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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um molde para a prática de gestão do conhecimento sustentável, adaptável ao perfil das organizações: estudo de caso de um projeto para o fortalecimento do arranjo produtivo local de tecnologia da informação da Paraíba

Vilar, Rosangela Maria 18 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T14:53:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 4523993 bytes, checksum: f6b861ce7f797d61ea1f21735852fb4b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Knowledge Management has become essential for organizations to ensure a better strategic position facing the reality of their surroundings. Organizations, especially the medium and large sizes, have solutions from various sources, with more facilities for the deployment of a KM practice. As for the small ones, they have yet to understand the challenges and opportunities of KM to improve their business processes and develop their Competitive Intelligence. This can be achieved through a strategic practice to provide sustainability to the KM activities, reducing the risk of rejection by the various actors to changes resulting from the implementation of this practice into the organization s body of work routines. This paper presents a flexible mould (metamodel) to aid the planning and implementation of an effective organizational KM, i.e., a tool for designing a KM practice adaptable to the organization profile, whichever its size and its rate of absorption of the designed practice. From an instance of strategic planning and evaluation of the voice from organization actors is built a model, through the intantiation of the mould for each single case, for the design of a KM practice liable to strict management based on Administration Theory sub-functions (planning, organization, direction and control), allowing managers of an organization (the strategic level actors) to display its weaknesses and identify its potentialities in relation to the KM practice. In keeping with the profile of the various actors in the organization, the mould can be instantiated minimizing the rejection to the additional work routines and changes in the actors new way of working, due to the implementation of the new practice. To demonstrate the mould and exemplify its instatiation, the case of a virtual organization, Farol Digital a project for strengthning the Paraiba State ICT Cluster, is analysed along with the artifacts produced by the instantiation of this particular case. / A Gestão do Conhecimento tornou-se indispensável para garantir às organizações um melhor posicionamento estratégico frente à realidade do seu entorno. As organizações, principalmente as médias e grandes, dispõem de soluções de diversas fontes, possuindo mais facilidades para a implantação de uma prática de GC. Já as de pequeno porte ainda precisam compreender os desafios e possibilidades da GC para aprimorar seus processos de negócio e desenvolver sua Inteligência Competitiva. Isto pode ser alcançado através de uma prática estratégica para dar sustentabilidade às atividades de GC, diminuindo os riscos de rejeição pelos seus diversos atores às mudanças decorrentes da implantação da prática junto às rotinas de trabalho da organização. Este trabalho apresenta um molde flexível (metamodelo) de apoio ao planejamento e a implementação de uma GC organizacional efetiva, ou seja, uma ferramenta para o desenho de uma prática de GC adaptável ao perfil de uma organização, qualquer quer seja o seu porte e a sua velocidade de absorção da prática desenhada. Partindo de uma instância do planejamento estratégico e da avaliação da voz dos atores da organização é construído um modelo, através da instanciação do molde para cada caso específico, visando ao delineamento de uma prática de GC passível de gerenciamento estrito com base nas subfunções da Administração (planejamento, organização, direção e controle), permitindo aos gestores de uma organização (atores do nível estratégico) a visualização de suas fragilidades e identificação de suas potencialidades para a prática da GC. Ao respeitar o perfil dos diversos atores que compõem a organização, o molde pode ser instanciado minimizando a rejeição às rotinas de trabalho adicionais e às mudanças impostas na nova forma de trabalhar desses atores, decorrentes da inclusão da nova prática. Para a demonstração do molde e exemplificar sua instaciação, é analisado o caso da organização virtual Farol Digital, projeto de fortalecimento do APL de TICs do Estado da Paraíba, sedo apresentados os artefatos produzidos com a instanciação deste caso particular.

