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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The LGBT Community Responds: The Lavender Scare and the Creation of Midwestern Gay and Lesbian Publications

Hines, Heather 02 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Narratives of hope : trauma and resilience in a low-income South African community

Appelt, Ilse 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / South Africans are often subjected to violence and trauma. However, many can tell stories that speak of resilience in the face of trauma. Against this background, this social constructionist study aims 1) to contribute to the growing body of knowledge of the consequences of trauma, as well as of resilience, in a low-income community in South Africa; and 2) to describe a narrative therapy approach to trauma - an approach that is thought to emphasise context, resilience, empowerment and ecological well-being. The study was set in the high-violence community of Lavender Hill, with participants being individuals or families exposed to violence. Interviews guided by ideas and practices of narrative therapy were used to gather data about trauma and resilience in this community. In an effort to establish how trauma and resilience were constructed by participants themselves, first and last interviews were analysed, using constructivist grounded theory. The areas of concern were: i) the daily impact of trauma on thoughts, emotions and behaviour; ii) the conflict between speaking out and staying silent; and iii) the impact of trauma on relationships with self, others and God. These became the main categories for the discussion of the consequences of trauma. Findings supported the notion that persons working with trauma survivors in South Africa should be aware of how complex, multi-layered and context-bound the consequences of trauma are when they design interventions. To reach the second aim of the study, the application of narrative therapy ideas and practices were described by focusing on five case studies. The case studies were discussed in relation to different notions of recovery and therapeutic change. Emphasis was placed on double-storied accounts of trauma that included attending to alternative, hope-inspiring stories of participants’ lives. It was shown that a narrative approach to therapy offers contextual and resilience-focused practices that are geared toward empowerment of individuals, families and communities. As such, the argument that narrative therapy is particularly relevant and appropriate in the context of a low-income South African community, was supported.


