Spelling suggestions: "subject:"leanproduction"" "subject:"meaningproduction""
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Integreringsanalys av robot och arbetsstation på ITT Water & WastewaterArnesson, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
ITT Water & Wastewater ställer höga krav på kostnadseffektiv produktion vilket är en starkt bidragande orsak till att företaget är världsledande på sin marknad. För att erhålla kostnadseffektiv produktion har kombinationen människa robot visat sig vara framgångsrik. Examensarbetets syfte var att ta fram underlag åt ITT Water & Wastewater för att ta beslut om frigörande av indirekt personal vid line 15:s isoleringsstation på Elmotorverkstaden. Syftets uppfyllande stöttades av de underbyggande syftena att försöka höja robotens utnyttjandegrad samt reducera isoleringsmaskinens omställningstid. Arbetet bygger på kvalitativa och kvantitativa data i form av mätningar, intervjuer och egna observationer. Med stöd av erhållen data lyftes fyra olika förslag fram. Förslagen understryktes bland annat av integrering av arbetsmoment, förhöjd automatiseringsgrad och outsourcing. / ITT Water & Wastewater place high demands on cost-effective production which is a major contributing factor to the company enact as a world leader in its market. In order to obtain cost-effective production, the combination man robot proved to be successful. The thesis purpose was to provide data for ITT Water & Wastewater to take decisions concerning the release of indirect staff in line 15´s isolation station at the electric motor workshop. The purpose of the implement supported by the reinforced purposes to increase the utilization of the robot and reduce the adaptation time at the isolation machine. The work builds on qualitative and quantitative data in the shape of measurements, interviews and own observations. On the reliance of data four different suggestions were presented. The suggestions emphasized among integration of working moment, increased automation level and outsourcing.
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Identifiering av slöserier på Lundbergs Plåt AB / The search for wastes at Lundbergs Plåt ABPettersson, Martina, Wästerlund, Elin January 2010 (has links)
Lundbergs Plåt AB is a small company situated in Jönköping. Their main task is to process different kinds of steel such as stainless steel. Lately, they have shown an interest in Lean production. On the basis of the situation mentioned above, we developed the purpose to find and decrease the non value-added wastes in the production at Lundbergs Plåt AB. Out of this, we also developed and answered two questions: Which wastes can be found with help from a value stream mapping (VSM)? In what way can these wastes be reduced and how can these reductions contribute to an improved production? VSM is the method used to find the non value-added wastes. In the context of Lean production this is a reliable method because it shows in a good way the wastes in a manufacturing process. The VSM was performed on the family of food bin, which is one of the company’s more recurring products. During the analysis of the value stream we found several wastes in the manufacturing process. All categories of non value-added wastes are represented. Examples of identified wastes are unnecessary transportation and working movement. The limited access to operators who have the right competence and who are allowed to process the food bins, is in our opinion one of the factors that generate most of the non value-added wastes. Several action proposals were worked out and a conclusion is that one action proposal can generate a reduction of different kind of wastes. The action proposals that can reduce the most of the non value-added wastes are a change of the layout and competence building. This means that one action proposal can reduce or eliminate several wastes at the same time. / Lundbergs Plåt AB är ett mindre företag i Jönköping vars huvudsysselsättning är plåtbearbetning. På senare tid har ett intresse väckts för att undersöka vad Lean skulle kunna ge deras företag. Utifrån ovanstående formulerades syftet att finna och minska de så kallade ”sju slöserierna + ett” som finns beskrivna inom Lean. Utifrån detta preciserades två frågeställningar: Vilka slöserier går att urskilja med hjälp av en värdeflödesanalys? På vilket sätt kan dessa slöserier minskas och bidra till en förbättrad produktion? Metoden som användes i sökandet efter slöserierna är en värdeflödesanalys,som är en väl beprövad metod i Lean-sammanhang. Detta för att den på ett bra sätt för upp slöserierna i ett tillverkningsflöde till ytan. Värdeflödesanalysen utfördes på produktfamiljen livsmedelsbehållare som är en av företagets mer frekventa produkter. Under analysen av värdeflödet fann vi ett flertal slöserier i tillverkningsflödet. Samtliga kategorier av de ”sju slöserierna + ett” finns representerade. De största slöserierna är enligt vår bedömning de som uppkommer till följd av företagets begränsade tillgång på operatörer som kan och tillåts bearbeta behållarna. Andra identifierade slöserier är onödiga transporter och arbetsmoment som sker i tillverkningen. Förbättringsförslagen arbetades fram utifrån syftet att minska och eliminera funna slöserier. De åtgärder som kan minska flest antal slöserier är layoutändring av produktion och flöde samt kompetensutveckling av personalen. Detta innebär att ett och samma åtgärdsförslag kan generera flera minskade eller eliminerade slöserier.
