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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

組織學習理論應用於行政革新之研究 / Apply Organizational learnig theory to the administration reform

陳建宏, Chen, Chien Hung Unknown Date (has links)

I krisens spår : Hur organisationer kan vända kris till kompetens / In the wake of crisis : How organizations can turn crisis into competence

Adrian, Ninnie, Paulsson, Sofie January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund och problemdiskussion:</strong> I dagens samhälle är det inte längre frågan om en organisation kommer drabbas av kris, utan frågan är snarare när och hur väl förberedd organisationen är för att kunna hantera den. Tsunamin som inträffade annandag jul 2004 var en kris av tidigare sällan skådat slag, den drabbade det svenska samhället i allmänhet och resebranschen i synnerhet. Resebranschen är starkt omvärldsberoende och dess aktörer kan aldrig vara tillräckligt väl förberedda på en kris. För att stå bättre rustad inför kommande kriser, bör organisationer efter en kris eftersträva att dra lärdomar av sina erfarenheter.</p><p><strong>Problemformuleringen</strong> för denna uppsats lyder: Hur kan researrangörer förbättra sin organisatoriska kompetens utifrån sina erfarenheter av en kris?</p><p><strong>Syftet</strong> med uppsatsen är:</p><ul><li>Att kartlägga researrangörernas arbete med crisis management och vilka delar av detta arbete som har förändrats efter Tsunamikatastrofen. </li><li>Att identifiera och jämföra de olika lärdomar researrangörerna dragit till följd av Tsunamin. </li><li>Att diskutera och ge förslag till hur lärandet av kriser kan tillvaratas och leda till förändringar, t.ex. i form av förbättrade rutiner i krisberedskapen och höjd kompetens i organisationerna.<em> </em></li></ul><p><strong>Metod:</strong> För vår studie har vi använt en kvalitativ forskningsansats, vårt angreppssätt är deduktivt och vi har utfört semi-strukturerade intervjuer för insamlingen av vårt empiriska material. Intervjuerna tog sin utgångspunkt i vår undersökningsmodell som påvisar hur krisförloppets faser - före, under och efter – påverkar den organisatoriska kompetensen. Urvalet av studieföretag består av researrangörerna Ving och Fritidsresor.</p><p>I vår <strong>empiri</strong> kartläggs hur researrangörerna idag arbetar med crisis management och vilka delar av arbetet som förändrats efter Tsunamin. I <strong>analysen</strong> ser vi att researrangörernas krisberedskapsarbete till stora delar överensstämmer med teorierna inom området, men hur lärprocesserna skiljer sig något åt organisationerna emellan.</p><p><strong>Resultat och slutsatser</strong> av vår studie är att lärprocesser redan under krisen inleddes hos researrangörerna. Genom att åtgärda de brister som upptäcktes under Tsunamin har nya rutiner, system och arbetssätt inom vissa områden lett till förbättringar i krisberedskapen. Båda organisationerna har dragit lärdomar av det som hänt, men fokus på förändringsarbetet har för Ving legat på strukturkapital och för Fritidsresor på humankapital. Båda studieföretagen har infört krisövningar, men inte genomgående på alla nivåer. Det är först vid nästa storskaliga kris som det kommer att visa sig huruvida den organisatoriska kompetensen har ökat.</p><p> </p> / <p><p><strong>Background and rationale: </strong>In the world we live in today the question is no longer ’if’ an organization will face a crisis, but ’when’ and ’how prepared’ is the organization to deal with it. The Tsunami that happened on December 26th 2004 was a disaster of unprecedented magnitude. It had an impact on the Swedish society in general and the travel industry in particular. As the travel industry is very susceptible to impacts by external factor, its participants can never be too prepared to face a crisis. In order to be better prepared for future crisis, organizations should seek to learn from their experiences.</p><p><strong>The research question</strong> for this dissertation is: How can tour-operators improve their organizational competence by using experiences from a crisis?</p><p><strong>The aim</strong> of the dissertation is:</p></p><ul><li>To map the tour-operators’ crisis management work, and which parts of this work has changed as a result of the Tsunami. </li><li>To identify and compare the differences in the lessons learned by the tour-operators from the Tsunami.</li><li>To discuss and give recommendations on how experiences from crises can be used and lead to change, i.e. in better crisis management routines and higher organizational competence</li></ul><p><strong>Methodology: </strong>We have used a qualitative research method in our dissertation, our approach is deductive and for the gathering of empirical data, we have made semi-structured interviews. Our research model has been the base for the interviews. Our model shows how the different phases of a crisis – before, during and after – influence organizational competence. The selected companies for our research are the tour-operators Ving and Fritidsresor.</p><p>In our <strong>field study</strong> we map how the crisis management of the tour-operators is functioning today, and which parts of this work has changed as a result of the Tsunami. In our analysis we see that the tour-operators crisis management work in large parts coincides with the theories in the area, but there are differences in the learning processes of the organizations.</p><p><strong>Results and conclusions</strong> drawn from our research are that the learning processes of the tour-operators already start during the crisis. By addressing the deficiencies observed during the Tsunami, new routines, systems and work processes have improved their preparedness for crisis. Both organizations have learned, but the focus at Ving has been on structural capital and at Fritidsresor on human capital. Both have introduced crisis rehearsals, but not throughout the whole organization. Whether the organizational competence to handle a big crisis has improved will be seen as the next large crisis occurs.</p><p>.</p><p><em> </em></p>

