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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reflektion - vägen till en lärande organisation? : En studie om reflektionens betydelse för yrkesmässig utvecklingoch organisatoriskt lärande.

Bergsten, Maria January 2020 (has links)
samband med att den studerade myndigheten genomgick enomorganisation där organisationsstrukturen förändrades och styrochledningsfilosofin tog en ny riktning påbörjades resan mot attbli en ”lärande organisation”. Som ett led i förändringsarbetetimplementerades en ny arbetsmetod; reflektion i vardagen (RÌV).RIV syftar till att utveckla medarbetarna i deras yrkesroll, till ökadkunskapsöverföring, att väcka den medarbetardrivna innovationenoch bidra till utveckling av den lärande organisationen. Denhermaneutiska spiralen har genomsyrat studien som har enabduktiv ansats och en mixad undersökningsdesign. Studiens syfteär att undersöka om RIV har bidragit till yrkesmässig utvecklingför medarbetarna samt hur RIV bidragit till den lärandeorganisationen. Material har inhämtats via en enkätundersökningsamt tre intervjuer med chefer från en myndighet inom offentligsektor. Kvalitativa data har strukturerats och tolkats medsläktskapsdiagram. Resultatet tyder på att RIV har positivpåverkan på yrkesmässig utveckling och bidrar till den lärandeorganisationen, men inga generella slutsatser kan dras frånstudien. Det finns hinder och motstånd som måste identifieras ochelimineras innan RIV ger större effekt. För att öka förståelsen ochintresset för yrkesrelaterad reflektion föreslår författaren attorganisationer börjar med att se över om medarbetarnas basbehovär tillfredsställda, att verka för ett ökat engagerat ledarskap samtsatsningar på utbildning till medarbetarna. / In connection with a state organization undergoing areorganisation in which the organisational structure was changedand the governance- and management philosophy took a newdirection, the journey to become a “learning organisation” started.As part of the organisation´s work with improvements, a newmethod was implemented; refection in everyday life (RIV). RIVaims to develop the employees in their professional role, increaseknowledge transfer, awaken the power of innovation fromemployees and contribute to the development of the learningorganisation. The hermeneutical spiral has permeated the studywhich has an abductive approach and a mixed design. The purposeof the study is to investigate whether RIV has contributed toprofessional development for the employees and whether RIV hasserved as a contribution to the learning organisation. Data havebeen obtained through a quantitative / qualitative survey andthrough three qualitative interviews with managers. The resultshows that RIV has a positive impact on employees´ professionaldevelopment and that RIV contributes to the learning organisation.However, there are obstacles that must be crossed and resistancesthat must be dealt with before RIV gives greater effect. The author8. Handledare9. Examinator10. Termin11. Övrigt/Anmärkningbelieves that organisations need to identify and satisfy basic needsof the employees before they are invited to engage in organisationaldevelopment and improvement. The organisational structure needsto be explained so it´s clear to all employees, including managers,where, in the organisation, improvements are relevant. Engagedleadership needs to be strengthened and education efforts needs tobe implemented to make both managers and employees understandthe purpose, value and benefits of reflective conversations in thelearning organisation. / <p>2020-11-26</p>

Arbetsplatsens dynamiska karaktär : medarbetares perspektiv på attraktiva, hållbara och lärande arbetsplatser / The workplace dynamic character : employees' perspectiveson attractive, sustainable and learning workplaces