Gest?o ambiental na ind?stria do petr?leo :um estudo sobre as pr?ticas de gest?o na perspectiva da aprendizagem organizacional / Environmental management in petroleum industry: the study in practices management on perspective organizational learning

Gomes, Andr?a do Nascimento 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:52:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AndreaNG.pdf: 1033714 bytes, checksum: 3929334b18442988470d1b76b4a088a8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / This work discusses the environmental management thematic, on the basis of ISO 14001 standard and learning organization. This study is carried through an exploratory survey in a company of fuel transport, located in Natal/RN. The objective of this research was to investigate the practices of environmental management, carried through in the context of an implemented ISO 14001 environmental management system, in the researched organization, from the perspective of the learning organization. The methodology used in this work is supported in the quantitative method, combining the exploratory and descriptive types, and uses the technique of questionnaires, having as scope of the research, the managers, employee controlling, coordinators, supervisors and - proper and contracted - of the company. To carry through the analysis of the data of this research, it was used software Excel and Statistical version 6.0. The analysis of the data is divided in two parts: descriptive analysis and analysis of groupings (clusters). The results point, on the basis of the studied theory, as well as in the results of the research, that the implemented ISO 14001 environmental system in the searched organization presents elements that promote learning organization. From the results, it can be concluded that the company uses external information in the decision taking on environmental problems; that the employees are mobilized to generate ideas and to collect n environmental information and that the company has carried through partnerships in the activities of the environmental area with other companies. All these item cited can contribute for the generation of knowledge of the organization. It can also be concluded that the company has evaluated environmental errors occurrences in the past, as well as carried through environmental benchmarking. These practical can be considered as good ways of the company to acquire knowledge. The results also show that the employees have not found difficulties in the accomplishment of the tasks when the manager of its sector is not present. This result can demonstrate that the company has a good diffusion of knowledge / Este trabalho aborda a tem?tica sobre gest?o ambiental, com base na norma ISO 14001, e aprendizagem organizacional. Este estudo ? uma pesquisa explorat?ria realizada em uma empresa de transporte de combust?veis, localizada em Natal/RN. O objetivo desta pesquisa ? investigar as pr?ticas de gest?o ambiental, realizadas no contexto da norma ISO 14001 implementadas na organiza??o pesquisada, pela perspectiva da aprendizagem organizacional. A metodologia empregada neste trabalho ? sustentada no m?todo quantitativo, combinando os tipos explorat?rio e descritivo, e utiliza a t?cnica de question?rios, tendo como sujeitos da pesquisa os gerentes, coordenadores, supervisores e demais funcion?rios - pr?prios e contratados da empresa. Para realizar a an?lise dos dados desta pesquisa foram utilizados os softwares Excel e Statistical vers?o 6.0, for Windows. A an?lise dos dados ? dividida em duas partes: an?lise descritiva e an?lise de agrupamentos (clusters). Os resultados apontam, com base na teoria estudada, bem como nos resultados da pesquisa, que o sistema de gest?o ambiental ISO 14001 implementado na organiza??o pesquisada apresenta elementos que promovem aprendizagem organizacional. A partir dos resultados pode-se concluir que a empresa utiliza informa??es externas na tomada de decis?o sobre problemas ambientais, que os funcion?rios s?o mobilizados para gerar id?ias e coletar informa??es ambientais, e que a empresa tem realizado parcerias nas atividades da ?rea ambiental com outras empresas. Todos estes itens citados podem contribuir para a gera??o de conhecimento dentro da organiza??o. Pode-se concluir tamb?m, que a empresa tem avaliado erros ambientais ocorridos no passado, bem como realizado benchmarking ambiental. Estas pr?ticas podem ser consideradas como boas maneiras da empresa adquirir conhecimentos. Os resultados mostram tamb?m que os funcion?rios n?o t?m encontrado dificuldades na realiza??o das tarefas quando o gerente do seu setor n?o est? presente. Este resultado pode demonstrar que a empresa tem uma boa difus?o de conhecimento

Är armén tillräckligt lärande? : En lärande organisation ur ett Afghanistanperspektiv