I krisens spår : Hur organisationer kan vända kris till kompetens / In the wake of crisis : How organizations can turn crisis into competence

Adrian, Ninnie, Paulsson, Sofie January 2008 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: I dagens samhälle är det inte längre frågan om en organisation kommer drabbas av kris, utan frågan är snarare när och hur väl förberedd organisationen är för att kunna hantera den. Tsunamin som inträffade annandag jul 2004 var en kris av tidigare sällan skådat slag, den drabbade det svenska samhället i allmänhet och resebranschen i synnerhet. Resebranschen är starkt omvärldsberoende och dess aktörer kan aldrig vara tillräckligt väl förberedda på en kris. För att stå bättre rustad inför kommande kriser, bör organisationer efter en kris eftersträva att dra lärdomar av sina erfarenheter. Problemformuleringen för denna uppsats lyder: Hur kan researrangörer förbättra sin organisatoriska kompetens utifrån sina erfarenheter av en kris? Syftet med uppsatsen är: Att kartlägga researrangörernas arbete med crisis management och vilka delar av detta arbete som har förändrats efter Tsunamikatastrofen. Att identifiera och jämföra de olika lärdomar researrangörerna dragit till följd av Tsunamin. Att diskutera och ge förslag till hur lärandet av kriser kan tillvaratas och leda till förändringar, t.ex. i form av förbättrade rutiner i krisberedskapen och höjd kompetens i organisationerna. Metod: För vår studie har vi använt en kvalitativ forskningsansats, vårt angreppssätt är deduktivt och vi har utfört semi-strukturerade intervjuer för insamlingen av vårt empiriska material. Intervjuerna tog sin utgångspunkt i vår undersökningsmodell som påvisar hur krisförloppets faser - före, under och efter – påverkar den organisatoriska kompetensen. Urvalet av studieföretag består av researrangörerna Ving och Fritidsresor. I vår empiri kartläggs hur researrangörerna idag arbetar med crisis management och vilka delar av arbetet som förändrats efter Tsunamin. I analysen ser vi att researrangörernas krisberedskapsarbete till stora delar överensstämmer med teorierna inom området, men hur lärprocesserna skiljer sig något åt organisationerna emellan. Resultat och slutsatser av vår studie är att lärprocesser redan under krisen inleddes hos researrangörerna. Genom att åtgärda de brister som upptäcktes under Tsunamin har nya rutiner, system och arbetssätt inom vissa områden lett till förbättringar i krisberedskapen. Båda organisationerna har dragit lärdomar av det som hänt, men fokus på förändringsarbetet har för Ving legat på strukturkapital och för Fritidsresor på humankapital. Båda studieföretagen har infört krisövningar, men inte genomgående på alla nivåer. Det är först vid nästa storskaliga kris som det kommer att visa sig huruvida den organisatoriska kompetensen har ökat. / Background and rationale: In the world we live in today the question is no longer ’if’ an organization will face a crisis, but ’when’ and ’how prepared’ is the organization to deal with it. The Tsunami that happened on December 26th 2004 was a disaster of unprecedented magnitude. It had an impact on the Swedish society in general and the travel industry in particular. As the travel industry is very susceptible to impacts by external factor, its participants can never be too prepared to face a crisis. In order to be better prepared for future crisis, organizations should seek to learn from their experiences. The research question for this dissertation is: How can tour-operators improve their organizational competence by using experiences from a crisis? The aim of the dissertation is: To map the tour-operators’ crisis management work, and which parts of this work has changed as a result of the Tsunami. To identify and compare the differences in the lessons learned by the tour-operators from the Tsunami. To discuss and give recommendations on how experiences from crises can be used and lead to change, i.e. in better crisis management routines and higher organizational competence Methodology: We have used a qualitative research method in our dissertation, our approach is deductive and for the gathering of empirical data, we have made semi-structured interviews. Our research model has been the base for the interviews. Our model shows how the different phases of a crisis – before, during and after – influence organizational competence. The selected companies for our research are the tour-operators Ving and Fritidsresor. In our field study we map how the crisis management of the tour-operators is functioning today, and which parts of this work has changed as a result of the Tsunami. In our analysis we see that the tour-operators crisis management work in large parts coincides with the theories in the area, but there are differences in the learning processes of the organizations. Results and conclusions drawn from our research are that the learning processes of the tour-operators already start during the crisis. By addressing the deficiencies observed during the Tsunami, new routines, systems and work processes have improved their preparedness for crisis. Both organizations have learned, but the focus at Ving has been on structural capital and at Fritidsresor on human capital. Both have introduced crisis rehearsals, but not throughout the whole organization. Whether the organizational competence to handle a big crisis has improved will be seen as the next large crisis occurs. .