Hedin, Madeleine, Norman, Hanna, Olsson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Komplexitet och flexibilitet är två faktorer som präglar dagens arbetsplatser, gamla etablerade mönster ersätts med nya och ständigt föränderliga organisations - och anställningsformer. Arbetet är en essentiell del av individens tillvaro som bidrar till inkomsttrygghet såväl som social samhörighet och känsla av identitet. Likaså som förändringar utmanar organisationers och anställdas trygghet skapas också möjlighet för nya infallsvinklar samt strukturella åtgärder. För att hantera dessa förutsättningar är det betydelsefullt att identifiera de områden som lägger grund och främjar arbetsplatsens hållbarhet. Syftet med studien var att utifrån en hälsofrämjande ansats analysera och beskriva medarbetares upplevelser av lärande inom organisationen, samt identifiera faktorer som skapar en hållbar och attraktiv arbetsplats. Den teoretiska referensramen består av teorierna; Senges fem discipliner, Empowerment och WHO- modellen Healthy Workplace. Studien utgår ifrån ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt och en abduktiv ansats. Empirin har samlats in genom åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som resulterade i två huvudkategorier och sex subkategorier. Resultatet redogör för hälsofrämjande faktorer i form av ett starkt medarbetarskap som utgörs av en trygg och stabil arbetsmiljö där sammanhållningen stärker både den inre- och yttre kvaliteten. Kompetensutveckling sker formellt som informellt, där arbetsplatslärande som sker mellan medarbetare lyfts fram som mest framträdande. Det förutsätter vidare en öppen dialog, struktur och ett positivt arbetsklimat. Slutligen visade studiens fynd att medarbetarskapet är kärnan i att utveckla starka attraktionsattribut och är avgörande för vad som håller medarbetarna kvar på arbetsplatsen. Vidare konstaterades att ledarskapet ger förutsättningar för att medarbetare tillsammans arbetar i hållbart samt trivsamt arbetsklimat, med fokus på medarbetarnas välmående och arbetstillfredsställelse. / Complexity and flexibility are two factors that characterize today's labor market; old established patterns are replaced with new and ever-changing forms of organization and employment. Work is an essential part of the individual's existence that consists of income security as well as social affiliation and sense of identity. Just as changes challenge the security of organizations and employees, opportunities for new approaches and structural measures are also created. In order to deal with these conditions, it is important to identify the areas that lay the groundwork and promote the sustainability of the workplace. The aim of the study was to analyze and describe employees' experiences of learning within the organization, as well as identify factors that create a sustainable and attractive workplace based on a health promotion approach. The theoretical frame consists of the theories; Senge's five disciplines, Empowerment and WHO- model Healthy Workplace. The study is based on a hermeneutic and abductive approach. The empirical data was collected through eight semi-structured interviews and analyzed through a qualitative content analysis that resulted in two main categories and six subcategories. The result showed that health-promoting factors in form of a strong co-workership that consists of a safe and stable work environment where good companionship strengthens both the internal and external quality. Competence development takes place formally as informally, where workplace learning that occurs between employees is highlighted as most prominent. It also requires an open dialogue, structure and a positive working climate. Finally, the study's findings demonstrate that the co-workership is the core of developing strong attraction attributes and is crucial to what keeps employees in the workplace. Furthermore, it was found that the leadership provides the conditions for employees to work together in a sustainable and pleasant working climate, focusing on the employees' well-being and job satisfaction.

Learning Through Formalized Communities of Practice Within a Large IT Organization / Lärande genom formaliserade nätverk inom en större IT-organisation

Eklund, Daniella January 2017 (has links)
In a fast-paced and knowledge driven IT industry companies are increasingly becoming interested in making use of acquired knowledge and becoming "learning organizations". To achieve that, some managers have taken an interest in incorporating communities of practice in their knowledge management strategy. However, these are often much more formal and structured than what the original concept entailed. This study looks at enabling factors for learning through formalized communities of practice, as well as prominent perspectives on knowledge and learning in a large IT organization. A qualitative case study using mixed methods was conducted at Scania IT. Three enabling factors for learning through formalized communities of practice were discovered. These were; having a clear and common objective, obtaining resources to achieve that objective, and being inclusive. Furthermore, some tensions that affect how a formalized community of practice can position their scope were discovered. Many perspectives on knowledge and learning could also be found in the studied organization. However, when it came to the knowledge a skilled developer should have, pragmatism became very prominent. / en snabb och kunskapsdriven IT-industri blir företag mer och mer intresserade av att återanvända förvärvad kunskap och bli "lärande organisationer". För att uppnå detta har en del chefer blivit intresserade av att inkorporera "communities of practice" (sv. nätverk) i företages kunskapsstyrningsstrategi. Dessa grupper blir dock ofta mycket mer formella och strukturerade än vad som avsågs i originalkonceptet. Denna studie tittar på främjande faktorer för formaliserade nätverk samt framträdande perspektiv för kunskap och lärande i en större IT-organisation. En kvalitativ fallstudie genomfördes genom blandade metoder på Scania IT. Tre främjande faktorer hittades för lärande genom formaliserade nätverk. Dessa var att ha ett tydligt och gemensamt mål, att få resurser för att kunna uppnå det målet och att vara inkluderande. Vidare hittades ett antal spänningsförhållanden som påverkar hur det formaliserade nätverket kan positionera sitt syfte. Många perspektiv på kunskap och lärande hittades också i den studerade organisationen, men när det gällde den kunskap en skicklig utvecklare förväntades ha blev pragmatismen mycket framträdande.