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Managing Quality at the Operational Level : A Case Study at NordeaHolfve, Malin, Mård, Mikaela, Pekár, Maria January 2009 (has links)
<p>The majority of researchers, believe that quality management is the aspect of strategy, a method strategically formed to gain competitive advantage. Quality must however, be managed in the sense that it fits the organization. Besides, organizations must also develop strategies to continuously improve and measure quality work. Historically, the view on quality has moved from an end-product focus in manufacturing organizations, to becoming a more holistic approach, incorporating all aspects of an organization. Today, there is no clear framework for how quality should be implemented in the most suitable way. However, strategic tools such as, TQM, Kaizen and Lean-production are used as means to achieve quality.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to investigate how quality is managed and measured at an operational level at the corporate market department at Nordea, Jönköping.</p><p>The research method used for the conduction of this study is a case study. The aim of the case study is to give an intensive description of how management work with quality at the corporate market department at Nordea, Jönköping. Thus, our sample is intrinsically bouned. Methods used for data collection, were two types of interviews with the corporate market department manager, and a questionnaire to the co-workers. The results have been analysed with the help of descriptive statistics.</p><p>Through interviews, we have found that a qualified criteria for quality is when the right product is provided to the right customer by the high skilled employee, in order to achieve customer satisfaction. Quality work per-meates the whole office and it could be captured in two strategies: proactive and reactive. The former deals with the internal routine of work, more specif-ically; the Lean-meetings, coach-meetings, team work and quality measure-ment parameters, whereas the latter regards their continuous work with customer relations. Furthermore, identified tools at the corporate market de-partment at Nordea, Jönköping are; Lean-production, coach-meetings, ESI and CSI. These are well known by the co-workers, however, what can be further discussed is the implementation and fit of the tools with the organization.</p> / <p>Majoriteten av forskare tror att kvalitetsstyrning är en essentiell aspekt inom strategi för att uppnå konkurrensfördelar. Vidare måste kvalitet inte bara styras och implementeras på rätt sätt utan företag måste även utveckla strategier för att kontinuerligt förbättra samt mäta kvalitet. Historiskt sett, har fokus på vad kvalitet är förflyttat sig från slut produkten i tillverkningsindustrin till ett mer helhetskoncept som inkluderar alla delar av företag. Idag finns inget fast ramverk för hur kvalitets styrning skall implementeras på bästa sätt, dock kan TQM, Kaizen och Lean-produktion ses som hjälpmedel för att uppnå kvalitet.</p><p>Syftet med studien är att undersöka kvalitetsstyrning på en operationell nivå samt att se hur kvalitetsförbättringar mäts på företagsavdelningen på Nordea i Jönköping.</p><p>Den forskningsmetod som använts för den här studien är en fallstudie. Målet med studien var att ge en djupgående deskription av kvalitetsstyrningen på Nordeas företagsavdelning i Jönköping. Därför är vår målgrupp bunden till en specifik grupp. Metoder som användes var två olika intervjutyper med företagsavdelningschefen, samt en enkät till medarbetarna. Resultaten var senare sammanställda med hjälp av deskriptiv statistik.</p><p>Från vår studie kan slutsatsen dras att ett kvalifiserat kriterium för kvalitet på Nordea Jönköpings företagsavdelning är, när den kompetenta medarbetaren erbjuder den rätta produkten till rätt kund för att uppnå kundnöjdhet. Kvalitetsarbetet genomsyrar hela organisationen och på företagsavdelningen kan man identifiera att de jobbar med kvalitetstyrning från två strategier; proaktiv och reaktiv. Proaktiva strategier berör interna arbetssätt, närmare bestämt; Lean-möten, Coach-samtal och kvalitetsmätnings parametrar. Reaktiva strategier är deras arbete för att få konkurrensfördel och stärka kund relationerna. Kvalitetsmätningsinstrumenten som är identifierade i arbetet på företagsavdelningen på Nordea Jönköping är: Lean-produktion, coach-samtal, ESI och CSI. Dessa är vedertagna av medarbetarna men vad som kan diskuteras är dock hur implementeringen av dessa verktyg är anpassad till organisationen.</p>