國民小學教師運用學習型班級經營策略之研究 / The study of the application of learning classroom management strategies for elementary school teachers in Taiwan

陳虹君, Chen,Hung-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學教師運用學習型班級經營策略之情況,及學習型班級經營策略與班級經營效能之關係。除探討國民小學教師學習型班級經營策略、班級經營效能的內涵及現況,並瞭解教師背景變項及學校背景變項在學習型班級經營策略與班級經營效能得分上的差異情形,另外,亦分析學習型班級經營策略與班級經營效能之相關程度,及學習型班級經營策略對班級經營效能的預測情形。本研究主要採文獻分析、問卷調查及深度訪談法進行,並根據研究結果做成結論,並提出具體建議。 本研究對象為臺北市、臺北縣、基隆市、桃園縣及宜蘭縣五縣市之公立國民小學教師,抽樣調查100所公立國民小學共1200位教師為研究對象,調查結果以平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析等統計方法,進行資料處理分析。在訪談對象方面,共計訪談臺北縣、市公立國民小學教師五位。 根據文獻分析、問卷調查以及訪談分析所得資料,本研究主要發現如下: 一、國民小學教師運用學習型班級經營策略情況良好。 二、國民小學教師班級經營效能情況良好。 三、不同年齡、服務年資、學校地區國民小學教師在學習型班級經營策略 量表上的得分,達到顯著差異。 四、不同年齡、服務年資、學校地區、學校規模國民小學教師在班級經營 效能量表上的得分,達到顯著差異。 五、學習型班級經營策略表現程度越高,班級經營效能也越佳。 六、學習型班級經營策略與整體班級經營效能及各向度具有正相關。 七、學習型班級經營策略對班級經營效能具有預測作用。 根據上述研究結果,針對題升學習型班級經營策略之運用,提出幾點建議: 一、對國民小學教師的建議 (一)瞭解學習型班級經營策略內涵,並善用團隊互動學習策略。 (二)班級共同願景的擬定應透過與全班學生討論而訂定,並融入教師對 班級的期望。 (三)教師可召集數位教師成立班群,相互協助支援班級或全校學習活 動。 (四)透過多重管道強化親師溝通管道,善用家長協助及資源。 (五)建立班級規則以有效處理班級事務,並尋求適當舒壓管道。 二、對國民小學學校行政的建議 (一)鼓勵教師成立相關學習型班級經營團隊以獲得資源協助。 (二)學校各處室相互配合及支援,共同建構學習型班級計畫。 (三)由學校辦理專業學習型班級經營講座,並由具相關豐富帶班經驗教 師主講。 三、對教育行政機關建議 (一)辦理學習型班級經營相關教學策略研習課程並彙整成手冊發送於學 校教師。 (二)建立網路講座平臺,分享學習型班級相關資源。 四、對未來研究的建議 (一)擴大研究範圍,增加研究樣本。 (二)問卷的編製對象可分教師及學生部分。 (三)學習型班級經營策略內涵向度的再釐清。 / This study aimed at the current situation of the application of learning classroom management strategies for elementary school teachers and the relationship between learning classroom management strategies and classroom management effectiveness. Furthermore, the analyses of how the differences of demographic variables and school's background variables influenced teachers’ learning classroom management strategies and classroom management effectiveness were also investigated. Finally, the relationship between learning classroom management strategies and classroom management effectiveness was surveyed in this study. The questionnaire survey was the main research method of the study. There were 1200 sampled teachers from 100 public elementary schools in northern Taiwan (Includes Taipei County, Taipei City, Kee-Lung City, Tao-Yuang County and Yi-Lang County). Moreover, the interview method was also conducted to probe further information. In total, 5 elementary school teachers were interviewed in the study. The data were analyzed by employing the arithmetic average, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s product- moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The results of the research were as follows: 1.The application of learning classroom management strategies for elementary school teachers is above the average level. 2.The present situation of classroom management effectiveness for elementary school teachers is above the average level. 3.There are significant differences in learning classroom management strategies among the age, seniority and school location 4.There are significant differences in classroom management effectiveness among the age, seniority, school location and school size. 5.The higher learning classroom management strategies, the better classroom management effectiveness . 