Att utveckla en teknisk organisation för inkludering : En kartläggning av en organisationskultur samt lärandets förutsättningar för mångfald och inkludering i en teknisk organisation / To develop a technology organization towards inclusion : A study of an organizational culture and the potential of learning for diversity and inclusion in a technology organization

olofgörs, Siri January 2019 (has links)
För att organisationer ska få tillgång till olika kunskaper, perspektiv och idéer är det nödvändigt för organisationer att välkomna människor från olika bakgrund och med olika erfarenheter till organisationen och dess processer. Därför har många organisationer implementerat ett förändringsarbete för mångfald och inkludering. Syftet med studien är att studera hur förändringsledning för mångfald och inkludering kan dra nytta av att undersöka både organisationskultur och lärandesituationer som ämnar sprida kunskap och skapa medvetenhet om mångfald och inkludering bland medarbetare. Studien utgörs av två undersökningar i en teknikutvecklande organisation. Den ena undersöker hur en organisationskultur är mer eller mindre inkluderande för olika medarbetade i organisationen. En tematisk analys av fritextsvar från en medarbetarundersökning används. Resultatet visar aspekter och mönster i organisationskulturen och urskiljer processer som är mer eller mindre inkluderade för vissa medarbetare. Den andra undersökningen undersöker en lärandesituation som har till syfte att sprida kunskap och skapa medvetenhet om mångfald och inkludering bland medarbetare. Genom en analys synliggörs vilket kunskapsinnehåll som framförs. Kunskapsinnehållet kommer påverka lärandets potential för att förändra en organisationskultur. Hur kunskapsinnehållet kan utformas för mer ändamålsenligt förändringsarbete analyseras. En diskussion om hur lärande kan påverka organisationskulturen lyfter vikten av kollektiv kunskap och gemensam förståelse om strukturella ojämlikheter i organisationen. / For organizations to harvest different knowledge, perspectives and ideas, it is essential for organizations to welcome people from different backgrounds and with different experiences to the organization and into organizational processes. Therefore, many organizations have implemented a change management for diversity and inclusion. The purpose of this study is to develop support for how change management for diversity and inclusion can benefit from an examination of both an organizational culture and a learning praxis that aim to develop knowledge and awareness of diversity and inclusion. The study provides two examinations in an organization of technical development. One investigate how an organizational culture can be inclusive or exclusive for different employees within the organization. Both a theoretical and an empirical thematic analysis of free text answers from an employee survey are used. The result shows aspects and patterns of organizational culture and distinguish processes that are inclusive or exclusive for different employees. The other examination evaluates a learning situation that aims to develop knowledge and awareness of diversity and inclusion among employees. Through an analysis, the content of the learning situation is shown. The content will affect the potential to change the organizational culture. How knowledge content can be designed for more appropriate change management is analysed. A discussion of how learning can change organizational culture, highlights the importance of collective awareness and of mutual understanding of structural inequality in organizations.

Learning Ecosystem : A framework for large manufacturing firms based on practical and theoretical insights / Ekosystem för lärande : Ett ramverk för stora tillverkningsföretag baserat på praktisk och teoretisk insikt