Mambri, Ana Paula de Souza 08 July 2016 (has links)
Lavandula genus plants are known by a variety of volatiles and used for centuries in perfumes and medicinal applications. Several species in the world with productive potential, for example, Lavandula dentata L. species grown in many countries which includes Brazil, to aromatic and medicinal purposes. In addition to the diversity of varieties of lavender plants are quite resistant to adverse conditions of weather and temperature. There are many features that differentiate them from their morphological characters to the constitution of their volatile oils that have ecological functions well established in the plant. And there can be intraspecific variation of these compounds, and these differences can be related to the plant interactions with the environment, which trigger various biochemical processes that result in differences both in proportion as the phytochemical composition of the volatile oil. Natural products, such as volatile oil has been intensively studied for its productive aspects and biological activities. This study aimed to determine the effect of two intensities of solar radiation, and different harvesting times in biomass production, yield and chemical composition of the volatile oil from leaves and L. dentata plant inflorescences in soilless cultivation and how to evaluate the antimicrobial activity, genotoxic and antiproliferative the volatile compound. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in a closed system, the plants were grown in nutrient solution in polypropylene pots containing sand as substrate. They were collected for each harvest leaves and inflorescences to determine the fresh and dry weight of plants. The remaining green mass of each plot was used for the extraction of volatile oil by hydrodistillation method and the composition determined by gas chromatography (GC / MS). We used a completely randomized design, the biomass data and income were submitted ANOVA and the variables that showed significant differences were determined by Tukey test, the genotoxicity data were compared using the chi-square test (X²). We evaluated the aboveground biomass production and essential oil of lavender in two radiation intensity (with and without shading), at different times of collection (150, 213 and 320) days after planting. And also assess the antimicrobial effect by the method and bioautography genotoxicity oil concentrations (100%) and (0.05%), respectively. The oil yield, fresh weight (MF) and dry (MS) leaves (F) and inflorescences (I) were affected by shading and different times of collection, (MFI) was higher in the spring harvest (213 DAP ) without shading and (MFF), while for leaves the best time was in the summer period (320 DAP), and there was no effect on the use of 50% shading to (MF). However, there was a reduction in average values of MSF and MSI. The production of volatile oil in the leaves was higher in all collections held in the summer, to 320 DAP. The major constituents found in the volatile oil were 1.8 cineole, camphor and linalool. The oil (100%) showed moderate activity against the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhimurium, the volatile oil (0.05%) from lavender showed no antiproliferative activity or genotoxic effect. / Plantas do gênero Lavandula são conhecidas por uma variedade de compostos voláteis e empregadas há séculos na fabricação de perfumes e aplicações medicinais. São várias as espécies no mundo com potencial produtivo, como por exemplo, a espécie Lavandula dentata L. cultivada em vários países onde se inclui o Brasil, para fins aromáticos e medicinais. Além da diversidade de variedades, plantas de lavanda são bastante resistentes às condições adversas de clima e temperatura. São muitas as características que as diferenciam desde seus caracteres morfológicos à constituição de seus óleos voláteis que apresentam funções ecológicas bem estabelecidas na planta. Podendo ainda ocorrer uma variação destes compostos intraespecífica, e estas diferenças podem estar associadas às interações da planta com o ambiente, que desencadeiam vários processos bioquímicos que resultam em diferenças tanto na proporção quanto na composição fitoquímica do óleo volátil. Produtos naturais, tais como o óleo volátil vem sendo intensamente estudados, quanto seus aspectos produtivos e atividades biológicas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o efeito de duas intensidades da radiação solar, e de diferentes épocas de colheita na produção de fitomassa, rendimento e composição química do óleo volátil de folhas e inflorescências de L. dentata no cultivo sem solo, bem como avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana, genotóxica e antiproliferativa do composto volátil. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em sistema fechado, as plantas foram cultivadas com solução nutritiva em vasos de polipropileno contendo areia como substrato. Foram coletadas para cada época folhas e inflorescências para determinar a massa fresca e seca das plantas. O restante das plantas de cada parcela foi utilizado para extração do óleo volátil pelo método de hidrodestilação e a composição determinada por cromatografia gasosa (GC/MS). Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, os dados de fitomassa e rendimento foram submetidos ANOVA e as variáveis que apresentaram diferença significativa foram determinadas pelo teste de Tukey, e os dados de genotoxidade foram comparados pelo teste Qui-quadrado (X²). Avaliou-se a produção de biomassa da parte aérea e óleo volátil da lavanda sob duas intensidades de radiação (com e sem sombreamento), em três épocas de coleta (150, 213 e 320) dias após o plantio. O óleo volátil foi avaliado quanto o efeito antimicrobiano pelo método de bioautografia e genotoxidade nas concentrações (100%) e (0,05%), respectivamente. O rendimento do óleo, a massa fresca (MF) e seca (MS) de folhas (F) e inflorescências (I) foi afetada pelo sombreamento e pelas diferentes épocas de coleta, a (MFI) foi maior na colheita da primavera (213 DAP) sem sombreamento enquanto a (MFF), a melhor época foi no período de verão (320 DAP), e não houve efeito quanto ao uso do sombreamento 50% para (MF). Porém, houve uma redução dos valores médios de MSF e MSI. A produção de óleo volátil nas folhas foi superior em todas as coletas, realizada no verão, aos 320 DAP. Os constituintes majoritários encontrados no óleo volátil foram 1,8 cineol, cânfora e linalol. O óleo (100%) apresentou atividade antimicrobiana moderada para as bactérias Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus e Salmonella typhimurium, o óleo volátil (0,05%) de lavanda não apresentou atividade antiproliferativa nem efeito genotóxico.

Methamphetamine addiction : towards a prevention strategy in a ministerial approach to substance abuse during mid-adolescence within the Lavender Hill setting