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Identifiering av slöserier på Lundbergs Plåt AB / The search for wastes at Lundbergs Plåt ABPettersson, Martina, Wästerlund, Elin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Lundbergs Plåt AB is a small company situated in Jönköping. Their main task is to process different kinds of steel such as stainless steel. Lately, they have shown an interest in Lean production.</p><p>On the basis of the situation mentioned above, we developed the purpose to find and decrease the non value-added wastes in the production at Lundbergs Plåt AB. Out of this, we also developed and answered two questions:</p><p> </p><ul><li>Which wastes can be found with help from a value stream mapping (VSM)? </li><li>In what way can these wastes be reduced and how can these reductions contribute to an improved production?</li></ul><p> </p><p>VSM is the method used to find the non value-added wastes. In the context of Lean production this is a reliable method because it shows in a good way the wastes in a manufacturing process. The VSM was performed on the family of food bin, which is one of the company’s more recurring products.<p><p><p><p> </p><p>During the analysis of the value stream we found several wastes in the manufacturing process. All categories of non value-added wastes are represented. Examples of identified wastes are unnecessary transportation and working movement. The limited access to operators who have the right competence and who are allowed to process the food bins, is in our opinion one of the factors that generate most of the non value-added wastes.<p><p><p><p><p><p> </p><p>Several action proposals were worked out and a conclusion is that one action proposal can generate a reduction of different kind of wastes. The action proposals that can reduce the most of the non value-added wastes are a change of the layout and competence building. This means that one action proposal can reduce or eliminate several wastes at the same time.</p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p> / <p>Lundbergs Plåt AB är ett mindre företag i Jönköping vars huvudsysselsättning är plåtbearbetning. På senare tid har ett intresse väckts för att undersöka vad Lean skulle kunna ge deras företag.</p><p>Utifrån ovanstående formulerades syftet att finna och minska de så kallade ”sju slöserierna + ett” som finns beskrivna inom Lean. Utifrån detta preciserades två frågeställningar:</p><ul><li>Vilka slöserier går att urskilja med hjälp av en värdeflödesanalys?</li><li>På vilket sätt kan dessa slöserier minskas och bidra till en förbättrad produktion?</li></ul><p>Metoden som användes i sökandet efter slöserierna är en värdeflödesanalys,som är en väl beprövad metod i Lean-sammanhang. Detta för att den på ett bra sätt för upp slöserierna i ett tillverkningsflöde till ytan.</p><p>Värdeflödesanalysen utfördes på produktfamiljen livsmedelsbehållare som är en av företagets mer frekventa produkter.</p><p>Under analysen av värdeflödet fann vi ett flertal slöserier i tillverkningsflödet. Samtliga kategorier av de ”sju slöserierna + ett” finns representerade. De största slöserierna är enligt vår bedömning de som uppkommer till följd av företagets begränsade tillgång på operatörer som kan och tillåts bearbeta behållarna. Andra identifierade slöserier är onödiga transporter och arbetsmoment som sker i tillverkningen.</p><p>Förbättringsförslagen arbetades fram utifrån syftet att minska och eliminera funna slöserier. De åtgärder som kan minska flest antal slöserier är layoutändring av produktion och flöde samt kompetensutveckling av personalen. Detta innebär att ett och samma åtgärdsförslag kan generera flera minskade eller eliminerade slöserier.</p>
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Världens bästa planeringsprocess - en analys av en informationsflödesprocess hos ett flygbolag på den skandinaviska marknaden / The Best Planning Process in the World - an analysis of an information flow process within an airline operating in the Scandinavian marketModin, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Detta projekt har utförts på ett charterflygbolag som verkar på den skandinaviska flygmarknaden, och är en första del i flygbolagets projekt (översatt till svenska) ”Världens bästa planeringsprocess”. ”Världens bästa planeringsprocess” skall kartlägga flygbolagets planeringsprocess sett till från det att en förfrågan kommer in till flygbolaget, till dess att ett svar kan lämnas till kunden. Detta projekt som behandlas i denna rapport studerar informationsflödesprocessen inom flygbolaget med fokus på den planering som sker efter att en kommande säsongs flygprogram är fastlagt. Det vill säga, detta projekt behandlar de förfrågningar som utgör förändringar och tillägg i flygprogrammet. Utifrån en kartläggning har informationsflödesprocessen analyserats utifrån Lean production-teori och tillämpbara åtgärder för att uppnå tidseffektivisering i flöden. Detta har sammanfattats i de följande möjliga åtgärderna för flygbolaget: - Omfördelning av flödet genom synkronisering, parallellisering och sekvensering - Omfördelning av arbetsuppgifter - Tillämpning av Alternate Chief Pilot Det rekommenderas att tillämpa samtliga åtgärdsförslag, vilket bedöms kunna ge en tidsbesparing på mellan 7 och 52 % i ledtid.