Ingvaldsdóttir, Embla, Sundin, Mikaela January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study has been to investigate and shed light on practical measures companies take to create a culture that promotes learning, as well as the role of technology. It is an important topic for organizations to face major challenges regarding reskilling and upskilling of employees, to ensure that the company has the right skills for the future. We have examined 11 companies where we took a closer look at their organizational structure, how they use leadership around learning, their vision, mission and strategy for learning, what technology is used for learning (and how and why exactly these technologies), how they create and buy digital content / courses, what can be measured and used as guidelines for driving learning and finally we have looked at the challenges production companies are especially faced with. Our analysis shows that there are some common denominators in which competencies and tasks must exist and take place internally to be able to facilitate work towards a learning culture, that learning is designed after having a high business relevance, that the top management's attitude to learning is essential, that learning technologies are used frequently, there is data on learning activities that can be used as guidelines and that production companies need to take special measures to be able to include their entire workforce in their learning initiatives. Our analysis also shows that the quality and usefulness of learning technologies has accelerated in recent years and has been given a leading role in organizations' investments to improve the learning culture. In the report, we propose that companies realize the power they have to influence how learning is done by setting up and working with the essential building blocks of the learning ecosystem we have identified. / Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka och belysa praktiska åtgärder företag tar sig an för att skapa en kultur som främjar lärande, samt vilken roll teknologi har. Det är ett viktigt ämne för att organisationer står inför stora utmaningar gällande upplärning och omskolning av anställda, för att säkerställa att företaget har rätt kompetenser. Vi har undersökt 11 företag där vi har tittat närmare på deras organisationsstruktur, hur de använder sig av ledarskap kring lärande, deras vision, mission och strategi för lärande, vilka teknologier som används för lärande (samt hur och varför just dessa teknologier), hur de skapar och köper in digitalt innehåll/kurser, vad som kan mätas och användas som riktlinjer för att driva lärande och till sist har vi tittat på utmaningar produktionsföretag speciellt ställs inför. Vår analys visar att det finns några gemensamma nämnare i vilka kompetenser och arbetsuppgifter som ska finnas internt för att lättare kunna arbeta mot en lärande kultur, att lärande designas efter att ha hög affärsrelevans, att högsta ledningens inställning till lärande är essentiell, att lärande teknologier används flitigt, det finns data kring lärande aktiviteter som kan användas som riktlinjer samt att produktionsbolag behöver vidta särskilda åtgärder för att kunna inkludera hela sin arbetsstyrka i sina lärande initiativ. Vår analys visar även att kvaliteten på och nyttan av lärande teknologier har accelererat de senaste åren och har fått en huvudroll i organisationers investeringar för att förbättra lärande kulturen. I rapporten föreslår vi att företag inser makten de har att påverka hur lärande går till genom att sätta upp och arbeta med de olika delarna vi belyser är essentiella i ett lärande ekosystem.

A metodologia Charrette Design no desenvolvimento do Empreendimento Pedra Branca SC / The Charrette Design Methodology in Enterprise Development Pedra Branca SC

Oliveira, Marcia Mikai Junqueira de 03 December 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo a investigação da aplicação da metodologia Charrette Design utilizada para o desenvolvimento do projeto do empreendimento Pedra Branca a partir de sua segunda fase de implantação, onde foi concebida a região central. Pedra Branca está situada no município de Palhoça, Santa Catarina, e está em construção. Foram incorporados princípios do Novo Urbanismo (New Urbanism), envolveu no processo seus dirigentes, consultorias (inclusive internacionais), diferentes empresas de arquitetura e de engenharia, laboratórios acadêmicos da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina e partes interessadas (stakeholders), numa abordagem transdisciplinar. O entendimento da cultura organizacional e a aprendizagem de ferramentas de gestão fazem parte de um arcabouço de inovações necessárias para propiciar ambientes colaborativos na direção da implementação de um urbanismo mais sustentável e criativo. A pesquisa realizada possibilitou a compreensão da aplicabilidade da metodologia, sua incorporação à cultura da empresa, a abertura para incorporar novos conceitos, no todo e nas partes. Num âmbito ainda mais abrangente, concluiu-se que Pedra Branca tem se demonstrado na prática como uma \"organização que aprende\" na formulação de Senge (2009). O empreendimento foi reconhecido e premiado internacionalmente. / This research aimed to investigate the application of the methodology used Charrette Design for the development of the enterprise Pedra Branca project from its second phase of implementation, which was conceived the central region. Pedra Branca is situated in the municipality of Palhoça, Santa Catarina, and is under construction. Principles of New Urbanism were incorporated, its leaders involved in the process, consulting (including international), different architectural firms and engineering, academic laboratories, Federal University of Santa Catarina and interested parties (stakeholders), a transdisciplinary approach. The understanding of organizational culture and learning management tools are part of a framework of innovations needed to provide collaborative environments toward the implementation of a more sustainable and creative urban planning. The survey allowed us to understand the applicability of the methodology, its incorporation into the company culture, openness to incorporate new concepts in whole and in parts. In a yet broader context it is concluded that Pedra Branca has been shown in practice as a \"learning organization\" in the formulation of Senge (2009). The project was recognized and awarded internationally.