M'Buka, Attlee Charles 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Motivated by the observation that children living in the Western Cape face challenges relating to methamphetamine (tik) abuse, this research attempts to develop and propose a strategy that can be used in preventing mid-adolescents from engaging in tik use. To develop this strategy, a contextual analysis and hermeneutical process of the life of mid- adolescents and the environment in which tik abuse is occurring was initially undertaken. Through a contextual analysis of children living in Lavender Hill and surrounding areas, it was discovered that most children were attracted to tik due to the influence of modern technology, rampant poverty, the cheap cost of the drug, dysfunctionality of families, influence of gangs and lack of recreation facilities. Acknowledging that adolescence is an important stage in the formation of the character of any individual, this research attests that adolescents who use and abuse tik are those who do not have an enabling family and societal environment. It is suggested in this research that the Church can play a pivotal role in creating a socio-spiritual environment that would enable adolescents to develop themselves in such a manner that they do not need to use tik, or any other drug for that matter. This research thus develops a prevention strategy for dealing with tik abuse during mid- adolescence. This preventive strategy centres on the Church being of service to others. Based on a literature research conducted on the Lavender Hill community of the Cape Flats, this research proposes practical recommendations that could help different Christian churches in the fight against methamphetamine use by mid-adolescents. These recommendations attempt to involve different members of the community in the spirit that John Mbiti encapsulates in the proverb ―We are therefore I am‖. In this all- inclusive endeavour, this research supposes that if a community is properly functioning, it is possible for it to weed out unwanted elements in a manner that protects all its members, particularly the young. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie fokus op die vraagstuk van Metamfetamien-verslawing onder jeuggroepe binne die konteks van die Kaapse Vlakte met ‘n besondere fokus op die Lavender Hill- area. Daar is besluit om op middel-adolessensie te fokus omdat dit die fase is waarin jongmense uiters broos is en veral vatbaar is vir buite-invloede. Dit is ook die fase waarin vaste gedragspatrone binne identiteitsvorming vasgelê word. Die oogmerk was om veral op voorkomingstrategieë binne gemeentelike verband te fokus ten einde die pastorale bediening van die problematiek bewus te maak. Omdat verslawing ingebed is binne plaaslike kultuurkontekste, is besluit om aan te sluit by ‘n sosiaal-kontekstuele analise. Metamfetamien (of tik) raak betekenisraamwerke asook die mens se soeke na erkenning en aanvaarding. Vandaar die keuse vir ‘n kwalitatiewe benadering in aansuiting by ‘n pastoraal-hermeneutiese metodologie. Die sosiaal-kontekstuele analise in die Lavender Hill-area het aangetoon dat veral die sopsiale media en tegnologie ‘n groot rol speel in die gebruik van tik onder kinders. Binne ‘n armoedekultuur en die impak van gesinsverbrokkeling op jongmense se identiteitsontwikkeling, veral binne die bruingemeenskap, word ‘n teelaarde vir dwelmisbruik geskep. Tik is bekostigbaar en die situasie word deur bendes (gangsters) uitgebuit. Daar is ook bevind dat omgewingsfaktore ‘n bydraende rol speel, veral die gebrek aan doeltreffende ontspanningsgeriewe. As gevolg van die gebrek aan voldoende sosiale en familiale ondersteuningstrukture, word persoonslikheidsontwikkeling en karaktervorming hierdeur nadelig beïnvloed. Teen hierdie agtergrond stel die studie voor dat die kerk binne gemeenteverband as ‘n soort ‘familie‘ gestruktureer moet word. Die kerk is die skakel tussen die sosiale dimensie en spirituele raamwerke. Die gemeentelike bediening moet derhalwe by identiteitsontwikkeling betrokke wees ten einde voorkomend op te tree. Kerklike voorkomingstrategieë moet gekoppel wees aan die ekklesiale modus van diakonale uitreik ondanks religieuse and kulturele grense. In dié verband moet verskillende denomenasies hande vat en ook intensief saaamwerk met plaaslike gemeenskapsleiers. Dit is hier waar die Afrika-spiritualiteit , soos onder andere deur John Mbiti geformuleer, ‘n deurslaggewende rol kan speel, naamlik: ons bestaan vir mekaar, daarom leef ek as individu en bestaan ek as mens. Hierdeur word ‘n inklusiewe benadering geprofileer wat die gemeenskap inskakel ten einde die euwel van tik doeltreffend te bestry.

價值共創之研究 - 以天空的院子和薰衣草森林為例 / The Study of Value Co-creation - The Cases of El Patio Del Cielo & Lavender Cottage

