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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of heavy Higgs bosons in the hadronic production of top-quark pairs including QCD corrections

Galler, Peter 13 February 2018 (has links)
In dieser Disseratation wird eine mögliche Erweiterung des Standardmodells der Elementarteilchen (SM) im Higgs-Sektor mithilfe von Topquarkpaarproduktion am Large Hadron Collider untersucht. Insbesondere wird dabei auf das sogenannte Zwei-Higgs-Duplettmodell eingegangen. Dieses Modell führt mehrere Spin-0 Bosonen (auch Higgsbosonen genannt) zusätzlich zum SM-Higgsboson ein. Dabei wird in dieser Arbeit von der Annahme ausgegangen, dass diese zusätzlichen Higgsbosonen schwer genug sind um in ein Top-Antitop-Paar zu zerfallen. Somit können die experimentellen Signaturen dieser neuen Teilchen mit Hilfe von Observablen der Topquarkpaarproduktion untersucht werden. Dazu wird die resonante Erzeugung von schweren Higgsbosonen und deren Zerfall in Topquarkpaare bis einschließlich Quantenkorrekturen in der nächst-zu-führenden Ordnung (NLO) in der QCD-Kopplungskonstanten berechnet. Weiterhin wird die volle Spininformation des Top-Antitop-Paares beibehalten, welche die Analyse von spinabhängigen Observablen erlaubt. Diese können, insbesondere in Falle von Top-Antitop-Spinkorrelationen, sehr sensitiv auf Effekte schwerer Higgsbosonen sein. Dies zeigt sich besonders in Vergleich zu spinunabhängigen Observablen. Die Sensitivität von spinabhängigen Observablen kann zudem noch durch entsprechende Schnitte auf den Phasenraum von Top- und Antitopquark verstärkt werden. In dieser Dissertation wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, mit dessen Hilfe sich die Spinkorrelationen identifizieren lassen, welche die größte Sensitivität auf die Effekte schwerer Higgsbosonen aufweisen. Außerdem wird durch die Berechnung der Beiträge zur NLO u.a. gezeigt, dass diese Beiträge wichtig sind um aussagekräftige und robuste Observablen zu definieren. Die Ergebnisse der NLO, die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden, sind die ersten ihrer Art für die resonante Erzeugung von schweren Higgsbosonen und deren Zerfall in Topquarkpaare. / In this dissertation a possible extension of the standard model of particle physics (SM) in the Higgs sector is investigated using top-quark pair production at the Large Hadron Collider as a probe. In particular, the so-called two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) is studied. The 2HDM introduces several spin-0 bosons (which are also called Higgs bosons) in addition to the SM Higgs boson. In this thesis these additional Higgs bosons are assumed to be heavy enough to decay into a top-antitop quark pair. Thus, the experimental signatures of these new particles can be studied through observables of top-quark pair production. To this end the resonant production of heavy neutral Higgs bosons and their decay into top-quark pairs in calculated up to next-to-leading order corrections in the QCD coupling constant retaining the full spin information of the top-antitop pair. This allows to analyse spin dependent observables which can be more sensitive to effects of heavy Higgs bosons than spin independent ones especially in the case of top-antitop spin correlations. The additional application of kinematical cuts on the phase space of top and antitop quarks can enhance the sensitivity further. In this thesis a method is presented that can be used to construct the spin correlation which is most sensitive to the effects of heavy Higgs bosons on top-quark pair production. Furthermore, it is shown that the next-to-leading order corrections are required to construct observables which entail robust predictions. The results for the next-to-leading order in the QCD coupling constant presented in this thesis were the first ones given for resonant heavy Higgs production and decay into top-quark pairs.

L'office du juge civil quant au relevé des moyens de droit / The raising of pleas in law by the civil judge