Saedén, André January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the essay has been to analyze if the Swedish Army ground forces, can be looked upon as a learning organization as the doctrines declare. This in the perspective that a working, collective Lessons Learned-process does not exist in the Swedish Army with the possible long term effects of diminishing its war-fighting capabilities. The method is a qualitative text analysis of the recently published report from the Swedish Army Land Warfare Center. The report focuses on tactical experiences from the Swedish ground forces perspective through the years 2009-2012, in the over a decade long Afghanistan-operation. The result indicates that the specified organization, the Army and its ground forces, can be seen as a learning organization but with great flaws. The flaws can be seen in all chosen theoretical disciplines, but are the most palpable in the most important one - the system thinking - which is essential for long term learning. But the analysis also gives some good news. The discipline that embraces the most indications of learning is the personal mastery. The inner strength, will and skill sets of the personnel are striking. The analysis points out that a deep learning exists, specifically on individual and lower levels, but is hindered by the system. Hence, the organization is filled with tacit knowledge. The conclusion is that the war-fighting capabilities might actually have been strengthened, but mainly on individual and low level but not as the organization should have. It lacks a working system for it.

Program evaluation and aid effektiveness : A case study of Sida as a learning organization

Salmonsson, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Program utvärderingar utgör till stor del grunden till det formella lärandet inom Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency). Utvärderingars syfte är att bistå med kunskap och Utvärderingar ska garantera att insatser är baserade på god förståelse om verkligheten i mottagarländerna. Genom att gynna organisatoriskt lärande förmodas utvärderingar bidra till biståndets effektivitet (Stefan Molund, 2004).   Teorier om den lärande organisationen hävdar att organisationers fall beror på medlemmars tendens att förenkla och misstolka verkligheten. Medvetet eller omedvetet leder detta till att organisationens vision försvagas, medlemmars engagemang försvagas och den verklighet man sökt att förändra förblir den samma (Peter M. Senge, 1994).   Genom att bistå sektorer som hälsa, utbildning och demokrati mm. har det svenska biståndet präglats av en objektiv eller positivistisk syn på verkligheten i utvecklingsländer. Insatser inom hälsa leder onekligen till effektivitet i fattigdomsbekämpningen.   Min uppsats visar hur Sidas strävan efter objektivitet löper risken att försvaga organisationens vision. I de fattigaste och mest socialt komplexa utvecklingsländerna finns inte förutsättningarna[1] för objektiv utvärdering, och resultaten av en utvärdering blir ofta öppna för olika tolkningar. Trots att utvärderingarna skildrar en sann bild av verkligheten så leder detta till frustration hos handläggare. Resultatet blir att utvärderingar görs av program som handläggarna redan har god kunskap om. Mitt resultat visar att denna trend successivt försvagar Sidas vision då insatser ämnade åt att öka effektiviteten i biståndet allokeras från de ”fattigaste länderna” till länder som kommit längre i utvecklingsprocessen. [1] De “fattigaste” utvecklingsländerna saknar de institutioner för datainsamling som krävs för objektiv utvärdering. Att skapa förutsättningarna för den kostnadseffektiva objektiva utvärderingen i utvecklingsländer är ett utvecklingsmål som vilket annat som ingår i den övergripande fattigdomsbekämpningen. / Presentation har ägt rum

Utformandet av en erfarenhetspolicy : En fallstudie på Volvo CE / The design of a lessoned learned policy : A case study at Volvo CE