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En kvalitativ fallstudie om hur företag förhåller sig till gapet mellan den operativa och den strategiska delen av Lean / A qualitative case study research on companies attitude towards the gap between the operational and the strategic part of LeanJuhlin, Linnea, Jovanović, Igor January 2014 (has links)
Titel En kvalitativ fallstudie om hur företag förhåller sig till gapet mellan den operativa och den strategiska delen av Lean Nivå Kandidatuppsats Författare Igor Jovanović och Linnea Juhlin Handledare Stig Sörling och Tomas Källquist Datum Maj 2014 Problem Tidigare forskning har påvisat att det finns ett gap i företagens användning av styrverktyget, där företagen i stor utsträckning förbiser vikten av den strategiska delen av Lean. Detta har gjort att företag har haft svårigheter att uppnå sina mål med användandet av styrverktyget. Syfte Syftet är att skapa förståelse för hur tillverkande företag förhåller sig till gapet mellan den operativa och den strategiska delen av Lean, samt belysa de beståndsdelar gapet består av. Metod Studien har antagit ett hermeneutiskt och socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv där tematisering och ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt har använts. Studien har genom kvalitativ metod med fallstudiedesign studerat fyra stora företag med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Teori En genomgång av Lean-konceptet görs för att skapa förståelse för styrverktyget sedan fördjupar vi oss på den strategiska delen av Lean för att kartlägga de olika beståndsdelarna som kan överbrygga gapet. Bidrag Gapet framträder inte lika tydligt i vår studie, fallföretagen har i sitt tankesätt störst fokus på den strategiska delen av Lean. Kultur och ledarskap är huvudbeståndsdelar i jobbet med att överbrygga gapet där den strategiska delen ämnar skapa positiv energi hos medarbetarna. Studien indikerar på att svårigheter med att införliva de teoretiska kunskaperna i praktiken ökar risken för att gapet ska uppstå. Nyckelord: Lean Production, Lean Thinking, Lean kultur, Gap, operativ, strategisk, Dualism. / Title A qualitative case study research on companies attitude towards the gap between the operational and the strategic part of Lean Level Bachelor thesis Authors Igor Jovanović and Linnea Juhlin Supervisor Stig Sörling and Tomas Källquist Date May 2014 Problem Earlier research has shown that there is a gap in how companies work with Lean where they largely overlook the importance of the strategic part of Lean. Due to this, companies have difficulties to achieve their goals with the use of the management tool. Purpose The purpose of this report is to create an understanding of manufacturing companies’ attitude towards the gap between the operational and the strategic part of Lean, and to highlight the components that the gap might consist of. Method The study adopts a hermeneutic and social constructionist perspective where thematisation and a deductive approach have been used. A qualitative approach with case study design has been used to study four large companies using semi-structured interviews. Theoretic frame A review of the Lean concept has been conducted to create an understanding of the management tool. The study has then focused on the strategic part of Lean to identify the different components that may help to bridge the gap. Contribution The gap is not as evident in our empirical study as in our theoretical framework. It appears as companies do have their focus on the strategic parts of Lean, at least in their way of thinking. Culture and leadership are essential components in the efforts towards bridging the gap. The strategic part of Lean intends to create positive energy among employees. The study indicates that a difficulty in incorporating the theoretical knowledge in practice increases the risk of creating the gap. Key words: Lean Production, Lean Thinking, Lean Culture, Gap, Operational, Strategic, Dualism
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Flussorientierung der Beschaffungslogistik durch den Einsatz von Telematik : ein Konzept zur Rationalisierung industrieller Beschaffungslogistik /Focke, Markus. January 2006 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss.--Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2005.