Marcel, Aline 03 December 2018 (has links)
L’office du juge quant au relevé des moyens de droit est régi par les dispositions des principes directeurs du procès civil et plus particulièrement par l’article 12 du code de procédure civile. Fruit de la réforme des années 1960 1970 qui visait à renforcer le rôle du juge, les ambiguïtés de sa rédaction n’ont que très difficilement permis au dessein des réformateurs de se réaliser. Après trente ans d’hésitation jurisprudentielle, l’assemblée plénière de la Cour de cassation a, en 2007, enfin fixé le principe selon lequel le juge n’a que la simple faculté de s’écarter du fondement juridique invoqué par les parties si celui-ci s’avère erroné. Cependant, les exceptions se multiplient en faveur de l’obligation sous l’influence de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne. En outre, le contexte procédural est différent de celui dans lequel est né la réforme. Des bouleversements sont intervenus quant aux exigences attendues des parties au regard du droit (principe de concentration des moyens) et l’architecture et l’objet des voies de recours est en pleine mutation (appel ; pourvoi en cassation). Le déséquilibre est flagrant entre office du juge et rôle des parties. Fort de ce constat, c’est en tenant compte des possibilités de censure du juge défaillant que la thèse propose des pistes en vue d’un renforcement raisonnable de l’office du juge de nature à offrir une meilleure garantie de leurs droits aux justiciables. / The function of the judge, as for raising pleas in law, is governed by civil trial’s leading principles, more specifically by article 12 of the French code of civil procedure. As a result of the 1960-1970 reform, which was intended to strengthen the role of the judge, the aim of the reformers has been difficult to achieve because of its writing ambiguities. After thirty years of a hesitant legal precedent, the Court of cassation in plenary assembly, in 2007, finally laid down the principle whereby the judge only has the ability to rule out the legal basis pleaded by the parties if it turns out to be incorrect. However, under the influence of the European Court of Justice case law, exceptions in favour of the obligation are increasing. Furthermore, the procedural context is different from the one in which the reform was passed. There have been upheavals regarding the requirements expected from the parties regarding the law (concentration of pleas’ principle) and the structure and purpose of legal remedies (appeal before the Court of appeal or the Court of cassation). The disparity between the function of the judge and the role of the parties is obvious. With this observation, by considering the censorship possibilities of the failing judge, this thesis proposes leads for a reasonable strengthening of the function of the judge to offer to the litigants a best guarantee of their rights.


高崇傑, Kao, Chung-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
股票市場乃屬長期資本市場,企業家透過「資本證券化」的方式向投資人募集資金,做為公司營運及擴充規模之用。是故股票市場繫乎一國的經濟發展,乃經濟發展之櫥窗。無論基於何種因素,股價確實會有漲跌互異的現象,但消息面、心理面或其他非經濟因素並不能完全的支配股價走勢,從長期而論,股價終究會回歸基本面,所謂基本面,就是經濟之榮枯,常以景氣的好壞來表現,景氣循環即為一種經濟波動的現象。是故,雖致使股價波動的因素繁多,然而由長期基本面的觀點來看,景氣循環是否為解釋台灣股價指數長期走勢的主要力量呢?此乃本文所欲探尋的答案。本文以經建會所公佈之景氣領先指標綜合指數及其組成要素分別代表景氣狀況,從理論與文獻上整理說明股價變動與景氣循環的關係,並陳述1990年代的台灣股價指數與景氣循環走勢之關係,最後利用由Johansen所發展非常適於經濟模型的估計與檢定的計量工具---共整合分析與向量誤差修正模型,企圖以變數間所具有的整合線性關係作為衡量長期的均衡關係,並以均方誤差(RMSE)與絕對平均百分比誤差(MAPE)評量預測績效。 本文最終實證所得之各項重要結論如下: 一、股價與領先指標綜合指數 短期上落後一期和落後四期的領先指標綜合指數變動率與股價報酬率具有顯著的正向關係,此外股價與領先指標綜合指數長期存在正向共整合方程式。 二、股價與貨幣供給M1b具正向關係 長期而言依據共整合檢定,兩者具有長期均衡關係,並在同期時具顯著正向關係;在短期方面,依誤差修正模型之t檢定當期股價報酬率與落後一期之貨幣供給變動率呈現顯著正相關。 三、股價與海關出口值、新接訂單指數 股價分別在長期與兩者具均衡關係,並在同期時具顯著正向關係,但在短期上並無明顯關係。 四、股價與躉售物價、製造業平均每人每月工時、台灣地區房屋建築申請面積並無明顯關係。 五、所有五個共整合模型之預期值,均顯示出在上升波段預期值低於股價實際值,而在下跌波段預期值高於股價,此明顯反應了台灣股市投資人較不重視基本面分析,而以短線操作為主,心理因素、炒作因素影響重大,所以經濟景氣時常一窩峰買進而高估股價,反之,則大量殺出而低估股價。 六、五項共整合模型預期績效之良劣順序為:1.領先指標綜合指數與股價之ECM;2.三領先變數綜合與股價之ECM;3.M1b與股價之ECM;4.製造業新接訂單與股價之ECM;5.海關出口值之ECM由上面之順序顯示考量較多經濟變數較能涵蓋實質經濟,也能獲致較佳之預期。 總合而言,本研究各項模型雖不盡如人意,但對於大盤走勢之預期有不錯之效果,若再加入國人之心理因素,於牛市中將預期值往上修正,而於熊市將預期值往下修正,本模型應可更貼近實際股市情況。

遺傳模式在匯率上分析與預測之應用 / Genetic Models and Its Application in Exchange Rates Analysis and Forecasting

許毓云, Hsu, Yi-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract In time series analysis, we often find the trend of dynamic data changing with time. Using the traditional model fitting can't get a good explanation for dynamic data. Therefore, many scholars developed various methods for model construction. The major drawback with most of the methods is that personal viewpoint and experience in model selection are usually influenced in them. Therefore, this paper presents a new approach on genetic-based modeling for the nonlinear time series. The research is based on the concepts of evolution theory as well as natural selection. In order to find a leading model from the nonlinear time series, we make use of the evolution rule: survival of the fittest. Through the process of genetic evolution, the AIC (Akaike information criteria) is used as the adjust function, and the membership function of the best-fitted models are calculated as performance index of chromosome. Empirical example shows that the genetic model can give an efficient explanation in analyzing Taiwan exchange rates, especially when the structure change occurs.