6.There is a positive correlation between the whole and each dimension of learning classroom management strategies and classroom management effectiveness. 7.Learning classroom management strategies was the significant predictor of classroom management effectiveness. Based on the conclusions of this study, several concrete recommendations were made for elementary school teachers, elementary school administration, the institution of educational administration and further researchers.

中央政府觀光行銷計畫變遷(2001-2010)之研究 / A study on the changes of the tourism marketing plans (2001-2010) of central government in Taiwan

葉孟靄, Yeh, Meng Ai Unknown Date (has links)
觀光作為國家的重點發展產業,政府將藉由觀光行銷計畫的推陳出新以提升 其觀光競爭力。台灣中央政府從2001 年到2010 年推出一連串的觀光行銷計畫, 從中可以發現觀光行銷計畫的內容出現一定程度的變遷,可是目前的研究很少針 對觀光行銷計畫的變遷進行探究。因此,本研究由政策變遷理論作為探討基礎, 試圖以學習的途徑解釋觀光行銷計畫的變遷,採用文件分析法和訪談法發現觀光 行銷計畫發生哪些重要變遷,以及造成變遷的因素為何,並透過組織學習與政策 學習理論分析學習在觀光行銷計畫的變遷中所扮演的角色。 經過資料的蒐集與分析之後,結論針對研究發現與研究發現的意涵進行討論, 並提出研究建議,包括:觀光局機關首長的領導為引發學習的關鍵因素,且促使 觀光局逐漸轉型為學習型組織;在變遷與學習的關係中,也發現機關內各單位與 階層之間出現不一致的改變程度,代表觀光局仍然需要更全面的學習。因此,未 來觀光局新的首長必須持續領導觀光局的學習,平衡機關內各單位與階層之間的 改變程度,並學習新的行銷趨勢,才能不斷產出更為出色的觀光行銷計畫。 / Because the tourism industry is one of the country’s important industries, government may improve and innovate on tourism marketing plans to increase tourism competitiveness of country. From 2001 to 2010, the central government in Taiwan promoted a series of tourism marketing plans, which can be found some changes in tourism marketing plans. However, the current study has few discussions on the changes of the tourism marketing plans. Therefore, this study counts on the policy change theory as the research basis, then tries to apply learning approach to explain the changes of the tourism marketing plans. The research methods of this study use document analysis and interviews to found what important changes in the tourism marketing plans, as well as found the factors that caused the changes. Besides, through organizational learning and policy learning theory, this study analyses of the role of learning in the changes of the tourism marketing plans. After the data collection and analysis, the conclusion of this study discusses the finding and the meaning of finding, raises some suggestions as well. For example, the leadership of the head of the Tourism Bureau was the key factor which leads to learning, and the head transformed the Tourism Bureau into a learning organization gradually; between the changes and learning, this study also found so inconsistent degree of changes among the internal various units and levels that the Tourism Bureau still need for more comprehensive learning. Therefore, in order to continue producing even better tourism marketing plans, the new head of the Tourism Bureau must continue leading the Tourism Bureau to learn, balance the degree of changes among the internal various units and levels, and learn new marketing trend in the future.