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Equipes multidisciplinares de melhoria contínua e seus métodos de trabalho nas empresas do ramo metalmecânico de Caxias do Sul - RSDe Conto, Maurício 28 June 2012 (has links)
O nível de competitividade industrial tem imposto ao mercado a necessidade de melhorar
continuamente seus processos, em busca de um diferencial. Para auxiliar nessas melhorias,
são utilizadas diversas técnicas compostas por um conjunto de recomendações, princípios e
práticas que devem ser seguidos com o intuito de tornar a organização mais enxuta e ágil.
Dentre as técnicas mais conhecidas estão a manufatura enxuta, o six sigma e o TQM. Para
auxiliar na implantação desses métodos, se destaca a atuação das equipes multidisciplinares de melhoria contínua, que trabalham na resolução dos problemas, melhoria da qualidade, redução de custos e elevação da produtividade. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a atuação das equipes multidisciplinares de melhoria contínua nas empresas de capital aberto do ramo de bens industriais com sede em Caxias do Sul, analisando a sua estrutura de trabalho, métodos, metas, sistema de avaliação, entre outros. Para tanto, foi elaborado um estudo de caráter exploratório e descritivo, com uma abordagem qualitativa de natureza aplicada através de um estudo de caso. Um roteiro básico de questões foi elaborado a partir das proposições teóricas, sendo realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e em profundidade com os responsáveis pela gestão das equipes multidisciplinares de cada empresa. A análise dos dados proporcionou a evidência de resultados como: a atuação das equipes nas empresas possuem diversas semelhanças como a periodicidade e duração das reuniões, presença e atuação do líder, função dos integrantes pré-estabelecidas e a definição de metas; as três empresas possuem métodos próprios baseados principalmente no Lean Manufacturing, Kaizen e PDCA; como fator crítico de sucesso para a implantação e perpetuação de um sistema de melhoria contínua está o apoio da alta direção das empresas, presença constante da liderança no cotidiano dos trabalhos e a existência de um método de trabalho. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-04-30T11:27:48Z
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Dissertacao Mauricio De Conto.pdf: 907616 bytes, checksum: 8084d55f6be3a86e09f36c086f092406 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-30T11:27:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Mauricio De Conto.pdf: 907616 bytes, checksum: 8084d55f6be3a86e09f36c086f092406 (MD5) / The high level of industrial competitiveness has imposed to the market the need to
continuously improve processes, looking for a competitive differential. To assist in these
improvements, several techniques are used consisting of a set of recommendations, principles
and practices to be followed in order to make the organization leaner and more agile. Among
the most popular techniques are lean manufacturing, Six Sigma and TQM. To help in the
implementation of these methodologies, the role of multidisciplinary teams for continuous
improvement, work in solving problems, improving quality, reducing costs and increasing
productivity are crucial. The present study aims to evaluate the performance of
multidisciplinary teams for continuous improvement in publicly traded companies in the
business of industrial goods based in Caxias do Sul, analyzing the structure of work,
methodology, goals, evaluation system, among others. For this purpose, an exploratory and
descriptive study was undertaken, with a qualitative approach of an applied nature through a
case study. A basic script of questions was developed from theoretical propositions, semistructured interviews with those responsible for the management of multidisciplinary teams of each company. Data analysis provided the evidence of results: the working style of teams
among the companies has many similarities such as the frequency and duration of meetings,
presence and behavior of the leader, members pre-established tasks and goal setting; the
three companies have their own methodologies mainly based on Lean Manufacturing, Kaizen
and PDCA; support of top management of companies, the constant presence of leadership in
the working routine and the existence of a working method were pointed out as a critical
success factor for the implementation and perpetuation of a system of continuous
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Análise das variáveis contingenciais nas adaptações das práticas de produção enxuta na implementação de sistemas de produção específicos (XPS)Medeiros , Nayara Cardoso de 17 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Leonardo Cavalcante (leo.ocavalcante@gmail.com) on 2018-06-05T15:34:46Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-08-17 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Facing the need for adaptations of lean production to the characteristics of each organization, researchers have questioned the universality of this production system. These adjustments may be related to the contextual characteristics of the manufacturing system of each organization and can lead to the development of company-specific production systems, or simply XPSs. Thus, the aim of this research is to analyze how