遺傳模式在轉折區間判定上的應用 / The application of genetic models in change periods detection

洪鵬凱 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,非線性時間數列轉折點的研究愈來愈受到重視,學者們也提出許多關於轉折點的偵測及檢定方法。若考慮實際資料走勢轉變的情形,“轉折區間”的概念更可以解釋結構改變的現象。但文獻中對於如何找尋時間數列結構改變之轉折區間的研究並不多。本文擬以時間數列統計模式及模糊學理論的角度來研究,並結合遺傳演算的規則而提出主導模式的概念,來架構出時間數列遺傳模式,再藉由轉折區間決策法則來找出數列的轉折區間。其中,我們以統計模式為遺傳演化過程中的染色體,而以候選模式之隸屬度函數為衡量染色體適應能力的指標。最後,我們舉出臺灣股價收盤指數之實例,分別以我們所提出的方法及其他方法找出數列的轉折區間及轉折點,並做比較。 / For recent years, the research of change point in nonlinear time series has been considered to be more and more important. Scholars have proposed a lot of detecting and testing methods about change points.If considering the trend of real situation, the concept of change period will show the phenomena of structure change.But there are not many researches about how to find change period in time series.My paper is based on the points of time series models and fuzzy theory.Besides,it combines the rules of genetic algorithm and provides the concepts of leading model to construct time seriep genetic model and to find out change period by decision rule.ln this paper, we use time series statistical models as chromosome in procedure of genetic evolution, and we also use membership function of selected models as pereformance: index of chromosome.Finally, the empirical application about change periods and change points detecting by our method and other's for Taiwan stock closing prices is demonstrated and make a comparision with these results.

Receptivity of Boundary-Layer Flows over Flat and Curved Walls

Schrader, Lars-Uve January 2010 (has links)
Direct numerical simulations of the receptivity and instability of boundary layers on flat and curved surfaces are herein reported. Various flow models are considered with the aim to capture aspects of flows over straight and swept wings such as wall curvature, pressure variations, leading-edge effects, streamline curvature and crossflow. The first model problem presented, the flow over a swept flat plate, features a crossflow inside the boundary layer. The layer is unstable to steady and traveling crossflow vortices which are nearly aligned with the free stream. Wall roughness and free-stream vortical modes efficiently excite these crossflow modes, and the associated receptivity mechanisms are linear in an environment of low-amplitude perturbations. Receptivity coefficients for roughness elements with various length scales and for free-stream vortical modes with different wavenumbers and frequencies are reported. Key to the receptivity to free-stream vorticity is the upstream excitation of streamwise streaks evolving into crossflow modes. This mechanism is also active in the presence of free-stream turbulence. The second flow model is that of a Görtler boundary layer. This flow type forms on surfaces with concave curvature, e.g. the lower side of a turbine blade. The dominant instability, driven by a vertically varying centrifugal force, appears as pairs of steady, streamwise counter-rotating vortical rolls and streamwise streaks. The Görtler boundary layer is in particular receptive to free-stream vortical modes with zero and low frequencies. The associated mechanism builds on the excitation of upstream disturbance streaks from which the Görtler modes emerge, similar to the mechanism in swept-plate flows. The receptivity to free-stream vorticity can both be linear and nonlinear. In the presence of free-stream turbulence, nonlinear receptivity is more likely to trigger steady Görtler vortices than linear receptivity unless the frequencies of the free-stream fluctuations are very low. The third set of simulations considers the boundary layer on a flat plate with an elliptic leading edge. This study aims to identify the effect of the leading edge on the boundary-layer receptivity to impinging free-stream vortical modes. Three types of modes with streamwise, vertical and spanwise vorticity are considered. The two former types trigger streamwise disturbance streaks while the latter type excites Tollmien-Schlichting wave packets in the shear layer. Simulations with two leading edges of different bluntness demonstrate that the leading-edge shape hardly influences the receptivity to streamwise vortices, whereas it significantly enhances the receptivity to vertical and spanwise vortices. It is shown that the receptivity mechanism to vertical free-stream vorticity involves vortex stretching and tilting - physical processes which are clearly enhanced by blunt leading edges. The last flow configuration studied models an infinite wing at 45 degrees sweep. This model is the least idealized with respect to applications in aerospace engineering. The set-up mimics the wind-tunnel experiments carried out by Saric and coworkers at the Arizona State University in the 1990s. The numerical method is verified by simulating the excitation of steady crossflow vortices through micron-sized roughness as realized in the experiments. Moreover, the receptivity to free-stream vortical disturbances is investigated and it is shown that the boundary layer is most receptive, if the free-stream modes are closely aligned with the most unstable crossflow mode / QC 20101025