Autoevaluace na středních školách / Self-evaluation in Secondary Schools

Čapková, Dana January 2016 (has links)
SELF-EVALUATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Abstract The dissertation thesis focuses on self-evaluation - self-evaluation of schools - in secondary schools in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on creation and development of professional community of teachers and creation of schools as Learning Organizations. The current state of research in the field of self-evaluation is described by the study of Czech and foreign literature. Self-conducted empirical investigation helped to determine the real state of its implementation in our secondary schools. In the framework of the thesis, self-evaluation is understood as a condition for further development of the school, improvement of the quality of teachers and all school activities; so that the school would be able to best reflect the needs of the market and its social partners. The purpose is to allow the school itself to assess its situation, to define its own problems and to find solutions - to find self-improvements. The thesis introduces a variety of approaches, benefits and difficulties that the current state of self-evaluation causes. The first part defines basic concepts, describes quality management systems used in educational process and legislative framework for the implementation of self-evaluation in secondary schools. Supporting part comprises a summary of...


ADAMOVÁ, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis contains theoretical definitions of a knowledge-based company, human capital development and education. The second part analyzes the data obtained from the monitored period 2008-2012 and includes standardized and non-standardized interviews, overt participant observation and a questionnaire survey.

Proposta de uso do objeto de aprendizagem incluir em contextos organizacionais : princípios teóricos norteadores