Billig, Emma, André, Lima January 2017 (has links)
Under en explorativ fallstudie på Volvo CE Arvika har förutsättningarna för organisatoriskt lärande undersökts med avsikt att skapa en erfarenhetspolicy anpassad till företaget. Organisatoriskt lärande är ett betydelsefullt område och bör ses som en förutsättning för ständiga förbättringar. Det bidrar till en konkurrenskraftig verksamhet som inte går att replikera. Organisatoriskt lärande har behandlats teoretiskt av flertalet författare men det finns en avsaknad av dokumenterade praktiska undersökningar. Genom studien beskrivs ett företags organisatoriska lärande utifrån en explorativ undersökning grundad i Senges fem discipliner (personligt mästerskap, mentala modeller, gemensamma visioner, lära tillsammans samt systemtänkande) och Garvin et al. tre byggstenar (en miljö som främjar lärande, konkreta processer och tillvägagångsätt för lärande samt ledarskap som främjar lärande). Undersökningsmetoden kartlade förtegets organisatoriska lärande väl med undantag från att inga mentala modeller identifierades. Studien resulterade i 16 förbättringsförslag och en erfarenhetspolicy bestående av: En Erfarenhetsanalys: ett dokument för insamling av erfarenheter. Ett Erfarenhetsplank: ett verktyg för att presentera, samla och skapa överblick kring erfarenheters uppkomst och karaktär inom projekt. En mappstruktur: för standardiserad och tillgänglig hantering av erfarenhetsdokumentation. Beskrivningen av företagets organisatoriska lärande och den framtagna erfarenhetspolicyn är primärt av intresse för det undersökta företaget. Undersökningsmetoden som används för att kartlägga organisatoriska lärande kan med mindre modifikation användas för andra företag som kan förvänta sig likvärdiga resultat. Även den av studien resulterande erfarenhetspolicyn kan modifieras för att passa andra företag och utgör ett exempel att benchmarka på. / Through an explorative case study, conducted at Volvo CE Arvika, the conditions for organizational learning have been examined in order to create a lesson learned policy, tailored to the company. Organizational learning is an essential area that should be viewed as a corner stone to continuous improvements as well as creating a competitive advantage that cannot be replicated. Several academics have contributed to the field of organizational learning, however, there is a lack of documented practical studies within the field. This thesis describes a company’s organizational learning based on Senges five disciplines (personal mastery, mental models, building a shared vision, team learning, and system thinking) and Garvin et al. three building blocks (supportive learning environment, concrete learning processes and practices, and leadership that reinforces learning) through an explorative case study. The method enabled the company’s organizational learning to be mapped with the exception of mental models which were not identified. This study resulted in 16 improvement proposals and a lesson learned policy consisting of: Experience analysis: A document for the collection of experiences. Experience wall: A tool for visualization to create an overview of the origin and character of the experiences gathered from a project. File structure: In order to standardize the storage of documented experiences with an emphasis on availability. The description of the company's organizational learning and the developed lessoned learned policy are primarily of interest to the investigated company. The method used to map organizational learning in this case study can, with minor modifications, be used by other companies that can expect equivalent results. The lessoned learned policy resulting from the study can also be modified to suit other companies and it provides an example to benchmark on.

Úloha ředitele na cestě k úspěšné škole / Role of a Director on the Way to a Successful School

Brožová, Věroslava January 2015 (has links)
IN ENGLISH: The final thesis deals with the issue of further education and development of teachers in primary schools and kindergartens. The theoretical part is based on the characteristics of successful schools and learning organizations. The role of the headmaster and his activities is explained with regards to specifics of the school. Described career development tools are applied to the school environment. Research part of the thesis provides information about the use of described career development tools in surveyed kindergartens and elementary schools. A partial unplanned finding is the information that nearly half of the headmasters does not feel accordingly expertly equipped for leading teachers in their professional development.

Information, communication and technological competencies in a digital working environment : a case study in the Netherlands Defence Organization

Broos, Elizabeth 18 June 2008 (has links)
This research is an attempt to obtain insight in the influence of ICT and the information society on the labour environment of the officers of the Netherlands Defence Organization and to determine the competence of those officers in a number of information, communication and technological areas associated with the changed ways of working in the information society as they are discussed in the literature. What was found is that a substantial number of officers are not fully prepared to participate in the new ways of working required in the information society. The implications of those findings for a digital learning environment for the Netherlands Defence Academy are discussed and a general model for information, communication and technological competencies for managers in the information society is proposed based on the results of the case study. / Thesis (PhD (Computer-Integrated Education))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Interkulturní management v EU / Intercultural management in EU

Štochlová, Martina January 2007 (has links)
This work deals with intercultural management in Europian Union, that brings many pro-blems in company's management. Based on self-learning organization concept, this work aims to explain, that an organization can not even succesfully overcome these problems but can even make a comparative advantage from them. Supporting with results from analysis of middle-europian unit of company KONE.

