer these questions, ancient monuments and phenomena in the Tuna area, objects from the grave and construction details of the grave are discussed. Specifically, I examine the name Tuna, stone enclosures, hillforts of Bejby borg-character and travel routes, beads, golden rings in the shape of snakes, vessels and serving utensils, and the stone grave covering and cist-like chamber. Since Grave X was partly ruined when discovered, comparisons are made to about 20 similar graves from other parts of Scandinavia in order to get an idea of what may have been lost from Grave X. A performative-constructive gender perspective is of importance in this dissertation, as well as the concept of creolization. The kinds of knowledge and the societal roles the person in Grave X may have had can be summarized in five categories or contexts of action: production within the (social-political) economy of the farm, ritual performances, physical communication, textile production, and oral performances with the telling of stories and relating of memories. Possible personal strategies in relation to the activities the person in question was involved in are seen as important. One way this dissertation takes up this subject is through the discussion of the role the person may have had in greetings and farewells in the yard of the farm (Sw. tun, gårdsplan). Greetings and farewells were probably of importance, and Tuna is discussed as a crossroads. This means that although a local perspective is advocated in this dissertation, Tuna may not be seen as an isolated community, but rather as a small place that to a great extent partook in the larger world. This can also be seen in Grave X; when the person in this grave was buried, the living made choices that both expressed local traditions and made reference to far-away places. In contrast to the surrounding graves, the person in Grave X was not cremated. One of many possible reasons may have been a desire to emphasize the person’s personality and gender as well as roles in society. / <p>Auktoriserad namnform i LIBRIS: Fernstål, Charlotte, 1974-</p>

Antické sklo na základě analýzy materiálu Národního muzea v Praze / Ancient glass: Conclusions Based on the Analysis of the Collection at the Prague National Museum

Svobodová, Helena January 2017 (has links)
The ancient glass collection of the National Museum has more than 200 completely intact and so far - beside few exceptions - unpublished vessels which encompass a wide chronological framework from the 5th century BC until the end of antiquity. The core of the collection is composed of mold-blown and free-blown glass. The analysis of the collection offers a view into the history of the ancient glass production; examples of all kinds of production methods can be found in it - from a corn-formed glass, through a glass made by sagging into a form, and up to a mold-blown and free-blown glass. A great number of various decoration techniques and styles used in antiquity are represented in the collection; also, it contains vessels from various places within the Roman Empire, as well as outside of it. The major part of the work comprises blown glass from the Roman imperial period (chapter four), both free-blown and mold-blown, and from this virtually half are unguentaria of various types. Almost all types of vessel produced in this period are found in this chapter. The vessels were ordered according to types - e.g. open shapes, closed shapes and in the framework of these types they are arranged further - according to other criteria which create other sub-groups - as for example forms without a foot or on a...

Violence dans les contiones : symptôme du conflit identitaire de la fin de la République romaine

Marcoux, Louis 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à mettre en lumière les raisons pour lesquelles de nombreux épisodes de comportement collectif violents se sont produits dans les contiones au cours du dernier siècle de la République romaine (133-44 av. notre ère). Pour y parvenir, nous avons fait appel à un cadre d’analyse spécialisé dans la compréhension des conflits intergroupes et utilisé depuis peu par les historiens : la psychologie sociale. Nous avons particulièrement employé la théorie de l’identité sociale parce qu’elle est considérée comme étant la plus complète pour expliquer les comportements intergroupes à l’échelle d’une société autant qu’à celle d’une foule. Il se trouve que l’apparition de la violence dans les contiones s’explique à la fois par des raisons liées au contexte politique, social et économique de la société romaine des deux premiers siècles av. notre ère que par des facteurs propres à ce type d’assemblée. En s’inspirant d’études récentes, notre analyse a commencé par montrer que le contexte politique et économique de Rome a provoqué des divisions entre les groupes qui la constituaient. En considérant cette fragmentation, nous avons pu reconnaître la présence de facteurs favorisant les conflits intergroupes à l’échelle macro. Nous avons ensuite étudié séparément les deux traits distinctifs des contiones (un public s’assemblait et un orateur discourait) afin de déterminer en quoi ils ont contribué à ce que des débordements violents surviennent. Notre analyse nous a permis d’avancer que les contiones étaient l’un des rares contextes dans lesquels les individus rassemblés classaient leurs pairs en fonction de leur appartenance à un groupe politique et où un orateur pouvait influencer les dynamiques qui se développaient entre ces groupes. Étant donné la situation troublée dans laquelle la société romaine se trouvait, les contiones constituaient un environnement propice à l’éclatement de conflits intergroupes. / This master’s thesis aims to shed light on why many episodes of violent collective behavior occurred in the contiones during the last century of the Roman Republic (133-44 BC). To get there, we have drawn on an analytical framework specialized in the understanding of intergroup conflict and recently used by historians: social psychology. We mainly used the Social Identity Theory because it is considered the most comprehensive in explaining intergroup behavior at both the societal and crowd levels. It turns out that the appearance of violence in the contiones can be explained both by reasons related to the political, social and economic context of Roman society in the first two centuries BC and by factors specific to this type of assembly. Drawing on recent studies, our analysis began by showing that the political and economic context of Rome caused divisions between the groups that constituted it. By considering this fragmentation, we were able to recognize the presence of factors that encouraged intergroup conflicts on a macro scale. We then looked separately at the two distinctive features of contiones (an audience assembled and a speaker discoursed) to determine how they contributed to violent outbursts. Our analysis suggested that contiones were one of the few contexts in which assembled individuals categorized their peers according to their political group membership and where a speaker could influence the dynamics that developed between these groups. Given the troubled state of Roman society, the contiones provided a fertile environment for intergroup conflict.

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