Zampieri, Ana Claudia Baratieri 11 July 2017 (has links)
A inclusão de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho ainda é um tema que instiga reflexão, principalmente no que diz respeito à busca de possibilidades em se reduzir as barreiras encontradas nesse contexto. A aprendizagem nas organizações pode ser uma alternativa para essa demanda, uma vez que boa parte das dificuldades identificadas está no desenvolvimento de recursos humanos com vistas à inclusão. Nesse sentido, a tecnologia tem se mostrado um importante recurso para as organizações ao se pensar em estratégias de formação, pois podem atuar como alternativa em processos de desenvolvimento. Esta dissertação objetiva identificar princípios teóricos norteadores que possam fundamentar o uso do Objeto de Aprendizagem Incluir (OA Incluir) na formação de recursos humanos para a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência em ambientes laborais. O OA Incluir foi concebido para a formação de professores, considerando o contexto escolar. É um recurso digital, gratuito, que permite a livre navegação e uso em ambientes educativos. O presente estudo de revisão bibliográfica inicia apresentando um panorama da inclusão de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho brasileiro sob o olhar da gestão da diversidade e procura compreender os princípios da aprendizagem organizacional. Em seguida, realiza-se uma análise da perspectiva epistemológica, organização e estrutura do OA Incluir, identificam-se princípios norteadores para o uso dos módulos já disponíveis do OA com vistas à formação de RH para a inclusão e busca-se identificar princípios norteadores para o planejamento de um módulo específico para as organizações. Os principais resultados permitem aproximar o OA Incluir, por meio de sua base epistemológica, de pressupostos teóricos da aprendizagem organizacional. Constata-se que a estrutura do OA Incluir, composta dos níveis mobilização, provocação e informação e baseada em uma abordagem construtivista, atende às questões norteadoras apontadas para a definição do conceito de aprendizagem organizacional que situam o nível de aprendizagem, a neutralidade da meta, a noção de mudança e a natureza processual como elementos essenciais para se compreender a aprendizagem nas organizações. Evidencia-se que o conteúdo necessita de adaptações de modo que os sujeitos das organizações sintam-se contemplados nas problematizações propostas, uma vez que até então o universo do trabalho é abordado de forma periférica. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2017-10-23T16:24:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Ana Claudia Baratieri Zampieri.pdf: 1186327 bytes, checksum: 0ba06ce728590d9a3e8dcddcdafd5787 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-23T16:24:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Ana Claudia Baratieri Zampieri.pdf: 1186327 bytes, checksum: 0ba06ce728590d9a3e8dcddcdafd5787 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-23 / The inclusion of people with disabilities into the labor market is a subject which instigates reflection, mainly in relation to the search for possibilities to reduce the barriers of this context. Learning in organizations may be an alternative for this demand, because several identified difficulties are observed in human resources development with respect to inclusion. Thus, technology has been an important resource for organizations, considering training strategies, as they may be considered an alternative for development processes. This master’s dissertation has the purpose of identifying the theoretical guiding principles which can base the use of the learning object LO Incluir in the formation of human resources for the inclusion of people with disabilities into labor environments. The LO Incluir was created to train teachers, considering the school context. The present bibliographic review study starts presenting an overview about people with disabilities’ inclusion into the Brazilian labor market, taking into account the diversity management, and it seeks to understand the organizational learning principles. Next, there is an analysis of epistemological perspective, organization and structure of the LO Incluir. There is also an investigation of the guiding principles to use the available LO modules, for human resources formation, related to inclusion. Moreover, there is a search for identification of guiding principles to plan a specific module for the organizations. The main results allow the approximation of the LO Incluir, through its epistemological basis, and theoretical presuppositions of organizational learning. It is verified that the LO Incluir structure, which consists of mobilization, provocation and information levels, and based on a constructivist approach, meets the selected guiding questions to define the organizational learning concept, which position the learning level, the goal neutrality, the idea of change and the processual nature as essential elements to understand learning in organizations. It is evidenced that the content needs adaptations, in a way that the organizations’ subjects can feel contemplated in the proposed problematizations, since the work universe has been approached only in peripheral vision.

Proposta de uso do objeto de aprendizagem incluir em contextos organizacionais : princípios teóricos norteadores

