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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace vnitropodnikové logistiky / In-plant logistics optimalization

Maroušek, Jan January 2008 (has links)
In a theoretical part of this work there is introduced a general view on logistics and its development, than a view on creating value for customer, basics of lean production, lean thinking and following methods as Six Sigma and Value Stream Mapping. At the end of the theoretical part there is mentioned outsourcing of logistics services and view on relationship between logistics provider and a client. In a practical part there is introduced a project of in-plant logistics optimalization in a factory producing steel pannels for MINI Cooper production. At the beginning there is introduced the factory itself, logistics services provider and a background of the project birth. Than there is a step by step description of a work on the project respecting a DMAIC methodology, it means that it's a classical example of a Six Sigma project using a Value stream mapping tool.

Management podniku a životní prostředí / Management and Environment

Šťástková, Simona January 2008 (has links)
This Thesis focuses on the current issues of environmental protection in industrial enterprises and it presents options and approaches to environmental protection, including the effect on competitiveness. The intention is to summarise problems and justify benefits for the company in terms of continually increasing efficiency and competitiveness. The Thesis is the inspiration for manufacturing enterprises and shows the way how to actively contribute to environmental protection. The conclusions lead to the integration of environmental knowledge and principles of environmental protection into the company strategy.

Produktionsplanering vid förändring av en del i en produktionslina : En fallstudie i en säsongsbaserad tillverkning / Production planning with a changed part of a production line : A case study in a season based production

Andersson, Amanda, Kjellström, Lakhsmi January 2020 (has links)
En säsongsbaserad tillverkning kan innebära svårigheter för företag att möta kundefterfrågan och hålla lagernivåerna nere. En strategi för att möta en varierande efterfrågan är automatisering, vilket kan leda till en högre produktivitet och kapacitet, samtidigt som det kan begränsa flexibiliteten. För ökad flexibilitet kan gradvis automatisering av en anläggning göra det möjligt att integrera processer och få en stabil tillverkning. Arbetets syfte är att skapa förståelse för hur en förändring av en del av en produktionslina påverkar flödet i produktionen, med hänsyn till förändrad maskinutrustning och kapacitet. Målet med arbetet är att skapa en modell som möjliggör produktionsplanering i ett flöde där empirisk data inte är tillgänglig. För att svara på syftet skapades frågeställningar för att behandla hur en produktionsplanering kan göras som är baserad på empirisk teoretisk data, hur flöden bör kombineras samt hur olika faktorer påverkar buffertar och ledtider i en produktion. Genom att använda teorier om lean production och lager kunde en matematisk modell skapas. Resultatet blev en modell som med hjälp av kända variabler kunde beräkna okända samt skapa en matematisk produktionsplanering. Slutsatsen visar på att det är möjligt att skapa en produktionsplanering baserat på empirisk teoretisk data, och att modellen är tillämpningsbar även på andra industrier eftersom den är anpassningsbar. / A season based production may lead to difficulties for companies to fulfill customer demand and to keep stocks to a minimum. Changing the production can lead to a higher productivity and capacity, meanwhile it may limit flexibility. A gradual automation makes it possible to interact different processes and to make a stable production. The purpose of this project is to gain an understanding of how a changed part of a production line affects the production flow, with changed capacity and machine equipment taken into account. The goal is to create a model that enables production planning in a flow where empirical data is not available. To answer the purpose, questions of the issue were created with a focus on how a production plan can be done with only empirical theoretical data, how flows can be combined and finally how factors affect the buffers and lead time. By combining theories of lean production and inventory, a mathematical model could be created. The result was a model that with the help of known variables could figure out unknown and thereby create a mathematical production plan. The conclusion shows that it is possible to create a production plan based on empirical theoretical data, and that the model can be applied to other industries as well because of its customizability.

Návrh tvorby štíhlého výrobního procesu ve výrobní hale / Design of Lean Manufacturing Process in the Production Hall

Vrbacký, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The intent of this thesis is to design a lean production process for a manufacturing plant owned by TOS KUŘIM - OS. a.s. The manufacturing process is analyzed using the value stream mapping method. The method is used to identify inefficient steps in the production process. Furthermore, the thesis offers solutions to the recognized problems, aiming to increase added value and minimize waste.

Štíhlá výroba a její implementace / Lean Manufacturing and its Implementation

Lévek, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the materiál flow, layout of the workplace and varieties of waste in the chosen company. There is theoretical background for the thesis in the first part. Next part is focused on analyzing of present manufacturing process. There are provided solutions for lean implementation, better material flow and elimination of the waste in the manufacturing process in the last part.

Optimalizace a návrh tiskového centra za využití metod štíhlé výroby ve společnosti IMI International, s.r.o / Process optimalization ayout of the printing center using lean production methods in the company IMI International Ltd

Matoušek, David January 2019 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with the design of a new workplace and the optimization of the process of printing production documentation for given production sections at IMI International Ltd. The solution to the problem begins with an analysis of the process that pointed to certain types of waste. Then, the process was optimized and a more efficient workplace with ergonomic features was designed. In the last part of the thesis the proposal is technically and economically evaluated.

Studie štíhlé výroby se zaměřením na plynulost materiálových toků v montážní části výroby / Study of Lean Production with a Focus on the Fluidity of Material Flows in the Assembly Part of Production

Bičánová, Hana January 2021 (has links)
This master‘s thesis describes the occurrence of lean manufacturing elements with the optimization of material flows when using the workplace. The work captures the procedure for determining the current state of lean manufacturing and design solutions to increase productivity and fluidity of material flows while adhering to the principles of lean manufacturing.

Vizuální management výrobního procesu / Visual management of the production process

Moláková, Pavla January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the modifications of workplace design and changesof the layout of the company’s production space using lean manufacturing tools. The first part of the thesis theoretically describes the terms like production process, organization of the workplaces, lean production and some methods of lean production. The practical part of the thesis describes the choosen company, analysis of the current production process and visual aids used in the production of the company. The design part contains a proposal for a new layout of the production hall, the introduction of the principles of the 5S method in the workplace and proposal for the use of visual management tools. At the end of the work, the benefits of the proposed options for the company are evaluated.

Štíhlá výroba elektronických komponent / Lean production of electronics

Hála, Antonín January 2009 (has links)
Aim of diploma thesis “Lean production of electronics” is to apply lean production on workplaces in concrete company. Object of thesis is to orientate in lean production and apply its individual methods on workplace. First part of thesis is dealing with theoretical preparation, understanding lean production and methods of lean production. Second part is dealing with analyzing production processes, application of methods of lean production and designing workplaces.

Studie průběhu zakázky ve výrobním podniku / The Study During the Engagement in the Manufacturing Company

Kubíček, Filip January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis is aimed at optimalization of chosen processes of manufacture of the company DH DEKOR Spol. s r.o. which is engaged in production of impregnated paper and laminated boards. On the basis of the results of processes in storehouse and manufacture of impregnated paper there are given proposals and possible measurments whitch leads to minimalization of time and financal losses.

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