Tsunami Hydrodynamics In Coastal Zones

Ozer, Ceren 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study analyzes the parameter &ldquo / hydrodynamic demand&rdquo / that is also defined by the square of Froude Number representing the damage of tsunami waves on structures and coastlines, and other hydrodynamic parameters, i.e., the distribution of instantaneous flow depths, runup values and the direction of maximum currents, occurred during tsunami inundation by using advanced numerical modeling. The analyses are performed on regular-shaped basins with different bottom slopes and real-shaped topographies using different wave shapes, wave periods and types. Various orientation and amount of coastal and land structures are used in simulations to have results for many different cases. This study provides the opportunity to define the damage of level in residential areas and to test the performance of coastal protection structures. The behavior of tsunami hydrodynamic parameters in shallow and inundation zone is investigated and a correlation is obtained between the average maximum values of square of Froude Number with the wave characteristics and sea bottom slope. After determining hydrodynamic parameters in regular shaped basins, a case study is applied by modeling the March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami with finer resolution in nested domains. The determination of hydrodynamic parameters in inundation zone during 2011 Japan event is performed in one of the most damaged coastal city Kamaishi.

台灣景氣轉折點預測-Probit模型與組合預測的應用 / Forecasting the Turning Points of Taiwan Business Cycles by using Probit Model and Combined Forecasts

李勁宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用具有事前訊息的領先指標與期間利差作為預測變數,根據不同利差與落後期選擇的 Probit 模型,利用遞迴的方式預測景氣轉折點發生機率,並進一步將個別預測結果進行組合,試圖找出能降低不確定性且優於個別預測結果的方法。實證結果發現,使用 Diebold and Mariano 檢定的預測包容法為其中最優的組合方法,無論是轉折點訊號或預測誤差都能優於半數以上的個別預測。此外,本文亦估計即期景氣轉折點的發生機率,根據模型的估計結果推斷,自 2012 年 2 月至 2015 年 3 月為止,景氣仍處於擴張階段。

A model for changing teachers' attitudes towards the value of teaching critical thinking skills : school management perspective / Jacobus A. Souls.

Souls, Jacobus Abram January 2009 (has links)
The primary aim of the study was to design a model for changing teachers' attitudes towards the value of teaching critical thinking skills. Currently, information regarding the conceptualisation of this topic is inadequate and vague. In this study the nature of the complexities involved in the management and implementation of the teaching of critical thinking skills were researched through a literature study and an empirical investigation. A model was then designed for the effective management of the implementation thereof. The findings from the research indicated that teachers' attitudes towards the value of teaching critical thinking skills to learners are negative. It also became evident that the school principal should manage the implementation of the teaching of critical thinking skills to learners. The focus of the proposed model is on how teachers' attitudes towards the value of teaching critical thinking skills can be changed to ensure quality educative teaching and learning in and outside of the classroom. The study therefore serves to present a useable model for the management of the implementation of teaching critical thinking skills to learners. The study is further based on a well balanced opinion as experiences of teachers in the senior phase (grades 7, 8, & 9) were investigated by means of structured questionnaires. Recommendations regarding research findings were made for stakeholders and education departmental officials to note. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education Management))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

A model for changing teachers' attitudes towards the value of teaching critical thinking skills : school management perspective / Jacobus A. Souls.

Souls, Jacobus Abram January 2009 (has links)
The primary aim of the study was to design a model for changing teachers' attitudes towards the value of teaching critical thinking skills. Currently, information regarding the conceptualisation of this topic is inadequate and vague. In this study the nature of the complexities involved in the management and implementation of the teaching of critical thinking skills were researched through a literature study and an empirical investigation. A model was then designed for the effective management of the implementation thereof. The findings from the research indicated that teachers' attitudes towards the value of teaching critical thinking skills to learners are negative. It also became evident that the school principal should manage the implementation of the teaching of critical thinking skills to learners. The focus of the proposed model is on how teachers' attitudes towards the value of teaching critical thinking skills can be changed to ensure quality educative teaching and learning in and outside of the classroom. The study therefore serves to present a useable model for the management of the implementation of teaching critical thinking skills to learners. The study is further based on a well balanced opinion as experiences of teachers in the senior phase (grades 7, 8, & 9) were investigated by means of structured questionnaires. Recommendations regarding research findings were made for stakeholders and education departmental officials to note. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education Management))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

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