Zampieri, Ana Claudia Baratieri 11 July 2017 (has links)
A inclusão de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho ainda é um tema que instiga reflexão, principalmente no que diz respeito à busca de possibilidades em se reduzir as barreiras encontradas nesse contexto. A aprendizagem nas organizações pode ser uma alternativa para essa demanda, uma vez que boa parte das dificuldades identificadas está no desenvolvimento de recursos humanos com vistas à inclusão. Nesse sentido, a tecnologia tem se mostrado um importante recurso para as organizações ao se pensar em estratégias de formação, pois podem atuar como alternativa em processos de desenvolvimento. Esta dissertação objetiva identificar princípios teóricos norteadores que possam fundamentar o uso do Objeto de Aprendizagem Incluir (OA Incluir) na formação de recursos humanos para a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência em ambientes laborais. O OA Incluir foi concebido para a formação de professores, considerando o contexto escolar. É um recurso digital, gratuito, que permite a livre navegação e uso em ambientes educativos. O presente estudo de revisão bibliográfica inicia apresentando um panorama da inclusão de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho brasileiro sob o olhar da gestão da diversidade e procura compreender os princípios da aprendizagem organizacional. Em seguida, realiza-se uma análise da perspectiva epistemológica, organização e estrutura do OA Incluir, identificam-se princípios norteadores para o uso dos módulos já disponíveis do OA com vistas à formação de RH para a inclusão e busca-se identificar princípios norteadores para o planejamento de um módulo específico para as organizações. Os principais resultados permitem aproximar o OA Incluir, por meio de sua base epistemológica, de pressupostos teóricos da aprendizagem organizacional. Constata-se que a estrutura do OA Incluir, composta dos níveis mobilização, provocação e informação e baseada em uma abordagem construtivista, atende às questões norteadoras apontadas para a definição do conceito de aprendizagem organizacional que situam o nível de aprendizagem, a neutralidade da meta, a noção de mudança e a natureza processual como elementos essenciais para se compreender a aprendizagem nas organizações. Evidencia-se que o conteúdo necessita de adaptações de modo que os sujeitos das organizações sintam-se contemplados nas problematizações propostas, uma vez que até então o universo do trabalho é abordado de forma periférica. / The inclusion of people with disabilities into the labor market is a subject which instigates reflection, mainly in relation to the search for possibilities to reduce the barriers of this context. Learning in organizations may be an alternative for this demand, because several identified difficulties are observed in human resources development with respect to inclusion. Thus, technology has been an important resource for organizations, considering training strategies, as they may be considered an alternative for development processes. This master’s dissertation has the purpose of identifying the theoretical guiding principles which can base the use of the learning object LO Incluir in the formation of human resources for the inclusion of people with disabilities into labor environments. The LO Incluir was created to train teachers, considering the school context. The present bibliographic review study starts presenting an overview about people with disabilities’ inclusion into the Brazilian labor market, taking into account the diversity management, and it seeks to understand the organizational learning principles. Next, there is an analysis of epistemological perspective, organization and structure of the LO Incluir. There is also an investigation of the guiding principles to use the available LO modules, for human resources formation, related to inclusion. Moreover, there is a search for identification of guiding principles to plan a specific module for the organizations. The main results allow the approximation of the LO Incluir, through its epistemological basis, and theoretical presuppositions of organizational learning. It is verified that the LO Incluir structure, which consists of mobilization, provocation and information levels, and based on a constructivist approach, meets the selected guiding questions to define the organizational learning concept, which position the learning level, the goal neutrality, the idea of change and the processual nature as essential elements to understand learning in organizations. It is evidenced that the content needs adaptations, in a way that the organizations’ subjects can feel contemplated in the proposed problematizations, since the work universe has been approached only in peripheral vision.

Dinâmica organizacional, teoria dos recursos da firma e inovação: um estudo de caso dos processos de aprendizagem em uma empresa inovadora

Moda, Luciane de Campo 14 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-15T00:46:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Luciane de Campo Moda1.pdf: 1467663 bytes, checksum: 5a9b37ce56ee55841983b058ff392c3a (MD5) Luciane de Campo Moda2.pdf: 2402399 bytes, checksum: 8c2d994a143e0593e7319d5643ec0009 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-14 / Authors such as BARNEY (1991, 2001), HAMEL and PRAHALAD (1995) argue that the Resources of the Firm can be an important source of competitive advantage. Despite the fact that these sources are represented by several resources (a strategy, a product, a competitive differential), several studies say that the capacity of the Firm in promoting organizational learning, are fundamental to obtain sustained competitive advantage. The theories show that organizational core competencies, source of innovation, need to be mapped and improved continuously, in an organizational learning process. Therefore, a People Management Model that promotes double looping learning and innovation will be a source of sustainable competitive advantage. This study intends to investigate how the trinomial: Innovation, Organizational Learning and People Management Model, happen in a company that identifies itself as an innovative company. / Autores como BARNEY (1991, 2001), HAMEL e PRAHALAD (1995) colocam que os Recursos da Firma podem ser importantes fontes de vantagem competitiva. Apesar dessas fontes estarem representadas por diferentes recursos (uma estratégia, um produto, um diferencial competitivo), diversos estudos colocam que a capacidade da Firma em promover a aprendizagem organizacional mostra-se fundamental para a obtenção de inovação e conseqüentemente vantagem competitiva sustentável. As teorias mostram que as competências essenciais da organização, fonte de inovação, necessitam ser mapeadas e aprimoradas, em um processo contínuo de aprendizagem organizacional. Logo, um modelo de gestão de pessoas que promova a aprendizagem em circuito duplo e a inovação será fonte de vantagem competitiva sustentável. Este projeto de pesquisa pretende investigar como o trinômio: Inovação, Aprendizagem Organizacional e Modelo de Gestão de Pessoas se interligam em uma empresa que se auto identifica como inovadora.

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