the contingency variables of a manufacturing system influence the adaptations of lean production practices for the implementation of an XPS. The research was developed through case studies conducted in two manufacturing plants, one of the electronics industry and other from the home appliances sector, both located in the city of Manaus/AM. The data were collected mainly through semi-structured interviews and on-site observation. Through this research, adaptations have been identified, not in the lean practices but in the manufacturing system of the companies, i.e., instead of the contingency variables demand adaptations to the formation of a company-specific production system, the Toyota system (universal approach) remains as the main driver of change in their own manufacturing system variables. Based on this observation, two potential outcomes can be inferred: either the influences of contingency variables may be irrelevant or they are not perceived by managers. Finally, in neither of the cases studied was identified the creation of specific practices tailored to the company. On the contrary, it was found the use of the same traditional practices of TPS. On the other hand, it was clearly observed the intention of creating an identity for the XPS, much more as a motivational factor than as a true adaptation. This evidence allowed the development of three propositions that deserve further research. / Diante da necessidade de adaptações da produção enxuta às características de cada organização, pesquisadores têm questionado sobre a universalidade desse sistema de produção. Essas adaptações podem estar relacionadas às características contextuais do sistema produtivo de cada organização e que podem levar ao desenvolvimento de sistemas de produção específicos, ou simplesmente XPS’s. Dessa forma, o principal objetivo dessa pesquisa é analisar como as variáveis contingenciais dos sistemas de produção influenciam nas adaptações das práticas de produção enxuta para a implementação de um XPS. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio de estudos de caso conduzidos em duas fábricas, sendo uma do setor de eletroeletrônico e outra do setor de eletrodomésticos, ambas localizadas no município de Manaus/AM. Os principais instrumentos de coleta de dados adotados foram entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação in loco. Por meio da pesquisa, foram identificadas adaptações, mas não nas práticas e sim no próprio sistema produtivo das empresas, ou seja, ao invés das variáveis contingenciais demandarem adaptações para a formação de um sistema de produção específico, o sistema Toyota (abordagem universal) permanece como o guia principal da mudança nas próprias variáveis que representariam as contingências da adaptação. Diante dessa constatação, surgiram dois potenciais desdobramentos: ou as influências das variáveis contingenciais podem ser irrelevantes ou não são percebidas pelos gerentes. Por fim, em nenhum dos dois casos estudados foi identificado o desenvolvimento de práticas específicas para a empresa. Pelo contrário, o que se constatou foi a utilização das mesmas práticas tradicionais do TPS. Por outro lado, foi observada claramente a intenção da criação de uma identidade para o XPS da empresa, mais como um fator motivacional do que por uma real adaptação. Tais evidências permitiram o desenvolvimento de três proposições que merecem um aprofundamento em pesquisas futuras.
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Implementação da gestão enxuta em empresas de mineração a partir de um modelo de gestão integrada : uma perspectiva de sinergia entre a engenharia de minas e a engenharia de produçãoKlippel, Altair Flamarion January 2007 (has links)
A produção de matérias-primas minerais é feita através de tecnologia conhecida mundialmente. No entanto, a crescente competição econômica mundial faz com que este domínio tecnológico não seja, por si só, suficiente para assegurar a sobrevivência das empresas de mineração. É necessário, também, que os métodos de gestão utilizados pela indústria de mineração estejam alinhados com a lógica da competitividade, visando maximizar os resultados econômicos financeiros das organizações como forma de sustentação no cenário globalizado atual. Esta tese está relacionada com a maximização dos resultados passíveis de serem alcançados nas indústrias de mineração, a ser obtida através de uma forma de gestão que integre a tecnologia intrínseca da Engenharia de Minas com a tecnologia de gestão da Engenharia de Produção. Esta integração é realizada através de um Modelo de Gestão Integrada, proposto nesta tese. A construção deste modelo teve como ponto de partida a experiência realizada pelo autor desta tese na mineração de fluorita no final dos anos 90, quando foram implementados alguns conceitos de Engenharia de Produção nesta atividade mineral.A partir desta experiência, sedimentada com a agregação de conceitos teóricos, foram selecionados três outros cenários na indústria de mineração para o desenvolvimento desta tese, nos quais foram utilizadas duas metodologias de pesquisa. Na mineração de calcário e na mineração de ametista, a Pesquisa-Ação foi a metodologia de pesquisa selecionada, enquanto que na mineração de carvão utilizou-se o Estudo de Caso. Na mineração de fluorita, a implementação de melhorias no