Principy učící se organizace projektového týmu / Principles of learning organization project team

Rudá, Dominika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with theory and practice of learning organizations applied to the IT project team. In theoretical part key definitions and terms related to the problems of the learning organization and the information society. At the same time gives a demonstrative interpretation of the self-learning organization by various authors and presents their specific models. As the fundamental, this thesis uses the theory of Peter Senge, with which it is being worked also in the practical part, where the IT project team is analysed of their behaviour, and compared to the results obtained with the theory of the five disciplines of Peter Senge. In conclusion there is a set of recommendations that could improve the functioning of the IT development team and achieve a greatest compliance with the learning organization concept.

“En grej till som ska göras” : en intervjustudie med pedagoger och specialpedagoger om ett utvecklingsprojekt i skolan

Spjuth Landgren, Charlotte, Nilsson, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
Examensarbetet syftar till att bidra med kunskap kring vilka framgångsfaktorer och hinder det kan finnas vid utvecklingsprojekt i skolor och hur resultatet av ett projekt kan upplevas av pedagogerna. Syftet är även att undersöka på vilket sätt specialpedagogerna varit delaktiga i utvecklingsprojektet. Vid utvecklingsarbete i skolan är det bland annat viktigt med ett fungerande systematiskt kvalitetsarbete som grund för utvecklandet av verksamheten. Rektors roll och ledarskap har stor betydelse liksom hur man i utvecklingsarbete tar sin utgångspunkt i den dagliga verksamheten. Annat som kan vara av vikt är till exempel kontinuitet, vilka normer och värderingar som råder på skolorna samt om specialpedagogen har en roll i arbetet. Vi har undersökt ett befintligt projekt som bedrevs i sju skolor i en svensk stad under ett läsår. På fyra av skolorna har vi gjort kvalitativa undersökningar genom intervjuer med pedagoger och specialpedagoger. Vi använde oss av chatintervjuer genom delade dokument i Google Drive. Lärande i organisationer inom organisationsteorin och den institutionella teorin användes för att analysera vårt resultat. Resultatet visar att det fanns många hinder som gjorde projektet mindre lyckat. Till exempel var målen otydliga, pedagoger kände en brist på ledarskap, rektorer slutade, dåliga organisatoriska förutsättningar och svag koppling till verksamheternas vardagsarbete. Målen för projektet nåddes ej och det arbete som sattes igång avstannade på samtliga skolor. Specialpedagogerna var inte delaktiga i arbetet med projektet. En slutsats är att skolan är en komplex verksamhet och varje skola har olika förutsättningar, både organisatoriskt och gällande värderingar och normer. Detta påverkar arbetet i skolan och måste tas hänsyn till vid utvecklingsarbeten. / The purpose of our study is to contribute with knowledge about factors that can hinder and promote developing projects in schools and how the teachers can experience results of a specific project. Our purpose is also to study the participation of special educational needs coordinator, SENCO, in this specific project. When we want to develop our schools it is important to have a systematic circle of analysis and evaluation. The role and leadership of the principal is of great importance as well as how well the developing project is founded in the daily activities of the school. Key factors can also be continuity, norms and values as well as to what degree the SENCO is involved. Our study is of an existing project that were carried out in seven schools in a Swedish city during one year. We have made qualitative studies in four of the schools through interviews with teachers and SENCOs. We used chatinterviews with a shared document in Google Drive. Learning organization in Organization theory and Institutional theory were used to analyze our results. Our results shows that the project were not very successful due to many hindrances. The objectives of the project were for example not explicit, there were lack of leadership, some of the principals ended their jobs, the organizational structures for the teachers were unsatisfying and there were weak correspondence with the daily work of the schools. The objectives for the project were not met and the work that were launched in the beginning of the year stopped after one year in all of the studied schools. The SENCOs did not participate in the project. Our conclusion is that every specific school has its own organizational foundation as well as its own set of values and norms. This has to be taken in consideration when we want to make changes and work with developing projects.

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