Metoda Wanda jako prostředek učící se organizace v prostředí základní školy / Wanda method as a tool of the learning organization in primary school

Bajerová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma theses aims to examine the benefits of the method Wanda as a tool of the learning organization in primary school. The theoretical part focuses on the professional development of teachers, deals with the concept of learning organization and conditions of its application in primary schools and describes Wanda method and its use in teachers collective. The research part presents information about Wanda seminars for primary school teachers obtained from three sources - observation, questionnaire surveys and interviews with participants. It examines benefits and challenges of the method in specific cases and besides the positives and the pitfalls of the method it studies the conditions necessary for successful completion of Wanda seminars. Key words: primary school, learning organization, school development, professional development, communities of practice, learning communities, self-reflection, Wanda method, support, sharing

Improvement Management Training A case study at a Swedish Multinational Corporation

Gidebring, Christian, Petré, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
It is of vital importance never to forget that the world is ever changing. Therefore, it is crucialfor organizations not to only alter but also to improve their performance in order to becomemore competitive on the market. One way of achieving this is to work with continuousimprovements. However, this requires that the employees receive the needed training for thispurpose. In multinational corporations they must also all receive the same training in order tocreate a common culture throughout the whole organization. This study therefore aims toinvestigate how a multinational corporation can organize an Improvement ManagementTraining. Which are the main areas that are desirable to have knowledge in when leading animprovement work? In order to identify the areas of interest, a case study has been performedat Ericsson Supply Site Borås. The investigation was conducted as a combination of aqualitative and a semiquantitative study in order to determinate the empirical data. The resultsrevealed that the following five major areas are essential for an Improvement ManagementTraining: Leadership, Lean¸ Organizational Behavior, Project Management and StrategicManagement. / Program: Bachelor of Science with a Major in Industrial Engineering – Work Organization and Leadership

A metodologia Charrette Design no desenvolvimento do Empreendimento Pedra Branca SC / The Charrette Design Methodology in Enterprise Development Pedra Branca SC

Marcia Mikai Junqueira de Oliveira 03 December 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo a investigação da aplicação da metodologia Charrette Design utilizada para o desenvolvimento do projeto do empreendimento Pedra Branca a partir de sua segunda fase de implantação, onde foi concebida a região central. Pedra Branca está situada no município de Palhoça, Santa Catarina, e está em construção. Foram incorporados princípios do Novo Urbanismo (New Urbanism), envolveu no processo seus dirigentes, consultorias (inclusive internacionais), diferentes empresas de arquitetura e de engenharia, laboratórios acadêmicos da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina e partes interessadas (stakeholders), numa abordagem transdisciplinar. O entendimento da cultura organizacional e a aprendizagem de ferramentas de gestão fazem parte de um arcabouço de inovações necessárias para propiciar ambientes colaborativos na direção da implementação de um urbanismo mais sustentável e criativo. A pesquisa realizada possibilitou a compreensão da aplicabilidade da metodologia, sua incorporação à cultura da empresa, a abertura para incorporar novos conceitos, no todo e nas partes. Num âmbito ainda mais abrangente, concluiu-se que Pedra Branca tem se demonstrado na prática como uma \"organização que aprende\" na formulação de Senge (2009). O empreendimento foi reconhecido e premiado internacionalmente. / This research aimed to investigate the application of the methodology used Charrette Design for the development of the enterprise Pedra Branca project from its second phase of implementation, which was conceived the central region. Pedra Branca is situated in the municipality of Palhoça, Santa Catarina, and is under construction. Principles of New Urbanism were incorporated, its leaders involved in the process, consulting (including international), different architectural firms and engineering, academic laboratories, Federal University of Santa Catarina and interested parties (stakeholders), a transdisciplinary approach. The understanding of organizational culture and learning management tools are part of a framework of innovations needed to provide collaborative environments toward the implementation of a more sustainable and creative urban planning. The survey allowed us to understand the applicability of the methodology, its incorporation into the company culture, openness to incorporate new concepts in whole and in parts. In a yet broader context it is concluded that Pedra Branca has been shown in practice as a \"learning organization\" in the formulation of Senge (2009). The project was recognized and awarded internationally.

組織間學習行為與制度同形現象之研究 / The Study of Inter-Organizational Learning Behavior and the Institutional Isomorphism

施懿玲, Shih, Yi-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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