processo de produção, devido à integração dos dois ramos da Engenharia considerados, resultou na redução dos gastos totais por tonelada de produto final, em função da eliminação de perdas no sistema de produção. A empresa transformou-se em uma organização de aprendizagem. Na mineração de calcário, a disseminação de conhecimentos da Engenharia de Produção através de processos de aprendizagem, propiciou o desenvolvimento de uma visão sistêmica do processo de produção por parte dos colaboradores, bem como a implementação de uma forma de gestão com o objetivo de otimizar o uso da capacidade existente. Neste cenário foi considerado, também, o desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Na mineração de ametista, o modelo de gestão proposto propiciou a realização de melhorias não somente no fluxo de produção, mas tambémna qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores devido à melhoria nas condições de trabalho desta atividade mineral. Na mineração de carvão, este trabalho procurou evidenciar a importância de se desenvolver novos produtos buscando a plena utilização da capacidade instalada. Neste cenário foram abordadas, também, questões relacionadas com o controle do meio ambiente. A análise e o estudo dos quatro cenários resultaram na construção de uma estrutura de mudanças e de um processo de mudanças para o Modelo de Gestão Integrada. A estrutura de mudanças do modelo é suportada pela integração das técnicas de lavra e beneficiamento mineral com as técnicas de gestão bem como pela inovação, que pode ser de produtos, serviços, métodos e mercado e, ainda, na forma de como é feita a gestão na Organização. Ela propicia a obtenção de melhores resultados nas organizações através da maior utilização dos ativos, com a ampliação do mercado, a redução dos custos operacionais e o aumento do lucro.O processo de mudanças do modelo tem início a partir da realização de um diagnóstico situacional para avaliar a sinergia existente na empresa entre os dois ramos da Engenharia considerados e tende a transformar a mesma em uma organização de aprendizagem para assimilação, integração e sedimentação dos conceitos, técnicas e ferramentas de Engenharia de Minas e de Engenharia de Produção. / Mineral raw material production is done through a well known worldwide technology. However, the technological domain seems to be insufficient to cope with the survival of mining industries in view of the increasing world economic competition. In addition, it is necessary that the management methods adopted by the mining industry be aligned with the logic of competitiveness aiming to maximize the financial and economic outcomes of the organizations as a way of supporting themselves in the current globalized scenario. This thesis deals with the maximization of outcomes to be achieved in the mining industries through a form of management that integrates Mining Engineering intrinsic technology with managing technology from Industrial Engineering. This integration is carried out through an Integrated Management Model proposed. The model was first devised by the author in the fluorspar mining in the late 90’s as some concepts from Industrial Engineering were being implemented. Drawing on the author’s experience, rooted in the aggregation of theoretical concepts, three other sites in the mining industry were chosen as a scenario for the work where two research methods were used. As for limestone and amethyst mining, the Survey-Action method was applied, while Case Study was used for coal mining. For fluorspar mining, the improvement in production based upon the integration of the Engineering areas resulted in a reduction of the total costs per ton for finished product, allowing the elimination of waste in such production system. The company became a learning organization. For limestone mining, the Industrial Engineering knowledge spread through learning steps provided a systemic view of the production process and implemented a management approach aiming to optimize the use of the existing capacity. In this setting, the development of new products was also taken into account. For amethyst mining, the management model provided improvements in the production flow and also improved the employee’s life quality due to better working conditions. In the last case study, coal mining, this work attempted to emphasize the importance of developing new products by using the company’s full capacity. In addition, issues related to environmental polution control were addressed. The analysis and study of the four scenarios led to the construction of a structure and a process of changes for the Integrated ManagementModel. The model changing structure is supported by the integration of mining and processing techniques with management through the innovation of products, services, methods and market. It provides better outcomes with the expansion of market share, operational costs reduction and higher profitability. The model changing process starts by a situational diagnostic to access the existing synergy between the two areas of Engineering previously mentioned and tends to transform the same into a learning organization to assimilate, integrate and consolidate the concepts, techniques and tools from Mining Engineering and Industrial Engineering.
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