熊介銘, Hsiung, Chieh Ming Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的愈加成熟,商業活動和企業本身不再侷限於傳統而單向性的思考以及運作。透過顧客體驗了美好的服務過程後,樂於在各式各樣的網路訊息傳播平台上進行分享,可以直接或間接地擴大了該企業或該項服務的宣傳效果。   有了這些顧客的參與,使得企業能夠在與消費者的互動當中獲得寶貴的意見及建議,進而達成良善的雙向互動。在無形當中,消費者們體驗了企業所提供之商品和服務的同時,一個個利害關係人隨之靠攏,而他們所貢獻的協助會讓企業提供的產品或流程內容更加精美,這種企業與顧客間價值共創的過程,甚至有助於社會的人道關懷及永續發展。   本研究將以價值共創的分析架構和觀點試圖回答下列問題: 1.如何善用價值共創來增進企業的核心能力與價值? 2.如何快速連結企業與地方及社會大眾來擴散共同創造出來的價值? 3.如何在發展過程中具體實踐企業的努力和價值來關懷當地居民與土地?   本研究藉由文獻與學理回顧,進一步探討企業在偏鄉進行價值共創活動之內涵。以價值共創為基礎,架構內將價值共創的構面分為要素、目標和利益三個部分,這三個面向再分別以各四項參數進行觀察。本研究採用雙重個案研究法,以個案具有實質影響力的共創活動來進行深入探討。   本研究所得到的初步結論:(1)企業透過擴展價值共創的活動,取得各方參與的認同。(2)企業本身具有的理念和積極性能夠加深共創平台的影響力。(3)企業自發性下鄉主導價值共創能影響偏鄉形成有利的共創氛圍,並建立良好可持續發展共創活動的基礎。

Desenvolvimento de nanoemulsões à base de óleo de maracujá (\'Passiflora edulis\') e óleo essencial de lavanda (\'Lavandula officinalis\') e avaliação da atividade antiinflamatória tópica / Development of nanoemulsions containing passion fruit seed oil (Passiflora edulis) and lavender essential oil (Lavandula officinalis) and evaluation of its topical anti-inflammatory activity.

Camargo, Maria Fernanda Pires de 12 May 2008 (has links)
A nanotecnologia é um fenômeno que se aplica a praticamente todos os setores da ciência, sendo que na área cosmética o elevado investimento neste campo tem reforçado a idéia de que produtos nanotecnológicos proporcionam vantagens reais aos consumidores. A crescente exigência do consumidor e os avanços no conhecimento sobre obtenção e estabilidade dos sistemas dispersos viabilizam o desenvolvimento de veículos diferenciados como, por exemplo, nanoemulsões, que além da inerente estabilidade, apresentam aspecto sensorial agradável, alta capacidade de espalhabilidade e hidratação, além de poderem facilitar a penetração de ativos. Existem dois métodos de obtenção de nanoemulsões: os que empregam baixa ou alta energia de emulsificação. O uso de óleos vegetais em produtos cosméticos tem sido intensamente valorizado, baseando-se no conceito de que são seguros e biocompatíveis. O óleo de maracujá é extensamente empregado em formulações cosméticas e o óleo essencial de lavanda é citado na literatura pelo efeito cicatrizante e antiinflamatório, dentre outros. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo desenvolver nanoemulsões à base de óleo de maracujá e óleo essencial de lavanda nas concentrações de 1,0, 2,0 e 5,0%, a partir de método a frio de baixa energia de emulsificação, bem como avaliar a influência da adição de outros componentes e dos parâmetros relacionados ao método de obtenção na estabilidade e tamanho de glóbulos das nanoemulsões e posteriormente avaliar a atividade antiinflamatória tópica da emulsão contendo 5,0% do óleo essencial em camundongos sem pêlo. Os resultados demonstraram que a adição do óleo essencial de lavanda no sistema provocou redução no tamanho de glóbulos e aumento da estabilidade física e que o método de emulsificação a frio foi eficaz na formação de nanoemulsões estáveis. O valor de EHL, o par de tensoativos, a proporção entre as fases aquosa/ oleosa e tensoativa, bem como a adição de silicones e eletrólitos e a velocidade de agitação influenciam sobremaneira as características e a estabilidade das dispersões obtidas. No estudo de estabilidade acelerada, observou-se a alteração significativa dos valores de pH e condutividade elétrica, o que possivelmente é decorrente da hidrólise de compostos presentes no óleo essencial. Os valores de potencial zeta e tamanho de glóbulos não demonstraram alteração relevante em 30 dias de estabilidade acelerada. Na avaliação in vivo, a nanoemulsão adicionada de 5,0% do óleo essencial de lavanda apresentou resultados significativos quando comparado aos demais grupos, o que sugere boa perspectiva na utilização tópica do óleo essencial de lavanda, sendo este merecedor de estudos complementares para a elucidação dos mecanismos antiinflamatórios envolvidos, dos componentes fito-químicos responsáveis por esta ação e da concentração a ser utilizada. / Nanotechnology is a phenomenon that applies to mainly all sectors of science and in the cosmetics area the high investment in this field has strengthened the idea that nanotechnology products offer real advantages to consumers. The growing demand of consumers and the advances in knowledge about production and stability of dispersed systems enable the development of differentiated vehicles such as nanoemulsions, which besides the inherent stability, have pleasant sensory aspect, high spread ability and hydration power, in addition they can facilitate the penetration of actives. There are two methods of obtaining nanoemulsions: those that employ low or high energy of emulsification. The use of vegetable oils in cosmetics has been intensely valued, based on the concept that is safe and biocompatible. Passion fruit oil is widely used in cosmetic formulations and lavender essential oil is reported in the literature for healing and anti-inflammatory effects, among others. The aim of this study was to develop nanoemulsion based in passion fruit oil and lavender essential oil in the concentrations of 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0%, from low-energy method of emulsification, not employing heating, and evaluate the influence of the addition of other materials and parameters related to the production method in the system stability and droplets size of nanoemulsions and then evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of topical nanoemulsion containing 5.0% of lavender essential oil in hairless mice. The results demonstrated that the addition of lavender essential oil in the system caused reduction in the droplets size and increasing in the physical stability and that the method of emulsification used was effective in the formation of stable nanoemulsions. The HLB value, the pair of surfactants, the ratio between aqueous/oily and surfactant phase, the addition of silicones and electrolytes and speed of agitation particularly affect the characteristics and stability of the obtained dispersions. In the accelerated stability tests, there was a significant change in the pH and electrical conductivity values, which is possibly resulting from the hydrolysis of compounds present in the essential oil. The values of zeta potential and droplets size showed no relevant change in 30 days of accelerated stability. In the in vivo evaluation, the nanoemulsion added of 5.0% of the lavender essential oil showed significant results when compared to the other groups, which suggests good perspective on topical use of this oil, which is worthy of further studies to the elucidation of the anti-inflammatory mechanisms involved, the phyto-chemical components responsible for this action and the concentration of use.

Production of blue pigments from the callus cultures of Lavandula augustifolia and red pigments (betalain) from the hairy root culture of Beta vulgaris : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Biotechnology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Oommen, Retty January 2009 (has links)
Plants are used to produce many secondary metabolites that are too difficult, expensive or impossible to make by chemical synthesis. Conventional cultivation of plants is of course subject to vagaries of weather, pests and availability of land; hence, the interest in highly controlled culture of plant cells and hairy roots in bioreactors as methods of producing various products. This project focussed on production of blue and red colors of Lavandula augustifolia and Beta vulgaris, respectively. Callus and suspension cell culture were successfully produced from L. augustifolia after extensive trials, but hairy roots could not be generated from this species. In contrast, a successful protocol was developed for consistently producing hairy roots from B. vulgaris, but calli could not be generated from this species. Effects of medium composition on growth of L. augustifolia calli and freely suspended cells and production of the blue pigment by the latter, were investigated. Optimal production of callus occurred in full-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 mg/l of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 1 mg/l of kinetin. Stable suspension cultures could be produced and maintained in full-strength MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l each of IAA and kinetin. In suspension culture in full-strength MS medium, the following hormone combinations were tested: (1) 1 mg/l each of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and kinetin; (2) 2 mg/l of IAA and 1 mg/l of kinetin; (3) 2 mg/l of IAA and 1 mg/l of benzyl amino purine (BAP); and (4) 2 mg/l each of IAA and BAP. Combination (3) maximized cell growth, but the highest cell-specific production of the blue pigment was seen in combination (2), although pigment production occurred at all hormone combinations. The medium formulation that gave the best production of the pigment in shake flasks was scaled up to a 2 L aerated stirred tank bioreactor, but both the biomass and pigment productivities were reduced in the bioreactor apparently due to the high shear stress generated by the Rushton turbine impeller. Compared to suspension cultures of L. augustifolia, the hairy root cultures of B. vulgaris grew extremely rapidly. Hairy roots also produced large amounts of the red pigments. Growth of hairy roots was influenced by the composition of the medium. Although the full strength MS medium better promoted biomass growth compared to the half-strength MS medium, the final concentration of the biomass and the pigment were nearly the same in both media. Attempts were made to enhance production by using various hormones (i.e. naphthalene acetic acid, BAP, IAA added individually at a concentration of 0.5 mg/l), but none of the hormones proved useful. BAP adversely affected the growth of hairy roots. In summary, production of pigments by suspension culture of L. augustifolia and hairy root culture of B. vulgaris, is technically possible, but requires substantial further optimization for enhancing productivity than has been possible in this project. iii

Production of blue pigments from the callus cultures of Lavandula augustifolia and red pigments (betalain) from the hairy root culture of Beta vulgaris : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Biotechnology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Oommen, Retty January 2009 (has links)
Plants are used to produce many secondary metabolites that are too difficult, expensive or impossible to make by chemical synthesis. Conventional cultivation of plants is of course subject to vagaries of weather, pests and availability of land; hence, the interest in highly controlled culture of plant cells and hairy roots in bioreactors as methods of producing various products. This project focussed on production of blue and red colors of Lavandula augustifolia and Beta vulgaris, respectively. Callus and suspension cell culture were successfully produced from L. augustifolia after extensive trials, but hairy roots could not be generated from this species. In contrast, a successful protocol was developed for consistently producing hairy roots from B. vulgaris, but calli could not be generated from this species. Effects of medium composition on growth of L. augustifolia calli and freely suspended cells and production of the blue pigment by the latter, were investigated. Optimal production of callus occurred in full-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 mg/l of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 1 mg/l of kinetin. Stable suspension cultures could be produced and maintained in full-strength MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l each of IAA and kinetin. In suspension culture in full-strength MS medium, the following hormone combinations were tested: (1) 1 mg/l each of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and kinetin; (2) 2 mg/l of IAA and 1 mg/l of kinetin; (3) 2 mg/l of IAA and 1 mg/l of benzyl amino purine (BAP); and (4) 2 mg/l each of IAA and BAP. Combination (3) maximized cell growth, but the highest cell-specific production of the blue pigment was seen in combination (2), although pigment production occurred at all hormone combinations. The medium formulation that gave the best production of the pigment in shake flasks was scaled up to a 2 L aerated stirred tank bioreactor, but both the biomass and pigment productivities were reduced in the bioreactor apparently due to the high shear stress generated by the Rushton turbine impeller. Compared to suspension cultures of L. augustifolia, the hairy root cultures of B. vulgaris grew extremely rapidly. Hairy roots also produced large amounts of the red pigments. Growth of hairy roots was influenced by the composition of the medium. Although the full strength MS medium better promoted biomass growth compared to the half-strength MS medium, the final concentration of the biomass and the pigment were nearly the same in both media. Attempts were made to enhance production by using various hormones (i.e. naphthalene acetic acid, BAP, IAA added individually at a concentration of 0.5 mg/l), but none of the hormones proved useful. BAP adversely affected the growth of hairy roots. In summary, production of pigments by suspension culture of L. augustifolia and hairy root culture of B. vulgaris, is technically possible, but requires substantial further optimization for enhancing productivity than has been possible in this project. iii

Levandų (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) eterinio aliejaus poveikis kognityvinėms funkcijoms ir širdies ritmui / Effect of lavender (lavandula angustifolia mill.) essential oil on cognitive functions and heart rate

Bučelytė, Asta 23 June 2014 (has links)
Eteriniai aliejai plačiai naudojami aromaterapijoje, kosmetologijoje, farmacijoje bei parfumerijoje. Nors plačiai kalbama apie eterinių aliejų įtaką žmogui ir jų panaudojimą, tačiau moksliniais tyrimais patvirtintų duomenų apie jų poveikį nėra daug. Šio magistrinio darbo tikslas - ištirti levandų eterinių aliejų poveikį kognityvinėms funkcijoms ir širdies ritmui. Eksperimentai buvo atliekami su 19-25 metų amžiaus vyrais ir moterimis. Moterys buvo tiriamos folikulinės, ovuliacinės, geltonkūnio ir vėlyvosios geltonkūnio mėnesinių ciklo fazių metu, o vyrai – vieno eksperimento metu kvėpavo levandų eteriniu aliejumi, kito – vandeniu. Kiekvieno eksperimento metu prieš ir po kvėpavimo levandų eteriniu aliejumi buvo atliekami kognityviniai (trumpalaikės regimosios atminties, dėmesio ir reakcijos laiko) testai bei nenutrūkstamai registruojama elektrokardiograma. Naudojant Eysenck‘o testą buvo įvertintas tiriamųjų intraversijos - ekstraversijos ir neurotiškumo - emocinio stabilumo asmenybės bruožų išreikštumas. Gauta, kad: 1. Neskirstant tiriamųjų į grupes negautas reikšmingas kvėpavimo levandų eteriniu aliejumi poveikis reakcijos laikui, trumpalaikei regimajai atminčiai, dėmesio parametrams – protino produktyvumo koeficientui, regimosios informacijos apimčiai, informacijos apdorojimo greičiui bei širdies ritmui. 2. Dėmesio tikslumo koeficientas po kvėpavimo eteriniu aliejumi statistiškai patikimai geresnis nei prieš kvėpavimą, kai tiriamieji neskirstomi į grupes. Vyrams šis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Essential oils are mostly used in aromatherapy, cosmetics, pharmacology and in perfumes industry. Though there are wide discussions about influence of essential oils on the human organism, there are not many scientific studies on the influence of these oils and mechanisms of their action. The main purpose of Master thesis is to investigate influence of lavender essential oil on cognitive functions and heart rate. The experiments were conducted with 19 -25 years old males and females. Women were examined in the follicular, ovulation, luteal and late luteal phases of menstrual cycle. Men were examined twice – with essential oil and water (as control). During every experiment before and after inhalation of the lavender essential oil cognitive tests (short-term memory, attention and reaction time) were performed and electrocardiogram was continuously recorded. The personality traits were identified using Eysenck test and subjects were categorized as introvert-extravert and neurotic-emotionally stabile. The main findings are as follows: 1. There was no statistically significant effect of lavender essential oil on reaction time, short term memory, parameters of attention - coefficient of mental productivity, capacity of visual information, velocity of information processing and heart rate when subjects were not subdivided into groups. 2. Coefficient of accuracy increased statistically significantly after breathing with lavender essential oil when subjects were not subdivided into... [to full text]

Production of blue pigments from the callus cultures of Lavandula augustifolia and red pigments (betalain) from the hairy root culture of Beta vulgaris : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Biotechnology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Oommen, Retty January 2009 (has links)
Plants are used to produce many secondary metabolites that are too difficult, expensive or impossible to make by chemical synthesis. Conventional cultivation of plants is of course subject to vagaries of weather, pests and availability of land; hence, the interest in highly controlled culture of plant cells and hairy roots in bioreactors as methods of producing various products. This project focussed on production of blue and red colors of Lavandula augustifolia and Beta vulgaris, respectively. Callus and suspension cell culture were successfully produced from L. augustifolia after extensive trials, but hairy roots could not be generated from this species. In contrast, a successful protocol was developed for consistently producing hairy roots from B. vulgaris, but calli could not be generated from this species. Effects of medium composition on growth of L. augustifolia calli and freely suspended cells and production of the blue pigment by the latter, were investigated. Optimal production of callus occurred in full-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 mg/l of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 1 mg/l of kinetin. Stable suspension cultures could be produced and maintained in full-strength MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l each of IAA and kinetin. In suspension culture in full-strength MS medium, the following hormone combinations were tested: (1) 1 mg/l each of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and kinetin; (2) 2 mg/l of IAA and 1 mg/l of kinetin; (3) 2 mg/l of IAA and 1 mg/l of benzyl amino purine (BAP); and (4) 2 mg/l each of IAA and BAP. Combination (3) maximized cell growth, but the highest cell-specific production of the blue pigment was seen in combination (2), although pigment production occurred at all hormone combinations. The medium formulation that gave the best production of the pigment in shake flasks was scaled up to a 2 L aerated stirred tank bioreactor, but both the biomass and pigment productivities were reduced in the bioreactor apparently due to the high shear stress generated by the Rushton turbine impeller. Compared to suspension cultures of L. augustifolia, the hairy root cultures of B. vulgaris grew extremely rapidly. Hairy roots also produced large amounts of the red pigments. Growth of hairy roots was influenced by the composition of the medium. Although the full strength MS medium better promoted biomass growth compared to the half-strength MS medium, the final concentration of the biomass and the pigment were nearly the same in both media. Attempts were made to enhance production by using various hormones (i.e. naphthalene acetic acid, BAP, IAA added individually at a concentration of 0.5 mg/l), but none of the hormones proved useful. BAP adversely affected the growth of hairy roots. In summary, production of pigments by suspension culture of L. augustifolia and hairy root culture of B. vulgaris, is technically possible, but requires substantial further optimization for enhancing productivity than has been possible in this project. iii

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